Miranda Bdafsay




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YAY! You’re 16 now! :) People call it a sweet sixteen, right? But I don’t know why. O_o I think it’s because

WHITE PEOPLE get cars once they turn 16 LOL. I don’t know what we Asians get, but I know you WILL get

some LOVIN’ FROM MEEEE! :D I know this isn’t like one of my regular cards that I usually give to you, but

nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it!

Blast from the past! MIRANDA! Let’s start wit how we met, to refresh our memories!

Since you’re turning into an old and saggy lady. ;) WE MET IN 1ST GRADE, NOT 2ND, OKAY?! You keep getting that mixed up! I wasn’t even in your class in 2nd grade. xD So, it was Mrs. Blackshire’s class! Fun fun times. :) You and your short hair HAHA, I remember you always complained about it. No worries, you looked cute…! The only memory I have of 1st grade is doing the chicken dance. :/ But whatever! That was when we met. We were also close friends with Vivian at that time, but now…let’s just say I’m glad we’re not LOL. Not to be mean! But the MOST SIGNIFICANT and MOST MEMORABLE moment that really means a lot to me is when you were there for me when no one else was. Susan and Liezl, most supposedly good friends, “left” me, and I had no one. Then you came along, even though you didn’t want to sit next to me at first. -_- BUT, I’M GLAD IT ALL HAPPENED! ‘Cause that’s what brought us to today!

Livin’ the moment! AWWW, aren’t the pictures cute?! It sorta matches too! :) Like,

I’m the athletic girl and you’re that little shy wannabe innocent girl LOL. ;D HMM so, high school. SOOO FUN HUH. /sarcasm I hate high school. So much stress and work. :( I hope you’re doing okay! Seriously, LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE REALLY TRYING IN SCHOOL! You may not have a goal right now, but once you do, all the hard work you’re putting into school will pay off. I know I always nag to you about this stuff, but it’s because I worry about you! I don’t want to see my best friend become a hobo on the streets. Not that you’ll live in the streets if you do become one, ‘cause I’ll let you live with me, BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT! THE POINT IS, try hard in school, okay?! If not for you, for me! You wouldn’t want to disappoint me, right?! But, don’t overexert yourself. Just do the best that you can, okay? OKAY, that’s my girl! :) But besides all the homework and stuff, high school is pretty okay! Volunteering, hanging out with friends, PLAYING SPORTS, all that good stuff! So enjoy it while it lasts!

This is you whenyou read manga…LOL.

To infinity and beyond! OMG, before we know it, we’ll be all grown up! Married and all of that.

Are you into that stuff?! Where you imagine yourself getting married? It’ll be such a happy day! CAN I BE YOUR BRIDESMAID? Or whatever they’re called. I don’t know what they do, but I just know that they’re important. ;) YOU CAN BE MINE TOO! AND AND, you can be the godmother of my children! :D AND MAKE ME THE GODMOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN TOO. -_- A MAN WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY~ But until then, I’LL BE THERE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. :) Or I’ll try to…’cause you’re a picky little girl! )< ANYWAYS, enough of this girly future stuff, on to the REAL stuff. We’ll always be best friends forever, right?! YES, OF COURSE. WHY AM I ASKING YOU. You’d never say no, right…?! :( THANKS FOR BEING A WONDERFUL FRIEND ALL THESE YEARS! Thanks for putting up with me, I know I can get super annoying and bipolar and weird and…yeah, but thanks for always being there. It means a lot, it really does. Know that I’m always here for you too! I might spend a lot of time with Kiet…but know that I’d ditch him for you if you ever need me! I looooove you, my bff x 100000000000000! :D<3


We have now come to the end of this “card”! I hope you liked it, sorry it’s not what you’re used to. :( OMG, I’m SUPER sleepy. I only had two hours of sleep last night, and it’s now 10:50pm,

BUT, I’m going to wait until midnight to wish you a happy birthday. Well, you mean so much more to me than my sleep, so it’s worth it! ;) Once again, HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY MIRANDA

LAM! I hope you have a wonderful day because you’re a WONDERFUL friend. I’ll always love you, forever and always.<3

Love, Kimberly Duong