n Anii 80 Romania Traia Cei Mai Ingrozitori Ani Din Istorie




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n anii 80 Romania traia cei mai ingrozitori ani din istorie. Incoltiti de constrangeri, fara apa calda, fara mancare in frigidere, doar cu optimismul si umorul tipic romanesc, filmul prezinta 6 povesti cu parfum de mit, inspirate din evenimentele adeseori suprarealiste ale vietii de zi cu zi in regimul comunist. Un sofer de la Avicola, o studenta, un activist, un politist lacom si un fotograf aduc la viata cele mai cunoscute legende urbane din Romania anilor ’80, recuperand umorul care i-a ajutat pe romani sa supravietuiasca perioadei. Impartit in 6 scurtmetraje regizate de 5 regizori, filmul isi propune sa le aduca aminte celor care au trait in acea perioada obiceiurile care acum sunt de neconceput, dar atunci erau litera de lege: cantarea imnului la inceputul orelor, lozincile scandate la trecerea coloanelor oficiale, vandutul sticlelor goale pentru bani de buzunar sau fericirea de a avea o banana de Craciun.


Calitate Film : DVDRip

Genul :

Comedie / Drama / Romanesc

Regizor :

Cristian Mungiu

Razvan Marculescu

Scenarist :

Cristian Mungiu

Durata :

155 minute

Amintiri din Epoca de Aur 1 ONLINE (2009) No comments

Amintiri din Epoca de Aur 1 - Tovarăşi, frumoasă e viaţa! ONLINE (2009) 

          Filmul este impartit in 4 episoade ( legende). Prima parte a filmului incepe cu o primarie

dintr-un sat. Un politruc de la centru, suna la primarie si isi anunta vizita pentru a inspecta traseul

vizitei de lucru care urmeaza sa aiba loc a doua zi, si insita ca ordinile sa fie respectate, si sa fie

pus la punct tot pentru ca vizita sa fie una de succes.

A doua parte a filmului, este vorba despre viata de fotograf. In aceasta parte a filmului, punctul

culminant il constituie atunci cand dupa o editare a unor fotografii in care se afla tovarasul

Ceausescu impreuna cu domnul Jiscard D’Estaing, ei observa, dupa ce ziarul a fost trimis la

tiparire, ca tovarul Ceausescu a romas cu o caciula in cap si una in mana.

A treia parte a filmului, arata povestea unui activist din Bucuresti care incearca din rasputeri, sa

aduca educatia la un nivel mediu, atat pentru copii cat si pentru adulti, dintr-un sat de munte.

A patra parte a filmului este prezentata viata familiei unui plutonier si vecinul sau. Avand in

vedere acele vremuri, pentru a putea intra in posesia unor produse din carne era foarte dificil,

asaca plutonierul primeste un porc viu de la un cumnat si incearca sa il gazeze.          

          Distributia: Alexandru Papadopol (Punkistul), Vlad Ivanov (Grigore), Mădălina Ghiţescu

(Mădălina), Alexandru Potocean (Secretarul), Ion Săpdaru (Miliţianul Alexa), Costel Caşcaval

(Fane), Tania Popa, Diana Cavallioti (Crina), Gabriel Spahiu (vecinul), Emanuel Pârvu

(Inspectorul), Adrian Văncică (Primul şofer), Teodor Corban (Primarul), Viorel Comănici

(secretara de petrecere), Ion Grosu (Gestionarul), Virgil Andriescu (Un pensionar vigilent),

Constantin Drăgănescu (Administrator bloc), Lucian Ifrim (Gostatist), Eugenia Bosânceanu (A

doua gospodină), Marian Ghenea (Tatăl Crinei), Virgil Aioanei (Al doilea şofer), Radu Iacoban

(Bughi), Virginia Mirea (soţia ofiţerului de miliţie), Cătălina Harabagiu (O chelneriţă), Calin Chirila

(Activistul de partid), Constantin Bojog (Sebi), Liliana Mocanu (Marusia), Iulian Postelnicu (Primul

gardian), Cristian Grosu (Ionuţ), Silviu Geamănu (Gestionar Avicola), Avram Birau (Fotograful),

Smaranda Caragea (Roxana), Maria Junghietu (Mama Crinei), Paul Dunca (asistentul

fotografului), Sorin Poamă (Un gangster), Sorin Medeleni (Nea Florică), Iulia Dumitru (O

gangsteriţă), Mihai Niţă (Mihaiţă), Alexandru Nedelcu (Activist II), Romeo Tudor (marinarul),

Florin Mititelu (Colegul Crinei), Aristiţa Diamandi (Prima gospodină), Mircea Florin (Miliţianul),

Alex Mihăluş (Recrut), Florica Dinicu (Diriginta), Răzvan Stanciu (Al doilea poliţist), Costache

Babii (Un pensionar), Daniel Cristian Iancu (Un miliţian), Marius Nănău (Un cioban), Ştefan Aurel

Bălaşu (Un poliţist / Al doilea gardian).

Recenzii - http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/amintiri-din-epoca-de-aur-1-tovarasi-frumoasa-e-viata-31345/

http://www.amintiridinepocadeaur.ro/#info – informatii

Tales from the Golden AgeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tales from the Golden Age

Distributed by Wild Bunch

Release dates19 May 2009 (Cannes)

29 May 2009 (Romania)

Running time 138 minutes

Country Romania

Language Romanian

Tales from the Golden Age (Romanian: Amintiri din epoca de aur) is a 2009 Romanian omnibus film. It

was screened as part of the Un Certain Regard section at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.[1]

The film is composed of five whimsical yet blackly comic short stories, each one set in the late communist

period in Romania and based on urban myths from the time, reflecting the perspective of ordinary people.

The title of the film refers to the alleged "Golden Age" (by communist propaganda) of the last 15 years

of Nicolae Ceaușescu's regime.



1   Episodes

2   See also

3   References

4   External links


The Legend of the Official Visit

Alexandru Potocean  - The Secretary

Teodor Corban  - The Mayor

Emanuel Parvu  - The Party Inspector

Local Party officials scurry into action when a motorcade of VIPs and foreign dignitaries promises to pass

through the village. A government official arrives and attention is paid to the smallest detail, yet the people

are let down when a phone call reveals the motorcade is no longer coming. Everyone is disconsolate and

the worse for drink, the official orders everyone to ride together on the children's carousel, but as the mayor

loses conscience, they realise that there is no-one around to switch the machine off and let them down.

Legend tells that they were all still trapped there when the motorcade did after all pass through.

The Legend of the Party Photographer

Avram Birau  - The Photographer

Paul Dunca  - The Photographer's Assistant

Viorel Comanici  - The Party Secretary

Newspaper editors and Party officials fret over a photograph of Ceaușescu and the visiting Giscard

d'Estaing to be published in tomorrow's paper. Much argument is had over how best to doctor the

photograph to make Ceaușescu appear taller than d'Estaing, and whether he should be wearing a hat. A

hat is duly provided for Ceaușescu in the photograph, but no-one notices until too late that he was already

carrying one, leaving the image of him comically carrying one hat while wearing another.

The Legend of the Chicken Driver

Vlad Ivanov  - Grigore

Tania Popa  - Camelia

Liliana Mocanu  - Marusia

A poultry truck driver, disillusioned with his loveless marriage, tries to win the heart of the manageress of a

roadside inn. He brings her the eggs laid overnight by the chickens in his truck, but the two of them realise

with Easter coming up, it would be more profitable to sell them on to the general public instead. Their

scheme collapses when he is found out and jailed for embezzlement. He is eventually permitted a visitor to

his prison, though it proves to be not the woman he sought, but his angry wife.

The Legend of the Greedy Policeman

Ion Sapdaru  - Policeman Alexa

Virginia Mirea  - Policeman's Wife

Gabriel Spahiu  - Neighbor

A policeman is promised a pig by his brother, but when it is delivered, is found to still be alive. Uncertain

how to slaughter a pig, and unwilling to share the pig with their neighbours, the family manage to gas it

with butane in their apartment's kitchen. Believing the gas to have completely dissipated, they try to burn

the hairs from its corpse with a blow lamp, but instead succeed in blowing up their apartment.

The Legend of the Air Sellers

Diana Cavallioti  - Crina

Radu Iacoban  - Bughi

Crina meets small-time con-artist Bughi, who ekes a living pretending to be a water inspector: calling door-

to-door, he asks residents to provide a sample of their tap water in a bottle they supply, which he turns in for

the deposit. She joins him on one of his trips, but persuades him that collecting multiple air samples will be

faster. Their scheme unravels when they become overambitious and try to scam an entire apartment block

out of its bottles.


