Oktatási Hivatal Kódszám · 2017. 3. 6. · Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám: ........


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  • O k t a t á s i H i v a t a l Kódszám:

    A 2016/2017. tanévi

    Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny második forduló

    ANGOL NYELV II. kategória


    Munkaidő: 35 perc

    Elérhető pontszám: 32 pont

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  • Angol nyelv II. kategória

    2016/2017 2 OKTV 2. forduló

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória

    2016/2017 3 OKTV 2. forduló




    2nd FEBRUARY 2017

    Welcome to the Listening component of OKTV.

    The listening material is recorded on this CD, and the tasks and instructions are printed

    in your test booklet.

    There will be two tasks, and the recordings will be played twice. Before listening to each

    recording, you will be given some time to read the instructions and to look at the task in

    your test booklet. Remember that the instructions are not read out to you in this test.

    The whole test is about 30 minutes long.


  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám: .............

    2016/2017 4 OKTV 2. forduló

    TASK 1 In this section, you will hear a lecture on the history of chocolate.

    Your task is to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you will have to circle one or two letters.

    First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece.

    Then, you will hear the recording in one piece again. The scientific name of the chocolate plant …

    A) is Theobroma Cacao.

    B) means “food of the gods”.

    1. The Maya …

    A) grew cacao plants in their gardens.

    B) used cacao as a flavorful spice.

    2. In Maya culture, chocolate …

    A) was only affordable for the very rich.

    B) played a role in marriage ceremonies.

    3. In Aztec culture, cacao seeds …

    A) served as a form of money.

    B) were only affordable for the very rich.

    4. It was Hernando Cortez who ...

    A) first brought cacao seeds to Spain.

    B) discovered the importance of the chocolate drink.

    5. It was only the wealthy who could afford the chocolate drink until the …

    A) eighteenth century.

    B) Industrial Revolution.

    6. Cacao trees …

    A) grow in the rainforests near the Equator.

    B) are a lot easier to grow on farms.

    7. Cacao trees …

    A) are very sensitive to environmental conditions.

    B) begin to bear fruit about five years after planting.

    8. During the production process, cacao seeds are …

    A) cooked.

    B) opened.

    9. Americans …

    A) spend five billion dollars a year buying cacao products.

    B) eat more than five kilograms of chocolate a year. That is the end of TASK 1.

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám: .............

    2016/2017 5 OKTV 2. forduló

    TASK 2 In this section you will hear a psychologist talk about the reasons why more and more people get tattoos.

    Your task is to fill in the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate information from the recording.

    You will hear the recording twice. First, you will have some time to read through the sentences before hearing the recording in one piece.

    Then, you will hear the recording again, but this time in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your answers.

    Tattoos are so amazingly fashionable that according to some people they have already

    begun to ……….go out of fashion……….…………………………………………………… .

    10. The two most important aspects of tattooing are …………………………...………..……..

    and …………………...………………….. .

    11. According to most Americans, the word “tattoo” has become less popular than its

    synonym, “……………….………….”.

    12.The reasons why people get tattoos are connected to one common cause: the ……………...

    ……………………………………………………………………………………………... .

    13. Different tattoos …………………………………………………………………………….

    ……………………………………………………………………...….. in different people.

    14. Probably the most important reason why people get tattoos is that tattoos are favored for

    making a ……………..…………………………………………………..………………... .

    15. From the aesthetic point of you, tattoos are similar to …………………………………..…

    ………………………………… or ………………………………………………………. .

    16. Celebrities do it in order to create a …………………………………………………..……

    ……………………………………………………………….…………..… for themselves.

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám: .............

    2016/2017 6 OKTV 2. forduló

    17. A lot of ordinary people, however, think that they can be …………………………………

    if they do the same.

    18. Tattoos, just like other things related to a person, such as cars, cell phones, or clothes, are

    an ………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

    19. By tattooing their bodies, people can also express and define their own

    ……………………………………………..….…………………………………………… .

    20. In our society, which craves self-expression, a lot of people get tattoos to ………………...

    ……………………………………………………………………………..…………….… .

    21. Some people use tattoos to display reminders of ………………….……………………..…

    ……………………………………………………………………………………..…….… .

    22. A lot of people get tattooed to remind themselves of a ……………………………….……

    ……………………………………………………………………………...……… to them.

    23. Some tattoos that have symbols might be difficult to understand when we first see them,

    because they have a …………………………………………………………………………

    for the people who have them.

    24. The fact that tattoos are permanent can be problematic, because the beauty of life is that

    it’s …………………………………… and …………………………………………....…. .

    25. It is a good idea to be careful with tattoos because they are banned in many ……………...

    ……………………………….…………………..… and are considered …………….….…

    …………………………………...….. in many parts of the world.

    That is the end of TASK 2, and also the end of the Listening exam.

  • O k t a t á s i H i v a t a l Kódszám:

    A 2016/2017. tanévi

    Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny második forduló

    ANGOL NYELV II. kategória


    Munkaidő: 45 perc

    Elérhető pontszám: 50 pont

    Elért pontszám:

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám:………….

    2016/2017 3 OKTV 2. forduló

    TASK 1 Find the one word that fits into all three sentences (a, b and c). Write the word on the Answer line. Note: the form of the word is identical for all three gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0) a) There’s no point in raising the matter again; I have no intention of changing my ___. b) She has worked there for ten years and she thinks she should have been offered a better

    ___ in the company by now. c) The airline’s financial ___ is healthier now than it has been for many years. Answer: _____position_____ 1. a) On the long, cold winter evenings we used to sit and ____ our feet by the fireplace. b) Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a ____ to the

    bride and groom. c) Dave is not fussy about his breakfast; he has beans on ____ every morning.

    Answer: ________________________________________ 2. a) The weak dollar could ____ disaster for small businesses like ours. b) When the door opened they all froze and stood there speechless, as if a witch had put a ____

    on them. c) After a brief ____ in show business, Mark returned to teaching.

    Answer: ________________________________________ 3. a) You’ll need to ____ the photo to get rid of that ugly dust bin standing next to you. b) When Rick turned 18, he had his hair cut in a short, army-style ____. c) By the time the first European settlers arrived in North America, corn was the chief ____ of

    the native Indians. Answer: ________________________________________

    4. a) Josh knew it was a great opportunity in his career when he was asked to ____ a speech for the

    president. b) During the Vietnam war many young men were able to avoid the ____ if they had medical

    problems, went to college or if they claimed they were conscientious objectors. c) I had to remind the editor that the final chapter was only a ____, not the final version.

    Answer: ________________________________________ 5. a) Today most cold medicine can be bought over the ____. b) A major upgrade of France's strategy to ____terrorism is in the works, at a time when the

    threat of an attack is at the highest level it has ever been. c) When I entered the shop, there was nobody behind the ____ to serve me. No wonder they are

    losing business. Answer: ________________________________________


  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám:………….

    2016/2017 4 OKTV 2. forduló

    TASK 2 In each group of three expressions, there is one which does NOT fit the context. Circle the letter of this expression in the column on the right. Remember to circle the letter of the WRONG expression, as in the example (0). Although many countries are saddled with stereotypes, in Switzerland’s

    case they’re 0. A) edge on B) on the mark C) spot on.

    For the Swiss, punctuality is not 1. A) simply a polite gesture

    B) merely a nicety C) just a sign of versatility; it is a source of deep

    contentment. The Swiss, it seems, 2. A) condescend to B) subscribe to

    C) comply with the German philosopher Schopenhauer’s definition of

    happiness as “an absence of misery”. They 3. A) revel in pure delight

    when B) derive genuine joy from the fact that C) get prompted by

    immense elation as life unfolds on time and in a highly efficient manner.

    Whenever I visit Switzerland, I go through several stages of punctuality

    reaction. At first it delights me, especially if I’m coming from

    neighbouring Italy or France with their rather more flexible approach to

    timekeeping. 4. A) Conversely, B) Despite that, C) By contrast, life in

    Switzerland is sturdy and dependable. If someone says they will meet me

    at 2 pm, they arrive at 2 pm, not 2:05 (or 1:55, for that matter). I like this.

    For a while. Then it annoys me. The extreme punctuality

    5. A) strikes me as a kind of stinginess, B) strikes off a certain

    sternness, C) makes me shiver just thinking about it, and I find myself

    agreeing with the English writer Evelyn Waugh, who said that

    “punctuality is the virtue of the bored.” 6) A) It couldn’t be more unfair,

    B) That is unfair though, C) No matter how unfair it seems, and

    finally, invariably, I come to appreciate Swiss punctuality for what it is: a

    deep expression of respect for other people. A punctual person is a

    considerate one. 7) A) By showing up on time B) By being invariably

    punctual C) By consistently arriving in time a Swiss person is saying,

    8. A) altogether, B) in effect, C) beyond doubt, “I value your time and,

    9) A) by extension, B) consequently, C) in due course, I value you.”

    How to explain this cleanliness and punctuality? No one knows for sure.

    But a popular theory is that, historically, it 10. A) recedes

    B) originates C) stems from the unforgiving, mountainous terrain. Either

    you planted your crops on time and harvested them promptly or, well, you


    0 A B C

    1 A B C

    2 A B C

    3 A B C

    4 A B C

    5 A B C

    6 A B C

    7 A B C

    8 A B C

    9 A B C

    10 A B C

    TASK 3 Circle the letter of the word which best fits the sentence. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (0) The usually loquacious coach suddenly became ___-lipped when asked about Ms Wilson. a. bottom b. tight c. parched d. cleft 1. If it is officially proven that the president was involved in any wrongdoing, he could face

    _____. a. hindrance b. impeachment c. encrumbance d. impediment 2. I’m afraid your income doesn’t ____ with your expenditure. a. tally b. reckon c. match d. balance

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám:………….

    2016/2017 5 OKTV 2. forduló

    3. Some say that Lady Di’s tragic accident was plotted by the royal family, but so far no

    evidence has been found to _____ the story. a. base b. perpetrate c. substantiate d. underpin 4. After meeting Alejandro on a beach holiday in Marbella, Jane _____ herself in the history of

    Spain. a. absorbed b. immersed c. submerged d. dipped 5. Rescuers in the northern part of Scotland are racing against the _____ to rescue a boy who has

    been trapped in an abandoned well for over 60 hours. a. time b. minute c. hour d. clock 6. He turned on his back and drifted along on the waves for a few minutes to _____ his energy. a. reinvigorate b. relish c. recoup d. reimburse 7. Pete has been in the _____ ever since he was fired from his company and broke up with his

    girlfriend. a. doldrums b. dole c. deadlock d. dismal 8. My last £20 note was caught by a _____ of wind and landed in my neighbour’s pool. a. breeze b. gust c. blow d. wave 9. I’ve tried to speak to my sister about the mistake she is about to make in her marriage, but it

    is like talking to a _____ wall. a. stone b. high c. solid d. brick 10. Clara’s sudden removal from the position of head of department was all part of her

    manager’s hidden _____ to make room for his brother-in-law. a. schedule b. blueprint c. agenda d. hatch TASK 4 Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets, so that the meaning is as close as possible to the meaning of the first sentence. Note: do not change the given word. Use between six and eight words including the given word. Only correctly spelt solutions can be accepted. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

    (0) You probably won’t think much of it, but that’s what I am going to wear. (like)

    Whether you......... like it or not, that’s........ what I am going to wear.

    1. He lost his job because he didn’t deal with clients efficiently. (grounds)

    He lost his job ....................................................................................................... dealing with clients. 2. If Mike hadn’t told me I was underpaid, I’d never have known. (for)

    If it ......................................................................................... I was underpaid, I'd have never known.

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám:………….

    2016/2017 6 OKTV 2. forduló

    3. The couple were totally shocked when they found that their home had been vandalized.


    Finding their .................................................................................................................... the couple. 4. In two days his resignation will be announced. (go)

    There ...................................................................................................................... of his resignation. 5. Undoubtedly, Jill will never be better at dancing ballet than she is now. (prime)

    Without .................................................................................................................. as a ballet dancer. 6. According to the police maybe no one forced the girl to leave. (accord)

    According to the police the girl ......................................................................................................... . 7. Interviewers are not allowed to ask questions like that. (bounds)

    Questions like that ....................................................................................................................... ask. 8. People deserve to get another chance if it is not their fault that they go bankrupt.


    People who face ............................................................................. own deserve to get another chance.

    9. It is very unlikely that all this is true. (little)

    There's ........................................................................................................................................ true. 10. He said the reason why he performed poorly was the fact that external noise distracted

    him. (blamed)

    He .......................................................................................................................... by external noise.

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória Kódszám:………….

    2016/2017 7 OKTV 2. forduló

    TASK 5 Circle the letter of the sentence (a, b, c or d) which is closest in meaning to the first sentence. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

    (0) The door had been left ajar and I saw her crying. a) She was shedding tears standing at the door. b) Through the open door of her room, I noticed her crying. c) She opened the left-side door, so I could see her crying when she entered. d) Through the glass door, I saw her in tears. 1. When the new secretary had to organize the workshop for fifty people, she was really

    put through her paces.

    a) The new secretary was really pushed for time when organizing the workshop.

    b) The new secretary was not able to organize the workshop.

    c) Organizing the workshop really tested the new secretary’s skills.

    d) It was only a joke when the new secretary was told to organize the workshop.

    2. Bill was halfway through telling his friends the story of their honeymoon when he

    noticed his wife giving him the daggers.

    a) Bill’s wife started to feel sick while Bill was telling the story of their honeymoon.

    b) Bill’s account of their honeymoon really amused his wife.

    c) Bill’s wife got very emotional while listening to the story of their honeymoon.

    d) By telling his friends the story of their honeymoon Bill made his wife very angry.

    3. When my boss said I had to redesign the whole plan or I could lose my job, he had me

    over a barrel.

    a) I was furious when my boss told me I had to redesign the whole plan or I could lose my job.

    b) I had no choice but redesign the plan if I didn’t want to lose my job.

    c) I was devastated when my boss told me I had to redesign the whole plan or I could lose my


    d) My boss made me laugh when he told me I had to redesign the whole plan or I could lose my


    4. The Oscar winning actress got a lot of flak for her role as the devoted wife of a Muslim


    a) The actress received a lot of criticism for her role as the devoted wife of a Muslim man.

    b) Playing the role of the devoted wife of a Muslim man earned the actress critical acclaim.

    c) The actress earned a fortune from her role as the devoted wife of a Muslim man.

    d) The actress received death threats for her portrayal of a Muslim man’s devoted wife.

    5. When the professor was spotted in the audience he was asked to go on stage, where

    he gave a short speech off the cuff.

    a) The professor was asked to go on stage and give a short speech free of charge.

    b) When asked, the professor went on stage and gave a short speech reluctantly.

    c) The professor went on stage and gave a short speech without any preparation.

    d) The professor went on stage and gave a short speech on a subject unfamiliar to him.

  • O k t a t á s i H i v a t a l Kódszám:

    A 2016/2017. tanévi

    Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny második forduló

    ANGOL NYELV II. kategória


    Munkaidő: 45 perc

    Elérhető pontszám: 28 pont

    Elért pontszám:

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória

    2016/2017 2 OKTV 2. forduló


    The health of a person is in their own hands, therefore they should be held accountable for it.

    State health care shouldn’t be provided for those who don’t look after themselves, they should

    pay extra for their own treatment.

    Do you agree?

    Write about 250 words. You have 45 minutes to complete the task. Dictionaries are not


  • Angol nyelv II. kategória

    2016/2017 3 OKTV 2. forduló

  • Angol nyelv II. kategória

    2016/2017 4 OKTV 2. forduló
