Αξιόιμη κα. Συμνιανάκη,αποιρωικού μέου Η2Ο2 να παρέχι...


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Αξιότιμη κα. Συμνιανάκη, Λάβαμε γνώση των αναρτημένων τεχνικών προδιαγραφών του νοσοκομείου σας και σας υποβάλλουμε παρακάτω τις προτάσεις μας σχετικά με το πλυντήριο χειρουργικών εργαλείων. Προτείνουμε να αφαιρεθεί η απαίτηση<< 3 σχάρες του φορέα φόρτωσης να είναι προαφαιρούμενες>> καθόσον η απαίτηση παραπέμπει σε συγκεκριμένη εταιρία. Επίσης προτείνουμε το ύψος του πλυντηρίου να μην υπερβαίνει τα 2 μέτρα, καθόσον μεγαλύτερο ύψος δεν είναι εργονομικό. Προτείνουμε να αντικατασταθεί η απαίτηση όσον αφορά το άνοιγμα των θυρών ως εξής: Οι θύρες να ανοίγουν είτε συρόμενες κατακόρυφα είτε να ανοίγουν μέχρι την πλήρη οριζοντίωσή τους ώστε να χρησιμεύουν και ως πλατφόρμες φόρτωσης των υλικών. Προτείνουμε να αφαιρεθεί η παράλογη απαίτηση το γρήγορο πρόγραμμα να μην υπερβαίνει τα 40 λεπτά. Αυτή η επίδοση μπορεί να επιτευχθεί μόνο σε εργαστηριακές συνθήκες, με μικρό φορτίο, παροχή ζεστού νερού στο πλυντήριο και με μικρές απαιτήσεις στεγνώματος των υλικών. Η απαιτούμενη αντλία αποχέτευσης είναι περιττή σε περίπτωση συνήθους εγκατάστασης. Μόνο στην περίπτωση που η αναμονή της αποχέτευσης είναι στο τοίχο και όχι στο δάπεδο, απαιτείται αντλία αποχέτευσης. Αντίθετα είναι απολύτως απαραίτητος ο συμπυκνωτής υδρατμών, ώστε να μην επιβαρύνεται με υγρασία και οσμές ο χώρος σε καθημερινή βάση. Τέλος η τελευταία παράγραφος που αφορά την παροχή των απορρυπαντικών και απολυμαντικών, είναι άσχετη με τις προδιαγραφές ενός πλυντηρίου και προτείνουμε να αφαιρεθεί. Ελπίζουμε οι προτάσεις μας να γίνουν αποδεκτές και παραμένουμε στη διάθεσή σας για κάθε συμπληρωματική πληροφορία ή διευκρίνιση. Με εκτίμηση, Ευριπίδης Σιδερίδης ( MSc Φυσικός) Υπεύθυνος Πωλήσεων Ιατρική Μέριμνα & Υγεία ΑΕ. Ιατρικά Μηχανήματα & Εξοπλισμός Νοσοκομείων Λ.Ηρακλείου 424 14122 Νέο Ηράκλειο, Αττικής, Ελλάδα Τηλ.: 210 2856586, Φαξ : 210 2853709 Κινητό : 6978 119372

Αξιότιμη κα. Συμνιανάκη, Λάβαμε γνώση των αναρτημένων τεχνικών προδιαγραφών του νοσοκομείου σας και σας υποβάλλουμε παρακάτω τις προτάσεις μας σχετικά με τον κλίβανο ατμού. Κατ’ αρχή παρακαλούμε να αλλαχθεί η απαίτηση όσον αφορά την χωρητικότητα του θαλάμου από 10 αποστειρωτικές μονάδες σε 12 αποστειρωτικές μονάδες ή σε 8 αποστειρωτικές μονάδες καθότι η απαίτηση για 10 αποστειρωτικές μονάδες παραπέμπει σε συγκεκριμένη εταιρία, η οποία αποκτά οικονομικό πλεονέκτημα με την υπάρχουσα απαίτηση. Επιπλέον ζητούμε να αλλαχθεί η απαίτηση οι θύρες να καλύπτονται από μονωτικό υλικό ως εσφαλμένη. Οι θύρες περιέχουν μονωτικό υλικό, το πάχος του οποίου πρέπει να είναι 80 χιλιοστά περίπου. Η απαίτηση η θερμοκρασία επαφής του θαλάμου στο χώρο συντήρησης να είναι η μικρότερη δυνατή (<50°C), ώστε να διευκολύνονται οι εργασίες επισκευών και συντήρησης, είναι ασαφής (πότε: όταν λειτουργεί ο κλίβανος ή δύο ώρες μετά;) και μικρής σημασίας και προτείνουμε να αφαιρεθεί. Μεγάλης σημασίας για το νοσοκομείο είναι ο τρόπος προώθησης των φλαντζών στεγανοποίησης του θαλάμου. Προτείνουμε η προώθησή τους να γίνεται με πεπιεσμένο αέρα και όχι με υπέρθερμο ατμό, ο οποίος τις καταπονεί καθημερινά και υποχρεώνει το νοσοκομείο να τις αντικαθιστά πολύ συχνά (περίπου κάθε 3-4 μήνες). Συνέπειες: Έξοδα και χρόνος down-time. Η προτεινόμενη χωρητικότητα υπερβαίνει τα 850 λίτρα, η ωφέλιμη προτείνουμε να είναι 12 STU και οι εξωτερικές διαστάσεις (Π ΧΒ ΧΥ): 1000 Χ 2000 Χ 2400 χιλιοστά περίπου. Δεδομένου ότι ο ατμός του δικτύου στα περισσότερα νοσοκομεία είναι κακής ποιότητας προτείνουμε η λειτουργία του κλιβάνου να γίνεται μέσω ενσωματωμένης ατμογεννήτριας 60 Kw τουλάχιστον. Επιπλέον προτείνουμε να προστεθεί στις προδιαγραφές η απαίτηση ο κλίβανος να διαθέτει πρόγραμμα προ ρυθμισμένης προθέρμανσης από την προηγούμενη ημέρα καθώς και ενσωματωμένη διάταξη Bowie&Dick test. Κατ’ αυτό τον τρόπο το προσωπικό κερδίζει μία ώρα εργασίας κάθε πρωί και το νοσοκομείο εξοικονομεί εργατοώρες και το κόστος των αναλωσίμων πακέτων B&D. Ελπίζουμε οι προτάσεις μας να γίνουν αποδεκτές και παραμένουμε στη διάθεσή σας για κάθε συμπληρωματική πληροφορία ή διευκρίνιση. Με εκτίμηση, Ευριπίδης Σιδερίδης ( MSc Φυσικός) Υπεύθυνος Πωλήσεων Ιατρική Μέριμνα & Υγεία ΑΕ. Ιατρικά Μηχανήματα & Εξοπλισμός Νοσοκομείων Λ.Ηρακλείου 424 14122 Νέο Ηράκλειο, Αττικής, Ελλάδα Τηλ.: 210 2856586, Φαξ : 210 2853709 Κινητό : 6978 119372

Αξιότιμη κα. Συμνιανάκη, Λάβαμε γνώση των αναρτημένων τεχνικών προδιαγραφών του νοσοκομείου σας και σας υποβάλλουμε παρακάτω τις προτάσεις μας σχετικά με τον κλίβανο πλάσματος. §2 Να λειτουργεί με ρεύμα πόλης με σταθεροποιημένη τάση και να μην παρουσιάζει προβλήματα από διακυμάνσεις της τάσης του δικτύου. Προτείνουμε να τροποποιηθεί ως εξής: Να λειτουργεί με ρεύμα δικτύου πόλης 220V/50Hz και να συνοδεύεται από κατάλληλο σταθεροποιητή τάσης. §3 Να είναι δύο θυρών και να έχει ενδεικτικές εξωτερικές διαστάσεις 850χ900χ1900mm (ΠΧΒΧΥ). Ο θάλαμος να είναι ορθογώνιος παραλληλόγραμμος, χωρητικότητας τουλάχιστον 100λτ. Προτείνουμε να τροποποιηθεί ως εξής: Να είναι μιάς θύρας και να έχει ενδεικτικές εξωτερικές διαστάσεις (ΠΧΒΧΥ) 850Χ1000Χ1700mm περίπου. Ο θάλαμος να είναι ορθογώνιος παραλληλόγραμμος με ωφέλιμη χωρητικότητα 120 λτ. και το βάθος του να είναι μεγαλύτερο των 75 εκατοστών για να χωρούν τα μεγάλου μήκους εργαλεία. §5 Να καταστρέφει όλο το φάσμα των παθογόνων μικροοργανισμών και βακτηριακών σπόρων και να έχει αποδεδειγμένη αποτελεσματικότητα έναντι λοιμογόνων μορίων πρωτεΐνης (prions) με τη μέθοδο τεχνολογίας συμπυκνώματος Η2Ο2. Προτείνουμε να τροποποιηθεί ως εξής: Να καταστρέφει όλο το φάσμα των παθογόνων μικροοργανισμών και βακτηριακών σπόρων με την τεχνολογία πλάσματος Η2Ο2. §6 Η χρησιμοποιούμενη τεχνολογία συμπυκνώματος Η2Ο2 να εξασφαλίζει ότι τα μόρια του Η2Ο2 εισχωρούν σε βάθος για την αποτελεσματική αποστείρωση εργαλείων που διαθέτουν εσωτερικούς αυλούς. Προτείνουμε να τροποποιηθεί ως εξής: Η χρησιμοποιούμενη τεχνολογία πλάσματος Η2Ο2 να εξασφαλίζει ότι τα μόρια του Η2Ο2 εισχωρούν σε βάθος για την αποστείρωση (δεν υπάρχει μη αποτελεσματική αποστείρωση) αυλοφόρων εργαλείων. §7 Να αναφερθεί η τεχνολογία που χρησιμοποιείται για την επιβεβαίωση της ομαλής διάχυσης του Η2Ο2 στο θάλαμο αποστείρωσης. Προτείνουμε να διαγραφεί η φράση ως φωτογραφική. §8 Η συσκευασία του αναλώσιμου αποστειρωτικού μέσου Η2Ο2 να παρέχει μέγιστη ασφάλεια στους χρήστες, αποκλείοντας την απευθείας επαφή με το υγρό Η2Ο2. Να μην απαιτούνται πρόσθετες ενέργειες για την απόρριψη της χρησιμοποιημένης συσκευασίας προσφέροντας μέγιστη ασφάλεια στους χειριστές. Προτείνουμε να τροποποιηθεί ως εξής: Η συσκευασία του αναλώσιμου αποστειρωτικού μέσου Η2Ο2 να παρέχει μέγιστη ασφάλεια στους χρήστες. Επιπλέον η περιεκτικότητα του διαλύματος του Η2Ο2 να μην υπερβαίνει το 50% ούτως ώστε αυτό να μην είναι διαβρωτικό για τα ευαίσθητα είδη και τα εύκαμπτα εργαλεία. §18 Να διαθέτει καταγραφικό όπου θα αναγράφονται όλες οι παράμετροι του κύκλου αποστείρωσης για κάθε στάδιο καθώς και η χρονική διάρκεια του κύκλου αποστείρωσης, οι συναγερμοί και λοιπές πληροφορίες για το αποστειρωτικό μέσο. Προτείνουμε να τροποποιηθεί ως εξής: Να διαθέτει καταγραφικό όπου θα αναγράφεται η πίεση του θαλάμου σε κάθε στάδιο του αποστειρωτικού κύκλου, η

χρονική διάρκεια του κύκλου, οι συναγερμοί καθώς και πληροφόρηση για την εναπομείνασα ποσότητα αποστειρωτικού μέσου. Η ΠΑΡΑΠΑΝΩ ΔΙΑΤΎΠΩΣΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΑΦΕΣΤΕΡΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΙΟ ΟΥΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗ. §20 Προτείνουμε να διαγραφεί η φράση «Οι ενδείξεις να είναι ευδιάκριτες από απόσταση» ως ασαφής. Προτείνουμε να προστεθεί η απαίτηση: Να υπάρχει η δυνατότητα μεταφοράς δεδομένων σε εξωτερικό μέσο αποθήκευσης. Για τον σκοπό αυτό να διαθέτει δίσκο SSD καθώς και δύο θύρες USB. Επιπλέον προτείνουμε να προστεθεί η απαίτηση να προσφερθούν με ξεχωριστές τιμές τα αναλώσιμα αποστειρωτικά μέσα, οι βιολογικοί δείκτες και οι χημικοί δείκτες. Ελπίζουμε οι προτάσεις μας να γίνουν αποδεκτές και παραμένουμε στη διάθεσή σας για κάθε συμπληρωματική πληροφορία ή διευκρίνηση. Με εκτίμηση, Ευριπίδης Σιδερίδης ( MSc Φυσικός) Υπεύθυνος Πωλήσεων Ιατρική Μέριμνα & Υγεία ΑΕ. Ιατρικά Μηχανήματα & Εξοπλισμός Νοσοκομείων Λ.Ηρακλείου 424 14122 Νέο Ηράκλειο, Αττικής, Ελλάδα Τηλ.: 210 2856586, Φαξ : 210 2853709 Κινητό : 6978 119372

WD 200: Single-chamber washer-disinfector in compliance with EN ISO 15883






Highest performance on smallest footprint

Making reliably reprocessed instruments available – as fast and economically as possible.

The challenge

CSSDs and TSSUs are challenged with achieving higher

productivity levels than ever before. As a result,

customers need a washer-disinfector that can process

high volumes of medical devices, utensils and delicate

instruments quickly, efficiently and safely. Customers

also need a system that requires small footprint and is

simple to operate and maintain.

High quality

Our customers’ requirements as well as current guidelines

are our benchmark for safety, quality, efficiency and

ecology. This is once again highlighted by the new product

generation of the WD 200. Exclusive use of high-quality

materials combined with careful workmanship make our

products durable and robust. The best proof of this is the

scratchresistant and extremely tough glass front of our

machines and the smart design of the wash chamber with

a minimum of welding joints. The device comply with

international as well as country-specific directives, such as

for example the most important standard EN ISO 15883-1

and 15883-2.

The demands placed on instrument reprocessing within Central Sterile Supplies Departments (CSSD) and in Theater Sterile

Supply Units (TSSU) have never been more stringent than now. With a vast diversity of material and equipment to be

cleaned, disinfected and dried, this volume is increasing all the time. CSSDs and TSSUs are obliged to make reliably sterilized

articles available at the required time and place for any agreed purpose in the hospital as economically as possible.


Belimed WD 200 – 12 DIn tray washer-disinfector with manual hinged doorsDeveloped to comply with the latest EN ISO 15883 directive, the WD 200 washer-

disinfector ensures high capacity, smallest footprint and low media consumption.

Making reliably reprocessed instruments available – as fast and economically as possible.

Highest performance, smallest footprint

The WD 200 washer-disinfector was developed for

professional use in hospitals and small clinics. The unique

capacity of 12 DIN trays, the small foot print – only 68 cm

wide – , low media consumption and the high quality of

the washing chamber and components are distinguishing

features of the device. Developed in compliance with EN

ISO 15883, the machine is simple to operate and ensures

fast and reliable reprocessing of medical devices.

ECO-features for low media consumption and high


With the unique Belimed ECO-feature “Dynamic Filling”

water, detergents and energy can be saved up to 20 %.

The optional heat recovery from the exhaust-air can be

used to reduce energy and media consumption by

an additional 20 %. The unique Belimed ECO generation of

water-saving and pressure optimized instrument wash

racks need approx.10 % less water as common wash rack



Outer dimensions H × W × D (mm) 1840 × 680 × 710

Chamber dimensions H × W × D (mm) 625 × 575 × 617

Chamber volume (l) 225

Cycle capacity

Surgical instruments (DIN trays 485 x 260 mm) up to 12

MIS instruments (connections, jets / DIN trays) 48 / 4

Anaesthesia materials

15 × breathing hoses max.1.5 m, 3 breathing

bags, 5 masks, 5 catheters, 5 tubes

Sterile goods containers H × W × D (210 × 300 × 600 mm)

3 × DIN Container3 × lids

OR shoes (pieces) up to 40

Baby bottles including caps (pieces) 84

*Enable chamer volume



WD 200 – High user convenience in each detail

High-quality materials, intelligent manufacturing – the WD 200 meets highest requirements in terms of

design and workmanship. Sturdy double-glazed hinged doors are a standard feature, as well as an

illuminated, excellently worked AISI 316L stainless steel chamber.

Chamber light

Easy loading and unloading due to guiding

notches integrated in glass door; robust door

construction: up to 80 kg loading weight possible

Innovative 6-level rack with 12 DIN capacity

For cleaning removable fi lter

Docking coupler: high cleaning action

The machine and rack connect to form one whole

system. A hydraulically activated docking device connects

the washer and rack providing a water tight seal

resulting in an improved cleaning action in comparison

to many other conventional docking systems.

Self-cleaning: thorough disinfection of the

entire system

To meet hygiene standards, the entire system including

wash chamber and RO water preheating system, is

cleaned and disinfected automatically during the defi ned

site operational procedure downtimes. Therefore, the

washer-disinfector is in a hygienic condition for operation

at all times.

Innovative 6-level rack with 12 DIN capacity

Complete drainage: automatically and reliably

after each program phase

The design and construction of Belimed chambers and its

associated pipework eliminates the risk of carry-over

between each phase of the cycle. The entire system is

drained completely after each process step.


WD 200 – High user convenience in each detail

Ergonomic operating panel with integrated printer

Storage of 2 × 10 l detergents

Hygiene of the highest standard

The welding seams of the chamber were reduced to a

minimum. The chamber fl oor features a 5 percent incline,

allowing the water to drain off optimally after the cleaning

process. This signifi cantly reduces the risk of cross-contam-

ination and carry-over of rinsing media.

Increased capacity thanks to an intelligent

rack concept

The compact construction design is not the only new

feature of the WD 200. Also a new instrument rack

concept was developed. The rack washing system consists

of just one component, a distribution pipe located at the

center. The wash arms emanate from the distribution pipe

without additional mechanical mounting. This arrange-

ment contributes to reducing water consumption and

optimizing cleaning performance. At the same time, the

rack capacity is up to 12 DIN instrument trays.


WD 200 – Small footprint saves spaceWith a width of only 68 cm the Belimed washer-disinfector range of machines achieves one of the

smallest footprints of any unit on the market. No lateral maintenance room needed.

That’s true greatness. Often concentrated in the smallest of spaces.

Smart resource management gets you further. And is mighty impressive.

Belimed WD 200

• Capacity: 36 DIN instrument trays per cycle

• 20 % more capacity per cycle

• Up to 50 % less required space

• Easy maintenance from the front only needed

Comparable single-chamber washer-disinfectors

• Capacity: 30 DIN instrument trays per cycle

• Maintenance access from the side needed


Effi cient and economical operationThe Belimed commitment to high economic effi ciency includes a focus on cost savings and

maximizing the investment in your equipment. Our systems feature economical use of resources like

water, detergents and energy.

WD 200 – Small footprint saves space

That’s true greatness. Often concentrated in the smallest of spaces.

Smart resource management gets you further. And is mighty impressive.

Low media consumption and high productivity

“Dynamic Filling” is a unique economic feature. Water

volume is automatically matched to the rack and the

material to be processed. This optimizes utilization

of water, detergents and energy resulting in savings of

up to 20 % in utility and additive consumption per cycle.

Energy saving by heat recovery

As an optional feature, heat recovery from the exhaust-air

can be used to pre-heat RO water in a separate tank with

a counter-fl ow heat exchanger – positioned above the

wash chamber. This reduces energy and media consumpti-

on by an additional 20 %, increases productivity of up to

25 % and avoids the condensation in the exhaust-air pipe

and thus protects against microbial contamination and


6-level ECO instrument rack for 12 DIN traysWD 200 pre-heating RO water tank

1 Exhaust-air hot2 Exhaust-air fl ap3 Condensate drain4 Condenser with heat recovery system5 Exhaust-air cold6 RO water cold7 RO water preheated8 RO water tank with heating elements9 RO water hot

Unique ECO instrument racks with additional

capacity and less media consumption

The new and unique generation of instrument wash racks

is based upon the concept of a water distribution unit

made out of one piece only. As a consequence this leads to

water savings and pressure optimized performances and

exceptional cleaning results. This new design saves

approx.10 % less water as common wash rack design.With

a maximum capacity of 12 DIN trays per cycle the WD 200

is also able to process 20 % instruments more per cycle as

any other washer-disinfector in its class.










Improved work quality due to easy operation

A shining example of intelligence and friendliness. Just like our technology.

CSSDs manage high workloads with little staff. Belimed systems help the staff and relieve the workload

by focusing on ease of operation and maximum process reliability.

Comfortable and transparent user guidance

Clear menu navigation and the illuminated color display

ensure even greater user comfort. Activation of the

respective keys with a simple touch is confi rmed by an

acoustic signal.

Automatic program selection and effi cient


Another advantage is the automatic program selection

option. This allows programs to be automatically or

manually selected. The control identifi es the relevant rack

using special sensors and automatically begins the

cleaning process, based on rack identifi cation.

Correct and fast information

Important process data, such as remaining duration,

loading or removal readiness or error messages are

displayed via our patented process status display that is

visible from afar. The employee can see the relevant

information clearly at a glance, even from a distance. The

display works in the manner of an analogue clock by

means of LED technology.

Ergonomic and functional

Convenient, cleverly designed and ergonomically

expedient – loading and unloading the WD 200 is easy as

can be. Thus, the racks can be loaded at a height of 87

centimeters while being secured by a hinged door which

can at the same time serve as loading and unloading table.

This is not only most convenient, but also saves space. The

work is rendered especially safe and easy thanks to a

transport cart which can be docked directly onto the

hinged door.

Easy to clean wash arms

The WD 200 as well as the corresponding wash racks are

equipped with easy-to-clean washarms with removable

caps. This saves precious time and makes life easier for the


Great user comfort due to easy operation Easy to clean: Belimed wash arm with removable end caps8

A shining example of intelligence and friendliness. Just like our technology.

Monitoring and documentation made easyWD 200 is offering several ways and levels of monitoring and documentation of the process cycles.

A0 value

Belimed’s programmable microprocessor control provides

the A0 value during each cycle. The disinfection phase is

only completed when the appropriate A0 value is reached.

This prevents unnecessary resource consumption and

saves time. The A0 value is a measure of the effectiveness

of thermal disinfection as a function of temperature and

time. Mathematically, this is described with the integral of

temperature over time. The standard states variable

A0 in seconds.

Greater safety and reliability due to

independent process data monitoring

Optional monitoring sensors ensure maximum process

reliability. Relevant performance parameters are

monitored continuously:

• Number and type of process step

• Pump pressures

• Temperature-time profiles of water and air

• Quantity and volume of detergents used

• Conductivity of the final rinse water

Exceptional Support Services –

Improve system uptime with remote diagnostics

To maximize system uptimes Belimed offers its customers

Belimed Remote Services, an innovative approach to

monitoring sterile processing equipment. Unexpected

downtime is minimized. When problems arise, the service

technician can analyse the error message via the remote

connection, modify programmes if necessary or initiate

further problem solving steps. Should an on-site service

call be unavoidable, the service technician already has

valuable information about your system. All current

Belimed products can be equipped with a remote

diagnostics modem. Many older models can also be

refitted with this modem.

Belimed Infection Control Software ICS 8535

All process information, the measured values and program

parameters are automatically downloaded to either a

stand-alone PC or to a clients network. The data may be

retrieved at any time and used to provide documentation

for quality assurance or product release purposes. At any

time Belimed‘s Infection Control Software ICS 8535

may be extended for use with other decontamination

equipment such as cart washers or sterilizers. Due to using

an SQL platform, the ICS 8535 allows either machine’s

process data or independent monitoring data to be easily

exported, to ensure full integration and connectivity with

any client’s electronic tracking and traceability system.

The Belimed Management and Tracking Software allows each item to be uniquely identified and traced throughout the entire cycle.


High fl exibility, extensive range of accessoriesBelimed offers the right accessory solution within its comprehensive range of accessories whether it be for surgical instruments, minimal invasive

equipment, anesthetics tubing, operating room shoes, containers and baby bottles.

ECO instrument racks • Art. no. 870 126 3-Ievel instrument rack, 6 DIN trays• Art. no. 870 128 4-level instrument rack, 8 DIN trays• Art. no. 870 130 5-level instrument rack, 10 DIN trays• Art. no. 870 132 6-level instrument rack, 12 DIN trays

An rack, Art. no. 870 115For loading with • 10 breathing hoses D 21 mm max. 1.5 m• 5 breathing hoses D 11.2 mm max. 1.5 m• 3 breathing bags• Jet-bars removable and equipped with cleaning,

openings• 5 catheters and 5 tubes with holders, 5 masks• Jet bar for 4 connections; can be replaced and

changed according to individual needs• 1 small item box included

MIS instrument rack, Art. no. 870 118• 48 different connections• Max. instrument length 545 mm• 4 DIN trays• Up to 4 hose towers

Container rackArt. no. 870 120• 3 DIN container

H × W × D = 210 × 600 × 300 mm• 3 lids

Inserts for OR shoes• For the usage of 1-level and 2-level basis rack• Art. no. 870 137 for 10 OR shoes up to size 44*• Art. no. 870 138 for 15 OR shoes up to size 48**

*Capacity per level: 2 × 10 OR shoes**upper level only

Insert for baby bottles • Art. no. 773 843 for 21 bottles, 250 ml• Art. no. 771 287 for 21 bottles, 125 ml• Art. no. 817 302 for 21 bottles, 90 ml

Transport cart, art. no. 870 134• For manual docking at the WD 200 hinged glass

door• Space for one additional rack in the lower level of

the trolley

Rack for utensils• Art. no. 870 122 Basis rack 1-level• Art. no. 870 124 Basis rack 2-level


High flexibility, extensive range of accessoriesTechnical data WD 200

Type tested according to EN ISO 15883-1 and 15883-2 ■MPG certificat CE 0044, VDE, EMV, DVGW, SVGW etc. ■Double door pass-through model with door interlock (Manual hinged doors with glass window) ■Storage space for 2 × 10 l detergent cans ■Wash chamber made of high quality stainless steel, AISI 316L ■Front covers made of stainless steel AISI 304, grinded 4N ■Base panels ■Wash pump capacity 625 l/min

Electrically heated wash chamber; heating power 18 kW

Tank heating with steam heat exchanger O

Peak load cut-off for electrical heater ■Validation port for external measuring devices and sample drawing tap ■Electrically heated drying unit 3.5 kW

Heavy duty drying ventilators with HEPA filter H13 (capacity) 324 m3/h

Sterile filter monitoring by pressure measurement O

Exhaust-air flap to prevent thermal energy loss ■High capacity valves for fast filling with temperature control during filling for hot, cold and DI water (40 l/min) ■High-capacity drain valve (5 l/s) ■“Dynamic Filling” system to reduce media consumption ■Pump pressure monitoring (wash dynamic) ■Foam control ■12 programs freely programmable via code, program library ■A0 value control function and controller ■Temperature monitoring during complete cycle ■Wash chamber illumination ■Patented status display; remaining cycle time, loading or removal readiness and error messages are displayed well visible from afar ■Acoustic signal at program end ■User interface with touch response, with 2 line VFD display at loading side ■2 line LCD display at unloading side (H × W = 25 × 120 mm) ■Automatic maintenance reminder ■Interfaces: RS 232 for printer, RS 485 for PC cycle documentation, RS 232 for barcode reader ■Dosing units for detergents (standard/optional); max. 4 2/2

Flow control for dosing units (standard/optional); max. 4 2/2

Recognition of coded racks O

Empty level indicator O

Exhaust air condenser operated either by fresh water or by cooling water loop O

Electrically heated RO water tank 9 kW O

Heat recovering system by condenser and RO water pre-heating O

Barcode reader for registering wash goods O

Built-in cycle printer at loading or unloading side O

Independent process documentation (IPD) to monitor process data by independent sensors (water temperature, pump pressure and detergent dosing, conductivity control for final rinsing phase)


Conductivity measurement O

Modem connection for remote access and diagnosis O

Drain pump O

Floor tube made of stainless steel with drain and leakage sensor O

Side panels (left/right) project specific additional panels made of stainless steel AISI 304, grinded 4N O

■ = standard 0 = optional

Subject to modification

Technical Data







AUSTRIABelimed GmbHGrüne Lagune 18350 FehringTel. +43 3155 40 699 0Fax +43 3155 40 699 10info@belimed.at

BELGIUMNV Belimed SARue de Clairvaux 81348 Louvain-La-NeuveTel. +32 10 42 02 40Fax +32 10 42 02 49info@belimed.be

CHInABelimed Medical Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd CaiLun Road 780, 5th floor, Room HZhangJiang Hi-Tech Park 201203 Pudong, Shanghai Tel. +86 21 513 709 98 Fax +86 21 513 709 96 info@belimed.cn

FRAnCEBelimed SASParc GVIO330 Allée des Hêtres, Hall E69760 LimonestTel. +33 4 37 41 63 03Fax +33 4 37 41 63 04info.pharma@belimed.fr

Branch OfficeBelimed SAS ZAC Saumaty Séon19 rue Gaston Castel13016 Marseille Tel. +33 4 96 15 22 10 Fax +33 4 96 15 22 19 info.sud@belimed.fr

Branch OfficeBelimed SASParc Espale 1, av. Pierre Pflimlin68390 SausheimTel. +33 3 89 63 65 40Fax +33 3 89 63 65 41info@belimed.fr

GERMAnYBelimed Deutschland GmbHEdisonstrasse 7a84453 Mühldorf am InnTel. +49 8631 9896 0Fax +49 8631 9896 300info@belimed.de

Branch Office West Belimed Deutschland GmbHEmil-Hoffmann-Strasse 2750996 KölnTel. +49 2236 9642 0Fax +49 2236 9642 200info.west@belimed.de

HUnGARYBelimed Infection Control Kft.Gyergyó utca 5.1026 BudapestTel. +36 1 318 86 97 Fax +36 1 318 87 75info@belimed.hu

nETHERLAnDSBelimed B.V.Vlambloem 653068 JG RotterdamTel. +31 10 286 17 50Fax +31 10 456 56 97info@belimed.nl

SLOVEnIABelimed d.o.o.Kosovelova cesta 21290 GrosupljeTel. +386 1 7866 010Fax +386 1 7866 011info@belimed.si

SWITZERLAnDBelimed Sauter AGZelgstrasse 88583 SulgenTel. 0848 55 88 11Fax +41 71 644 86 06contact@belimed-sauter.ch

UnITED KInGDOMBelimed LimitedUnit 4 Newbuildings PlaceDragons Green Road ShipleyWest Sussex, RH13 8GQTel. +44 1403 738 811Fax +44 1403 730 830info@belimed.co.uk

USABelimed, Inc.2284 Clements Ferry Road Charleston, SC 29492 Tel. +1 843 216 7424 Fax +1 843 216 7707info@belimed.us

OTHER COUnTRIESMedical/Medical LabBelimed AGDorfstrasse 46275 BallwilSWITZERLANDTel. +41 41 449 78 88Fax +41 41 449 78 89info@belimed.ch

OTHER COUnTRIESPharma/Pharma LabBelimed Sauter AGZelgstrasse 88583 SulgenSWITZERLANDTel. +41 71 644 85 00Fax +41 71 644 86 00info@belimed-sauter.ch


MST-V steam sterilizer with vertical sliding door – for dependable and qualifi ed sterilization of medical devices

Sterilization today: safe, space-saving and ergonomic

The focus is on the human being – greater safety thanks to qualifi ed reprocessing

Central Sterile Supplies Departments (CSSD) are an integral department in most clinic and hospital operations. The demands

placed on instrument processing within these units have never been more stringent than now.

It is essential to combine a high level of working effi ciency

with optimum reprocessing of medical devices. This is a

complex task for which there are often too few staff

available, especially at peak times.

Innovation and experience

As a leading supplier of decontamination systems and

solutions in the area of infection control, Belimed has over

40 years of experience developing and manufacturing

innovative cleaning, disinfection and sterilization systems

for the medical, pharmaceutical and laboratory sectors. The

focus is on safety and the well-being of patients and staff.

Numerous requirements – one contact

In addition to being high-quality decontamination systems

provider Belimed also supplies a broad range of additional

solutions. These include in-house services, extending from

planning and project management through after-sales

support with validation and maintenance. Belimed works

together with their clients to develop solutions to offer

a system providing them effi cient workfl ow and maximum



The most compact sterilizer in its class – the new MST-V The MST-V is ideal for ensuring reliable and qualifi ed sterilization of medical devices in the CSSD.

The sterilizer is effi cient, compact, economical and reliable, setting standards in terms of

innovation, versatility and minimal space requirements.

Compact, ergonomic and user-friendly –the new MST-V steam sterilizer, developed and

manufactured in Switzerland


Improved work quality – the result of Belimed’s new product design

The new MST-V sterilizer was developed in accordance with the latest standards. The look and function are entirely based on

the requirements of the operating staff. For example, in addition to an attractive design and clear, easy-to-use interface it

provides maximum user convenience and reliable operator control.

Ergonomics at the workplace

The MST-V sterilizer combines excellent ergonomics with

attractive design and easy operation. The loading height of

78 cm is the lowest in this class. Additionally, the touch-

sensitive control panel is located at an ergonomically ideal


Accurate, real-time information

Clear, easy-to-see information is imperative for a high

degree of user convenience and maximum reliability in

operator safety. That is why our systems display important

process data such as the time remaining, loading or

removal readiness and error messages via the process

status display. The employee can easily see the relevant

information at a glance, from across the room.

Space-saving and ergonomic –the MST-V steam sterilizer boasts a vertically sliding door, an external width of only 99 cm and a loading height of only 78 cm.


A state-of-the-art PLC facilitates access to sterilizer data

Standardized operator control

All new Belimed systems, whether sterilizers or

washer-disinfectors, offer a consistent operating interface,

thus reducing training requirements and keeping error

sources to a minimum. Audible feedback with each key

touch provides confi rmation to the user. Clear menu

navigation and the illuminated color display ensure even

greater user convenience. The display is clearly legible even

when viewed from the side at an extreme angle.

Optimum hygiene thanks to easy cleaning

The seamless surface made of solid stainless steel in

conjunction with glass and top-quality HI-MACS®

material meets the highest standards in terms of hygiene.

Even the control panel is located behind a glass plate so it

is completely protected from soiling, making it quick and

easy to clean.

Control panel on side 1 (loading side) Control panel on side 2 of two-door systems

Owing to the unique process status display the time remaining, ready-to-load

signal, ready-to-unload signal and error messages are clearly visible from up close

or at a distance.


The precision sealing frame made of solid stainless steel ensures maximum operating reliability for the door system.

Quiet, water-saving vacuum system

Innovative function, economic operation

During development of the MST-V sterilizer the focus was on protecting patients and staff while maximizing cost effi ciency.

The new generation of machines is extremely economical with the use of resources, such as water. Optimized standard

programs reduce process times by up to 10% compared to systems of comparable capacity.

Maximum performance within a very small space

High productivity is combined with minimal space

requirement, taking full advantage of the typically limited

space available in the CSSD. Owing to its capacity of 4 to

12 sterile units (SU), its light weight and a width of only

99 cm the MST-V sterilizer is the most effi cient and most

compact sterilizer in its class. Delivery and installation of

the machines are easy and uncomplicated.

Six times longer service life of door seal

The solid silicone door seal, with its milled solid stainless

steel frame made of grade 1.4404 chrome-nickel steel, has

a much longer service life than that of comparable

machines. Maintenance is fast and easy – the seal can be

quickly and easily pushed out of the frame at the touch of

a button and then is drawn back into the sealing frame,

with a second push of a button, by the vacuum system.

Much less water consumption than in

conventional systems

The new MST-V sterilizer achieves maximum resource use

economy through inventive engineering design. Our

innovative technology reduces water consumption and

allows a higher inlet temperature for the cooling water

resulting in energy savings. Additional reduction of

consumption is achieved by the water-saving system used

by the integrated, extremely quiet liquid ring vacuum



An extract from our extensive range of accessories:

• Automatic loading and unloading systems• Holding/queuing sections• Return locks • Return gates• Transport logistics to suit the customer‘s requirements

Automated processes, fast and easy maintenanceWith a wide range of different accessories the level of automation of the MST-V sterilizer can be

adapted to suit your specifi c requirements and thus ensure optimized process cycles. The large front

access to the internal parts and components also ensures fast system maintenance.

Greater effi ciency due to automation

Loading and unloading modules, along with queuing

sections, allow continuous operation of the sterilizers. In

addition, you can take advantage of fl exible extension

options, such as return locks and return gates.

Ergonomically designed transfer trolleys

Belimed transfer trolleys are simple and reliable to use.

With the adjustable-height model the working height is

easily selectable and can be set to the ideal ergonomic

level of the user. The trolleys are completely manufactured

from top-quality stainless steel which makes them sturdy,

damage resistant and very durable.

Fast and easy maintenance

The MST-V sterilizer provides easy, direct access to the

components and parts through front panels which open

completely. The electrical control cabinet, behind the front

panel, can then be swung to the side for complete access.

Servicing and maintenance work can thus be performed

quickly and effi ciently. No side access is required. That

saves you time, space and money.

Remote diagnostics

Our service staff have direct access to the machine control

system over the Internet and can thus provide fast

technical support due to the integrated Web server in each


MST-V equipment compartment – clearly arranged and maintenance-friendly

Best quality: accessories made of high-grade stainless steel


Certifi ed qualityOur sterilizers are all manufactured in Switzerland. They are subjected to a strict quality inspection and meet all the current

standards and medical devices directives. That way we ensure maximum safety and quality.

Highest standards of materials and workmanship

Our customers‘ requirements and the valid medical devices

directives are our benchmark when it comes to safety and

quality. Materials and components used from leading

manufacturers, in conjunction with state-of-the-art

production technologies, meet the highest quality

standards and ensure that the systems have a long,

reliable service life.

Safe, reliable and durable

The MST-V sterilizers are designed to handle heavy

workloads. For example, sophisticated chamber design in

conjunction with a sturdy door system ensures a

consistently high level of reliability and a long service life

for the systems. Top-quality stainless steel piping ensures

additional safety because it prevents the steam from

becoming contaminated, as can happen with conventional


Quality guarantees conformity with standards

Our sterilizers conform to all the applicable national and

international medical devices directives. ISO 17665, EN

285, ISO 9001, EN 46001, TÜV, ASME and FDA are just a

few of the internationally approved certifi cates and

standards. Production of the systems is monitored and

controlled by our seamless quality management system.


ICS 8535 cycle documentation system

Integrated printer in front panel

Cycle data – transparent and fully traceableAs part of their quality management system more and more hospitals want to generate and store

detailed, seamless data and information about the reprocessing performed on their medical devices

by equipment such as sterilizers. With the Belimed ICS 8535 cycle documentation system, which is

an available option, we offer an IT-based solution for ensuring seamless traceability of medical

devices between reprocessing and use in the operating room.

Fast and easy –

cycle documentation with integrated printer

A standard, integrated printer records and prints key cycle

data on a paper strip. The basic requirements for

mandatory documentation can be met without the need

for any additional software.

Detailed cycle reports for seamless documentation

All the necessary process data and information is recorded

by the optional Belimed ICS 8535 cycle documentation

system and saved on an external data storage device. The

data can be retrieved at any time to print out detailed

cycle reports. The cost involved in documentation and data

management is thus considerably reduced.

Data Acquisition PC


WD 290 WD 350 Dual-Washer MST-V

Seamless data traceability

The Belimed ICS 8535 cycle documentation system can be

easily expanded, at any time. Additional Belimed

equipment can be integrated into the system and

networked with existing equipment, even at a later date.

Integration into existing IT systems, such as instrument

management or tracking software, is also possible. Via a

defi ned, open interface the process data needed for further

processing can be sent directly to all current software

systems on the market. In this way the individual process

steps are documented automatically. Belimed has

extensive experience in implementing such projects.


Applications and standard programs

The MST-V sterilizer offers a selection of different

programs. The required test programs, such as the

Bowie-Dick test and the vacuum test, are available for

routine checking of sterilizer functions. The programs can

be started automatically, at the start of the day, so that

the sterilizers are ready to be used immediately at the

start of work. Program parameters (number of fractions,

sterilization times, sterilization temperatures, drying times,

etc.) can be customized.

Optimized and type-tested standard programs allow the sterilization of instruments, textiles and porous items. We attach

particular importance to safe handling, short cycle times and optimum drying with minimum energy and resources consumption.

An extract from our standard programs

Program/temperature Application Sterilization time (min) Drying time (min)


Solid items to be sterilized:• Packaged instruments• Empty glass containers• Empty metal containers

3-5 20

FRVV-VMT/134° CItems diffi cult to extract air from• Textiles

3-5 6

FRVV-VMT/121° C Porous items to be sterilized 20 6

FRVV-VMT/134° C 134° C special 3-60 6

Test programs and utilities

VOVV-VMT/134° C Heating program 3-5 3

Vacuum test – –

Bowie-Dick test 3.5 3

FRVV-VMT = Fractionated pre-vacuum process – vacuum with drying


Chamber volume


Model Chamber dimensions(H × W × D) (mm)

Machine dimensions(H × W × D) (mm)

Loading height(mm)

Single-door Two-door

4 6-6-6 VS1 6-6-6 VS2 660 × 660 × 700 1970 × 990 × 1120 (1095)2 785

6 6-6-9 VS1 6-6-9 VS2 660 × 660 × 1000 1970 × 990 × 1420 (1395)2 785

8 6-6-12 VS1 6-6-12 VS2 660 × 660 × 1350 1970 × 990 × 1775 (1750)2 785

12 6-6-18 VS2 660 × 660 × 2000 1970 × 990 × 2420 (2395)2 785

1 1 StE = 300 × 300 × 600 mm2 Dimensions of the single-door version


Our services extend from initial consultancy to IQ (Installation Qualifi cation), OQ (Operating Qualifi cation) and PQ (Performance Qualifi cation).

Comprehensive range of services – for a consistently high level of reliabilityAfter the delivery of our products we continue to support you with a comprehensive selection of

maintenance and service packages. Consequently, you benefi t from our experience and expertise

at all times.

Professional services

We rely on long-term partnerships in order to boost the

productivity of our customers on a continuing basis. We

achieve this goal with an integral maintenance and service

package. Our comprehensive range of services includes

knowledgeable consulting, customized training, installa-

tion and commissioning, regular validation procedures,

maintenance and support.

Personal and close at hand

The global presence of Belimed, with its own branch

offi ces, authorized partners and a close-knit service

network, makes communication fast. Our customers

benefi t from fast response times, immediate availability of

spare parts and personal, skilled support in the fi eld. The

primary aim of our services is to provide maximum

productivity and system availability for our customers.

Short response times, personal, skilled support in the fi eld – service and maintenance are key elements of Belimed quality management.







AUSTRIABelimed GmbHGrüne Lagune 18350 FehringTel. +43 3155 40 699 0Fax +43 3155 40 699 10info@belimed.at

BELGIUMNV Belimed SARue de Clairvaux 81348 Louvain-La-NeuveTel. +32 10 42 02 40Fax +32 10 42 02 49info@belimed.be

CHINABelimed Medical Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd CaiLun Road 780, 5th fl oor, Room HZhangJiang Hi-Tech Park 201203 Pudong, Shanghai Tel. +86 21 513 709 98 Fax +86 21 513 709 96 info@belimed.cn

FRANCEBelimed SASParc GVIO330 Allée des Hêtres, Hall E69760 LimonestTel. +33 4 37 41 63 03Fax +33 4 37 41 63 04info.pharma@belimed.fr

Branch Offi ceBelimed SAS ZAC Saumaty Séon19 rue Gaston Castel13016 Marseille Tel. +33 4 96 15 22 10 Fax +33 4 96 15 22 19 info.sud@belimed.fr

Branch Offi ceBelimed SASParc Espale 1, av. Pierre Pfl imlin68390 SausheimTel. +33 3 89 63 65 40Fax +33 3 89 63 65 41info@belimed.fr

GERMANYBelimed Deutschland GmbHEdisonstrasse 7a84453 Mühldorf am InnTel. +49 8631 9896 0Fax +49 8631 9896 300info@belimed.de

Branch Offi ce West Belimed Deutschland GmbHEmil-Hoffmann-Strasse 2750996 KölnTel. +49 2236 9642 0Fax +49 2236 9642 200info.west@belimed.de

HUNGARYBelimed Infection Control Kft.Gyergyó utca 5.1026 BudapestTel. +36 1 318 86 97 Fax +36 1 318 87 75info@belimed.hu

NETHERLANDSBelimed B.V.Vlambloem 653068 JG RotterdamTel. +31 10 286 17 50Fax +31 10 456 56 97info@belimed.nl

SLOVENIABelimed d.o.o.Kosovelova cesta 21290 GrosupljeTel. +386 1 7866 010Fax +386 1 7866 011info@belimed.si

SWITZERLANDBelimed Sauter AGZelgstrasse 88583 SulgenTel. 0848 55 88 11Fax +41 71 644 86 06contact@belimed-sauter.ch

UNITED KINGDOMBelimed LimitedUnit 4 Newbuildings PlaceDragons Green RoadShipleyWest Sussex, RH13 8GQTel. +44 1403 738 811Fax +44 1403 730 830info@belimed.co.uk

USABelimed, Inc.2284 Clements Ferry Road Charleston, SC 29492 Tel. +1 843 216 7424 Fax +1 843 216 7707info@belimed.us

OTHER COUNTRIESMedical/Medical LabBelimed AGDorfstrasse 46275 BallwilSWITZERLANDTel. +41 41 449 78 88Fax +41 41 449 78 89info@belimed.ch

OTHER COUNTRIESPharma/Pharma LabBelimed Sauter AGZelgstrasse 88583 SulgenSWITZERLANDTel. +41 71 644 85 00Fax +41 71 644 86 00info@belimed-sauter.ch



“Can endoscopes be sterilized thoroughly?”

“Is the sterilization cost reasonable?”

“Are you fully prepared for meeting new and more stringent environmental regulations?”

“Do you want quick sterilization?”

“Is your sterilizer easy to operate?”


Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer


1) ISO 14971: 2007 Medical Device. Application of risk management to medical devices2) ISO 14937: 2009 Sterilization of health care products3) ISO 10993-5: 2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity4) EN 61010-1: 2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. General requirements. 5) EN 61010-2-040: 2015 Particular requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials 6) EN 60601-1-2: 2015. Medical electrical equipment. General requirements for safety. Collateral standard. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and tests.

Operating system: Windows Embedded (Standard 7)User interface: 6.4” TFT Touch Monitor and Audible Alarm Network: 100/10 Mbps Ethernet Print: Built-in thermal printerSelf-test: Functions are available


Address: (Gasan-dong, 2),135, Gasan Digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 08504Tel: +82.2.6292.2568 Fax: +82.2.868.1511 Email: info@hmmdt.com Website: www.hmmdt.com

Dimensions, Weight Sterilization Chamber

HMTS-80E Sterilization System CycleNormal cycle (Dual cycle)

Vacuum 1 Stage Diffusion 1 Stage Vacuum 2 Stage with Plasma 1 Stage Diffusion 2 StagePlasma 2 StageVent & Dry Run StageTotal Cycle Time

Initial evacuation of sterilization chamberAutomatic injection and diffusion stage

Automatic injection and diffusion stage

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamber

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamberReturn of sterilization chamber to atmospheric pressure and re-evacuation of chamberSurface: 25±3 min, Standard: 38±3 min, Advanced: 53±3 minSurface: 28±3 min, Standard: 38±3 min, Advanced: 58±3 min

Cycle time varies depending on the type of load being sterilized.

Installation and Operating Requirements Regulatory Approvals

Normative Reference


Total Volume 80 L (2.83 cubic feet)Usable Volume 71 L (2.5 cubic feet)Dimensions (W x H x D) Ø400 mm x 650 mm (D) (Ø15.7 in x 25.6 in)Shelf Strength 35 kg (77 lbs)Shelf Dimensions (W x D) Upper: 380 mm x 635 mm (14.9 in x 25 in) Lower: 260 mm x 635mm (10.2 in x 25 in)

(29.5 in)(65.7 in)(32.9 in)

(948 lbs)

Size Width 750 mm Height* 1670 mm Depth 835 mm

Weight 430 kg *Including built-in wheels

Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

3 Phase1 Phase

Electricity:220~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.5KW, 1-Phase200/208/220/240/380/400/415VAC, 50/60 Hz. 5KW, 3-Phase

Placement:Built-in wheels provide mobility

Operational Environment:Temperature: 18°C – 35°C (64.4°F – 95°F)Humidity: 10% – 85% RH (Non-condensing)

Installation space:Minimum area: 1290 mm x 1750 mm (50.7 in x 68.8 in)Surface: Flat = 5 mm/m (0.188 in / 3 feet)Minimum distance from wall: 300 mm (11.8 in)Minimum service access: 1 m (3 feet) on all sides

1) Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC2) ISO 13485: 2003 Quality management systems - Medical devices - Design, development and manufacture of low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizer and hydrogen peroxide sterilant agent for use in HMTS series. 3) KGMP (Korea Good Manufacturing Practice)

LL-80E (Rev.14)

“Can endoscopes be sterilized thoroughly?”

“Is the sterilization cost reasonable?”

“Are you fully prepared for meeting new and more stringent environmental regulations?”

“Do you want quick sterilization?”

“Is your sterilizer easy to operate?”


Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

Operating system: Windows Embedded (Standard 7)User interface: 8.4” TFT Touch Monitor and Audible Alarm provide proper data-acquisition.Network: 100/10 Mbps Ethernet Print: Built-in dot printerDoor: Sliding door systemSelf-test: Functions are available


1) ISO 14971: 2007 Medical Device. Application of risk management to medical devices2) ISO 14937: 2009 Sterilization of health care products3) ISO 10993-5: 2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity4) EN 61010-1: 2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. General requirements. 5) EN 61010-2-040: 2015 Particular requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials 6) EN 60601-1-2: 2015. Medical electrical equipment. General requirements for safety. Collateral standard. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and tests.

Address: (Gasan-dong, 2),135, Gasan Digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 08504Tel: +82.2.6292.2568 Fax: +82.2.868.1511 Email: info@hmmdt.com Website: www.hmmdt.com

Dimensions, Weight Sterilization ChamberSize Width 833 mm Height* 1688 mm Depth 1016 mm

Weight 550 kg

(32.8 in)(66.4 in)(40.0 in)

(1212 lbs)*Including built-in wheels

Total Volume 142 L (5.01 cubic feet)Usable Volume 120 L (4.24 cubic feet)Dimensions (W x H x D) 425 mm x 425 mm x 790 mm (16.7 in x 16.7 in x 31.1 in)Shelf Strength 35 kg (77 lbs)Shelf Dimensions (W x D) Upper: 415 mm x 775 mm (1 to 3 shelves) (16.3 in x 30.5 in) Lower: 410 mm x 775mm (16.1 in x 30.5 in)

HMTS-142 Sterilization System Cycle

Vacuum 1 Stage Diffusion 1 Stage Vacuum 2 Stage with Plasma 1 Stage Diffusion 2 StagePlasma 2 StageVent & Dry Run StageTotal Cycle Time

Initial evacuation of sterilization chamberAutomatic injection and diffusion stage

Automatic injection and diffusion stage

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamber

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamberReturn of sterilization chamber to atmospheric pressure and re-evacuation of chamberSurface: 30±3 min, Standard: 60±3 min, Advanced: 60±3 minSurface: 35±3 min, Standard: 68±3 min, Advanced: 76±3 min

Cycle time varies depending on the type of load being sterilized.

Regulatory ApprovalsInstallation and Operating Requirements

Normative Reference


Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

3 Phase1 Phase

Electricity:220~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.5KW, 1-Phase200/208/220/240/380/400/415VAC, 50/60 Hz. 5KW, 3-Phase

Placement:Built-in wheels provide mobility

Operational Environment:Temperature: 18°C – 35°C (64.4°F – 95°F)Humidity: 10% – 85% RH (Non-condensing)

Installation space:Minimum area: 1290 mm x 1750 mm (50.7 in x 68.8 in)Surface: Flat = 5 mm/m (0.188 in / 3 feet)Minimum distance from wall: 300 mm (11.8 in)Minimum service access: 1 m (3 feet) on all sides

1) Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC2) ISO 13485: 2003 Quality management systems - Medical devices - Design, development and manufacture of low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizer and hydrogen peroxide sterilant agent for use in HMTS series. 3) KGMP (Korea Good Manufacturing Practice)


“Can endoscopes be sterilized thoroughly?”

“Is the sterilization cost reasonable?”

“Are you fully prepared for meeting new and more stringent environmental regulations?”

“Do you want quick sterilization?”

“Is your sterilizer easy to operate?”


Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

1) ISO 14971: 2007 Medical Device. Application of risk management to medical devices2) ISO 14937: 2009 Sterilization of health care products3) ISO 10993-5: 2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity4) EN 61010-1: 2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. General requirements. 5) EN 61010-2-040: 2015 Particular requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials 6) EN 60601-1-2: 2015. Medical electrical equipment. General requirements for safety. Collateral standard. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and tests.

Operating system: Windows Embedded (Standard 7)User interface: 10.4” TFT Touch Monitor and Audible Alarm provide proper data-acquisition.Network: 100/10 Mbps Ethernet Print: Built-in dot printerDoor: Sliding and Double door systemSelf-test: Functions are available

Address: (Gasan-dong, 2),135, Gasan Digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 08504Tel: +82.2.6292.2568 Fax: +82.2.868.1511 Email: info@hmmdt.com Website: www.hmmdt.com

Sterilization ChamberDimensions, Weight

HMTS-142D Sterilization System Cycle

Installation and Operating Requirements


Regulatory Approvals

Normative Reference

Size Width 1050 mm Height* 1688 mm Depth 1075 mm

Weight 640 kg

(41.3 in)(66.5 in)(42.3 in)

(1411 lbs)*Including built-in wheels

Total Volume 142 L (5.01 cubic feet)Usable Volume 120 L (4.24 cubic feet)Dimensions (W x H x D) 425 mm x 425 mm x 790 mm (16.7 in x 16.7 in x 31.1 in)Shelf Strength 35 kg (77 lbs)Shelf Dimensions (W x D) Upper: 415 mm x 775 mm (1 to 3 shelves) (16.3 in x 30.5 in) Lower: 410 mm x 775mm (16.1 in x 30.5 in)

Normal cycle (Dual cycle)

Vacuum 1 Stage Diffusion 1 Stage Vacuum 2 Stage with Plasma 1 Stage Diffusion 2 StagePlasma 2 StageVent & Dry Run StageTotal Cycle Time

Initial evacuation of sterilization chamberAutomatic injection and diffusion stage

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamber

Automatic injection and diffusion stageRe-evacuation of sterilization chamberReturn of sterilization chamber to atmospheric pressure and re-evacuation of chamberSurface: 30±3 min, Standard: 60±3 min, Advanced: 60±3 minSurface: 35±3 min, Standard: 65±3 min, Advanced: 70±3 min

Cycle time varies depending on the type of load being sterilized.

Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

3 Phase1 Phase

Electricity:220~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.5KW, 1-Phase200/208/220/240/380/400/415VAC, 50/60 Hz. 5KW, 3-Phase

Placement:Built-in wheels provide mobility

Operational Environment:Temperature: 18°C – 35°C (64.4°F – 95°F)Humidity: 10% – 85% RH (Non-condensing)

Installation space:Minimum area: 1290 mm x 1750 mm (50.7 in x 68.8 in)Surface: Flat = 5 mm/m (0.188 in / 3 feet)Minimum distance from wall: 300 mm (11.8 in)Minimum service access: 1 m (3 feet) on all sides

1) Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC2) ISO 13485: 2003 Quality management systems - Medical devices - Design, development and manufacture of low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizer and hydrogen peroxide sterilant agent for use in HMTS series. 3) KGMP (Korea Good Manufacturing Practice)


“Can endoscopes be sterilized thoroughly?”

“Is the sterilization cost reasonable?”

“Are you fully prepared for meeting new and more stringent environmental regulations?”

“Do you want quick sterilization?”

“Is your sterilizer easy to operate?”

Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

Electricity:200 ~ 240 VAC, 50~60 Hz, 3 kW, 1 Phase

Placement:Built-in wheels provide mobility

Operational Environment:Temperature: 18°C – 35°C (64.4°F – 95°F)Humidity: 10% – 85% RH (Non-condensing)

Installation space:Minimum area: 1057 mm x 1056 mm (41.6 in x 41.5 in)Surface: Flat = 5 mm/m (0.188 in / 3 feet)Minimum distance from wall: 300 mm (11.8 in)Minimum service access: 1 m (3 feet) on all sides

Operating system: Windows Embedded (Standard 7)User interface: 7” TFT Touch Monitor and Audible Alarm provide proper data-acquisition.Network: 100/10 Mbps Ethernet Print: Built-in thermal printerSelf-test: Functions are available

1) ISO 14971: 2007 Medical Device. Application of risk management to medical devices2) ISO 14937: 2009 Sterilization of health care products3) ISO 10993-5: 2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity4) EN 61010-1: 2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. General requirements. 5) EN 61010-2-040: 2015 Particular requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials 6) EN 60601-1-2: 2015. Medical electrical equipment. General requirements for safety. Collateral standard. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and tests.

Size Width 740 mm Height 825 mm (With Cart) 1350 mm Depth 725 mm

Weight 160 kg

(29.1 in)(32.6 in)(53.1 in)(27.6 in)

(352.7 lbs)

Address: (Gasan-dong, 2),135, Gasan Digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 08504Tel: +82.2.6292.2568 Fax: +82.2.868.1511 Email: info@hmmdt.com Website: www.hmmdt.com

Total Volume 34 L (1.2 cubic feet)Usable Volume 30 L (1.0 cubic feet)Dimensions (W x H x D) 340 mm x 170 mm x 600 mm (13.4 in x 6.7 in x 23.6 in)Shelf Strength 25 kg (55 lbs)Shelf Dimensions (W x D) 320 mm x 560 mm

Dimensions, Weight Sterilization Chamber

HMTS-30E Sterilization System CycleNormal cycle (Dual cycle)

Vacuum 1 Stage Diffusion 1 Stage Vacuum 2 Stage with Plasma 1 Stage Diffusion 2 StagePlasma 2 StageVent & Dry Run StageTotal Cycle Time

Initial evacuation of sterilization chamberAutomatic injection and diffusion stage

Automatic injection and diffusion stage

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamber

Re-evacuation of sterilization chamberReturn of sterilization chamber to atmospheric pressure and re-evacuation of chamberSurface: 15±3 min, Standard: 27±3 min, Advanced: 39±3

Installation and Operating Requirements


Regulatory Approvals

Normative Reference

Cycle time varies depending on the type of load being sterilized.

Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer

1) Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC2) ISO 13485: 2003 Quality management systems - Medical devices - Design, development and manufacture of low temperature hydrogen peroxide sterilizer and hydrogen peroxide sterilant agent for use in HMTS series. 3) KGMP (Korea Good Manufacturing Practice)


POUCHES PRINTER PAPERSFor packing medical devicesSealing temperature: 115°C – 130°CMaterial Front: LDPE Back: Tyvek® Size: 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500 mmLength: 70 mShelf life: 5 years under dryconditions

Thermal printer

- HMTS-80E Size: Ø50 x 57mm x 20m- HMTS-30E Size: Ø50 x 40mm x 20mDot printer- HMTS-142, 142D Size: Ø50 x 57mm x 20m

INCUBATORS SEALERSFor incubating biologicalindicatorTemperature stability:60°C ± 2°C (140°F ± 3.6°F)Electricity: 100 – 240 VAC 50 – 60 Hz

For packaging of sealable pouches Process:Automatic / ReproducibleSize (W x D x H):560mm x 250mm x 145mmElectricity: 230VAC 50 – 60Hz 390VA

LOADING BASKETSFor loading items to be sterilized 2 baskets / setMaterial: SUS304Size (W x D x H):240mm x 550mm x 125mm - HMTS-80E, 30E375mm x 755mm x 162mm - HMTS-142, 142D

Address: (Gasan-dong, 2),135, Gasan Digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 08504Tel: +82.2.6292.2568 Fax: +82.2.868.1511 Email: info@hmmdt.com Website: www.hmmdt.com

Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer System

LL-AC(Rev. 9 / 2017 Jan)






Exclusive use with HMTS sterilization systemBar color changes from red to orange (or brighter) when exposed to H2O2

Exclusive use with HMTS sterilization systemBar color changes from red to yellow when exposed to H2O2

Chemicals: Hydrogen PeroxideConcentration: 50%Type - HMSA-80 (HTMS-Series)

Shelf life: 18 months (inside refrigerator), 10 months (room temperature) 1 month (after installation)

Sterilization Process Monitoring(Self contained biological indicator, microorganism: Geobacillus Stearothermophilus)

Culture medium color: Purple / YellowStorage: 2°C – 25°C. ≤60% relative humidity. Protect from freezing, sterilants and lights. Do not refrigerate.Shelf life: 12 monthsIncubation time: 24 hours

Wear personal protective equipment whenever handling sterilants.When exposed to the sterilant, wash promptly and thoroughly with water for 30 minutesSingle use only.

Do not use damaged units. Handle with care. Wear gloves and goggles when handling sterilized vials and when crushing vials. Single use only.

Store at 15°C - 30°C under dry conditions. (Relative Humidity : 10% to 50%)Store away from hydrogen peroxide and alkaline chemicals. Single use only



Shelf life: 2 years

Store at 15°C - 30°C under dry conditions. (Relative Humidity : 30% to 80%).Store away from hydrogen peroxide and alkaline chemicals. Single use only.

Shelf life: 3 years




For packaging of sealable pouches Process:Automatic / ReproducibleSize (W x D x H):560mm x 250mm x 145mmElectricity: 230VAC 50 – 60Hz 390VA
