Literary Theory Class Three. G é rard Genette 傑哈.簡奈特


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Literary Literary TheoryTheoryClass ThreeClass Three

•Gérard Genette


Gérard Genette• Narrative Discourse. 1972. Trans. Jane E. Le

win. Itaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1980.• Narrative Discourse Revisited. 1983. Trans. J

ane E. Lewin. Itaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1988.• 【辭格 III 】 , 廖素珊、楊恩祖譯 , 時報出

版 , 2003

Genette (1) – Mode 語式Mimetic 模擬 Diegetic 叙記ShowingStaging a sceneSlow motion


“What is done and said is ‘staged’ for the reader, creating the illusion that we are ‘seeing’ and ‘hearing’ things for ourselves.”

“ A rapid summary of a long sequence of events, but all taking place ‘off-stage’, as it were.”

(Barry 231-32)

Genette (1) – Mode 語式Mimetic 模擬 Diegetic 叙記當他從美國回來,跑到我南京的家來,衝著我倏地敬個軍禮,叫我一聲師娘時,我著實吃他唬了一跳。郭軫全身都是美式凡立丁的空軍制服,上身罩了一件翻領鑲毛的皮夾克,腰身勒得緊峭,褲袋上卻繫著一個 Ray-Ban 太陽眼鏡盒兒。一頂嶄新高聳的軍帽帽沿正壓在眉毛上; 頭髮也蓄長了,滲黑油亮的髮腳子緊貼在兩鬢旁。才是一兩年功夫,沒料到郭軫竟出挑得英氣勃勃了。 「怎麼了, 小夥子?這次回來, 該有些苗頭了吧?」我笑著向他說道。 「別的沒什麼, 師娘, 倒是在外國攢了幾百塊美金回來。」郭軫說道。 「夠討老婆了!」我笑了起來。 「是呀,師娘,正在找呢。 」郭軫也朝著我齜了牙齒笑道。 ( 白先勇 【一把青】 臺北人 76-77)

我們撤退到海南島的時候,偉成便病歿了。可笑他在天上飛了一輩子,沒有出事,坐在船上,卻硬生生的病故了。他染了痢疾,船上害病的人多,不夠藥,我看著他屙痢屙得臉發了黑。他一斷氣,船上水手便把他用麻包袋套起來,和其他幾個病死的人一起丟到了海裏去,我只聽得「 嘭」一下,人便沒了 . . . . 來到台灣,天天忙著過活,大陸上的事情,竟逐漸淡忘了。老實說,要不是在新生社又碰見朱青,我是不會想起她來了的。 ( 白先勇 【一把青】 臺北人 93)

Genette (2) – Focalization 聚焦

External focalization外聚焦

The viewpoint is outside the character depicted. (observable to a witness of the event)

Internal focalization內聚焦

What the character think and feel. (inaccessible to a witness)

Zero focalization零聚焦

Omniscient narration; “The narrated is presented in . . . a nonlocatable, indeterminable perceptual or conceptual position” (Prince 103)

(viewpoint or perspective)

Genette (2) –Genette (2) – Focalization 聚焦

External focalization外聚焦

小畢國三時偷錢…那晚畢伯伯盤問小畢的大喉嚨,我們在隔壁聽的清清楚楚。小畢從頭到尾沒吭一句,畢伯伯氣極,拿皮管子下了狠手打他,小畢給打急了連連叫道:「你打我!你不是我爸爸你打我!」 劈拍兩聲耳光,是畢媽媽摔的,屋子裏沉寂了下來。 畢伯伯吱呀一聲跌坐在藤椅裏。我打賭我們這半邊眷村都在聆聽他們家的動靜,後山的松風低低吹過,院中忘了收的舊雜誌給吹的拆拆作響。 ( 朱天文 【小畢的故事】 花憶前身 110)

Internal focalization內聚焦

* 「李龍第想著晴子黑色的眼睛,便由內心裡的一種感激勾起一陣絞心的哀愁。」 (七等生 【我愛黑眼珠】 173)* 「李龍第的眼睛投注在對面那個赤足襤褸的蒼白工人身上;這個工人有著一張長滿黑鬱鬱的鬍髭和一雙呈露空漠的眼睛的英俊面孔,中央那隻瘦直的鼻子的兩個孔洞正像瀉出疲倦苦慮的氣流,他的手臂看起來堅硬而削瘦,像用刀削過的不均的木棒。」 (七等生 【我愛黑眼珠】 175)

Zero focalization零聚焦

* 「黑漆中,屋頂上的人們紛紛在蠢動,遠近到處喧嚷著聲音;原來水退走了。這場災禍來的快也去的快。天明的時候,只留下李龍第還在屋頂上緊緊地抱著那個女人。 」 (七等生 【我愛黑眼珠】 185)

(viewpoint or perspective)

Genette (3) – Voice 語態authorial persona(covert)(effaced)

*A mere “telling medium” which strives for neutrality and transparency.*Ex. 【我愛黑眼珠】、 Ceremony



*The narrator is a character outside the story s/he narrates.*Ex. Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby


*The narrator is a character in the story s/he tells.*Ex. “The Oval Portrait”, “The Aspern Papers”, Heart of Darkness

Genette (4) – Order 次序Analepsis 倒敘Back-takeFlashback

他從窗縫中,看到他兒子房中的燈光仍然亮著,俊彥坐在窗前,低著頭在看書,他那年輕英爽的側影,映在窗框裡。余教授微微吃了一驚,他好像驟然看到了自己年輕時的影子一般,他已經逐漸忘懷了他年輕時的模樣了。他記得就是在俊彥那個年紀,二十歲,他那時候認識雅馨的。那次他們在北海公園,雅馨剛剪掉辮子, 一頭秀髮讓風吹得飛了起來, 她穿著一條深藍的學生裙子站在北海邊, 裙子飄飄的, 西天的晚霞, 把一湖的水照得火燒一般, 把她的臉也染紅了。 ( 白先勇 【冬夜】 臺北人 315)

Prolepsis 預緒Fore-takeAnticipation

懷孕七個月的事揭曉出去以後,這一房一廳便頓時熱鬧起來,不但在緊接而來的五天內,得到了社會全體的關懷。還在一個月後,承受了領導豐富的恩情,同時也使過客的我,在不意之間,目擊了社會主義制度下的說服工作。(李渝 【豪傑們】 應答的鄉岸 107)

Genette (5) – Story Levels 層次

Frame narratives Single-ended The frame is not returned to at the end of the embedded. (e.g. The Turn of the Screw)

Double-ended The frame is re-introduced at the end of the embedded. (e.g. Heart of Darkness)

Intrusive(an alienation device)

The embedded is occasionally interrupted to revert to the frame. (e.g. Heart of Darkness)

Embedded narratives

Or the meta-narrative, a narrative within the narrative. It’s the main story. (e.g. individual tales of The Canterbury Tales.)

Genette (6) – SpeechDirect Speech Tagged 她一面吃一面問他:「你叫什麼名字?」

「亞茲別。」李龍第脫口說出。 (182)

Untagged 「他真的不是你的妻子﹖」「絕不是。」「那麼你的妻子呢?」「我沒有。」 (181)

Selectively tagged

李龍第低下頭問她:「我要是拋下妳,妳會怎麼樣?」「我會躺在屋頂上慢慢死去,我在這大都市也原是一個人的,而且正在生病。」 (183)

Indirect Speech

Tagged indirect speech

李龍第抬頭注意對面的晴子在央求救生舟把她載到這邊來,可是有些人說她發瘋了… (183)

Free indirect speech

他完全被那群無主四處奔逃擁擠的人們的神色和喚叫感染到共同面臨災禍的恐懼。假如這個時候他還能看見他的妻子晴子,這是上天對他何等的恩惠啊。 (177)

(七等生 【我愛黑眼珠】 )

Free Indirect Discourse

• FID = FID = narrated monologue; narrated monologue; penspenséée avece avec• FID is often taken to contain FID is often taken to contain

mixed within it markers of mixed within it markers of twtwo voiceso voices (a narrator’s and a (a narrator’s and a character’s).character’s).

Free Indirect Discourse

•Definition:Definition: “the technique “the technique for rendering a character’s for rendering a character’s thought in his own idiom thought in his own idiom while maintaining the while maintaining the third-person reference and third-person reference and the basic tense of the basic tense of narration” (Cohn 100).narration” (Cohn 100).

Free Indirect Discourse

• FID is often marked by such FID is often marked by such contextual features: (1) general contextual features: (1) general markers of colloquialism (such as markers of colloquialism (such as ejaculations, lexical fillers); (2) ejaculations, lexical fillers); (2) more specific markers of a group more specific markers of a group or class to which a character or class to which a character belongs; (3) a character’s personal belongs; (3) a character’s personal idiom; (4) markers of social-role idiom; (4) markers of social-role relationships (Prince 35-36).relationships (Prince 35-36).

Example #1Example #1(1)Direct discourse: Tom said, “Gosh, I am tired.”(2) Indirect discourse: Tom said that he was tired.(3) Free indirect discourse: Gosh, he was tired.

(Fludernik 74)(Fludernik 74)

Example #2Example #2• She [Lily] started up and looked forth on t

he passing streets. Gerty!—they were nearing Gerty’s corner. If only she could reach there before this laboring anguish burst from her breast to her lips—if only she could feel the hold of Gerty’s arms while she shook in the ague-fit of fear that was coming upon her!

(The House of Mirth I, xiii; Wharton 1962: 173) (quoted in Fludernik 78)

Example #3Example #3 The trader was not shocked nor amazThe trader was not shocked nor amaz

ed . . . . He had seen Death many timeed . . . . He had seen Death many times . . . and so he only s . . . and so he only swore that swore that the gathe gall was a baggage, and that he was was a baggage, and that he was devidevilish unluckylish unlucky, and that, if things went , and that, if things went on in this way, he should not make a on in this way, he should not make a cent on the tripcent on the trip..

(Uncle Tom’s Cabin, xii; Stowe 1981: 130) (Uncle Tom’s Cabin, xii; Stowe 1981: 130) (quoted in Fludernik 116)(quoted in Fludernik 116)

Recommended References on Free Indirect Discourse




•Jacques Derrida

• 太初有道 太初有道 (Word/Logos), (Word/Logos), 道與神同在道與神同在 , , 道就是神道就是神 . . . . . . . . 道成了肉身道成了肉身 , , 住在我們中住在我們中間間 . (. (約一約一 . . ㄧ與一四ㄧ與一四 ))

• 約翰或熊恩約翰或熊恩 (Shaun)(Shaun) 或崔斯坦 或崔斯坦 (Tristan) (Tristan) 會這樣說會這樣說 : : 太初有明信片太初有明信片 , , 開頭寫了目的開頭寫了目的地卻沒寫地址地卻沒寫地址 , , 下場是無從投遞下場是無從投遞 . . 任何符任何符號、記號、或特點裏號、記號、或特點裏 , . . . . , . . . . 早已都沒有目早已都沒有目的地的地 . . 有的是距離的製造有的是距離的製造 , , 是郵件是郵件 . (. (德希德希達 《明信片》達 《明信片》 ))

Payne, Michael. Payne, Michael. 《閱讀理論》《閱讀理論》 . . 李奭學譯李奭學譯 . . 書林書林 . 2005. . 2005. 頁頁 171-171-72.72.

•“Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences” (1966)


Centered Structure

•All notions of structure have a centre. It is a sign – “the transcendental signifier” -- that will give meaning to all others.

Logocentrism 理體中心理論• This desire for a center is called This desire for a center is called

““logocentrism”.”. • Western though has developed i

nnumerable terms which operate as centering principles: God, the Idea, the World spirit, the Self, and so on. (Eagleton 131)

Center = Presence = Logos

• ““LogosLogos” (Greek for ‘word’) is a ” (Greek for ‘word’) is a term which in the New term which in the New Testament carries the greatest Testament carries the greatest possible concentration of possible concentration of presence: “In the beginning presence: “In the beginning was the Word.” Being the was the Word.” Being the origin of all things, the ‘Word’ origin of all things, the ‘Word’ underwrites the full underwrites the full presencepresence of the world . . . . (Selden 88)of the world . . . . (Selden 88)

Centers in Literary Texts

• Typical concepts of centre in Typical concepts of centre in literary criticism, for instance, literary criticism, for instance, would include the would include the authorauthor, the , the historical contexthistorical context, the , the readerreader, the , the ideologyideology of a of a political economypolitical economy, , each of which provide a ground each of which provide a ground outside the text for limiting outside the text for limiting interpretation.interpretation.


The center rests upon a paradox.

•““The center is, paradoxically, The center is, paradoxically, within within the structure and the structure and outside outside it. The center is at the it. The center is at the center of the totality, and yet, center of the totality, and yet, since the center does not since the center does not belong to the totality (is not belong to the totality (is not part of the totality), the totality part of the totality), the totality has its center elsewhere. has its center elsewhere. The The center is not the center.” center is not the center.”

Food for Thought

•Give concrete examples to suGive concrete examples to support Derrida’s claim that pport Derrida’s claim that the definition of structure the definition of structure is contradictory, namely is contradictory, namely that the center is both that the center is both inside and outside a inside and outside a structure.structure.

有一句話 鄧禹平有一句話 鄧禹平

當你童年 小辮雙雙,當你童年 小辮雙雙, 情竇之門未開放,情竇之門未開放, 有一句話 想說;有一句話 想說; 我卻不能講。我卻不能講。

當你青春 玉立婷婷,當你青春 玉立婷婷, 美眸閃動愛與光,美眸閃動愛與光, 有一句話 想說;有一句話 想說; 我卻不敢講。我卻不敢講。

當你已婚 笑態盈盈,當你已婚 笑態盈盈,心靈關着情之窗,心靈關着情之窗,不必說了——埋葬吧 埋葬。不必說了——埋葬吧 埋葬。

車站留言 陳克華 阿美阿草阿美阿草 我先搭我先搭 11:3711:37 的南下了 我並不恨你 的南下了 我並不恨你 如果颱風明天到達如果颱風明天到達 來電:來電: (00)7127(00)7127 ㄓㄓ 998ψ998ψ 父留。孩子記得我父留。孩子記得我 先生下再說先生下再說 錢,不要等我了錢,不要等我了 我家不在台北,我家不在台北, EchoEcho :: ECHOECHO 欠你的欠你的 工作已找著工作已找著 很久很久以後,本質很久很久以後,本質 和現象衝突 得很厲害和現象衝突 得很厲害 祝快回家祝快回家 三隻母雞和甘藍菜三隻母雞和甘藍菜 都好你最真誠的愛匆此都好你最真誠的愛匆此 再還你。 再還你。 ( 孟樊 〈當代新詩理論〉 頁二五七 )

•Différance 衍異

Roots in Structuralism

• "In language there are only "In language there are only differences" " (Saussure, (Saussure, Course in General LinguCourse in General Linguisticsistics).).

•The distinctive doctrine of strThe distinctive doctrine of structuralism: “the belief that tucturalism: “the belief that the individual units of any systhe individual units of any system have meaning only by virtem have meaning only by virtue of their relations to one anue of their relations to one another” other” (Eagleton, Literary Theory, 94).

Not binary opposition but différance

• Derrida points out that a binary Derrida points out that a binary opposition is algebraic (a=~b, a opposition is algebraic (a=~b, a equals not-b), and that two terms equals not-b), and that two terms can't exist without reference to can't exist without reference to the other--light (as presence) is the other--light (as presence) is defined as the absence of defined as the absence of darkness, goodness the absence darkness, goodness the absence of evil, etc. . . . of evil, etc. . . .


Not binary opposition but différance

•Deconstruction wants to Deconstruction wants to erase the boundaries (the erase the boundaries (the slash) between slash) between oppositions, hence to show oppositions, hence to show that the values and order that the values and order implied by the opposition implied by the opposition are . . . not rigid.are . . . not rigid.


Différance 衍異(1) It means (1) It means to differ: : to be separate from; to discriminate

(2) It wishes (2) It wishes to defer: : to delay; to postpone

Différance The one, take note, impliThe one, take note, impli

es spatiality (es spatiality (difference) ) while the other implies twhile the other implies temporality (emporality (deferral).).

Différance•Différance is what prevents t

he sign from being a full presence.

•“When we cannot make present a thing, take hold of it, show it, we use a sign; we signify a deferred presence, something absent” (Gras 279).

雨聲說些什麼 余光中





A is a supplément 添補 to B (1)

A = writing A = writing B = God, Truth, love . . . .B = God, Truth, love . . . .

• A is added to B.A is added to B.• A substitutes for B.A substitutes for B.• A is a superfluous addition to B.A is a superfluous addition to B.• A makes up for the absence of A makes up for the absence of

B.B.• A usurps the place of B.A usurps the place of B.

A is a supplément to B (2)• A makes up for B’s deficiency.A makes up for B’s deficiency.• A corrupts the purity of B.A corrupts the purity of B.• A is necessary so that B can A is necessary so that B can

be restored.• A is an accident alienating B A is an accident alienating B

from itself.from itself.• A is that without which B A is that without which B

would be lost.would be lost.

A is a supplément to B (3)• A is that through which B is lost.A is that through which B is lost.• A is a danger to B.A is a danger to B.• A is a remedy to B.A is a remedy to B.• A’s fallacious charm seduces one A’s fallacious charm seduces one

away from B.away from B.• A can never satisfy the desire of B.A can never satisfy the desire of B.• A protects against direct encounter A protects against direct encounter

with B.with B.

(Johnson 45)(Johnson 45)

• 像盧梭一樣,索緒爾所看重的也是原本像盧梭一樣,索緒爾所看重的也是原本 (the origina(the original) l) 與自然。就語言觀之,這原本與自然的是話語,而與自然。就語言觀之,這原本與自然的是話語,而書寫卻開始篡奪所以為原本者,抬高了遺忘的地位:書寫卻開始篡奪所以為原本者,抬高了遺忘的地位:要忘卻的是本源初態。書寫雖假惺惺說可輔助記憶,要忘卻的是本源初態。書寫雖假惺惺說可輔助記憶,時則卻在人為造作、次等與添補等性格幫兇下和活生時則卻在人為造作、次等與添補等性格幫兇下和活生生的記憶作對,甚或「轉移」之…生的記憶作對,甚或「轉移」之…

– 「書寫就是遺忘。」此乃因其身為中介的身分「書寫就是遺忘。」此乃因其身為中介的身分使然,也因理體亦因之而已剝離自身有以致之。使然,也因理體亦因之而已剝離自身有以致之。沒有書寫,「理體」就不會魂遊象外。書寫是沒有書寫,「理體」就不會魂遊象外。書寫是「自然」與「原始」的掩飾,也是把意義立即「自然」與「原始」的掩飾,也是把意義立即呈現給理體的體內魂的偽裝。書寫加諸靈魂的呈現給理體的體內魂的偽裝。書寫加諸靈魂的暴力名曰「無意識」暴力名曰「無意識」 (unconsciousness) (unconsciousness) 。。

• Payne, Michael. Payne, Michael. 《閱讀理論》《閱讀理論》 . . 李奭學譯李奭學譯 . . 書林書林 . 2005. . 2005. 頁頁 189-9189-90.0.

An Example: Identity

• The deconstructionist wants to show that the notion of identity, which seems so basic, so "present," actually depends upon the notion of difference. Identity is only comprehensible in terms of difference, just as difference can only be understood in terms of identity.


An Example: Identity

• Identity can be considered as Identity can be considered as an essential and integrated unity (m (my identity involves my name, my y identity involves my name, my status, my hair colour and the nustatus, my hair colour and the number of my fingers, among manmber of my fingers, among many other things). The idea of a unity other things). The idea of a unity broken into differences is one y broken into differences is one possible traditional idea. possible traditional idea.


An Example: Identity

•Another one would be the idea Another one would be the idea of an identity that could be of an identity that could be contrasted to other identities contrasted to other identities as its as its differences (and for (and for which it too would be which it too would be different). I am different from different). I am different from my colleagues, my students, my my colleagues, my students, my family and friends and my family and friends and my enemies.enemies.


An Example: Identity

• What was thought to be What was thought to be foundational (identity) is itself foundational (identity) is itself dependent upon the concept it dependent upon the concept it was privileged over (difference). was privileged over (difference). The conclusion that neither term is foundational, but that both are mutually dependent upon each other, is precisely the conclusion , is precisely the conclusion that Derrida wants us to reach.that Derrida wants us to reach.


•Deconstruction as a Critical Approach:

3 Stages (Barry 74-76)

The Verbal Stage• Close Reading• Identify contradictions or paradoxes.• The polarity of common binary

oppositions (like male and female, day and night, light and dark) is reversed. And then the second term, rather than the first, is shown to be ‘privileged’ and regarded as the more desirable.

(Barry 74)(Barry 74)

The Verbal Stage• Here's the basic method of

deconstruction: find a binary opposition. Show how each term, rather than being polar opposite of its paired term, is actually part of it. Then the structure or opposition which kept them apart collapses . . . . Ultimately, you can't tell which is which, and the idea of binary opposites loses meaning, or is put into "play“.

The Textual Stage• Look for shifts or breaks in the

continuity of the text (shifts in focus, shifts in time, or tone, or point of view, or attitude, or pace, or vocabulary); these shifts reveal instabilities of attitude, and hence the lack of a fixed and unified position.

• Omissions are important here, that is, when a text doesn’t tell us things we would like to be told. (Barry 75) (Barry 75)

The The Linguistic StageStage

•Look for linguistic oddities, or moments in the text when the adequacy of language itself as a medium of communication is called into question.

• 理體中心主義相信真相可經口語論述表呈,解構則質理體中心主義相信真相可經口語論述表呈,解構則質疑這個千秋大夢,反而開啟了「真相有賴理體成全」疑這個千秋大夢,反而開啟了「真相有賴理體成全」這個說法的「反」積澱。解構在某文本的結構內運作這個說法的「反」積澱。解構在某文本的結構內運作…並小心翼翼地檢視這個結構,隨後則超越之,名之…並小心翼翼地檢視這個結構,隨後則超越之,名之曰「罅隙」。透過這個缺口,我們「可以窺見框限外曰「罅隙」。透過這個缺口,我們「可以窺見框限外那尚未命名的光亮」。…解構探索的是「衍異」的方那尚未命名的光亮」。…解構探索的是「衍異」的方法, 是「衍法, 是「衍 // 異的產物」。綜言之,解構主義不會由異的產物」。綜言之,解構主義不會由外破壞解構紋理,而是在居存於結構之中時,在借取外破壞解構紋理,而是在居存於結構之中時,在借取其一切的顛覆資源時,加以思考與斟酌,直到自己變其一切的顛覆資源時,加以思考與斟酌,直到自己變成自己的祭品才停止。就後ㄧ意義而言,解構所做的成自己的祭品才停止。就後ㄧ意義而言,解構所做的文本批判時則建立在文本所提供的基礎上,而其作為文本批判時則建立在文本所提供的基礎上,而其作為乃夾處在結構主義與後結構主義之間。乃夾處在結構主義與後結構主義之間。

• Payne, Michael. Payne, Michael. 《閱讀理論》《閱讀理論》 . . 李奭學譯李奭學譯 . . 書林書林 . 2005. . 2005. 頁頁 175-7175-76.6.

Structuralism vs. Deconstruction

• ““Whereas structuralism finds order and Whereas structuralism finds order and meaning in the text as in the sentence, meaning in the text as in the sentence, deconstruction finds disorder and a deconstruction finds disorder and a constant tendency of the language to constant tendency of the language to refute its apparent sense. Hence the refute its apparent sense. Hence the approach’s name: texts are found to approach’s name: texts are found to deconstruct themselves rather than to deconstruct themselves rather than to provide a stable, identifiable meaning” provide a stable, identifiable meaning” (Guerin et al. 255)(Guerin et al. 255)

• See Barry 63-65 for a more comprehensive See Barry 63-65 for a more comprehensive list.list.

•The EndThe End