Nokia Microsoft (1)


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  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    lliance between

    Nokia and Microsoft

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    Alliance and Acquisitionbetween Nokia and Microsoft

    To build a new global mobileecosystem for smartphones through the

    Windows Phone platform :

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    Alliance and Acquisition betweenNokia and Microsoft

    ncreasing manufacturing capacity

    !ri"ing global customer demand of theWindows Phone de"ices

    #urther integrating products and ser"ices ofNokia and Microsoft

    The ultimate ob$ecti"es :

    To growing the market share

    To secure and increase the portion ofsustainable re"enue

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    !unning %s &' Model

    The (&') or (eclectic) approach to the study offoreign direct in"estment *#!+ was de"elopedby ,ohn !unning

    Three potential sources of ad"antage

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    &wnership Ad"antage

    #irms in"esting abroad own an asset that gi"esthem competiti"e ad"antages

    -ome of competiti"e factors are monopolistad"antages that the company has in form of


    ./ : access to scarce natural resources0 patentrights0 brand name

    &n the other hand0 some ad"antages come frominno"ation acti"ities0 as for e/ample0 technology0knowledge broadly

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    'ocation Ad"antage

    #irms seek a production location thatoffers them ad"atage

    Three type of location factors : .conomic 0

    Political 0 -ocial 0 1ulture Ad"antage

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    'ocation Ad"antage

    Economic advantages: the quantities and qualities ofthe factors of production0 transport andtelecommunications costs0 scope and si2e of themarket0 etc3

    Political advantages: the common and specificgo"ernment policies that influence inwards #oreign!irect n"estment flows0 intra4firm trade andinternational production5

    Social, cultural advantages: psychic distancebetween the home and host country0 language and

    cultural di"ersities0 general attitude towards foreignerant the o"erall position towards free enterprise5

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    nternali2ation Ad"antage

    #irms try to internally capture the ad"antageof foreign asset ownership

    6educe in transaction cost

    1ontrol o"er operations

    A"oidance of tariff7s and other barrier

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    Strong brand name in the global market Nokias highly qualified personnel have teamed up with

    Microsofts experts

    Strong finance position (Net revenue of !" #$ billion and

    operating profit of !" $%& billion' Sale products in more than $) countries

    !sing Microsoft*s software for its smartphones

    !unning &'*&wnership Ad"antage+

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    'ow4cost highly4skilled in 8iet Nam

    !unning &' *'ocation Ad"antage+

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    +olitical stability

    ,heaper production costs

    -overnment policies. aimsat /)0 of the domesticindustrial production ofhigh1tech segment

    'ocation Ad"antage

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    +roviding strong platform to Microsoft for it*s 2S

    Saving deal for Nokia

    Making stronger supply chain for shipment 3ring better integrate Software and 4ardware

    5he success of the Nokia6Microsoftalliance from the Nokia perspective

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    Dunnings OLI model - Ownership Advantage

    #amous brand name

    Nokia Maps0 Nokia de"ices and ser"ices 9uman resource from more than ; countries ofNokia

    5he success of the Nokia6Microsoftalliance from the Microsoft perspective

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    #actory0 design department0 production de"elopmentdepartment0 marketing and sale department of Nokia

    Market segments *mid4range mobile phone market+

    ; areas in ; countries

    !unning?s &' model 4 'ocation Ad"antage

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    6educe promotion cost for Microsoft

    6educe the cost of implementing in"entioncopyright0 in"entions

    !unning?s &' model 4 nternali2ationAd"antage

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)


    5he success of the Nokia6Microsoftalliance from the Microsoft perspective

    Windows phone @Merger Nokia and Microsoftncreased competiti"eness of Microsoft./panding the smartphone market

  • 7/23/2019 Nokia Microsoft (1)

