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UNIVERSITASMUHAMMADIYAH PROF DR HAMKA JI Limau II Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12130Telp (021) 72081777222886- Fax (021) 72612267256620

Website wwwuhamkaacid E-mail infouhamkaacidllhamka1997yahoocoid

Nomor Lamp Perihal

9 ~ 8C01082013 Jadwal Acara amp Brosur lJndangan Seminar Intemasional

25 Jumadi Awal 1434 6 April 2013


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Assalamllalaikum waraflmatullahi wabarakatuh

Bada salam semoga berkah serta rahmat Alleh Subhanahu Wata ala senantiasa diimpahkal~ kep~da kita semua sehmgga diberi lltemudahan dalam menjalankan tlJgas sehari - hari amien

Kami sampaikan bahwa Universitas rvluhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (UHAMKA) bekerjasama dengan LPPOM - MUI akan mengadakan Sem inar Internasional dan Sosialisasi Sertifikasi Produk Haliiil Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika yang Insya Allah akan dilaksanakan pada

hari tanggal Kamis 23 Mei 2013 pukul 0830 s d 1600 WIB tempat eaUroom of nstitut Pertalian Bogor IrtternationaJ

Convention Center (ICC IPS) Bogor lawa Barat

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut kami mohon kepada Bapaklbu untuk dapat mensosialisasikan kepada para dosen mahasiswa dan peneliti di perguruan tinggi Bapakjlbu dan kami mengharapkan untuk mengirimkan peserta aktif dalam acara tersebut

Demikian hal ini kami sarnpaikan atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih

Wabilahittaufiq walhidsyah Wassalamu~aikum warahmatullahi wabarilkatuh

International Seminar Halal Certification of Medicine

Current Status and Its


Time Schedule Event 0830 - 09 00 am Registration 0900 - 0905 am Oening by MC

0905 - 09 10 am Recitation of Al Quran

09 10 - 0920 am Remarks by Rector of UHAMKA

0920 - 0930 am Remarks by Director of LPPOM MUI 0930 - 0945 am Keynote Speech by Prof dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal (TIle Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

094 5 - 1200 pm SESSION J bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of Mill The Islamic Law to Consume Ralal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java laquoCritical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Willai Dahlan director of the Halal Science Center (HASCI) in Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalal Index Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

0 130 - 0400 pm SESSION 2 bull Dr ZainalAbidin Head of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDl) Role of Physicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husi n The Chairman ofHealth Assembly Muhammadyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director at Novartis Vac ines and Diagnostics (Read of H alal Internal Auditor Italy)

Implementation of Halal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Indust ry

International Seminar Halal Certification of Medicine

Current Status and Its ==


Nama Lengkap


TeJepon Fax


Pembayaran U Transfer tanggal

C Tunai (pada saat acara)

INFORMASI DAN PENDAFTARAN lPPOM MUI Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogar 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAM KA JI Delima II IV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8660977 2

Email sosprolppomhalalmuiorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

Hariyanti (+62856 123 7347) Azwar Rus li (+62 8158365553)

Pembayaran Melalui Transfer

NoRek 0255408429 Atas nama LPPOM MOl (lNDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan l-Iilir Raya No 84 AmiddotB Tanah Abmg




IPB International Convention Center May23rd 2013

HAlAl is My IJifE wwwuhamkaacid bull wwwhalalmuiorg

Full Name


______________ Fax __________Phone


Payment Methods D Transfer

D Cash


Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogor 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAMKA

JI Delima IIIV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8611070

CP Azwar Rusli +62 815 836 5553 Hariyanti +628561237347 Email sosprolppomhalalmuLorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg

Account No 0255408429 Participant name LPPOM MUI (INDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan Hilir Raya

No 84 A-B Tanah Abang Jakarta Name

Please send Transfer slip to email bendaharalppomhalalmuiorg

Nowadays pharmaceutical market is continuously growing significantly with the widespread of health cases accordingly

On the other hand availability of halal medicine is very limited Muslim population worldwide has reached 18 billion people which is equivalent to 28 of the total world population the need for halal drugs is increasingly urgent

The Assessment Institute for Food Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obatshyobatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia LPPOM MUll in collaboration with Prof Dr HAMKA University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta will carry out an international seminar ItHalal Certification of Medicine Products Current Status and Its Challenge on

DayDate Thursday May 232013 Time 0830-1600 Venue International Convention Center (ICC)

IPB Bogor West Java

Government Agency Pharmaceutical Industry Academics Professors Lecturer Pharmdcists Physicians

Mass Media Public and anyone who concerned in the halal medicine

Seminar Kit Certificate Coffee Break and Lunch

lOR 2000000 lOR 1500000 (Early bird before April 30th 2013)

Prof Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD Deputy Minister of Health the Indonesian Republic

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal

(The Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of MUI

The Islamic Law to Consume Halal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java

Critical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Winai Dahlan Director of the Halal Science Center Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalallndex Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

bull Dr Zainal Abidin Head of Indonesian Medical Association (101)

Role ofPhysicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husin The Chairman of Health Assembly Muhammadiyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient

bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director (Head of Halallnternal Auditor Italy)

at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

Implementation ofHalal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Industry

International Seminar Halal Certification of Medicine

Current Status and Its


Time Schedule Event 0830 - 09 00 am Registration 0900 - 0905 am Oening by MC

0905 - 09 10 am Recitation of Al Quran

09 10 - 0920 am Remarks by Rector of UHAMKA

0920 - 0930 am Remarks by Director of LPPOM MUI 0930 - 0945 am Keynote Speech by Prof dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal (TIle Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

094 5 - 1200 pm SESSION J bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of Mill The Islamic Law to Consume Ralal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java laquoCritical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Willai Dahlan director of the Halal Science Center (HASCI) in Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalal Index Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

0 130 - 0400 pm SESSION 2 bull Dr ZainalAbidin Head of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDl) Role of Physicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husi n The Chairman ofHealth Assembly Muhammadyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director at Novartis Vac ines and Diagnostics (Read of H alal Internal Auditor Italy)

Implementation of Halal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Indust ry

International Seminar Halal Certification of Medicine

Current Status and Its ==


Nama Lengkap


TeJepon Fax


Pembayaran U Transfer tanggal

C Tunai (pada saat acara)

INFORMASI DAN PENDAFTARAN lPPOM MUI Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogar 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAM KA JI Delima II IV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8660977 2

Email sosprolppomhalalmuiorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

Hariyanti (+62856 123 7347) Azwar Rus li (+62 8158365553)

Pembayaran Melalui Transfer

NoRek 0255408429 Atas nama LPPOM MOl (lNDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan l-Iilir Raya No 84 AmiddotB Tanah Abmg




IPB International Convention Center May23rd 2013

HAlAl is My IJifE wwwuhamkaacid bull wwwhalalmuiorg

Full Name


______________ Fax __________Phone


Payment Methods D Transfer

D Cash


Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogor 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAMKA

JI Delima IIIV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8611070

CP Azwar Rusli +62 815 836 5553 Hariyanti +628561237347 Email sosprolppomhalalmuLorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg

Account No 0255408429 Participant name LPPOM MUI (INDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan Hilir Raya

No 84 A-B Tanah Abang Jakarta Name

Please send Transfer slip to email bendaharalppomhalalmuiorg

Nowadays pharmaceutical market is continuously growing significantly with the widespread of health cases accordingly

On the other hand availability of halal medicine is very limited Muslim population worldwide has reached 18 billion people which is equivalent to 28 of the total world population the need for halal drugs is increasingly urgent

The Assessment Institute for Food Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obatshyobatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia LPPOM MUll in collaboration with Prof Dr HAMKA University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta will carry out an international seminar ItHalal Certification of Medicine Products Current Status and Its Challenge on

DayDate Thursday May 232013 Time 0830-1600 Venue International Convention Center (ICC)

IPB Bogor West Java

Government Agency Pharmaceutical Industry Academics Professors Lecturer Pharmdcists Physicians

Mass Media Public and anyone who concerned in the halal medicine

Seminar Kit Certificate Coffee Break and Lunch

lOR 2000000 lOR 1500000 (Early bird before April 30th 2013)

Prof Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD Deputy Minister of Health the Indonesian Republic

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal

(The Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of MUI

The Islamic Law to Consume Halal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java

Critical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Winai Dahlan Director of the Halal Science Center Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalallndex Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

bull Dr Zainal Abidin Head of Indonesian Medical Association (101)

Role ofPhysicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husin The Chairman of Health Assembly Muhammadiyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient

bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director (Head of Halallnternal Auditor Italy)

at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

Implementation ofHalal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Industry

International Seminar Halal Certification of Medicine

Current Status and Its ==


Nama Lengkap


TeJepon Fax


Pembayaran U Transfer tanggal

C Tunai (pada saat acara)

INFORMASI DAN PENDAFTARAN lPPOM MUI Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogar 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAM KA JI Delima II IV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8660977 2

Email sosprolppomhalalmuiorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

Hariyanti (+62856 123 7347) Azwar Rus li (+62 8158365553)

Pembayaran Melalui Transfer

NoRek 0255408429 Atas nama LPPOM MOl (lNDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan l-Iilir Raya No 84 AmiddotB Tanah Abmg




IPB International Convention Center May23rd 2013

HAlAl is My IJifE wwwuhamkaacid bull wwwhalalmuiorg

Full Name


______________ Fax __________Phone


Payment Methods D Transfer

D Cash


Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogor 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAMKA

JI Delima IIIV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8611070

CP Azwar Rusli +62 815 836 5553 Hariyanti +628561237347 Email sosprolppomhalalmuLorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg

Account No 0255408429 Participant name LPPOM MUI (INDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan Hilir Raya

No 84 A-B Tanah Abang Jakarta Name

Please send Transfer slip to email bendaharalppomhalalmuiorg

Nowadays pharmaceutical market is continuously growing significantly with the widespread of health cases accordingly

On the other hand availability of halal medicine is very limited Muslim population worldwide has reached 18 billion people which is equivalent to 28 of the total world population the need for halal drugs is increasingly urgent

The Assessment Institute for Food Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obatshyobatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia LPPOM MUll in collaboration with Prof Dr HAMKA University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta will carry out an international seminar ItHalal Certification of Medicine Products Current Status and Its Challenge on

DayDate Thursday May 232013 Time 0830-1600 Venue International Convention Center (ICC)

IPB Bogor West Java

Government Agency Pharmaceutical Industry Academics Professors Lecturer Pharmdcists Physicians

Mass Media Public and anyone who concerned in the halal medicine

Seminar Kit Certificate Coffee Break and Lunch

lOR 2000000 lOR 1500000 (Early bird before April 30th 2013)

Prof Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD Deputy Minister of Health the Indonesian Republic

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal

(The Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of MUI

The Islamic Law to Consume Halal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java

Critical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Winai Dahlan Director of the Halal Science Center Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalallndex Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

bull Dr Zainal Abidin Head of Indonesian Medical Association (101)

Role ofPhysicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husin The Chairman of Health Assembly Muhammadiyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient

bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director (Head of Halallnternal Auditor Italy)

at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

Implementation ofHalal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Industry


IPB International Convention Center May23rd 2013

HAlAl is My IJifE wwwuhamkaacid bull wwwhalalmuiorg

Full Name


______________ Fax __________Phone


Payment Methods D Transfer

D Cash


Kampus IPB Baranangsiang JI Raya Pajajaran Bogor 16144 Phone +62-251 8358748 Fax +62-251 8358747

CP Nadia (+6287873301118)

UHAMKA Kampus C Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains UHAMKA

JI Delima IIIV Islamic Center Perumnas Klender Jakarta Phone +62-21 86609772 Fax +62-21 8611070

CP Azwar Rusli +62 815 836 5553 Hariyanti +628561237347 Email sosprolppomhalalmuLorg

Web wwwhalalmuiorg

Account No 0255408429 Participant name LPPOM MUI (INDHEX)

BANK BNI SYARIAH Kantor Cabang Syariah Bendungan Hilir Raya

No 84 A-B Tanah Abang Jakarta Name

Please send Transfer slip to email bendaharalppomhalalmuiorg

Nowadays pharmaceutical market is continuously growing significantly with the widespread of health cases accordingly

On the other hand availability of halal medicine is very limited Muslim population worldwide has reached 18 billion people which is equivalent to 28 of the total world population the need for halal drugs is increasingly urgent

The Assessment Institute for Food Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obatshyobatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia LPPOM MUll in collaboration with Prof Dr HAMKA University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta will carry out an international seminar ItHalal Certification of Medicine Products Current Status and Its Challenge on

DayDate Thursday May 232013 Time 0830-1600 Venue International Convention Center (ICC)

IPB Bogor West Java

Government Agency Pharmaceutical Industry Academics Professors Lecturer Pharmdcists Physicians

Mass Media Public and anyone who concerned in the halal medicine

Seminar Kit Certificate Coffee Break and Lunch

lOR 2000000 lOR 1500000 (Early bird before April 30th 2013)

Prof Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD Deputy Minister of Health the Indonesian Republic

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal

(The Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of MUI

The Islamic Law to Consume Halal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java

Critical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Winai Dahlan Director of the Halal Science Center Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalallndex Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

bull Dr Zainal Abidin Head of Indonesian Medical Association (101)

Role ofPhysicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husin The Chairman of Health Assembly Muhammadiyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient

bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director (Head of Halallnternal Auditor Italy)

at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

Implementation ofHalal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Industry

Nowadays pharmaceutical market is continuously growing significantly with the widespread of health cases accordingly

On the other hand availability of halal medicine is very limited Muslim population worldwide has reached 18 billion people which is equivalent to 28 of the total world population the need for halal drugs is increasingly urgent

The Assessment Institute for Food Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obatshyobatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia LPPOM MUll in collaboration with Prof Dr HAMKA University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta will carry out an international seminar ItHalal Certification of Medicine Products Current Status and Its Challenge on

DayDate Thursday May 232013 Time 0830-1600 Venue International Convention Center (ICC)

IPB Bogor West Java

Government Agency Pharmaceutical Industry Academics Professors Lecturer Pharmdcists Physicians

Mass Media Public and anyone who concerned in the halal medicine

Seminar Kit Certificate Coffee Break and Lunch

lOR 2000000 lOR 1500000 (Early bird before April 30th 2013)

Prof Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti MScPhD Deputy Minister of Health the Indonesian Republic

Kesiapan Regulasi dalam Penyediaan Obat Halal

(The Importance of Regulation in Halal Medicine Supply)

bull KH Maruf Amin Chairman of MUI

The Islamic Law to Consume Halal Medicine

bull Prof Dr Sugianto Director of LPPOM MUI East Java

Critical Points of Pharmaceutical Industry

bull Prof Dr Winai Dahlan Director of the Halal Science Center Thailand

Authentication for the Medicine Products Expert Analysis

bull Prof Dr Zhari Ismail Universiti Sains Malaysia

Establishment ofHalallndex Pig Based Pharmaceutical in Malaysia

bull Dr Zainal Abidin Head of Indonesian Medical Association (101)

Role ofPhysicians in Prescribing Halal Medicine

bull Dr Lukman Ali Husin The Chairman of Health Assembly Muhammadiyah

The Challenge for Halal Medicine Supply to Patient

bull Tamer Ghazi Global Brand Director (Head of Halallnternal Auditor Italy)

at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

Implementation ofHalal Assurance System in Pharmaceutical Industry
