MTUC MEMBANTAH PENGECUALIAN UMUR … · have access to similar relief to enforce labor and environ-...


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Malaysian Trades Union Congress 30 July 2013


Umur Persaraan Minima Swasta 60 tahun telah diperjuangkan dari tahun 1996 dalam Pertemuan Pegawai Utama MTUC bersama YAB PM Dr Ma-hathir ketika itu. Terma Umur Persaraan telah menjadi Faedah dalam Perundingan Perjanjian Bersama yang dirundingkan setiap 3 tahun. Perjuangan untuk mendapat Umur Persaraan 60 tahun adalah dengan asas yang kukuh iaitu:- Jangka umur hidup bagi Rakyat Malaysia meningkat. Meningkatkan Simpanan KWSP. Menghapuskan kerja separa masa. Menyimpan untuk Menampung Umur Persaraan. Mendapat Perlindungan PERKESO sehingga Umur Persaraan. MTUC membantah keputusan YB Menteri Sumber Manusia terhadap pengecualian Umur Persaraan Minima kepada 258 Syarikat yang dimohon dibawah Section 18, kuasa YB Menteri. YB Menteri menyatakan ia dipersetujui oleh Badan Tripartite adalah tidak benar merujuk kepada minit mesyuarat yang ada bersama MTUC. Pengecualian yang diberikan kepada Syarikat Besar seperti Kumpulan Boustead dan BASF Petronas adalah amat mengecewakan kerana Syarikat bertaraf antarabangsa. YB Menteri tidak mengkaji implikasi terhadap pekerja di sebab pengecualian:- Pekerja akan digaji sebagai Pekerja Kontrak. Caruman KWSP hanya 60%. Hilang Perlindungan Keilatan PERKESO. Faedah Kerja yang lebih rendah. Kontrak tahun ke tahun. Tindakan mengeluarkan Warta Kerajaan untuk memberi pengecualian menunjukkan Ke-rajaan TIDAK PRIHATIN DENGAN MEMBELAKANGKAN PEKERJA DAN KESATUAN yang menjadi sumber penting Pembangunan Ekonomi Negara. YAB Perdana Menteri dalam perjumpaan dengan Pekerja menyakinkan Kaum Pekerja Kerajaan akan bertanggungjawap melindung Hak Pekerja Swasta tanpa tolak ansur demi Kemajuan Negara. MTUC dengan ini menuntut YAB Perdana Menteri untuk campur tangan dalam me-nyelesaikan Bantahan MTUC. Tindakan mengeluarkan Warta Kerajaan untuk memberi pengecualian menun-jukkan Kerajaan TIDAK PRIHATIN DENGAN MEMBELAKANGKAN PEKERJA DAN KESATUAN yang menjadi sumber penting Pembangunan Ekonomi Negara. YAB Perdana Menteri dalam perjumpaan dengan Pekerja menyakinkan Kaum Pekerja Kerajaan akan bertanggungjawap melindung Hak Pekerja Swasta tanpa tolak ansur demi Kemajuan Negara. MTUC dengan ini menuntut YAB Perdana Menteri untuk campur tangan dalam menyelesaikan Bantahan MTUC. Abdul Halim Mansor, Setiausaha Agung



July 2013 MTUC

TPPA Forum- Its impact on Malaysian Workers

Satu Forum TPPA telah di adakan di MTUC pada 25hb Julai 2013 bagi membincangkan implikasi TPPA terhadap pekerja-pekerja di Malaysia. Forum telah dipengerusikan oleh Presiden MTUC Mohd Khalid Atan. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa sememangnya MTUC tidak pernah dijemput untuk majlis konsultasi terutamanya berkaitan dengan Labour

Chapter yang terkandung dalam per-janjian TPPA.

Beliau menegaskan bahawa MTUC sama sekali tidak bersetuju dengan TPPA dan tidak menyokong perjanjian perdagangan ini. Turut hadir dan memben-tangkan kertas kerja ialah En. Mohd Nizam dari Badan Bertindak Bantah TPPA Malaysia(MTEM) dan En. Tsu Chong dari MSN mewakilkan YB Charles Santiago. Isu-isu yang menjadi persoalan dalam perbincangan ialah TPP tidak menggunakan model

perdagangan bagi meningkat dan melindungi hak untuk semua pekerja. • TPP (yang terdiri daripada Ameri-ka Syarikat, Australia, Brunei Da-russalam, Kanada, Chile, Jepun, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapura, dan Vietnam,)

akan memberi risiko yang besar dan serius hak-hak pekerja, gaji, pencen, dan keadaan kerja. • Tiada jaminan terhadap kerja, pekerja dan keluarga mereka. • TPP tidak menjanjikan akan mematuhi standard piawaian teras ILO malah hanya memberi fokus kepa-da manfaat dari perdagangan.

Turut bersama dalam perbincangan ialah Mantan Presiden MTUC Senator Syed Shahir, Vice Presiden MTUC Mohd Roszeli bin Majid dan Robert Vijendran Henry

TPP ialah mengenai liberalisasi pasaran ekonomi dalam konsep globalisasi ekonomi hari ini. Ini bermakna negara ahli bebas berniaga dipasaran negara ahli secara terbuka

berdasarkan perjanjian yang dipersetujui dan diterima bersama


July 2013 MTUC

Continuation from page 2…, Negotiations for the TPP remain closed to the public, and the text of the agreement remains classified. The press has largely ignored the negotiations, even when they have happened on American soil. The American public seems largely unaware and unengaged in the process. However, some information has been gained through the course of the negotiating rounds. Labor Chapter: Indications are that the labor chapter will have modest improvements over the Bush-era labor chapter, but probably far less than U.S. and international unions have been advocating. It is likely the labor chapter will continue to refer only to the ILO Decla-ration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, rather than the more binding conventions. Government Procurement: Indications are that these provisions will be largely the same as in the past, mean-ing that they will undercut “Buy America” and reduce the U.S. Government’s and states’ abilities to stimulate our own economy. Services: There are no indications that language to en-sure that public services are sufficiently protected has been included. State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): There are concerns about the ability of the proposed approach to adequately protect against unfair competition by SOEs with respect to investments on American soil that would compete head-to-head with existing companies here at home. Investment: The Administration has indicated it intends to maintain the investor-state dispute settlement provi-sions which provide extraordinary rights to foreign inves-tors to bypass domestic courts and take governments to international arbitration panels to contest laws, regula-tions, and even judicial decisions they oppose. Labor unions and other civil society organizations would not have access to similar relief to enforce labor and environ-mental standards. Financial Services The Administration has indicated the U.S. is not likely to propose changes to strengthen the right of countries to implement “capital controls” nor to clarify that countries have broad rights to regulate in order to stabilize their financial systems.

Regulatory Coherence/Convergence: Publicly available TPP documents reveal a possible trend toward a cost-focused, anti-regulatory agenda that discounts the bene-fits of health and safety regulations. Medicines: These texts have been leaked and indicate the U.S. is pursuing provisions that would make it more difficult for developing countries to gain access to afforda-ble life-saving medicines. Moreover, language has been proposed which could impair states’ efforts under the health reform law to control health costs by creating ap-proved medication lists or setting maximum medication prices. Effect on States: The terms of the TPP will bind state action in many areas. Given the supremacy of both fed-eral law and international treaties over state law, the rules the federal government agrees to in the TPP can limit the scope of a state’s ability to legislate and regulate in the public interest. For example, a state’s ability to enact some kinds of services regulations (e.g., on insurance or legal services providers) can be restricted, and state and local legislative, regulatory, and judicial actions will be subject to challenge by foreign investors under the invest-ment provisions. While states have the option not to be bound by the “Government Procurement” provisions of the TPP, there is no other section of the agreement that gives states the option not to be bound. Source: AFL-CIO, Celeste Drake


MTUC Piket-Umur Persaraan 60

July 2013 MTUC

PIKET MTUC 23 Julai 2013, di perkarangan Kementerian Sumber Manusia , Putrajaya bagi membantah pengecualian pelaksanaan umur persaraan 60 tahun (Akta Umur Persaraan Mini-mum 2012). Seramai kira-kira 50 pemimpin Kesatu-an Gabungan MTUC telah menyertai piket ini-bagi melahirkan perasaan kecewa dan protest terhadap kegagalan kerajaan melalui Menteri Sumber Manusia melaksanakan sepenuhnya Akta Umur Persaraan Minimum 2012. Malahan tindakan Menteri Sumber Manusia menggunakan kuasanya melalui peruntukan section 18 akta tersebut bagi meluluskan permohonan penangguhan pelaksanaan dari 258 syarikat tanpa melalui proses konsultasi Jawatan kuasa tripartied yang dibentuk juga mendapat bantahan keras dari MTUC. Antara pemimpin utama MTUC yang hadir dalam piket tersebut ialah Presiden - Sdr. Mohd Khalid Atan, Timbalan Presiden - Sdr. Jaafar Majid, Setiausaha Kewangan - Sdr. Awang Ibrahim , Naib Presiden (Sektor Swasta) - Sdr. Robert Vijandran, Sdr. Balasubramaniam, Sdr. Mohd Roszeli Majid, Pengerusi MTUC Selangor/Wilayah-Sdr. Gopalkrishnam bersama Setiausa-hanya - Sdr. Hamdan bersama-sama pemimpin dan ahli-ahli kesatuan gabungan. Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Richard Riot Jaem telah menerima memorandum bantahan MTUC berkaitan isu ini. Beliau telah memberikan komitmen untuk menyediakan maklumbalas segera kepada MTUC setelah menyemak isi kandungan memorandum tersebut. Di samping itu, pemimpin-pemimpin MTUC telah mengadakan perbincangan tertutup dengan Timbalan KSU,

Pengarah dan Timbalan Pengarah Perhubungan Perus-ahaan bagi membincangkan isi kandungan memorandum MTUC. Tim. KSU dalam kenyataannya telah menyangkal dakwaan pengecualian diberikan secara 'blanket approval' kepada 258 syarikat dibawah kuasa Menteri. Beliau men-dakwa hanya jawatan tertentu dalam 258 syarikat tersebut yang diberi pengecualian untuk menangguhkan pelaksanaan usia persaraan 60 tahun. Pemimpin MTUC telah menggunakan ruang perbincangan itu untuk menegaskan

pendirian MTUC yang tidak pernah bersetuju syari-kat-syarikat tersebut diberikan pengecualian. MTUC telah memohon pihak Kementerian menyediakan dokumen dan senarai sokongan bagi membuktikan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Tim. KSU pada hari tersebut. Presiden MTUC - Sdr Khalid Atan dalam ucapan ringkasnya kepada kumpulan pemimpin Kesatuan yang hadir selepas menyerahkan memo-randum itu menyatakan ' Beliau bersyukur kerana Menteri sanggup meluangkan masa untuk mendengar rintihan MTUC dan mengharapkan Men-teri dapat memberi jawapan yang positif dalam jangka masa segera.



30 July 2013


The Employers’ call on the government to withdraw the circu-lar issued on July 11 which stated that a probation period is not applicable to foreign employees holding temporary working permits is most inconsiderate and inappropriate. The govern-ment has rightly announced that “a probation period is not ap-plicable to foreign employees holding temporary working per-mits”. All contracts of foreign workers do not stipulate a probationary period. As such why put them on a probationary period when they have already been interviewed on their fitness and capa-bility and with a clear understanding that he fulfils his job re-quirements to work here. The Cabinet was kind enough to give a blanket approval to the SMEs to alter their established policy on payment of levy. For several years, payment of levy was the responsibility of the employer but this was shifted back to the workers. MTUC was critical of the government’s decision to impose the levy obliga-tion of the Employer onto the workmen. Despite all concession given by the government, the employ-ers’ demand to make a further 30% reduction on the grounds that they are probationers is indeed unreasonable. If we accept the employers’ unreasonable demand that foreign workers should be paid less during their probationary period then they will only be getting a miserable RM 450/- after a de-duction of the levy and accommodation. Employers demand-ing this should first check their conscience to see if one can survive with just RM 450.00. The employers should not be so inconsiderate. Government should stand firm on their decision not to allow employers to mandatorily reduce the minimum wage of foreign workers during the period of probation. It is very clear that employers are only thinking of their profit and not the welfare of the employees. ABDUL HALIM BIN MANSOR Secretary General


July 2013 MTUC


INDUSTRI 2012 2013

Bilangan Keanggotaan Bilangan Keanggotaan Pertanian,Pemburuan dan Perhutanan 49 77965 49 77968 Perikanan 3 1038 3 1038 Perlombongan dan Kuari 3 961 3 961 Pembuatan 158 97447 159 97197 Pembinaan 4 1387 4 1387 Elektrik,Gas dan Air 28 49374 30 49374 Perdagangan Jual Borong dan Runcit,Baiki Kenderaan Ber-motor,Barangan Persendirian dan Isi Rumah

35 39831 35 39831

Hotel dan Restoran 18 16383 18 16383 Pengangkutan,Penyimpanan dan Komunikasi 97 58635 101 58635

Penghantaran Kewangan 41 43344 41 43344 Aktiviti Hartanah,Penyewaan dan Perniagaan 3 173 3 173 Pertahanan dan Pentadbiran Awam,Keselamatan Social Wajib 113 119158 114 119308

Pendidikan 57 316307 58 316276 Kesihatan dDan Kerja Sosial 46 61082 47 61082

Aktiviti Perkhidmatan Komuniti,Sosial dan Persendirian Lain 39 6633 39 6633

Isirumah Persendirian dengan Pekerja Bergaji 0 0 0 0 Organisasi dan Badan di Luar Wilayah 0 0 0 0 Lain-Lain 0 0 0 0 Jumlah 694 889718 704 889569

Sektor 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 Swasta 390 396 407 421 436 439 435 462

Kerajaan 127 130 130 132 137 139 144 142

Badan Berkanun Dan Penguasa Tempatan 91 92 92 92 93 98 99

100 Majikan 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 -

Jumlah 621 631 642 659 680 690 692 704

Bilangan Kesatuan Sekerja Mengikut Sektor Di Malaysia, 2005-Mei 2013

Bilangan Kesatuan Sekerja dan Keanggotaan Mengikut Industri Malaysia, 2012-Mei 2013

Sumber : Portal rasmi Jabt. Hal Ehwal Kesatuan Sekerja 2013


30 July 2013 MTUC

MTUC Survey on Wages and Working Conditions For Migrant Domestic Workers in Penang and the

Klang Valley.

Throughout 2012 MTUC carried out a survey to determine the status of wages and working conditions amongst do-mestic workers in the country. The survey involving 510 workers, mainly Indonesians and Filipinos revealed that there was a slight improvement compared with 2011. The survey concentrated on 14 issues which are detailed in the full report. Wages A significant rise compared with 2011 where 57% of the workers were paid less than RM 550.00, in 2011 69% were paid between RM 600- RM 750.00. This was mainly due to Indonesian Government’s policy and efforts. Filipino domestic workers’ wages range from RM 1000 – RM 1400. Cambodian domestic workers receive RM 550.00 and Sri Lankan domestic workers receive RM 650.00 – 700.00 per month. Payment of wages – 69.6% their monthly wages paid into their bank account with their name as

account holder. Unpaid wages: 30.4% - Unpaid wages for several months. An increase by 4% compared to 2010 and 2011. Wage Deductions 58% deductions for 6 months. 11.6% deductions for 5 months. Abuse – physical and verbal: 15.8% - higher than in 2011 (7.8%) A very low number of sexually abused cases at the Shelters. (Out of the 98 girls at that time at the Shel-

ter, 3 cases were reported of being sexually abused by the employer) No rest day: 78.5% - were not given a weekly day off 8.2% - one paid day off a week and allowed to go out on their off day. 10% - two paid days off in a month and allowed to go out. “Run Away” cases at Embassy – 23.5% (Shelter had 98 dws on 30.12.12) Accused of stealing; cheating, lying, badly treated, sexually and physically abused, food deprivation,

humiliation. Condition of domestic workers when they arrive at the shelter : Deprived of sleep - 24% do not get any sufficient rest during the day. Suffer from lack of sleep and rest resulting in poor health. Not allowed communication with their family members and friends. Not paid wages for several months

Abused, demoralized (as stated above) Working hours – 51.8% An alarmingly high number work more than 14 hours a day. 17% work in two places and more. (with less than 6 hours of sleep) Food and Accommodation – 89.3% were getting 3-4 nutritious meals a day and 81% were given prop-

er accommodation with good ventilation in their rooms. Religious obligations – There was a significant increase in the number of families giving due respect to

domestic workers’ religious obligations. 91% were allowed to pray and fast during the Ramadan month. Reported by: Parimala N. . Project Officer: MTUC/FNV Mobilising Ac on for the Protec on of Migrant Domes c Workers


July 2013 MTUC

MTUC Selangor Kursus Kesedaran Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1-2hb, Julai, 2013, Shah Alam dan 24-25 Julai 2013 di Kuala Lumpur. Kursus ini telah diadakan di Shah Alam dan Kuala Lumpur. Kursus ini telah memberi penekanan kepada subjek-subjek seperti kepentingan OSHA, Akta OSH, Akta PERKESO dan sebagainya ditempat kerja. Bagaimana kesatuan dan ahli-ahli dapat memainkan

peranan bagi menangani permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja. Kursus ini telah dihadiri oleh 30 ahli kesatuan dari pelbagai sektor dari Kuala Lum-pur manakala seramai 26 ahli telah menyertai kursus ini di Shah Alam. Kursus ini telah diselia oleh Sdra. Hamdan dan Sdra. Gopal Krishnam yang mewakili bahagi-an Selangor.

Mekanisme KSM Pastikan Tiada Diskriminasi Tangga Gaji Pekerja Tempatan, Asing Kerajaan komited memastikan tiada diskriminasi dalam kadar tangga gaji pekerja asing dan pekerja tempatan melalui mekanisme dilaksanakan Kementerian Sumber Manusia (KSM). Menterinya Datuk Richard Riot Anak Jaem berkata mekanisme ini adalah mengikut undang-undang sedia ada yang memberi perlindungan dan menjaga kebajikan pekerja tempatan dan pekerja asing daripada sebarang diskriminasi.

"Mekanisme ini terdiri daripada langkah seperti penguatkuasaan Akta Kerja 1955 (Akta 265), penguatkuasaan Akta Maj-lis Perundingan Gaji Negara 2011 9Akta 732) dan tapisan permohonan pekerja asing oleh majikan," katanya. Tam-bahnya, aduan berhubung diskriminasi ini akan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 60L Akta Kerja 1955 yang memberi kuasa kepada Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja (JTK).

"Selain penyiasatan aduan, JTK turut menjalankan aktiviti pemeriksaan berkanun secara berkala bertujuan memastikan pematuhan undang-undang serta bagi mengesan dan pencegahan awal penyelewengan undang-undang," katanya. Be-liau berkata demikian semasa menjawab soalan lisan daripada Ahli Parlimen Ampang Zuraida Kamaruddin yang meminta KSM menyatakan apakah mekanisme pihak kerajaan bagi memastikan tidak permasalah itu lagi. Beliau turut menegaskan bahawa kegagalan majikan mematuhi arahan yang ditetapkan melalui undang-undang ini adalah suatu kesalahan dan jika disabit kesalahan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM10, 000. Source :

Wisma MTUC 10-5, Jalan USJ 9/5T, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-80242953 Fax:03-80243225 website :; / disediakan oleh: R.Rajeswari, Setiausaha Penyelidikan,

disemak: Sdra. Abdul Halim Mansor, Setiausaha Agung MTUC
