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REFERENSI CONTINOUS TENSEContoh Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense

1. Kejadian yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau kegiatan sementara.Contoh : Mr. Teguh is writing a new book. (Mr. Teguh sedang menulis buku baru)

2. Rencana di masa depan yang sudah pasti waktunya (pribadi).Contoh : I am going to Surabaya at 07.30 tomorrow. (Saya akan pergi ke Surabaya jam 7.30 besok)

3. perubahan atau perkembangan yang sedang berlangsung dalam rentang waktu yang lama. Contoh : The earth is getting older (Bumi ini semakin tua)Rumus Present Continuous Tense

Berikut rumus present continuous tense untuk membuat kalimat-kalimat

A. Positif:subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb ing + objectContoh : I am watching TV now

B. Negatif :subject + to be + not + verb ing + objectContoh : Mr. Khanafi is not going to Jakarta atauMr. Khanafi isnt going to Jakarta

C. Tanya :to be + subject + verb ing + objectIs Mrs. Annisa cooking in the kitchen ?

Dalam pembentukan tense ini, dibutuhkan :

A. Bentuk to be

1. Tunggal,I am (orang pertama)You are (orang kedua)He / she / it is (orang ketiga)

2. Jamak,We are (orang pertama)You are (orang kedua)They are (orang ketiga)

B. bentuk kata kerja -ingContoh :go + ing = going

C. Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang sering digunakan dalam Present Continuous tense : now, right now, at the moment, just, still dan tomorrow (digunakan khusus untuk yang menunjuk suatu perencanaan). Contoh:a. I am writing a book now.b. We are eating noodles at the moment.c. She is still waiting for her son.d. Tomorrow, they are going to go to Jakarta.

D. Selain itu, kita bisa juga menggunakan tense ini untuk suatu rutinitas sementara, contoh :He is working at home this week because he is sick.Keterangan waktu yang digunakan dalam bentuk ini adalah this week, theese days, this month, etc.

Latihan Present Continuous Tense

Berikut latihan Present Continuous tense bahasa inggris. Jika mengalami kesulitan dalam arti kata gunakan kamus bahasa inggris online :

Latihan : terjemahkan kalimat ini kedalam bahasa inggris

1.Jack sedang tidur sekarang2.Mary sedang mengerjakan tugas itu3.Kami sedang menonton sebuah film di televisi4.Mereka sedang bermain bola di halaman sekarang5.Guru itu sedang menerangkan pelajaran itu.6.Perusahaan itu sedang tumbuh dengan pesat sekarang.7.Harga saham di bursa Efek Jakarta sedang naik sekarang8.Pak Adi sedang mengajar bahasa Inggris di kampus sekarang9.Polisi tersebut sedang mencari Ali sekarang.10.Ana, Ani, dan Tom sedang berdiskusi sekarang.They .. Grammar in EnglishShop right now

A. Are studyingB. Are studyC. Is studying

2. .. are buying many books at the moment

A. The TeacherB. The StudentC. The old Women

3. .. you ..My dictionaries right now?

A. Are = bringB. Is = bringingC. Are = bringing

4. Budi and I .. working in Big Company

A. AmB. AreC. Is

5. The Police . Under the tree

A. Is lyingB. Are layingC. Are lying

6. All of My friend have been living in Jakarta

A. All of My friend is living in JakartaB. All of My friend are living in JakartaC. All of My friends are living in Jakarta

7. Ardiantos teeth were better

A. Ardiantos teeth are being betterB. Ardiantos teeth is being betterC. Ardiantos teeth is wereing better

8. He has practiced pronunciation

A. He are practicing pronunciationB. He is practicing pronunciationC. He is practiceing pronunciation

9. He is very naughty

A. He is being very naughtyB. He are being very naughtyC. He are very naughty

10. My Brother do a great job

A. My Brother is doing a great jobB. My Brother are doing a great jobC. My Brother are do a great job

THERE IS THERE ARE"There is dan There are" digunakan untuk menunjukkan keberadaan suatu benda meskipun kata "There" bukanlah termasuk kata benda tetapi bisa menjadi subyek dalam sebuah kalimat. "There is" digunakan pada kalimat yang mempunyai benda tunggal atau singular sedangkan "There are" digunakan pada kalimat yang mempunyai benda jamak atau plural atau benda yang lebih dari satu. Jadi kita harus tahu kapan kita menggunakan "There is" dan kapan kita menggunakan "There are" dengan melihat benda atau noun yang ada pada kalimat tersebut.Kata "There is dan There are" digunakan untuk menunjukkan keberadaan suatu benda meskipun kata "There" bukanlah termasuk kata benda tetapi bisa menjadi subyek dalam sebuah kalimat. "There is" digunakan pada kalimat yang mempunyai benda tunggal atau singular sedangkan "There are" digunakan pada kalimat yang mempunyai benda jamak atau plural atau benda yang lebih dari satu. Jadi kita harus tahu kapan kita menggunakan "There is" dan kapan kita menggunakan "There are" dengan melihat benda atau noun yang ada pada kalimat tersebut.We use there is (singular) / there are (plural) to say that sth is located in the place or exists:

e.g. There is a book on the desk. / There are manybooks on the shelf.

We use there isnt (singular) / there arent (plural) to say that sth isnt located in the place or doesnt exist:

e.g. There isnt a book on the desk. / There arent any books on the shelf.

We use Is there? (singular) / Are there...? (plural)to ask whether sth is located in the place or exists:

e.g. Is there a book on the desk? / Are there any books on the shelf?Example :Positive sentencesThere is one book on the table

There is a bird on the tree

There are twenty chairs in the classroom

There are many people in the market

Negative sentencesThere is not a dog in the room

There is not a student in the library

There are not birds in the field

There are not eight children in my family

"There" dengan menggunakan "any" ( digunakan pada Negative sentence dan Interrogative sentence) There aren't any people at the party

There aren't any trees in my garden

There isn't any sugar in my tea

There isn't any water in the swimming pool

INTERROGATIVE SENTENCEAre there any people at the party? Yes, there are

Are there any trees in your garden? No, there are not

Is there any sugar in your coffee? Yes, there is

Is there any water in the swimming pool? No, there is not

How many dengan menggunakan "There"

How many dogs are there in the park?

How many provinces are there in Java?


There is and There are dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti ada atau terdapat, There is and There are ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu benda dalam suatau tempat, olehnya itu untuk penggunaan kata ini maka harus banyak mengetahui kata benda (Noun) dalam bahasa inggris.

Perbedaan penggunaan antara there is and there are:

There is

There is (ada/terdapat) digunakan untuk kata benda yang jumlahnya tunggal atau satu. Dalam bahasa inggris Sebuah, Seorang, Seekor di tandai dengan a dan an, misalnya a book (sebuah buku/satu buku), a student (seorang siswa), a cat (seekor kucing), a pen (Sebuah pulpen). Berikut contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat.

-Terdapat sebuah mobil di dalam rumah.-Terdapat sebuah tas di atas meja.-Terdapat seorang guru dan terdapat seorang siswa dalam kelas.

Perhatikan kalimat di atas, semua kalimat menunjukkan benda yang berjumlah satu (Sebuah mobil, Sebuah Tas, Seorang Guru) olehnya itu kita gunakan there is karena jumlah benda yang akan ditunjukkan adalah Tunggal atau satu. Maka dalam bahasa inggris sebagai berikut:

-There is a car in the house(Terdapat sebuah mobil di dalam rumah)-There is a bag in the table(Terdapat sebuah tas di atas meja)-There is a teacher and there is a student in the class(Terdapat seorang guru dan terdapat seorang siswa di dalam kelas)

Untuk pembentukan kalimat negative maka tuliskan NOT setelah There is sehingga menjadi There is not (tidak ada/tidak terdapat). Example:

-There is not a car in the house(Tidak terdapat sebuah mobil di dalam rumah)-There is not a bag in the table(Tidak terdapat sebuah tas di atas meja)-There is not a teacher and there is a student in the class(Tidak terdapat seorang guru dan terdapat seorang siswa di dalam kelas)

There are

There are (ada/terdapat) digunakan untuk kata benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu atau banyak. Misalnya: Two books (Dua buah buku), books (buku-buku), seven students (tujuh orang siswa), many teachers (banyak guru), much water (banyak air) dll. Ingat bahwa setiap kata benda yang lebih dari satu maka kata benda tersebut di tambah s atau es. Aplikasi dalam kalimat yang menunjukkan benda lebih dari satu:

-Terdapat/ada 2 buah apel di atas piring-Terdapat/ada banyak siswa di halaman sekolah.-Terdapat/ada 10 buah computer di dalam gudang.

Perhatikan kalimat diatas, semua kalimat menunjukkan benda yang lebih dari satu maupun banyak dan tidak ada yang tunggal, olehnya itu kita gunakan there are. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

-There are two apples on the plate (Terdapat dua buah apel di dalam piring)-There are many students in the yard of school (Terdapat banyak siswa di halaman sekolah)-There are ten computers on the store room (Terdapat 10 buah computer dalam gudang)LATIHAN SOAL THERE IS THERE AREFill in the blanks with suitable "There is, There are, There was, There were, There will be"1. ............. a conference in my office nowThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

2. ............. a guest in her house last nightThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

3. ............. three sleeping rooms in his houseThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

4. ............. a beautiful park hereThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

5. ............. a good film in "21" tomorrow nightThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

6. ............. a lot of students absent yesterdayThere isThere areThere was There wereThere will be

7. ............. some competitions next weekThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

8. ............. plenty of knives in the drawerThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

9. ............. some flowers in the garden last monthThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will be

10. ............. many magazines on the tableThere isThere areThere wasThere wereThere will beThere is" and "There areKata There is dan There are mempunyai arti ada, Penggunaan kedua kata tersebut berbeda satu sama lainnya.

1. There isArtinya ada digunakan untuk menyatakan orang, benda/barang atau binatang yang berjumlah satu.Contoh :There is a Boy in the room = ada seorang laki-laki didalam kamarThere is a book on the table = ada sebuah buku di atas meja

Tambahan :Apabila kita ingin menyatakan benda, yang tidak dapat dihitung, (UnCountable Noun) seperti : Sugar (gula), salt (garam) water (air) dll. maka dibelakang There is harus ditambahkan kata :A Little = sedikitA Lot of = BanyakContoh :There is a little water in the glass = ada sedikit air didalam gelas.

2. There areArtinya ada digunakan untuk menyatakan orang, benda/barang atau binatang yang berjumlah lebih dari satu.Contoh :There are Two Boys in the class = ada dua anak laki laki didalam kelasThere are some books on the table = ada bebrapa buku diatas meja

Catatan :Some : Harus diartikan beberapa apabila diikuti benda yang dpat dihitung (countable noun) dan bentuknya harus jamak (plural) yaitu mendapat tambahan s/es dibelakangnya.Some : akan berubah menjadi Any apabila dijadikan dalam kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya.

Kalimat NegatifContoh :There is Not chair here = tak ada kursi satupun disini.There are not any money in the bag = tidak ada uang didalam kertas

Kalimat BertanyaContoh :Is There Any Salt in the can?? = adakah garam didalam kaleng??Yes, There isNo, There is Not

Tambahan :There Was/were : sama arti dan penggunaannya dengan there is / there are dalam kalimat, hanya berbeda dalam penggunaan waktu.There was/were digunakan untuk waktu lampau (Past Tense).Contoh :There Was an Accident yesterday = ada kecelakaan kemarin

Disamping itu ada pula pengembangan dalam pemakaian there dengan penambahan modal seperti must, may/might dan will.Contoh :There Are Must Be a guest in your house = pasti ada tamu dirumahmuThere may be some house arround here = mungkin ada beberapa rumah sekitar siniPREPOSITIONPREPOSITIONS OF PLACE

Kata-kata seperti di, dari, di atas, di bawah, pada, di depan, di belakang dsb adalah kata depan. Di dalam bahasa Inggris kata-kata tersebut disebut Preposition. Kata depan yang dibahas berikut ini adalah kata depan yang menunjukan tempat dan disebutPrepositionsofPlace.Letaknya di depan kata benda dan berfungsi sebagaiketerangan tempat.

Yang termasuk ke dalam Prepositions of Place adalah :

on, in, at, to, into, off, out of, across, along, through,near, by,beside, outside, inside, from, behind, in front of,before, above,under,over, below, around, up,down, between,among, amidst, against, towards, past.


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang terletak pada tempat-tempat yangmerupakan suatu bidang datar atau garislurus.ON artinya di atas atau pada.Contoh :

There is a book on the table.There is a clock on the wall.There is a bird on the roof of the house.The man is lying on the floor.I saw a notice on the window.There is a green label on the bottle.The patient is lying on the bed.

ONjugadigunakan untuk manunjukkan bendayangmenempelatau menggantung pada benda lain atau pada bagian dari tubuh manusia.Contoh :

There are many ripe apples on the tree.I saw a bird on the branch of the tree.The ring on her finger is made of gold.

Selaindaripadaitu ON juga digunakan untukmenunjukkanorang atau penumpang yang berada dalam kendaraan angkutan umum.Contoh :

There were lots of passengers on the bus / on thetrain/ on the ship dsb.


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berada di tempat -tempat sepertibenua, negara, propinsi, kota besar,alun-alun,jalan, ruangan,hutan,lapangan, atautempat-tempattertutuplainya seperti,botol,laci, tas, gelas, dsb. In artinyadiataudi dalam.Contoh :

My Brothers are in America.He spent his holidays in Tokyo last year.There was a large crowd of people in the square.I have just moved to a house in Sudirman street.Don't play kites in the street.They are sitting in the living room.There are many wild animals in the forest.The cow is in the field.My parents live in the country.The mlik is in the bottle.The children are in the house.


Artinya: Di. Digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yangberadadi tempat-tempatsepertidesa, pekampungan, alamat rumah, atau tempat-tempat lain, seperti persimpangan jalan, tempat pemberhentian bis, tempat bekerja dsb.Contoh :

Mr. Encep lives at Limbangan.He stayed at home yesterday.I live at 80 Sudirman street.She is waiting at the bus-stop.There is a policeman at the crossroad.Mary is standing at the door.My father is still at work.

Perbedaan prepositions In dan At

Preposition In atau At dapat digunakan di depan keterangan tempat seperti sungai, danau, kolam renang, laut dsb.Contoh :

He was at the river.He was in the river.There was a boat at the sea.There was a boat in the sea.

At artinya Di tepi, sedangkan In artinya Di atau Di dalam.Tetapi `Hewas at sea' tanpa kata sandang the artinya 'Dia ada di dalam kapal laut'

Apabila At dan In ditempatkan di depan keterangan tempatseperti stasiun, sekolah, hotel, gedung sandiwara dsb, maka At artinya di luar,didalamatau ditempat sekitarbangunan.SedangkanIn artinya di dalam bangunan.Contoh :

He is at the station.He is in the station.

Kalimat pertama mengandung pengertian bahwa dia mungkin berada di luar, di dalam, atau ditempat sekitar bangunan stasiun. Sedangkan kalimatkeduamenerangkan bahwa dia beradadidalambangunan stasiun.

Apabilaketerangan tempat seperti sekolah, universitas,gereja, pasardantempat bekerja dikunjungiataudipergunakansesuai dengan fungsinya, maka preposition yang harus digunakan adalah At dan tidak menggunakan kata sandang,Contoh :

The children are at school.John is still at university.We are at church on Sunday mornings.My mother is at market. She is buying some sugar.

Dan untuk keterangan tempat,seperti kelas, tempat tidur, penjara, rumahsakit, dan pengadilan, prepositionyangharusdigunakan adalah In.Contoh :

The students are in the class.Susi is still in bed.The robbers are in the prison now.Rudi was in hospital for two weeks.They will be in court tomorrow.

Tetapiapabilatempat-tempat tersebut di atasdikunjungitapi tidakdipergunakansesuaidengan fungsinya,makakitaboleh menggunakan kata sandang the.Contoh :

John was in the hospital yesterday.John was at the hospital yesterday.

Kalimat-kalimatdi atas hanya menerangkan bahwa Johnberadadi rumahsakit kemarin dan bukan untuk berobat.Tujuannyamungkin untukmenengoktemannya yang sakit atau untuk tujuanlain.In berarti bahwa John berada di dalam bangunan rumah sakit sedangkan Atberarti bahwa John mungkin berada di dalam, di luar, ataudi tempatsekitar bangunan rumah sakit. Bandingkandengankalimat berikut ini :John was in hospital for two weeks.

Kalimatini menerangkan bahwa John berada di rumahsakituntuk berobat.


Artinya : Ke. To digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang menuju ke suatu tempat. Preposition to menggunakan kata kerja dinamisyang menunjukkan arah, seperti go, come, walk, run, travel, sail, fly, return dsb.Contoh :

He walks to his office every day.We went to the theatre last night.They come to the end of the road.


Artinya:Ke dalam. Predikat yang digunakan adalahkatakerja dinamisyang menunjukkan arah (lihat to). Into lebihmenegaskan prosesmasuknya suatu benda atau manusia ke dalam suatutempat. Tempat-tempatyangditujunyabiasanyatempat-tempatyang merupakan suatu ruangan yang memiliki panjang, lebar, dantinggi atau dalam seperti kamar, sungai, botol, cerek dsb.Contoh :

He went into the room.The boy poured the boiling water into the tea-pot.I fell into the river.The children ran into the house.She threw the rubbish into the basket.


Artinya : Dari. From biasanya diikuti to. Kata kerjayang digunakan adalah kata kerja dinamis yang menunjukkan arah(lihat to).Contoh :

He sailed from Europe to Canada.I have just come from school.They will fly from Darwin to Perth.She walked from her house to school yesterday.My house is very far from here.


Under artinya:Dibawah. Over artinya : Diatas.Kedua-duanya digunakanuntuk menunjukkan benda yang letaknya tegaklurusdi atas atau di bawah benda yang lain. Jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh.Contoh :

There is a cat under the tableThe mechanic is lying under the carI hung the picture over the tableThe climber over the wallThe servant spread the cloth over the table


Belowartinya : agak di bawah atau lebih bawah. Above artinya: agakdi atas atau lebih atas. Digunakan untuk menunjukkanbenda yangletaknya agak lebih bawah atau lebih atas daribendayang lainContoh :

The castle stands on a hill above the valleyWe could see the valley below usThey saw the snow mountains towering above themThe river is below the car


Infront of dan before artinya : Di depan. Behind artinya:Di belakangContoh :

There is a garden in front of the houseThe teacher is standing before the classThe thief is hiding behind the tree


Kedua-duanya bisa berarti : Disamping, Disebelah atau DekatContoh :

Won't you sit down beside me?He sat on the chair by the windowThere is a garage beside the housePut the box beside the other, pleaseThe children were standing by the river


Kedua-duanya berarti : Diantara. Amidst digunakan di dalam bahasa formal.Among dan amid digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuahbenda yang terletak diantara beberapa buah benda yang dapat dihitung. Apabilaterletakdiantara benda yang tak dapatdihitung,yang harus digunakan adalah AmidstContoh :

The house stands among treesAchild'sdoll was found amidst the wreckage of the plane


Artinya:Diantara.Digunakanuntukmenunjukkanbendayang terletak diantara dua buah benda.Contoh :

He stood between his son and his daughterThe railway line runs between the river and the roadThe ouse stands between two tress


Artinya:Sepanjang.Digunakan untukmenunjukkanbendayang bergeraksepanjang tempat-tempat yang keadaannyasepertigaris lurusataupermukaan yang horizontal, misalnya :jalan,atap, jembatan, dsb.Contoh :

They took a walk along the roadThe cat ran along the roof of the houseWe walked along the river bank

Apabiladigunakandengan kata kerja statif,alongartinyaDi sepanjang atau Diujung.Contoh :

There were crowds along the routeThere are a lot of soldiers along the streetThere is a hotel along the road


Artinya:Ke seberang. Digunakan untuk menunjukkanbendayang bergerakmenyeberangiataumelintasitempat-tempatyang keadaannya seperti sebuah garis atau permukaan yang horizontal.Contoh :

The children ran across the streetHe drove across the frontierThey took a walk across the fieldThe ball rolled across the lawnErna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel

Apabiladigunakan dengan kata kerja statif, Across artinya :Di seberang.Contoh :

There is a hotel across the roadMy house is just across the fieldShe lives across the street



Short message yaitu pesan yang dibuat secara singkat untuk menyampaikan sesuatu kepada orang lain agar orang tersebut melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Pesan singkat ini biasanya kita buat karena kita tidak bisa bertemu secara langsung kepada orang yang akan kita beri pesan tersebut.

Pesan singkat bisa berupa MEMO ataupun SMS.

Perbedaan mencolok antara memo dan sms adalah pada teks yang berupa sms biasanya mencantumkan nomor hp dan waktu/jam.

Contoh short message:

Rezky, dont forget our appointment to study together. I wait you at my home at 3 p.m. Be punctual.CU .. VINA

To Mom,I will be late going home.We have an additional English class after school.RaraContoh Soal-Soal Short Message.Dear Badu,Please meet me in the canteen at the first break. Ill tell you a secret.See you,HanaWhat does Hana want Badu to do at the first break? a. He discusses a problem with her b. He has a chat with her c. He does his homework with her d. He meets her in the canteenDimas,Im sorry I cant come to your house this afternoonbecause my motorcycle is broken.Can we make it tomorrow?Who did the writer the message? a. To offer Dimas to fix her motorcycle b. To inform Dimas that her motorcycle is broken c. To tell Dimas that she should cancel her plan to visit him d. To inform Dimas that she is sorry about her motorcycleMEMODefinition of Memo The memo is a concise message, the message is written someone with a short, clear, and easy to understand. According to its use, there is an official nature memos and personal (not official). Memo is officially adopted as a statement in the official relationship of a leader to his subordinates. Be used as a personal memo memorandum or letter is not an official statement among friends, relatives, or others who have a close relationship. The Characteristics 1. Special letters are made specifically for the purpose in the office or organization 2. Judging from the circulation , an office or organization may submit a memo horizontally and vertically 3. Submission is horizotal a memo to the delivery office which has the equivalent 4. Submission is a submission vertically memo from superiors to subordinates or otherwise to remind or ordered something 5. Is a form of communication that give advice , referrals , or illumination about something 6. Have a piece of mail that is much simpler than the official letter in general , especially in the letter . 7. Due to the limited pedarannya , scrap usually do not include the identity of the office , such as office name , phone number , fax , and postal code , it lengkap.ghdghv The characteristics of the form of scrap Form of scrap consists of two parts: Head Memo - Receiver - Sender - Subject and date of sender - Initials and name of the sender Contents, the author immediately notice the message or command in the short and straightforward sentences. Example of Memo - Examples of memos on schools To : Ali Zafran, S.Pd. From : Muhammad Genta, M.Pd. Date : June 21st, 2013 Subject : Data of School Budget Plan In the next three weeks, we will make a special meeting with the parents. The meeting will discuss the plan management for the school budget. We must give a correct understanding of the funds in details. It is a must because the funds come from parents which will be used for a school construction. I personally hope you can make the data in detail. Your data is based on the financial report for the last six months. - Examples of memos on office Inspire Electronics Center Jakarta, Indonesia Official memo To: All Employees From: Muhammad Lutfi, Manager Date: June 21st, 2013 Subject: Farewell Ceremony It is used to tell you all that the farewell ceremony in honor of Aldi Dafian, Assistant Manager, will be held at 07:00 PM on June 25, 2013. All people in this company are required to attend the ceremony. - Examples of memos on university To : Randika Satria From : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aldin, M.Pd. Date : June 21st, 2013 Subject : Additional Class of Psycholinguistics In Saturday morning exactly at 7.30 A.M., we will hold an additional class for a psycholinguistics because your material in preparing for the final examination is not fulfilled enough. Tell your friend and enjoy my clasMENU

DEFINITION: a list of the foods that may be ordered at a restaurant

: the foods that are served at a meal

: a list of things that you can choose from; especially computers : a list shown on a computer from which you make choices to control what the computer doesExamples

I'd like to see your lunch menu, please.What's good on the menu today?There are two chicken dishes under eight dollars listed on the menu.a menu of television programsYou can save your work by choosing Save from the File menu.SIGN AND SYMBOL

Traffic Signs & Symbols. Road Signs. Street Signs. Traffic Signals

Page contents:

01. Color meaning of traffic signs and symbols including road signs, street signs, and highway signs02. Shape meaning of traffic signs and symbols including road signs, street signs, and highway signs03. Color meaning of traffic signal lights04. Color meaning of flashing traffic signal lights05. A complete list of traffic signs, road signs, street signs, highway signs, and traffic symbols including: Guide, recreational, regulatory, road construction, and warning signs with meanings and pictures (in alphabetical a-z order).

Traffic signs and symbols including road signs, street signs, highway signs, and traffic signals are necessary for controlling traffic flow and alerting drivers of traffic rules and regulations. They make highways and streets safer for bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers. Commonly referred to as road sings and street signs, traffic signs and symbols often work in combination with traffic signals and they come in different shapes, colors, and have different written messages which help drivers understand their information as they approach them.

Understanding the meaning of the various United States (USA) traffic signs and signals is an essential part of passing a DMV test for the attainment of a motorcycle permit or a motorcycle license, driving safely, and obeying the traffic laws. If you don't know what are the road signs or what are the traffic signals review the following chart or scroll all the way down to review a FREE and comprehensive list of the traffic signs, road signs, street signs, and traffic symbols with pictures and their meanings.

01. Color meaning of traffic signs and symbols including road signs, street signs, and highway signs

The colors of traffic signs and symbols can be grouped in to 7 categories. Colors are particularly important and useful at a distance since they hint drivers with the kind of information they can expect from that particular sign as they approach it.

Red Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street Signs Red traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually require drivers to take immediate action to avoid threats to traffic safety, such as "No Parking Any Time" traffic signs.

Yellow or Fluorescent Yellow-Green Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street Signs Yellow or fluorescent yellow-green traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually alert drivers of nearby school zones, and specific road conditions as well as hazards ahead, such as "Merging Lane" traffic signs.

White Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street Signs White traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually show traffic regulations that drivers must obey by law such as "Right Turn Only" traffic signs.

Orange Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street SignsOrange traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually warn drivers of conditions ahead due to highway construction and maintenance. Warning signs are enforced by law and include "Road Work Ahead" traffic signs.

Green Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street SignsGreen traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually indicate distance to upcoming destinations, highway entrances, highway exits, and directions.

Blue Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street SignsBlue traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually display useful information to drivers such as upcoming gas stations, hotels, telephones, hospitals, restaurants, and general amenities.

Brown Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street SignsBrown traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually display informations that indicates recreational estates and parks.

02. Shape meaning of traffic signs and symbols including road signs, street signs, and highway signs

The signs on the road must be easily identified at a distance therefore, the shapes of traffic signs and symbols have been grouped in to eight categories. The shape of a traffic sign is important and useful because it hints drivers with the kind of information they can expect from that particular sign as they approach it.

Round Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsRound or circular road signs, street signs, and traffic signs indicate railroad crossings.

Equilateral Triangle Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsTriangular road signs, street signs, and traffic signs indicate drivers to yield and or to slow down or stop as you approach a merging lane or an intersection.

Pennant Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsPennant-shaped road signs, street signs, and traffic signs warn drivers not to pass other vehicles. Usually located on the left side of the road.

Square Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsSquare road signs, street signs, and traffic signs usually display regulations that drivers must obey by law. These traffic signs may indicate what to do or what not to do. Signs indicating what not to do will have a red circle with a diagonal line over the black symbol.

Rectangular Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsRectangular road signs, street signs, and traffic signs usually indicate traffic regulations that drivers must obey by law. A common example is "Left Turn Yield on Green" traffic signs.

Diamond Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsDiamond-shaped road signs, street signs, and traffic signs warn drivers of upcoming road conditions and hazards such as "Winding Road Ahead" traffic signs.

Pentagon Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsFive-sided road signs, street signs, and traffic signs tell drivers that they are driving in or near a school zone where children may be present and where children may unexpectedly cross the street or road.

Octagon Road Signs, Street Signs, and Traffic SignsEight-sided road signs, street signs, and traffic signs are commonly known as stop signs and are found at intersections where they warn drivers to make a complete stop and yield in the appropriate right-of-way.

01. Color meaning of traffic signs and symbols including road signs, street signs, and highway signs

The colors of traffic signs and symbols can be grouped in to 7 categories. Colors are particularly important and useful at a distance since they hint drivers with the kind of information they can expect from that particular sign as they approach it.

Red Traffic Signs, Road Signs, and Street Signs Red traffic signs, road signs, and street signs usually require drivers to take immediate action to avoid threats to traffic safety, such as "No Parking Any Time" traffic signs.

No U-Turn