Mosquitoes (蚊) Insecta, Diptera, Culicidae Anophelinae (按蚊亚科) – Anopheles (An.)...


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Mosquitoes (蚊)Insecta, Diptera, Culicidae

Anophelinae (按蚊亚科) – Anopheles (An.)

Toxorhynchitinae (巨蚊亚科)Culicinae (库蚊亚科)– Culex (C.)

Aedes (Ae.)

Mansoni (M.)

Important vector: An. sinensis, An. anthropiphagus, An. minimus, A

n. dirus, C. pipiens pallens, C. p. quinquefasciatus, C. tritaeniorhynchus, Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti

• Distribution:

world wide distribution, they occur throughout the tropical regions —— temperate regions ——the arctic circle (北极)

elevations of 5500m

—— depths of 1250m

below sea level.

I. Morphology1. External morphology of adult

(成虫外部形态) 3 parts: haed, thorax and abodo

men(1) Head compound eyes, antennae (15 se

gment), palps (下颚须) piercing mouthpart (刺吸式

口器) (proboscis 喙 )

(2) Thorax

pro-, meso- and metathorax, scutellum

wings (one pair), halteres, legs (3 pairs)

veins and legs are covered with scale (usually brown, black or white) .

(3) Abdomen

11 segments(2-8 are visible), the last 3 segments become external genitalia

They are covered dorsally and ventrally with mostly brown, blackish or whitish scales.

Morphology character of mosquitoes:

a. the possession of a long, forwardly projecting proboscis

b. the presence of numerous scaled on the thorax, legs, abdomen and wing veins

c. a fringe (缘缨) of scales along the posterior margin of the wings

d. legs are long and slender

2. Mouthparts (proboscis ,喙 )

3. Internal morphology of adult

II. Life cycle

Complete metamorphosis

2-3ds 5-8ds 2-3ds

egg larva pupa adult

eclosion pupation emergence

in water in land

• Egg: small, <1mm, live in water

Larva: 4 stadium, legless, 3 parts body (head, thorax, abdomen)

Pupa: comma-shape, not eat, can move

egg-adult times: 9-15 days, 7-8 generation/year , life-span: ♂1-3Ws ♀1-2Ms

III. Ecology1. Larval biology (habit) (1) food yeasts, bacteria, protozoa and other

micro- organisms (2) habitats (孳生地) a. large permanent collections of water —— A. sinensis A. anthrophagus C. tritaeniorhynchus

b. small collections of temporary water —— A. dirus

c. slow flowing water——A. minimus

d. polluted water——

C. p. pallens

C. p. quinquefasciatus

e. container——Ae. Albopictus Ae. aegypti

2. Adult biology and behaviour(1) mating and movable ( 交 配 和 活

动) mating occurs near breeding places a

nd group dancing (群舞) in early evening

Anopheles, Culex -- early morning,

early evening, night

Aedes – diurnal

(2) blood-feeding habits (吸血习性) male: feed on nectar of flower and naturally

sugary secretions

female: feed on sugary substance , requite a blood-


biting objects: anthropophilic


biting behavior

biting time: diurnal biting habits —— Aedes

nocturnal biting habits —— Culex


(3) gonotrophic cycle and physiological stages

gonotrophic cycle: the process of blood-

feeding and egg maturation followed by

oviposition ① a blood-meal

② blood is digested and ovarian development

③ searches for suitable larval habitats in which to

lay her eggs

physiological stages: the number of gono-

trophic cycle

(4) resting behavior (栖息习性) endophilic (家栖性) hemi-endophilic (半家栖性) exophilic (野栖性)(5) seasonal and hibernation (越冬) production season : spring, summer, autumn

hibernation stages:

egg— Aedes, A. anthrophages

larva—A. minimus

adult—Culex, A. sinensis

hibernation place

IV. Medical importance

1. Malaria (疟疾) pathogen: Plasmodium (疟原虫) vectors: A sinensis (中华按蚊) A. Anthropophagus

(嗜人按蚊) A. minimus (微小按蚊) A. dirus (大劣按蚊)



2. Filariasis (淋巴丝虫病) pathogen: filaria vectors: W. Bancrofti: C. p. pallens (淡色库蚊) C. p. quinquefasciatus (致倦库

蚊) B. malayi: A. sinensis A. anthropophagus3. Japanese encephalitis (流行性乙型脑炎) pathogen: japanese encephalitis viruses (日本脑炎病毒)


vectors: C. Tritaeniorhynchus

(三带喙库蚊) Ae. albopictus (白纹伊蚊) C. p. quinquefasciatus

C. p. pallens

4. Dengue fever (登革热) (break bone fever 碎骨热 )

pathogen: dengue viruses

vectors: Ae. albopictus

Ae. aegypti


5. Yellow fever (黄热病) pathogen: yellow viruses

vectors: Ae. aegypti , Ae. albopictus

Ae. chemulpoensis (仁川伊蚊)6. Chikungunya (基孔肯雅病)

pathogen: chikungunya virus

vectors: Ae. aegypti, Anopheles

C. p. quinquefasciatus

7. Other equine encephalitis (各种马脑炎) pathogens: several equine encephalitis viruses (各种

马脑炎病毒) vectors: Ae. albopictus, Ae. aegypti

C. p. quinquefasciatus

V. Control

• Environmental control(环境防制-防蚊孳生)– (1) Filling in(填沟、洞), removed the container(去除容器)

– (2) Habitat changes(改变孳生地) ① increasing the water flow rate(加大水流速度) ② straightening and steepening the banks of streams(铲平岸边) ③ cutting down overhanging vegetation to increase sunlight on the

water (开发灌木丛) ④ removal of rooted or floating vegetation(除去水面植物) ⑤ drainage (疏通、排水)

– (3) Impoundments(储水灌溉)– (4) Introduced predators(投放天敌)

• Control directed at the immaturestages(幼虫防制)– Chemical insecticides

organophosphate(有机磷杀虫剂)– Biological methods

• fish

• biological insecticides(生物杀虫剂) Bt.(苏云金杆菌) Bs.(球形芽孢杆菌)

– Oils sprayed on to water(水面滴油)

• Control directed at adults(成虫防制)– Personal protection(个人保护)– Indoor spraying to kill mosquitoes(室内杀蚊)– Residual house-spraying to kill mosquitoes(室内滞留喷洒灭蚊) ——control malaria

– Outdoor spraying to kill mosquitoes(室外灭蚊) ——control arbo-disease Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) applications(超低容量喷洒法)

– Other mosquito net with insecticide(药帐) livestook body spraying(畜体喷洒) smoke out mosquitoes in city sewer(城市下水道 熏蚊)
