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議程2007/10/20 (週六)

時間 程序08:20

| 08:50

報到(臺灣師範大學教育學院大樓 二樓 202國際會議廳)




開幕式大會主席致詞:臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心主任 彭森明開幕致詞:臺灣師範大學副校長 陳瓊花來賓致詞:教育部政務次長 呂木琳




專題演講:臺灣教育評鑑的成果:現階段的發展、創新及挑戰主持人:臺灣師範大學副校長 陳瓊花主講人:教育部政務次長 呂木琳

10:00 |





專題研討 一:東亞國家之教育評鑑發展 --- 國家報告(一)主持人:中山大學教育研究所教授 蔡清華報告及圓桌會議 Current Issues of the School Evaluation System in Japan

主講人:日本東京學藝大學教授 Washiyama Yasuhiko

Educational Evaluation in Singapore: Current Status and Future Challenges

主講人:新加坡國立教育學院 研究所及研究中心教授 Ramanathan Subramaniam

Educational Evaluation in South Korea: Current Issues and Future Prospects

主講人:韓國首爾大學教育系教授 Sun-geun Baek

12:10 |





專題研討 二:東亞國家之教育評鑑發展 --- 國家報告(二)主持人:臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心主任 彭森明報告及圓桌會議 Development of Educational Evaluation and challenges of practicing Educational Evaluation in


主講人:泰國朱拉隆宮大學 教育評量及評鑑中心教授 Sirichai Kanjanawasee

School-Based Assessments: Implementation and Challenges in the Malaysian Contexts

主講人:馬來西亞理科大學 教育學學院教授 Yoong Suan

Educational Evaluation in Hong Kong: Status and Challenges

主講人:香港中文大學教育系教授 Chi-kin Lee

15:20 |


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時間 程序15:40




場次OP1:教師評鑑(教育學院大樓二樓202國際會議廳)主持人:秦夢群(政治大學教育學院院長) 國立屏東教育大學教師評鑑規準建構之研究林官蓓(屏東教育大學教育行政研究所助理教授/通識教育中心主任)楊智穎(屏東教育大學教育系助理教授/研發處綜合企畫組長)


評論人:蘇錦麗(新竹教育大學教育學系教授) 日本大學教師評鑑實施情形之初探陳琦媛(臺灣師範大學教學卓越計畫辦公室博士後研究員)


場次 A1:教師評鑑(教育學院大樓三樓第一會議室)主持人:吳清山(臺北教育大學國民教育研究所/教育行政與評鑑研究所教授) 中小學教師評鑑標準的理論與實證基礎張新仁(高雄師範大學教育學系教授)邱上真(高雄師範大學特殊教育系教授)王瓊珠(高雄師範大學特殊教育系副教授)



評論人:汪履維(臺東大學附設實驗國民小學校長) 教師評鑑方案建構之臺灣制度分析劉美慧(臺灣師範師大教育系教授)黃嘉莉(銘傳大學教育研究所助理教授)


場次 B1:中文能力鑑定(教育學院大樓三樓第二會議室)主持人:蔡雅薰(師範大學應用華語系主任) 國語文能力測驗統合分析取向之效度研究林世華(臺灣師範大學心理與輔導學系教授)

中文口說能力檢測 之研究潘麗珠(臺灣師範大 學國文系教授)陳廖安(臺灣師範大 學國文系副教授)曾美蕙(臺北市立中 山國中校長)游欣欣(智光商職國 文教師)許富堯(臺灣師範大 學國文系學生)評論人:盧雪梅(臺灣

師範大學教育心理與輔導學系副教授) 選擇題型試題的試題分析與改善策略-以96學年師大研究所入學測驗共同科目國 文試題為例鄭圓鈴(臺灣師範大學國文系副教授)


師範大學教育心理與輔導學系教授) 國中聆聽教學之行動研究柯宛君(彰化縣立陽明國中教師)


場次 C1:華文能力鑑定(教育學院大樓三樓第三會議室)主持人:洪碧霞(臺南大學教育學院院長/測驗統計研究所教授) 華語文能力分級指標之建立周中天/張莉萍(臺灣師範大學國語教學中心主任/助研究員)


評論人:陳滿銘(臺灣師範大學國文學系教授) 華語語法教學大綱之學習者需求分析研究信世昌/葉德明(臺灣師範大學華語文教學研究所教授)曾金金(臺灣師範大學華語文教學研究所副教授)林淑慧(臺灣師範大學華語文教學研究所博士生)


評論人:李振清(世新- 2 -

時間 程序國文系教授)評論人:沈添鉦(嘉義



17:30 論壇延續會議(各國受邀之主講人參與)

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時間 程序




主持人:國立臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心主任 彭森明

國立臺灣師範大學副校長 張國恩

國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處處長 洪久賢

日本東京學藝大學教授 Washiyama Yasuhiko

新加坡國立教育學院 研究所及研究中心教授 Ramanathan Subramaniam

韓國首爾大學教育系教授 Sun-geun Baek

泰國朱拉隆宮大學 教育評量及評鑑中心教授 Sirichai Kanjanawasee

馬來西亞理科大學 教育學學院教授 Yoong Suan

香港中文大學教育系教授 Chi-kin Lee

澳門大學 教育系教授 Kwok-cheung Cheung

泰國朱拉隆恭大學 教育系教授 Pruet Siribanpitak

香港中文大學 教育行政與政策系教授 Sun-keung Pang

國立臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心研究群代表 毛國楠教授、宋曜廷教授、李明芬教授、許添明教授、廖遠光教授、甄曉蘭教授、劉美慧教授、潘慧玲教授、王麗雲副教授、卯靜儒副教授、魯先華副教授(依姓氏筆劃順序排列)

18:30 晚宴(各國受邀之主講人)

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2007/10/21 (週日)時間 程序08:20

| 08:50

報到(臺灣師範大學教育學院大樓 二樓 202國際會議廳)




專題研討 三:東亞國家之教育評鑑發展 --- 國家報告(三)主持人:屏東教育大學校長 劉慶中報告及圓桌會議 PISA as a Catalyst for Capacity Building for Educational Evaluation in Macao

主講人:澳門大學 教育系教授 Kwok-cheung Cheung

Teacher Evaluation in Thailand: Current Issues and Future Prospects

主講人:泰國朱拉隆恭大學 教育系教授 Pruet Siribanpitak

Educational Evaluation and Quality Assurance: The Case of Hong Kong

主講人:香港中文大學 教育行政與政策系教授 Sun-keung Pang

10:50 |





專題研討 四:挑戰與回應各國受邀主講人之圓桌會議主持人:臺灣師範大學 教育評鑑與發展研究中心主任 彭森明共同主持人:臺灣師範大學 教育評鑑與發展研究中心副主任 甄曉蘭與談人:

日本東京學藝大學教授 Washiyama Yasuhiko

新加坡國立教育學院 研究所及研究中心教授 Ramanathan Subramaniam

韓國首爾大學教育系教授 Sun-geun Baek

泰國朱拉隆宮大學 教育評量及評鑑中心教授 Sirichai Kanjanawasee

馬來西亞理科大學 教育學學院教授 Yoong Suan

香港中文大學教育系教授 Chi-kin Lee

澳門大學 教育系教授 Kwok-cheung Cheung

泰國朱拉隆恭大學 教育系教授 Pruet Siribanpitak

香港中文大學 教育行政與政策系教授 Sun-keung Pang

12:00 |


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時間 程序13:30




場次OP2:學生評鑑(教育學院大樓二樓202國際會議廳)主持人:曾憲政(新竹教育大學校長) 澳門高中學生升學評量透析張國祥(澳門大學教育學院教授/教育測驗 與評核研究中心任)鍾健/陳敬濂(澳門大學教育學院研究生)


莊安慧(台北科技大學技術及職業教育研 究所博士生/仁德醫護 管理專科學校護理科 講師)評論人:林世華(臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系教授) 歐洲三大地區大學生學習經驗評鑑之論析黃照耘(暨南大學比較教育學系助理教授)

以結構方程式模型檢定影響數學成就因素-以 2003年亞洲四

小龍的國二生 TIMSS資料為例趙珮晴(台北教育大學教經系學生)張芳全(台北教育大學教經系副教授)


場次 A2:資訊科技及神經科學之應用(教育學院大樓三樓第一會議室)主持人:胡志偉(臺灣大學心理學系所教授) 利用眼球追蹤儀器探討眼動軌跡與創造力



評論人:楊立行(成功大學認知科學研究所助理教授) 國小學生認字策略 發展研究蘇宜芬(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔 導學系副教授)


場次 B2:教師評鑑(教育學院大樓三樓第二會議室)主持人:劉美慧(臺灣師範大學教育學系教授) 美國教師評鑑方案之 制度分析-以加州和威州為例卯靜儒(臺灣師範大學教育系副教授)陳佩英(清華大學師資培育中心助理教授)


評論人:簡紅珠(新竹教育大學教育學系教授) 教師評鑑方案建構之英國制度分析王如哲(致遠管理學院副校長)



場次 C2: 資訊科技及心理學之應用(教育學院大樓三樓第三會議室)主持人:張俊彥(臺灣師範大學地球科學系所教授/科學教育中心主任) 國中基本學力測驗國文科點字試題之初探

張千惠(臺灣師範大 學特教系副教授)評論人:何世芸(臺北啟明學校視聽教育資源中心主任) 數位教學卷宗、部落格卷宗在教師專業評鑑的應用毛國楠/宋曜廷(臺灣師範大學心理與輔導學系教授)張國恩(臺灣師範大學副校長/資訊教育所教授)劉俊廷/蘇漢哲(臺灣師範大學資訊教育所研究生)

評論人:張景媛(慈濟大學教育研究所教授) 從人際關係中看自己-「兒童自我認知量表」之發展程景琳(臺灣師範大學心理與教育輔導學系助理教授)



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時間 程序資培育中心副教授)




15:30 茶敘





場次OP3:教育政策與評鑑(教育學院大樓二樓 202國際會議廳)主持人:楊思偉(台中教育大學校長) 高瞻計畫課程評鑑之研究徐秀菊(花蓮教育大學視覺藝術教育所教授/藝術學院院長)張德勝/劉唯玉(花蓮教育大學國民教育研究所教授)


評論人:黃嘉雄(台北教育大學國民教育學系教授) 宜蘭縣公辦民營學校評鑑制度之建構許添明(臺灣師範大學教育系教授張雅菁(花蓮教育大學國民教育研究所碩士生)


場次 A3:行動裝置與學習評量(教育學院大樓三樓第一會議室)主持人:張國恩(臺灣師範大學副校長) 融入語言學習策略之行動英語單字學習系統之建置研究黃耀德(臺灣師範大學工業科技教育所研究生)蕭顯勝(臺灣師範大學工業科技教育系教授)


評論人:陳學志(臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系教授) 多元智慧電腦化適性測驗的發展:不同

IRT 模式的能力估計效果比較陳柏熹(臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系助理教授)許嘉凌/林逸農(臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心)

從核心期刊探勘教育 評鑑研究發展趨勢

場次 B3:教師評鑑(教育學院大樓三樓第二會議室)主持人:吳明清(淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所教授兼所長) 國中數學教師特徵與學生數學表現之實徵分析王麗雲(臺灣師範大學教育系副教授)



場次 C3:機構評鑑(教育學院大樓三樓第三會議室)主持人:謝文全(臺灣師範大學教育政策與行政研究所名譽教授) 高職學校外部評鑑人員評鑑能力建立之研究徐昊杲(臺灣師範大學工業教育系教授)曾淑惠(台北科技大學技術及職業教育所所長)蔡曜如(臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所碩士生)許哲男(臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所碩士生)


師範大學工業教育學系主任) 國內縣市特殊教育行政績效評鑑實施之研究王天苗(臺灣師範大學特教系教授)黃俊榮(臺灣師範大學特殊教育研究所博

- 7 -

時間 程序林瑜一(台北教育大 學博士生)曾元顯(臺灣師範大 學位媒體中心研究員)評論人:陳李綢(臺灣





17:30閉幕式(臺灣師範大學教育學院大樓 二樓 202國際會議廳)

AgendaOctober 20th, 2007 (Saturday)

Time Program08:20

| 08:50

Registration: 202 Conference Ballroom (2nd floor), College of Education, National Taiwan Normal University




Opening Ceremony

Opening Remarks: Samuel S. Peng, Director, Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and

Development, National Taiwan Normal University

Welcome Remarks: Jo Chiung-Hua Chen, Vice President, National Taiwan Normal University

Guest Address: Mu-lin Lu, Deputy Minister of Education, Minister of Education




Outcome of Taiwan’s Educational Evaluation: Current Development, Innovations and Challenges

Chair: Jo Chiung-Hua Chen, Vice President, National Taiwan Normal University

Speaker: Mu-lin Lu, Deputy Minister of Education, Minister of Education10:00






Panel Session I: Development of Educational Evaluation in East-Asian Countries --- National Report (I)

Chair: Ching-Hwa Tsai, Professor, Graduate Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Presentation and Roundtable Discussion

Current Issues of the School Evaluation System in Japan

Speaker: President, Washiyama Yasuhiko, Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan

Educational Evaluation in Singapore: Current Status and Future Challenges

Speaker: Professor, Ramanathan Subramaniam, Graduate Programmes & Research Office, National

Institute of Education, Singapore

Educational Evaluation in South Korea: Current Issues and Future Prospects

Speaker: Professor, Sun-geun Baek, Faculty of Education, Seoul National University, Korea12:10






Panel Session II: Development of Educational Evaluation in East-Asian Countries --- National Report (II)

Chair: Samuel S. Peng, Director, Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development, National

Taiwan Normal University

Presentation and Roundtable Discussion

Development of Educational Evaluation in Thailand and challenges of practicing Educational

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Time Program

Evaluation in Thailand

Speaker: Professor, Sirichai Kanjanawasee, Educational Testing and Evaluation Center, Chulalongkorn

University, Thailand

School-Based Assessments: Implementation and Challenges in the Malaysian Contexts

Speaker: Professor, Yoong Suan, School of Educational Studies, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Educational Evaluation in Hong Kong: Status and Challenges

Speaker: Professor, Chi-Kin Lee, Faculty of Education, Chinese University Hong Kong, Hong Kong15:20

| 15:40





Paper Presentation Sessions OP1, A1, B1 and C1

Session OP1: Teacher Evaluation (202 Conference Ballroom – 2nd floor)

Chair: Joseph M. Chin, Dean, College of Education, National Changchi University

A study of establishing faculty evaluation criteria of National PingTung University of Education

Kuan-Pei Lin, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Educational Administration / Director, Center of

General Education, National PingTung University of Education

Jyh-Yiing Yang, Assistant Professor, Department of Elementary Education / Director, Division of

Comprehensive Planning, National PingTung University of Education

The Meta-Analysis of Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Indicator in Elementary Schools

Juei-Hsin Wang, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Center, National Chiayi University

Discussant: Jin-Li Su, Professor of Department Of Education, National Hsinchu University of Education

Teacher evaluation in higher education in Japan

Chi-Yuan Chen, Assistant in Teaching Excellence Project, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Guang-Ding Tan, Chairman of Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Session A1: Teacher Evaluation (1st Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Ching-shan Wu, Professor, Graduate Institute of Elementary and Secondary Education, Taipei Municipal

University of Education

Theoretic- and Evidence-base of Teacher Evaluation Standards

Shin-Jen Chang, Professor, Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Shang-Chen Chiu, Professor, Department of Special Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Chiung-Chu Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University

The Construction of Teacher Evaluation Standards for Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan:

The Analysis of Delphi Technique

Hui-Ling Wendy Pan, Professor, Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration, National Taiwan Normal


Derray Chang, Professor, Graduate School of Educational Administration and Evaluation, Taipei Municipal University of

- 9 -

Time Program


Shin-Jen Chang, Professor, Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Discussant: Li-Wei Wang, President of National Taitung University Laboratory Elementary School

An Analysis of Teacher Evaluation System in Taiwan

Mei-Hui Lui, Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Jia-Li Hung, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Ming Chuan University

Discussant: Mu-lung Fu, Section Director from the Ministry of Education's Committee on School Discipline and

Moral Education

Paper Presentation Sessions OP1, A1, B1 and C1 - continued

Session B1: Chinese Proficiency Assessment (2nd Meeting Room - 3rd floor)Chair: Ya-shiun Tsai, Director, Department of Teaching Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University A Meta Analytical Approach Validity Study of Chinese Language of Verbal Tests

Sieh-Hwa Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

The Research of Chinese Speaking TestLichu Pan, Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal UniversityLiaoAn Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal UniversityMeeHwey Tseng, Principal, Taipei Municipal ZhongShan Junior High SchoolShinshin Yu, Chinese Teacher, Private Chih-Kwang Vocational High School of Business & Technology

Yiao-Fu Hsu, Student, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal UniversityDiscussant: Sheue-Mei Lu, Associate Professor of Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling,    National Taiwan Normal University The Model of Reading Preliminary in General Chinese Proficiency Test Applied in the Improvement

of Chinese Paper of the NTNU Research Institute Entrance ExaminationYuan-Lin Cheng, Associate professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University

The Study of General Chinese Proficiency Test Listening Pre-test and Subjects' Listening HabitJu-Hsush Yang, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Kuo-nan Mao, Professor of Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

An Action Research of Listening Instruction for Junior High School StudentsWan-Jyun Ke, Teacher, Chang-Hua Hsien Yang-Ming Junior High School

Concept Models used in Mind Map for Teaching and Assessing Thinking at Language Course Kai-Fuu Wang, Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal UniversityDiscussant: Tien-Cheng Shen, Professor of Department of Foreign Languages, National Chiayi University

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Session C1: Mandarin Proficiency Assessment (3rd Meeting Room - 3rd floor)Chair: Pi-Hsia Hung, Professor of Graduate Institute of Measurement and Statistics / Dean of College of Education, National University of Tainan Proposal of a Framework of Chinese Language Competence Scale

Chung-Ttien Chou, Director, Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal UniversityLi-ping Chang, Associate Research Fellow, Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University

On Developing Techniques for Automated Essay Scoring for East Asian Languages: A Case in ACEs SystemsTao-Hsing Chang, Research Fellow, Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing, National Taiwan Normal UniversityHak-Ping Tam, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal UniversityChia-Hoang Lee, Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University

Discussant : Man-Ming Chen, Professor of Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University The Evaluation on Mandarin Pronunciation and Oral Expression

Shih-Hsin Chang & Te-Ming Yeh, Professor, Department of Teaching Chinese as Second Language, National Taiwan Normal UniversityChin-Chin Tseng, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching Chinese as second Language, National Taiwan Normal UniversitySu-Huei Lin, Graduate Student, Department of Teaching Chinese as second Language, National Taiwan Normal University

Learners’ Needs Analysis of TCSL Grammar SyllabusShouhsin Ten & Shih-Hsin Chang, Professor, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,

National Taiwan Normal UniversityYu-chun Hwang & Ming-yi Li, Doctorial Student, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Chen-ching Li, Professor of Department of English, Shih Hsin University

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Planning for the Next Year’s Forum: For Invited Speakers / Representatives from each country ONLY

Discussion: 1. Academic Collaboration Programs; 2. Future Forum for Educational Evaluation in East Asia

Chair: Samuel S. Peng, Director of Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development,

National Taiwan Normal University

Kuo-En Chang, Vice President of National Taiwan Normal University

Jeou-Shyan Horng, Dean of The Office of Research and Development

Professor Washiyama Yasuhiko, Tokyo Gakugei University

Professor Ramanathan Subramaniam, Graduate Programmes & Research Office, National Institute of


Professor Sun-geun Baek, Faculty of Education, Seoul National University

Professor Sirichai Kanjanawasee, Educational Testing and Evaluation Center, Chulalongkorn University

Professor Yoong Suan, School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains

Professor Chi-kin Lee, Faculty of Education, Chinese University Hong Kong

Professor Kwok-cheung Cheung, Faculty of Education, University of Macao

Professor Pruet Siribanpitak, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

Professor Sun-keung Pang, College of Education, Chinese University Hong Kong

The Representatives of Research Team of the Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and

Development, National Taiwan Normal University: Professor Kuo-nan Mao, Professor Yao-Ting Sung,

Professor Ming-Fen Lee, Professor Tian Ming Sheu, Professor Yuen-Kuang Liao, Professor Hsiao-Lan Chen,

Professor Mei-hui Liu, Professor Hui-Ling Wendy Pan, Associate Professor Li-Yun Wang, Associate

Professor Chin-Ju Mao, Associate Professor Shen Hwa Lu (alphabetical order)

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18:30 Dinner: Invited Speakers / Representatives from each country

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October 21st, 2007 (Sunday)Time Program

08:20 |

08:50Registration: Conference Ballroom (2nd floor), College of Education, National Taiwan Normal University




Panel Session III: Development of Educational Evaluation in East-Asian Countries --- National Report


Chair: Ching-Chung Liu, President, National Pingtung University Education

Presentation and Roundtable Discussion

PISA as a Catalyst for Capacity Building for Educational Evaluation in Macao

Speaker: Professor, Kwok-Cheung Cheung, Faculty of Education, University of Macao

Teacher Evaluation in Thailand: Current Issues and Future Prospects

Speaker: Professor, Pruet Siribanpitak, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

Educational Evaluation and Quality Assurance: The Case of Hong Knog

Speaker: Professor, Sun-Keung Pang, College of Education, Chinese University Hong Kong

10:50 |





Panel Session IV: Challenges and Reaction

Roundtable Discussion of Invited Speakers from Each Country

Chair: Samuel S. Peng, Director of Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development, National Taiwan Normal University

Co-Chair: Hsiao-Lan Sharon Chen, Vice Director of Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development, National Taiwan Normal University


Professor, Washiyama Yasuhiko, Tokyo Gakugei University

Professor, Ramanathan Subramaniam, Graduate Programmes & Research Office, National Institute of Education

Professor, Sun-geun Baek, Faculty of Education, Seoul National University

Professor, Sirichai Kanjanawasee, Educational Testing and Evaluation Center, Chulalongkorn University

Professor, Yoong Suan, School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains

Professor, Chi-kin Lee, Faculty of Education, Chinese University Hong Kong

Professor, Kwok-Cheung Cheung, Faculty of Education, University of Macao

Professor, Pruet Siribanpitak, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

Professor, Sun-Keung Pang, College of Education, Chinese University Hong Kong

12:00 |


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Paper Presentation Sessions OP2, A2, B2, and C2

Session OP2: Student Evaluation(202 Conference Ballroom – 2nd floor)

Chair: Hsieng-Cheng Tseng, President, National Hsin-chu University of Education

An analysis of tests and examinations taken by Macao’s senior secondary graduates for pursuing studies local and abroadKwok-Cheung Cheung, Director, Educational Testing and Assessment Research Center / Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

Kin Chong & Keng-Lim Chan, Graduate Student, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

An Analysis on the Application of Value-Added Assessment to the Evaluation of Nursing DepartmentShu-Hui Tseng, Associate Professor, Institute of Technological & Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology

Pei-Jung Hsieh, Doctoral Student, Institute of Technological & Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology / Lecturer, Department of Nursing, National Taipei College of Nursing

An-Hui Chuang, Doctoral Student, Institute of Technological & Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology / Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine

Discussant: Sieh-Hwa Lin, Professor of Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Study on the Evaluation of University Students’ Learning Experiences in three European regionsChao-Yun Robert Huang, Department of Comparative Education, National Chi Nan University

By Structural Equation Modeling Test the Student’s Achievement Impacted Factors: Evidence from Asia’ Four dragons’ Grade 8 in TIMSS 2003Pai-chen Zau, Student, National Taipei University of Education

Fang-Chuan Chang, Associate Professor, National Taipei University of Education

Discussant: Huey-ing Tzou, Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Measurement and Statistics, National University of Tainan

Session A2: IT and Neuroscience Applications (1st Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Chih-Wei Hue, Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University

To Explore the Relationship between Eye Movement Pattern and Creativity-by Eye-Tracking with Eyelink1000Hsueh-Chih Chen, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology & Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Shu-Ling Peng, Chien-Chin Tseng, & Yi-Fen Su Graduate Student, Educational Psychology & Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

To Explore the Relationship between Eye Movement Pattern of Emotional Faces and Creativity-By Eye-Tracking with Eyelink1000Hsueh-Chih Chen, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology & Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Chia-Ling Su, Chien-Chin Tseng & Chih-Chun Hsu, Graduate Student, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Lee-Xieng Yang, Assistant Professor of Department of Cognitive Science, National Cheng Kung University

Development of Word Identification StrategiesYi-Fen Su, Associate Professor, Department. of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

The Assessment on Text and Text-Picture Problem Solving --- Analysis with Eye-Movement PatternsCheng-Chang Lin, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Yuhtsuen Tzeng, Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education, National Chung Cheng University

Discussant: Chih-Chien Yang, Professor of Graduate Institute of Educational Measurement and Statistics, National Taichung University

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Paper Presentation Sessions OP2, A2, B2, and C2 – continued

Session B2: Teacher Evaluation (2nd Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Meihui Liu, Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

An Analysis of Teacher Evaluation Programs in the USA–The Examples of California and WisconsinChin-Ju Mao, Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Pei-Ying Chen, Assistant Professor, Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University

Teacher Evaluation System in AustraliaChu-Ming Huang, Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Ai-Hua Cheng, Associate Professor, Institute of Education, National Taiwan Ocean University

Ten-Hung Hsu, Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Hung Lee, Graduate student, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Hong-Chu Chien, Professor of Department Of Education, National Hsinchu University of Education

An Analysis of Teacher Evaluation System in EnglandRu-Jer Wang, Vice-president, Diwan University

The Establishment of Teacher Evaluation Standards: Focusing on the Case of JapanChin-Nien You, Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Yu-Hsun Yang, Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Education, National Chi Nan University

Discussant: Ying Chan Yang, Chairman, Graduate Institute of Higher Education, Tamkang University

Session C2: IT and Psychological Applications (3rd Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Chun-Yen Chang, Professor, Department of Earth Sciences / Director of Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University

A Study on Effectiveness of Brailled Test Items on the Chinese Subject of High School Joint Entrance Examination.

Chien-Huey Chang, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Shih-Yun Ho, Chairman of The Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children, Taipei School for the Visually Impaired

The Application of Digital Teaching Portfolios and Blog Portfolios on Teacher EvaluationKuo-nan Mao & Yao-Ting Sung, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Kuo-En Chang, Professor, Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Jun-Ting Liu & Han-Je Su, Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Ching-Yuan Chang, Professor, Department of Education, Tzu Chi University

Self in Relationships- The Development of Children's Self-Cognition ScaleChing-Ling Cheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

The Initial Development of a Culturally Sensitive Scale Structure of Child Emotion Regulation in TaiwanLi-Fei Wang, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Hsiao-Mei Chao, Assistant Professor, Center of Teacher Education, Taipei Physical Education College

Huawen Chien, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Wen-Tzu Chiang, Professor, Department of Social Psychology, Shih Hsin University

15:10 15:30 Refreshment

15:30 Paper Presentation Sessions OP3, A3, B3, and C3

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Time Program


17:10Session OP3: Educational Policy and Evaluation (202 Conference Ballroom – 2nd floor)

Chair: Szu-Wei Yang, President of National Taichung University

The Study of Highscope Plan Curriculum Assessment

Hsiu-Chu Hsu, Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts Education / Head, College of Arts at National Hualien University of Education

Te-Sheng Chang, Professor, Graduate Institute of Compulsory Education at National Hualien University of Education

Wei-Yu Liu, Professor, Department of Education, National Hualien University of Education

The East Asia Education Finance Indicators

Yi-Chun Lin, Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Chia-Hsiung Huang, Professor, Department of Education, National Taipei University of Education

Evaluation of Private Management of Public School at I-Lan County

Tian Ming Sheu, Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Ya Ching Chang, Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Compulsory Education, National Hualien University of Education

Discussant: Fwu-Yuan Weng, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Policy and Administration, National Chi-Nan University

Session A3: Mobile Device and Learning Assessment (1st Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Kuo-En Chang, Vice President of National Taiwan Normal University

The Construction of Mobile English Vocabularies Learning System with Language Learning Strategies

Yao-Te Huang, Graduate Student, Department of Industrial Technology Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Hsien-Sheng Hsiao, Professor, Department of Industrial Technology Education, National Taiwan Normal University

The Influence of Assessment with Different Controlling Levels on Junior High School Students' Reading with Hypermedia

Yao-Ting Sung & Shung-Liang Tsai, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Ying-Chuan Lai, Doctoral Student, Graduate Institute of Education, National Cheng Kung University

Rei-Ling Wang, Research Assistant, E-Learning Lab, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Hsueh-Chih Chen Professor of Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

The Development of Computerized Adaptive Testing for Multiple Intelligences: The influences of different IRT models on the precision of ability estimation.

Po-His Chen, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Chia-Ling Hsu & Yi-Lung Lin, Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development, National Taiwan Normal University

Mining Research Trends for Education Evaluation from Core Journals

Yu-I Lin, Doctoral Student, Taipei Municipal University of Education

Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Researcher, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Li-Chou Chen, Professor of Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University

Paper Presentation Sessions OP3, A3, B3, and C3 – continued

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Session B3: Teacher Evaluation (2nd Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Ming-Ching Wu, Professor & Director, Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Leadership,

Tamkang University

An Empirical Investigation of Math Teachers’ Characteristics and Students Math Achievement

Li-Yun Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Meta-analysis of Construction of the Teacher Evaluation Program: A Case Study on Teacher Instruction Efficacy

Yuen-Kuang Liao, Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Yi-Ku Ting, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Educational Administration and Evaluation, Taipei Municipal University of Education

Hui-Wen Chang, Research Assistant, Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development, National Taiwan Normal University

Amy Shu-Min Chen, Assistant Researcher, Center for Educational Research, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Chengta Wu, Professor of Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy, National Chengchi University

Session C3: Institutional Evaluation (3rd Meeting Room - 3rd floor)

Chair: Wen-Chyuan Hsieh(Emeritus professor, Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration, National Taiwan Normal University)

A Study on Building External Evaluation Competencies of Evaluators in the Vocational High Schools

How-Gao Hsu, Professor, Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Shu-Hui Tseng, Associate Professor, Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology

Yao-Ju Tsai, Graduate Student, Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology

Che-Nan Hsu, Graduate Student, Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University

of Technology

A Study on Developing Indicators for Self-Evaluators’ Competencies in Vocational High Schools

How-Gao Hsu, Professor, Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Da-Chin Rau, Professor, Department of Business Administration, LungHwa University of Science and Technology

Shu-Hui Tseng, Associate Professor, Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology

Tsai-Jie Huang & Tien-Min Chang, Graduate Student, Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University of Technology

Discussant: Farn-Shing Chen, Chairman of Department of Industrial Education of Technology, National ChangHua University of Education

The Evaluation of Administration Accountability in Special Education at the City/County Level: Metaevaluation and Prospect

Tien-Miau Wang, Professor, Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Chun-Jung Huang & Chu-Chun Chiu, Graduate Student, Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University

Discussant: Chia-Cheng Yu, Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of C&I, Tamkang University



Closing Remarks: 202 Conference Ballroom (2nd floor), College of Education, National Taiwan Normal


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