Manthan 11 pdf




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O{;fO{ q}dfl;s klqsf

k/d]Zj/sf cgdf]n ufyfx?

No. DC(SPT)16/17(JC)2002/07. Vol. 3. Issue. III. No. 11. Sep. 2015.

eUFku ifjokj xfd|f] 7]ufgf

The Editor, Manthan,

Dipen Lama Christina Publication,

Manthan Home, Yaopao Colony

Rev. Deepak Bardewa,Rev. Dilip Bardewa Senapati District H/Q.

& Pdt. Netra Prasad Adhikari Manipur – 795106

EmailsMariam (Ahriivi) Lama.

Cover-Design : Narayan Dhakal

WebSite : Mob Nos. 9615887931/ 9774665362

Christina Publication,Senapati District Headquarter Manthan Subscription

Manipur State, India – 795106 jflif{s ;b:o zqNs :

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For free Christian Books log on @ : ` 180/- (through post) ` 40/- (per copy)

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Bank Details : State Bank of India, Senapati Branch. IFSC : SBIN000452 <Dipen Lama> 20195456914 / <Ahriivi Mariam> 20062084128


1. ;DkfbsLo ....................... 3

2. Abortion - Sunila Maharjan ....................... 5

3. g]kfnL afOan - Bishwas Thapa ..................... 7

4. u q? cfdf - Samay Kr. Ramtel ....................... 9

5. hLjg ujfxL - Bheem Deuba .......................10 6. csf{sf] yfKnf]df - Rev. D. Bardewa .......................13

7. You & God - Tshering Dolma ......................14

8. /utn] n]v]sf] k|]d - Suman Rai ...................... 15

9. afOan ;DaGwL hfgsf/L - ...................... 16

10. Laughter, the best medicine - .......................18

11. /fh qsf sldnfx? - (Comic) .......................19

12. Really Heart Touching Encounter - .......................25

13. % ldg6df afOan cWoog - .......................26

14. World At a Glance - Mariam Lama .......................31

15. sljtf ;+u|x .......................33

16. Bible Crosswords .......................34

17. Questions & Answers - Ng. Rockyson ...................... 36

xflb{s >4f~hnL

Manthan Family conveys deep condolence to the bereaved families of

Late Harka Bhr. Bardewa, Anugrah Mandali, Kalapahar & Late

Eklimaya Rai, Gorkha Church, Hengbung,IT Camp on the 19th June

2015 & 19th June 2015 respectively. May their souls rest in Peace

with God. Amen.

>L xs{ axfb'/ ab{]jf

cg'u|x d08nL sfnfkxf8Þ

>Ldlt Pslndfof /fO{

uf]vf{ alKt; rr{ x]Ëa'Ë



he news broadcasted through almost all the News Channels, EARTHQUAKE! shocked the world. A devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake

struck Nepal on 25th April 2015 at 11:56 a.m. The time when most Christians were worshipping, praying, singing, pleading His blessings, some requesting miracle healings for their near and dear ones. Some even exclaimed, “Where are you, God”? When God is about to do something great, He starts with a difficulty. When He is about to do something truly magnificent, He starts with an impossibility. It’s the Christian’s recipe for pure and healthy livings. We sometime, remember the most hazardous destruction of Pompeii in the 79 A.D., empowering Lord’s wrath on one and every creatures there. The scenery of the aftermath of Pompeii was inexplicable, unknown for many, many years. The cities remained buried and undiscovered for almost 1700 years until excavation began in 1748. Only during the year later, an ancient voice reached from the past to tell the world, of the gruesome disaster.

It was on 24th August, 79, Mt. Vesuvius blew its top, spreading tons of molten ash, pumice and sulphuric gas miles into the atmosphere. A ‘firestorm’ of poisonous vapours and molten debris engulfed the surrounding are suffocating the inhabitants of the neighbouring Roman resort cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae. Tons of falling debris filled the streets until nothing remained to be seen of the once thriving communities. Reviewing the excavated materials by the geologists, the people of that time thought the disaster as ‘Wrath of the Gods’. No one wishes to be born as one of the pompeiian. Nevertheless, some namesake Christians will indeed face nastiest penances for their wrongdoings. Some seem to praise and worship the Lord of the Lords, for not letting them face Nepal-like disaster. It’s quite difficult to digest that Nepal’s recent earthquake was 16 times more powerful than Haiti’s 2010 disaster, when celebrated vocalists of the

world took common platform and sang the heart-touching song – “WE

ARE THE WORLD”, in order to raise financial aids for those

numerous victims.



Then, what are we waiting for? A Command? A Request? Or

An Order? Let’s work together as one family, to form a common

platform, and offer financially, materially, spiritually to help the

victims of Nepal’s deadliest disaster. Manthan had been affording as

much as it’s capacity and constant prayers. Well-wishers may also

share their benign offerings through Manthan.

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that

we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of

need”. (Hebrew 4:16)

hlt klg n]vsf] lhDd]jf/ n]vs :jo+ x 'g]5 . DISCLAIMER Views & opinions expressed in the letters & articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Team. We do not take responsibility of technical informations given by the authors.

xfd|f] laGtL xfd|f] laGtL xfd|f] laGtL

dGyg kfpgqxqg] clg k9 +g q xqg] ;fyLnfO{ ;fgf] ljGtL

of] k9] +kl5 c¿ ;fyLnfO{ klg k9+g lbg qxf];\ . o;df

ePsf] afOan kbx¿nfO{ k: qts vf]n]/ x]g{ q xf];\ . of]

klqsf s:tf] nfUof] xfdLnfO{ k|lts[of lbg qxf]nf . of]

n]lvPsf] / algPsf] tkfO{+sf] nflu xf] . o;n] tkfO{+++ / dnfO{ o]z w

k|eqdf /fd|f] ljZjf;L agfcf]; . csf{] c+sdf k] ml/ e]6\g]5f}+ .


hLjg of d[Toq

Sunila Maharjan ;fef/ : jrg klqsf

ecently, I was reading a newspaper and suddenly my eyes fell on the words “Safe Abortion?” How can an abortion be safe if it involves death in it? The article mostly talked about death

rate or complication, that girls or mothers have to face after abortion was done in an unauthorized centre or by unauthorized people. It further emphasized on making mothers aware about not to abort their babies from unauthorized person. From this article it can be clearly seen that there is no prohibition of abortion. As we all know abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo or a “BABY”. Termination means the ending or finishing and definitely in case of pregnancy finishing the life of baby, that is growing inside. How come people forget that abortion does not involve only mother but also a child? Some of the dreadful techniques that so called legal or trained person use during abortion are: Menstrual extraction, just an 8 week baby is taken out of mother’s womb with small tube which sucks the baby out. Most common type of abortion used is Suction aspiration where babies are cut into pieces and sucked through the tube into a bottle and then discarded. Dilation and evacuation used up to 18 weeks; a pair of forceps is inserted into the mother’s womb to grasp part of the baby. The teeth of the forceps twist and tear the bones of the unborn child. Their spines and skull are crushed in order to remove. Salt poisoning, babies are poisoned with strong salt solution which bring death to them. There are other ways too but all of which leads to death of a child. Abortion is definitely not safe for child so is it safe for mother then? A big NO NO. It has never been safe and will never be safe. Dr. Beverly McMillan is an obstetrician and gynecologist.



In 1975, she became the first woman to open an abortion clinic in Mississippi. She stopped doing abortions in 1978 when she found out that the abortions she was performing were causing everyone involved far more harm than good. Some physical complication she mentioned are: excessive bleeding, intense pain, coma, incomplete removal of baby or placenta (which can cause life threatening infections or sterility) and even death. It can also result in blockage of fallopian tubes and damage to reproductive organs that can make it difficult to conceive or carry a child to term in the future. Girls even if you want to give birth later or when you think you are ready you won’t be able to, then what? Nowadays abortions are made legal. But it doesn’t mean it is safe. We can see most of the government policies, organizations are promoting abortions which I think is leading many young girls and even boys to think that their mistakes can be solved within a few minutes. It shouldn’t be about promoting safe abortions. Instead we can promote sex after marriage, or counseling classes for girls or parents who are thinking about abortion. In abortion we are sure of child’s death but we are still not able to say that mother’s life will be safe completely. In spite of the complication mentioned above, if they say abortion is safe then I can’t really tell what the hell is unsafe. There is some unavoidable term if we are talking about abortion “Rape” where women conceive without their will. It’s very hard for women to carry a baby which is a fruit of rape. So most of the victims choose to abort instead of giving birth. Why should that innocent baby pay for his father’s crime? Isn’t the baby inside her womb equally hers? We talk about child rights, we fight against child abuse or child related things then where is the right of a child who is inside the womb, who is not even able to defense for themselves? These are the questions that I would like to ask all who says abortion is now SAFE. Many might argue that the babies or fetus don’t have life when it is inside. For their information, life forms right after


sperm meets ovum. Though it can’t be seen from our eyes, but you believe it or not it is the beginning of new life. We don’t have right to kill anybody. We are not to judge who is to stay or who is to leave because one day when we will be judged we won’t have any answers for justification. God creates life and every life is precious to God. And by life it also means the life of a baby growing inside the mother’s womb. Psalm 22:9-10 beautifully leads us to the gratefulness of the unborn baby towards God. Prenatal sex

determination is a crime under law as well as His Law.

Bishwas Thapa

fwf/0f kl/jf/df ;g\ !&!^df ljlnod s]/L a]nfotdf hGd]sf

lyP . !^ jif{sf] pd]/df h qQf l;pg] sfd ug{ yfn]sf lyP .

o;sf] @ jif{kl5 pgL Ps k|fy{gf ;efdf ;xefuL eP . k/d]Zj/n]

pgsf] hLjg kw0f{?kdf kl/jt{g ul/lbg q eof] . pgLn] k w/f hLjg g}

k|eq o]zwdf latfpg] kSsf lg0f{o u/] .

;g\ !&*%df Pp6f ;efdf pgn] eg], ægafFr]sf

dflg;x?nfO{ arfpg s]xL sbd p7fpg cfjZos 5Æ, eg]/ eGbf

al/i7 kf:6/ hf]g\ /]Nof08n] l;w} OGsf/ u/]sf lyP . pgn] yk],

æhjfg o qjf, a;, gafFr]sf dflg;x?nfO{ arfpg] k/d]Zj/ n] ltdL

/ dlagf g} sfd ug{ q ;Sg qxqG5 .Æ o;sf] k|To qQ/df pgn] s]xL klg

eGg ;s]gg\ .

Tof] hjfan] pgnfO{ w]/} g} lk/f]Nof] . kmn:j?k ^ jif{kl5

pgn] Ps n]vaf6 kf:6/sf] kqUbf] hjfa n]v]sf lyP . % j6f aF q4fdf

cfˆgf] sq/fx? /fv]sf lyP . !_ pxfFsf] /fHo / pxfFsf] OR5f . @_

ld;g/L / k|]l/t larsf] 7"nf] vf8n . #_ hg;+Vofsf] d qNofsg u/]

. h;df o q/f]k aflx/ k|foM h;f] dflg;x? u}/–O{;fO{ /x]sf lyP . $_



;q;dfrf/sf cj/f]wx? M efiff, 8/, c;Eotf / ;fwg tyf ;|f]tx?

. %_ Jojxfl/s ; q>fj / ;Nnfxx? cflbsf] af/]df n]v]sf JofVof

u/]sf lyP . jf:tjdf of] n]vn] pgLnfO{ ljZj rlr{t g} agfOlbof]

. ;g\ !&(#df pgL, pgsf] ;kl/jf/ ;fy} pgsf s]xL

;fyLx? klg snsQf ef/tdf cfOkqu]sf lyP . ;dqb| ofqfsf] j|mddf

pgn] a+ufnL efiff l;ls;s]sf lyP . ;DkGg b]zaf6 ef/t h:tf]

b]zdf hfFbf pgnfO{ w]/} si6 ;xg q kof]{ . % jifL{o 5f]/f lk6/sf]

d[To q eof] . >Ldlt dfgl;s lj/fdL eO{g\ . cfly{s ;+s6 5b}lyof]


axqcfoflds ljlnod s]/Ln] lxGbL, d/f7L, ;+:s[t cflb

efiffx?df :gftsf]Q/ ul/ #) jif{;Dd k|fWofkg ;d]t u/]sf lyP .

cfkwmn] sdfPsf] ;fgf] ;fgf] /sd hDdf ul/ ; q;dfrf/sf kql:tsfx?

5fk] . /ft–lbg s8Þf d]xgt u/]/ ljleGg efiffx?sf afOan pNyf

ug{] sfddf lg/Gt/tf lbO/x]sf lyP . ;fy} 5fkfvfgf klg :yfkgf

u/] . pgL / pgsf] l6dn] u/]sf] w]/} h;f] sfdx? cfuf] nfu]/ gi6

ePsf] lyof] . 5fkfvfgf klg Iflt kqUof] t/ klg pgL / pgsf]

l6dn] xf/ gdflg cl3 a9\b} uPsf lyP . pgn] k]ml/ 5fkfvfgf

:yfkgf ul/ ljleGg $) efiffx?sf] afOan, k q:ts k ql:tsf tyf

;q;dfrf/sf krf{ 5fKg] sfd u/] . pgLn] O=;+= !*@!df g]kfnLdf

gofF s/f/sf] afOan klg 5fk] . hf] g]kfnL efiffsf] k|yd d qlb|t

kq:ts dflgG5 / xf] klg . o; ;TonfO{ g]kfndf cf]>]ndf kfl/Psf]

5 . lsg eGg] k|Zg lt;{]Psf] 5 < pgn] lg/Gt/ $! jif{ ef/tdf

;]jf u/] . ;tL k|yf x6fpg dxTjkw0f{ of]ubfg u/] . ld;g vf]n],

cgfyno / c:ktfnx? Vff]n] . pgLnfO{ æcfw qlgs ld;gsf lktfÆsf]

kbaLn] ;Ddfg ul/Psf] 5 . dxfg\ ljlnod s]/L O=;+= !*#$df

k[YjLaf6 labf eO{ k|e qsf] 3/df cfgGbsf] ;fy k|j]z ug{ qeof] .

g]kfnL hutnfO{ 7"nf] u q0f k|bfg ug q{eof] . ljz]if u/]/ g]kfnL O{;fO{

hutdf g]kfnL gofF s/f/sf] afOan 5fk]/ lbg q ePsf] uq0f lal;{g]

5}g . of] gofF s/f/ afOan g} g]kfnsf] klxnf] dqb|g ul/Psf] k q:ts

xf] .

p;sf] lg/Gt/tf kfb/L u+ufk|;fb k|wfgn] ug{ q eof] . pgL


;g\ !*&% b]lv Ps ;ls|o cg qjfbssf ?kdf / vf;u/L afOan

;DalGw kqklqsf tyf k q:tsx?sf] cg qjfbsfo{df Jo:t eP . o;

;do b]lv !*()sf lar;Dd pgL afOansf lzIfs, d08nLsf

klxnf] k8\lQmsf cu qjf / k|jQmf eP/ /x] . ! clk|n !*($df ;+Dk w0f{

afOannfO{ g]kfnL efiffdf cg qjfb ug{sf lglDt pgsf] gfpF æb

la|l6; P08 km/]g afOan ;f];fO6LÆn] cflwsf/Ls ?kdf l;kmfl/;

u/]af6 o; tYosf] k qli6 xqG5 . u+ufk|;fbsf] cys kl/>d / ;dk{0f

g]knL afOan ;g\ !(!@df tof/ eof] . cg qjfbsf] sfddf ld;g]/L

kfb/L 6g{aqn / lsNuf]/ h:tf u|Ls / lxa| w efiff ljbx?af6 klg

;xof]u kfP . o;/L lsª\u h]D; e;{gsf] ljNsqn xqaxq cg qjfb

!(!$df snsQfaf6 k|sflzt eP/ cfOk qUof] . o;/L b qO{ cu|hx?sf]

g]kfnLx?nfO{ lhjg lbg] k q:ts g]kfnL efiffdf lbP/ ax qd wNo

of]ubfg lbgqeof] . oL cu|hx?nfO{ slxNo} la;{g] 5|}g .

ljlnod s]/Ln] cgqjfb u/L gofF s/f/ !(# jif{ eof] eg] kfb/L

u+uf k|;fb k|wfgn] kw/f afOan cgqjfb ug{q ePsf] !)) jif{

kw/f ePsf] 5 . o;sf] ;D>gf ub{} g]kfn afOan ;f];fO6Ln] u/]sf]

sfo{j|mddf ;fFrf] g} ;/fxlgo 5 .

“ lngqeGbf lbgq c> wGo xf] ” (k|]l/t @):#%)

klqsfsf] k|sfzgsf lglDt, ;b:o z qNs afx]s, c?

/sdx? }f/f klg ;xof]u ug{ ;Sgq x qg]5 .

tkfO{sf] yf]/} ;xof]un], w]/}n] k/d]Zj/sf] jrg

l;Tt}df k9 +g kfpg qx qg] 5 . Your generosity has impacted

many lives around us. You can change someone’s life.


Samay Kr. Ramtel sf]

sfb]zdf Pp6f dxfg\ /fhf lyP . k|To]s gofF jif{df

ljz]if sfd ug{' pgsf] k|d'v ljz]iftf lyof] . lsgls Tof] lbg

pgsf] hGdlbg klg kb{Yof] . pgL ;a} hgtfsf] nflu clt dgkg{]

/fhf lyP . pgn] of] jif{ cfˆgf] /fHosf] ;aeGbf of]Uo JolStnfO{

;Ddfg ug{] ljrf/ u/] . To;sf/0f dGqLx?nfO{ b]zsf] ;aeGbf of]Uo

JolSt vf]h]/ Nofpg pbL{ hf/L u/] . clg pgLx? dWo] ;aeGbf

of]UonfO{ c;n ;Ddfg ug{sf] Tof] ;Ddfg ul/g] lbg cfof] . ;ef3/

ljlzi6 dflg;x?, ljleGg b]zsf /fhb"tx? / dGqLx?n] vrfvr

e/LPsf] lyof] . w]/} cltlyx? bfofF–afofF lyP . /fhf rflxF cuf8ÞLsf]

u2Ldf lj/fhdfg lyP . cuf8ÞL 6]andf ;Ddfg ug{] ax'd"No pkxf/

tyf d's'6 /flvPsf] lyof] . kfn}–kfnf] dGqLx?n] cfk"m;Fu} b]zsf

nflu ;Ifd / of]Uo JolSt vf]h]/ NofPsf lyP . ;a}hgf c;n

k|sf/n] ;lhP/ cfPsf lyP . ;a} dGqLx?n] of]Uo JolSt ljleGg

tfl/km, k|z+;f / kl/ro u/L k|:t't u/]sf lyP . b]zsf] ;aeGbf

c;n / ;Ifd 8f‘S6/, kf:6/, OlGhlgP/, k|fWofks, cy{ljb, snfsf/

/ ;flxTosf/x? k|:t't u/] . ;a} dGqLx?n] cf–cfk"mn] NofPsf of]Uo

JolStx?nfO{ km/s–km/s 9+un] k|:t't ubf{ tfnL ahfP/ :jfut u/]

. /fhf klg ;fx|} vqzL eP/ ;a}nfO{ aS;L; klg lbP . /fhfsf]

lglDt of] If0f hLjgs} clt g} cfgGbdo aGof] .

of]Uo JolStx?sf] k|:t'lts} j|mddf clGtd dGqL, Pshgf

ul/a a'9+L / >'qf] sk8Þf nufPsL dlxnfnfO{ lnO{ cuf8ÞL d~rdf

a9Þ] . k'/fgf] kfj/jfnf r:df nufPsL, 3fdn] /+u v'O{n]sf 7fpF–

7fpFdf Kjfn k/]sf a'9Þf}nL 5ftf 6]Sb}, y/–y/ sfDb} / dlGb/df lev

dfFUb} a:g] a'9ÞLcfdf NofPsf] b]v]/ ;a}hgf xf:g kf] yfn] . oqf]

cltlyx? lar o:tL dg{ nfu]sL a[4nfO{ lsg NofPsf] c?n] h:t}

/fhfn] klg hfGg] OR5f u/] . ToxfF tfnL ahfpg 5f]8Þ]/ ;a}hgf

tLg 5s k/]sf lyP . wldnf cfvfF, rfp/LPsf ufnf, bfFt >/]sL

yf]tL / skfn k'mn]sL a'9ÞLcfdfnfO{ xftdf 8f]¥ofpb} clGtd dGqLn]

eg], ædxf/fhf, ha oL ;ft}hgf of]Uo JolStx? ;fgf s]6fs]6L lyP,



ta oL a'9ÞLcfdf ;a}sf] lzlIfsf lyOg\ . pgL, logLx?sf] cfdf h:t}

lyOg\ . logLx? Pp6} cgfyfnodf x's{]sf x'g\ . oL dlxnfn] cfˆgf]

:s"nsf] tnjn] cgfyfno rnfPsL lyOg\ . cfh xh'/sf] ;fd' oL

;a} ;Ifd / of]Uo 5g\ eg] o:tf] of]Uo JolStx?sf] u'?cfdf, s]

of]Uo x'g ;lSbgg\ / <Æ

/fhf l;xf;gaf6 la:tf/} p7] . pgsf] cfFvfdf cfFz' lyof]

. glhs} 6]andf /flvPsf] d's'6 p7fP/ /fhfn] tL a[4sf] lz/df

klx/fOlbP . pgsf] /fHodf pgL g} of]Uo gful/s lyOg\ . h;n]

;aeGbf pRr k|sf/sf] ;Ddfg kfpg ;lsg\ . c;n lzIfs tyf

lzlIfsf g} /fHosf] pRr ;Ddfg kfpg] JolSt x'g;S5g\ . cuf8ÞL

k|:t't ePsf tL ;Ifd / of]Uo elgPsf ;ft JolStx? Pp6} :j/df

cfdf egL ;Daf]wg ug{ nfu] . tL ;ft} bfh'efO{ ldn]/ cfˆgf]

u'?cfdfnfO{ ;Ddfgsf ;fy dfof u/] .


z'?df s'g} dxfg l;4fGt cfbz{ af]s]/ dfcf]jfbLdf nfu]sf]

xf]Og . /fi6«sf] lglDt ;j{xf/f hgtfsf] lglDt d'lStsf] of]

kxn xf] eGg] s'/fx? t kl5 dfq d}n] l;s] / ljZjf; u/]+ . ljgLsf]

>8kdf b'Zdgsf] uf]nLn] d 9n]+ . ;]gfn] dnfO{ @$ hgfsf] xTofsf]

cleof]udf y'g]sf] lyof] . dfcf]jfbL ;]gf sdfG8/sf] x}l;otn] d

hgo'4df tg dg hLpHofg cfTdfaf6 ;dlk{t lyPF . d]/f] nflu

csf]{ hLjg lyPg, csf]{ ;f]Fr lyPg, s]jn b'Zdg, b'Zdg, b'Zdg /

p;sf] ;kmfof . hgo'4sf] a]nf o"lgkmfO8 sdfG8sf ;z:q kmf}h

/ zfxL ;]gf tfltPsf lyP . dfcf]jfbLx? klg vfO gvfO n'Sb}–

efUb} cfj|md0f ub{}, xf/–hLt, ;kmntf–ljkmntfnfO{ :jLsfb{} cl3

a9Þb} lyof}+ .

;]gfn] d]/f bfh' dfcf]jfbLsf z+sfdf h+un nu]/ uf]nL

xfg]sf] lyof] . sfnLsf]6sf] Pp6f :s"ndf k9ÞfO /x]sL d]/L k'mk"nfO{

klg dfcf]jfbLsf] gfpFdf h+un nu]/ anTsf/kl5 hLljt g}

hnfO{Psf] 36gf d]/f] lglDt ;lxg;Sg' ag]sf] lyof] . d l/; /

ab\nfsf] efjgfdf cGwf] / kfun ag]/ 5fkfdf/ agL hg;]gfdf nfu]

. k|ltzf]w d]/f] nIo lyof] . cfTdfaf6 3[0ff pd|]kl5 dg{' eGg] s'/f]

klg ;fgf] nfUbf] /x]5 .

bfª cwf{vfFrL, s}nfnL, kfNkfsf 7"nf–7"nf cfj|md0fdf

;kmn x'Fb} xfdL clu a9Þof}+ . d sDkgL sdf08/df lgo'Qm x'Fbf;Dd

$* ;fgf–7"nf n8fOF kf/ ul/;s]sf] lyPF . DofUbLsf] ljgL ahf/

cfj|md0fdf ;]gfsf] uf]nL nfu]/ 9n]+ . kftf s;]/ lbg–/ft pgLx?n]

hfg];Dd / ;s];Dd dnfO{ oftgf lbP . cw{d[t cj:yfdf dnfO{

k'¥ofPkl5 ag'Gh]n dnfO{ oftgf lbO;s] kl5 s}nfnLsf] u/s u0fsf]



u0fklt /fdz/0f sfsL{n] dnfO{ dfcf]jfbLdf lsg nflu;\ eg]/ ;f]w]

. Tof] d]/f] nflu s'g} cK7]/f] k|Zg g} lyPg . lgbf]{if bfh' / k'mk"sf]

xTofaf6 k|]l/t ePsf] s'/f d}n] v'nf;f u/]+ .

k'/fgf s'/fx? s] ug{' . dnfO{ lbg;Ddsf] oftgf lbOof],

lk6\g';Dd lk6], ?vdf afFw] clg ;ft dlxgf hldgd'lgsf] lr;f]

6]+sLdf /fv] . ;ft dflxgf d}n] pHofnf] b]Vg kfOgF . dnfO{ Ps b'O{

/ft uf]nL xfgL z]if ug{] of]hgf eO;s]sf] lyof] . t/ Pshgf d]h/n]

of] s]6fnfO{ dfg{' x'Gg, o;af6 s'/f l5Gg' k5{ eg]sf] lyPF . dnfO{

x]lnsK6/df 3'dfP/ dfcf]jfbL df]rf{sf] ;'/fs lng vf]h]+ . d}n] 7f8}

c:jLsf/ u/]+ . lzlj/ / Onfsf b]vfpg egL oftgf lbOof] . d}n]

pgLx?nfO{ ;Lwf eg]+, d dg{ tof/ 5' t/ cfTd;dk{0f ulb{gF .

logLx? efUgdf cf]:tfb x'G5g\ egL xft–k}tfnf, lkmnfdf O6fn]

xfgL–xfgL dnfO{ ckf+u agfOPsf] lyof] . dfg{sf] ;§f pgLx?n]

dnfO{ s'g} sf/fuf/df k7fPF . b'O{ jif{;Dd dnfO{ cFWof/f] 6]+sLdf

/flvof] . clxn] ;fyL–efO{sf] egfOnfO{ cg'dfg u5{', Tof] nlntk'/

gVv' h]n x'g'k5{ .

;/sf/L o"lgkmfO8 sdf08sf] xftdf ;a} s'/f lyof] .

pgLx?sf] cl3 l;=l8=cf]=x? >'Sg] cj:yfdf zfxL zf;g k'lu;s]sf]

lyof] . s}nfnL a/s u0fsf u'Nd klt sg{]n sfsL{n] dnfO{

k'g:yfkgfsf] lglDt kxn ul/lbg' eP5 . of] ;a dnfO{ s]xL yfxf

lyPg . dnfO{ st} nluof] clg Tof] :yfgdf a;fOPkl5, cfFvfdf

k§L / xftsf] xts8L vf]lnof] . d}n] yfxf kfPF d ljb]z hfg] hxfhdf

5' . d]/f] xftdf kf;kf]6{ / sfdbf/ le;f ydfOof] . hxfhdf dnfO{

x'Ng] rf/ l;kfxL / d]h/nfO{ d}n] b]v]+ . clGtd zAb d]h/sf] d'vdf

oxL lyof], æefO b'Mv gdfGg' x}, xfd|f] t l8p6L xf] .Æ o;/L nfdf]

sf/jf; / oftgf kZrft, dnfO{ 3/ ufpF, cfkmGt ;d"xdf kmls{g

glbg]sf] nflu dn]l;of k7fOof] .

ToxfF Ps a+unfb]zL xflsdsf] d'gL d}n] sfd kfPF .

o'4sfnsf lbg / /ftsf 36gfx?, cWFof/f] 6]+sL, hldgdf kfgL /fVg]

l/he\ 6]+sLh:tf] l;d]G6sf] kSsL 6]+sL, Tof] cWFof/f]df d}n] xhf/rf]6L

cfˆgf] sfd sd{sf] b[Zox? dg duhdf b]lv/xGy]+ . s] /ft, s] lbg

d]/f] nflu cy{ lyPg . dn]l;ofdf k'u]/ sfd–sfhsf] aLrdf / /flt

yfs]/ la:tf/fdf ;'Tbf klg d}n] ;tfPsf, ?jfPsf / ;kmfof u/]sf

cfjfh cg'xf/ / /f]bgx? kmsL{–kmsL{ cfpFy] . dnfO{ Tof] ljifodf


r}g lyPg . sf/fjf;sf] a]nf 7f9+f] cfb]zdf dnfO{ uf]nL 7f]Sg

;lsGYof] . t/ b'O{ tLgrf]6L g} uf]nL 7f]lsg] cj:yfdf k'Ubf klg d

afFr]sf] lyPF . oL s'/fx?df d ;f]FrdUg aGy]+ . eL8Gtsf] hLjgaf6

d'Qm ag]kl5 :d[ltdf >'08]/ a;]sf k'/fgf b[Zox? dnfO{ d]/f]

ljj]snfO{ v'a} ;tfpFYof] . dn]l;ofdf d ;Fu} sfd ug{] cln kfsf]

Ps JolSt x'g'x'GYof] . pxfFn] dnfO{ rr{ hfcf}+ lxF8 efO rr{ egL

w'?Ss} agfpg] . d Tof] s'/fnfO{ 6fy{] . dn]l;ofdf ePsf] cfˆg}

g]kfnL efifL rr{df hfg] dnfO{ s'g} /x/ lyPg . t/ ;Gtnfn

;f?du/ bfOn] dnfO{ kmsfpg] sfd aGb ug{' ePg . rf/ dlxgf

kl5 pxfFn] dnfO{ gf}nf] s'/f ; 'gfpg' eof], æcfh d08nLdf gfrufg

5, uLt ;+uLt k|f]u|fd 5, sf7df8f}+sf jQmf cfpF5g\, lxF8 efO=====.Æ

s] /}5 t cfh egL dgel/ sf}t'xn af]s]/ d ;Gtnfn

bfh';Fu Tof] sfo{j|mddf uPF . Tof] lbg dnfO{ Pp6f crDdsf] 36gfn]

klv{/x]sf] lyof] . sf7df8f}sf] 1fg]Zj/ rr{sf kf:6/Ho" cfpg' ePsf]

/x]5 . kf:6/ /a6{ sfy{sn] lbg' ePsf] k|jrg g} d]/f] dgdf

hln/x]sf] k|ZgnfO{ zLtn zfGt u/fpg] pQ/ lyof] . o'4sfndf d]/f]

xftaf6 ePsf sfd s'sd{n] dnfO{ ;w}+ v]lb/x]sf] lyof] . d slt

kfkL, d slt lgi7'/L, d slt lgs[i6 eGg] ljrf/n] dnfO{ Psflt/

;tfpFYof] eg] csf]{lt/ d]/f] lglDt ca s'g} af6f] 5}g, kfk kvfNg]

bf]if Ifdf ug{] of] k[YjLdf s'g} zlSt 5}g, cfTdfn] /fd|f] 7fpFdf jf;

kfpg] 5}g egL d ;f]lr a:y]+ . ljutsf] /Qm–lx+;fsf] Oltxf;sf]

8f]sf] af]s]/ lxFl8/x]sf] JolStn] crfgs Tof] lbg jQmf sfy{ssf]

d'vaf6 cgf}7f] ;Gb]z ;'Gg kfPF . pxfFn] afOandf o]z"n] eGg'ePsf]

s'/f] g} bf]xf]/\ofpg' eof], To:tf] ;Gb]z / jfSo Tof] k':tsdf 5 egL

dnfO{ yfxf lyPg, o]z" k|e'n] eGg'ePsf] jrgn] d]/f] etetL

kf]ln/x]sf] ljj]sdf kfgL 5Ds]sf] h:t} eof] .

æx]/ d 9f]sfdf pleP/ 9s9SofpF5' . s;}n] d]/f] ;f]/ ;'g]/

9f]sf vf]lnlbof] eg] d To;sxfF leq k:g]5' / To;;Fu ef]hg vfg]5'

/ To;n] d;Fu vfg]5 .Æ of] v08sf] JofVof kf:6/ u'?n] s;/L ug{'

eof] s'lGg t/ x/]s zAb d]/f] nflu lyof] clg x/]s jrgn] d};Fu

af]ln/x]sf] lyof] . d}n] cfFvf aGb u/]+, cfF;' aUg yfNof] clg d}n]

o]z" v|Li6sf] ;fFrf] dxTj To;a]nf a'>]+ . d h:tf] o'4 ck/fwLsf]

lglDt klg cfzf /x]5 egL d}n] ToxL lbg, ToxL >0f dx;'; u/]+ .

æx] lktf dnfO{ arfpg'xf];\, x] lktf dnfO{ arfpg'xf];\, dnfO{ Ifdf


ug{'xf];\Æ egL d}n] k|e'nfO{ k'sf/]+ . d]/f] ;a} af> x6]/ uof] . d Ps

lans'n gofF JolSt ag]sf] d}n] yfxf kfPF .

cfh d]/f] hLjg / ljrf/ kl/jt{g eO;s]sf] 5 . d}n]

afOan k9Þg z'? u/]+ . of] zf:qsf] lzv/df prflnPsf] zAb …IfdfÚ

nfO{ d}n] ljZjf; u/]+ clg cfTd;ft u/]+ . o]z"sf] lgdGq0ffnfO{ k]ml/

;f]FRg'xf];\, s;}n] d]/f] ;f]/ ;'g]/ 9f]sf vf]lnlbof] eg] . oxL Ps jfSo

g} d]/f] hLjgsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] / ld7f] cfzf / cfb]z aGof] . d}n]

d]/f] Åbo pxfFsf] lglDt k"/} vf]n]+ / gofF dfG5] ag]+ . d h:tf] kfkLn]

Ifdf kfpg ;S5' / hLjgnfO{ k]ml/ z'? ug{;S5' eg] d 7fG5'

b'lgofsf] s'g} klg JolStsf] lglDt k"/f k"/f cfzf 5 .

Bhim Deuba’s Challenging Testimony. Source :


roBaº dIpk bad-ovaa

f] dflg;sf] /utdf ufl8o]sf] hGdhft rl/q} egf}+,

ha s]xL sfdsf] k|z+;f x'G5 ta cfˆgf] gfs 7f8Þf] kfg{] / ha

s]xL sfd lalu|Gb5, ta To;sf] bf]if csf{sf] yfKnf]df xfnL lbg] . dl;gf

afnsx? klg v]nL /x]sf a]nfdf s]xL ;dfgx? 6'6\of]–k'm6\of] of x/fof]

eg], æd}n] u/]sf] xf]Æ jf æd]/f] sf/0fn] xf]Æ eGg] zAb cfˆgf] d 'vaf6

s;}n] lgsfNg dg k/fpFmb}g . axfgf agfpg jf csf{sf] yfKnf]df xfnL

lbg xfdLnfO{ s;}n] l;sfpg} kb{}g, of] xfdL leq 7;f7;\ el/Psf]n] xf]

ls s'lGg, cgfof;} xfd|f] d'vaf6 lg:sL xfN5 . t/ h] xf];\, h:t} axfgf

agfP klg jf bf]if csf{s} yfKnf]df Psl5g\sf nfuL xfnLlbP klg To:sf]

kmn t ToxL bf]ifL JolStn] g} ef]Ug' k5{ .

k|yd dflg; cfbdaf6} of] l;nl;nf z'? ePsf] b]lvG5 -pTklQ

#M!@_ . k/d]Zj/sf] k|Zg, ætF gfË} 5;\ eg]/ s:n] eGof] < h'g ?vsf]

kmn gvfg' egL d}n] tFnfO{ cf1f lbPsf] lyPF s] t}n] Tof] vfO;\ <Æ -kb

!!_sf] hjfadf cfbdn] æcF d}n] vfPF, d}n] cf1fsf] pNn+3g u/]Æ eg]sf]

e]l6Gb}g . t/ p;n] cfk"m kfkdf k+m:g k/]sf] sf/0f rflxF k/d]Zj/n] g}

p;Fu /xg egL lbg'ePsf] Tof] :qLn] ubf{ xf] egL axfgf agfO{ bf]if rflxF

xJjfsf] yfKnf]df >§} ;fl/ lbPsf] b]lvG5 -kb !@_ . k]m/L To;/Lg}

k/d]Zj/n] :qLnfO{ æt}n] of] s] ul/;\Æ egL ;f]w]sf] k|Zgsf] pQ/df p;n]

;k{dfly bf]if ;fl/lbPsf] b]lvG5 -kb !#_ . cfbd / xJjf b'j}n] cfˆgf]

bf]if sa'n gu/L a? t];|f] JolSt ;k{sf] yfKnf]df kf] ;f/LlbPsf] kfOG5 .

xfdL klg cfk"mdfly ;'DkL lbPsf] s]xL sfo{x? l7s ;dodf

l;b\ofpg g;Sbf gfgf–lsl;dsf axfgfx? agfO{ lx+85f}+ . axfgf

agfpgåf/f Ps–b'O{ kN6 t Ifdf kfOPnf / k'mlTsPnf klg, t/ ;w}+e/Ltf

axfgf agfO /xg klg ldNb}g gL . a? axfgf agfpg 5f]8Þ]/ cf1fsf]

;l7s kfng ubf{ cfgGb klg cfpFm5 / ;fy–;fy} :ofaf;L clg cfzLif

klg . ca|fd / ;f/fO{sf] ;Gtfg lyPg . t/ To; ;dosf] l/tL cg';f/

cfˆgf] sdf/Laf6 klg ;Gtfg hGdfP/ cfˆgf] clwsf/ lb+bf x 'g] ePsf]n]

ca|fdn] cfˆgL kTgL ;/fO{sf] ;Nnfxdf p;sL ld>L sdf/L xfuf/nfO{

:jf:gL agfP / Tof] ue{jtL ePsf] / To;n] cfˆgL dflnsgLnfO{ t 'R5



b[li6n] x]/]sf] v08df ;f/fO{nfO{ kL/ k¥of] / Tof] ;a} x'g'sf] bf]if rflxF

pgn] cfˆgf] klt ca|fddf vGofO{ lbPsf] s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 -pTklQ

!^M%_ . olb Tof] sfd ;kmn ePsf] eP ;f/fO{n] cfk}mnfO{ cltg} a'l4dfgL

eG7fGg] lyOP xf]nf, t/ s'/f] lalu|Psf] v08df cfˆgf kltdfly bf]if vGofO

lbOg\ . xfdL klg sltkN6 To;} ul/ k7fpFm5f}+ . kl/jf/df klg / xfd|f]

;]jfsfO{df klg cyjf d08nLdf klg . s]xL ;/–;Nnfxx?n] c;n kmn

kmUnfbf] / pGglt NofPsf] b]vfxf k¥of] eg], æd}n] ubf{, d]/f] kl/>d, a'l4,

;/–;Nnfxn] ubf{Æ egL gfs 7f8Þf] kf/L ;a}sf] ;fd'Gg]df b]vfxf kg{

;a}nfO{ g} dg k5{ . t/ s]xL of]hgfx? gd| eO{ k]m/L To; s'/fnfO{ ;xL

lbzfdf n}hfg] JolStx? xfd|f] ;dfhdf Tolt k]mnf kfg{ ;lsPsf] 5}g .

sfd lalu|Gbf w]/}h;f] xfdL xfd|f j/Lkl/sf kl/l:yltx?nfO{ bf]if

lb+b5f}+ . k|:yfg #@M@@–@$df xf?gn] tL O;|fPnL hfltx?sf] Pp6f

b]jtfsf] d'lt{ agfO{ lbgf];\ eGg] ug\–ug\nfO{ kG;fpg o;f] ug{

k/d]Zj/sf] cf1f lj?4 xf] egL hfg]/ klg Pp6f ;'gsf] af5f] agfO{

lbPsf] j0f{g ul/Psf] 5 . df]zfsf] k|Zg, æoL dflg;x?n] tkfO{+nfO{ s]

u/], / tkfO{+n] logLx?nfO{ o:tf] 7"nf] kfkdf nfg'eof]Æsf] pQ/df axfgf

agfO{ To;sf] bf]if ltg} dflg;x?dfly / lgoGq0f ug{ g;s]sf] kl/l:ylt

dfly lbP/ kG;fpg] k|of; u/]sf] b]lvG5 -kb @$_ . pgn] tL e]nf kf/]sf

;'gsf uxgfx? cfuf]df xfnL lb+bf af5f] algP/ lg:s]sf] atfPsf 5g\ .

t/ s] To;f] x'g ;S5 / < Tof] af5f] agfpg slthgf lgk'0f sf/Lu/x?

rflxG5, xf]Og / < t/ lk|o xf] k/d]Zj/sf] jrgn] o;/L eGb5, æo;}n]

xfdL x/]sn] k/d]Zj/nfO{ cfˆgf] n]vf lbg]5f}+Æ -/f]dL !$M!@_ . cfˆgf]

uNtLx? s]xL l5gsf] nfuL csf{sf] yfKnf]df xfnL lbO cfk"mn] xft

6S6sofP jf s]xL axfgfx? agfP/ Psl5gsf] nfuL k'mlTsP tfklg bf]ifL

bf]ifLg} 7xl/G5 . o;f] ubf{ tkfO{+sf] leqL Åbon] tkfO{+nfO{ ;w}+ 3f]rL

/xg]5 / zflGt, cfgGb / pGgltsf] cg'ej ug{af6 al~rt u/fpFmb5 .

a? z'4 Åbon] cfˆgf] sdhf]/L / uNtLx? :jLsf/L k/d]Zj/ / dflg;x?,

5/–l5d]sdf pGglt Nofpg] k|oTg xfdL ;a}n] u/f}+ . k/d]Zj/sf] k|lt1f -! kq q; !M!&_ – ækgkIf gu/L dflg;sf] sfd

cg';f/ OG;fkm ug{'x'g]nfO{ lktf egL k'sf/f u5f}+{ eg], ltdLx?sf k|jf;sf]

;Dk"0f{ ;do 8/;Fu latfcf] .Æ


Tshering Dolma’s Contribution

Me: God, can I ask You a question? God: Sure. Me: Promise You won’t get mad ... God: I promise. Me: Why did You let so much stuff happen to me today? God: What do u mean? Me: Well, I woke up late. God: Yes. Me: My car took forever to start. God: Okay. Me: At lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait. God: Huummm. Me: On the way home, my phone went DEAD, just as I picked up a call. God: All right. Me: And on top of it all off, when I got home ~I just want to soak my feet in my new foot massager & relax. BUT it wouldn’t work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did You do that? God: Let me see, the death angel was at your bed this morning & I had to send one of My Angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that. Me: OH GOD! God: I didn’t let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road. Me: (ashamed) God: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick & I didn’t want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn’t afford to miss work Me: (embarrassed) Okay ! God: Your phone went dead bcuz the person that was calling was going to give false witness about what you said on that call, I didn’t even let you talk to them so you would be covered. Me: (softly) I see God. God: Oh and that foot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn’t think you wanted to be in the dark.


Me: I’m Sorry God. God: Don’t be sorry, just learn to Trust Me.... in All things, the Good & the bad. Me: I will trust You. God: And don’t doubt. My plan for your day is Always Better than your plan. Me: I won’t. And let me just tell you God, Thank You for Everything today. God: You’re welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I Love looking after My Children... Go ahead !! [ Readers may share their comments @ Christina Manthan ]


Suman Rai’s

fdLnfO{ k"mn dgk5{, k"l0f{dfsf] h'g dgk5{ . ;'Gb/ rLhx? k|foM

;a}nfO{ /fd}| nfU5g\ . ;'lsnf] afnsnfO{ b]Vbf ;'D;'Dofpg dg

nfU5, ufnfdf lj:tf/} lrdf]l6lbg dg nfU5 . /fd|L s]6L;Fu af6f]df

xfdL ;fl6of}+ eg] tkfO{+ xfdL sf]lx–sf]lxn] t kmls{–kmls{ x]5f}{+ klg

xf]nfÙ s]6Lx? klg To;} unf{g\ . x]g{df ;'Gb/ nfUg] s'/fx? k|lt xfdL

slt ;lhn} cfslif{t x'g;S5f}+Ù df]lxt x'g;S5f}++ . of] klg k|]dsf] s'g}

Pp6f ?k t cjZo xf] .

k|]dn] k|flKt ug{}kg{] dfgl;stflt/ 8f]¥ofPkl5 dfG5]x?

nueu kfun aG5g\ . o;sf cfˆg} ;s/fTds kIfx? klg xf]nfg \

t/ tkfO{+ xfdL h:tf y'k|} hjfg ldqx?n] Pscsf{nfO{ hLjg;fyLsf]

?kdf k|fKt ug{nfO{ /utsf] wf/f aufPsf 5g\ clg gkfpFbf Hofgsf]

cfx'lt klg lbO;s]sf 5g\ . k|]d–kL8Þfdf kbf{ xft sf6]/ /ut aufpg'

rnlrqdf dfq xf]OgÙ l/on nfO{kmdf klg b]v]sf] 5' . ;fob

tkfO{+x?n] klg b]Vg'ePs} x'g'k5{Ù sltko tkfO{+ cfk}+mn] klg

sfl6;s]sf] x'g'k5{ .

æd ltdLnfO{ dfof u5{'Æ dfq eGbf g6]g{] t?0fLnfO{ cf}+nf

sf6]/ /utsf] d;Ln] lr¶L n]v]kl5 s'/f] gdfg]/ w/ < t?0fLnfO{ sqf]

g}lts ;d:of Û cfˆgf] nflu /utsf] wf/f g} aufpg ;Sg]nfO{ dfof

gu/]/ k]ml/ s;nfO{ kf] klv{ a:g' < olt ubf{klg p;sf] dfof >"6f]

xf] eg]/ s;/L kf] cljZjf; ug{' < t/ of] t s]xL k'/fgf] aft x'g;S5

. cfh–ef]nL hjfgx? df>df dfof–lk/tLsf] cs{} l;:6dx? 5 . tL

dWo] Pp6f rflxF k]m;a'ssf] l/n];g\l;k\ cK;gdf æl/n];g– l;k\

ljyÆ df p;}sf] gfd l;kmfl/; u/]kl5 / lgw{Ss;fy Pscsf{sf]

kf;j8{ Pscsf{nfO{ ;'lDkPkl5Ù Tof] eGbf 7"nf] csf]{ Pscsf{nfO{

ljZjf; ug{] s8L 5 h:tf] dnfO{ nfUb}g .

Pshgf ldq, p;sf] af/]df eGbf s'/f] sf6]h:tf] x'G5 xf]nf,

t/ pgL g} of] ;+;f/df 5}gg\ eg] hlt sf6] klg s] g} km/s knf{ /

Û nueu ;ft jif{ cufl8sf] s'/f xf] . pgL pd]/n] ev{/ kRrL;

sf6]sf ePklg pQm jif{df P;Pn;L lbg] tof/Ldf lyP . k9ÞfO{ l9nf]



xqgsf] sf/0f rflxF lar}df k9ÞfO{ 5f]8Þ]/ rf/ jif{ hlt dn]lzofdf

k};f sdfP/ kms{]sf /x]5g\ . cfˆgf] ufpFmd} klg /fd|f] :s wn xqFbfxq Fb}

O6x/Ldf cfP/ k9Þg qsf] dwVo sf/0fÙ pgsf] k|]ldsf oxLF al:yg\ .

cflv/df k|]ldsf;Fusf] k|]d ;DaGwdf s] ;d:of kof]{

s;}nfO{ yfxf ePg t/ Tof] ldq >f]s|fpg yfn]sf]n] y qk|}n] ;D>fpg

yfn]sf lyP . pgsf] k|]ldsfn] x/]s k6ssf] kmf]g l/l;e uly{g\Ù

pgn] hltv]/ rfxof] plTtv]/} e]6\g klg ;SYof], t/ klg ;d:of

;qN>]g . Ps /ft pQm ldqn] nueu /ftel/ g} cfˆgf] k|]ldsf;Fu

sq/f uof]{ . t/ laxfgLkv, 3/sf] 5taf6 Pp6f efO{ sxflnFb} tn

cfof]Ù d klg x]g{ uPF . Tof] ldqn] An]8n] cfˆgf] afFof xftdf

k|]ldsfsf] gfd n]v]/ gfdnfO{ j|m; u/]5g\ . 3fpm ulx/f] lyof]Ù ljeT;

lyof] . /ut klg w]/} g} aufO;s]5 . p;nfO{ d]l8sn nluof] /

3fpmdf AofG8]h afFlwof] .

To; lbgel/ p;n] cfˆgf] k|]dsf] lgzfgLx? 6 q6fpgq–

kqm6fpg q d} latfof] . y qk|} kmf]6f]x? ækmf]6f]zk\Æaf6 l8hfOg u/]/

wqnfPsf] /}’ 5, ;a} RofTof]Ù hnfof] . a]n qsLkv eGb}lyof], æca d

oxfF al:bg, cfˆg} ufpFm–7fpFm kmls{G5'Æ . geGb} csf]{lbg kms]{/ uof]

klg, clg cfˆgf ;a} ufpFn], cfkmGtf, ;fyL–efO{x?;Fu e]6 uof]{Ù

Tof] lbg xfF;LvqzL latfof] . csf]{lbg klg pm o;/L g} 8 qNof] . p;sf]

;fydf Pp6f ufpFms} efO{ klg lyof] /] . ;fF>df h+un hfg] af6f]sf]

d qvdf k qu]kl5 p;n] eGof] – æefO{ ltdL 3/ kms{, d Psl5gdf

cfpF5'Æ . t/ pgL slxNo} kms{]gg\ . csf]{lbg 3/ glhs}sf] h+undf

laxfgkv pgL >ql08Psf] cj:yfdf d[t km]nf k/] .

o;/L k|]dsf] vflt/ y qk|} k|]dL–k|]ldsfx? alnbfg ePsf 5g\

. /utn] n]lvP/ :yflkt ePsf] k|]d cfk}Fmdf clns a9L ljZjf;gLo

xqg q tkfO{+ xfd|f] df>df :jefljs} xf]nf . t/, /utn] n]lvP/ g} z q?

ePsf] k|]ddf klg wf]sf xqg ;S5 eGg] csf]{ k|]d–syf klg d;Fu 5


Pshgf O{;fO{ lbbLsf] lax] ug{] a]nf ePsf] lyof] . ltgn]

cfˆgf] k|]dL ePsf] sq/f vqnfzf ul/g\ t/ k|]dL cO{;fO{ k/]5g\ . :d/0f

/xf];\, O{;fO{ / cO{;fO{sf] lar, rr{df …kljq ljjfxÚ x 'g ;Sb}g .

o;}n] kf:6/x?af6 …ljjfxeGbf klxnf cfˆgf] k|]dLnfO{

o]z";Fusf] ljZjf;df x'sf{pg]–a9Þfpg] clg alKt:dfkl5 dfq ljjfx


ug{'Ú eGg] ;Nnfx lbbLnfO{ ldNof] . t/ pQm lbbL of] s'/fdf Tolt

uDeL/ eOgg\ . …Tof] s]6fn] ltdLnfO{ k|]d u5{g\ eGg] ltd|f] lgZrotf

s] xf] <Ú eGg] k|Zgdf lbbLsf] pQ/ lyof] – æpgL dnfO{ hLjgel/

dfof ug{ ;S5g\, lsgls p;n] d]/} cufl8Þ An]8n] cfˆgf] xft sf6]/

d]/f] gfd vf]k]sf] 5 .Æ

geGb} s]lx lbgkl5 lbbL ufoa eOg\, eGg'sf] dtna pgL

;f]xL s]6f;Fu eflug\ . t/ cflv/df lbbLsf] gf}gf/L un]/

nNofsn'n's Toltv]/ eof] hltv]/ af]8{/af6 ef/t k|:yfg ug{]

a]nfdf pgLx? k|x/Lsf] kmGbfdf k/]Ù / cg';Gwfg ubf{ s]6f r]nLa]6L

a]rlavg ck/fwsf Ps gfOs] /x]5g\ . lbbL Åbodf ulx/f] rf]6

af]s]/ kmls{Og\ . xft sf6\b} ubf{ s]6fnfO{ h'g rf]6 kof]{, Tof]eGbf

sof}+ u'0ff rf]6 lbbLn] ;xg' kof]{ . s'g}–s'g} rf]6sf] vt 5fnfdf

xf]Og t/ d'xf/df >lNsFbf] /Ú 5 .

o:tf kfunk|]dLx?sf] k|]d s'g} ;fFrf] xf]nf, s'g} >"7f] xf]nf .

y'k|} kfun k|]dLx?sf] hdft ;+;f/df x'g;S5g\, sltko tkfO{+ xfdL

g} klg xf]cf}+nf . o:t} Ps kfunk|]dL h;n] xfdLnfO{ cyfx k|]d u/]

. h;n] k/d]Zj/ / xfdLlarsf] ;+ultsf] dWo:ytfsf] nflu cfˆgf]

k|f0fsf] cfx'lt lbPÙ pgnfO{ b'O{ 8fFs"x?sf] df>df j|"m;df /utfDd]

>'08\ofOPsf] lyof] . pgL lyP k|e' o]z" v|Li6, h;n] cfˆgf] /utn]

xfd|f] nflu 5'6\sf/fsf] df]n ltl/lbP .

k|foM O{;fO{x? ;a}sf] d'v}df >'l08Psf] afOansf] jrg

o:tf] 5M …lsgeg] k/d]Zj/n] ;+;f/nfO{ o:tf] k|]d ug{'eof], ls pxfFn]

cfˆgf] Psdfq k'q lbg'eof], tfls pxfFdfly ljZjf; ug{] sf]lx klg

gfz gxf];\, t/ To;n] cgGt hLjg kfof];\Ú -o"xGgf #M!^_ . lgoldt

rr{ hfg]x? / cf};L / k'0f{]df dfq hfg]x?n] klg …v|Li6Lo ehg g+=

!!(Ú of …s[li6of k|sfzg \ g+= !)$Úsf] ehg w]/}k6s ufOPsf]

x'g;S5 . ToxfF Pp6f nfOg o:tf] 5M …===Tofu]sf] k|f0f ;D>gf /fvf}+

/utn] n]v]sf] .Ú /utn] n]v]sf] Tolx k|]dn] cfh xfd|f] hLjgdf s:tf]

sfd ul//x]sf] 5, ;fob cfk"m–cfk"mnfO{ yfx} xf]nf . v|Li6sf] xfdL

k|ltsf] of] k|]dsf] dxTj / p2]ZonfO{ c> k|i6 oxfFaf6 kf/f}+M …lsgls

xfdL b'a{n x'Fbf g} v|Li6 cwdL{x?sf nflu 7Ls ;dodf dg{'eof] .

wfld{s dflg;sf] lglDt dg{ tof/ x'g] sf]xL lj/n} kfOPnf, st}

c;n dflg;sf] lglDt s;}n] dg{] cfF6 klg ul/xfNnf . t/ k/d]Zj/n]


xfd|f] lglDt pxfFsf] k|]d o;}df b]vfpg'x'G5, ls xfdL kfkL 5Fb} v|Li6

xfd|f lglDt dg{'eof]Ú -/f]dL %M^–*_ .

cGTodf, …s;n] xfdLnfO{ v|Li6sf] k|]daf6 cnu ug{] < s] ;+si6n],

cyjf b'Mvn], jf v]bf]n], jf clgsfnn], jf gUgtfn], cyjf vt/fn]

jf t/jf/n] <Ú -/f]dL *M#%_ . …lsgls xfdL kSsf u/L hfGb5f}+, ls

d[To' jf hLjgn], :ju{b'tx?n] jf k|wfgtfx?n], jt{dfgsf s'/fx?n]

jf kl5 x'g] s'/fx?n], jf zlQmx?n], prfOn] jf ulx/fOn], jf ;f/f

;[li6df ePsf s'g} s'/fn], v|Li6 o]z" xfd|f k|e'df ePsf k/d]Zj/sf]

k|]daf6 xfdLnfO{ cnu ug{ ;Sg]5}gÚ -/f]dL %M#*–#(_ .

“dflg; /f]6Ln] dfq hLljt /xFb}g .” -n"sf $M$_ Dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

1] cfxfa /fhfsf] b qi6 kTgL sf] lyOg\ < O{h]a]n -! /fhf !^M#),#!_

2] sqg cudjflbgLn] w]/} ;do b]lv k|ltIff u/]sf] o]z w g} dl;x x qg\

egL lrGg ;lsg\ < xGgf -nwsf @M#*_

3] Plnof kl5 pgsf] pQ/lwsf/L sf] ag] < PnLzf

4] O{;fO{ Oltxf;df, k|yd zxLb sf] x qg\ < l:tkmg;\

5] o?zn]d sqg ;fndf kw0f{?kn] Wj+;\ ePsf] lyof] < &) v|Li6fAbdf

6] æs;}n] b qO dflnssf] ;]jf ug{ ;Sb}gÆ eGg] pTsyg afOandf

sxfF e]6fpb5 < dQL ^M@$

7] O+un}8sf] rr{ s qg c+u|]h ;d|f6n] :yflkt u/] < ;d|f6 x]G/L VII 8] kq/fgf] s/f/sf] sqg kq:tsnfO{ æbf];|f] Joj:yfÆ elgG5 < Joj:yf

9] nwsfn] n]v]sf] bf];|f] k q:ts sqg xf] < k|]l/tx?sf sfd

10] O;|fPnLx? ld> b]zdf slt jiff{ a;]sf lyP < $#) jiff{


Transforming lives. “A friend is a gift you give yourself.”

(Robert Louis Stevenson)

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving.” (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

“Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.” (Henry Van Dyke)

“At this very moment, there are people only you can reach...And differences only you can make.” (Mike Dooley)

“I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” (Anne Frank)

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” (Derek Bok)


Laughter - the best medicines.

/fdq M dfdf, tkfO{+ 3/df kfx qgf cfpFbf lsg a]:;/L v qzL x qg qx qG5 <

Dffdf M kfx qgf cfP eg], d}n] n quf w qg, efF8Þf df>\g kb{}g lg t . To;}n]

d kfx qgf eg] kl5 x q?Ss} x qG5' .

Two men have been ice fishing all day. One has had no luck.

While the other has pulled out a tonne of fish. “What’s your

secret?” asked the unlucky fisherman. “Mmmm mmm mm

mmm mmmm,” is the reply.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” “Mmmm mmm mmmm.”

“I still don’t understand you.” The lucky fisherman spits

something into his hand and says slowly and clearly. “You’ve

got to keep your worms warm!”

lbks M ;fx qhL, d k};f lng cfPsf], k};f lbg qxf];\ t .

;fx qhL M ;f>sf] aTtL afnL ;Sof], ef]nL cfpm .

lbks M To;f] eP, aTtL lgefP/ lbg qxf];\ g t .

A couple is sitting in their living room, sipping wine. Out

of the blue, the wife says, “I love you.” “Is that you or the wine

talking?” asked the husband. “It’s me,” says the wife, “Talking

to the wine!”

cWofks 5fqfx?nfO{ ;f]Wb} M gfgL xf], kl/Iff lgs} ghlbs cfO{ ;Sof]

. olb ltdLx?n] s]lx ;f]Wg q 5 eg] ;f]Wg ;S5f}+ . -kl5 5'§L eP/, :s wnsf

;f/f 5fqfx? uO;s], t/ Pp6f 5fqf /fh q dfq b]lvG5_

cWoks M gfgL s] xf] < olb s]lx k|Zg 5 eg] ;f]Wg ;S5f}+ .

/fh q M ;/, olx ls sf]O;g\ k]k/ sqg k|];df 5fkL+b}5g\ <

tLg rf/hgf dWo] b qO{hgf >u8Þf ul//x]sf lyP . klxnf]n] eGb} lyof],

æPs alS;Ë xfg]/ ^$ j6} bfFtx? e qFO{df v;fnL lbG5' .Æ >u8Þf gu/]sf]

csf]{n] xfF:b} KofRr} eGof], ædfG5]sf] klg ^$ j6f bfFt x qG5 / <Æ ær qk

nfu, tF lardf af]N5;\ eGg] yfxf eP/ g} t]/f] bfFt klg cufl8Þ g} ug]sf]

xf],Æ klxnf]n] eGof] .


sqg} klg lj1fkg tyf n]vx?sf

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was walking around in a Big Bazar store shopping, when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy who couldn’t have been more

than 5 or 6 years old.. The Cashier said, ‘I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough money to buy this doll. Then the little boy turned to me and asked: ‘’Uncle, are you sure I don’t have enough money?’’ I counted his cash and replied: ‘’You know that you don’t have enough money to buy the doll, my dear.’’ The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand. Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. ‘It’s the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much. I wanted to Gift her for her BIRTHDAY. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.’ His eyes were so sad while saying this. ‘My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister...’’ My heart nearly stopped. The little boy looked up at me and said: ‘I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall.’ Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me ‘I want mommy to take my picture with her so my sister won’t forget me.’ ‘I love my mommy and I wish she doesn’t have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister.’ Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly. I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. ‘Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll?’’



‘OK’ he said, ‘I hope I do have enough.’ I added some of my money to his without him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money. The little boy said: ‘Thank you God for giving me enough money!’ Then he looked at me and added, ‘I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give It to my sister. He heard me!’’ ‘I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn’t dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. My mommy loves white roses.’ I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started. I couldn’t get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered a local newspaper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl. The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma. Was this the family of the little boy? Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the newspaper that the young woman had passed away. I couldn’t stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before her burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest. I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever... The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him. Now you have 2 choices: 1)If touched, share with the rest by citing the satanic effects of alcohol or 2) Ignore it as if it never touched your heart. Many Christians still think that God is not watching over us.... The value of a man or woman resides in what he or she

gives, not in what they are capable of receiving.

Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. (Prob. 8:34)


5 feuVek ckbcy v/;;u

[clxn]sf] oqudf ;do Psbd} d wNojfg xqgfsf] sf/0fn], w]/}n]

;donfO{ c;n tl/sfn] pkof]u ug{ rfxG5g\ . nfdf] afOan

cWoog ug{nfO{ lxhf]-cfh ;do lgsfNg sl7g kb{5 .

s[li6gf k|sfzgsf] pb]Zo clg nIo klg olx xf] ls tkfO{x?

a]nfa]nfdf KffFr ldg6 dfq ;do lgsfln afOan kf7x?sf]

s]jn kfFr ldg6 dfq cWoog ul/ clwsQd cflzif k|fKt

ug{qxf];\ . ]

41. k|]dsf] d wNo

afOan kf7 M ds{ w;\ 15:16-23 . b qO{ dlxg] /fh]zsf] os[t -lne/_ cf]k]/]zg\åf/f abnL ug{ q

kg{] /x]5 . cf]k]/]zg ug{] k|lj|mofdf vt/f eg] w]/} ePtf klg, cfzf

rflxF s;}n] 5f]8Þ]gg\ . cfzf lagf d[To q kSs} lyof] . c:ktfndf,

/fh]zsf] hLpm l;of]x?n] el/Psf lyP, ;a} cËx?df – lgwf/df,

v q§fdf, xftdf, ======= . o; xfntdf, 5f]/fnfO{ b]v]/, cfdfn] elgg\,

æd x/]s kn lrRofP/, ?b} s/fpg rfxG5', ca o;nfO{ c> b qMv

;x]sf] x]g{ ;lStg, o;nfO{ Psn} 5f8ÞL b]pmÆ . jf:tjdf, logLx?n]

h] ub{}5g\, ;lx g} ub{}5g\ . /fh]zsf] r+ufO{sf] lglDt of] c;n pkfo

lyof] .

dnfO{ cfZro{ nfUb5 ls lktf k/d]Zj/n] :ju{af6 tn

k[YjLdf, cfˆgf] Psdfq k qqsf] lz/df sf8Þfsf] d qsq6 nufPsf] b]Vbf,

k/d lktf d h:t} lkl8Þt eO{ b qMvf dfGg q ePg xf]nf / < kqq o]z wsf]

xft–v q§fdf sfF6Lx? 7f]lsPsf lyP / z/L/df j:q klg lyPg .

ds{w; !%M!^–@#n] o; b[Zosf] eJo?kdf j0f{g u/]sf e]6fp5f}+ .

;fob lktf k/d]Zj/nfO{ lrRofpg, ?g OR5f nfUof] xf]nf, æ/f]sÆ

eGg q dg nfUof] xf]nf . t/ pxfFnfO{ yfxf lyof] ls oL k|lj|mof,

dflg;hfltx?sf lglDt c;n pkfo xf] .

cfx Û s:tf] crDdsf] k|]d < s:tf] d wNojfg k|]d <

s] tkfO{+n] cfh o; alnbfgsf] lglDt o]z wnfO{ wGojfb

r9Þfpgq ePsf] 5 < /fh]zn] r+ufO{ kfof] . o]z w v|Li6 kqg?{Tyfg xqgq


eof] . pxfFsf] dlxdf ;bf–;j{bf /lx/xqg\ .

æcrDd gdfg . ltdLx¿ q wm;df 6fFluPsf o]z w gf;/LnfO{ vf]Hb}5f} . pxfF

hLljt eO{ p7\g qePsf] 5 . pxfF oxfF x qg qx qGg . ltgLx¿n] pxfFnfO{ /fv]sf]

7fpF x]/ .Æ -ds{w; !^M^_

42. ;]tf] /+u

afOan kf7 M ! owxGgf ! . d a:g] 7fpFmaf6, s]lx b q/Ldf Pp6f k|fOj]6\ au}+rf 5 .

au}+rf ;q/lIft /fVgsf lglDt, jl/–kl/ af/ nufPsf 5g\ . au}+rf

>g\ ;qGb/ b]Vgsf lglDt af/nfO{ es{/} ;]tf] /+un] /+ufPsf lyP .

s]lx lbg clu, jiff{n] ubf{, ;Dk w0f{ af/ >f/–kftx?n] 9fs]sf] lyof] /

af/sf] ;]tf] /+u b]Vg klg ufx|f] kb{Yof] .

olb tkfO{+nfO{ af/ k]ml/ ; qGb/ t qNofpg] lhDdf lbPsf] 5

eg] tkfO{+ s] ug{ rfxg q xqG5 < /f]Hg q xf];\ . s] tkfO{++ ;]]tf] /+u NofP/

>f/–kftnfO{ klg ;]tf] /+u nufpg q xqg]5 of Ps afN6L kfgL NofP/

>f/–kftx? ;kmf ug{ q xqg]5 <

s] tkfO{+n] ug{ q ePsf kfkx? 5f]Kg] jf n qsfpg] k|of; ug{ q

xq Fb}5 < cfˆgf kfkx? 5f]Kg] jf n qsfpg] k|of; ug{ q rflxF >f/–kftx?

Dfly ;]tf] /+u nufpgq h:t} xf] . tkfO{+sf kfkx? Ifdf k|fKt ug{] Ps

dfq pkfo 5 – k|folZrt ug{ q xf];\ / k/d]Zj/ k|lt k|fy{gf ug{ q xf];\

. olb tkfO{+ kfk/lxt / z q4 xqg q rfxg q xqG5 eg] oxL pkfo ckgfpgq

xf];\ . k|folZrt ;fy k|fy{gf ug{q xf];\ / tkfO{+sf] ;Dkw0f{ kfkx? nf]k

xqg]5 .

æcfˆgf kfkx? n qsfpg]sf] pGglt x qFb}g, t/ h;n] tL :jLsf/ u5{ /

TofU5, To;n] s[kf kfpF5 .Æ -lxtf]kb]z @*M!#_

43. k/d]Zj/sf] jrg

afOan kf7 M ! /fhf 19:1-15 . s]lx jif{ cl3, xfdL ;kl/jf/ dl0fkq/ /fHosf] h wsw Eofln


gfds 3f6Ldf 3 qDg uof}+ . k/d]Zj/sf] clt ; qGb/ k|s[lt b]Vbf,

pxfFsf] zlStsf] cg qej uof}{+ .

To; kl5, s qg} uqkmfdf, cfuf] afn]/, ; qTg] 7fpFmsf] t}of/L

ug{ nfUof}+ . anL /x]sf] cfuf]nfO{ x]/L /xFbf, k/d]Zj/sf] zlStzfnL

zlStsf] ;D>gf cfof] . cfuf]sf] Pp6f ;fgf] l>Nsfn] klg ljzfn

h+unnfO{ :jfxf ug{ ;S5 .

h wsw EofnL 3f6Ldf, uPsf xfd|f] >q08n] bqO{tNn] uqkmfdf

k/d]Zj/sf] cf/fwgf ug{ nfUof}+ . 9'+ufsf] leQfdf hsl/of $M^

n]v]sf] e]6fof}+ .

ægtf ann] -;[li6_, g zlStn] -cfuf]_, t/ d]/f] cfTdfn] -

k/d]Zj/sf] kljq cfTdf_ ;j{zlStdfg k/d]Zj/ eGgq xqG5 .Æ

Plnofn] klg of] jrg xf]/]a kj{tdf l;Vg q ePsf] xf] .

d}n] k/d]Zj/sf] ; qGb/ ;[li6 x]/L /dfpg ;s], cfuf]sf]

tfksf] zlStnfO{ cgqej ug{ ;s], t/ oxfF cf/fwgf ubf{, k/d]Zj/

xfd|f cfTdfx?;Fu af]n]sf jrgx? klg ; qGg ;s] .

ægtf ann], g zlStn], t/ d]/f] cfTdfn]Ù ;j{zlStdfg k/d]Zj/ eGg q

x qG5 .Æ -hsl/of $M^_

44. ljZjf;

afOan kf7 M ! zd wPn 17:26-37 . bfpmb w]/}hgf bfHo w–efO{x? dWo], ;a} eGbf sfG5f] ePsf]

xqgfn], ;fob pgdf ljZjf;sf] sldkgf x qgf ;SbYof] . ! zd wPn

!&M@*df, bfpmbsf h]7f] bfHo w, PnLcfan] pgnfO{ bf]if nufPsf

e]6fpb5f}+ . PnLcfan] efO{ bfpmbnfO{ 3d08L, b qi6 Åbo ePsf]

cf/f]k nufof] . e]8Þfx? gx]/]/, n8ÞfO{ dfq x]g{ kg{] s] xf] eg] < t/

bfpmb PnLcfa;Fu sbflk l/;fpgq ePg, a? cfk wmnfO{ dgdg} k|Zg

u/] . bfpmbnfO{ k w0f{1fg lyof] ls bfHo w PnLcfan] nufPsf bf]ifx?

>w7f xqg\, / >w7f] bf]ifx?sf lglDt lsg >u8Þf ug{q egL ;f]Fr] .

ha bfpmb 8/nfUbf] uf]Not;Fu o q4 ug{] lg0f{o u/], cfk wmdf


ePsf zlStsf] ljZjf;n] rflxF xf]Og . pgnfO{ lglZrt?kdf

ljZjf; lyof] ls k/d k/d]Zj/n] pgnfO{ cjZo} ;xfotf ug{ q xqG5

. k/d]Zj/n] pgnfO{ ctLtsfndf klg ;xfotf ug{ q ePsf] lyof] -

#&_ .

k/d]Zj/ tkfO{+sf zlSt x qg\ egL hfGg g} tkfO{+sf k w0f{

ljZjf; xf] .

æk/dk|e q d]/f] Hof]lt / d]/f] d qlQm x qgqxqG5Ù d}n] s;sf] eo dfGg q < k/dk|e q

g} d]/f] hLjgsf] lsNnf x qgqx qG5, sf];Fu d eoeLt x qg q <Æ -ehg;+u|x @&M!_

45. cfh, ef]nL

afOan kf7 M ofs wa 4:7-17 . ;g\ !(!$sf] h qnfO{ dlxgfdf dl0fk q/sf] /fhwfgL ODkmfnsf]

Pp6f xf]6]ndf, Pshgf dflg; aGb qs af]sL leq k:of] / cGwf–wqGwf

uf]nL rnfpg yfNof] . sdf08f]sf] uf]nL vfP/ dg{ q eGbf cl3, To;

aGbqswf/Ln] @! hgfsf xTof u/] . d[tsx? ;fdfGo dflg;x? lyP

. s]lx ;do cl3 dfq, tL dflg;x? xfF:b}, /dfpb}, ukzk ub{},

xf]6]ndf ;do latfO{ /x]sf lyP . s;}nfO{ klg o:tf 36gf x qG5

egL z+sf klg lyPgg\ .

Eff]nL s] x qG5, xfdLnfO{ s]lx klg yfxf xF qb}g egL ofswan]

n]Vgq ePsf] 5 . xfd|f hLjgsfndf, crfgs cj/f]wx?, afwfx?

cfpg ;Sb5, xfd|f of]hgfx? gi6 x qg ;Sb5, of xfdL dg{ klg

;Sb5f}+ . oxfF s]lx lglZrt 5}g .

k/d]Zj/ xfd|f cfTdfx?;Fu ;do–;dodf af]Ng q xqG5,

xfdLnfO{ r]tfpgL klg lbg q xqG5 . xfdLnfO{ zq4 rfxgq xqG5, c;n

;DaGw agfpg] dfu{ b]vfpg q xqG5 . ef]nLsf] lglDt of]hgf agfpg

slt ;/n 5 – xfdL ljZjf;Lx?nfO{ .

;fob tkfO{+n] v|Li6nfO{ d qlQmbftfsf] ?kdf :jLsf/ ug{ q

ePsf] 5}g xf]nf, / ;lD>g q xqG5 xf]nf ls ef]nL b]lv gf}nf] hGd

lnP/ c;n hLjg latfpg] egL . t/ ef]nLnfO{ gkvL{g q xf];\, cfh

b]lvg} k|f/De ug{ q xf];\ . c;n xqg] 5 .


“ca ;qg, ef]nL s] x qg] xf] ltdLx? hfGb}gf} . ltd|f] lhGbuL s] 5 < ltdLx?

t t qjfFnf] xf}+, hf] s]lx a]/sf] lglDt b]vf k5{, clg x/fOxfN5 .” -ofswa $M!$_

46. dxTjk w0f{ k|of;\

afOan kf7 M lkmlnKkL 1:14-21 . cf]nf]lDks v]n k|ltof]lutfdf Pp6L aflnsfn] uf]N8 d]8n

lht] kZrft, Pshgf l/kf]6{/n] cGt{jftf{ ug{nfO{ t}of/L u/L To;

aflnsfnfO{ ;f]lwg\, æcfh tkfO{+n] of] d]8n lht]/ s]–s:tf] cgqej

ug{q xFqb}5 <Æ

æd}n] w]/} d]xgtåf/f 6«]lgË u/L /x]F / slxn] klg cEof;

ug{q 5f]l8Þg . k|ltof]lutfdf ljZjf;;fy efu lng / lht k|fKt ug{ q

g} d]/f] p2]Zo aGof] .Æ o; aflnsfsL ;f/f hLjg g} o; p2]Zodf

;dk{0f ul/g\ .

xfdL ljZjf;Lx?df klg olx d wn p2]Zo x qgq kb{5 –

k/d]Zj/sf] k|]dsf] k|rf/ ug{] p2]Zo .

kfjnn] klg n]Vg q eof] ls pgLn] lg8/ agL k|rf/ ug{]

rfxgf af]s]sf lyP . pgn] k/d]Zj/sf] dlxdfsf] cgqej u/]sf lyP

/ o; dlxdf c?nfO{ klg k|rf/ ug]{ rfxgf lyof] . cf]nf]lDksdf

lhTg] Tof] aflnsf h:t}, kfjnn] klg ;+w}F kl/>fd u/]sf lyP .

kfjnsf] ;dodf, pgn] ; q;dfrf/ k|rf/ ug{ nfh dfg]gg\ . pgsf]

p2]Zo rflxF v|Li6df lhpg q lyof] .

ca rflxF tkfO{+ ;f]RFg q xf];\ . s] tkfO{+ k|e qsf] lglDt hLjg

latfO{ /xg q ePsf] 5 < s] tkfO{+n] k/d]Zj/sf] ; q;dfrf/ k|rf/ ubf{,

uf]N8 d]8n lhTg q xqg] 5 < s] ==========

ælsgls d]/f] lglDt lhpg v|Li6 xf] / dg{ q nfe xf] .Æ -lkmlnKkL !M@!_


47. pgL 5}g .

afOan kf7 M /f]dL 8:28-39 . 8f‘s6/ hf]g \ pbf; eO{ 6fpsf] xNnfpb} eGg q eof], æd

b qlvt 5' ls tkfO{+sf] klt ca /x]gg\ .Æ

of] ; qgL s]lx klg ljZjf; ug{ ;lsg . d]/f] klt, d]/f] lx/f],

d]/f] dfofn q, d]/f] bftf, d]/f] ;a} eGbf >]i7 ldq – ca hLljt /x]gg\

. pgn] d[To qnfO{ ckgfpgq eP5 . s]lx kn cl3dfq, pgL vqzL;fy

kqm6\an x]/L /xg q ePsf] a]nf, xf‘6{ \ c‘6}+sn] pgsf] k|f0f uof] . pgL

:6]l8od\sf] ;L6\df a;L /x]sf] a]nf, a:bf–a:b} d/] . 8f‘s6/sf] klg

s]lx pkfo nfu]g .

pgL $@ jif{sf] hjfg pd]/df dg{ q rflxF clt rfF8Þf] xf] eGg]

d]/f] ;f]Fr . pgL lagf, ca d, eljiodf s] ug{] of s;/L hLjg

latfpg] < d]/f !^ / !( jif{ kqu]sf 5f]/fx?n] klg, lktf lagf s;/L

a:g] < 3/sf] lktf gePsf] sf/0f ;dfhn] xfdLnfO{ x]nf t ub{}gg\


ta d}n] k/d]Zj/sf] jrgnfO{ :d/0f u/] . d[To qn] xfdL

;a}nfO{ z/L/df cnu ug{ ;Sb5 t/ k/d]Zj/sf k|]d b]lv slxn]

klg cnu ug{ ;St}g .

;fob tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] sqg} ;b:osf] b]xfGt ePsf] xf]nf,

t/ k/d]Zj/nfO{ wGojfb ck{0f ug{ q xf];\ ls pxfFsf] jrgn] xfdLnfO{

sbflk 5f]8Þg] 5}g . tkfO{+sf] hLjgdf ;a} yf]s enfO{sf lglDt dfq

ePsf] xf] eGg] Åbodf ljZjf; hufpg q xf];\ .

æxfdLn] o;df s] eGg] t < olb k/d]Zj/ xfdLtk{m x qg qxqG5 eg], xfd|f]

lj?4 sf] x qG5 .Æ -/f]dL *M#!_


Manthan Partnering International Christian Concern.

Kidnapped Priest Killed, Chopped Up by ISIS.

‘Christians Become a Form of Currency’ in Mid-East War.

12th August 2015 Syria (Christian Post) - Dozens of kidnapped

Arab Christians have been ransomed, tortured, beheaded and

killed over the past year, including a priest who was chopped

into pieces, in attempts to raise funds for radical Islamic terror

groups and to strike fear into the hearts of Christians across the

Middle East and throughout the world. The brutality that

Christians have suffered at the hands of jihadist militants is


Proposed Nepal Constitution Worries Country’s

Christian Minority.

10th August 2015 Nepal (ASSIST) – Christians may soon be

prohibited from participating in church services and other

religious activities in Nepal after the predominantly Hindu

nation adopted a new Constitution. According to a story by

World Watch Monitor (WWM), attempting to convert someone

to another religion is already prohibited in Nepal, but the

proposed amendments would mean that anything perceived as

‘evangelistic’ could be punishable by law.

Unjust Law imposed by Kim Jong Un.

8th August 2015 North Korea (Daily NK) – Pyongyang has issued

a new ban on gatherings of three or more people or small groups.

A restrictive such unjust law imposed on the citizens of North

Korea would not allow any kind of gathering, much less a small

worship service. Thank God that the Bible teaches us that the

meeting of even two Christians is powerful, for “where two or


three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew


Over 15,000 Christian Families at Risk in Northeast

Syria. 8th August 2015 Syria (Sputnik News) – Syria’s Christian

communities continue to flee for their lives from Islamic

jihadists. At present, there are about 15,000 Assyrian Christian

families remaining in Syria. Many have already fled to

neighboring country Lebanon which is hosting more than a

million refugees and has attempted to close its borders to new

flows into the country.

‘Boko Haram Has Killed 8,000 Members of Our

Church,’ Says Nigerian Pastor of 176 Kidnapped Chibok


Why Are Churches Still Being Demolished in China?

Human Rights Lawyer Prevented from Flying out of


Will Displaced Myanmar’s Kachin Christians Be Able

to Vote?

Freed Pastors Arrive Home from Sudan after Ordeal of

False Charges, Travel Ban.

Justice Remains a Distant Dream for the Christian

Victims of India’s 2008 Orissa Riots. - By ICC’s India Correspondent.

Christian victims of the 2008 anti-Christian riots that swept

across the Kandhamal district of India’s northeastern state of

Odisha, then called Orissa, are still searching for justice even as

they observe the 7th anniversary of the violence. For a majority

of the victims, their situations remain unchanged.

The 2008 riots remains the worst instance of anti-

Christian violence in the history of independent India. The wave


of mayhem left thousands devastated as communal violence

shook India as a nation and terrified India’s Christian


The trigger for the violence, which commenced on

August 24, 2008, was the murder of the VHP leader

Lakshmanananda Saraswati. Tensions between Saraswati and

the local Christian community were high due to Saraswati’s

campaign to convert Christians to Hinduism by force. The

violence claimed over 100 Christian lives, many hacked to death

by axes and machetes and several burned alive. Nearly 56,000

Christians were displaced, over 5,600 houses, 300 churches and

many Christian institutions were burnt down by Hindu radicals.

Pray that the

families of victims will


compensation and

restitution from the

India government.

Pray that

God would continue

to minister, console

and encourage the

over 50,000

displaced Christians.

Pray for a

movement of God in

withdrawing hate for

Christians in India.


Who am I? Why am I like unknown to my own land? Why am I like a wanderer? Why people ask me, “Who are you?”

Who am I? Why are people separated from me? Why people point fingers at me? Why am I ashamed to walk with others?

Who am I? Why people look down my attitudes? Why I loss and get nothing? Why am I poor and incapable?

Who am I? Why people have different feelings? Why, if God in ONE, are all not united? Why people fight for the sake of religions?

Who am I? Why I am not favoured? Have I committed a Fatal Mistake? Why am I regarded as an outsider? Is this land not mine created by God?


Kffjn ;fd'Pn

k/d]Zj/nfO{ lrg]kl5 aNn yfxf kfP M– –

d]/f] xft rf]6 lbg xf]Og,

dNxd nufpgnfO{ kf] /x]5 .

– d]/f] d'v s'jfSo / >fk lbg xf]Og,

k|fy{gf ug{nfO{ kf] /x]5 .

– d]/f] cfFvf cZnLn cg}lts s/f x]g{{ xf]Og,

k/d]Zj/nfO{ x]g{ kf] /x]5 .

– d]/f] sfg grflxg] s'/f ;'Gg xf]Og,

k/d]Zj/sf] jrg ;'Gg kf] /x]5 .

– d]/f] kfOnf e§L k;n hfg xf]Og,

;';dfrf/sf] lglDt kf] /x]5 .

– d]/f] cf]F7 v}gL r'/f]6 ;]jg ug{{ xf]Og,

k/d]Zj/sf] k|z+;f ug{nfO{ kf] /x]5 .

– d]/f] hLjg t dl/hfg dfq} xf]Og,

t/ cgGt hLjgdf hfg kf] /x]5 . cfd]g ÛÛÛ

A baby asked God, “They tell me you are

sending me to earth tomorrow, but how

am I going to live there being so small

and helpless?” God said, “Your angel will

be waiting for you and will take care of

you.” The baby asked, “Who will protect

me ?” God said, “Your angel will defend

you even if it means risking her life.” The baby said, “God

please tell me my angel’s name.” God said, “You will simply

call her Mummy!”


History of Israel - Exodus of Israel from Egypt & Receiving the Law. Clues Across 1. It name means ‘I drew him out of water’.

4. It was white and like made with honey.

7. Moses __ away to another country.

8. Colour of the tent covering tabernacle.

9. A papyrus basket was coated with __.

10. Israelists ___ manna for forty years.

12. A plague suffered by the Egyptians.

13. Water came out of the rock at this place (Word jumbled).

15.To stiffen the frames of the tabernacle, cross ___ was used.

17. Blood of __ was used to consecrate.

20. The number of tablets of testimony, inscribed by God’s finger.

22. A measure of volume used by Israelites.

23. As Moses came down with the stones of ten commandments,

Joshua heard the __ of the people (Word jumbled).

24. In one of the plagues, all the __ throughout the land became Gnats.

25. This word means ‘Going out’.

Clues Down 1. The water at this place was bitter to drink.

2. In the 3rd month the Israelites came to the desert of ___.

3. Moses took a handful of __ from a furnance and tossed it into the air.

4. One of the ingredients of the sacred anointing oil.

5. One of the sons of Aaron.

6. __ Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro

received her and her two sons.

11. After receiving the ten commandments, God asked Moses to __ the

people of Israel what he did to Egypt and how he carried them on

eagle’s wings.

14. If a man makes a __ , it sould be covered.

15. The __ on the door post of a house was the sign for the Lord to

pass without killing the first-born inside the house.

16. Pharaoh’s daughter found a basket with a baby among the __ of

the Nile.

18. Son of this man was chosen by God and was filled wisdom and all

skills and ability in all kinds of crafts used for the setting up of the


19. 100 __ were used for the tabernacle curtains.


21. Two __ stones, engraved with the names of sons of Israel were

fixed on the shoulder piece of the ephod of the priests.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8

9 10 11

12 13


15 16 17 18 19

20 21

22 23

24 25

1] What are the three prime colours ? 2] Which town did the Pied Piper rid of rats ? 3] What is a Macaw a type of ? 4] In which American state is Harbard University located ? 5] How many years was Nelson Mandela imprisoned for ? 6] Who was the first female Governor of India ? 7] Who invented cats eyes for use on the roads ? 8] Where is the largest bone in the human body ? 9] What is the name of the lightiest substance ? 10] What does an anemometer measure ?


1. Red, Blue, Yellow 2. Hamelin 3. A Parrot

4. Massachusetts 5. 27 years 6. Sarojini Naidu

7. Percy Shaw 8. In the leg 9. Hydrogen

10. The speed of wind




f a man was drowning and tried to help another drowning man nearby, both would end up under water. Jesus said in Mathew 15:14b “And if the blind leads the

blind, both will fall into a ditch”. A sinner may also be able to preach about Christ with the help of the books, internet and other preachers. But he/she can only preach on others experiences and faith, not their personal experience with Christ and that would never save others. How can one preach to others what he himself does not have? When a person has not been born again in water and spirit, it would be a doom to make others to be born again and be saved. He would only take them down to Hell with him. How can a sick man take care of another sick person? How can one deceived by Satan save others? An egg of crow cannot hatch out a chick of dove. It is only the work of the Holy Spirit to convert the sinners and not by mere information, knowledge or stories. Hence, an unsaved would never save another sinner unless he had personally encountered with

Christ and received Him as his Lord and Saviour.

Christina Publication’s KHRISTIYA BHAJAN




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