Organs of head I 陳建榮 chenjr/index.htm


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Organs of head IOrgans of head I


Tongue 舌 - root, body, apex- median sulcus 中央溝- papillae 乳突- lingual frenulum 舌繫帶- lingual tonsil 舌扁桃- palatine tonsil 腭扁桃- sublingual caruncle 舌下肉埠 and sublingual fold 舌下皺褶

Palatine tonsil:-Tonsilar fossa (2nd pharyngeal pouch)

-Palatoglossal arch (palatonglossal m.)-Palatonpharyngeal arch (palatopharyngeal m.)

Gustation 味覺- Taste bud 味蕾 of papilla - gustatory cells 味覺細胞 - supporting cells 支持細胞 - basal cell 基底細胞 - taste pore 味蕾孔-General sensory: CN V3-Special sensory: CN VII, IX, X

Papillae 乳突- filiform papillae 絲狀乳頭- conical papillae 錐狀乳頭- fungiform papillae 蕈狀乳頭- foliate papillae 葉狀乳頭- vallate papillae 輪狀乳頭


General somatic sensory

Muscles of the tongue (CN XII)- M. styloglossus 莖突舌肌

- Stylohyoid tongue- Function: draw the tongue backward

- M. hyoglossus 舌骨舌肌- Basihyoid tongue- Function: retract and depress the tongue

- M. genioglossus 頦舌肌- Medial surface of the mandible tongue- Function: depress and draw the tongue forward

- M. propria linguae 舌內在性肌肉





Muscles of the tongue (CN XII)- M. styloglossus 莖突舌肌- M. hyoglossus 舌骨舌肌- M. genioglossus 頦舌肌- M. propria lingua 舌內在性肌肉


Lyssa 舌蚓器-Lies on the median plane in the free end of the tongue-Encapsulated by a dense sheath-Adipose tissue, striated m. and occasionally, island of cartilage-May act as stretch receptor

Olfactory epithelium 嗅覺黏膜Nasal epithelium 鼻黏膜

Olfactory epithelium-Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone-Vomeronasal organ 鋤鼻器

Olfactory n.Vomeronasal n.

作業 :描繪口腔內之構造 ( 舌頭 , 舌乳突 , 腭扁桃 )

Larynx-Cartilage of larynx

-Epiglottis 會厭軟骨-Thyroid cartilage 甲狀軟骨-Cricoid cartialge 環狀軟骨-Arytenoid cartilage 杓狀軟骨-Interarytenoid cartilage 杓狀間軟骨-Sesamoid cartilage 種子軟骨

Larynx-Cartilage of larynx

-Epiglottis 會厭軟骨-Oral surface-Aboral (laryngeal) surface -Stalk thyroid cartilage

-Thyroid cartilage 甲狀軟骨-Cricoid cartialge 環狀軟骨-Arytenoid cartilage 杓狀軟骨-Interarytenoid cartilage 杓狀間軟骨-Sesamoid cartilage 種子軟骨

Larynx-Cartilage of larynx

-Epiglottis 會厭軟骨-Thyroid cartilage 甲狀軟骨

-Left and right lamina-Laryngeal prominence-Rostral cornu 前角 thyrohyoid-Thyrohyoid membrane-Caudal cornu 後角 cricoid cartilage

-Cricoid cartialge 環狀軟骨-Arytenoid cartilage 杓狀軟骨-Interarytenoid cartilage 杓狀間軟骨-Sesamoid cartilage 種子軟骨

Larynx-Cartilage of larynx

-Epiglottis 會厭軟骨-Thyroid cartilage 甲狀軟骨-Cricoid cartialge 環狀軟骨

-Cricoarytenoid articulation-Cricothyroid articulation

-Arytenoid cartilage 杓狀軟骨-Interarytenoid cartilage 杓狀間軟骨-Sesamoid cartilage 種子軟骨

Larynx-Cartilage of larynx

-Epiglottis 會厭軟骨-Thyroid cartilage 甲狀軟骨-Cricoid cartialge 環狀軟骨-Arytenoid cartilage 杓狀軟骨

-Vocal process 聲帶突 -Vocal lig. and vocalis m.

-Muscular process 肌突-Cuneiform process 楔狀突

-Vestibular lig.-Corniculate process 小角突

-Interarytenoid cartilage 杓狀間軟骨-Sesamoid cartilage 種子軟骨

Thyrohyoid membraneCricothyroid lig.

Laryngotomy 氣切手術

Cranial laryngeal n.-External laryngeal n.-Internal laryngeal n.Recurrent laryngeal n.

Cavity of larynx and laryngeal mucosa-Laryngeal inlet 喉入口-Aryepiglottic fold 環狀會厭褶-Vocal fold 聲帶褶-Vestibular fold 前庭褶 (false vocal fold)-Rima glottidis 聲裂-Laryngeal vestibule 喉前庭-Laryngeal ventricle 喉腔-Infraglottic cavity 聲裂下腔

Singer’s nodules

rest inspiration

abductionadduction Closure of glottis

Tension of vocal fold Relaxation of vocal fold


Muscles of the larynx-M. cricothyroideus 環甲肌

-Circothyroid lig.-Tensing the vocal cord-External laryngeal n.

-M. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis 背環杓肌-M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis 外環杓肌-M. thyroartenoideus 甲狀杓肌-M. vocalis 聲帶肌-M. ventricularis 喉室肌-M. arytenoideus transversus 橫披裂肌-M. hyoepiglotticus 會厭舌骨肌

Muscles of the larynx-M. cricothyroideus 環甲肌-M. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis 背環杓肌

-Open the glottis-M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis 外環杓肌

-Closse the glottis-M. thyroartenoideus 甲狀杓肌-M. vocalis 聲帶肌-M. ventricularis 喉室肌-M. arytenoideus transversus 橫披裂肌-M. hyepiglotticus 會厭舌骨肌

Roarer 咆哮者Recurrent laryngeal n.Dorsal cricoarytenoid m.

Muscles of the larynx-M. cricothyroideus 環狀甲狀肌-M. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis 背環杓肌-M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis 外環杓肌-M. thyroartenoideus 甲狀杓肌

-Relax the vocal cord and constrict the glottis-M. vocalis 聲帶肌

-Relaxing the vocal cord-M. ventricularis 喉室肌-M. arytenoideus transversus 橫披裂肌-M. hyepiglotticus 會厭舌骨肌

Muscles of the larynx-M. cricothyroideus 環狀甲狀肌-M. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis 背環杓肌-M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis 外環杓肌-M. thyroartenoideus 甲狀杓肌-M. vocalis 聲帶肌-M. ventricularis 喉室肌

-Constrict the glottis-M. arytenoideus transversus 橫披裂肌

-Constrict the glottis-M. hyepiglotticus 會厭舌骨肌

Muscles of the larynx-M. cricothyroideus 環狀甲狀肌-M. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis 背環杓肌-M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis 外環杓肌-M. thyroartenoideus 甲狀杓肌-M. vocalis 聲帶肌-M. ventricularis 喉室肌-M. arytenoideus transversus 橫披裂肌-M. hyoepiglotticus 會厭舌骨肌

-Draw the epiglottis downward
