MagwaRye goiMn y,anmar · 2020. 5. 15. · Sni b aungwe Townhspi Mni hal Townhspi Thaye t Townhspi...


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Thaye t



Mind onTownship

Sinb aungweTownship


Thaye tTownship

Ah Lat Le l

N yaung N i

Ohn Hne Te Gyi

Ze e Taw

Ban Kone

Daung Pyan

Ta N yin Maw

Y ae N ge

Ban Pyin Y war Thit

Baw (N orth)

Baw (South)

Gon Ma N i

Kyauk Me

Gyoe GyarY in Taw

Hman Din Gyi (N orth)Hman Din Gyi (South)

Y war Taung

Hp aung Ka Taw

Hte e Y oe

Htone Htaung

Lay Taing Sin

The a Taung

Inn Le l

Ka Te t Pin

Mon ChaungSat Hla

Y in Gyi

Inn Ma N ge

Ohn Pin Hla

Pauk Pin

Sa Khan Gyi

Ah Kauk Te

Koe Pin

Mon Za Li

Kun Ohn

Kya U

Kyar Kan

Kyauk Oe

Lin Chaung

N yaung Y war Gyi

Sin Hp yu Kone

Kyauk Oe

Le t Pan Se ik

N yaung Pin Thar

Shwe Hin Thar Kyun

Sin Te

Hp a Y ar SuHp yauk Se ik Khon

Kyaung KhonPay KhonTha Y e t Khon

Moe N at Kone

Ta Loke Pin

Ta Se e Kauk (East)Ta Se e Kauk (W e st)

Ma Gyi Taw

Mya Sa Kaing

Dhamma Gyi

Myauk Kyut

Oke Pon

N ga Hlaing Chon

Hp aung Ka Aing

N yaung Y war N ge

Thar Y ar Kone

Y war Thit Gyi

Kye e TaingN yaung Zit

N ga Bat Kya

Ohn Mun Taw Oke Shit Kone

Par Put

Dat Kone

Kye e Kan

Lone Taw

N yaung Kaing

Pauk Taw

Tha Hp an Khon

Pauk U Kar

Pay Ka Tin

Pe ik Tha Le in- KonePe ik Tha Le in- Kyin

The a Hp yu

Myauk Baw

Pi Tauk Pin

Taung Baw

Pon N ar

Ah Kye e Sar

Hp aung Ka Aing

Pun Gyi

Kan N i

Pya Y ae

Se t Taung

Ka Sun Myaung

Pyin Aing

Se Le l

Kyauk Aing

Mway PwayPyin Htaung

Y war Thit

Oke Hp o

San AintThe e Kone

Chin Kone Ka N yit KyaPun N ge

San Le l

Ma Gyi Y on

N yaung W aing

Pauk Hp yu

Shwe Pan Kaing

Sit Thar

Than Ba Y ar Kaing

Thar Zi

Auk Ma Myint

Auk Ma N e int

Myo Hla

N yaung Lay Pin

Sin KawThe e Kone

Myin Bar

N yaung Pin TharTa La Par

Ta La Par (South)


Taw Myin Thar

Kan Li

Tha Y e t Myint KoneTha Y e t Myint Kyin


Me e Laung

Oke Hp o

Taung Poe t Gyi

Tha Man Pyin

Thar Zi Khon

Twin Le l

Taw Kyaung

Taw Mun

Tha Pyay San

Toke Kaing

Y ae Bwe t

Htan Y on

Moke Soe Y in

Y ae Hp yu

Pe it Ma Khan

Shan + Kyaw

Taung Myint

Y ae Mye t

Ma Gyi Pin

Y war Ma











Myanmar Information Manage me nt Unit

LegendTowns/ Village!\ Union Cap ital!. State /Re gion Cap ital!( Main Town!( Othe r Town! V illage

Transportation!o( Airp ort

Rail RoadMain RoadSe c ond ary RoadTe rtiary Road

BoundaryTownship Bound aryState /Re gion Bound aryInte rnational Bound ary

HydrographyRive r and Stre amW ate r Bod y

Thaye t TownshipMagway Re gion, Myanmar

0 4 82 Km

0 2 41 Mile s

Disclaimer: The b ound arie s and the name s shown and the d e signations use d on this map d o not imp ly offic ial e nd orse me nt or ac c e p tanc e b y the Unite d N ations.

Map ID: MIMU154v05Prod uction Date : 20 Ap ril 2020Pap e r Size : A1Proje ction/Datum: Ge ograp hic/W GS84Base map : MIMU, OSMBound arie s: MIMUEle vation: MERIT DEMPlac e N ame s: Ge ne ral Ad ministration De p artme nt (GAD) and fie ld sourc e s. Plac e name s on this p rod uct are in line with the ge ne ral cartograp hic p ractic e to re fle ct the name s of such p lac e s as d e signate d b y the gove rnme nt c onc e rne d . Translite ration b y MIMU. Some p lac e name s c ould not b e d isp laye d on this map d ue to sp ac e limitations.

This map has b e e n p re p are d for informational p urp ose s only, to sup p ort humanitarian and d e ve lop me nt activitie s in Myanmar. It d oe s not re p re se nt an on-the -ground surve y. It re p re se nts only theap p roximate re lative loc ation of village s and b ound arie s. The re is no warrant the d ata is e ithe r c omp le te or ac curate .The Myanmar Information Manage me nt Unit / MIMU is a se rvic e of the Offic e of the UN Re sid e nt and Humanitarian Coord inator to sup p ort the information manage me nt ne e d s and d e c ision-making ofhumanitarian, d e ve lop me nt and p e ac e -focuse d actors across Myanmar.© 2020 Myanmar Information Management Unit. MIMU p rod ucts are not for sale and c an b e use d fre e of c harge with attrib ution. For more information se e http ://the rms-c ond itions.This notic e c annot b e mod ifie d or re move d .Email: info.mimu@und p .org W e b site : www.the

The information c ontaine d on this p rod uct is p rovid e d “as is”, for re fe re nc e p urp ose s only, b ase d on curre nt availab le information. The Unite d N ations and the MIMU sp e c ific ally d o not make anywarrantie s or re p re se ntations as to the ac curac y or c omp le te ne ss of such information nor d oe s it imp ly offic ial e nd orse me nt or ac c e p tanc e b y the Unite d N ations.. Ple ase share up d ate s on any e rrors oromissions via map s@the



MagwayRe gion


Mand alayRe gion

SagaingRe gion

BagoRe gion



N ay Pyi Taw

Ind iaBanglad e sh

