Math LexiKo 2012



Math LexiKo 2012

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  • - . & .. : 1992 ISBN: 9607022335 --:


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    5 ( 64) 106 80 . 36 46 426 Fax: 36 21 932

  • 9 11 - 13 151 152 153

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    : .. function ['fAnkfn] .: II absolute (absolutely continuous, additive, algebraic, ... .) ~ : ( , , , ... .) , absolute ~ : II absolutely continuous ~ : II additive ~ : II algebraic ~ : , .





    (International Phonetic Alphabet), .

    151 . , .. function ['fArjkJn] .



    , -


    (. 153). .



  • A abacus ['aebskas] .: . Abel, Niels H. (1802-1829): (, ) IIian group: II Ruffini theorem: Abel-Ruffini II's identity (inequality, method of summation, problem, tests of convergence, theorem on power series, etc.): (, , , ,

    , .) Abel. abnormal [aeb'no:ml] .: II curve (dispersion, etc.): (, .) (.).

    abridged [3'bnd3d] .: II division (multiplication, etc.): (, .) II Plucker's notation: Plucker (. .).

    abscissa [aeb'sisa] . . absolute ['aebsalu:!] .: II constant (continuity, convergence, error, inequality, symmetry, value, etc.): (, , , , , , .) II maximum: II minimum: II value of a vector: II neighbourhood retract: .

    absorbing [ab'zo:birj] .: II barrier (set, etc.): (, .).

    absorption law [sb'zDipJh.b:]: (xv(yAx) = x xA(yvx) = x). abstract 1 p. [aeb'straekt]: II 2. . ['aebstraekt]: II algebra (Mathematics, number, space, symbol, etc.): (, , , , .).

    abundant number [a'bAndant'nAmba*]: ' .

    acceleration [ak.seta'reijh] .: II centripetal (normal, tangential) component of: (, ) .

    acceptance [ak'septans] .: , II number (region, etc.): (, .) (.).

    accumulation [3lkju:mju'leijn] .: || point: .

    accumulator [3,kju:mjuleit9*] .: (/). accuracy ['aekjorasi] .: . accurate ['aekjurat] .: . accurately ['aekjoroth] .: .

  • 14

    acnode ['aeknaod] .: (. point).

    acre ['eika*] .: . ( 4.840 . , . 4046,85 ..).

    action ['aekfn] .: II integral: || law of and reaction: || law of least : .

    acute [3'kju:t] .: II angle: II angled triangle: .

    add [aed] p.: . addend [a'dend] .: . adder ['aeda*] .: (/). addition [s'dijh] .: II algebraic : II formulae: II law of probability: II of a series: II of tensors: .

    additive ['aeditiv] .: II function: II group: II identity: II inverse: II set function: II sub: II super: .

    additivity [.aedi'tiviti] .: . adequate ['aedikwat] .: II accuracy: . adherent [ad'hiarant] .: , (.). adiabatic [,aedJ9'ba:tik] .: II curve: . ad infinitum [,aed infi'naitam]: ' , ' . adjacent [a'djeisant] .: II angles: II sides (vertices, etc.): (, .).

    adjoined [a'djoind] .: || number: (.).

    adjoint [ a^o ind ] .: II matrix: II number: II of a (Banach) space: o (Banach) II of a transformation: o .

    adjugate ['aed3ugit] .: (. adjoint). adjunction [9'd3AqkJh] .: , || algebraic : .

    admissible [ad'misabl] .: , || curve (hypothesis, number, region, set, subgroup, variation, etc.): (, , , , , , .).

    a-e: . almost everywhere. affine ['ae,fain] .: , , II geometry (plane, transformation, etc.): (, .).

    affinity [a'finati] .: , .

  • 15

    affirm [3'f3:m] p.: (. .). affirmative [3'f3:mativ] .: II proposition: (. .).

    aggregate ['aegngat] .: , (. ). Agnesi, Maria G. (1718-1799): , . II the witch of II: Agnesi.

    Ahlfors, Lars V. (1907): ( ). Ahmes (Rhind) Papyrus: 1650 .. Ahmes 1858 Rhind.

    Albert, Abraham A. (1905-1972): (). Alberti, Leone B. (1404-1472): . aleatory ['eihatari] .: II variable: . aleph [aebf]: II null: - ( ).

    Aleksandroff, Paul S. (1910): ( II's compactifi-cation: . compactification.

    Alexander, James W. (1888-1971): (, , ) II's subbase theorem: Alexander ( ).

    algebra ['aeldjibra] .: II of propositions: Boole 11- of sets: II Banach : Banach II Boolean : Boole || elementary (formal, higher, non-associative, universal, vector, etc.) : (, , , , , .) II fundamental theorem of : .

    algebraic [,aeld3i'breik] .: II curve: || dependence: II expression: | |~ extension: II finction: II independence: II integer: | |~ irrationls: II number: II operation: II sign: II structure: II surface: II -variety: .

    algebraically [.aeldsi'breikah] .: II closed (complete, etc.) (, .).

    algebraist [,aeld3i'breiist] .: . algorithm (algorism) ['aelganom] . II division : || Euclid's : .

    alienation [.eilja'neijh] . (.). alignment [a'lainmsnt] .: . alignment chart [a'lainmant'tfa^] . aliquot parts ['aelikwDt'pa:ts] .

  • 16

    Al-Khuwarizmi (Mohamed ben Musa~): 9 .. .

    almost everywhere [Oilmaust'evriwea*]: (. a.e.) almost periodic function [Olmaust.pian'Ddik'fArjkJn]: (.).

    alpha ['aelfa*] .: . . alternant [o:l't3:n3nt] .: . alternate [p:l't3:n9t] .: | |~ angles: II interior (exterior) angles: () .

    alternating [O:lt3neitirj] .: | |~ function (group, series etc.): (, , .).

    alternative [o:l't3:n3tiv] .: , II algebra: II division ring: II hypothesis: (.).

    altitude ['aeltitju:d] .: , . amalgam [a'maelgam] .: (.). amalgamated [a.maelga'meitid] .: . ambiguous [aem'bigjuas] .: II case: (.).

    amicable numbers ['aemikabl'nAmt^z]: . amount [a'maunt] .: (.). ample ['aempl] .: . amplitude ['aemplitju:d] .: || of a complex number: II of harmonic motion: .

    AMS [.ei.em'es]: American Mathematical Society: .

    AMS Classification Scheme ['ei'em'es.klaesifi'kei/n'skKm]: , ,


    analog ['aenalog] .: . analogue computer ( analog) ['aenalng kam'pju^a*]: (. computer).

    analogous [a'naetagas] .: (. .). analogy [3'naebd3i] .: , . analyse ['aenalaiz] p.: . analysis [a'naebsis] (. analyses) . 1 (. ) 11 algebraic (Diophantine, indeterminate, linear, statistical, tensor, vector, etc.): (, , , , , , .) | |~ of (co)variance: () (.) (. ANOVAR) | |~ situs: II 2 ( , . II combinatorial (complex, Harmonic, Mathematical, Real, etc.) ~: (, , , , .) .

  • 17

    analytic (-al) [.aena'htik] .: || continuation: () 11 curve: II function: II geometry: 11 projective geometry: II mechanics (set, structure, surface, etc.): (, , , .).

    anchor ring [.aeqka'nrj]: , (. torus). AND gate ['aend.geit]: (/). angle ['aerjgl] .: II of attack (depression, elevation, friction, incidence, inclination, intersection, polygon, reflection, rotation, etc.): (, , , , , , , , , II acute (adjacent, alternate, central, complementary, convex, dihedral, Euler's, exterior, exterior interior alternate, interior, negative, obtuse, opposite, plane, polar, polyhedral, positive, reflex, right solid, vectorial, etc.): (, , , , , , , Euler, , , , , , , , ,

    , , , , , .) || eccentric (slope, vertically opposite, etc.) : (, , .).

    angular ['aerjjgub*] .: II accelaration: || displacement: II distance: 11 measure: II velocity: .

    anharmonic (or cross) ratio [,aenha:'mDnik'reiJbu]: (.). annihilate [a'naisleit] p. . annihilator [a.naia'leits*] .: (. ., .). annular ['aenjub*] .: . annulus ['aenjubs] .: (. annuli): . anomalous [a'nomsbs] .: II dispersion: (.).

    anomaly [a'nDmsli] .: II point of: (. regular point: ).

    ANR [,ei,en'a:*] absolute neighbourhood retract: (.).

    antecedent [.aenti'sndant] .: (. .). antiautomorphism [.aenti.oits'moifisn] .: (.). anticommutative [,aentik3'mju:t9tiv] .: (.), --.

    antiderivation [.aenti.deri'veifn] .: ( ) (.).

    antiderivative [.aentidi'rivstiv] .: (.).

    antihyperbolic function [.aenti.haips^bDhk'fAqkJh]: .

    antilogarithm ['aenti'logsnom] .: .

  • 18

    antinomy [aen'tinsmi] .: (. .). antiparallel [.aenti'paeratal] .: . antipodal [aen'tipadl] .: II points: . antisymmetric [.aentisi'metnk] .: II law: (x

  • 19

    arcosh [.ar'kofl: . arcot [.ai'kot] arc cot: . arcoth [.ar'kauO]: . arcsin [.aik'sin] arc sin: . arcsinh [,a:k'Jain]: . arctan [,a:k'taen] arc tan: arctanh [,a:k'9aen]: are [:*] .: 100 m2. area ['earis] .: || element of: II of a surface: II under a curve: x ( ). Argand, Jean R. (1786-1822): || diagram: .

    argument ['a:gjumdnt] .: . Aristotelean logic [.aensto'tKljan'lodjik]: . Arithmetic [a'nOmetik] .: || Primitive Recursive : .

    arithmetic (al) [,aene'metik(l)] .: II mean(s): , II operations: || progression: II sequence: II series: .

    arithmetically [.aene'metikali] .: . aritmetico-geometric progression (series): [laeri6lmetikDld3i9,metrikpr3'gre|n] ().

    arm of an angle ['cKmavan'aerjgl]: . arrangement [a'reindjmant] .: . array [a'rei] .: , II rectangular : . arrow diagram ['aerau'daiagraem]: (. .). arrow paradox ['aerau'paeradoks]: .

    Artin, Emil (1898-1962): (), IIian ring: Artin (. Noetherian ring).

    Arsela, Cesare (1847-1912): (.). ascending [a'sendirj] n.: , II chain condition: II powers of a variable: (. descending).

    Ascoli, Gulio (1843-1896): () (. Arzela-Ascoli theorem).

    associate [a'saujeit] 1. p.: , II 2. [a'saufiait] .: , , .

    association [a.sausi'eifn] .: , (.) II scheme: .

    associative [a'saujjativ] .: 11 law: (. associativity) II relation: 11 ring: .

  • 20

    associativity [a'saujja'tivati] .: . assume [a'sjuim] p.: , . assumption [s'sAmpJh] .: , . asteroid ['aestaroid] .: . astroid ['aestroid] .: . astronomic (al) [.aestra'nDmik] .: II units: II year: .

    astronomy [a'stronami] .: . asymmetric [,aesi'metnk] .: . asymptote ['aesimptaut] .: . asymptotic [.aesimp'tDtik] .: II convergence (curve, direction, distribution, formula, series, surface, value, etc.): (, , , , , , , .).

    asymptotically equal [^simp'totikdh'irkwal]: . Atiyah, Michel F. (1929): (, ).

    atom ['aetam] .: (. Boole, . .). atomic [a'tomik] .: || lattice: || measure: (.).

    attitude ['aetitju:d] .: || matrix: .

    attract [a'traekt] p. IIion .: . attractor [a'traekta*] .: (. .). attribute ['aetnbju:t] .: ( ), , II space: .

    augment [D:g'ment] p.: II ation: ||ed matrix: ().

    autocorrelation [^tsu.kDra'leifn] .: (.) II coefficient: .

    autocovariance [.D^su.ksu'vearians] .: (.). automorphic [pitev'moihk] .: II function: .

    automorphish [^tau'motfism] .: , (.. ) .

    autoregressive [.otou^ngresiv] .: (. .). auxiliary [o:g'zilJ3ri] .: II circle (equation, integral, variable, etc.): (, , , .).

    average ['aevarK^] 1. .: II 2. .: II speed: .

    axial ['aeksial] .: II component: 11 coondinates: II symmetry: .

    axiom ['aeksiam] .: II of choice: II of completeness: (. .) II of continuity:

  • 21

    | |~ of countability (first or second): ( ) (.) 11 of incidence: II of order: II super position : .

    axiomatic [.aeksiau'maetik] .: II set theory: II systems: .

    axiomatics [.aeksiao'maetiks] .: , . axis ['aeksis] . (. axes): 11 of coordinates (ellips, hyperbola, inertia, parabola, projection, revolution, rotation, symmetry, etc.): (, , , , , , , , .). II conjugate (polar, principal, radial, etc.) : (, , , .) .

    axonometric [aeksono'metrik] .: . Azimuth ['aezimaG] .: II al:

    Babbage, Charles (1792-1871): .

    Baire, Louis Rene (1874-1932): || category theorem: Baire (.) || function: Baire.

    balanced product ['baebnst'prDctakt]: . ball [bo:l] (.) II closed : || open : II unit : .

    Banach, Stephan (1892-1945): (, ) II space: Banach (. Normed space) || -Steinhaus theorem: Banach-Steinhaus || -Tarski paradox: To Banach-Tarski II Hahn- theorem: Hahn-Banach (. Hahn).

    bar graph ['ba:,graef): (.). Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677): , .

    barycenter ['baen.sents*] .: , . barycentric [.baen'sentrik] .: II coordinates: - .

    base ['beis] .: || angles of a triangle: II for a topology: II neighbourhood of a point: II sub: II of a logarithm: II of a number system: .

    basic ['beizik] .: . basis ['beisis] .: II of a vector space: II block (conditional, unconditional .) : * . conditional, unconditional.

  • 22

    Bayes, Thomas (1702-1761): ( ) II estimator: Bayes ||ian Statistics: Bayes II theorem: Bayes.

    bearing ['besnq] .: -.

    behaviour space [bi'heivia, speis]: . phase space. bel [bel] .: . bending moment ['bendirj.maumant]: (.). Bernoulli: Nicolaus, James, Johan, Daniel etc. II distribution: Bernoulli (.) 11 equation: Bernoulli II inequality: Bernoulli || numbers: Bernoulli II lemniscate of: Bernoulli IItrial: Bernoulli.

    Bernstein, Sergei N. (1880-1968): .

    Bertrand, Joseph LF. (1822-1903): ( , , ).

    Bessel, Friedrich W. (1784-1846): II's functions: Bessel (. .) || differential equation: Bessel II inequality: Bessel.

    beta ['bi:ta] .: . || distribution: || function: .

    bialgebra [bai'aeldjibra] .: . biangular [bai'aengjub*] .: . bias ['baias] .: (.). biased or biassed ['baiast] .: . unbiassed, . . biaxial [bai'aeksisl] .: . bicompact [bai'kompaekt] .: (.). bicompactum [baikam'paektam] .: . biconditional [baiknn'dijbnl] .: ( equivalent, . ).

    bifunctor [bai'fAqkta*] .: . functor (. .). biharmonic [baiha:'mDnik] .: II function: .

    bijection [bai'djekfn] .: (), ( ).

    bijective map [bai'djektiv'maep]: , . .

    bilateral [bai'laetaral] .: , II symmetry: II shift operator: .

    bilinear [bai'hnia] .: || map: II form: .

    billion ['bihan]: 1. (9) () 2. -

  • 23

    (12) ( ). bimodal [bai'maudl] .: , . bimodule [bai'rnodjul] .: . module. binary ['banian] .: II number system: II operation: 11 quadratic form: II relation: .

    binomial [bai'naumjal] 1. .: II 2. .: II coefficiemts: II distribution: II series: II theorem: .

    binormal [b9i'no:m9l] .: . bipartite [bai'pa:tait] .: II coordinates: II graph: .

    bipolar [bai'pauib*] .: II coordinates: . biquadratic [.bai.kwo^drcKtik] .: || equation: - .

    birectangular [bairek'taeqgob*] .: || spherical triangle: .

    Birkoff, George D. (1884-1944): . bisect [bai'sekt] p.: IIion: . bisector [bai'sekta*] .: II perpendicular : . bit [bit] .: . binary digit, , . bivariate [bai'veanat] .: II distribution: .

    Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885-1962): (, ) II product: Blaschke (. .).

    block basis ['blok.beisiz]: block ( ). block graph ['blok.graef]: block ( ). body ['bodi] .: II celestial : || convex II rigid : (.)

    Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860): . Bolzano, Bernhard (1781-1848): | | Weierstrass property: Bolzano-Weierstrasse II - Weierstrass theorem: Weierstrass.

    Boole, George (1815-1864): ( ) ||an Algebra (ring, space, etc.): (, , .) Boole.

    border ['bD:d3*] .: (.). Borel, Felix E.J.E. (1871-1956): II set: Borel II function: Borel.

    bound ['baund] .: || greatest lower : (. infimum) || least upper: (. supremum) || least upper axion: II lower : II upper : .

    boundary ['baondsri] .: (.) || condition: (. .) crossing: (.) point:

  • 24

    II -value problem: 11 values: .

    bounded ['baundid] .: | |~ convergence theorem: 11 function: 11 function (or measure) of variation: ( ) | |~ linear transformation: | |~ operator: II sequence: | |~ set: .

    brachistochrone [bra'kistakraon] .: (. .).

    bracket ['braekit] .: II square ~ : . branch [brcr.ntj] .: II of a curve: 11 of a multiple valued analytic function: .

    breadth [bred0]: ( = width), . Brianchon, Choriew J. (1783-1864): . Briggs, Henry (1561-1630): II 's logarithm: Briggs.

    British Thermal Unit ['britipGarmal'jurnit]: 4.18 joule.

    broken line ['braukn'lain] : . Brouwer, Luitzen E.J. (1881-1966): (, ) II fixed point theorem: Brouwer.

    Brown, Robert (1773-1858): 11 ian motion: Brown.

    Budan de Bois Laurent, F.F.D. (c. 1800-1853 ): .

    buffer ['bAfs*] .: , (/). Buffon, George LL, Comte de (1707-1788): .

    bulk modulus ['bAlk'modjubs]: , (.) bundle [bAndl] .: 11 associated (normal, principal, tangent, vector, etc.) ~ : (, , , , .) II fibre ~ : II map (space, tangent, vector, etc.): (, , , .) | |~ of planes: .

    Buniakovski (or Bouniakowsky), Victor J. (1804-1899): ( ).

    Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861-1931): . Bush, Vahnevar (1890): , .

  • 25


    C.G.S. Units: C.G.S. (. centimeter, gram, second).

    cactoid [,kaek'tDid] .: (.). calculable ['kaelkjubbl] .: , . calculate ['kaelkjuleit] p.: . calculating machine ['kaelkjuleitiqmd'JIin]: . calculation Lkae'lkjule'Jh] .: . calculator [.kae'lkjule'ta*] .: , . calculus ['kaelkjobs] .: II differential : II infinitesimal : 11 integral : II of variations: II fundamental theorem of : .

    calorie ['kaelon] .: ( , 4,18 joule.

    cancel ['kaensl] p.: , . cancellation [.kaensa'leifn] .: , II law: II semigroup: .

    canonical [ks'nDnikl] .: II class: (.) || form: II representation: .

    Cantor, Georg (1845-1918): , II set: Cantor 11 ternary set: Cantor.

    cap [kaep] .: , . cup II spherical : (.).

    capacitance [ka'paesatans] .: (.). capacitor [ka'paesata*] .: . capacity [ks'paesati] .: (.). capital ['kaepitl] 1. .: (.) II 2. .: letter: .

    Caratheodory, Constantin (1873-1950): : ,

    11 measure: . Cardano, Girolamo (1501-1576): .

    cardinal ['ka:dinl] .: II number (power, product, sum): - (, , ) of a set: II ity of the continuum: II transfi-nite number: .

    cardinality [,ka:di'n'aebti] .: II of a set: ( ) .

    cardioid ['ka:diDid] .: ( r = a(lcos0)). carrier ['kaeria*] .: || frequency:

  • 26

    II wave: . Cartan, Elie J. (1869-1951): . Cartan, Henri P. (1904): , .

    Cartesian [ka:'ti:zJ3n] .: | |~ axes (coordinates, product, space): (, , ( )).

    Cassini Jean P. (1625-1712): | |~ oval: Cassini: [(x-a)2 + y2][(x + a)2 + y2] = k4.

    casting ['ka:stir)] .: , II ont nines: () 9.

    catastrophe [ka'taestrafi] .: II elementary ~ : | |~ theory: ( R. Thorn).

    categorize ['kaetigaraiz] p.: , . category ['kaetigsn] .: II Baire's ~ theorem: Baire II first ~ set: ( Hnerve of a ~ : (., K-theory) 11 second set: (. II theory: .

    catenary [ka'timan] .: ( y = (a/2)(ax/ct+e~x/a)). catenoid ['kaetanoid] .: . Cauchy, Augustin L. (1794-1857): II distribution: Canchy II inequality: Canchy ( ~ -Schwarz) 11 integral formula: Cauchy (. .) II sequence: Cauchy II (condensation) test for convergence: () Cauchy .

    causality [kD:'zaebti] .: . cause [ko:z] .: , . caustic curve [,ko:stik'k3:v]: (hypocy-cloid curve).

    Cavalieri, Francesco . (1598-1647): .

    Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895): II algebra: Cayley | |~ theorem: Cayley ( ) ~ Hamilton theorem: Cayley-Hamilton (. ).

    Cech, Gdward (1893-1960): () || Stone compactification: Stone-Cech.

    c.d.f. [.sir.dii'ef]: . cumulative distribution function. Celcius, Anders (1701-1744): | |~ scale: .

    celestial [si'lestjsl] .: | |~ altitude (coordinates, equator, horizon, latitude, mechanics, meridian, pole, sphere, etc.) (-

  • 27

    , , , , , , ,

    , .). cell [sel] .: ( ) . II closed (open) : () (.).

    center ['senta*] . centre. centesimal [sen'tesiml] .: ( 100). centigrade ['sentigreid] .: II thermometer: - ( ).

    centigram ['sentigraem] .: . centimeter [senti,mi:t3*] .: ( ), . central ['sentrsl] .: || angle (force, etc.): (, .) II limit theorem: (.) IIly symmetric body: II moment (motion, projection, etc.): (, , .).

    centraliser [sentra'laiza*] .: (). centre ['senta*] .: II of attraction (curvature, gravity, inversion, mass, oscillation, pressure, similarity, similitude, symmetry, etc.): (, , , , , , , , .) II of perspective: II radical : II of a circle: II of a group: .

    centrifugal [sen'tnfjugl] .: || force (potential, etc.): ( .).

    centripetal [sen'tnpitl] .: II acceleration (force, etc.): (, .).

    centroid ['sentroid] .: ( ) II of a triargle: .

    Cesar , Ernesto (1859-1906): II summable (sequence): () Cesaro.

    Ceva, Tomasso (1648-1746): 's Theorem: Ceva ( ).

    c.g.s. Units: (cm), (gr) (sec).

    chain [tjein] .: 11 conditions (on a lattice, ring, etc.): ( , , .) II countable condition: II complex: || rule: ( ).

    chance [tfa:ns] .: , (. .). change [tfemd3] .: , II of base (coordinates, variable, etc.): (, , .) II rate of : .

    chaos [*keios] .: (. ., . .). character ['kaerakta*] .: II group: II

  • 28

    finite : II of a group: (x) II group : 11 property of finite : (.).

    characteristic [.kaerakta'nstik] 1. .: || Euler : Euler || of a logarithm: II of a ring (field, etc.): (, .) II 2. .: II bundle (curve, direction, equation, frequency, function, matrix, subalgebra, subgroup, etc.): (, , , , , , ,

    , .): vector eigenvector: . charge [tfa:d3] .: II density of: || point-: .

    chart [tfa:t] .: , II flow : (/). Chebyshev, Pafnuti L (1821-1894): II inequality: Chebychev (.) II polynomials: Chebyshev (. ., . .).

    check [tfek] l. p.: , II 2. .: , . chi [kai] .: . IIsquare (x2) distribution: 2 (.) ( Euler).

    Chinese remainder theorem: (. .).

    choice [tjbis] .: II axiom of: (. .) II function: (. .).

    chord [ko:d] .: II focal : . Christoffel, Elwin . (1829-1900): II symbols: . Christoffel (. .).

    cipher ( cypher) ['saifa] .: : 0 circle ['S3:kl] .: II of Apollonius: II of convergence: II curvature: II circumscribed (escribed, great, inscribed, radial, etc.) ] .: : (, , , , .) II nine-point : ( Euler) II of inversion: II squaring (of) the : .

    circuit ['S3:kit] .: II flip-flop : flip-flop (/).

    circulant [ ^k jubn t ] .: II determinant: II matrix: .

    circular ['S3:kjub*] .: II argument: II function (measure, motion, orbit, region, etc.): (, , , , .).

    circulating decimal ['sa^juleitirj'desiml]: . circumcenter [,s3:k3m'sent3*] .: ( ).

  • 29

    circumcircle [,s3:k3m's3:kl] .: . circumference [sa'kAmfarans] .: . circumscribe [^kamskraib] p.: . circumscribed ['S3:k3mskraibd] .: . cis [.sis'Giita] . cos6 + isinG (: ()). cissoid ['sisoid] .: () 11 of Diodes: ( . . y2(2a-x) = x3, . . = 2 ).

    Clairant, Alexis C. (1713-1765): II's differential equation: Clairaut.

    class [kla:s] .: (., .) II equation: (., . .) II equivalence : II frequency: II function: (.). 11 interval : II modal : .

    classical ['klaesiksl] .: II mechanics: . classification [.klaesifi'keifn] .: || one-way : .

    classify ['klaesifai] p.: . clinometer [klai'nomita*] .: , (.). clockwise ['klDkwaiz] .: , .

    closed ['kbuzd] .: II algebraically : II cover: (.) II curve (disc, form, graph, interval, model, operator, orbit, region, set, surface, system, transformation, etc.): (, , , , , , , , , , , , .) II with respect to an operation: .

    closure ['kbu33*] .: , || of a set: () II operator (property, etc.): (, .) .

    cluster point ['kLvsta'point]: II set: .

    coalition [.kaua'hfn] .: (. ). coaltitude of a celestial point: [kau'aelt ltjuidavasi'lestpl'point]: (.).

    coaxial [kau'aeksial] II circles: II planes: .

    coboundary [kau'baundsn] .: . cocycle [kau'saikl] .: . code [kaud] .: . codimension [.kaudi'menfn] .: (. .). coding ['ksudiq] .: II theory: (.). co-domain [.kaudau'mein] .: ( ). coefficient [.kaui'fijht] .: Hconfidence : (.) II binomial : II leading :

  • 30


    II of correlation (linear expansion, variation, etc.): ( , , .) II differential : .

    co-factor of a matrix (or of a determinant): [kau'faektarava'meitriks] - ( ).

    co-final [kau'fainl] .: ||ity: (. ., .). cofinite [kau'famait] .: II set: ( ) II topology: .

    cogradient [kau'greidjant] .: . Cohen, Paul J. (1934): (, ).

    coherence [kau'hiarans] .: , . coherently [kau'hiaranth] .: II oriented: .

    cohesion [kau'tii^n] .: . cohomology [.kauhD'mobdji] .: II group: -.

    coin [koin] .: , || toss a : (. .). coincide [.kauin'said] p.: . coincident [kau'insidant] .: II figures: . coinitial [.kaui'nijl] .: (. ., .). colatitude [k3u'laetitju:d] .: . collection of terms: [ka'lekfnav'tsimz]: . collinear [kau'hnia*] .: , , || planes (points, vectors): , (, ).

    collineation [kau.hni'eifn] .: , II group: (.).

    collineatory [kau.hni'aetari] .: , . collision [ka'lijn] .: II elastic : || inelastic : .

    column ['kotam] .: II in a determinant: . combination [,kDmbi'nei/n] .: II of n things k at a time: n k II linear : (. .).

    combinatorial [kom.bina'tDrial] .: II topology: II group theory: .

    combinatorics [kombina'toriks] .: , . combine [kom'bdin] p.: . command [ka'ma:nd] .: (/). commensurable magnitudes ( quantities) [ka'menjbrabl 'maegnitju:dz]: ( ) (. incommensurable).

    common ['koman] .: II denominator (difference, divisor, factor,

  • 31

    fraction, multiple, tangent, etc.): (, , , , , , .) || least multiple (LCM): () II greatest divisor (GCD): () 11 logarithm: ( 10).

    commutation [.komjui'teifn] .: . commutative [ka'mjuitativ] .: II diagram (law, group, property, ring, semigroup, etc.): (, , , , , .).

    commutator ['komju^eita*] .: II group: .

    commutativity [k3,mju:t3'tiviti] .: . commute [ka'mju:t] p.: , . commuting diagram: [k3*mju:tiq 'daiagraem]: . commuting elements: [k9'mju:tiq 'ebmants]: . compact [kam'paekt] .: II countably : 11 locally : II manifold: II space (topology, etc.): (, .) II sequentially : )

    compactly [kam'paekth] .: II generated: (. . .).

    compactification [.kompa.ktifi'keijn] .: II one-point : () II Stone-Cech : Stone-Cech.

    compactness [kam'paektnas] .: . cam pactum [kam'paektum] .: - ( ), .

    comparable ['komparabl] .: . comparison [kam'paenzn] .: II test: . compass ['kAmpas] .: ( . .. es), .

    compatibility [kam.paeta'bibti] .: II equations: .

    compatible [kam'paetabl] .: II axioms: ( ).

    complement ['komphmant] .: II of an angle (set, element, etc.): (, , .).

    complementarity [kamphman'taeriti] .: . complementary [.kompli'mentan] .: II acceleration: ( Coriolis) II angles: II distribution: II lattice: .

    complemented [.kompli'mentid] .: , II lattice: .

  • 32

    complete [kam'mpliit] .: 1. p.: II the square: II 2. .: II field: || induction: ( ) II lattice: (. lattice) II quadrilateral: II space: 11 metric (or topological) space: ( ) II system: II orthonormal system: II weekly (or strongly) : ( ) (., .).

    completely [kam'plkth] .: , , II continuous (reducible, distributive, etc.): (, , .).

    completeness [kam'plktnas] .: . completing the square [kamp'lKtinoa'skwes*]: .

    completion [kamlp'lKjh] .: . complex ['kompbks] 1. .: 11 chain : II simplicial : 11 2. .: , II absolute value of a number: II argument of a number: II Analysis: II domain: II fraction: II integration: || modulus: II number: 11 plane: II root: 11 sphere: II valued function: II variable: .

    component [kam'paunant]: , II of acceleration: II axial : II horizontal : II connected : (.) || of force: || s of a space (graph): () II of a tensor: II of a vector: II radial : II vertical : 11 of a computing machine: /.

    composite ['kompazit] .: II function (mapping, number, quantity, etc.): (, , , .) II hypothesis: (.).

    composition [.kompa'zijh] .: || of functions: II of relations: || series: (.) II of tensors: ( ) || of vectors: .

    compound ['kompaund] .: II event: (.) II harmonic motion: 11 number: II pendulum: .

    compression [kam'prejh] .: , II spectrum: (. .) 11 of an operator: 11 modulus of : .

  • 33

    computation [.kompjui'teijn] .: II numerical : .

    compute [kam'pjiKt] p.: . computer [kam'pjuita*] .: || analogue : II digital : II personal ( PC): II science: .

    concave [.knn'keiv] .: (. convex) || downwards: II function: II polygon: II polyhedron: II curve: II downwards graph: II upwards graph: II.

    concavity [kon'kaevati] .: . concentration [.konsan'treijh] .: . concentric [kan'sentrik] .: II figures (circles, spheres, etc.): (, , .)

    conchoid ['koqkoid] .: () II of Nicomedes: - .

    conclusion [ksn'klu^n] .: . concordantly [kan'ko^anth] .: , || oriented manifold (simplex): () .

    concrete ['kunkriit] .: (. abstract). concurrence [kan'kArans] .: . concurrent [ksn'kArant] .: , II lines (planes, forces, etc.): (, , .) ) .

    concyclic [kon'saiklik] .: , II points: .

    condensation [.konden'seijr)] .: II test: ( Cauchy) II point: .

    condition [kan'dijh] .: II boundary : || limiting : 11 initial : 11 necessary : || necessary and sufficient : II sufficient : 11 chain : .

    contidional [kan'dijbnl] .: II convergence: II expectation: (.) II propability: II statement: (. .).

    conditionally [kan'dijbnh] .: II complete: .

    cone [kaun] .: II circular (oblique, right, spherical, truncated, etc.) : (, , , , .) II of dispersion: II frustum of a : II right circular : .

    confidence ['konfidans] .: (.) II coefficient (interval,

  • 34

    region, etc.): (, , .) . configuration [kan.figju'reifn] .: . confocal [kan'faukl] .: ( ) II ellipses (paradolas, quadrics, etc): (, , .)

    conformal [kan'fqiml] .: II map (parameters, representation, transformation, etc.): (, , , .).

    congruence ['koqgruans] .: (. .), (.) || linear ( quadratic) : ( ) II modulo n: modulo n (. modulo) II congruence of triangles: .

    congruent ['kongrusnt] .: , , , II figures (quantities, etc.): , (, .) II matrices (transformations): , (, .) (. .).

    conic(-al) ['kaunik(l)] .: || pendulum (projection, section, 'surface, etc.): ( (), , , .).

    conicoid ['kaunikoid] .: . conjugate ['kondjugit] .: II algebraic numbers: II angles: II arcs: .

    conjunction [kan^Aqkfn] .: ( ). conjunctive [kan^Arjktav] .: II normal form: (. Boole) II transformation: .

    connected [ks'nektid] .: (.) || arcwise : II locally : 11 pathwise : II simply : .

    connection [ka'nekfn] .: (.), . connectivity [.kons'ktiviti] .: || number: .

    conoid ['kaonDid] .: . consecutive [kan'sekjutiv] .: . consequent ['konsikwant] .: (. .). conservation [.konsa'veijh] .: II law: II of angular momentum: II of energy: II of inertia: II of momentum: .

    conservative [kan's3:v3tiv] .: , (.) II field: II force: || system: .

    consistency [kan'sistsnsi] .: || axioms: (. .).

  • 35

    consistent [ksn'sistant] .: II axioms (postulates, hypotheses, etc.): (, , .) II equations: II estimator: (.).

    constant ['konstant] 1. .: II absolute : II arbitrary : 11 gravitational : II of integration: || 2. .: || function: II term: .

    constellation [.konsta'leijh] .: (.). constrained [kan'streind] .: , II motion (oscillation): () (.).

    constraint [kan'nstreint] .: . construct [kan'strAkt] p.: . constructible [kan'strAktabl] .: . construction [kan'strAkfn] .: II geometric : .

    contact ['kontaekt] .: 11 order of : 11 point (line, manifold, etc.) of : (, , .) .

    contain [kan'tem] p.: (.: e, ?). content ['kontdnt] .: , . contingency [kan' t^ansi] .: , (.) II table: .

    contingent [k9n'tind39nt] .: (. .). continuation [kan.tinju'eifn] .: II analytic : .

    continued fraction [kan'tinjuid'fraekjh]: . continuity [.konti'nju^ti] .: II axiom of: II equation of: (.) II principle of: .

    continuous [kan'tinjuas] .: || absolutely : II function (map, operator, tranformation, etc.): (, , , .) II piecewise : II semi: II uniformuly : II upper (or lower) semi: ( ) II at x: x || on the left (or right): ( ) II geometry: (Von Neumann) II media: (.).

    continuum [kan'tinjuam] 1. .: ( ) II 2. .: hypothesis: (. . .).

    contour ['kon.tua*] .: integral: II lines: .

    contraction [kan'traekfn] .: . contractive mapping [kan'traektiv'maepiq]: . contradiction [.kontra'dikjh] .: II proof by : .

    contrapositive [.kontra'posativ] .: (. .).

  • 36

    contravariant [.kontra'veanant] .: II functor: .

    control [kan'traul] .: (. , .) || statistical : II group: II chart: .

    convention [kan'venfn] .: , . converge [kan'v3:d3] p.: . convergence [kan'v3:d33ns] .: II absolute : II circle of: II conditional : II in the mean: II in measure: II interval: II sequential : II test: II radius of: II unconditional : II uniform : .

    convergent [kan'v3:d33nt] .: II sequence (series, etc.): (, .) II of a continued fraction: (. .).

    converse ['konv3:s] .: . conversely [k3n'v3:sh] .: . conversion [kan'v3:Jh] .: . convex ['kunveks] .: II curve (function, etc.): (, .) || span: || strictly : II uniformuly : II hull: .

    convolution [.konva'lujh] .: II kernel: (. .)

    coordinate [k3u'o:din3t] .: II Cartesian (cylindrical, polar, rectangular, spherical, etc.) s: (, , , , .) II system: .

    coordinatization [kao^dinatai'zeifn] .: (-) (.).

    coplanar [kau'pleina*] .: . coprime [kau'praim] .: numbers: (. .). Coriolis, Gaspard G. (1792-1843): II acceleration: Coriolis II force: Coriolis.

    corollary [ka'rotan] .: . correct [ks'rekt] .: II to n decimal places (singificant figures, etc.): ( , .).

    correction [ka'rekfn] .: . correlation [.kora'leijh] .: (.) II canonical : II coefficient (ratio, etc): (, .) .

    correpsondence [.kon'spDndans] .: , || one-to-one (onto) : () .

    corresponding [.kon'spDndn]] .: || angles (lines, points, sides, etc.): (, , , .).

  • 37

    cos [kos]: (. cosine). cosec ['kdusek]: (. cosecant). cosecant [kau'siikant] .: . cosech ['kausetfl: (. hyperbolic cosecant). coset [kau'set] .: , II of a group: , II left (right) : () .

    cosh [koj]: (. hyperbolic cosine). cosine ['kausain] .: II curve: || direction s: , (. .) II formula: (. .) II hyperbolic : .

    cot [kot]: (. cotangent). cotangent [,k3u'taend33nt] .: . coth []: (. hyperbolic cotangent). Coulomb, Charles (1736-1806): II coulomb: .

    countability [.kaunta'bitati] .: II first (second) axiom of : () (.).

    countable ['kauntsbl] .: II set: . countably ['kauntabli] .: II compact: II infinite: .

    counter ['kaunta*] 1. .: / || 2. .: II example: II 3. -prefix: -clokwise: , .

    counting ['kauntrrj] 1. .: II 2. .: function: II measure: .

    couple [kApl] .: (.) IId oscillator: IId pendulum: .

    coupling ['kAplirj]: (.) II coefficient: . Courant, Richard (1888-1972): . covariance [.kau'veanans] .: (. .). covariant [.kau'vesnant] .: II derivative (field, functor, index, law, tensor, transformation, etc.): (, , , , , , .).

    cover ['kAV9*] .: II closed : II open : .

    covering ['kAvanrj] .: II index: . Cramer, Gabriel (1704-1752): II 's Rule: Cramer.

    criterion [krai'tisnan] .: II convergence : .

    critical ['kntikl] .: , II constant: (.) II damping: 11 element: II hypothesis: II point: , II

  • 38

    ratio: II region: (.) || value: .

    cross [kros] .: x 11 product: II ratio: II section: , II- sectional area: .

    cryptoisomorphism ^knpta.aisa'motfism] .: . cube [kju:b] .: II root cubic root: . cubic(-al) ['kju:bik(l)] .: II curve (equation, etc.): (, .) II polynomial: ( ) .

    cumulants ['kju:mjubnts] .: (.). cumulative ['kju:mjubtiv] .: II distribution function: II frequency: II frequency curve: II frequency table: .

    cup [kAp] .: (U) . cap. curl [k3:l] .: ( ) II of a vector: (. .).

    curvature ['k3:v3tjb*] .: II Gaussian : Gauss II circle of : 11 radius of : II principal : 11 Riemannian : Riemann.

    curve [k3:v] .: II algebraic (analytic, closed, parabolic, simple, etc.) : (, , , , .) II (empirical) influence : () (.) II evolute of a : ( . ) II Jordan : Jordan II length of a : 11 tracing of a : .

    curved [k3:vd] .: , II space: .

    curvilinear [^3:'19*] .: II coordinates (figure, motion, etc.): (, , .).

    cusp ['kAsp] .: .

    cuspidal point ['kAspadl 'point]: (). cusum analysis ['kuzuma'naebsis]: cumulative sum analysis.

    cut [kAt] .: II Dedekind : Dedekind IIoff point: .

    CV [,si:'vi:]: * . hp. Cybernetics [.saiba'netiks] .: . cycle ['saikl] .: , II of graph: || of periodic function: .

    cyclic ['saiklik] .: , II coordinates: -

  • 39

    II group: | |~ permutation: | |~ polygon: .

    cycloid ['saikbid] .: (: x=a((p-sin(p), y=a(i-cos(p), = - ) .

    cyclotomic [.saikb'tDmik] .: II equation (polynomial): ().

    cylinder ['sihnda*] .: II oblique (right, etc.) ~ : (, .) .

    cylindrical [si'hdnkl] .: II coordinates (function, map, surface, etc.): (, , , .).

    cylindroid ['silindroid] .: . cypler ['saifa*] .: cipher.


    d'Alembert (1717-1783): II's test: d' Alembert (.).

    damped ['daempt] .: (. .) | |~ harmonic motion (oscillation, etc.): (, .).

    Dandelin, G.P. (1794-1847): . Darboux, J.G. (1842-1917): (, . ) II integral: Darboux.

    data ['deito] . (.: datum): , | |~ processing: II statistical ~ : .

    decade ['dekeid] .: . decagon ['dekagan] .: II regular ~ : . decagram ['dekagraem] .: , . decahedron ['deka'rrhdran] .: . decalitre ['dek3,li:t3*] .: , . decametre ['deka.mita*] .: , . decay [di'kei] .: , (.) || exponential ~ : (.) II polynomial ~ (at infinity): , ( ) (.).

    deceleration ['dh.seb'reijh] .: ( ). decibel ['desibel] .: 1/10 bel (. ). decimal ['desiml] .: | |~ expansion (fraction, system, point, etc.): (, , , .) II number: II accurate to n ~ places: | |~ point: 11 recurring repeating periodic ~ : II floating ~ point: .

    decimeter ['desi,mi:t3*] .: , 1/10 . decision [di's^n] .: , II box: ()

  • 40

    (/) | |~ function: (.) | |~ theory: (.).

    declination [.dekh'neifn] .: (.). decompose [.diikam'pauz] p.: . decomposable [.dKkam'pauzabl] .: . decomposition [,^^'/] .: || partial fraction ~ : .

    decrease [di:'kri:s] p.: , /-, /-. decreasing [di:'kri:ziq] .: II sequence: || strictly ~ : .

    decrement ['deknmant] .: . Dedekind, J.W.R. (1831-1916): (, ) II cut/section: Dedekind (. , ).

    deduce [di'dju:s] p.: , . deduction [di'dAkfn] .: . deductive [di'dAktiv] .: , 11 theory: .

    defective [di'fectiv] .: , | |~ number: (' ) .

    deficiency [di'fijhsi] .: . deficient [di'fifnt] .: , . define [di'fain] p.: , , || d .: . defined [di'faind] .: , , . defining [di'fainirj] .: , . definite ['definit] .: II integral: II positive/negative ~ form (matrix, etc.): / (, .) || positive/negative semi form: / .

    definition [.defi'mfn] .: . deform [di'fo:m] p.: . deformable [,di:'fo:m3bl] .: . deformation [,di:fD:'meiJn] .: || continuous ~ : II homotopic ~ : .

    degenerate [di'djenarst] .: | |~ circle (conic, kernel, etc.): ( , , .).

    degree [di'gri:] .: , | |~ of a polynomial (equation, etc.): (, .) II of accuracy: lis of freedom: (.)

    del [del] .: , V (. .). Delambre, J.B.J. (1749-1822): . De la Vallee Poussin J. (1866-1962): (, ) Hadamard .

    delete [di'li:t] p.: , .

  • 41

    deleted [di'li:tid] .: II neighbourhool: (. .).

    Delian problem ['dirljon 'prubbm]: ( ).

    delta ['delta] .: . , Laplace (., .).

    demognaphic [.diimo'graefik] .: (.). demography [dii'mografi] .: (.). De Moivre, A. (1667-1754): (, ). De Morgan, A. (1806-1871): (, . ) II 's laws: De Morgan (. ).

    denary ['di:n3ri] .: . denominator [di'nomineita*] .: || common : .

    dense [dens] .: II everywhere (nowhere) : () II set (subspace, etc.): (, .) || in itself: ' .

    density ['densiti] .: II mean (metric, relative, surface, etc.) : (, , , .) II probability function: .

    denumerable [da'njumarabl] . (. countable) || set: .

    denumerably infinite [da'njumarabli 'infinit]: . depend [di'pend] p.: . dependence [di'pendans] .: II domain of: . dependent [di'pendant] .: (. independent) II equations (events, functions, variables, etc.): (, , , .) II linearly : (. . ).

    derivation [.deri'veifn] .: . derivative [di'nvativ] .: II of a function (integral, sum, vector, etc.): (, , , .) 11 partial : II directional (total, etc.) : (, .) .

    derived [di'raivd] .: , , II set: II curve (equation, etc.): (, .).

    Desargues, G. (1591-1661): IIean plane: Desargues.

    Descartes, Rene (1596-1650): ( II' rule of signs: .

    descending [di'sendirj] .: (.: ascending) || arrange in powers: II chain: .

  • 42

    descriptive [di'sknptiv] .: , II geometry: .

    determinant [di'tsrminant] .: II of a matrix: II Gram : Gram 11 expansion (minor, etc.) : (, .) II real (symmetric, etc.) : (, .) .

    determine [di't3:min] p.: , . develop [di'velop] p.: . development [di'velopmant] .: , . deviate ['di:vieit] p.: . deviation [,di:vi'eijh] .: Habsolute from the median: II mean square : 11 standard : II from the mean: (.) II median absolute from the median (MAD): .

    diagonal [dai'aeganl] 1. .: II of a matrix (determinant, polygon, etc.): (, , .) II 2. .: matrix (determinant, etc.): (, .).

    diagram ['daiagraem] .: II commuting : .

    diameter [dai'aemita*] .: II of a circle (conic, set, etc.): ( , , .) II conjugate s: .

    dichotomy [dai'kotami] .: (. .) II law of : .

    Dido's problem ['daidauz 'problem]: ( - ).

    diffeomorphism [,difeD'mo:fism] .: . difference ['difrans] .: II of numbers (sets, potential, etc.): (, .) II symmetric : II equation: II quotient: II operator: 11 finite : .

    differentiate [.difa'renjbbl] .: II function: .

    differential [.difs'renfl] 1. .: II equation (form, geometry, etc.): (, , .) II analyser (calculus, coefficient, operator): (, , . II 2. .: total : II exact : .

    differentiation [.difarensi'eijh] .: , || implicit (logarithmic, partial, etc.) : (, , .) .

    digit ['did3it] .: II significant : . digital ['did3itl] .: II computer: . dihedral [dai'hi:drl] .: II angle: || group: .

  • 43

    dilatation [dailei'teijh] .: II of time (volume, etc.): (, .) II ratio: .

    dilation [dai'leijh] .: || operator: ( Hubert).

    dilemma [di'lema] .: (. .). dimension [di'menfn] .: II of an equation: II of a vector space (matrix, etc.): (, .) II theory: (.).

    dimensional [di'menjbnl] .: II analysis: II infinite : II one- (two-, theree- etc.) : , , , . II n : .

    dimensionless [di'menjbnbs] .: (.) II variable: .

    Dini, U (1845-1918): (). Diophantus (. 250 ..): ( , ).

    Diophantine analysis: . Diophantine equation: . dipole ['daipaul] .: . Dirac, P. (1902): II function: Dirac.

    direct [di'rekt] [dai'rekt] .: , II common tangent: II decomposition: II product: 11 proof: .

    directed [di'rectid] [dai'rektid] .: , II graph (group, set, etc.): ( Moore-Smith) (, , .)

    direction [di'rekjh] .: , , || component: II cosines: .

    directional [di'rekjbnl] .: || derivative: .

    directly [di'rekth] .: II proportional: . director [direkta] .: IIcircle (cone, sphere, etc.): (, , .).

    directrix [di'rektnks] [dai'rektriks] .: (. .). Dirichlet, P.G.L (1805-1859): II's kernel: Dirichlet II's problem: Dirichelt II's test: Dirichlet.

    disc [disk] .: , . disk II drive: , disc drive (/). disconnected [.diska'nektid] .: (.) || set: II extremely : II totally : .

    discontinuity [.diskonti'nju^ti] .: II point of :

  • 44

    II finite (infinite, removable, etc.) : (, , .) .

    discontinuous [.diskan'tinjuas] .: || function: .

    discrete [di'skri:t] .: , || Mathematics: II set (spectrum, etc.): (, .) Improbability distribution: II topology (variable, etc.): (, .).

    discriminant [di'sknminant] .: || analysis (function): - () (.).

    discriminatory [di.skrimi'neitari]: analysis discriminant analysis: (.).

    disjoint [d is jo in t ] .: II mutually : || pairwise : II neighbourhoods: 11 sets: .

    disjunction [dis'djAqkfn] .: (. .) II exclusive (inclusive) : () .

    disjunctive [dis'djArjktiv] .: II implication: II normal form: .

    disk [disk] .: . disk || drive: , disk drive (/). dispersion [di'sp3:Jh] .: (.). displace [dis'pleis] p.: . displacement [dis'pleismant] II angular (axial, parallel, radial, etc.) : (, , , .) .

    disproof [dis'pru:f] .: , , . disproportion ['dispr9'po:Jh] .: . disproportional [,dispr3'po:Jbn3l] .: . disprove [,dis'pru:v] p.: , . dissection [di'sekjh] .: , . dissimilar [.di'simib*] .: II terms: . dissimilarity [.disimi'laersti] .: . distance ['distans] .: II angular (apparent, geodesic, polar, etc.) : (, , , .) 11 preserving (mapping): .

    distinct [di'stirjkt] .: , . distortion [di'sto:Jh] .: (., .). distribute [di'stnbju:t] p.: . distribution [,distri'bju:Jn] .: (.) || binomial (exponential hypergeometric, logarithmic, marginal, normal, rectangular, uniform, etc.) : (, , , , , , .) II function: II frequency : II table: .

    distributive [di'stnbjutiv] .: || inequality (lattice, law, property, etc.): (, , .).

    diverge [dai'v3:d3] p.: (. convegre).

  • 45

    divergence [dai'v3:d39ns] .: II theorem: .

    divergent [dai'v3:d33nt] .: II series (sequence, etc.): (, .) II integral: .

    divide [di'vaid] p.: . dividend ['divident] .: . divisibility [di.vizi'bibti] .: II test: .

    divisible [di'vizabl] .: . division [di'vijn] .: II algebra: - II algorithm: II by zero: II ring: 11 exact : .

    divisor [di'vaiza*] [di'viza*] .: H(greatest) common (G.C.D.): (...) II of zero: (.) II normal of a group: , .

    dodecagon [dau'dekagan] .: II regular : -.

    dodecahedron [.daudeka'hedran] .: II regular : .

    domain [dau'mein] .: , , ( . . ) II of a function: II integral : (.) 11 principal, ideal : II unique factorisation : (.) II of convergence: .

    dominance ['dDminans] .: (.). dominant [.dominant] .: II diagonal: .

    dominated ['domineitid] .: II convergence: II convergence theorem: ( Lebesque) (. .).

    dot [dot] .: , II product: . double [dAbl] .: II contact (negation, root, sequence, series, .) (, , , , .) II cone: II integral (point, sum, etc.): (, .) II ratio: () II sampling: (.) II false position: .

    doublet ['dAbht] .: doubly ['dAbh] .: , II periodic function: .

    drag [draeg] .: II coefficient: .

    draw [dro:] p.: , , , . dual [*dju:3l] .: II figure (ideal, proposition, theorem, space, etc.): (, , , , .).

    duality [dju:'aetati] II principle: .

  • 46

    dummy ['cUmi] .: , II index (variable, etc.): (, .).

    duodecimal [,dju:9U'desiml] .: II system: .

    duplication [,dju:ph'keijh] .: , || of a cube: .

    duration [djua'reijh] .: II average of life: (.).

    Durer, Albrecht (1471-1528): .

    dyad ['daiaed] .: . dyadic [dai'aedik] .: II number: II number system: .

    dynamic [dai'naemik] .: II programming: II system: .

    Dynamics [dai'namiks] .: . dyne [dain] .: ( ).

    eccentric [ik'sentrik] . , , II angle: II circle: .

    eccentricity [.eksen'trisiti] .: , : II of an tllipse (parabole, hyperbola): (, ).

    echo ['ekau] .: . eclipse [l'khps] .: II lunar : II solar : .

    ecliptic [l'khptik] .: (.). edge [ed3] .: 11 of an angle (cube, polyhedron, square, etc.): (, , , .).

    EDVAC: (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer).

    efficiency [l'fijbnsi] .: , II factor: II mechanical : .

    efficient [l'fijbnt] .: II estimator: , (.).

    Egyptian fractions [l'djipjn'fraekjhz]: ( ).

    Egyptian ropestretchers [l'djipjn'raup.stretj^z] ( ).

    eigenfunction ['aigan.fArjkfn] .: , -.

    eigenvalue ['aigan.vaelju:] .: , .

  • 47

    eigenvector ['aigan.vekta*] .: , . Eilenberg, Samuel (1913): , .

    Einstein, Albert (1879-1955): , .

    Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max (1823-1852): (, ).

    elastic [l'laestik] .: II body: || collision: .

    elasticity [,elae'stis9ti] .: Hmodulus of : .

    electric [l'lektnk] .: II charge (circuit, current, field, flux, induction, potential, etc.): (, , , , , , .).

    electricity [.llek'ktnsati] .: . electrodynamic [l.lektraudai'naemik] .: . electrodynamics [l.lektraudai'naemiks] .: . electromagnetic (al) [l.lektraomag'netik] .: (.). electromotive [l.lektrau'msutiv] .: II force: - .

    electrostatic [l.lektrau'staetik] .: II potential: II unit: .

    element ['ebmant] .: II of a set: II of area (volume, arc, etc.): (, , .) II unit (inverse, isolated, null, etc.) : (, , , .) II Euclidean s: .

    elementary [.ela'mentari] .: II algebra (divisor, function, operation, etc.): (, , , .).

    elevation [,eli'veijh] .: , II of a point: II angle of: .

    eliminant [l'hminant] .: . eliminate [l'hmineit] p.: , . elimination [l.hmi'neijh] .: . ellipse [1 lips] .: II directrix of an : II eccentricity of an : II major axis of an : ( ) II minor axis of an : 11 focal property of an : II foci of an : II reflection property of an : .

    ellipsograph [l'hpsaugraef] .: . ellipsoid [l'hpsoid] .: II confocal s: II oblate : 11 of revolution: 11 (semi-)axes of: () II similar s: .

  • 48

    ellipsoidal [.elip'soidl] (.): II coordinates: .

    elliptic [l'hptik] .: II coordinates (cylinder, function, integral, paraboloid, Riemannian surface, etc.): (, , , , Riemann, .).

    embed [lm'bed] p.: . embedding [lm'bediq]: (.) II theorem: . empirical [em'pinkl] .: II method: . empty ['empti] .: II class (interval, region, set, space, etc.): (, , , , .).

    end [end]: 1. .: II 2. .: point: . endomorphic [,end3u'mo:fik] .: II groups: .

    endomorphism [,end3u'mo:fism] .: . endow [m'dau] p.: . endowment [ln'daumant] .: . energy ['en3d3i] .: II conservation of: II conversion of: II integral: .

    enlarge [in'la:d3] p.: , || ment (.): . Enneper, Alfred (1830-1885): ( ). enthalpy ['en0aelpi] .: . entire [m'taia*] .: () II function: ( ) II series: .

    entropy ['entrapi] .: . enumerable [l'njiKmarabl] .: II set: . enumeration [i,nju:m3,reijn] .: . envelope ['envataup] .: II of curves: II of surfaces: .

    envolute ['env3lju:t] .: of curve: ( ).

    epicentre ['episenta*] .: . epicycle ['episaikl] .: . epicyclic [.epi'saiklik] .: . epicycloid [.epi'saikbid] .: (). epitrochoid [.epitrau'koid] .: (). epitrochoidal [.epitrau'koidl] .: . epsilon [ep'saibn]: . . II symbols: (. .).

    equal ['iikwal] .: . equality [k'kwobti] .: II conditional : . equate [l'kweit] p.: . equation [l'kweijh] .: II adjoint (algebraic, auxiliary, binomial, bioquadratic, cubic, differential, exponential, homogeneous, integral, irreduci-

  • 49

    ble, linear polynomial, quartic, quintic, radical, rational, reciprocal, subsidiary, symmetric, transcendental, trigonometric, etc.) : (, , , , , , ,

    , , , , -

    , , , , (), , , , , .) || continuity : 11 literal : II minimal : (. ) 11 numerical : II parametric s: 11 polar : 11 order of a differential : II order of : II system of s: II transformation of an : II of curve: || of higher degree: .

    equator [l'kweita*] .: (.). equatorial [,ekw3'to:rial] .: II plane: . equiangular [,i:kwi'aeqgub*] .: II hyperbola (polygon, transformation, triangle, etc.): (, , , .) 11 spiral: .

    equiareal [,i:kwi'aeri3l] .: II map(ping): ( ).

    equicontinous [kkwikan'tinjuas] .: || functions: (.).

    equiconvergent [,i:kwik3n*v3:d33nt] .: II sequences: - || series: .

    equidistant [.kkwi'distant] .: . equilateral ['.irkwi'laetoral] .: II hyperbola: II triangle: .

    equinumerable [1i:kwi'nju:m9r9bl] .] .: II sets: () .

    equipotent [.iikwi'pautont] .: II sets: . equipotential [,i:kwip3u't3njl] .: II surface: .

    equivalence [l'kwivatans] .: II class: || relation: II symbol: .

    equivalent [l'kwivatant] .: II equations (inequalities, matrices, polygons, propositions, sequences, sets, spaces, etc.: (, , , , , , ). || topologically spaces: .

    Eratosthenes of Alexandria (276-194 ..): , II sieve of: .

    Erdos, Paoul (1913): . ergodic [3:'godik] .: II theory: II the mean theorem: .

  • 50

    Erlang, A.K. (1878-1929): . error ['era] .: II average : II curve: II function: II mean square : II standard : .

    escribe [a'skraib] p.: . escribed [a'skraibd] .: II circle: II sphere: .

    essential [l'senjl] .: II constants: II map(ping): (.) II singularity: (. .) || variable: .

    essentially [l'senjbh] .: II bounded: (.).

    estimate ['estimeit] p.: , . estimator ['estimeita*] .: II consistent : II efficient : , II unbiassed : II likelihood : (.).

    eta ['i:ta] .: . . Euclid (. 300 ..): , .

    Euclidean .: 11 algorithm: (.) II axioms: (.) II geometry: II ring: || space: (., ., .) II locally space: (.).

    Eudoxus (408-355): , . Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783): II constant of: Euler (.) II characteristic: Euler (., .) II equation of: Euler (. .) II's formula: o Euler (.) ||'s function: Euler (. .) II's theorem: Euler (., ., .) II's transformation: Euler (.).

    evaluate [l'vaeljueit] p.: , . evaluation [l.vaelju'eifn] .: , . even [4:vn] .: II function: (.) || number: II permutation: (.) || spaced map: .

    event [l'vent] .: , II compatible s: II complementary : 11 compound : II dependent s: II elementary : 11 independent s: II mutually exclusive s: II simple : .

    everywhere ['evnwea*] .: II almost : (. ) II dense: (.).

  • 51

    evolute ['i:v3lju:t] .: , () || of a curve: (.) II of a surface: II mean of a surface: .

    evolution [,i:v3'lu:Jh] .: , (. . involution).

    exact [lg'zaekt] .: , , || differential: (.) II differential equation: 11 division: .

    ex-center [.eks'sents*] .: . excess [ik'ses] .: , || coefficient of : II of nines: II of triangle: .

    excessive [ik'sessiv] .: II number: 9 .

    excircle [,eks's3:kl] .: . exclusive [ik'sklu:siv] .: , || disjunction: (. .) || mutually : .

    exhaustion [ig'zo:stJbn] .: , 11 method of : ( ).

    existence [lg'zistans] .: II theorem: . existential [.egzi'stenjl] .: 11 quantifier: - (. .).

    expand [ik'spaend] p.: , . expanded [ik'spaendid] .: . expansion [ik'spaenjh] .: II binomial : II coefficient of linear : II in patrial fractions: II in series: II of a determinant: II of a function: II multinomial : II of the Universe: (.). (. .).

    expectation [.ekspek'teifn] .: (. .) II mathematical : (. .).

    expected [ek'spektid] .: II value: (. .). experiment [ik'speriment] .: II n-trial : (. .).

    explementary [.ekspli'mentan] .: || angle: .

    explicate [.exphkeit] p.: (. .). explicit [ik'splisit] .: ( ) II function: .

    exponent [ek'spaunant] .: II fractional : 11 imaginary : 11 laws of s: .

    exponential [.ekspau'nenjl] .: || curve: ||

  • 52

    distribution: (.) II equation: II function: II series: .

    expression [ik'sprejh] .: || algebraic : 11 biquadratic (cubic, quartic, etc.) : (, , .) II numerical : .

    ex-radius [.eks'reidjss] .: . extend [ik'stend] p.: II a function: (.).

    extended [ik'stendid] .: || function: II mean-value theorem: || real-number system: .

    extension [ik'stenjh] .: II conservative : (. .) II of a field: .

    extentionality [ik.stenjb'naehti] .: (. .) II axion of : .

    exterior [ek'stiana*] .: II angle: II interior alternate angles: II measure: (.).

    external [ek'st3:nl] .: II bisector: || common tangent: II operation: (.) 11 ratio: (.) II.

    externally [ek'st^nah] .: II tangent circles: .


    extract [ik'straekt] p.: , II ion: . extraneous [ek'streinjas] .: , || root (solution, etc.): (, .).

    extrapolate [ek'straepauleit] p.: . extrapolation [ek.straepau'leijh] .: (. .).

    extrem [lk'strhml] .: II set: (. .).

    extreme [ik'stri:m] : , |[ and mean ratio: II point: || value: .


    F [ef] 1. . II 2. .: distribution: 11 F a set: Borel, .

    face [feis] .: , , || angle of a polyhedral angle (polyhedron, polytope, etc.): (, , .).

    facet [,faesit] .: . factor ['faekta*] ., .: || common : II

  • 53

    analysis: II group (ring, etc.): (, .) II greatest common : II invariant : II integrating : (. .).

    factorable ['faektarabl] .: . factorial [faek'ktD:ri3l] .: II series: (. series).

    factoring, factorisation ['faektanq] .: . factorization. factorization [.faektarai'zeifn] .: , || of a transformation: .

    factorize ['faektaraiz] p.: . false [foils] .: (. .) II position: || proposition: .

    faltung .: ( , . convolution). family ['faemah] .: II of circles (curves, lines, functions, etc.): (, , , .).

    Farey, John (1766-1826): . Fatou, Pierre (1878-1929): () ||'s theorem (or lemma): () Fatou (.).

    Fejer, Leopold (1880-1959): II's kernel: Fejer (. kernel).

    Fermat, Piere de (1601-1665): ||'s last theorem: Fermat II's numbers: Fermat II's principle: Fermat ().

    Ferraro, Ludovico ( Ferrari) (1522-1565): , .

    Ferro, Scipione del (1465-1526): . Fibonacci, Leonardo (1170-1250): ( ) II sequence: () Fibonacci.

    fibre ['faiba*] .: , (.) || space: . field [fi:ld] .: , II characteristic of a : II extension of a : II force : II plan: (.) II Galois :, Galois (.) 11 number : II perfect : II prime : 11 quotient : 11 tensor : II vector : .

    Fields, John Charles (1863-1932): (). figurate ['figjurat] .: . figure ['figs*] .: 1. , , 2. II congruent s: () II curvilinear : 11 geometric : II homothetic s: 11 perspective s: II plane : II rectilinear : II superposable s: .

    filter ['filto*] .: (., . .) II ultra : II non-trivial ultra : .

  • 54

    fine [fain] .: (.) IIr topology: . fineness ['fainnss] .: II of a partition: - (., .).

    finite ['fainait] .: II axiom of choice (cardinal number, character, covering, decimal part, differences, discontinuity, discontinuity jump, extension, group, point, sample space, series, set, solution space, etc.): (, , , , (.), , , (.), , , (.), , , , , .) II intersection property: II rank: , II locally family of sets: .

    finitistic [.fini'tistik] .: . Fisher, Ernst Sigismund (1875-1954): (, ).

    Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (1890-1962): 's : :

    1 1 + z(r) = - l n . _ , r ||'s z distribution: . F distribution.

    fitting ['fitiq] .: || curve : II method: .

    fixed [fikst] .: II point: II point property: II point theorem: (.. Brouwer, Poincare-Birkhoff, . II value: (, , .).

    fiat [flaet] .: , . flecnode ['fleknaud] .: . flex [fleks] . II point: . flexion ['flekjh] .: . floating ['ftautnj] .: decimal point: (/).

    flow [fleau] .: (. .) || chart: . fluctuation [.fUktju'eiJh] .: (.). fluxion [fkkjh] .: .

    focal ['faukal] .: II chord: II point: II radius: II property of conies: .

    folium [folium] .: II of Descartes: Descartes .

    Fontana, Niccolo ( Tartaglia) (1500-1557): (. G. Cardano).

    foot [fut] .: ( 30,5 cm) || of perpendicular: .

  • 55

    force [fo:s] .: II field: . form [fo:m] .: II adjoint (algebraic, bilinear, canonical, differential, homogeneous, indeterminate, linear, multilinear, normal, polynomial, positive definite (quadratic), positive semidefinite (quadratic), quadratic, symmetric, etc) : (, , , , , , , , , -

    , (), (), , , .) II standard of an equation: .

    formal [fo:ml] .: II algebra: II error: (.) II logic: 11 power series: () - ( ).

    formalism ['foimahzam] .: (. .). formally ['fo:m9li] .: . formation [fo:'meiJh] || rules: (. .).

    formula ['foimjuta] .: II approximate (atomic, binomial, closed, open, recurrence, reduction, etc.) : ( (. .), , (. .), , , , .) II cosine (sine, tangent, etc.) : (, , .) II of reduction: (.).

    Fourier, Jean B. (1768-1830): () II (cosine, sine, etc.) series: (, , .) Fourier || (sine, cosine, etc.) transform: (, , .) Fourier ||'s theorem: Fourier .

    factal ['fraektl] 1. .: fractal, || 2. .: II geometry: fractal II dimension: fractal .

    fraction ['fraekfn] .: common : II complex : II continued : 11 decimal : II decomposition of a : II improper (of integers): II improper (of polynomials): II in its lowest terms: II partial : II periodic (continued) : () II proper : (. improper) 11 similar s: II simple : , II vulgar : .

    fractional ['fraekfanl] .: II derivative (equation, exponent, intergal, number, etc.): (.) (, , (.), , .)

    frame ['freim] .: , || basic : II of reference: () II orthonormal : - .

  • 56

    Francesca, Piero della (1416-1492): . Frechet, Rene M. (1878-1973): (, , ) II space: .

    Fredholm, Erik Ivar (1866-1927): () II's integral equations: Fredholm.

    free [fri:] .: II algebra (element, index, group, variable, etc.): (, , , , .).

    freedom ['frirdam] .: II degree of : (.) II.

    Frenet, Jean Frederic (1816-1900): ( ) II formulae: Frenet .

    frequency ['frnkwansi] .: II absolute : II curve: (. .) II deviation: II distribution: (. .) II function: (. .) II polygon: () (.) II relative : (.).

    Fresnel, Augustin Jean (1788-1827): || (sine, cosine) integrals: (, ) Fresnel.

    Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg (1849-1917): (, ) II theorem: Frobenius (.).

    frontier ['frAn.tia*] .: (.) || of a set: II point: (.).

    frustum ['frAstam] .: || of a solid (cone, pyramid, etc.): (, , .) , .

    Fubini, Guido (1879-1943): (, , ) II's theorem: Fubini (, ) .

    function ['fAijkJh] .: II absolute (absolutely continuous, additive, algebraic, analytic, antitrigonometric, arctrigonometric, arithmetic, automorphic, beta, bounded, characteristic, choice, complementary, complex, composite, concave, constant, continuous, convex, decreasing, dependent discontinuous, distribution, elliptic, entire, essentially bounded, even, explicit, exponential, factorial, gamma, harmonic, holomorphic, homogeneous, homographic, hypergeometric, implicit, inner, increasing, integrable, integral, inverse trigonometric, irrational, left-continuous, linear, locally integrable, logarithmic, lower semicontinuous, many-valued, measurable, mero-morphic, modular, monotonic, multiple-valued, negative, odd, outer, periodic, polynomial, positive, rational integral, right-continuous, regular, scalar, simple, single-valued, singular, sinusoidal, slope, step, stream, subadditive, subharmonic, summable, superharmonic, symmetric, transcendental, trigonometric, unbounded, upper semicontinuous, vector, etc.) : (-

  • 57

    , , , ( ), , , , , ,

    , , (. .), (. .), , , , , , , , , , (. .), , - ( ), , , ( y, .), , ( ), (.), , , , , , ( ), (. .), , , , ,

    , , , ,

    , , , , -

    , (. .), , , (' ), , , , , , , , ( ), -, , , ( ), , , , , , , (Lebesgue) , , , , ,

    , , , .) II Bessel s: Bessel II delta : (.) II (empirical) distribution : () (.) II Euler's ~ : Euler (. .) II hyperbolic s: II orthogonal s: II argument of a : II composition of s: II domain of a : II field of a (vector) : () II inverse of a : II range of a : II element: ( ) (. .) II of bounded variation: II of regression: II space: II theory: .

    functional ['fAgkjbnl] 1. .: II analysis (calculus, equation, operation, relation, space, etc.): (, , , , .) II 2. .: II additive (constant, continuous, linear, Minkowski's, multiplicative, positive, subadditive, sublinear, etc.) II: (, , , Minkowski, , , , , .) II differential of a : .

    functor ['fAqkta*] .: , II contravariant : II covariant : II identity : II morphism of: II product of s: .

    fundamental [ fAnda'mentl] .: , || assumption: -

  • 58

    II coefficients: () (. .) II curve: || form: II function: (. .) || group: (.) II identities: II lemma: II number: II operations of arithmetic: II period (of a function): () || sequence: Cauchy II system of solutions: II theorem of algebra: II theorem of Arithmetic: ( - ) II theorem of calculus: .


    G5 set [^l.delta1 set]: (.). Gallilei Galileo (1564-1642): , .

    Galilean transformations: . Galois, Evariste (1811-1832): () II field: Galois II group: Galois II theory: Galois.

    game [geim] .: II theory: . gamma ['gaems]: . II distribution: (. .) II function: .

    gate ['geit] .: || AND : (/) || OR - : (/) || inverse : , .

    gauge [geid3]: II function: II functional: II transformation: .

    Gauss, Carl. F (1777-1855):

    II curvature: (-, ) II differential equation: () Gauss II' formulae: () Gauss II plane: II Bonnet theorem: Gauss-Bonnet (. .).

    Gaussian distribution: Gauss. Gaussian integer: . Gelfond, . (1906-1968): () II Schneider theorem: Gelfond Schneider ( Hubert).

    general ['dsenaral] .: II axiom (case, equation, function, solution, term, etc.): (, , , , , .).

  • 59

    generality [djena'raehti] .: (. .). generalization [^enaralai'zeijh] .: (. .). generalize ['dsenaralaiz] p.: . generalized ['djenaralaizd] .: II coordinates (distributions, functions, spaces, theorems, etc.): (, , , , .).

    generate ['d3Jenareit] p.: , . generating [^enareitirj] .: II circle: II curve: 11 element: II function: II line: ().

    generator ['djenareita*] .: , || of a surface: () II s of a group: (.) || rectilinear : .

    generartrix ['djenareitriks] .: (. generatrices). generic [dji'nenk] .: . genus ['djenas] .: (. genera) || of a surface: . goedesic [,d3i:3u'desik] 1. .^: II circle (conic, coordinates, curvature, curve, distance, ellipse, hyperbola, parallels, parameters, polar coordinates, representation, torsion, triangle, etc.): ( , , , , , , , , , ,

    , , , .) II 2. .: || umbilical : .

    geographic [djia'graefik] .: II coordinates: .

    geometric(-al) [,d3i3-'metnk(l)] .: II average: II construction: ( ) II distribution: ( Pascal) II figure (locus, mean, progression, sequence, series, solid, solution, transformation, etc.): (, , , , , , , , .).

    geometry [dji'omatn] .: II affine (algebraic, analytic, descriptive, elliptic, Euclidean, hyperbolic, metric, parabolic, perspective, plane, projective, synthetic, etc.) : (, , , , , , , ,

    , (), , , .) II foundation of: II solid : II two (three, etc.)-dimensional : (, .) .

    Gergonne, Joseph D.: (1771-1859): ( Poncelet) .

    Gibbs, Joisah W. (1829-1903): II' phenomenon: Gibbs ( Fourier).

    girth [g3:0] .: . glissette .: (., . ).

  • 60

    globe [gtaub] .: , . gnomon ['nauman] .: . gnomonic [nsu'monik] .: . Godel, Kurt (1906-1978): ( ).

    Goldbach, Christian (1690-1764): ( ) | |~ conjecture: Goldbach , ^ 4 2 .

    golden number [.gauldn'nAmba*]: ( =- (1 + \/5). golden rectangle [,g9uldn'rek(taeqgl]: (. ~(1 + >/5).

    golden section [.gauldn'sekjh]: . goniometer [.gauni'omita*] .: . goniometric [.gauniD'metnk] .: . goniometry [gauni'omatn] .: . grad [graed] .: 1. , 1/100 * grade II 2. .

    grade [greid] .: , , . gradid [greidid] .: (.). gradient ['greidjant] .: , II of a curve: | |~ of a function: II method of conjugate s: .

    graduate ['graedjoeit] p.: , . gram gramme [gram] .: . Gram, Jorden P. (1850-1916): ( , ) IIian matrix: Gram.

    Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation: Gram-Schmidt. graph [graef] .: , , II of an equation (function, etc.): (, .) || bar ~ : II paper: .

    graphic (-al) ['graefik(l)] .: II calculation (integration, method, representation, solution, etc.): (, , , , .).

    graphically ['graefikah] .: . gravitation [.graevi'teifn] .: , II constant (law, range) of: (, ) II law of universal ~ : .

    gravitational [.graevi'teifnl] .: II energy (field, potential, etc.): (, , .) .

    gravity ['graeviti] .: II acceleration (force, velocity, etc.) of ~ : (, , .) II centre of: , .

    great [greit] .: , II bear: (.)~ circle:

  • 61

    II arc: . greater ['grata*]: II than: II than or equal to: .

    greatest ['greitast] .: II common divisor: () II common element: II common factor: II common measure: II common subgroup: .

    Green, George (1793-1841): ( ) IIs formula (function, theorem): (, ) Green.

    Gregory, James (1638-1675): ||. Newton interpolation formula: Gregory-Newton.

    gross [gros] .: , , II area: II tonnage: .

    Grothendieck, Alexandre (1928- ): .

    group [gru:p] .: 11 Abelian (additive, adjoint, affine, alternating, automorphism, character, composite, commutative, cyclic, factor, finite, free, fundamental, infinite, linear, multiplicative, permutation, quotient, simple, solvable, topologial, unitary, etc.) : (, , , -, , , , , ,

    , , , , , ,

    , , , , , , ,

    .) II factor: II representation of a : || semi-: || sub-: II order of a : .

    groupoid ['gru:poid] .: . grouping terms [,gru:pir),t3:mz]: , .. .

    growth [grauO] .: II exponential (geometric, logarithmic, polynomial, etc.) : (, , -, .) .

    Guderman, Christof (1798-1852): (, ) II ian function: Guderman (f(x)=arctansinhx).

    Gunter, Edmund (1581-1626): () cosinus cotangeus.

    gyrate [^aia'reit] p.: . gyration [.djaia'reijh] .: II centre of: II radius of : () .

  • 62

    Haar, Alfred (1885-1933): | |~ functions: Haar II measure: Haar | |~ system: Haar (. .).

    Hadamard, Jacques (1865-1963): De la Vallee Poussin | |~ 's conjecture (inequality, three circles theorem, etc.): (, , .) Hadamard.

    Hahn, Hans (1879-1934): (, ) ||Banach theorem: Hahn-Banach.

    half [ha:f] 1. .: () 11 2. .: 11 angle formula: (.) | |~ closed interval: IIline: II open interval: 11plane: IIspace: II open line (-plane, -space, etc.): (, , .).

    ham [haem] .: -sandwich theorem: .

    Hamel, George (1877-1954): () | |~ basis: Hamel (. ).

    Hamilton, William (1805-1865): , quaternions II Cayley theorem: Cayley-Hamilton (. .) | |~'s principle: Hamilton ()

    Hamiltonian [.haeml'taunjan] .: | |~ function (group, etc.): (, .).

    Hankel, Herman (1839-1873): (, ) II function (matrix, transform, etc.): (, , .) Hankel.

    Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877-1947): (, ) ||~-Littlewood conjecture: Hardy-Lit-tlewood.

    harmonic [ha:'mDni'k] 1. .: || first (spherical, surface, etc.) ~ : (, , .) II 2. .: | |~ analysis (average, component, conjugate, division, function, mean, motion, oscillation, progression, ratio, sequence, series, vibration, etc.): ( , , , , (. .) , (.), (.), , , , , , .) II damped ~ motion: II simple ~ motion: .

    harmonically [hcu'monikah] .: . Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942): (, ) II maximality principle: Hausdorff | |~ paradox: Hausdorff II measure: Hausdorff 11 topology:

  • 63

    Hausdorff II topological space: Hausdorff ( T2). haversine ['haeva.sain] .: ( ). heat [hi:t] .: (.) II balance: Uncapacity: 11 equation: (. .) II of evaporation: .

    heaven ['hevn] .: (.). heavenly ['hevnli] .: II body: . Heaviside, Oliver (1850-1925): - II function: . Heaviside II step function: ( ) Heaviside.

    hectar ['hekta:*] .: , 10.000 m2.

    height [] .: . Heine, Eduard (1821-1881): () || Borel theorem: Heine-Borel.

    helicoid ['hirlikoid] .: II right : . helicoidal ['hi:h,kDidl] . || surface: . heliocentric ['hi:li3u'sentnk] .: II theory: .(.) II parallax: .

    helix ['hi:hks] .: II circular (conical, cylindrical, etc/) : (, , .) .

    Helly, Eduard (1884-1943): || condition: Helly II's selection principles Helly.

    Helmholtz, Herman (1821-1894): . hemisphere [hemi.sfia*] .: . hence [hens] .: , . Henneberg, Ernst (1875-1933): ( ). hendecagon [hen'dekagon]: ( endecagon* . ).

    hendecahedron [hen.deka'hhdran] .: ( endeca-hedron* . ).

    heptagon ['heptagsn] septagon .: . heptagonal [hep'taeganl] .: . heptahedral [.hepta'hkdral] .: . heptahedron [,hept3'hi:dr3ii] .: . Hermite, Charles (1822-1901):

    e II polynomials: Hermite II's interpolation: Hermite.

    Hermitian [h3:'mijh]: . ( ) | |~ form: II matrix: II transformation: .

    Hero ( Heron) of Alexandria (1 . ..): ,

  • 64

    II (n)'s formula: 11 (n)*s hodometre: .

    Hesse, Ludwig (1811-1874): ( ). Hessian of a function: (. .). heterogeneous [,het3r3u'd3i:nJ3s] .: II distribution: (.).

    hexagon ['heksagan] .: II regular : . hexagonal [hek'saeganl] .: II number: II prism: .

    hexahedral [heksd'hi:drl] .: . hexahedrom [.heksa'hhdran] .: II regular : (. ).

    hidden ['hidn]: , II periodicity: (.).

    hierarchy ['haisrcnki] .: II of classes: II of sets: .

    higher ['haia*] .: II algebra: II plane curve: II.

    highest ['haiast] .: || greatest common factor: || greatest common divisor: ().

    Hubert, David (1862-1943): ||'s cube: o Hubert II problems: Hubert (23 Hubert 1900) II space: Hilbert.

    Hindu ( Hindu-Arabic) numerals: ( Arabic numerals)


    hinge [hind3] .: (.) histogram ['histogram] .: (.). hodograph ['hodaugrcnf} .: . hodometre [ho'dDmita*] .: . Holder, Otto (1859-1937): II's inequality: Holder.

    hole [haul] .: . hollow ['hobu] .: II hemisphere (semicircle, etc.): (, .), .

    hologram ['hubugraem] .: (.). holography [ho'lografi] .: . holomorphic [hDbu'mo:fik] .: II function: (. .).

    homeomorphic [,hDmi3u'mo:fik] .: II spaces (topologies, .): (, .).

    homeomorphism [.hDmiau'moifism] .: . homocentric [.haumau'sentnk] .: II circles: .

  • 65

    homogeneity [.hDmaodje'nhati] .: II degree of : .

    homogeneous [.hDmau^imjas] .: ( ) | |~ coordinates: II equation (expression, function, relation, space, transformations, etc.): (, , , , , .) || arc (area, solid, etc.): ( ) (, , .).

    nomographic [.homau'graefik] .: (. .) II function (projection, solution, etc.) (, , .).

    homography [ho'maugrafi]: . homological [.homs'lodjikl] .: II Algebra: .

    homologous [hn'motegas] .: II elements (angles, lines, points, terms, etc.): (, , , , .).

    homology [hD'mobd3i] .: (.). homomorphic [,hDm3u'mD:fik] .: II groups (spaces, etc.): (, .).

    homomorphism [hDmau'motfism] .: . homomorphy [hao'maumotfi] .: . homoscedastic [homauske'daestik] .: , . homothetic [homau'eekik] .: II figures (triangles, squares, etc.): (, , .) || centre (axis, etc.): (, .) || ratio: .

    homotopic [.homao'topik] .: II map (deformation, etc.): (, .) II paths: .

    homotopy [hD'mautopi] .: . Hook, Robert (1635-1703): II's law: Hook.

    horizon [ha'raizn] .: II artificial (astronomical, mathematical, visible, etc.) : (, , , .) .

    horizontal [.hon'zontl] .: II component (line, plane, projection, etc.): (, , , .).

    Horner, Willian George (1786-1837): () II's method: Horner II's scheme: Horner.

    horsepower ['hois.paua*]: ( 736 watt 75 kgm/sec).

    hour ['aua*] .: II angle: II circle: II kilowatt: 11 watt: .

    hp . horsepower (. ), CV .

    hull [] .: , || convex : 11 closed convex : .

  • 66

    hundred ['hAndrad] .: . hundredth ['hAndradG] .: . Huygens, Christian (1629-1695): , 11' formula: Huggens II' principle: Huygens.

    hyperbola [,hai'p3:b3ta] .: || assymptote to a : II auxiliary circle of a :

    II axes of : || conjungate : ( 11 conjugate axis of a : 11 diameter of a : Heccentric angle of a : llequilateral : 11 focal property of a : II geodesic : || parametric equations of a : 11 rectangular : ( ) 11 reflection property of a : ( ) II transverse axis of a : ( ) .

    hyperbolic [.haipa'bDhk] .: II coordinates: (.) II cosecant (cosine, contangent, function, logarithm, secant, sine, tangent, etc.): (, , , , , , , .) II cylinder: II geometry: II paraboloid: || partial differential equation: II pencil: (. .) II plane: II point of a surface: II space: II spiral: II Riemann surface: Riemann.

    hyperboloid [hai'p3:b9bid] .: 11 assymptotic cone of a : II axis of: II centre of a : II confocal s: - II conjugate : ( ) II of one sheet: II of revolution: II of two sheets: .

    hypercone [.haipea'kaun] .: (. .). hyperelliptic [,haip3r3'liptik] .: || function: - .

    hypergeometric [lhaip3d3i9u,metnk] .: || differential equation: ( Gauss) II distribution: (.) || function: II random variable: (). II series: ( Gauss).

  • 67

    hyperharmonic [.haipsrai'monik] .: | |~ function: - .

    hyperplane [.haipa'plein] .: | |~ of support: (. .).

    hyperspace [.haipa'speis] .: ( ) (. .).

    hypersurface [,haip3's3:fis] .: II algebraic ~ : .

    hypervolume [(haip3'vDlju:m] .: -.

    hypocompact space [.haipaukom'paekt'speis]: (.). hypocycloid [.haipau.saik'bid] .: . hypoelliptic [.haipaua'liptik] .: . hypotenuse [hai'pDt9nju:z] .: . hypothesis [hai'poGisis] .: , II admissible ~ : (.) II alternative ~ : (.) II composite ~ : (.) II continuum ~ : ( Cantor) || linear ~ : (.) II null ~ : (.) 11 simple ~ : (.) II test of a ~ : (.).

    hypothetic(-al) [.haipau'eetikl] .: | |~ proposition: (. .).

    hypotrochoid [.haipautrs'koid] .: ( ).

    icosagon [ai'kosagan] .: . icosahedron Laikasa'hedrsn] .: II regular ~ : .

    ideal [ai'dial] 1. .: (.) II basis of ~ : || left (maximal, principal, prime, right, two-sided, etc.) ~ : (, , ( ), , , ), II radical of an ~ : (.) || 2. .: ~ point: ' .

    idenfactor [.aidam'faekta*] .: . idempotence [.aidam'pautans] .: , . idempotent [.aidam'pautsnt] .: , II element: II matrix: .

    identical [ai'dentikl] .: , | |~ elements (figures, relations, etc.): (, , .).

    identically [ai'dentikah] .: II equal: . identification [ai.dentifi'keifn] .: .

  • 68

    identity [ai'dentati] ., .: ( ) II element: (.) II function (mapping, etc.): (, .) II matrix: 11 Lagrange's : Lagrange || left : II Newton's identities: 11 Pythagorean identities: II right : II trigonometric identities: .

    i.e. [,ai'i:] [,5aet'iz]: ( id est). iff [if]: ( if and only if). Illiac ['lhaek] .: - Illinois.

    illusory [l'luissn] .: , || correlation: (.).

    image ['imid3] .: II of a point: ( ) (.) II of a set: ( ) II inverse : (.).

    imaginary [l'maedjinan] .: || axis: (.) II circle: II curve: II number: II part of a complex number: II roots: II surface: II unit: ( = yf^A).

    imbed [lm'bed] p.: . imbedding [lm'bediq] .: . immediate [l'mkdjat] .: II inference: (. .) II integration: (.).

    immersion [i'm3:Jh] .: ( ). implicate ['implikeit] p.: . implication [.impli'keijh] ,: , . implicit [lm'phsit] .: II differentiation: II function (relation, etc.): (, .) ||

  • 69

    incompatible [.mkam'paetabl] .: equations: 11 characters: II events: (. .).

    incomplete [.inkam'plKt] .: , || beta (gamma, etc.) function: (, .) II induction: (. .).

    incompletely [,ink9m'pli:tli] .: II defined: (. ).

    inconsistent [.inksn'sistant] .: , II axions: II equations: .

    increase [irj'kri:s] p.: . increase ['irjkri:s] .: II per cent : . increasing [in"kri:sn]] .: II function (sequence, series, etc.): (, , .) II monotonically : .

    increment ['lqkramant] .: (.) II of a function: II of an independent variable: .

    indefinite [m'definat] .: , || integral: .

    independence [.indi'pendans] .: II of axioms: (. .) II statistical : ( ) .

    independent [.independent] .: II axioms (equations, events, functions, random variables, trials, etc.): (, , , , , .) || linearly quantities: .

    indeterminate [,indi't3:min9t] .: , || analysis: II equation: 11 form: (.).

    index ['mdeks] . (. indexes indices): , || contravariant : II covariant : II dummy : () II free : () II of a matrix (quadratic form, radical, subgroup, etc.): ( , , , .) 11 of a point relative to a curve: II rational (irrational, etc.) : (, .) .

    indicator ['indikeita*] .: of an integer: Euler.

    indicatrix [ln'dikatnks] .: II spherical of a space curve: II tangent of a space curve: .

    indicial [m'dijl] .: . indirect [.indi'rekt] .: || common tangent:

  • 70

    II differentiation: || proof: .

    induce [in'dju:s] p.: , . induction [m'dAkJh] .: (. .) II complete -: II incomplete : () II mathematical : () II principle: () II step: II transfinite : .

    inductive [m'dAktiv] .: (. .) II definition (inference, method, reasoning, etc.): (, , .).

    inequality [.lni'kwubti] .: II absolute : , II conditional : II graph of an : 11 polynomial : 11 sense of: II simultaneous inequalities: II triangle :

    : II unconditional : . inessential [.mi'senjl] .: : map between topological spaces: (.).

    infer [in'f3:*] p.: , . inference ['nfarans] .: , , II formal : (. .) II immediate : 11 inductive : 11 non-parametric : (.) II propositional : II robust : (.) 11 statistical : , .

    inferior [m'fiaris*] .: II limit of a function (sequence, etc.): (, .) (.).

    infimum ['lnfimum] .: (.). infinite ['infinat] .: II branch of a curve: II cardinal number: (. .) II decimal: II group: (.) II integral: II limit: II point: 9 || product: - (.) II sequence: II series: II set: .

    infinitely ['infinatli] .: II small: . infinitesimal [.infini'tesiml] 1. .: II order of an : II 2. .: , 11 analysis: 11 calculus: .

    infinity [ln'finati] .: II approach : II axiom of : (. .) 11 line at : 9 11 negative : II order of: II point at : 9 .

    inflection [ln'flekjh] .: || point: .

  • 71

    inflectional [ln'flekjhl] .: II tangent: .

    inflexion [ln'flekfn]: . inflection. inflexional [ln'flekjhl]: . inflectional. informal [in'fo:ml] .: , (. .). information [,inf3'mei/n] .: II theory: , .

    initial [l'nijl] .: II conditions: II function: (. .) II point: (.) II side of an angle: II value: (.).

    injection [in'd3ekjh] .: (), , .

    injective [m'djektiv] .: . injection. inner ['ins*] .: II function: (. .) II measure: ( ) II point: (.) II product: ( ) II product space: ( -Hilbert ).

    input ['input] .: (/) || component: .

    inradius ['m.reidjas] .: . inscribe [m'skraib] p.: ( ). inscribed [m'skraibd] .: II angle (circle, cone, cylinder, figure, polygon, prism, sphere, triangle): (, , , , , , , , .).

    inseparable [m'separabl] .: (.). integer ['intidja*] .: || algebraic (positive, quadratic, etc.) : (, , .) II congruent s: - II Gaussian : a + bi II solution: II -function of an : Euler .

    integrable ['intigrabi] .: 11 absolutely : (. .) 11 absolutely function space: () ( L1 ) II -absolutely function: .

    integral ['intigral] 1. .: || contour (definite, double, elliptic, Fresnel, improper, indefinite, infinite, iterated, Lebesgue, Lebesgue-Stieltjes, line, multiple, Riemann, Riemann-Stieltjes, surface, triple, etc.) : (, , , Fresnel, , , , , Lebesgue, Lebesgue-Stieltjes, , , Riemann, Riemann-Stieltjes, , , .) II 2. .: , 11 algebraic function: II algebraic number: II calculus: 11 curves:

  • 72

    II domain: || equation: 11 exponent: || expression: () || function: (. .) || number: 11 solution: || tables: l i test for convergence: ( Cauchy) 11 Volterra's equation: Volterra.

    integrand [inta'graend] .: || exact : .

    integrating ['inti.greitirj] .: || factor: (.).

    integration [.inti'greijn] .: || assymptotic (definite, indefinite, successive, etc.) : (, , , .) II change of variables in : II constant of: II element of: II formulae of: II by partial fractions: II by parts: II by substitution: II by use of series: ( ) II variable: II path of: .

    interaction [.intar'aekjh] .: (.). intercept 1. p. [.inta'sept]: II 2. . ['intasapt]: II on an axis of coordinates: ( , , .) II form of the

    y equation of a straight line: - + = 1 a,b , y .

    interdependent [.intadi'pendant] .: . interior [in'tiana*] 1. . II of an angle (set, contour, etc.): (, , .) II 2. . II angle: IIexterior alternate angles: II mapping: 11 measure: II point: 11 transformation: . mapping.

    intermediate [.inta'mhdjat] .: , II-value theorem: (.).

    internal [in't3:nl] .: II bisector (diameter, division, ratio, etc.): (, , , .) II tangent of two circles: .

    internally [in't3:n3h] .: tangent circles: . interpolate [in't3:p3uleit] p.: . interpolating [ln.tsipau'leitnj] .: , IIpolynomial: .

    interpolation [in,t3:p3u'leijh] 1. .: || correction by: ( ) II

  • 73

    finite : 11 infinite : II linear : 11 oscillatory : Hermite || trigonometric : || 2. .: error: || formula (of Abel, Gauss, Gregory-Newton, Hermite, Lagrange, Lidstone, Taylor, etc.): ( Abel, Gauss, Gregory-Newton, Hermite, Lagrange, Lidstone, Taylor, etc.) II polynomial: 11 property: || schemes: || series: .

    interpolatory [in,t3:p9u'laet3n] .: processes: . interpretation [ln.tsipri'teijh] .: . interquantile [.inta'kwointail] .: range: (.). interquartile [.