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  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


    Introduction Information Search:-

    The consumer tries to collect information regarding variousproducts/service. Through gathering information, the consumerlearns about completing brands and their features. Informationmay be collected form magazines, catalogues, retailers, friends,family members, business association, commercial, chamber ofcommerce, telephone directory, trade fair etc. Marketers should

    find out the source of information and their relative degree ofimportance to the consumers.

    Problem identification:- The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or

    need. The need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli.Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger aparticular need. By gathering information from a number ofconsumers, Marketers can identify the most frequent stimuli thatspark an interest in a product category. They can then developmarketing strategies that trigger consumer interest.

  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


    Brand preferences and advertisement :-

    Customer learns about mobile phone from many sources, mainly fromfriends and families, through advertisement and from their ownexperience. Whether a promotion and advertising help a brand is under-researched. In the long-run, advertisement help brands by makingconsumer less price sensitive and more loyal. Exposure of an ad is crucialto be effective in changing consumer knowledge, attitude and behavior.

    Whether consumers like or dislike an ad does not necessarily lead to brandacceptance or rejection. So, even though consumers may like the ad thatthey see, it does not necessarily mean that they will go out and buy thebrand advertised. Usually the consumer uses theirattitude towards the ad in brand choice equaled that of attitude towardsthe brands.

    Advertisers must remember that advertising messages are interpreteddifferently between different genders.

    Women paid more intention about the details of the characters of an ad;

    when asked to analyze advertising messages. They said that this may beexplained by the fact that females have a greater tendency than men toconsider external information andinformation related to others. Women are comprehensive processors whotry to gather all available information about the product.

  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


    In building brand preferences, there are six strategies:

    Need association- the product/brand linked to need through repeated


    Mood associations- brands should be associated with good feelings throughslogans.

    Subconscious motivation-use of symbol to excite consumers subconscious


    Behavior modification-consumers are conditioned to buy the brand by

    controlling cues and rewards favorable attitudes towards the brand/product.

    Model emulation- portraying idealized lifestyles for consumers to imitate

  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


    The main aim of marketing is meet and satisfy target customers need andwants buyer behaviour refers to the peoples or organization conductactivities and together with the impact of various influence on them towardsmaking decision on purchase of product and service in a market.

    Stage one Initial searchThe first search stage in most cases starts with a major search engine(Google, Live, and Yahoo) in its non-local version. Before clicking on a firstsatisfactory search result, customers were inquired about the nature of theirsearch, for example, how they searched through results, what they werelooking for and what grabbed their attention in the result they were about toclick on.

    Stage two Finding the productWhile finding the product online consumers are willing to drill down to thethird page of the results. Majority however would only look at the first pageof the results (seventy-three percent) while many will only look at the tophalf of the page. Below figure illustrates the behavior of consumer. (nextslide)

    A common assumption is that young adults tend to be more technologicallyminded than the rest of the population. Extensive problem-solving behavior

    Consumer Buying Behavior

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  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


    Stage threeThe third stage in the product research involves product information

    collection, pricing and feature/benefit evaluation. Search engines at this

    stage do not necessarily represent the main resource any more. Survey

    participants were at this stage just as likely to visit product reviews or newswebsites, seeking human advice and consumer reviews.

    Due to rapid growth in technology, information collection and organizing is

    has become a rather feasible activity and more consumers are turning

    towards their own research pulling the information than information being

    pushed to them as that would be the case in most forms of non-interactive


    Search behavior and response to online advertising

  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB


    Summary of Findings Consumers use search engines on both global and local level Result pages are scanned for context corresponding to a supplied

    search term Pace of search decreases in proportion to the depth of the research Intrusive advertising campaigns can create negative image

    Place of purchase and product information: Amount of information online directly affects consumer search

    behavior Online consumers value integrated timesaving features Information breakdown is required to prevent information overload Consumers value human reviews more than automated


  • 8/3/2019 NokiaCBB
