Paper 2 Est peperiksaan akhir tahun sbp 2011 ting 4


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Kertas 2

Tingkatan 4

Okt/Nov 2011

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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 30 soalan.

2. Jawab semua soalan.

3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan iaitu A,B,C dan D. Bagi setiap

soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan semua jawapan anda pada kertas

jawapan objektif yang disediakan.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak


6355/2 © 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

Questions 1 – 25 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and

choose the best answer.

1 Oil is not usually used to cook termites because they

A are rich in protein

B are very nutritious

C have a nutty flavour

D have high fat content

2 Which statement is true about methanol?

A It can fuel cars

B It is water-based

C It is naturally produced

D It has low energy density

In many cultures, certain types of termites are used for food. In West, Central and

Southern Africa, they are easily gathered at the beginning of the rainy season. These

termites are nutritious, rich in fat and protein, and are palatable with a nutty flavour

when cooked. They are best gently roasted on a hot plate or lightly fried until slightly


Oil is not usually needed since their bodies are naturally rich in oil.

Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, is a liquid fuel which has a reasonable

high energy density. It can be produced from either coal or natural gas. Methanol

is a very volatile fuel and has been used in race cars. Normal automobile engines

can be converted to run on methanol.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

A particular species of bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt naturally

produces a protein that kills caterpillars. Scientists have found that a gene in the Bt

chromosome is responsible for making the protein that kills caterpillars. They have

inserted this gene into the chromosomes of cotton cells, so that as the cotton plant grows

it makes the special protein. When the caterpillar eats the plant, it takes in the protein and

dies. Using this technology the farmers can enjoy a double benefit – they are able to

reduce quite dramatically the amount of pesticide used and also increase their yields of

cotton from the crop.

3 The advantage of using this technology is

A an increase in the use of pesticides

B less cotton plants are destroyed

C all caterpillars are destroyed

D an increase in production

The sun is the original source of nearly all our energy. It is mostly made of

hydrogen, although it also contains nearly every other kind of atom that exists on the

Earth. The sun derives its energy from a process of fusion in which hydrogen atoms are

converted into helium atoms under extreme heat and pressure. This process which is

known as ‘nuclear fusion’ creates a tremendous noise but we cannot hear it because

sound does not travel through empty space.

4 From the description above, we can say that

A the sun is a ball of hydrogen

B sound can travel through a vacuum

C nuclear fusion changes helium to hydrogen

D hydrogen is the main component of the sun


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

There are a number of ways through which genetic engineering is accomplished.

Essentially, the process has five main steps. The gene of interest is first identified and

isolated. This is done based on existing knowledge of the various functions of genes.

After this, the isolated gene is inserted into a vector, which is target organism. In some

cases, the gene is inserted using a gene gun, whereby the DNA is coated with molecules

such as gold and fired directly into the cell. This transforms the target organism. After

transformation, the genetically modified organism can be selected from those that have

not been successfully modified. Several methods can be used for this. One is screening

with DNA probes that can stick to the gene that was supposed to have been transplanted.

Another is to pack genes that have resistance to certain chemicals into the vector. This

chemical is then applied, ensuring that only those cells that have taken up to the vector

will survive.

5 Which of the following shows the correct sequence of genetic engineering?
























6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

6 Recorded sounds in Edison’s phonograph are played by using

A a needle and a horn

B a tinfoil sleeve and a needle

C a rotating cylinder and a horn

D a needle and a rotating cylinder

A compound found in the venom of Australian snakes may stop the growth of

malignant tumours.

7 The statement above tells us that the venom can

A kill cancerous cells

B curb cancerous cells

C cure malignant cancer

D curb the advance of cancer

The Airboard is just a small version of a conventional hovercraft that is ridden

standing up. It uses the same air cushion principles to glide above the ground. However,

there are some differences between a conventional hovercraft and the Airboard. For

instance, the Airboard is unable to hover over water like other hovercraft, and it uses a

drive wheel.

8 How is the Airboard different from a conventional hovercraft?

A It does not hover over water

B It uses air cushion principles

C It is ridden standing up

D It uses a drive engine

Thomas Edison’s phonograph used a rotating cylinder and a needle to play recorded

sounds. The needle produced vibrations by tracing a bumpy groove in a tinfoil sleeve

on the cylinder. A horn turned these vibrations into sound.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

The optical fibres used in the telephone network are very thin pure glass fibres. Each

fibre consists of a glass core, a glass cladding and a protective outer jacket, and the

whole fibre is thinner than a human hair. The advantages of optical fibres are; they can

carry much more information faster than copper wires do, they are lighter and cheaper to

make, and they produce a better quality of communication with very low noise.

9 All the statements below about optical fibres are true except

A the fibres are thinner than human hair

B the fibres are made of pure glass fibres

C the fibres are cheaper and lighter than copper wires

D the fibres are slower in carrying information than copper wires

The waves bunch up and grow taller


10 A tsunami is hardly noticeable out at sea but when it touches the seashore, it turns

into a wall of water.

The diagram above illustrates;

A how tsunami is created

B how a tsunami approaches the seashore

C what happens when a tsunami weakens

D what damage is caused by a tsunami



6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

11 Based on the information above, which sector benefits the most from the use of the


A Forestry

B Industrial

C Agricultural

D Production

12 Electrons in a battery are produced by

A chemical reaction in the battery

B electrochemical reaction in the battery

C adding some chemical solution into the battery

D connecting the negative and positive terminals of the battery



Formic acid

To coagulate rubber before processing it into latex

Sulphuric acid

To manufacture fertilizers

Calcium hydroxide

To neutralize soil that is too acidic

A battery is a can full of chemicals that produces electrons through electrochemical

reaction. A battery has two terminals, one marked (+) or positive and the other (-) or

negative. In an AA battery, the terminals are at the end of it. Electrons are collected at

the negative terminal. When connected with a wire, the electrons will flow from the

negative to the positive terminal.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

13 From the text above, we can say that great volcanic bombs occur when there is

A a wide vent

B a huge plug

C a solid layer

D a magma chamber

Acceleration due to gravity


Location of a 50 kg person (m/s )


On the Earth’s surface 9.8


At an altitude of 100 km 9.6


At an altitude of 500 km 8.3


At an altitude of 1000 km 6.8


14 From the table above, we can say that as the altitude increases,

A our weight increases

B our weight decreases

C acceleration increases

D the force of gravity increases

A typical volcano is a mound with a vent down the middle and a magma chamber

below. When pressure builds up in the magma chamber, a mixture of magma and

solid rock, called lava, pushes up the vent and the volcano erupts. These eruptions

can cause the lava and rock fragments to reach 600 metres in height. If the lava is very

thick, it may set inside the vent and form a plug. Great pressure builds up and finally

explodes the plug, hurling chunks of rocks called volcanic bombs high into the air. If

the lava is thin, it erupts more gently.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

15 What is not true about the mantis?

A It can only disguise itself as a flower or a leaf

B It disguises to protect itself from being attacked

C It blends with the surrounding to catch its prey

D It uses camouflage to avoid drawing attention to itself

Omega-3, the first locally developed designer egg, is now readily available.

Developed by MARDI, the egg is believed to contain polyunsaturated fatty acid,

a substance essential for the human body. The acid improves blood circulation

by dilating the blood vessels, regulates the heart beat, lessens the chance of

breast and colon cancer and helps reduce joint pains. The egg is also rich in

Vitamin E but low in cholesterol compared to the conventional egg.

16 From the text above, we can conclude that Omega-3 eggs

A enhance beauty

B are good for health

C are manufactured eggs

D do not contain cholesterol

The mantis is skilled in the art of masquerade, mimicking the exact shape of a leaf or

hue of a petal. The mantis camouflages itself both to hide from predators and to catch

insects that unwittingly land on it thinking it is a flower or a leaf. There are 1,800 types

of mantis mainly living in tropical climates and their disguises are quite diverse but

impressively detailed.

The most common type of telescope for astronomy is the reflecting telescope, or

reflector. Reflectors use a mirror rather than lens to focus light. Reasonably priced

reflectors can be made in much larger sizes than refractors and they do not suffer from

false colour. They do need more taking care of, however, and can give lower contrast

image. They are quite simple to build, and some people buy the optical parts and make

their own.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

17 What is true about reflectors?

A They are fairly sturdy

B They prevent false colour

C They are easily assembled

D They produce high contrast images

ASIMO is a humanoid robot, developed by the Honda Motor Co. He is 120 cm tall

and weighs 43 kg. You can control him with a computer or give him voice

instructions. ASIMO is a service robot. He is designed to help people. He can walk

and climb stairs, so he can carry food upstairs to a sick person and do other jobs

around the home.

18 Which statement below best describes ASIMO?

A A robot that can carry food upstairs

B A robot that can do certain housework

C A service robot designed to help people

D A service robot controlled by a computer

In a kitchen whisk, the drive wheel transmits the motion of the handle to the smaller

gear wheels attached to the shafts. The smaller gears turn much faster than the larger

drive wheels and in the opposite direction to each other, making the blades to spin.

19 What causes the motion in a kitchen whisk that makes the blades to spin?

A the shafts

B the handle

C the drive wheels

D the smaller gears


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

Type of Fat Saturated Unsaturated

Melting point Higher melting point Lower melting point

State at room

temperature Solid Liquid

Atoms No double bonds between carbon

atoms of the fatty acid chain

Molecules fully saturated with

hydrogen atoms

One or more double bonds

between carbon atoms of the

fatty acid chain

Less number of hydrogen

atoms in the molecule

Energy source Provides more energy Provides less energy

Found in Dairy products, animal fats, fatty

meat, seafood, eggs, coconut oil,

palm kernel oil, chocolate, nuts,

some prepared foods

Avocado, nuts, canola oil,

olive oil, peanut oil,

sunflower oil, nuts, seeds,

meat products.

Spoilage Does not run rancid acid Can turn rancid easily

Health issues Increased risk of heart disease and


Increase in total LDL cholesterol

Protective against some heart


Helps to lower levels of total

cholesterol and LDL

cholesterol in the blood

20 Which of the following is true of both saturated and unsaturated fats?

A They both contain total and LDL cholesterol

B They have equal number of hydrogen atoms

C They both contain double bonds of carbon

D They are both found in meat products

21 The statement above tells us that water can

A dissolve in the universe

B dissolve many elements

C be found in the universe

D dissolve in many elements

Water is a universal solvent.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

When the loss of water from the body is more than the intake, a serious

condition called dehydration occurs. Normally, our total water volume is

regulated precisely in the body. The amount of water we gain from food and

drinks is balanced exactly by the loss of water in urine, sweat, different

secretions and faeces.

22 When we consume more water than what the body needs, the water

A is excreted naturally

B is absorbed by the body

C is stored in the organs

D evaporates through the skin

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? In some sense it is engineering inspired by

Biology. We look at animals, we look at humans, and we want to be able to build

machines that do what they do. We want machines to be able to learn in the way that

they learn, to speak, to reason and eventually to have consciousness. AI is engineering

but at this stage, is it also science? Is it, for example modelling in cognitive science?

We would like to think that it is both engineering and science but the contributions that

it has made to cognitive science so far are perhaps weaker than the contributions that

biology has given to the engineering.

23 Artificial Intelligence

A is influenced by Biology

B studies humans and animals

C imposes human values on animals

D initiates studies on animal behaviour

Ecosystems are the physical and climatic features as well as all the living and dead

organisms in an area that are related in the transfer of energy and material. A healthy

ecosystem contains diverse plants and animals, and its interactions are balanced in a

dynamic predator-prey and predator-consumer relationships. Stress can be placed on

the ecosystem through natural changes and human activities.


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

24 A well-balanced ecosystem has all these features except

A varied flora and fauna

B stable climatic condition

C numerous human activities

D active food chain interactions

Saliva contains an enzyme called amylase. It breaks starch down into maltose in the

mouth. The stomach produces gastric juice. Gastric juice contains protease which

breaks down proteins into amino acids. Pancreatic juice contains three enzymes. One

of them, protease, breaks down proteins into amino acids while amylase breaks down

starch into maltose. Another enzyme, lipase, helps to convert fats into fatty acids and


The table below shows the enzymes and their products of digestion.

Enzyme Product(s) of digestion

I X Maltose

II Protease Amino acids

III Lipase Fatty Acids and glycerol

25 Which of the following is X?

A saliva

B amylase

C gastric juice

D pancreatic juice


6355/2@2011 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh SULIT

Questions 26 – 30 are based on the following passage.

Many products are manufactured in factories through chemical reactions. These

chemical reactions are either exothermic or endothermic. Exothermic reactions are

reactions which ___(26)___ heat into the surroundings. Endothermic reactions are

reactions which absorb heat from the surroundings. The understanding of ___(27)___

change in these chemical reactions will ensure a higher yield of products. The production

of ammonia using the Haber process is one such example. Ammonia is a ___(28)___ of

nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia cannot be found in nature, but can be ___(29)___ by

reacting nitrogen and hydrogen gases together. Ammonia is commercially produced on a

large ___(30)___ using the Haber process in which iron is used as a catalyst.

26 A transform 29 A extracted

B transport B constructed

C release C synthesised

D reject D moulded

27 A heat 30 A scale

B weight B area

C velocity C field

D pressure D range

28 A product

B mixture

C compound

D suspension

