Panchakarma Home Therapy Frequently Asked...


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Rev: 10/15/14


Panchakarma Home Therapy Frequently Asked Questions




How do I know what to do with the herbs you sent? You will be sent an email called "Your Individual PK Therapy Instructions" with specific instructions for you about how to take the herbs. 送られてきたハーブの使用方法をお知らせ下さい。 使用方法については、あなた専用の使用方法が記載されている”個人用パンチャカルマホームセラピー使用法”と題するメールが送られてきます。その中に、ハーブを使用する詳細方法が記載されています。 What is the bag of coarse herbs for? The cut herbs, that look a little like bark, is dashmoola. Use it for your first basti and to use as tea during and after the program. Dashmoola is a mixture of 10 herbs that calm vata dosha. See “Herb Instructions” for how to make the tea for basti and drinking. 粗いハーブが入った袋は何のためにあるのか? 少し皮のように見えるカットハーブは、dashmoola ダジャムラカットハーブです。最初のバスティのために使い、またプログラムの間と終了後のハーブティーとして使用します。ダジ


ーブティーの作り方については”ハーブ使用説明書”を参照して下さい。 What is the chyavanprash (jam) or amalaki (tablets) for? These are rasayana’s (rejuvenatives) for after the program. Do not take them during the program. In your email “Your Individual PK Therapy Instructions” email has your dosage. chyavanprash (jam)チャワンプラッシュハーブジャム と amalaki (tablets) アマラキタブレットは何のためにあるのか? これらはパンチャカルマホームセラピーを終了した後に行なう rasayanaラサーヤナ(若返り、活性化のハーブ療法)で使用します。プログラムの期間中は摂りません。”個人用パンチャカルマホームセラピー使用法”と題するメールの中に、あなたの用量が記載されています。

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Should I take my regular herbs during this time? Consult with Myra before starting if you are taking other herbs, supplements, or medications. She may suggest to continue them through the program or hold off until afterward. 期間中にいつものハーブを摂るべきですか? もし他のハーブ、サプリメント、薬物を摂っているなら、始める前にマイラに相談します。





I cannot find non-dyed split mung beans where I live. What do you suggest? Some natural health and organic food stores or Indian stores carry split mung beans. Do not buy the bright yellow as they have toxic dye on them. Naturally they are very light green or light yellow. 私が住んでいる地域で、染色してないひきわりの緑豆を見つけることができない場合、どの

ような提案があるか? 自然健康食品のお店やオーガニックストア、またはインドのお店で、ひきわりの緑豆を扱っ


けません。本来、非常に淡い緑または淡い黄色です。 Use whole mung beans if you cannot find split mung. Ensure they are well cooked. Split mung is much easier to digest and gives agni (digestive fire) an opportunity to rejuvenate while nurturing and nourishing the body. Whole mung beans should be soaked before cooking. もしひきわりの緑豆が見つからなければ、皮付きの緑豆を使います。料理の際には、よく調



ればなりません。 Ask your local health and organic food stores to carry organic split mung. They may not know you would like to have it. It is a great legume to include as a regular part of your diet. Its ease of digestion and high quality of nutrients make it one of the best proteins for people. 地元の健康食品店やオーガニックストアにひきわり緑豆を扱ってもらえるよう頼みましょう


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人々にとって最高のたんぱく質の1つになります。 I taste spices from the kitchadi later in the day. Why is this? You may be using too much spice. The asafoetida in particular should be a tiny amount. If it is a powder, a sprinkle will be enough. It is okay to leave it out. 当日遅くなってから、キッチャリーのスパイスの味がするのはなぜか? スパイスを使いすぎている可能性があります。とくにアサフェティダを使う場合は、少量で


おいてもかまいません。 I would like to make the sweet potato kitchadi, but it says it is not recommended for excess pitta. Can I still make it? Yes, with adjustments to the spicing. This recipe is not recommended for excess pitta because of the heating nature of the spices. If you have excess pitta, decrease the amount of cinnamon, clove, and peppercorn by half. Brown rice is more warming than white, so substitute white rice until the pitta calms down. Do not use warming spices if you are feeling hot inside, hot in general, the weather is very hot outside, or you are feeling irritable. サツマイモのキッチャリーを作りたいが、過剰なピッタにはお勧めでないと聞きます。作っ

ても大丈夫か? はい、スパイスを調整すれば大丈夫です。このレシピは過剰なピッタにはお勧めできません





使わないようにします。 What tea do you recommend during the program? Dashamoola tea (made with cut herbs that you will be sent) and ginger tea are best. Use a slice of fresh ginger per cup rather than powdered ginger. プログラム期間中は、どんなハーブティーがお勧めか? ダジャムラティー(あなたに送られたカットハーブを使います)とジンジャーティーが最適


。 Can I have the dashmoola tea two or three times a day? Yes, but not more than a total of half a cup right before, during, or after meals. If you soak the tea overnight you will not need as much tea in the pot. Start with 1 tsp per cup and adjust from there.

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ダジャムラティーを、1日に2〜3回飲むことはできるか? はい、ただし食前、食中、食後は合計半カップ以上飲まないこと。もし一晩中ハーブを浸す


ら始めて調整します。 Can I have ginger lemon tea? Yes, in moderation with a small amount of lemon only, so as not to aggravate pitta. ジンジャーレモンティーを飲むことはできるか? はい、少量のレモンだけを適度であれば、ピッタを悪化させません。 Where can I get asafoetida? If your local health food or Indian store does not have it or cannot order it, we sell 2 oz tins. This is okay to leave out as well. どこでアサフェティダを入手できるか? 地元の健康食品のお店やインドのお店で扱ってない、または注文できない場合は、私達は1

缶約56グラム入りで販売しています。アサフェティダは省いても大丈夫です。 I stop eating at the first burp as suggested. Am I feeding my body enough? Yes, for right now. If there is indigestion the burp will come quickly. As you clean out the indigestion you will be able to eat more. It is a process and you will soon be able to eat an appropriate amount. 提案されたように最初のゲップで食べるのをやめているが、体には充分足りているか? はい、今の時点では大丈夫です。もし消化不良があるならゲップは早く出ます。消化不良を


量を食べることが出来るようになるでしょう。 Can I add a little salt and pepper to my individual meal servings of kitchadi? No. You can add a little more salt and pepper during the cooking process. Salt is too strong when added directly on top of meals and can easily cause imbalance. 少量のお塩と胡椒を自分の盛りつけたキッチャリーの器に加えることはできるか? できません、料理の最中に少量の塩と胡椒を加えることはできます。塩は直接食事の上に加

えると強すぎて、簡単にバランスの不調を引き起こすことがあります。 The kitchadi feels like it is still too much for me, so I’ve been eating more rice.

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Try just rice and split mung for a meal or whole day and see how that feels. Put in regular kitchadi spices or just ginger, turmeric, and a little bit of salt. Vegetables are not required during this time. Be sure to have 60% rice and 40% split mung. キッチャリーは、まだ多すぎると感じるので、より多くのお米を食べています。 1食または1日中、お米とひきわり緑豆のシンプルキッチャリーを試してどう感じるか様子




Internal Oleation

内服のオイル療法 I have nausea, headache, indigestion, or heartburn after the ghee. Sometimes the texture brings up old emotions that have us feel this way. It could also be from indigestion in the small intestines or congestion in the liver and gall bladder. Try taking half the ghee directly before your meal and then mix the other half in with the food after it is cooked. If that does not clear it up, mix all of the ghee in with your breakfast. If this does not solve the issue, contact us. ギーを摂った後、吐き気、頭痛、消化不良や胸焼けがあります。 時々、ギーの質感が私達にこのように感じさせる古い感情を持ち出してきます。また小腸の



部朝食に加えます。これで問題が解決しないようであれば、私達にご相談下さい。 When should I take the ghee? Right before or with your breakfast meal. いつギーを摂ったらよいか? 朝食の直前か朝食と一緒に摂ります。 Since my dosha type uses some salt in the internal oleation, would it be okay for me to make the ghee with salted organic butter? Using salted organic butter to make ghee concentrates the salt and is not a good choice for ghee. As well, it is usually not mineral salt that is added to butter. Salted butter can cause edema and fluid retention in the body. ドーシャのタイプが内服オイル療法で少量の塩を使う場合、自分でギーを作る際にも加塩オ


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、体の浮腫と体液貯留の原因になることがあります。 I like how the internal oleation has made my skin feel soft. How often can I do internal oleation after the program? Internal oleation is not recommended on an ongoing basis. Instead, incorporate ghee and other oils such as sunflower, coconut and sesame into your daily cooking. Coconut is cooling so only in summer and not if you feel cold. 内服オイル療法によって、皮膚が柔らかく感じるのが気に入っています。プログラム終了後

も、どれぐらいの頻度で内服オイル療法を行なうことができるか? 内服オイル療法を、継続に行なうのはお勧めしません。その代わりに、ギーと他のオイル(


やすので夏だけに使い、寒く感じる時には使うのを避けます。 Can I continue to internally oleate a few times a week in dry, cold weather? This is possible. Speak to Myra specifically. We have medicinal ghees that are taken 7 days on and 7 days off. These are much more effective then plain oleation on an ongoing basis. 内服オイル療法を、乾燥した寒い気候の中で週に2、3回続けることはできるか? これは可能です。具体的にマイラと相談して下さい。7日飲み続けて7日飲むのを休むとい



Oiling the Body (abhyanga)

外部のオイル療法(アビアンガ) Is it necessary to shower after oiling? Leave the oil on for at least 20 minutes to one hour. This allows the herbal oil to sink deep into the tissues. Shower without soap. Remain unclothed if possible, and if not, have a set of 'oil clothes' to use. Keep them separate and use them after abhyanga. The oil may completely absorb into your skin. Bathing is a good idea as the warm water encourages absorption. オイルを塗った後にシャワーを浴びるのは必要か? オイルを塗って少なくとも20分〜1時間そのままにしておきます。これはハーブのオイル



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浴は、温かいお湯が肌への浸透を促進してくれるのでお勧すめです。 I have been oiling my body regularly. Should I still wait until day 4 to start this? You can begin the oiling on day one as long as you can rest if you begin detoxing. 現在、定期的にアビアンガを行なっているが、これを始めるのに4日目まで待たなければい

けないか? もしデトックスを始めているのであれば、可能な限り休息を取ってアビアンガを1日目から



バスティ(浣腸浄化療法) Do I use the same oil for Basti as for Abhyanga (application of oil to skin)? This depends on your constitution. The oils sent to you for the program are Ayurvedic herbal oils selected specifically for balancing your individual constitution. You will either get two bottles of the same oil, or two different bottles in which case we will indicate what to use them for. In “Your Individual PK Therapy Instructions” you will be advised which oil to use for each process. バスティには、アビヤンガ(肌へのオイルの塗布)と同じオイルを使用するのか? これはあなたの体質によります。プログラムのために送られたオイルは、あなた個人の体質




らせします。 When mixing the basti 'tea decoction' with the oil, it stays separate and doesn’t fully mix. Is this normal? Yes this is normal. The oil and herb decoction will not fully mix. This is okay. バスティで煎じたハーブティーとオイルを混ぜ合わせる時に、分離したままで完全に混ざり

ません。これは普通か? はい、正常です。オイルとハーブは完全には混ざりません。これで大丈夫です。 How long will it take for the Basti oil to fully come out?

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This will vary depending on the individual. Sometimes after initial release the remaining oil will come out slowly, possibly over a few hours. You may like to wear a pad of sorts (for example, a feminine pad for ladies) if you are concerned about oil leaking onto your clothing. バスティのオイルが完全に出てくるまでどれぐらいかかるか? これは個人によって異なります。時々最初の放出の後、残ったオイルはおそらく2、3時間


女性の生理用のナプキンをあてるとよいでしょう。 It's been a day since I've had a bowel movement during the basti. Should I be concerned? This is common. You likely eliminated a lot of matter with the oil in the basti. It may take anywhere from 1-3 days for the next bowel movement to come. バスティの間に、排便があってから1日経っています。心配するべきか? これはよくあることです。おそらくバスティで、オイルと一緒にたくさんの物を排泄してい

ます。次の便通がくるまで、だいたい1〜3日かかるかも知れません。 Should I continue doing basti once the program is completed? Depending on your constitution and the state of your Vata. Talk to Myra about this. プログラムが終わった後に、バスティを継続して行なうべきか? あなたの体質とヴァータの状態によります。これについてはマイラと話し合いましょう。 Could you clarify how fast to put in the liquid and how much of it to use in the basti? Allow the liquid to go in in small amounts, not all at once. Pause after each small amount. If you expel the first amount then continue with the rest right away. Hold as long as you can comfortably, up to one hour. If you squeeze or clamp the tube of a bag or bucket you can control the speed of the fluid going in. This is a good practice as sometimes there is too much pressure when just letting it all go at once. Let the liquid flow in a slow, gradual manner. バスティでどれぐらいの速さで溶液を注入するか、どれぐらいの量の溶液を使うかを明らか

にすることはできるか? 一度にすべての溶液を注入せずに、少量の液から注入します。少量毎の後で休止します。も

し最初の量を注入したら、それからすぐに休憩を続けます。 溶液を可能な限り最大1時間まで、中で保持します。浣腸バックやバケツのチューブを搾取するか締めることによって、注




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Is it normal to feel a little more aches in the joints after basti? This can happen if there is a great deal of toxins present. バスティの後、前より少し関節が痛く感じるのは正常か? かなりの量の毒素がある場合は、このようなことが起こりえます。

Elimination 排泄

My bowel movements seem to be smaller and less frequent. Is this a problem? While eating kitchadi it is common for smaller, less frequent bowel movements. This is because you are eating less bulk and more liquid. You may also notice more frequent urination. Water intake should not be excessive. 4-6 glasses per day maximum. Adding flax meal (ground flax seeds) on meals can assist the elimination process. 排便がより小さくて頻度が少ないようだが、これは問題か? キッチャリーを食べてる間は、排便がより小さくて頻度が少ないのは一般的です。これはよ


知れません。極端な水分の摂り過ぎには注意しましょう。1日最大4〜6杯までにします。 食事の上にすりつぶした亜麻の種をかけて食べると、排泄プロセスを助けてくれます。

Other Symptoms

他の症状 Why am I having headaches? Headache may be adjustment of the body coming off of caffeine, refined sugar, meat, and other junk food. It may also be toxins releasing from the body. It should stop within a few days. なぜ頭痛がするのか? 頭痛はカフェイン、精製糖、肉と他のジャンクフードが体から抜けていく調整手段かも知れ


う。 What do you recommend for headaches due to withdrawal? If experiencing withdrawal from caffeine, there are a few things you can do to support yourself as toxins are cleansed from the system:

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禁断症状による頭痛には何を勧めるか? もしカフェインの禁断症状を感じる場合、体から毒素を浄化しながらあなた自身をサポート

するためにできるいくつかのことがあります。 - Rest - Make a rehydration drink (see blog for recipe). Have once or twice daily. - Have a cup of ginger tea with honey. To make, slice a thin strip of fresh ginger and

place it in a cup with a small amount of honey. Add hot water, let sit a few minutes, and enjoy. If making a pot, use a few thin slices of ginger and a little more honey.

- 休息 - 水分補給飲料を作る。( ja.halepule.comのブログのレシピを参照)1日、1〜2回飲む。

- ハチミツ入りのジンジャーティーを飲む。作り方は、新鮮な生姜を1片薄くスライスして、少量のハチミツと一緒にカップに入れます。熱いお湯を注いだら、数分お



I am experiencing an increase in gas. Why is this? This is likely a result of the kitchadi, triphala, or combination of the two moving out indigestion and gas from undigested food that was already present in your system. This is especially common for those who eat meat. The beans in the kitchadi and the triphala do not cause the gas; rather they push out the gases that are sitting in the small intestines and colon as a result of prior indigestion. This indigestion is from poor food choices and combinations, as well as ways of eating that disturb digestion. This will pass, as the junk clears out. ガスが増量したと感じます。これはなぜか? これは、おそらくキッチャリー、トリファラまたは体の組織にすでにあった未消化物からの





合わせから起こります。ガスは、体に溜まったゴミが一掃されればおさまります。 I’m experiencing irritability with just about everything. Is this normal for the program? I also feel a lot like crying. The irritability is normal, as well as many other emotions. Remember that emotions are energy in motion. Breathing, accepting and letting go will have them pass easier and you can be done with them. As toxins are released physically, there is also energetic and possible

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mental and emotional release. This means the program is working. Tears are a method of toxin elimination as well, so let yourself cry if you feel like it. すべてにおいてイライラすると感じます。これはプログラムでは通常か?また、たくさん泣

きたいと感じます。 多くの他の感情と同様に、イライラするのは正常です。感情は動いているエネルギーである




同様に、毒素を排出する方法なので、もし泣きたいときは泣きましょう。 I’m experiencing low back pain. I don’t think it is anything I did physically. Does this have to do with this process? The back pain is likely you moving out gas and old material. Easy does it. Remember to have minimal exertion during the therapy; very gentle asana and moderate walks are best. 腰痛を感じるが、特に身体的に何かしたとは思えません。これは、このプロセスに関係があ

るか? 腰痛は、おそらくガスと古い物質的なものを、外に動かしているからです。ゆっくりいきま


ナ(ヨガのポーズ)や適度な散歩が最適です。 I am experiencing sugar cravings. Will they subside? Processed/refined sugar is a powerful drug. It takes a while to clear the mind of the addiction. Somewhere between 3 days and one year is typical to be free of cravings, depending on your practices. It is about surrendering the desire to avoid feelings. A balanced diet will speed the process up. Hang in there- the freedom is truly worth it. 甘い物への欲求を感じます。これはおさまるか? 加工/精製された砂糖は劇薬です。習慣性のマインドを消去するには、しばらく時間がかか





Moon Time (menstruation)


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Are there any contraindications for having or starting moon time (menstrual flow) during this time? If you feel well you can continue the program. Depending on when the moon time comes, the virechana or basti’s may be delayed. Check in with us if this applies to you. 期間中、生理(月経出血)が始まった際には特に禁忌があるか? もし体調がよければプログラムを続けることができます。いつ生理があるかによって、ヴィ


して下さい。 I started menstruating the day before virechana. Should I proceed or make any changes? This is not ideal because there is already downward moving energy with the menstruation and the virechana can be too much. Ideally you would pause for at least the first 2 days and just have kitchadi and continue the herbs, then do the virechana and continue on. This means your program would be extended by 2+ days. If you need additional guidance with schedule, contact us. ヴィレチャナの前日に生理が始まりました。このまま進行するか変更するべきか? これは理想的ではありません。なぜなら生理によってすでにエネルギーの流れが低下してい





Self Care/Treatments


What do you recommend during and post cleanse? The use of a neti pot on a regular basis is an excellent practice, something like brushing the teeth. After neti use nasya (promotes mental clarity and enhances brain function), 1-2 drops of the oil in each nostril. Most days you would do neti once, but if working outside in any dusty or dirty environment, or feeling a cold coming on then twice a day is good. 期間中、後のクレンジングに何を勧めるか? 定期的にネティ(鼻洗浄)ポットを行なうのは、ちょうど歯を磨くことと同じで素晴らしい



境の外で働く場合や、風邪を引きそうだと感じる時には1日2回行うのがよいでしょう。 Can I take Epsom salt baths during the program?

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Not necessary nor recommended. プログラムの期間中、エプソム塩風呂に入ることはできるか? その必要はないし、お勧めしません。



How do I keep pitta in balance so that I never have to do virechana again? Remember that you are cleaning out your actions from the past. It may be required that you do it more than once to allow the doshas to come back to balance. Doing this once a year for a while is helpful, then you may not need it again very often. It can be uncomfortable but the aftermath is great. The most important things to keep pitta in balance are eliminating refined sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, and minimizing pungent/hot spicy foods, excess nuts, excess sun exposure, hot showers, hot tubs, saunas, etc. Also, prevent indigestion from being created by chewing food to liquid, not eating before bed, digesting fully before eating again, avoiding cold foods and drinks, etc. ヴィレチャナを再び行なう必要がないようにピッタのバランスを保つには、どうすればよい

か? あなたは、自身の過去の行為を一掃しているのを思い出しましょう。ドーシャのバランスを








物は避ける等です。 How long should virechana last? The time it takes is dependent on many factors and is unique to each individual. Typical times are between 4 and 12 hours. ヴィレチャナはどれぐらい続くか? かかる時間は多くの要因に左右されて、それぞれ個人独特になります。標準的な時間は、4

時間〜12時間です。 I want kitchadi after virechana. Can I have this instead of the plain soupy rice?

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It is best to have the kunyi (soupy white basmati rice). The digestive fire has been weakened by the virechana process and needs to be restored gently with. ヴィレチャナの後にキッチャリーを食べたいです。クニ(お粥)の代わりにキッチャリーを

食べてもよいか? クニ(白バスマティ米のお粥)を食べるのが最適です。ヴィレチャナのプロセスによって消

化の火が弱くなっているので、穏やかに回復させます。 When is it advised to eat following virechana? This depends on when you took the castor oil mixture and how many eliminations you have had. If you are not hungry, do not eat. If you have not eliminated yet, do not eat. After 4 – 5 hours and 5 – 7 eliminations then see if you want to eat lightly. When you do eat remember to have soupy rice, kunyi. Then kitchadi. The first kitchadi could be just rice and mung for ease of digestion. ヴィレチャナの後、いつ食べるのを勧めるか? これは、いつひまし油の混合液を飲んだか、そして何回は排泄したか次第です。空腹でない



