Physics Proj Class 11


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  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11



    Physics Assignment

      Atwood’s Machine and Levers

    DONE B

      Siddharth. L

      Class 11

    Roll no: 09


    1. Atwood’s Machine

    1.1. Introduction

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    1.2. Deriving e!ression "or tension using Atwood’s #achine

    1.$. A!!lications o" Atwood’s Machine

    2. %i#!le Machines

    $. Levers

    $.1. Classes o" levers

    $.1.1. &irst Class

    $.1.2. %econd Class$.1.$. 'hird Class

    $.2. Law o" the Lever 

    $.$. Mechanical advantage

    $.(. )ses o" Levers in hu#an *od+

    $.(.1. &irst Class

    $.(.2. %econd Class

    $.(.$. 'hird Class$.,. )sing ro!e as a lever 

      A'-D’% MAC/I

    'he Atwood #achine or Atwood3s #achine4 was invented in 156( *+ the

    nglish #athe#atician 7eorge Atwood as a la*orator+ e!eri#ent to veri"+

    the #echanical laws o" #otion with constant acceleration. 'wo weights connected *+

    string running over a !ulle+ is 8nown as an Atwood’s Machine. Atwood3s #achine is a

    co##on classroo# de#onstration used to illustrate !rinci!les o" classical #echanics.

    'he #achine t+!icall+ involves a !ulle+ a string and a s+ste# o" #asses.'s_laws_of_motion's_laws_of_motion

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    Atwood’s Machine was created in order to veri"+ ewton’s second law relating &orce

    &4 Mass #4 and Acceleration a4 *+ the relation:

      F = m * a

    )sing the Atwood’s Machine an e!eri#ental acceleration can *e #easured and

    co#!ared to the theoretical acceleration which is !redicted *+ ewton’s %econd law

    and is de!endent on onl+ two #ass #easure#ents and the 8nown value o" acceleration

    due to gravit+. I" these values #atch then the %econd Law holds true. I" the values do

    not #atch then the %econd law is not valid. It is e!ected that the %econd law will hol

    true and indeed the results o" this law con"ir#ed ewton’s %econd Law within a

    !ercent error o" 2.19.


    The ideal Atwood Machine consists of two objects

    mass m1 and m2, connected by

    an inextensible massless string over an ideal

    massless pulley.

    -hen m1 ; m2 the #achine is in neutral


  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    Let two #asses m1 and m2 o" weights 1 and 2 *e sus!ended

     *+ a string o" negligi*le #ass on a #assless and "rictionless !ulle


     ' )>-ARD &RC:

    '?#1@g4 ; #1@a4 ? 14

     ' D--ARD &RC:

    #2@g4?' ; #2@a4 ?24

    Adding e< 14 and e< 24 :




    -e Bnow that

      '?#1@g4 ; #1@a4

    %u*stituting value o" a in the a*ove e

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    A!!+icati"ns "# At&""'(s )achine:

    Atwood3s original illustrations show the #ain !ulle+3s ale resting on the ri#s o"

    another "our wheels to #ini#ie "riction "orces "ro# the *earings. Man+ historical

    i#!le#entations o" the #achine "ollow this design.

    An elevator with a counter*alance a!!roi#ates an ideal Atwood #achine and there*+

    relieves the driving #otor "ro# the load o" holding the elevator ca* it has tooverco#e onl+ weight di""erence and inertia o" the two #asses. 'he sa#e !rinci!le is

    used "or "unicular railwa+s with two connected railwa+ cars on inclined trac8s and "or

    the elevators on the i""el 'ower which counter*alance each other.

    %IM>L MAC/I%

    A si#!le #achine is a #echanical device that changes the direction or #agnitude o" a

    "orce. In general the+ can *e de"ined as the si#!lest #echanis#s that use #echanical

    advantage to #ulti!l+ "orce. )suall+ the si#!le #achines re"er to si classical devices

    • Lever 

    • -heel and ale

    • >ulle+

    • Inclined >lane

    • -edge

    • %crew

    A si#!le #achine uses a single a!!lied "orce to do wor8 against a single load "orce.

    'he #achine can increase the a#ount o" out!ut at the cost o" a !ro!ortional decrease

    the distance #oved *+ the load. %i#!le #achines can *e regarded as the *uilding

    *loc8s o" all the co#!ound #achines. &or ea#!le wheels lever and !ulle+s are use

    in the #echanis# o" *ic+cle.

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11




    A lever is a si#!le #achine consisting o" a *ea# or rigid rod !ivoted at a "ied hinge

    or "ulcru#. It is one o" the si si#!le #achines identi"ied *+ Renaissance scientists. A

    lever a#!li"ies an in!ut "orce to !rovide a greater out!ut "orce which is said to

    !rovide leverage. 'he ratio o" the out!ut "orce to the in!ut "orce is the #echanical

    advantage o" the lever.


    Levers have $ classes. a#el+

    •  First ,+ass:

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    &irst?class levers have the "ulcru# !laced *etween the load and the e""ort as in the

    seesaw crow*ar and *alance scale. I" the two ar#s o" the lever are o" eliers

    crow *ar



    can o!ener 

      Sec"n' ,+ass:

    Second-class levers have the load between the eort and the

    fulcrum. A wheelbarrow is a second-class lever. The wheel!s axle is

    the fulcrum, the handles ta"e the eort, and the load is placed

    between them. The eort always travels a greater distance and is

    less than the load.

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    S"me "# the Sec"n' ,+ass -evers:

    -heel *arrow

    hole !uncher 




     *ottle o!ener 

    nail cli!!er 


    can o!ener 

     !a!er cutter 


    $hir' ,+ass:

    Third-class levers have the eort placed between the load and the

    fulcrum. The eort always travels a shorter distance and must be

    greater than the load. A hammer acts as a third-class lever when it

    used to drive in a nail# the fulcrum is the wrist, the eort is applied

    through the hand, and the load is the resistance of thewood. Another example of a third-class lever is the human forearm#

    the fulcrum is the elbow, the eort is applied by the biceps muscle,

    and the load is in the hand.

    S"me "# the $hir' ,+ass -evers:

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11



    Fase*all *at



    &ishing Rod


    'weeers %ta!ler 

    Mouse 'ra!

    7ol" Clu*


    Diving *oard

    &or8 Bni"e

    -A OF $.E -E/E0:

    A lever is a *ea# connected to ground *+ a hinge or !ivot called a "ulcru#. 'he idea

    lever does not dissi!ate or store energ+ which #eans there is no "riction in the hinge o

    *ending in the *ea#. In this case the !ower into the lever e

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    out!ut "orce is a!!lied !oint F4 then the lever a#!li"ies the in!ut "orce. n the other

    hand i" the distance a "ro# the "ulcru# to the in!ut "orce is less than the

    distance  "ro# the "ulcru# to the out!ut "orce then the lever reduces the in!ut "orce.

    )E,.ANI,A- AD/AN$A3E:

    Mechanical advantage is a #easure o" the "orce a#!li"ication achieved *+ using a tool

    #echanical device or #achine s+ste#. Ideall+ the device !reserves the in!ut !ower an

    si#!l+ trades o"" "orces against #ove#ent to o*tain a desired a#!li"ication in the

    out!ut "orce. 'he #odel "or this is the law o" the lever. Machine co#!onents designed

    to #anage "orces and #ove#ent in this wa+ are called #echanis#s. An ideal#echanis# trans#its !ower without adding to or su*tracting "ro# it. 'his #eans the

    ideal #echanis# does not include a !ower source and is "rictionless and constructed

    "ro# rigid *odies that do not de"lect or wear. 'he !er"or#ance o" a real s+ste# relativ

    to this ideal is e!ressed in ter#s o" e""icienc+ "actors that ta8e into account "riction

    de"or#ation and wear.

    Mechanical Advantage o" a lever ; aG or M2GM1

    -E/E0S IN .4)AN BODY:

    • First ,+ass: &irst?class levers in the hu#an *od+ are rare. ne ea#!le is the

     Hoint *etween the head and the "irst verte*ra. 'he weight resistance4 is the head

    the ais is the Hoint and the #uscular action "orce4 co#e "ro# an+ o" the

     !osterior #uscles attaching to the s8ull such as the tra!eius.

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11



    • Sec"n' ,+ass: In the hu#an *od+ an ea#!le o

    a second?class lever is "ound in the lower leg whenso#eone stands on ti!toes. 'he ais is "or#ed *+

    the #etatarso!halangeal Hoints the resistance is the

    weight o" the *od+ and the "orce is a!!lied to the

    calcaneus *one heel4 *+ the gastrocne#ius and soleu

    #uscles through the Achilles tendon.


    $hir' ,+ass: 'here are nu#erous third?class levers the hu#an *od+ one ea#!le can *e illustrated in the el*ow Hoint. 'he Hoint is th

    ais "ulcru#4. 'he resistance weight4 is the "orear# wrist and hand. 'he "orce

    is the *ice!s #uscle when the el*ow is "leed.


  • 8/18/2019 Physics Proj Class 11


    4SIN3 0OPE AS A -E/E0:

    A ro!e can also *e used as a lever. It is shown in the "ollowing case:

    Arrange a strong colu#n at a stee! angle a!!l+ a "ir# attach#ent "ro# a ro!e to the

    colu#n and the o*Hect to *e li"ted and a!!l+ the "orce horiontall+ and get a great

    #ulti!lier o" "orce.
