Mystical Life



rsulli, anthology project

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2013 8th Grade Anthology



Mystical Life

By: Lukas Rayl

YOLO Inc. Huntsville, Arkansas

May 10, 2013


Table of Contents Dedication Page

Part l(My Life) -Bio Poem -Wonderful Day -Symbolic Meaning -Lunch Hour -Mastering Skills

Part ll(My Thoughts) -Expectation -Future Job -Weekend -I’m President -Thanks

Part lll(My Stories) -Army Me -Crime Poem -Ow Poem -Group -Gloomy Paris


Dedication Page I thank you for reading this book, this is my first book that I’ve ever wrote. I hope you like it, it took me a while to write and it means a lot to me. Thanks for taking time to read it. Sincerely, Lukas Rayl


Part l - My Life This is about who I am and what I’m like. It shows my attitude and opinion on life. Also it’s shows what I’ve been through. It also shows how I write, like how I like to ask questions in my writing and stuff like that. This is just a description of my life.


Bio Poem Lukas Rayl is active, funny, lazy, and crazy. Siblings of Jessica Rayl and lovers of Nicki

Rowland and Greg Rayl. I am a peoples person, I work well with others. I’m afraid of spiders, sharp points, and big balls. I would like to see a unicorn, a million dollars, and a baby tiger. I live

in a brick house across from a house of books.


Wonderful Day Well I lost my phone on a football trip to Flippin. I just found it today, so I’m very happy.

The whole thing was that I thought I dropped it on the sidelines and I remembered seeing it fall out but I picked it up and put it back in my bag. So I really didn’t know where it could be. But

after two days pasted someone turned it in to me saying “they picked up my travel bag because they looked exactly alike”. And so that was the highlight of my day.


Symbolic Meaning I would be a symbol for rubber, because I’m strong, stretchy, and you can’t break me. If you hit me I’d bounce right back up. If I go flat you can pump me up. And when you melt me I’m a gooey mess.


Lunch Hour Once upon a time there was a table at lunch that had Sam, Cody, Jack, R.J., and Matt. They were funny guys, but one day Cody spilt his milk, then Sam added macaroni and cheese to it, and then Jack smashed it all together on the table. They were so stupid, but then Matt and R.J. moved away cause they didn’t want to get in trouble. But the teacher got on to them not the people that did it. And so now R.J. and Matt the people that didn’t do anything had to sit at a table next to the teachers for the rest of the year.



Part ll – My Thoughts This shows what I’d do if I was in a bad situation. It tells about little stuff I’ve done. And it tells what I think about in the future and why I do. It tells stories about me. And it also tells about things I’d like to do.


Expectations I am expected to follow a lot of rules, like being prepared, being respectful, and being thoughtful to others. Being prepared means bring all your materials to class because if you don’t then you never would get anything done. Being respectful means don’t be rude to others because you should always treat people how you’d want to be treated. And then there’s being thoughtful which means to always think of others.


Future Job Every day I come to work thinking of what might happen. Like yesterday, I got to work and there was a robbery going on, well I thought there was but it was just a practice. But do you see what I mean, anything could happen.


My Weekend That weekend I went to the fair with J.D. and it was fun. After that we went to my grandma’s house and watched the hogs game. Then we went back to the fair and rode lots of rides and got a carmel apple. That is pretty much what I did that weekend.


I’m President If I were president my rules would be no fighting an unscheduled fight. No stealing, no arguing, and no feeding the sharks. No swimming after dark. Those would be all the rules I would have, if there were any problems I would issue more laws.


Thanks I will be giving thanks for having my parents. They me so much to me, they’ve raised me

and if they weren’t with me in my life now I don’t know what I’d do.


Part lll – My Stories This is about some stories I made up. And it’s about some poems I wrote. It’s also about my life and how I feel about stuff. The poems were just made up in ten minutes. The stories

give you an image of the way I think.


Army Me Lukas Rayl, there he was alone in the Amazon, with no hope of being found. The only way out was 500 miles every which way. And he was stuck there for seventeen years, eating what he killed or found. He said he saw lions, snakes, monkeys, antelope, and panthers. He made a bow out of bark and sticks. That’s how he survived so long, either killed or died. He said he was scared to death and would never go back.


Crime Poem Once upon a time

There was a crime, It was about a rhyme,

It had a bad chime.

The rhyme had a bad chime

Which made it a crime, It was all at a bad time.


Ow Poem There once was a kid who lived in a shoe,

He always knew who’s who, He even knows you but he didn’t know Sue,

She was very new and she just got the flu, So he couldn’t visit Sue,

So he really had no clue.


Group Groups only take some people because they have to be like the people that are in the group. Like if the group, you have to be funny or coo or something in that category. But just be yourself and you’ll find your group.


Gloomy Day It was one gloomy day in Paris, the police just found out that there was a terrorist

strapped a bomb to the Eifel Tower and he was threatening to blow it up if they didn’t get what he was asking for, which was three million dollars. They didn’t want to give him the money so

they had one guy talk to the terrorist. They talked for two hours until this guy came running full speed at them and tackled the terrorist of the building. Unfortunately two men died that day

but that one man that stalled him was a hero and the other guy of course.
