M12 FHIR14 M12 FHIR38 - Dataresource


Citation preview

M12 FHIR14M12 FHIR38Original instructionsOriginalbetriebsanleitungNotice originaleIstruzioni originaliManual originalOorspronkelijke gebruiksaan-wijzingOriginal brugsanvisningOriginal bruksanvisningBruksanvisning i originalAlkuperäiset ohjeet

Πρωτότυπο οδηγιών χρήσηςOrijinal işletme talimatıPůvodním návodem k používáníPôvodný návod na použitieInstrukcją oryginalnąEredeti használati utasításIzvirna navodilaOriginalne pogonske uputeInstrukcijām oriģinālvalodāOriginali instrukcija

Algupärane kasutusjuhendОригинальное руководство по эксплуатацииОригинално ръководство за експлоатацияInstrucţiuni de folosire origi-naleОригинален прирачник за работаОригінал інструкції з експлуатаціїالتعلیمات الأصلیة

2 3

ENGLISH 1 2 3 Picture sectionwith operating description and functional description

Text section with Technical Data, important Safety and Working Hints and description of Symbols

DEUTSCH 1 2 3 Bildteil mit Anwendungs- und Funktionsbeschreibungen

Textteil mit Technischen Daten, wichtigen Sicherheits- und Arbeitshinweisen und Erklärung der Symbole.

FRANÇAIS 1 2 3 Partie imagéeavec description des applications et des fonctions

Partie textuelle avec les données techniques, les consignes importantes de sécurité et de travail ainsi que l’explication des pictogrammes.

ITALIANO 1 2 3 Sezione illustrata con descrizione dell'applicazione e delle funzioni

Sezione testo con dati tecnici, importanti informazioni sulla sicurezza e sull‘utilizzo, spiegazione dei simboli.

ESPAÑOL 1 2 3 Sección de ilustraciones con descripción de aplicación y descripción funcional Sección de texto con datos técnicos, indicaciones importantes de seguridad y trabajo y explicación de los símbolos.

PORTUGUES 1 2 3 Parte com imagens explicativas contendo descrição operacional e funcional

Parte com texto explicativo contendo Especifi cações técnicas, Avisos de segurança e de operação e a Descrição dos símbolos.

NEDERLANDS 1 2 3 Beeldgedeeltemet toepassings- en functiebeschrijvingen

Tekstgedeelte met technische gegevens, belangrijke veiligheids- en arbeidsinstructies en verklaring van de symbolen.

DANSK 1 2 3 Billeddel med anvendelses- og funktionsbeskrivelser

Tekstdel med tekniske data, vigtige sikkerheds- og arbejdsanvisninger og symbolforklaring.

NORSK 1 2 3 Bildedelmed bruks- og funksjonsbeskrivelse

Tekstdel med tekniske data, viktige sikkerhets- og arbeidsinstruksjoner og forklaring av symbolene.

SVENSKA 1 2 3 Bilddelmed användnings- och funktionsbeskrivning

Textdel med tekniska informationer, viktiga säkerhets- och användningsinstruktioner samt symbolförklaringar.

SUOMI 1 2 3 Kuvasivutkäyttö- ja toimintakuvaukset

Tekstisivut: tekniset tiedot, tärkeät turvallisuus- ja työskentelyohjeet sekä merkkien selitykset.

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ 1 2 3 Τμήμα εικόνωνμε περιγραφές χρήσης και λειτουργίας

Τμήμα κειμένου με τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά, σημαντικές υποδείξεις ασφαλείας και εργασίας και εξήγηση των συμβόλων.

TÜRKÇE 1 2 3 Resim bölümüUygulama ve fonksiyon açıklamaları ile birlikte

Teknik bilgileri, önemli güvenlik ve çalışma açıklamalarını ve de sembollerin açıklamalarını içeren metin bölümü.

ČESKY 1 2 3 Obrazová část s popisem aplikací a funkcí

Textová část s technickými daty, důležitými bezpečnostními a pracovními pokyny a s vysvětlivkami symbolů

SLOVENSKY 1 2 3 Obrazová časťs popisom aplikácií a funkcií Textová časť s technickými dátami, dôležitými bezpečnostnými a pracovnými pokynmi a s vysvetlivkami symbolov

POLSKI 1 2 3 Część rysunkowa z opisami zastosowania i działania Część opisowa z danymi technicznymi, ważnymi wskazówkami dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa i pracy oraz objaśnieniami symboli.

MAGYAR 1 2 3 Képes részalkalmazási- és működési leírásokkal Szöveges rész műszaki adatokkal, fontos biztonsági- és munkavégzési útmutatásokkal, valamint a szimbólumok magyarázata.

SLOVENSKO 1 2 3 Del slikez opisom uporabe in funkcij Del besedila s tehničnimi podatki, pomembnimi varnostnimi opozorili in delovnimi navodili in pojasnili simbolov.

HRVATSKI 1 2 3 Dio sa slikamasa opisima primjene i funkcija Dio štiva sa tehničkim podacima, važnim sigurnosnim i radnim uputama i objašnjenjem simbola.

LATVISKI 1 2 3 Attēla daļa ar lietošanas un funkciju aprakstiem Teksta daļa ar tehniskajiem parametriem, svarīgiem drošības un darbības norādījumiem, simbolu atšifrējumiem.

LIETUVIŠKAI 1 2 3 Paveikslėlio dalissu vartojimo instrukcija ir funkcijų aprašymais Teksto dalis su techniniais duomenimis, svarbiomis saugumo ir darbo instrukcijomis bei simbolių paaiškinimais.

EESTI 1 2 3 Pildiosa kasutusjuhendi ja funktsioonide kirjeldusega Tekstiosa tehniliste näitajate, oluliste ohutus- ja tööjuhenditega ning sümbolite kirjeldustega.

РУССКИЙ 1 2 3 Раздел иллюстрацийс описанием эксплуатации и функций Текстовый раздел, включающий технические данные, важные рекомендации по безопасности и эксплуатации, а также описание используемых символов.

БЪЛГАРСКИ 1 2 3 Част със снимки с описания за приложение и функции Част с текст с технически данни, важни указания за безопасност и работа и разяснение на символите.

ROMÂNIA 1 2 3 Secvenţa de imagine cu descrierea utilizării şi a funcţionării Porţiune de text cu date tehnice, indicaţii importante privind siguranţa şi modul de lucru şi descrierea simbolurilor.

МАКЕДОНСКИ 1 2 3 Дел со сликисо описи за употреба и функционирање Текстуален дел со Технички карактеристики, важни безбедносни и работни упатства и објаснување на симболите.

УКРАЇНСЬКА 1 2 3 Частина з зображеннями з описом робіт та функцій Текстова частина з технічними даними, важливими вказівками з техніки безпеки та експлуатації і поясненням символів.

عربي 1 2 3 قسم الصور یوجد بھ الوصف التشغیلي والوظیفي القسم النصي المزود بالبیانات الفنیة والنصائح الھامة للسلامة والعمل ووصف الرموز



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Remove the battery pack before starting any work on the machine.Vor allen Arbeiten an der Maschine den Wechselakku herausnehmen

Avant tous travaux sur la machine retirer l’accu interchangeable.Prima di iniziare togliere la batteria dalla macchina.Retire la batería antes de comenzar cualquier trabajo en la máquina.Antes de efectuar qualquer intervenção na máquina retirar o bloco acumulador.Voor alle werkzaamheden aan de machine de akku verwijderen.Ved arbejde inden i maskinen, bør batteriet tages ud.Ta ut vekselbatteriet før du arbeider på maskinenDrag ur batteripaket innan arbete utföres på maskinen.Tarkista pistotulppa ja verkkojohto mahdollisilta vauriolta. Viat saa korjata vain alan erikoismies.Ðñéí áðü êÜèå åñãáóßá óôç ìç÷áíÞ áöáéñåßôå ôçí áíôáëëáêôéêÞ ìðáôáñßá.

Aletin kendinde bir çalışma yapmadan önce kartuş aküyü çıkarın.Před zahájením veškerých prací na vrtacím šroubováku vyjmout výměnný akumulátor.Pred každou prácou na stroji výmenný akumulátor vytiahnuť.Przed przystąpieniem do jakichkolwiek prac na elektronarzędziu należy wyjąć wkładkę akumulatorową.Karbantartás, javítás, tisztítás, stb. előtt az akkumulátort ki kell venni a készülékből.Pred deli na stroju izvlecite izmenljivi akumulator.Prije svih radova na stroju izvaditi bateriju za zamjenu.Pirms mašīnai veikt jebkāda veida apkopes darbus, ir jāizņem ārā akumulātors.Prieš atlikdami bet kokius darbus įrenginyje, išimkite keičiamą akumuliatorių.Enne kõiki töid masina kallal võtke vahetatav aku välja.Bûíüòå àêêóìóëÿòîð èç ìàøèíû ïåðåä ïðîâåäåíèåì ñ íåé êàêèõ-ëèáî ìàíèïóëÿöèé.

Преди започване на каквито е да е работи по машината извадете акумулатора.Scoateţi acumulatorul înainte de a începe orice intervenţie pe maşină.Отстранете ја батеријата пред да започнете да ја користите машината.Перед будь-якими роботами на машині вийняти змінну акумуляторну батарею.

قم بإزالة حزمة البطاریة قبل البدء في أي أعمال على الجھاز.






2 2-3 sec

100% 75% 50% 25%

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Handle (insulated gripping surface)Handgriff (isolierte Griff fl äche)Poignée (surface de prise isolée)Impugnatura (superfi cie di presa isolata)Empuñadura (superfi cie de agarre con aislamiento)Manípulo (superfície de pega isolada)Handgreep (geïsoleerd)Håndtag (isolerede gribefl ader)Håndtak (isolert gripefl ate)Handtag (isolerad greppyta)Kahva (eristetty tarttumapinta)Χειρολαβή (μονωμένη επιφάνεια λαβής)El kulpu (izolasyonlu tutma yüzeyi)Rukojeť (izolovaná uchopovací plocha)Rukoväť (izolovaná úchopná plocha)Uchwyt (z izolowaną powierzchnią)Fogantyú (szigetelt fogófelület)Ročaj (izolirana prijemalna površina)Rukohvat (izolirana površina za držanje)Rokturis (izolēta satveršanas virsma)Rankena (izoliuotas rankenos paviršius)Käepide (isoleeritud pideme piirkond)Рукоятка (изолированная поверхность ручки)Ръкохватка (изолирана повърхност за хващане)Mâner (suprafaţă de prindere izolată)Дршка (изолирана површина)Ручка (ізольована поверхня ручки)

المقبض (مساحة المقبض معزولة)

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EN 62841-1:2015EN 62841-2-2:2014EN 55014-1:2017+A11:2020EN 55014-2:2015EN IEC 63000:2018 Winnenden, 2020-10-27

Alexander Krug Managing Director Authorized to compile the technical fi le.Techtronic Industries GmbHMax-Eyth-Straße 1071364 WinnendenGermany

GB-DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWe declare as the manufacturer under our sole responsibility that the product described under “Technical Data” fulfi lls all the relevant provisions of the following Regulations S.I. 2008/1597 (as amended), S.I. 2016/1091 (as amended), S.I. 2012/3032 (as amended) and that the following designated standards have been used:BS EN 62841-1:2015BS EN 62841-2-2:2014BS EN 55014-1:2017+A11:2020BS EN 55014-2:2015 BS EN IEC 63000:2018Winnenden, 2020-10-27

Alexander Krug Managing Director Authorized to compile the technical fi le.Techtronic Industries GmbHMax-Eyth-Straße 1071364 WinnendenGermany

BATTERIESBattery packs which have not been used for some time should be recharged before use.Temperatures in excess of 50°C (122°F) reduce the performance of the battery pack. Avoid extended exposure to heat or sunshine (risk of overheating).The contacts of chargers and battery packs must be kept clean.For an optimum life-time, the battery packs have to be fully charged, after used. To obtain the longest possible battery life remove the battery pack from the charger once it is fully charged.For battery pack storage longer than 30 days:Store the battery pack where the temperature is below 27°C and away from moistureStore the battery packs in a 30% - 50% charged conditionEvery six months of storage, charge the pack as normal.

BATTERY PACK PROTECTIONIn extremely high torque, binding, stalling and short circuit situations that cause high current draw, the tool will vibrate for about 5 seconds, the fuel gauge will fl ash,and then the tool will turn OFF. To reset, release the trigger.Under extreme circumstances, the internal temperature of the battery pack could raise too much. If this happens, the fuel gauge will fl ash until the battery pack cooled down. After the lights go off , the work may continue.

TRANSPORTING LITHIUM BATTERIESLithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dangerous Goods Legislation requirements.

Transportation of those batteries has to be done in accordance with local, national and international provisions and regulations.• The user can transport the batteries by road without further

requirements.• Commercial transport of Lithium-Ion batteries by third parties is

subject to Dangerous Goods regulations. Transport preparation and transport are exclusively to be carried out by appropriately trained persons and the process has to be accompanied by corresponding experts.

When transporting batteries:• Ensure that battery contact terminals are protected and insulated

to prevent short circuit.• Ensure that battery pack is secured against movement within

packaging.• Do not transport batteries that are cracked or leak.Check with forwarding company for further advice

MAINTENANCEUse only Milwaukee accessories and spare parts. Should components need to be replaced which have not been described, please contact one of our Milwaukee service agents (see our list of guarantee/service addresses).If needed, an exploded view of the tool can be ordered. Please state the machine type printed as well as the six-digit No. on the label and order the drawing at your local service agents or directly at: Techtronic Industries GmbH, Max-Eyth-Straße 10, 71364 Winnenden, Germany.



Remove the battery pack before starting any work on the machine.

Please read the instructions carefully before starting the machine.

Do not dispose electric tools, batteries/rechargeable batteries together with household waste material.Electric tools and batteries that have reached the end of their life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility.Check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice and collection point.

n0No-load speed

V Volts

Direct current

European Conformity Mark)

British Confomity Mark

Ukraine Conformity Mark

EurAsian Conformity Mark


TECHNICAL DATA CORDLESS INDUSTRIAL SCREWDRIVERProduction code..................................................................................

Tool reception .....................................................................................No-load speed ....................................................................................Torque max .........................................................................................Battery voltage....................................................................................Weight according EPTA-Procedure 01/2014 (Li-Ion 2,0 Ah ... 6,0 Ah) .....Recommended ambient operating temperature .................................Recommended battery types..............................................................Recommended charger ......................................................................

Noise/vibration informationMeasured values determined according to EN 62841.Typically, the A-weighted noise levels of the tool are: Sound pressure level (Uncertainty K=3dB(A)) ................................ Sound power level (Uncertainty K=3dB(A)) ....................................Wear ear protectors!Total vibration values (vector sum in the three axes) determined according to EN 62841.Vibration emission value ah : Impact tightening of fasteners of the maximum capacity of the tool Uncertainty K = ................................................................................

WARNING Read all safety warnings, instructions, illustrations and specifi cations provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fi re and/or serious injury.

IMPACT DRIVER SAFETY WARNINGSHold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, when performing an operation where the fastener may contact hidden wiring. Fasteners contacting a „live“ wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool „live“ and could give the operator an electric shock.Wear ear protectors. Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.

ADDITIONAL SAFETY AND WORKING INSTRUCTIONSUse protective equipment. Always wear safety glasses when working with the machine. The use of protective clothing is recommended, such as dust mask, protective gloves, sturdy non-slip footwear, helmet and ear defenders.The dust produced when using this tool may be harmful to health. Do not inhale the dust. Wear a suitable dust protection mask.Do not machine any materials that present a danger to health (e.g. asbestos).Switch the device off immediately if the insertion tool stalls! Do not switch the device on again while the insertion tool is stalled, as doing so could trigger a sudden recoil with a high reactive force. Determine why the insertion tool stalled and rectify this, paying heed to the safety instructions.The possible causes may be:• it is tilted in the workpiece to be machined• it has pierced through the material to be machined• the power tool is overloadedDo not reach into the machine while it is running.The insertion tool may become hot during use.• when changing tools• when setting the device downChips and splinters must not be removed while the machine is running.

When working in walls ceiling, or fl oor, take care to avoid electric cables and gas or waterpipes.Clamp your workpiece with a clamping device. Unclamped workpieces can cause severe injury and damage.Remove the battery pack before starting any work on the machine.Do not dispose of used battery packs in the household refuse or by burning them. Milwaukee Distributors off er to retrieve old batteries to protect our environment.Do not store the battery pack together with metal objects (short circuit risk).Use only System M12 chargers for charging System M12 battery packs. Do not use battery packs from other systems.Never break open battery packs and chargers and store only in dry rooms. Keep dry at all times.Battery acid may leak from damaged batteries under extreme load or extreme temperatures. In case of contact with battery acid wash it off immediately with soap and water. In case of eye contact rinse thoroughly for at least 10 minutes and immediately seek medical attention.Warning! To reduce the risk of fi re, personal injury, and product damage due to a short circuit, never immerse your tool, battery pack or charger in fl uid or allow a fl uid to fl ow inside them. Corrosive or conductive fl uids, such as seawater, certain industrial chemicals, and bleach or bleach containing products, etc., can cause a short circuit.

SPECIFIED CONDITIONS OF USEThe cordless industrial screwdriver can be used to tighten and loosen nuts and bolts wherever no mains connection is available.Do not use this product in any other way as stated for normal use.

EC-DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWe declare under our sole responsibility that the product described under “Technical Data” fulfi lls all the relevant regulations and the directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS), 2014/30/EU, 2006/42/EC, and the following harmonized standards have been used:

WARNINGThe vibration and noise emission level given in this information sheet has been measured in accordance with a standardized test given in EN 62841 and may be used to compare one tool with another. It may be used for a preliminary assessment of exposure.The declared vibration and noise emission level represents the main applications of the tool. However if the tool is used for diff erent applications, with diff erent accessories or poorly maintained, the vibration and noise emission may diff er. This may signifi cantly increase the exposure level over the total working period.An estimation of the level of exposure to vibration and noise should also take into account the times when the tool is switched off or when it is running but not actually doing the job. This may signifi cantly reduce the exposure level over the total working period.Identify additional safety measures to protect the operator from the eff ects of vibration and/or noise such as: maintain the tool and the accessories, keep the hands warm, organization of work patterns.

M12 FHIR14 M12 FHIR38.........................4830 62 01... .................4830 69 01... ...000001-999999 ...000001-999999 ............................ 1/4" (6,35 mm).................. 3/8" (9,5 mm)......................... 0-450 min-1 ....................... 0-450 min-1

........................... 47,5 Nm ........................... 47,5 Nm

.............................. 12 V.................................. 12 V

................. 0,96...1,20 kg ................... 0,96...1,20 kg

.......................................... -18°C ... +50°C

................................................ M12B...

.................................. C12C, M12C4, M12-18...

......................... 84,26 dB (A) ..................... 84,26 dB (A)

......................... 95,26 dB (A) ..................... 95,26 dB (A)

........................... 2,88 m/s2 .......................... 2,88 m/s2

........................... 1,50 m/s2 .......................... 1,50 m/s2

(11.20) 4931 4704 79

Copyright 2020Techtronic Industries GmbH Max-Eyth-Str. 1071364 Winnenden Germany+49 (0) 7195-12-0www.milwaukeetool.eu

Techtronic Industries (UK) LtdFieldhouse LaneMarlow Bucks SL7 1HZ UK
