PasMa_ Pas Baru _ Malaysia Today


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  • 8/9/2019 PasMa_ Pas Baru _ Malaysia Today


    PasMa: Pas Baru

    Anwar was hoping that Hadi would be out of office by now. But Hadi is still holding on

    so efforts need to be stepped up to ensure a leadership change in PAS. And this is

    what PasMa and the RM1.5 million that Lim Guan Eng gave them is supposed to



    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Two weeks ago, on 12th January 2015, the President of Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera

    Malaysia or PasMa, Phahrolrazi Mat Zawawi, led a delegations of 15 members to meet

    Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

    The purpose of the meeting was to explore how PasMa can collaborate with DAP and PKR

    for the coming general election expected by 2018 at the latest. Also discussed was the

    possibility of PasMa becoming a political party to replace PAS in Pakatan Rakyat.

    Is PasMa going to become PAS Baru? And does this mean PAS is on the verge of leaving

    Pakatan Rakyat or is going to get kicked out of Pakatan Rakyat?

    The talk on the ground is that it would be untenable for PAS to remain in Pakatan Rakyat

    unless they change their President. DAP and PKR can continue working with PAS only if

    Abdul Hadi Awang is kicked out and is replaced by, say, Mat Sabu, the current number two.

    What was not reported was that Lim Guan Eng gave PasMa RM1.5 million, which is

    supposed to be for flood relief work. However, so far none of that RM1.5 million has beenused for the purpose it was alleged. Talk amongst PasMa circles is that the RM1.5 million is

    for the purpose of campaigning against Hadi to ensure he is kicked out before the next

    general election.

    It is no secret that Hadi is lukewarm, or maybe even cold, towards DAP and PKR. That is

    already a well-known fact and Hadi has, in fact, not been attending any of the Pakatan

    Rakyat council meetings since the last year or so. And the Kajang Move plus the move to

    oust Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim is not the only reason for this.

    DAP and PKR are very upset that Hadi no longer supports what Pakatan Rakyat considersthe coalitions common agenda. As Anwar Ibrahim always says, Pakatan Rakyat agrees to

    disagree. Hence Hadi has agreed to disagree with DAP and PKR on many issues. Other than

    the Kajang Move and the move to oust Khalid, Hadi also disagrees with DAP and PKR

    regarding the implementation of Hudud in Kelantan and the proposal for local council


    As the Malays would say: tidur satu bantal, mimpi lain-lain. PAS no longer shares the same

    dreams with DAP, while PKR either maintains an elegant silence or agrees to disagree with


  • 8/9/2019 PasMa_ Pas Baru _ Malaysia Today


    It is not easy to sleep in the same bed and share the same pillow while having different

    dreams. And PAS has to now consider sharing DAPs and PKRs dreams or else they will

    have to leave the bedroom. And if this happens then PasMa will need to replace PAS in the

    Pakatan Rakyat bed.

    Anwar Ibrahim has other problems on his hands and has no time to engage DAP and PAS in

    their marital problems. On 10th February 2015, the Federal Court will be delivering its verdict

    on Anwars sodomy conviction and this is of immediate concern to the opposition leader.

    Will Anwar be set free or will he be sent to jail? Anwar is telling the public that there is no

    reason he should be sent to jail because there is no case against him.

    What the Federal Court will have to consider is not whether Anwar is innocent or guilty of

    sodomy. That is not really the concern of the Federal Court. Instead, what the Federal Court

    needs to consider is whether there were any flaws in the trial and whether the Court of

    Appeal erred in overturning the acquittal and in coming to a guilty verdict.

    The outcome will depend on whether Anwars lawyers were successful in convincing the

    court that the trial was flawed and that the Court of Appeal had erred in overturning the

    acquittal and in convicting Anwar. If so then the Federal Court would have to overturn the

    decision of the Appeal Court and Anwar would walk free.

    In anticipation of an unfavourable verdict, Anwar is telling the world that he will be freed and

    in the event he is not freed then he would be a victim of a political conspiracy. Anwar is laying

    the ground for a revival of the Reformasi Movement, which emerged during his Sodomy 1


    Reformasi 1, however, was successful because of PAS. Hence if PAS does not support

    Reformasi 2 then it will die at childbirth. And Anwar knows that Hadi will not waste time

    supporting Reformasi 2. In fact, most PAS leaders, Mat Sabu included, are of the opinion that

    Anwar is guilty.

    Anwar knows that PAS will not support Reformasi 2 because during the recent hearing PAS

    did not mobilise any crowd as a show of support. Rafizi Ramli had sent instructions to all the

    PKR branches to send down a few busloads of supporters to attend the hearing. The aim was

    to get at least 50,000 supporters but all they got was a few hundred, and hardly any PAS


    This upset Anwar even further. If he cannot get tens of thousands onto the streets then he

    cannot pressure the government to release him. He was hoping for a Tahrir Square scenario

    but a few hundred on the streets does not quite make it. And this is what worries Anwar.

    Anwar was hoping that Hadi would be out of office by now. But Hadi is still holding on so

    efforts need to be stepped up to ensure a leadership change in PAS. And this is what PasMa

    and the RM1.5 million that Lim Guan Eng gave them is supposed to achieve.

    When Im sixty-four
