

There is nothing that a true Guru cannot bestow on his disciples. Through various teachings and practices, he helps the individual to progress from the human to the divine consciousness. Only the divine can act as such a teacher. It is not possible for every one to get soul enlightenment. Only few can have such capacity and they are called as Daivaamsa sambhootha (noble soul). It is not possible for every one to communicate with God. The divine message is communicated only through the voice of such divine and noble souls who keeps taking birth on this earth now and then. Perhaps there is no exaggeration in calling Guru Sri Raghavendra of Mantralayam, who has all the qualities of a true Guru, as the foremost among such divine and noble souls.

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Om! Gam! Ganapathaye! Namaha!

Om! Sri Raghavendraya! Namaha!

Om! Namo! Bhagavathe! Vasudevaya!

Om! Ham! Hanumathe! Sri Rama Doothaya Namaha!






Rayaru – a cursory glance of Sri Raghavendra Swamy

Lineage of Saint Sri Raghavendra Theertharu

Temples of Mantralayam (Part-I & Part-II)

Mantralayam – Useful information



Sri Raghavendra

Hindus attach paramount importance to spiritual gurus. Gurus are often

equated with God and always regarded as a link between the individual and

the Immortal. The true Guru is a transmitting medium, a transporting agent

and a transparent embodiment of the divine grace and compassion. It is

said that he alone is the true teacher who is illumined by the light of true

knowledge. If both God and Guru appear at a time, to whom should we pay

obeisance first? The reply is “The Guru” for he is the one who has shown

the path to God. It is said that when God is angry, guru protects you; when

guru himself is angry, there is no protector in the world. If we surrender

ourselves absolutely without any reservation to the guru, he will save us

from all sorrow and show us the way to salvation.

There is nothing that a true Guru cannot bestow on his disciples. Through

various teachings and practices, he helps the individual to progress from the

human to the divine consciousness. Only the divine can act as such a

teacher. It is not possible for every one to get soul enlightenment. Only few

can have such capacity and they are called as Daivaamsa sambhootha the


Divine soul. It is not possible for every one to communicate with God. The

divine message is communicated only through the voice of such divine and

noble souls who keeps taking birth on this earth now and then. Perhaps

there is no exaggeration in calling Guru Sri Raghavendra of Mantralayam,

who has all the qualities of a true Guru, as the foremost among such divine

and noble souls.

If you happen to visit any Madhva Brahmin house in South India, generally

you may observe the first sloka one recites in the morning time will be Sri

Raghavendra Sthothra, which has the seal of Sri Raghavendra Swamy

himself (Sakshi Hayasyothra hi). He is affectionately called as Rayaru and

respectfully as Guru Sarva Bhouma or Guru Rayaru. For a common man he

is Mr. Dependable, a remedy, solution and a healer. He is like a Kamadhenu

and a Kalpa Vruksha. For a Vedanthi he is also an Aparoksha Gyani. He is

approachable to all without any discrimination.

Irrespective of caste and creed people from all walks of life adore Sri

Raghavendra. He has performed many miracles when he was alive and also

after entering into Brindavana. His devotees continue to experience his

miracles even today. A well wisher of the society, Sri Raghavendra is a

Great soul (Karana Janma) destined to provide solace and succor to millions

of needy people. He is on the path to give away his punya to whoever

approaches him with sincere devotion.

Generally in South Indian Lunar calendar when we get Sravana Masam

Krishna Paksham, first thing that we look into is the date for celebration of

Rayaru Aaradhana. It was on the 2nd day (Dwiteeya thithi) of Krishna

Paksha in the Lunar Month Sravana, Sri Raghavendra Swamy the great saint

of Madhva Philosophy entered into Sajeeva Brindavana (while alive) at

Mantralayam making it as his abode in this life from where he is blessing his


Every year Rayaru Aaradhana is celebrated on the following lunar days

Poorva Aaradhana: Sravana Masa – Bahula Prathama thithi

Madhya Aaradhana: Sravana Masa – Bahula Dwiteeya thithi

Uttara Aaradhana: Sravana Masa – Bahula Thrutheeya thithi

At Mantralayam the seat of Rayaru Moola Brindavana the event will be

celebrated in a grand scale with thousands of devotes from all over the


country especially from South India participating in the celebrations. Apart

from this it will be celebrated across the country at all places where Rayaru

Brindavana is established.

On this sacred event of Rayaru Aaradhana, it becomes our ardent duty,

responsibility and also it is our boon to worship him, offer our obeisance and

salutations to this great spiritual Guru, Sri Raghavendra. As a token of my

humble service and obeisance to Sri Rayaru, an attempt is made to write in

brief about Mantralayam and Guru Sri Raghavendra to the best of my

information and understanding titled “Mantralaya Guru Sri Raghavendra

Swamy Vaibhavam.”

Blessed are those who worship and sing the glory of Sri

Raghavendra Swamy

Om! Sri Raghavendraya Namah!



(A cursory glance of Sri Raghavendra Swamy)

(1595-1671 AD)

Moola Roopa: Shankukarna (Karmaja Devatha)


Prahlada (Krita Yuga)

Bahlika (Dwapara Yuga)

Vyasaraja /Vyasa Rayaru (Kali


Lineage in current birth:

o Manetana: Powsthika Vamsada “Beegamudre”

o Gothra: Gautama

Great Grand Father: Sri Krishna Bhatta

Grand Father: Sri Kanakachala Bhatta

Father: Thimmana Bhatta

Mother: Gopikamba

Sister: Venkatamba

Brother: Gururajacharya

Birth: 1595 – Manmatha – Phalguna–Sukla

Sapthami - Guruvara (Thursday)

Birth Star: Mrigasira

Birth Place: Bhuvanagiri (near Chidambaram in

Tamil Nadu)

Poorvasrama Nama: Venkatanatha

Aksharabhyasa: 1597-1598 (Hevalambi)

First Teacher: Lakshminarasimhacharya (B‟ in-law)

Upanayana: 1602 (Subhakruthu)

Education: At Kumbhakonam

Guru: Sri Sudheendra Theertharu


Marriage: 1614 (Ananda Nama Vastara)

Wife: Saraswathi Bai

Son: Sri Lakshminarayanacharya

Direction for

Sanyasa Sweekara: From Goddess Saraswathi (Swapna)

Sanyasa Sweekara: 1621(Durmathi Nama Samvatsara


Asrama Nama: Sri Raghavendra Theertha

Guru Lineage: Sri Surendra Theertharu,


Sri Sudheendra Theertharu

Asrama Sishya: Sri Yogindratheeratharu

Favourite Musical

Instrument: Veena

Longevity of Sri Raghavendra: 76/100/300/700 years

76 years - Physically present on the Earth

100 years - Physically present inside the Brindavana

300 years - Tenure in Brindavana (without physical form)

700 years – Influence (Mahima) of Rayaru and his literary works

Brindavana Pravesa: Virodhi Nama Vastara - Sravana Bahula

Bidigi – Friday, 11th August, 1671

Titles of Sri Raghavendra: Parimalaacharya, Mahabhashyacharya

Veena Venkanna

Composer of Sri

Raghavendra Sthothra: Sri Appanaacharya (Bichhali)

Location of Moola Brindavana: At Mantralayam (Manchali),

Kurnool Dt. (A.P) on the banks of river Tungabhadra

Om! Sri Raghavendraya! Namah!




Saint Sri Raghavendra Theertha was an Aparoksha Gyani and Daivamsa

Sambhootha. His lineage started from Shankukarna down the line as

Prahlada, Bahlika, Vyasa Raya and finally as Sri Raghavendra.


Shankukarna (Karmaja Devatha) was assisting Lord Chaturmukha Brahma in

his daily rituals. One day he was cursed by Lord Brahma to be born on

Earth, due to the delay he made in making arrangements for his rituals. It

was only a Divine sankalpa and the curse became a blessing in disguise as in

every birth he would be an ardent devotee of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu and

spread the divine culture and Bhakthi of the Lord Sri Hari.



The legend behind this goes back to the days of Krita Yuga when Prahlada

was born to the demon king Hiranyakasipa and Vedavathi. Though he was

born to a demon king due to his lineage and poorva janma Samskara,

Prahlada became an ardent devotee of Lord SriManNarayana for whose sake

and cause the Lord Sri Hari had to take the Narasimha Avathara. In fact

while Prahlada was in his mother‟s womb itself he had learned the Narayana

Astakshari Mantra upadesa from sage Narada.

As Prahlada started growing, he learnt the Narayana Tatva and started

influencing his friends and others with his preachings‟ and in the process had

to confront with his demon father on several occasions. On one such

occasion on the issue of Lord Sri Man Narayana‟s omnipresence,

Hiranyakasipa emotionally asks his son Prahlada to show the Lord in a pillar

in his palace and hits the pillar with his mace. All pervading Lord

SriManNarayana in order to prove the truth in his devotee‟s words instantly

appears and comes out of the pillar in a rare and ferocious form as

Narasimha and kills him.

Pleased with the devotion and bhakthi of Prahlada, when Lord Sri Hari

(Narasimha) offered him to come along with him to Vaikunta, Prahlada

politely refuses and instead preferred to stay back on earth propagating the

divine culture and bhakthi of Lord Sri ManNarayana. Accordingly, Prahlada

was crowned as the emperor of the kingdom which he ruled for several

thousands of years spreading the philosophy of Lord Sri Hari.


Shankukarna took his second birth as Bahlika Raja in Dwapara Yuga and was

born in the Kuru Vamsam. He was the son of Pratipa and brother of

Shantanu (father of Bheeshma). Bahlika was a great devotee of Lord Sri

Krishna, but still had to associate with Kouravas in the Kurukshetra war

because of his alliance with Bheeshma and Dhritharastra. He was ultimately

slained in the war in the hands of Bheemasena (Hanuma, Bheema, and




Shankukarna took his third birth in this Kaliyuga as Vyasarayaru, the great

saint and a reputed propagator of Madhva (Dvaita) philosophy. His guru

was the great saint Sri SriPadarayaru (Mulabagalu). He lived during the

historical days of Vijayanagara (Hampi) empire. He was the Raja Guru of Sri

Krishna Devaraya, the popular king of Vijayanagara dynasty. He had helped

Sri Krishna Deva Raya to pass through major crisis in his life. For a brief

period he had even ascended the throne of Vijayanagara Empire in order to

protect Sri Krishna Deva Raya from an astrological malefactor.

It is said that at one point of time Sri Vyasarayaru had conducted the

worship of Lord Sri Venkateswara at Tirumala temple for a period 12 years,

when it was hampered during the time of Vijayanagara King Saluva

Narasimha Raya. Vyasarayaru was a staunch devotee of Lord Hanuman and

he went on to install 732 Hanuman idols (icons) during his time. He lived for

more than 90 years and attained Brindavana near Anegondi on the banks of

river Thunga Bhadra. He is the one who has initiated for the Daasakoota

headed by Saint Sri Purandara Dasa.


Sri Raghavendra Theertharu, with the lineage from the above four, took

birth in the year 1595 as a gifted son of Sri Thimmana Bhatta and Smt.

Gopikamba. He was born to his parents with the Grace of Lord Sri

Venkateswara and hence was named as Venkatanatha. Sri Raghavendra in

his poorvasrama took his lessons from Saint Sri Sudheendra Theertha and

ultimately took his sanyasa deeksha and subsequently peetadhipathya from


It was quite incidental that Saint Sri Vijayendra Theertharu, Guru of Sri

Sudheendra Theertharu and Parama Guru of Sri Raghavendra Theertharu

was a beloved disciple of Sri Vyasarayaru and a contemporary and fellow

student along with Saint Sri Vadi Raja Theertharu. Sri Raghavendra Sthothra

has a reference to this effect (Vijayeendra karaabjottha Sudheendra



There are indications in the life history of Saint Sri Raghavendra Swamy that

he was of Prahlada‟s avathara. You will find in Sri Raghavendra Swamy

temples, the utsava murti (festival deity) is not of Raghavendra, but of

Bhakta Prahlada. The main deity (Sri Raghavendra) will be a replica of his

samadhi (called Brindavana). Along with this there will be a deity, Prahlada,

who is also worshipped simultaneously along with Sri Raghavendra Swamy.

He is called as Prahlada Rayaru and some of the rituals in Sri Raghavendra

Swamy temple are done exclusively to Prahlada. Perhaps this may the only

place where Prahlada is worshipped. Apart from this we also find from the

life history of Sri Raghavendra, that he had chosen this specific spot at

Mantralayam for his entry into Brindavana, since it was the spot where

Prahlada had performed Yagna during his time.

It is said that Rayaru was well versed in many arts and skills and had

attained great divine and spiritual powers which are manifested as his

miracles. Sri Raghavendra Theertha lived during 1595 to 1671, ruled this

kingdom of Vedanta for 50 years before making Mantralayam as his

permanent abode in this life by entering the Brindavana alive. He is

popularly called as Rayaru, Guru Sarva Bhouma. During his life time and

even after Brindavana Pravesa he went on to be regarded as a great spiritual

leader, saint, philosopher, devotee of Lord Sri Hari, a great healer,

benevolent and a true Guru. Today his temples (Brindavana) are spread

across the country with millions of devotees adoring him. A religious and

spiritual institution named after him (Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt) has

come up headed by his successors with its head quarters at Mantralayam.

Spread across the country the institution is catering to religious and spiritual

needs of the society.

Probably words are not adequate to describe Rayaru and one can only feel

him, rather experience him by his worship.

Om! Sri Raghavendraya! Namah!




Manchalamma (a form of Goddess Durga) is the presiding deity of

Mantralayam, the abode of Guru Sri Raghavendra. In her name only, the

place was originally called as Manchala or Manchali. The deity Manchalamma

is said to be the family deity of Prahlada whose descendant was Sri

Raghavendra Theertharu. It seems Rayaru used to worship her daily before

his Brindavana pravesa and also sought the consent and approval of

Goddess Manchalamma for his settlement in Manchali. Accordingly she gave

darshan to Sri Raghavendra and blessed him of all her support in his

endeavors. In turn Sri Raghavendra Theertharu assured her that who ever

visits Mantralayam would first visit her temple, have the darshan of Goddess

Manchalamma and then only have the darshan of Sri Rayaru (Moola

Brindavana). This is the custom that is being followed even today.


An ardent devotee of Lord Sri Venkateswara and with whose blessings and

worship Rayaru was born to his parents, Sri Rayaru installed with his own

hands the idol of Lord Venkateswara at Manchali and used to worship him


daily before entering into Brindavana. We can find the temple of Lord

Venkateswara about one km from Manchalamma temple, near the house of

Archaka (priest) of Moola Brindavana. Daily pooja/rituals are performed at

this temple and it is open for darshan on all the days between 6 am to 12

pm and 5 pm to 8 pm.

MOOLA BRINDAVANA (Temple of Sri Raghavendra Theertharu)

Why did Rayaru choose this particular spot for his Brindavana?

Being an Aparoksha Gyani, Sri Rayaru had divine indications that, shortly his

avathara on the Earth was coming to conclusion. Accordingly Rayaru went

in search of an appropriate spot at Manchali for his entering into Brindavana.

On one such occasions, he had asked Diwan Venkanna (great devotee of Sri

Rayaru), to dig at a particular spot near Goddess Manchalamma temple,

where a Homakunda (sacrificial fire place) was found. Rayaru told Venkanna

that, this spot was the place where he had performed a large Yagna during

his incarnation as Prahlada (in Kritha Yuga). And also that was the spot

where Arjuna (Mahabharatha) in Dwapara Yuga, during his Jaitra Yatra for

performing Rajasuya Yaga by Dharma Raja, could not defeat the local king

Anusalva, as his chariot was standing on this pot (Homa Kunda). Of course

on Lord Sri Krishna‟s advice Arjuna could defeat him when he moved a little

away from that spot. Such was the significance and sanctity of this spot and

Rayaru could identify it with his divine powers. Accordingly Sri Rayaru chose

this spot for his Brindavana pravesa and that was the Moola Brindavana built

at Mantralayam, what we all see and have darshan today.


Significance of the rock used for Moola Brindavana

There is also a legend behind the rock used for the Brindavana of Sri Rayaru.

When he came to know that Rayaru is entering into Brindavana, Diwan

Venkanna had got one beautiful Brindavana made for Sri Rayaru. But it was

not approved by Sri Rayaru, instead He took Venkanna to a place called

Madhavaram (near Mantralayam) and identified a rock stone on which Lord

Sri Rama sat during his search travel for Goddess Sita Devi in Treta Yuga.

Sri Rayaru wanted his Brindavana to be built with the stone of this particular

rock that was sanctified by the touch of Lord Sri Rama.

On the set date (11th August 1671 AD), Sri Rayaru went and sat on the pre

selected spot as said above and his Brindavana was built with the stone

brought from Madhavaram as per Sri Rayaru‟s directions. Inside the

Brindavana Sri Rayaru was fully covered with hundreds of Sri Vishnu

Saligramas apart from the Mrittika (soil). Thus, the Moola Brindavana of Sri

Raghavendra Swamy that got sanctified with Sri Rayaru himself sitting inside

on a sacred and celestial spot, filled with all the power of Divinity, is rightly

referred to as Mantralayam.

The place Mantralayam over a period of time has grown by heaps and

bounds into a big pilgrimage centre attracting lakhs of people visiting and

getting their mundane problems and sufferings resolved. There is a chain

of rituals/poojas that are being performed to Moola Brindavana as per Mutt‟s

schedule both in the day and evening times. There will be a daily ritual of

Rathostavam (pulling of chariot) every day in the evening with the Utsava

Murthy (Prahlada Rayaru) sitting on the chariot. Thursday is a special day in

the diary of Mantralayam Mutt, called as Guru Vara (Rayaru Vara) when

special decorations are made to the Moola Brindavana. Annual celebrations

called Rayaru Aaradhana (the day on which Sri Rayaru entered into the

Brindavana) is held every year in the month of Sravana masam (generally

August month), when thousands of pilgrims from all over the country

participate in the celebrations that are held for three days.

Temple of Lord Hanuman

Being a great devotee and upasaka of Lord Hanuman, it was Sri Rayaru‟s

wish that the idol of Lord Hanuman should be erected opposite to his

Brindavana. Accordingly, opposite to the Moola Brindavana we find a temple


of Lord Hanuman (Aanjaneya Swamy) carved on the same stone with which

Sri Rayaru Moola Brindavana was built. Outside Lord Hanuman temple on

the right side we can also find the presence of Lord Shiva in the form of

Shiva Linga. It is believed and said that this was found while excavating

the spot for Brindavana at Mantralayam and said to have been worshipped

by Prahlada Rayaru in Krita Yuga.


Adjacent and to the left of Moola Brindavana of Sri Rayaru we find another

Brindavana built in the name of Sri Vadeendra Theertharu, the fifth

descendant in the lineage of Sri Raghavendra Swamy. He belongs to the

18th century. In fact Sri Vadeendra Theertharu was the great grand son of

Sri Rayaru (in his poorvasrama) who was just two years old when Rayaru

entered into Brindavana. Sri Rayaru had a vision of this child becoming a

saint and his successor in course of time, had kept ready the Brindavana

that was originally meant for him and brought by Diwan Venkanna. Sri

Vadeendra Theertharu was a great scholar and an ardent devotee of Sri

Raghavendra swamy and had composed number of verses in praise of Sri

Rayaru. It is said that on one such occasion, when Vadeendra Theertharu

was singing his verse ('Gurugunasthavana') in front of Sri Rayaru Moola

Brindavana, the whole Brindavana nodded in appreciation of his scholarly

work. Along with Moola Brindavana, daily pooja and rituals are also held to

the Brindavana of Sri Vadeendra Theertharu. Devotees while performing

pradakshina of Sri Rayaru Moola Brindavana, simultaneously cover

pradakshina of the Brindavana of Sri Vadeendra Theertharu also.

Other Brindavanas:

As we move towards backyard of the Moola Brindavana we find a row of

Brindavanas of Pontiffs who succeeded Sri Raghavendra Swamy in the later

years. Daily pooja and other rituals are performed to these Brindavanas

also as per the Mutt‟s guidelines. Opposite to these Brindavanas we find a

big Banyan Tree (Aswattha Vruksha) where devotees perform Naga Pratishta

as a part of remedy for Sarpa Dosha.




The temple of Panchamukhi Aanjaneya Swamy (Lord Hanuman) is located

on the banks of river Tungabhadra about 20km to the north of Mantralayam.

It is on the Karnataka – Andhra border coming under Karnataka state about

2 km from Ganadhala village. Bus facilities are available on this route with

buses from Mantralayam to Raichur and Manvi passing via Panchamukhi.

Private transportation (Tempo/Auto) facilities are also available from

Mantralayam to Panchamukhi. If it is on a sharing basis it works out

cheaper, otherwise it may cost about Rs.200-300 two ways.

Significance of the Temple:

It is a cave temple where Sri Raghavendra Swamy (Rayaru) had performed

penance for 12 years meditating on Panchamukhi (five headed) Hanuman

before entering into Brindavana at Mantralayam. One can find a script

engraved to this effect on the walls of the temple. It is said that Rayaru had

the darshan of Lord Hanuman in a unique way with five faces (Varaha,

Garuda, Narasimha, Hayagreeva and Aanjaneya) at this spot along with Lord

Venkateswara (Tirupathi), Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi (Kolhapura), and

Kurma Avathara of Lord Maha Vishnu. One can find the idols of these

deities inside the temple along with a small Brindavana (replica) indicating

the spot where Sri Rayaru did penance.

Apart from this there is a temple of Goddess Erukalamba (Grama Devatha)

located at a small distance from Panchamukhi temple. She is the presiding

deity of this place who is worshipped by the pilgrims also coming from far off



As per the Kshetra Mahatya this location is said to be in existence since

Treta Yuga. Lord Hanuman is believed and said to have visited this spot

during the epic days of Ramayana in the course of getting Sri Rama and

Lakshmana released from the clutches of Mahiravana. You will find rare

rocky structures in the replica of a bed and a plane (elevated rock) said to

have been used by Lord Hanuman. There is also an underground passage

near Erukalamba temple through which Lord Hanuman is said to have

reached Mahiravana and finally killed him.

Outside the main temple there is a spot where we find the foot wear (large

size) said to be of Lord Hanuman is worshipped. It is said and believed that

Lord Hanuman uses this foot wear which are replaced once in five years as

per the local customs and beliefs when they get soiled due to wear and tear.

Since the days of Rayaru the temple has come into prominence. People

visiting Mantralayam will make it a point to visit this temple to seek the

blessings of Lord Hanuman in a rare form. During festival days especially on

the new moon (Amavasya), full moon (Pournima), Tuesdays, and Saturdays

there will be rush of pilgrims to this temple.

Lord Hanuman manifested here, is in a rare posture, sitting on his knees

with folded hands facing east. It is believed and said that whoever worships

him will be benefited with merits and fulfillment of their desires.


Bichhali also called as Bhikshalaya is located in Raichur district of Karnataka

state, about 20 km from Mantralayam on the banks of river Tungabhadra.

This is said to be the place where, Sri Rayaru had spent 13 years of his life

before moving over to Manchali (Mantralayam). Sanctified with the

memories of Rayaru‟s stay at this place and his association with Sri

Appanacharya, the beloved disciple and an ardent devotee of Sri

Raghavendra Swamy, the place Bichhali is one of the places to be visited on

a trip to Mantralayam. To visit this place one has to make own/hired vehicle


Sri Appanacharya was a great Sanskrit scholar and a teacher who was

running a Gurukula under whom number of students were getting taught.

In those days the students irrespective of their economic status will have to


procure rice and cook their own food. Accordingly the students in that place

used to go for procurement of rice (Bhiksha) and henceforth the place came

to be known as Bhikshalaya.

Notable locations at Bichhali

Japada Katti:

It is an elevated platform under a Banyan tree (Aswattha Vruksha) where,

Sri Appanacharya used to conduct lessons for his students. Later, after Sri

Rayaru came to that place, both of them used to sit together at this spot and

discuss on various subjects related to spirituality. We find number of Naga

shilas (idols) installed around this spot. It is believed and said that people

who perform the ritual of Naga Devatha Pratishta at this spot are blessed

with progeny.

Ekasila Brindavana

It is the Brindavana of Sri Rayaru at Bichhali that was installed by his

beloved disciple and an ardent devotee Sri Appanacharya as per the

directions of Sri Rayaru. It is said that Rayaru used to give daily darshan to

Sri Appanacharya from this Brindavana in the form of a Jayanthi. It is

called as Ekasila Brindavana since, it is incidental that it was built with the

same stones used for Rayaru Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam. It was

installed on the Japadakatti adjacent to river Tungabhadra where, Rayaru

used to sit and discuss with Sri Appanacharya. The uniqueness of this

Brindavana is that, it is not covered by any roof and is in the open air. It is

the only Brindavana of Sri Raghavendra Swamy that was installed without a

roof. Daily Pooja are rituals are held for this Brindavana by the descendants

of Sri Appanacharya.


Snake Bill

As per the legend, in the backyard of Sri Appanacharya‟s house there was a

snake bill where a king Cobra used to reside in it. Sri Raghavendra Swamy

during his stay in Bhikshalaya was regularly offering milk to the serpent

(Aadi Sesha) after his daily pooja/rituals and the serpent used come and

drink the milk. When Rayaru decided to move to Manchali and enter into

Brindavana he had taken a decision to dismantle the snake bill. Accordingly

when it was dismantled a statue of snake appeared in its place which is

being worshipped.

House of Sri Appanacharya: It is a 400 years old house where Sri Rayaru

lived during his stay at Bhikshalaya where memories of Sri Rayaru‟s

presence can be seen.

Idol of Lord Sri Ugra Narasimha: The idol of Lord Ugra Narasimha

installed by Saint Sri SriPadarayaru (Mulabagalu), the Guru of Sri Vyasa

Rayaru whose lineage was Sri Raghavendra Theertharu.

Idol of Lord Hanuman: Installed by Sri Vyasarayaru the great devotee of

Lord Hanuman and immediate predecessor in the lineage of Sri Rayaru.




Located on the banks of sacred river Thunga Bhadra, Mantralayam is a small

and peaceful town the abode of Great Madhva Saint Sri Raghavendra

Theertharu, popularly known as Sri Raghavendra Swamy. It is located at a

distance of 90 km from Kurnool town and 250 km from Hyderabad city.

Other towns nearby Mantralayam are Adoni (20km), Yemmiganur (20km),

and Raichur (50km)

How to Reach Mantralayam?

Mantralayam is well connected by road and rail.

By Road:

APSRTC and KSRTC are running regular buses connecting Mantralayam with

major towns and cities in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Kurnool (NH-7) in Andhra Pradesh and Raichur in Karnataka are two

locations which are pretty well connected to Mantralayam. Apart from this

private tourist operators are also running special buses to Mantralayam from

various parts of the country.

By Rail:

Nearest railway station to Mantralayam is Mantralayam-Road

(Tungabhadra) on the Mumbai-Chennai main line which is 15 km from

Mantralayam. From there it is about 30 minutes drive by Road. All most all

trains running on this route halt at Mantralayam Road. Auto facilities are

available for pick up from railway station to Mantralayam. APSRTC/KSRTC is

also running buses to and from railway station at certain specific timings.

By Air

Nearest airport is Hyderabad which is about 250 km from Mantralayam.



Accommodation (boarding and lodging) is not a problem at Mantralayam

with number of hotels and restaurants that have come up of late, apart from

the availability of number of guest houses donated by devotees and

constructed by the Mutt. Besides, Mantralayam Mutt also provides

accommodation to pilgrims in their specially constructed choultries, where

rooms are provided at nominal cost. Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development

Corporation is also running its guest house „Punnami” where rooms are


Another unique feature of this temple is the Mutt organizes free food facility

(except on the notified days) within the Mutt to all the pilgrims in their

spacious dining halls. Besides Infosys foundation (a charitable organization)

has also constructed a big dining hall for the convenience of pilgrims. One

can easily find the details of accommodation from the Central Reception

office as soon as they reach Mantralayam.

Languages spoken at Mantralayam: Kannada, Telugu, Hindi and English

Temples in Mantralayam

Sri Raghavendra Swamy Moola Brindavana, Manchalamma temple, Sri

Aaanjaneya Swamy Temple (Lord Hanuman), Sri Venkateswara Swamy

Temple. Apart from this there are few other Brindavanas of Pontiffs who

succeeded Sri Raghavendra Swamy.

Temples around Mantralayam:

Panchamukhi Aaanjaneya Swamy Temple at Panchamukhi, Bichhali

(Bhikshalaya), Aaanjaneya Swamy (Hanuman) temple at Ranamandala


Activities at Mantralayam Temple:

The temple (Mutt) conducts a chain of routine activities (poojas/sevas and

other rituals) including Rathostavam (Golden, Silver, and Wooden) on a daily

basis as per the Mutt‟s schedule. Apart from this Moola Rama Devara Pooja


conducted personally by the Pontiff of the Mutt (subject to his availability at

Mantralayam) is a special daily ritual at the temple. The Mutt also

conducts/organizes religious discourses on special occasions and events.

Every year during the days of Rayaru Aaradhana, held in the month of

Sravana (generally August month) special celebrations are conducted for

three days when thousands of devotees from all over the country


Temple Timings:

On normal days, temple will be open from 6.00 am to 2.00 pm and again

from 4.00 pm to 9.00 pm. On special occasions the timings may vary.

Generally there will be rush of pilgrims on Thursdays/week ends and on

special occasions like Rayaru Aaradhana.

Contact Details:

For more information regarding accommodation, seva details etc. please


The Manager, Shri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt,

Mantralayam, Kurnool District,

Andhra Pradesh - 518345.

Phone- 91-8512-279429-279459


Fax # 91-8512-279600/279889

Web Address: (Official web site) (Sister Site)

Present Pontiff (Head of the Mutt): Sri Suyatheendra Theertharu

Immediate Past Pontiff of the Mutt: Sri Sushameendra Theertharu

Om! Sri Raghavendraya Namah!


Popular slokas of Sri Raghavendra Swamy

Poojyaaya Raghavendraya satyadharmaratayacha

Bhajataam kalpavrikshaaya namataam kamadhenave

Mookopi yat prasaadena Mukundasayanayate

Raja Rajayate Rikto Raghavendram Tamasraye

Durvadidhvantaravaye Vaishnavendeevarendave

Sri Raghavendragurave namo Athyanthadayalave

Om!Sri Raghavendraya! Namah! (Raghavendra Astakshari)

Sri Raghavendra Sthothra

Sri Raghavendra Mangalastaka

(Sri Sushameendra Theertharu)

Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu

