LOM Educational Ontology



LOM Educational Ontology. Αργυρώ Δαφέρμου Α.Μ. 1449 Δημήτρης Καμπάς ΜΕΤ 4 Τηλέμαχος Τζανάκης Α.Μ.1642. Presentation Structure. SeLeNe Project e-learning Object LOM ( L earning O bject M etadata) Classes of ontology Properties of ontology. SeLeNe Project. What is SeLeNe Project. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LOM Educational Ontology

• Αργυρώ Δαφέρμου Α.Μ. 1449• Δημήτρης Καμπάς ΜΕΤ 4• Τηλέμαχος Τζανάκης Α.Μ.1642

1566 - Αναπαράσταση γνώσης στο διαδίκτυο

Presentation Structure

566 - Αναπαράσταση γνώσης στο διαδίκτυο 2

SeLeNe Project

e-learning Object

LOM (Learning Object Metadata)

Classes of ontology

Properties of ontology

SeLeNe Project

3566 - Αναπαράσταση γνώσης στο διαδίκτυο

What is SeLeNe Project

o An approach to provide a SELF e-learning network in order to support geographically distributed and highly heterogeneous learners.

o “Trying” to facilitate the formation of learning communities that require world-wide discovery and assimilate of knowledge by elaborating new educational tools.

4566 - Αναπαράσταση γνώσης στο διαδίκτυο

SeLeNe Objectives

Conduct a study of on-line educational resources and metadata, and of learners' and instructors' expectations of e-Learning systems.

Identify technologies for syndication and personalisation of educational resources.

Identify technologies for managing evolving RDF description bases, and design the high-level system architecture of a Self e-Learning Network.

5566 - Αναπαράσταση γνώσης στο διαδίκτυο

What is e-learning object

It describes a broad category of digital assets that can be used for learning, training, or knowledge development.

A learning object can be as small as a paragraph of text and as large as a 3 month online course.

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What is LOM

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Creation of well structured descriptions of learning resources

Sharing of descriptions of learning resources between resource discovery systems

Tailoring of the resource descriptions to suit the specialised needs of a community

Classes of Ontology (1/2)

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Homework Laboratory


Exercise Exam

Classes of Ontology (2/2)

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Assignment (defined in other ontology): It refers to any kind of course work given during a semester.

Exercise: Is direct subclass of the Assignment class referring to actual exercises, homework or laboratories.

Exam: Is a direct subclass of the Assignment class referring to actual exams.

Laboratory: Is a direct subclass of the Exercise class referring to course laboratories conducted during a semester.

Homework: Is a direct subclass of the Exercise class referring to Course homework assigned to students during a semester.

Properties of Ontology (1/9)

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1st Final

Exam PeriodMidterm

2nd Final

Period: This property indicates the examinations period during which an exam was carried out, i.e. Midterm, Finals (1st period), Finals (2nd period)

Properties of Ontology (2/9)

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interactivityType:Predominant mode of learning supported by this learning object. Possible values : Active, Expositive, Mixed

Expositivee-Learning Object

Interactivity Type



Properties of Ontology (3/9)

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e-Learning Object



HighVery High

Very Low


interactivityLevel: Provides the degree of interactivity characterizing this learning object. It refers to the degree to which the learner can influence the aspect or behavior of the learning object. Possible values: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High

Properties of Ontology (4/9)

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semanticDensitye-Learning Object



Very High

Very Low


semanticDensity: The degree of conciseness of a learning object. The semantic density of a learning object may be estimated in terms of its size, span, or --in the case of self-timed resources such as audio or video-- duration.The semantic density of a learning object is independent of its difficulty. Possible values: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High

Properties of Ontology (5/9)

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intendedEndUserRole: Principal user(s) for which this learning object was designed, most dominant first, i.e. "learner". Possible values: Teacher, Author, Learner, Manager

e-Learning Object Intended End

User Role




Properties of Ontology (6/9)

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context: The principal environment within which the learning and use of this learning object is intended to take place.Possible values: School, HigherEducation, Training, Other.

Higher EducationContext

e-Learning Object




Properties of Ontology (7/9)

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TypicalAgeRange: Age of the typical intended user. This data element shall refer to developmental age, if that would be different from chronological age, i.e. "18-70".

e-Learning Object

Typical Age Range String

Properties of Ontology (8/9)

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Difficultye-Learning Object



Very Difficult

Very Easy


Difficulty: How hard it is to work with or through this learning object for the typical intended target audience. Possible values: Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Difficult, Very Difficult.

Properties of Ontology (9/9)

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e-Learning Object

Typical Learning Time String

typicalLearningTime: Approximate or typical time it takes to work with or through this learning object for the typical intended target audience, i.e. "P4M" (holds for 4 months).