Microsoft Access 2010 Diseño y manejo de tablas. Crear una base de datos nueva


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Microsoft Access 2010Diseño y manejo de tablas

Crear una base de datos nueva

De la base de datos seleccione el listado de objetos

Crear una tabla vacia

En “Create” presione “Table”, aparece tabla en “Datasheet View”

En “Datasheet View” se puede comenzar a entrar datos sobre el tema

Presione “Save” para guardar la tabla y asignarle un nombre

Trabajar desde “Design View”

Tabla en “Design View” muestra panel para crear campos y sus propiedades

Seleccione “Data Type” a cada campo de la tabla

Data Type When to Use

Text To enter text, phone numbers, or zip codes.

Memo To enter large amount of text; up to 65,536.

Number To add numbers and decimals.

Currency To display numbers as currencies.

AutoNumber To have Access automatically number each record.

Date/Time To include date or time in a cell.

OLE Object To embed other objects such as graphics, or documents.

Hyperlink To link to websites or link to intranet sites.

Yes/No To store one of two values such as a Yes or No, Correct or Incorrect.

Attachment To attach files to a record such as spreadsheets, graphics, documents and more.

Calculated To enter a formula and display the results of the calculations.

Data Types

Desde “Datasheet View” tambien puede seleccionar el “Data Type”

Buena practica de diseño describir los campos y añadir “Input Mask”

Character Explanation

0 User must enter a digit (0 to 9).

9 User can enter a digit (0 to 9).

#User can enter a digit, space, plus or minus sign. If skipped, Access enters a blank space.

L User must enter a letter.

? User can enter a letter.

A User must enter a letter or a digit.

a User can enter a letter or a digit.

& User must enter either a character or a space.

C User can enter characters or spaces.

. , : ; - /Decimal and thousands placeholders, date and time separators. The character you select depends on your Microsoft Windows regional settings.

> Coverts all characters that follow to uppercase.

< Converts all characters that follow to lowercase.

!Causes the input mask to fill from left to right instead of from right to left.

\Characters immediately following will be displayed literally.

""Characters enclosed in double quotation marks will be displayed literally.

Crear “Input Mask” o mascaras

This input mask Provides this type of value Notes

(000) 000-0000 (206) 555-0199In this case, you must must enter an area code because that section of the mask (000, enclosed in parentheses) uses the 0 placeholder.

(999) 000-0000!(206) 555-0199( ) 555-0199

In this case, the area code section uses the 9 placeholder, so area codes are optional. Also, the exclamation point (!) causes the mask to fill in from left to right.

(000) AAA-AAAA (206) 555-TELE

Allows you to substitute the last four digits of a U.S. style phone number with letters. Note the use of the 0 placeholder in the area code section, which makes the area code mandatory.

#999 -202000

Any positive or negative number, no more than four characters, and with no thousands separator or decimal places.

>L????L?000L0GREENGR339M3 MAY R 452B7

A combination of mandatory (L) and optional (?) letters and mandatory numbers (0). The greater-than sign forces users to enter all letters in uppercase. To use an input mask of this type, you must set the data type for the table field to Text or Memo.

00000-9999 98115-98115-3007

A mandatory postal code and an optional plus-four section.

>L<?????????????? MariaPierre

A first or last name with the first letter automatically capitalized.

ISBN 0-&&&&&&&&&-0 ISBN 1-55615-507-7

A book number with the literal text, mandatory first and last digits, and any combination of letters and characters between those digits.

>LL00000-0000 DB51392-0493

A combination of mandatory letters and characters, all uppercase. Use this type of input mask, for example, to help users enter part numbers or other forms of inventory correctly.

Ejemplos de mascaras o “Input Masks”

Guardar trabajo según vaya desarrollando su base de datos

Probar que los campos cumplen con las reglas o “Test Validation Rule”

Al crear una tabla nueva, debe entrar todos los campos de la tabla

Referencias en español sobre las propiedades de los campos

Al crear tabla nueva sin “Primary Key” sale un aviso o ventana de dialogo

Crear un campo “Lookup”, seleccionar el tipo en “Data Type”

Asistente o “Lookup Wizard”, seleccionar buscar dato en otra tabla

Seleccionar tabla o “query” donde se encuentra el dato

Seleccione el campo deseado de la tabla

Seleccione el orden en que se presentaran los datos

Asignar etiqueta o nombre al campo tipo “Lookup”

Uso de campo tipo “Lookup” con listado de valores

Importar datos a la base de datos, seleccione “External Data”

Seleccione el archivo que desea importar a la base de datos

