MateriDA3 Ikonik arsub08


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Desain ikonikIcon; patung; imageIconic sign; tanda suatu bentuk yang dimengerti karena menyerupai sesuatu; mewakili suatu kenyataan atas dasar kemiripan; Tanda Ikonik dapat mengungkapkan sesuatu karena antara penanda dan petanda memiliki keserupaan atau kemiripan wujud ataupun kualitas-kualitas tertentu Iconic design; Jalinan tanda yang menunjukkan karakter desain yang menyerupai obyek yang diwakili

Iconic design (architecture) as typologic design; abstraksi bentuk desain bangunan yang secara tradisional telah dikenali, yang dalam pengembangannya dapat diintepretasi ulang sampai pada taraf tertentu (Broadbent, 1975)


Semester Ganjil 2010-2011

IconFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn icon (from Greek εἰκών eikōn "image") is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, from Eastern Orthodox Christianity. More broadly the term is used in a wide number oit is a sign or likeness that stands for an object by signifying or representing it either concretely or by analogy, f contexts for an image, picture, or representation; as in semiotics; by extension, icon is also used, particularly in modern culture, in the general sense of symbol — i.e. a name, face, picture, edifice or even a person readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embodying certain qualities: one thing, an image or depiction, that represents something else of greater significance through literal or figurative meaning, usually associated with religious, cultural, political, or economic standing.

Cultural iconFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA cultural icon can be an image, a symbol, a logo, picture, name, face, person, or building or other image that is readily recognized, and generally represents an object or concept with great cultural significance to a wide cultural group. A representation of an object or person, or that object or person may come to be regarded as having a special status as particularly representative of, or important to, or loved by, a particular group of people, a place, or a period in history.In the media, many well-known manifestations of popular culture have been described as "iconic", with some writers saying that the word is overused.Human beings can acquire the status of cultural icons through their actions, achievements, role, beliefs, convictions.Icons and brandsBrands can reflect societal values and changes, but many people have become weary of them. [5] Many brands aspire to become cultural icons, but fail. Cultural icons are often timeless, imprinted in our consciousness. They can go through several stages, from "rumblings, undercurrents" via "catharsis, explosion" and "mass acceptance, ripple effect" to "glorification, representative value". While brands are rational and driven by features, cultural icons are emotional, free, driven by feeling, and creating emotional bonds.Cultural icons worldwideCultural icons may be national, regional or related to a city. In addition, they can be symbols for a nation, or can evoke particular values held by that state. For example, France uses Marianne as a symbol of the French Revolution and the rejection of royalism in favor of republicanism and laicity.

Iconic design:

A way of building is built deep into the tribal (cat.: suku/etnik) consciousness (cat.: kesadaran) and, because each member of the tribe has fixed mental image of what a house (cat.: building) should be like

Geoffrey Broadbent. 1973. Design in Architecture: Architecture and the Human Sciences

Catatan:4 pendekatan desain : Pragmatic Design, Iconic Design, Analogical Design, Canonic Design

Geoffrey Broadbent. 1973. Design in Architecture: Architecture and the Human Sciences

Dalam penelitian; deskripsi desain arsitektur diurai pada tingkatan sistem tanda yang bekerja pada bangunan tersebut, yang berkaitan dengan rangkaian hubungan antar bentuk, ruang dan susunannya

Pada desain; transformasi sistem tanda pada sumber desain ke dalam sistem tanda desain arsitektur; ruang, bentuk dan susunannya

Deskripsi sintaksis; rangkaian elemen-elemen/ tanda yang mempunyai arti atau makna tertentu.


Identitas etnik-Langgam ; berkaitan dengan karakter desain arsitektur yang telah menjadi ciri khas suatu etnik/ suku bangsa tertentu.

Misal: joglo pada bangunan jawa, tatanan spasial pada arsitektur bali


Identitas fungsi; berkaitan

dengan fungsi kegiatan utama yang diemban oleh bangunan.

Misal: bentuk donat pada perusahaan donat, perulangan bentuk kamar pada bangun hotel, bentuk-bentuk etalase pada pusat perbelanjaan, dll.



Identitas perusahaan; berkaitan dengan eksistensi yang mewakili karakter perusahaannya.

Identitas keagamaan; berkaitan dengan karakter desain arsitektur yang telah menjadi ciri dhas suatu kelompok agama tertentu. Misal kubah pada masjid, salib pada gereja dan stupa pada vihara

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