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Predmetni izpitni katalog za poklicno maturo

Angleščina Predmetni izpitni katalog se uporablja od spomladanskega izpitnega roka 2020, dokler ni določen novi. Veljavnost kataloga za leto, v katerem bo kandidat opravljal maturo, je navedena v Maturitetnem izpitnem katalogu za poklicno maturo za tisto leto.

Ljubljana 2018


Alenka Andrin Sandra Horvatić mag. Mateja Petrovič dr. Andrej Stopar mag. Vesna Šušnica Ilc

Jezikovni pregled:

Helena Škrlep, mag. Bernarda Krafogel Katalog je določil Strokovni svet Republike Slovenije za splošno izobraževanje na 190. seji 22. marca 2018 in se uporablja od spomladanskega izpitnega roka 2020, dokler ni določen novi katalog. Veljavnost kataloga za leto, v katerem bo kandidat opravljal maturo, je navedena v Maturitetnem izpitnem katalogu za poklicno maturo za tisto leto. © Državni izpitni center, 2018

Vse pravice pridržane. Izdal in založil:

Državni izpitni center Predstavnik:

dr. Darko Zupanc Uredili:

mag. Mateja Jagodič Joži Trkov

Oblikovanje in prelom:

Jana Lavtar Ljubljana 2018 ISSN 2232-6413


1 UVOD ............................................................................................................5

2 IZPITNI CILJI ................................................................................................6 3 ZGRADBA IN VREDNOTENJE IZPITA ........................................................8

3.1 Shema izpita .........................................................................................8

3.2 Besedilne vrste in tipi nalog ..................................................................9

3.3 Vrednotenje ....................................................................................... 11

4 IZPITNE VSEBINE ..................................................................................... 17

4.1 Komunikacijske funkcije .................................................................... 17 4.2 Tematska področja in vsebine ........................................................... 19


6 DODATEK: ZGLEDI IZPITNIH NALOG ..................................................... 21

7 LITERATURA ............................................................................................. 66

Angleščina 5


Predmetni izpitni katalog za angleščino je namenjen kandidatkam in kandidatom (v nadaljevanju kandidatom), ki si bodo kot tretji predmet pri poklicni maturi izbrali angleščino. Vključuje podatke o ciljih, vsebinah, zgradbi, poteku izpita in načinu ocenjevanja ter zglede izpitnih nalog. Pomagal naj bi tudi učiteljicam in učiteljem (v nadaljevanju učiteljem), ki pripravljajo kandidate na maturitetni izpit iz angleščine.

Kandidati, ki bodo opravljali izpit iz angleščine, morajo dokazati, da dosegajo izpitne cilje tega kataloga. Tematska področja in vsebine izpita obsegajo splošne in splošno strokovne teme; pri reševanju nalog bodo imeli kandidati možnost izražati svoje izkušnje, interese, vrednote in stališča. Izpit vrednoti uporabno, funkcionalno jezikovno znanje, namreč zmožnost sporazumevanja v stvarnih življenjskih okoliščinah.

Opredeljeni izpitni cilji v predmetnem izpitnem katalogu izhajajo iz veljavnega kataloga znanja za angleščino v srednjem strokovnem izobraževanju. Upoštevana so tudi določila in navodila veljavnih zakonskih in podzakonskih aktov.

Katalog upošteva nekatera izhodišča sklepnega dokumenta Sveta Evrope Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir za učenje: učenje, poučevanje, ocenjevanje (gl. slovenski prevod iz leta 2011). Izpitne naloge iz angleščine za poklicno maturo se osredotočajo na smernice, ki so določene za raven B1(+). Ugotovitve projekta umestitve izpitov iz angleščine v skupni evropski referenčni okvir za jezike so pokazale, da izpitne naloge sledijo tej usmeritvi.

6 Angleščina


Kandidat pri izpitu iz angleščine dokaže, da zna:

− razumeti sporočilo in posamezne informacije v izvirnih pisnih in govorjenih besedilih, ki se nanašajo na vsakdanja splošna področja ali njegovo poklicno področje,

− izraziti se v eni od besedilnih vrst (npr. pismo, vabilo, prošnja, življenjepis, opis, poročilo, predstavitev, povzetek, izvleček) ter pri tem upoštevati okoliščine, sporočilni namen in naslovnika,

− razumeti sogovorca v vsakdanjih pogovorih in se v pogovoru ustrezno odzivati,

− razumeti, opisati, povzemati, poročati, razlagati in utemeljevati vsebino besedila (npr. (ne)umetnostno besedilo, graf, simbol, slika); besedila se navezujejo na kandidatu poznana splošna ali strokovna področja,

− na podlagi pisne ali nebesedne iztočnice tvoriti pisna ali govorjena besedila, izražati svoja čustva, potrebe in stališča ter razložiti svoje poglede,

− jezikovno posredovati oziroma poenostaviti besedilo (npr. iz slovenščine v tuji jezik) ter razlagati okoliščine besedila s splošnega in strokovnega področja (npr. kratka novica, prospekt, oglas, navodilo za uporabo, opis postopka),

− zaznati medkulturne razlike in jih upoštevati pri stikih s tujo kulturo.

V nadaljevanju je podrobnejši opis zmožnosti branja, pisanja, govorjenja in poslušanja, ki se bodo vrednotile pri posameznih izpitnih nalogah. BRANJE

Kandidat z branjem izvirnih oziroma delno prirejenih besedil dokaže, da zna:

− razumeti bistvo besedila,

− poiskati določene informacije v besedilu, − razumeti podrobnosti v besedilu, − povzeti osrednje misli besedila, − razumeti potek dogodkov, izražena čustva in stališča, − uporabljati slovarje (enojezične in dvojezične), − uporabljati svoje znanje besedišča in jezikovnih zakonitosti.

PISANJE Kandidat s pisanjem različnih pisnih sestavkov dokaže, da zna:

− razlikovati med pisno in govorno obliko tujega jezika,

− tvoriti in povezovati stavke, odstavke in sporočila, − organizirati informacije (mnenja, interese in občutke) v zapisanem

besedilu, − tvoriti različne vrste besedil, ki jih predpisuje veljavni katalog znanja (npr.

pismo, življenjepis, prošnja, ponudba, vabilo, opis, poročilo, predstavitev), − razlikovati med uradnimi in neuradnimi besedili, − pravilno zapisovati besede tudi z uporabo slovarja,

− uporabljati ustrezne strategije za oblikovanje besedil.

Angleščina 7


Kandidat v pogovoru pri ustnem izpitu dokaže, da zna:

− predstavljati, poročati in opisovati teme s splošnih in strokovnih področij,

− povzeti in posredovati informacije,

− izraziti mnenja in občutke,

− uporabljati svoje znanje besedišča in jezikovnih zakonitosti,

− izgovarjati besede in uporabljati ustrezno stavčno intonacijo,

− sodelovati v pogovoru,

− uporabljati komunikacijske strategije.


Kandidat v pogovoru pri ustnem izpitu dokaže, da zna:

− razumeti bistvo sporočila in se nanj ustrezno odzvati,

− razumeti določene informacije,

− prepoznati okoliščine (npr. razpoloženje sogovorca, medkulturne posebnosti).

8 Angleščina


Izpit iz angleščine za poklicno maturo je sestavljen iz dveh delov: pisnega in ustnega.

Pisni izpit traja 120 minut. Rešujeta se dve izpitni poli, časovna omejitev za vsako je 60 minut. Prva izpitna pola vrednoti bralno razumevanje kandidatov, obsega pa lahko besedila različnih vrst (npr. praktičnosporazumevalna, umetnostna, splošna strokovna). Druga izpitna pola vrednoti zmožnost pisnega sporočanja, obsega pa dve nalogi: krajši in daljši pisni sestavek. Navodila k nalogam pri obeh izpitnih polah so v slovenščini, izhodiščna besedila in iztočnice k nalogam pa so lahko v slovenščini ali angleščini.

Pri reševanju obeh izpitnih pol smejo kandidati uporabljati enojezične in dvojezične slovarje.

Izpitni poli za pisni izpit sestavijo člani državne predmetne komisije za poklicno maturo iz angleščine. Vsi kandidati rešujejo enake naloge ob istem času pod enakimi pogoji.

Ustni izpit traja do 20 minut. Izpitne lističe s po tremi nalogami sestavi učitelj angleščine oziroma aktiv učiteljev tujih jezikov na šoli, na kateri kandidat opravlja izpit. Naloge morajo biti zasnovane tako, da vrednotijo govorno in slušno zmožnost kandidatov pri sporazumevanju v vsakdanjem življenju, pa tudi zmožnost sporazumevanja v jeziku stroke oziroma poklicnem življenju. Dve nalogi od treh pri ustnem izpitu preverjata zmožnost govornega sporazumevanja in sporočanja s kandidatovega strokovnega področja. Vrstni red nalog ni predpisan. Nabor tipov nalog je v razdelku 3.2.

Za del, ki vrednoti zmožnost sporazumevanja v vsakdanjem življenju, bodo učitelji izbirali med temami, ki so predpisane s tem katalogom. Za del, ki vrednoti znanje jezika stroke s strokovnim besediščem, razumevanje strokovnih besedil in zmožnost sporazumevanja na poklicnem področju, bodo izbirali med temami, obravnavanimi pri pouku, in splošnimi strokovnimi temami, ki so navedene v tem katalogu.

Čeprav se pisni in ustni izpit ocenjujeta notranje, ju ocenjevalci oziroma izpraševalci ovrednotijo na podlagi navodil in meril za ocenjevanje, predpisanih s predmetnim izpitnim katalogom, oziroma na podlagi moderiranih navodil za ocenjevanje, ki jih Državni izpitni center po pisnem izpitu pošlje izobraževalnim ustanovam (ocenjevalcem).

3.1 Shema izpita

► Pisni izpit

Izpitna pola Trajanje Število točk Delež pri oceni

1 Bralno razumevanje 60 minut 30 30 % 2 Pisno sporočanje 60 minut 30 30 % Krajši pisni sestavek (20 minut) (10) (10 %)

Daljši pisni sestavek (40 minut) (20) (20 %)

Skupaj 120 minut 60 60 % Dovoljeno dodatno gradivo in pripomočki: nalivno pero ali kemični svinčnik, slovar (enojezični, dvojezični). ► Ustni izpit

Govorno sporazumevanje in sporočanje Trajanje Število točk Delež pri oceni

Izpitni listič s tremi nalogami različnih tipov (ena splošna tema, dve strokovni temi)

Skupaj do 20 minut 40 40 %

Angleščina 9

3.2 Besedilne vrste in tipi nalog Naloge za pisni izpit sestavlja državna predmetna komisija za poklicno maturo, naloge za ustni izpit pa učitelji angleščine na posameznih šolah oziroma izobraževalnih institucijah. Pri tem izbirajo med spodaj navedenimi besedilnimi vrstami. Kandidati se bodo z njimi seznanili med poukom angleščine oziroma pripravami na izpit. Ker je število šolskih ur omejeno, naj tudi zunaj šolskega pouka berejo in poslušajo različne vrste besedil v angleščini, ki si jih lahko izposodijo v šolskih in splošnih knjižnicah ali jih najdejo na spletu. Pomagajo si lahko s časopisi in revijami za širši krog bralcev ter s strokovno periodiko, tiskanim gradivom in drugimi besedili, ki se nanašajo na njihovo strokovno področje.

Pri kandidatih razvijamo zanimanje za naslednje dejavnosti:

− spremljanje radijskih in televizijskih programov v angleškem jeziku (brez slovenskih podnapisov),

− poslušanje moderne glasbe (besedila pesmi),

− branje, poslušanje in gledanje vsebin na spletu o aktualnih, splošnih in strokovnih temah,

− dopisovanje z znanci oziroma vrstniki iz tujine,

− neformalni pogovori s prijatelji oziroma vrstniki iz tujine, ki jih srečajo na šolskih izmenjavah, izletih ali zasebnih potovanjih v tujino,

− iskanje podatkov v različnih virih s splošnega in strokovnega področja.

► Seznam besedilnih vrst

Seznam zajema besedilne vrste, ki bodo zastopane v izpitnih polah, in sicer pri bralnem razumevanju kot izhodiščno, pri pisnem sporočanju pa kot ciljno besedilo, ki ga napiše kandidat.

Bralno razumevanje

Besedilne vrste izhodiščnih besedil:

− predstavitev osebe, kraja, naprave, postopka, dogodka, dejavnosti,

− življenjepis,

− obveščevalna in propagandna besedila, npr. reklamno besedilo, oglas, ocena, mnenje, obvestilo, objava, razpis, napis, vozni red, televizijski spored, besedilo na ovojnini izdelka, prospektu, prodajnem katalogu, plakatu,

− uradna in neuradna besedila, npr. zahvala, opravičilo, vabilo, zapisnik, prošnja, prijava, pritožba, osebno pismo, razglednica,

− dvogovorna besedila: intervju, pogovor,

− strokovna in publicistična besedila: poljudnoznanstveni članek, poročilo (npr. časopisno, radijsko, televizijsko, spletno), novica, opis delovnega postopka, navodilo za uporabo,

− besedilo z načrtom, skico, shemo, diagramom, fotografijo, sliko, grafom, simbolom, razpredelnico,

− krajša umetnostna besedila (npr. zgodba, anekdota).

10 Angleščina

Pisno sporočanje

Besedilne vrste ciljnih besedil:

− uradna in neuradna besedila, npr. zahvala, opravičilo, vabilo, prošnja, prijava, pritožba, ponudba, povpraševanje, naročilo, reklamacija, poročilo, življenjepis, obvestilo, pismo, povzetek, izvleček, sporočilo, razglednica, voščilo, dnevnik,

− predstavitev oziroma opis osebe, kraja, dogodka, izkušnje, naprave, postopka, izdelka, prireditve, dejavnosti, okolja,

− pisni sestavek.

► Tipi nalog

Na reševanje posameznih tipov nalog se kandidati pripravljajo med poukom in pripravami na izpit, tako da usvojijo potrebne izpitne strategije. Učiteljem in kandidatom priporočamo, da razvijajo posamezne sporazumevalne zmožnosti postopoma, z uporabo najrazličnejših tipov nalog ter najrazličnejših učnih metod.

V vsakem izpitnem kompletu je nekaj nalog iz izbora, ki ga objavljamo v nadaljevanju.

Bralno razumevanje

− izbirni tip (izbira pravilnega odgovora med več danimi možnostmi),

− tip dopolnjevanja (dokončanje povedi, vstavljanje povedi, izpolnjevanje praznih mest v besedilu, zapisovanje ključnih informacij),

− tip povezovanja (delov povedi, odgovora z vprašanjem, slike ali grafa z besedilom ali delom besedila, naslova z besedilom, definicije z izrazom),

− tip urejanja (določitev pravega zaporedja med povedmi oziroma odstavki, izpolnjevanje preglednic),

− tip kratkih odgovorov na vprašanja,

− alternativni tip (pravilno/napačno),

− kombinacija tipov nalog.

Pisno sporočanje

− krajši pisni sestavek: vodeni sestavek na podlagi (ne)besednih iztočnic,

− daljši pisni sestavek: vodeni sestavek na podlagi (ne)besednih iztočnic ali prosti sestavek.

Govorno sporazumevanje in sporočanje

− igra vlog,

− pogovor na podlagi besedilne ali vizualne/grafične iztočnice (npr. slike, preglednice, grafa),

− predstavitev pri pouku obravnavanih strokovnih in splošnih tematskih področij in razgovor o njih,

− interpretacija avtentičnega strokovnega (npr. opis naprave, postopka, navodila) ali splošnega besedila (npr. pregovori, naslovi, izreki, šale) do 100 besed, napisanega v angleščini ali slovenščini, in razgovor o njem.

Angleščina 11

3.3 Vrednotenje Ocenjevalci in izpraševalci pri maturitetnem izpitu iz angleščine upoštevajo enotna in usklajena merila, kar pripomore k večji zanesljivosti in veljavnosti ocene.

► Izpitna pola 1

Vrednost vseh nalog v Izpitni poli 1 je 30 % skupne ocene celotnega izpita.

► Izpitna pola 2

Vrednost vseh nalog v Izpitni poli 2 je 30 % skupne ocene celotnega izpita.


Krajši pisni sestavek je vodeni sestavek v dolžini 60–70 besed. Vrednost naloge je 10 točk oziroma 10 % pri skupni oceni celotnega izpita.


1. sporočilnost: jasnost in razumljivost sporočila, upoštevanje zahtev naloge (npr. utemeljitev izbire med danimi možnostmi, navajanje zahtevanih informacij, odziv na problemsko izhodišče, odgovor na oglas)

2. jezik in besedišče: jezikovna pravilnost (pravopisna, oblikoslovna in skladenjska) in raznovrstnost, ustreznost in pravilna raba besedišča

3. vezljivost: povezanost na ravni stavka, odstavka

Merila za ocenjevanje krajšega pisnega sestavka:

1. Sporočilnost

Točke Merila

4 Sporočilo je jasno in utemeljeno. Upoštevane so vse zahteve (iztočnice) iz naloge. 3 Sporočilo je ustrezno. Upoštevane so vse zahteve (iztočnice) iz naloge. Posamezne

utemeljitve so pomanjkljive in/ali nejasne in/ali se ponavljajo. 2 Sporočilo je pomanjkljivo in/ali nejasno. Niso upoštevane vse zahteve (iztočnice) iz naloge.

Posamezne utemeljitve so pomanjkljive in/ali si nasprotujejo.

1 Sporočilo vsebuje neprimerne informacije. Niso upoštevane vse zahteve (iztočnice) iz naloge. Utemeljitve so nejasne in/ali si nasprotujejo.

0 Sporočilo je popolnoma neustrezno. Utemeljitev ni. 2. Jezik in besedišče

Točke Merila

4 Jezik in besedišče sta ustrezna in raznovrstna. Napake so redke. 3 Jezik in besedišče sta večinoma ustrezna in raznovrstna. Napak je nekaj. 2 Jezik in besedišče sta pogosto neustrezna in osnovna. Napake so pogoste. 1 Jezik in besedišče sta večinoma neustrezna in skromna. Napake so zelo pogoste. 0 Jezik in besedišče sta neustrezna oziroma tako skromna, da je besedilo nerazumljivo.

12 Angleščina

3. Vezljivost

Točke Merila

2 Sestavek je smiselno in logično povezan na ravni stavka in odstavka. 1 Deli sestavka so nepovezani. 0 Vezljivosti ni.

OPOZORILO: Pisni sestavek je ocenjen z 0 točkami, če je sporočilno in/ali jezikovno/besediščno neustrezen, če je nečitljiv ali če ga kandidat ne napiše.


Daljši pisni sestavek je lahko vodeni ali prosti sestavek v dolžini od 160 do 180 besed. Vodeni pisni sestavek vsebuje iztočnice, ki kandidata pri pisanju usmerjajo in jih mora v celoti upoštevati.

Vrednost naloge je 20 točk oziroma 20 % skupne ocene celotnega izpita.

Oba pisna sestavka vrednotimo na štirih področjih: vsebina in sporočilnost; jezik; besedišče; ter zgradba in vezljivost. Samo na področju vsebine in sporočilnosti uporabljamo ločena merila za vodeni in prosti pisni sestavek.


1. vsebino in sporočilnost: jasnost in razumljivost sporočila ter upoštevanje zahtev naloge (npr. izražanje lastnih stališč, utemeljitev izbire med danimi možnostmi, navajanje zahtevanih informacij, odziv na problemsko izhodišče, razvijanje misli, ponazoritev s primeri)

2. jezik: jezikovna pravilnost (pravopisna, oblikoslovna in skladenjska)

3. besedišče: ustreznost in raznovrstnost besedišča, slogovna in funkcijskozvrstna zaznamovanost (v tujejezikovni didaktiki se uporablja tudi izraz »register«)

4. zgradbo in vezljivost: upoštevanje značilnosti besedilne vrste, povezanost in razčlenjenost besedila

Angleščina 13

Merila za ocenjevanje daljšega (vodenega in prostega) pisnega sestavka:

1. Vsebina in sporočilnost

Kar zadeva vsebino in sporočilnost, ločimo med merili za vodeni in prosti pisni sestavek.

Točke Merila za vodeni daljši pisni sestavek Merila za prosti daljši pisni sestavek

5 Kandidat upošteva vse iztočnice. Zanesljivo posreduje informacije in utemelji lastna stališča.

Sporočilo je jasno. Kandidat natančno razvija misli, opisuje in izraža lastna stališča, ki jih tudi ustrezno utemelji in ponazori s primeri.

4 Kandidat upošteva vse iztočnice. Dovolj natančno posreduje informacije, a ne utemelji vseh stališč ali jih utemelji pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno.

Sporočilo je jasno. Kandidat dovolj natančno razvija misli, opisuje in izraža lastna stališča, a ne utemelji vseh stališč ali jih utemelji pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno.

3 Kandidat upošteva večino iztočnic. Posreduje preproste informacije, ne utemelji vseh stališč ali jih utemelji pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno.

Sporočilo je razumljivo. Kandidat še primerno razvija misli, navaja podatke in izraža stališča, a ne utemelji vseh stališč ali jih utemelji pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno.

2 Kandidat upošteva polovico ali manj iztočnic. Posreduje preproste, včasih neprimerne informacije, ki jih redko utemelji ali jih utemelji pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno.

Sporočilo je še razumljivo. Kandidat posreduje preproste, včasih neprimerne informacije, ki jih ne utemelji ali jih utemelji pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno.

1 Kandidat upošteva polovico ali manj iztočnic. Posreduje preproste, nepovezane ali neprimerne informacije, ki jih ne utemelji oziroma jih utemelji pomanjkljivo ali nejasno.

Sporočilo je le mestoma razumljivo. Kandidat posreduje preproste, nepovezane ali neprimerne informacije, ki jih redko in pomanjkljivo oziroma nejasno utemelji.

0 Kandidat napiše vsebinsko in/ali sporočilno neustrezno besedilo oziroma ga ne napiše.

Kandidat napiše vsebinsko neustrezno besedilo oziroma ga ne napiše.

2. Jezik

Točke Merila

5 Besedilo je jezikovno pravilno in vsebuje tudi zahtevnejše jezikovne strukture. Jezikovne napake se pojavljajo predvsem v zahtevnejših strukturah, a ne povzročijo nesporazuma. Črkovanje in raba ločil sta pravilna, morebitne napake ne ovirajo razumevanja.

4 Besedilo je jezikovno ustrezno in vsebuje tudi zahtevnejše jezikovne strukture. Jezikovne napake se pojavljajo predvsem v zahtevnejših strukturah, a redko povzročijo nesporazum. Črkovanje in raba ločil sta večinoma pravilna, napake ne ovirajo razumevanja.

3 Besedilo je jezikovno ustrezno, a vsebuje predvsem osnovne jezikovne strukture. Jezikovne napake se pojavljajo, vendar ne vplivajo bistveno na razumljivost besedila. Pri črkovanju in rabi ločil so napake razmeroma pogoste, a je besedilo razumljivo.

2 Besedilo je delno jezikovno ustrezno, vsebuje osnovne jezikovne strukture. Jezikovne napake so pogoste in vplivajo na razumljivost besedila. Pri črkovanju in rabi ločil so napake tako pogoste, da je besedilo težje razumljivo.

1 Besedilo je jezikovno komaj ustrezno, vsebuje osnovne jezikovne strukture. Zaradi številnih jezikovnih napak je besedilo komaj razumljivo. Pri črkovanju in rabi ločil so napake tako pogoste, da bistveno ovirajo razumevanje besedila.

0 Besedilo je zaradi jezikovnih napak nerazumljivo.

14 Angleščina

3. Besedišče

Točke Merila

5 Besedišče je ustrezno, se redko ponavlja, vsebuje tudi idiomatske izraze in ustreza zvrsti besedila. Napake so redke in ne ovirajo razumevanja.

4 Besedišče je ustrezno, se mestoma ponavlja, vsebuje tudi idiomatske izraze in večinoma ustreza zvrsti besedila. Napake so redke in ponekod ovirajo razumevanje.

3 Besedišče je osnovno, se ponavlja, a je večinoma ustrezno. Mestoma ne ustreza zvrsti besedila. Napake so pogoste in večkrat ovirajo razumevanje.

2 Besedišče je osnovno, pogosto se ponavlja, a je še ustrezno. Pogosto tudi ne ustreza zvrsti besedila. Napak je veliko in večkrat ovirajo razumevanje.

1 Besedišče vsebuje le ozek nabor izrazov, ki se ponavljajo in so pogosto neustrezni. Večinoma ne ustreza zvrsti besedila. Napak je veliko in bistveno ovirajo razumevanje.

0 Besedišče je neustrezno, ne omogoča razumevanja oziroma je v celoti neustrezno glede na zvrst besedila.

4. Zgradba in vezljivost

Točke Merila

5 Besedilo je smiselno povezano in ustrezno členjeno. Prehodi med stavki, povedmi in odstavki so tekoči in razumljivi, preskakovanja ni.

4 Besedilo je večinoma smiselno povezano in ustrezno členjeno. Prehodi med stavki, povedmi in odstavki so večinoma tekoči in razumljivi, preskakovanje redko.

3 Besedilo je mestoma nepovezano in neustrezno členjeno. Prehodi med stavki, povedmi in odstavki so večkrat nepričakovani in nejasni.

2 Besedilo je pogosto nepovezano in večinoma neustrezno členjeno. Prehodi med stavki, povedmi in odstavki so večinoma nepričakovani in nejasni.

1 Besedilo je nepovezano in neustrezno členjeno. Prehodi med stavki, povedmi in odstavki so nepričakovani in nejasni.

0 Besedilo je sestavljeno iz posameznih nepovezanih besednih zvez in stavkov. OPOZORILO: Pisni sestavek je ocenjen z 0 točkami, če je vsebinsko in/ali jezikovno neustrezen, če je nečitljiv ali če ga kandidat ne napiše.

OPOMBA 1: Primeri tipov napak na ravni besede:

− hopeing namesto hoping – napaka v črkovanju, upošteva se pri področju jezika;

− bold namesto bald – napačen zapis spremeni pomen, zato to upoštevamo pri področju vsebine in sporočilnosti;

− gonna namesto going to v uradnem pismu – napaka v registru, ki jo upoštevamo pri področju besedišča.

OPOMBA 2: Prvine pisma, kot so datum, pozdrav, podpis itd., vrednotimo pri zgradbi in vezljivosti.

Angleščina 15

► Ustni izpit

Merila za ocenjevanje govornega sporočanja in poslušanja

1. Sporočilnost in jasnost izražanja

Točke Merila

7–8 Kandidatovo sporočilo je prepričljivo in jasno. Misli so zelo dobro razvite in utemeljene, ker kandidat dobro pozna vse teme danih iztočnic. Sogovornika razume brez težav in sledi smeri pogovora.

5–6 Kandidatovo sporočilo je jasno. Misli so dobro razvite in utemeljene, ker kandidat zadovoljivo pozna teme danih iztočnic. Sogovornika razume in sledi smeri pogovora.

3–4 Kandidatovo sporočilo je primerno. Misli so slabo razvite in/ali le delno utemeljene, ker kandidat pomanjkljivo pozna teme danih iztočnic. Sogovornika razume le delno in s težavo sledi smeri pogovora.

1–2 Kandidatovo sporočilo je še zadovoljivo in/ali fragmentarno. Misli so nerazvite, ker kandidat zelo slabo pozna teme danih iztočnic. Sogovornika razume slabo in z veliko težavo sledi smeri pogovora.

0 Sporočila ni. Kandidat ne pozna tem danih iztočnic, sogovornika ne razume in se ne odziva na njegove pobude.

2. Jezik

Točke Merila

7–8 Jezikovnih napak skoraj ni. Kandidat uporablja tudi zahtevnejše jezikovne strukture. 5–6 Nekaj jezikovnih napak, ki ne ovirajo jasnosti sporočila. Kandidat uporablja osnovne in

nekatere zahtevnejše jezikovne strukture. 3–4 Več jezikovnih napak, vendar je sporočilo še razumljivo. Kandidat uporablja izključno

osnovne jezikovne strukture. 1–2 Mnogo jezikovnih napak, zaradi česar je sporočilo slabo razumljivo. Kandidat uporablja

izključno osnovna jezikovna sredstva in/ali se večinoma odziva nebesedno. 0 Tako ozek obseg jezikovnih sredstev in/ali tako pogoste jezikovne nepravilnosti, da je

sporazumevanje popolnoma onemogočeno. 3. Besedišče

Točke Merila

7–8 Raznovrstno besedišče, ki v celoti ustreza namenu, funkciji in okoliščinam. Napak skoraj ni. 5–6 Skromnejše besedišče, ki ustreza namenu, funkciji in okoliščinam, in/ali besedišče, ki kljub

napakam ne vpliva na jasnost sporočila. 3–4 Zelo skromno besedišče in/ali napake, ki omejujejo jasnost sporočila. 1–2 Ozko besedišče in/ali pogoste napačne rabe, ki zelo omejujejo jasnost sporočila.

0 Neustrezno besedišče in napačna raba popolnoma onemogočata sporazumevanje.

16 Angleščina

4. Tekočnost govora, izgovarjava in intonacija

Točke Merila

7–8 Tekoč govor z naravnimi prekinitvami. Izgovarjava in intonacija sta ustrezni. 5–6 Govor z nekaj prekinitvami, ki ne ovirajo sporazumevanja. Posamezne nepravilnosti in/ali

neustreznosti pri izgovarjavi in intonaciji. 3–4 Govor z daljšimi prekinitvami, ki ovirajo sporazumevanje. Nepravilnosti in/ali neustreznosti pri

izgovarjavi in intonaciji. 1–2 Govor s pogostimi in dolgimi prekinitvami, ki onemogočajo sporazumevanje, in/ali predvsem

kandidatovo nebesedno odzivanje. Izgovarjavo in intonacijo je komaj mogoče oceniti zaradi minimalnega sodelovanja v pogovoru in/ali nejasnosti govora.

0 Kandidat se odziva samo nebesedno. 5. Sodelovanje v pogovoru in raba komunikacijskih strategij

Točke Merila

7–8 Kandidat samostojno usmerja pogovor, se uspešno prilagaja novim okoliščinam. Uporablja primerne komunikacijske strategije.

5–6 Kandidat sodeluje v pogovoru na lastno pobudo in sogovornikove pobude ter se uspešno prilagaja novim okoliščinam. Uporablja večinoma primerne komunikacijske strategije.

3–4 Kandidat se večinoma odziva na sogovornikove pobude ter se težje prilagaja novim okoliščinam. Uporablja še primerne komunikacijske strategije.

1–2 Kandidat se v novih okoliščinah/vlogah/temah kljub sogovornikovi pomoči in dodatni spodbudi neustrezno/nebesedno odziva.

0 Kandidat se ob novih okoliščinah/vlogah/temah kljub sogovornikovi pomoči in dodatni spodbudi ne odziva.

OPOMBA: Komunikacijske strategije vključujejo govorjenje IN poslušanje (npr. Can you repeat? I don't quite understand.).

Skupaj: 40 točk

Angleščina 17


4.1 Komunikacijske funkcije Kandidati morajo pri pisnem in ustnem izpitu dokazati, da znajo uporabljati različna jezikovna sredstva skladno z namenom sporočanja (npr. uradno, vljudnostno, prijateljsko) in svojim govornim položajem oziroma kontekstom.

Kandidati morajo biti sposobni ustrezno uporabiti naslednje komunikacijske funkcije:

Medsebojni stiki

− navezovanje stikov, predstavljanje sebe in drugih, − pozdravljanje in odgovarjanje na pozdrav, − spraševanje po počutju in odgovarjanje na taka vprašanja, − zahvaljevanje, − izražanje opravičil in odgovarjanje na opravičila, − prošnja za pomoč ter dajanje, sprejemanje in zavračanje pomoči, − izražanje prepovedi in dovoljenja, − dajanje navodil in opozarjanje, − oblikovanje povabila in odgovarjanje nanj, − svetovanje, vplivanje, prepričevanje, − izražanje in sprejemanje čestitk/voščil in sožalja, − izražanje mnenja in (ne)strinjanje z nekim mnenjem.

Potek pogovora − začetek, − ohranitev, − prekinitev pogovora, − vključitev v pogovor, − zaključek pogovora.

Pridobivanje in prenašanje informacij

− poizvedovanje,

− identifikacija in poimenovanje oseb, predmetov, okoliščin, krajev, strojev, orodja in drugih delovnih sredstev iz posamezne stroke,

− opisovanje oseb, predmetov, okoliščin, krajev, poti, vremena, hrane, dopusta, poklica, delovnega mesta, strojev, naprav in drugih delovnih sredstev, pomembnih za posamezno stroko, vsakdanja opravila in opravila v zvezi s poklicnim delom,

− poročanje o dogodkih in osebnih doživetjih,

− poročanje o dogodkih v zvezi s posamezno stroko (poslovna srečanja in sestanki, obiski razstav in sejmov, obiski partnerskih podjetij in tovarn),

− poročanje o prebranem (splošna in strokovna besedila) in mnenjih/stališčih koga drugega.

18 Angleščina

Trditve − izražanje prepričanj, − izražanje domnev, − izražanje odločitev, − izražanje zmožnosti, − izražanje ugotovitev, − utemeljevanje.

Vrednotenje − spoznavno (pravilno – nepravilno, resnično – neresnično), − normativno (dobro – slabo, lepo – grdo, količine, mere, barve), − izražanje čustev, − zadovoljstvo – nezadovoljstvo, − navdušenje – razočaranje, − veselje – žalost, − sočutje, − vznemirjenje, − strah, − ogorčenje, − jeza, − presenečenje, − želje.

Razgovor, razčlenjevanje, vrednotenje

− dejavno in enakopravno sodelovanje v razgovorih o temah s splošnih kulturno-civilizacijskih področij in posameznih strokovnih področij,

− izražanje vrednostnih ocen in mnenj na podlagi poprejšnje razčlembe ter ocene ustnih in pisnih sporočil iz posamezne stroke.

Navedene funkcije morajo kandidati uporabiti primerno okoliščinam in položaju sporočanja; upoštevati morajo cilj in namen ter stopnjo formalnosti sporočila. Tako dokažejo zavedanje, da je v življenju veliko predvidljivih in nepredvidljivih položajev, na katere se moramo kot govorci in pisci ustrezno odzivati. Pogoj za uspešno sporazumevanje je zato tudi poznavanje in upoštevanje medkulturnih posebnosti.

Angleščina 19

4.2 Tematska področja in vsebine Tematska področja izhajajo iz veljavnega kataloga znanja. Splošna tematska področja veljajo za vsa strokovna področja, splošna strokovna tematska področja pa se navezujejo na strokovno področje, za katero se kandidati izobražujejo.

Splošna tematska področja

Jaz (predstavitev sebe, videza, značaja, svojih interesov in konjičkov, telo, zdravje, hrana, pijača)

Moj dom (prostor, družina, bivanje, prehranjevanje, dejavnosti, odnosi)

Moj svet (prijatelji, vzorniki, zabava, glasba, šport, mediji, problemi, odnosi, stališča in vrednote)

Moja šola (predstavitev šole, pouk, vrste šol, predmeti in dejavnosti v šoli, vrste izobrazbe, ocene, spričevala, učenje učenja, vseživljenjsko učenje, poklici, poklicni načrti za prihodnost)

Moje okolje (ulica, vas, mesto, prebivalci, dejavnosti/storitve, živali, rastline, naravni pojavi, promet, kakovost življenja)

Moja država, sosednja/evropska/tuja država (prebivalci in jeziki, geografske in kulturne značilnosti, vzgoja za državljanstvo)

Medkulturnost (medkulturna izmenjava, pomen učenja tujih jezikov nasploh in na bodočem poklicnem področju, večjezičnost, medkulturne razlike, sprejemanje drugačnosti)

Poklicna/strokovna tematska področja

Osnovno strokovno izrazoslovje na posameznem strokovnem področju (materiali, naprave, orodje, oprema, pripomočki in navodila, opis poklicnih dejavnosti in delovnih postopkov)

Osnovno znanje iz poslovne komunikacije

Informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija (oprema, naprave, odgovorna raba medmrežja)

Varovanje okolja

Varnost na delovnem mestu (zaščitna sredstva, nevarne snovi, prva pomoč, varstvo pri delu)

Razvoj znanosti in tehnologije na posameznih strokovnih področjih (znane osebnosti, tehnološki dosežki, izumi)

20 Angleščina


Kandidatom s posebnimi potrebami, ki so bili usmerjeni v izobraževalne programe z odločbo o usmeritvi, v utemeljenih primerih (poškodbe, bolezen) pa tudi drugim kandidatom glede na vrsto in stopnjo primanjkljaja, ovire oziroma motnje se prilagodita način opravljanja izpita iz tujega jezika in način ocenjevanja znanja v skladu z Zakonom o maturi in s poglavjem Prilagoditve za kandidate s posebnimi potrebami Maturitetnega izpitnega kataloga za poklicno maturo.

Angleščina 21


Naloge, ki so predstavljene v tem dodatku, so kandidatom in učiteljem za zgled izpitnih nalog, saj so s slednjimi primerljive po težavnosti ter izbiri tem, besedilnih vrst in tipov. Kandidati se bodo lahko seznanili z raznovrstnostjo nalog in s tem, kako jih najbolje in najhitreje rešijo. Tako med samim pisanjem ne bodo izgubljali časa z iskanjem ustreznih izpitnih strategij, saj bodo tip naloge in najboljše načine reševanja že poznali ter se bodo lahko osredotočili na bistvo: branje, pisanje oziroma govorjenje v angleščini.

Poznavanje tipov nalog ni izpitni cilj, vendar je to ena od pomembnih praktičnih strategij ter oblika dogovora med učitelji, kandidati in sestavljavci nalog. Med samim poukom pa bodo kandidati reševali najrazličnejše naloge oziroma probleme, kar jim bo dalo širšo in bogatejšo izkušnjo ter samozavest, ki ju bodo potrebovali pri študiju, na delovnem mestu in v vsakdanjem življenju še dolgo po tem, ko bo izpit že za njimi.

22 Angleščina


Bralno razumevanje

1. naloga: Dopolnjevanje Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

An electric car that really works

Amid the hype about electric cars, one problem remains: their price. General Motors' Volt, for instance, will cost $41,000 (though that is before generous subsidies). It therefore remains an option more for early adopters than for normal motorists. Specialist vehicles such as the 200kph (125mph) Tesla Roadster are even more expensive.

Partly, this is the result of a desire by carmakers to create electric vehicles that match the standards of petrol-driven ones. Increasing their speed and range to do so, though, is costly and in most cases the technology is not really quite there yet. The Volt, for example, has an additional petrol-powered generator to run the car when the battery's 65km (40 mile) range has been exceeded.

One South Korean firm, however, is taking a different tack. CT&T, whose main line of business until now has been making electric golf carts, is producing a range of battery-powered cars more suited to low-speed, short-distance urban driving than to cruising the freeways of the American West. Its flagship model, the eZone, is a quirky two-seater aimed at housewives, the elderly and those making the daily school run. It has a range of 100

kilometres (62 miles) and can clip along at 70k/p/h if you really put your foot down.

It is a proper car, though. In particular, it is the only low-speed electric car to have passed international front and side crash tests, meaning that it can go on general sale. That will happen in Europe any day now, with a starting price between $8,000 and $16,000, and CT&T has plans to introduce the eZone into Hawaii (one part of the United States where journeys are, by definition, short) in two years' time, when a local factory is up and running. It is also cheap to run. The firm claims that 1,500km of urban driving—about a month's worth—will cost a mere $7 in electricity bills.

To obtain the full 100km between charges it is necessary to buy the version that runs on lithium-polymer batteries. A version that uses cheaper lead-acid ones, which manages half of that, is also available for real skinflints. This may not sound much, but CT&T claims that the average urban driver travels a mere 40-50km a day, so for that sort of usage buyers of even the lead-acid model should be able to make it home for an overnight recharge.

Critics of electric cars frequently argue that their viability depends on government subsidies. Not so the eZone. CT&T's use of simple, existing technology, as well as its country of origin—the South Korean government has shown a distinct lack of interest in handing out cash to electric-car drivers—means it is an exception which overthrows the rule.

(Prirejeno po: The Economist, http://www.economist.com/. Pridobljeno: 7. 9. 2010.)

Angleščina 23

V besedilu An electric car that really works poiščite ključne informacije in z njimi dopolnite spodnje povedi. Uporabite lahko le besede iz besedila. Na vsaki črti manjka ena beseda. Odgovore zapišite na črte. Example:

0. The model name of the electric car that was manufactured by the General Motors is called the Volt.

1. The main problem about electric cars is their high _______________________ and low speed


2. Some new age cars, the Volt for instance, can be run on both, electricity and


3. The South Korean CT&T company is targeting customers who need a car for travelling

_______________________ distances mostly.

4. The CT&T battery runs out after covering about a hundred _______________________.

5. The name of the CT&T car that will soon hit the European market is _______________________.

6. CT&T intends to build its own _______________________ in Hawaii.

7. Average urban drivers (who cover about 40-50 km per day) could save some money on using

_______________________ car batteries.

8. CT&T doesn't get any _______________________ from their government, and does not even

expect that.

24 Angleščina

2. naloga: Dopolnjevanje Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

Heathrow airport to get an underground luggage system

By Stephen Bates

A tunnel 35 metres underground is not normally __0__, but yesterday the British Airports Authority, stung by criticisms of its running of Heathrow, unveiled its latest development to demonstrate it could at least handle a new transit system.

The tunnel, which will run for a mile and a half under the airport between terminals three and five, is being excavated under the runways by a giant £3.3m __1__. Burrowing at 15 metres a day, it has already skirted the Piccadilly underground lines and passed under Heathrow's giant aviation fuel tanks and plane taxiways. The aim, when the tunnel is in operation by the end of 2011, is to transport 110m bags a year. In the same period all the airport's __2__ are being upgraded at a cost of £900m. The tunnel will cost £260m.

BAA staff yesterday insisted the plans had nothing to do with the fiasco surrounding last year's opening of the fifth terminal, or criticisms of the way the authority treats its customers. They insisted the tunnel represents the first steps

towards __3__ at any airport in the world. An authority spokeswoman said: "Our problem last year was a people problem, not a baggage problem. It was about staff training, not about the transfer of luggage." That may come as a relief to __4__ who were reunited with their bags after days or weeks during which they were ferried around Europe, some never to be seen again.

Unfortunately, the new system will not guarantee that all passengers will instantly be connected with __5__. Chris Millard from BAA said: "There are so many different reasons why bags can go missing: wrongly loaded at other airports, wrongly labelled or without labels, flight delays and bags splitting open. Baggage is a very complex world."

The new tunnel should shave 20 minutes off the time it takes bags to pass between terminals, which can currently take more than an hour. Being underground, they will in future do so in the dry, without having to be handled on the tarmac or transferred onto trucks.

Nearly six metres wide, the new tunnel is __6__. The work continues 24 hours a day, placing 1,800 prefabricated concave concrete panels to shape the walls after the ground has been bored open. Yesterday the borer had reached 243 metres since its start in February. Conveyor belts feed the London clay back out of the tunnel: 148,000 tons of it is to be shifted by the time the job is complete later in the summer. The earth is going to cover local __7__.

"It is astonishing, looking at material which has not been disturbed for millions of years since London was a swamp," said Millard.

(Prirejeno po: The Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/. Pridobljeno: 29. 4. 2009.)

(Vir slike: http://www.propertyinvesting.net/. Pridobljeno: 29. 4. 2009.)

Angleščina 25

Besedne zveze A–I razporedite na ustrezna mesta (1–7) v besedilu Heathrow airport to get an underground luggage system. Ena besedna zveza je odveč. Črko odgovora zapišite na ustrezno oštevilčeno črtico. Example:

0. B

1. _____ A all their luggage

B the reason to visit an airport

C landfill sites

D the largest baggage system

E flight crew

F earth-boring machine

G frustrated passengers

H baggage handling operations

I a major feat of engineering

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____

5. _____

6. _____

7. _____

26 Angleščina

3. naloga: Dopolnjevanje

Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

Jennifer Lopez – Biography

Born July 24, 1969, in Castle Hill "Bronx", New York, Lopez began her career as a dancer, appearing in stage musicals and various music videos. In 1990, she won a national __0__ and earned a spot dancing on the popular Fox comedy television series, "In Living Color," as one of the "Fly Girls." A __1__ of small acting jobs followed, including parts in two more serials and a TV movie, Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7, in 1993. Lopez's first feature film was the critically acclaimed My Family, in 1995. She also appeared in Money Train (1995), opposite Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson, and in Jack (1996), directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Robin Williams. Lopez's first big break came in 1997, when she was chosen to play the title role in Selena, a biopic of the Tejano pop singer Selena Quintillana Perez, who was killed by a crazed fan in 1995. She earned widespread __2__ for her performance, including a Golden Globe nomination, and became the highest-paid

actress in history with her paycheck of $1 million. That same year, Lopez starred in the forgettable Anaconda and in Blood and Wine, opposite Jack Nicholson. Her __3__ as federal marshal Karen Sisco in Steven Soderbergh's Out of Sight, a film based on Elmore Leonard's __4__ and co-starring George Clooney, further enhanced her image as a bankable movie star. Lopez's musical career also began to take off, as she released her debut Latin pop album, On the 6 in June 1999. The album, fueled by the success of her hit single, "If You Had My Love," went platinum within two weeks, making Lopez–along with Ricky Martin–one of the strongest examples of the growing Latin cultural __5__ in pop music. Early in 2000, Lopez was nominated for Best Dance Performance for her second hit single "Waiting for Tonight," but lost the __6__ to veteran diva Cher. In the summer of 2000, she starred in the science fiction-thriller The Cell, in which she plays a child psychologist helping to track a terrifying serial killer. The same year, she starred in Enough, a __7__ of spousal abuse. The popularity of the multi-talented Lopez reached new heights in early 2001, when her album, J. Lo debuted at No. 1 on the pop charts, while her film, the romantic comedy The Wedding Planner, shot to the top spot at the box office in its first week of __8__. In December 2002, she released the record This Is Me ... Then. Other projects included Jersey Girl (with Ben Affleck) and An Unfinished Life, in which she played a single mom taken in by her father-in-law played by Robert Redford. She also starred opposite Richard Gere in Shall We Dance?, a remake of the top-grossing Japanese flick.

(Prirejeno po: http://www.biography.com/. Pridobljeno: 10. 6. 2011.)

Angleščina 27

Na prazna mesta v besedilu Jennifer Lopez – Biography vstavite besede iz spodnjega okvirčka. Posamezno besedo lahko uporabite le enkrat, dve besedi pa sta odveč.

rehearsal portrayal novel role praise competition

remake series influence award release


0. competition

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________

7. ____________________________________

8. ____________________________________

28 Angleščina

4. naloga: Dopolnjevanje

Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen Steve Jobs knew from an early age that he was adopted. "My parents were very open with me about that," he recalled. He had a vivid memory of sitting on the lawn of his house, when he was six or seven years old, telling the girl who lived across the street. "So does that mean your real parents didn't want you?" the girl asked. "Lightning bolts went off in my head," according to Jobs. "I remember running into the house, crying. And my parents said, 'No, you have to understand.' They were very serious and looked me straight in the eye. They said, 'We specifically picked you out.' Both of my parents said that and repeated it slowly for me. And they put an emphasis on every word in that sentence."

Abandoned. Chosen. Special. Those concepts became part of who Jobs was and how he regarded himself. His closest friends think that the knowledge that he was given up at birth left some scars. "I think his desire for complete control of whatever he makes derives directly from his personality and the fact that he was abandoned at birth," said one longtime colleague, Del Yocam. "He wants to control his environment, and he sees the product as an extension of himself." Greg Calhoun, who became close to Jobs right after college, saw another effect. "Steve talked to me a lot about being abandoned and the pain that caused," he said. "It made him independent. He followed the beat of a different drummer, and that came from being in a different world than he was born into."

Later in life, when he was the same age his biological father had been when he abandoned him, Jobs would father and abandon a child of his own. (He eventually took responsibility for her.) Chrisann Brennan, the mother of that child, said that being put up for adoption left Jobs "full of broken glass," and it helps to explain some of his behavior. "He who is abandoned is an abandoner," she said. Andy Hertzfeld, who worked with Jobs at Apple in the early 1980s, is among the few who remained close to both Brennan and Jobs. "The key question about Steve is why he can't control himself at times from being so reflexively cruel and harmful to some people," he said. "That goes back to being abandoned at birth. The real underlying problem was the theme of abandonment in Steve's life."

Jobs dismissed this. "There's some notion that because I was abandoned, I worked very hard so I could do well and make my parents wish they had me back, or some such nonsense, but that's ridiculous," he insisted. "Knowing I was adopted may have made me feel more independent, but I have never felt abandoned. I've always felt special. My parents made me feel special." He would later bristle whenever anyone referred to Paul and Clara Jobs as his "adoptive" parents or implied that they were not his "real" parents. "They were my parents 1,000%," he said. When speaking about his biological parents, on the other hand, he always said: "They were my sperm and egg bank. That's not harsh, it's just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more."

(Prirejeno po: Isaacson, Walter. 2011. Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster.)

Angleščina 29

Dopolnite spodnji povzetek besedila Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen z manjkajočimi ključnimi informacijami. Na posamezni črti je lahko največ ena beseda ali številka. Example:

Steve Jobs' parents talked to him about being (0) adopted when he was less than six years old.

Once he wanted to explain the situation to a girl living across the street but her

(1) ____________________ made him rush home crying. However, his adoptive parents managed to

convince him that he wasn't abandoned by his real parents. He was so (2) ____________________

that they decided to take him home with them.

Nevertheless, his friends believe that the fact of him being abandoned at an (3) ____________________

age left some scars and (4) ____________________ his personality as an adult. Chrisann Brennan, the

mother of his first (5) ____________________ also agrees that his childhood was reflected in his

behavior towards some people.

Jobs didn't agree with them at all. He only admitted that his childhood (6) _____________________

made him more independent. He always spoke well of his adoptive parents, while on the other hand

he seemed harsh when referring to his biological parents. He refused all the (7) ____________________

that his adoptive parents weren’t his real parents.

30 Angleščina

5. naloga: Kratki odgovori

Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

Using your mobile phone abroad

Mobile phones are often taken on trips abroad as they are a good way of staying in touch with your family and friends back home. The network service that allows you to use

your UK mobile telephone abroad is called 'international roaming'. Use the following tips to be prepared for your trip. Before you go

Remember to:

• contact your UK mobile network provider to ensure your mobile phone is enabled for international roaming – do this in good time as it can take up to 14 days and you can't do it from overseas

• check that your existing handset will work in the country you are travelling to - this is not always the case, particularly outside Europe

• check with your UK network provider about how much it costs for international roaming services, as charges can be very different to calls in the UK (and confirm the current charges just before you leave as they can change at short notice)

If you intend to use your mobile frequently while abroad

Consider the following:

• some mobile services provide international traveller services giving cheaper calls abroad in return for a monthly fee – check with your network provider what the costs are and how long you would be committed to paying for the service

• it is usually cheaper to use an alternative 'SIM' card in your phone (a SIM card is a small card that lets the phone work on a particular mobile

network – it can easily be swapped in your phone)

• you should be able to rent a mobile telephone handset for the duration of your stay from most mobile telephone companies in the country you are visiting

• if you are using your own network provider's pre-paid mobile international roaming service, make sure you know how to use your credit card to top up your calling credit before you leave, or take extra vouchers, as they may be hard to obtain abroad

• ask your network provider what you have to dial to use international roaming – this may not be as simple as just using the 0044 international prefix for the UK

• pre-programme into your mobile the telephone number of the nearest British Embassy in the country you are visiting and also the phone number of your hotel

Mobile phone security

Make a note of: your mobile's serial number (also known as the IMEI number), your mobile phone number, the number of your operator's customer services (including UK dialling code). Keep them with you in a safe place, separate from your mobile.

If your phone is stolen you will be able to contact the network operator in the UK and request that they block your phone and/or SIM card. You may need to provide additional information in order to get the phone blocked, such as a password. Contact your operator for details of how they deal with stolen phones before you leave so you can be sure you have the right information abroad to block the phone if it is stolen.

(Prirejeno po: http://www.direct.gov.uk/. Pridobljeno: 3. 7. 2010.)

(Vir slik: http://www.imageenvision.com/. Pridobljeno: 5. 7. 2010.)

Angleščina 31

Na vprašanja o besedilu Using your mobile phone abroad odgovorite s kratkimi odgovori. Odgovore v angleškem jeziku napišite na črte pod vprašanji. Example:

0. When are mobile phones especially useful?

On trips abroad. 1. What enables you to use your mobile phone out of the country?

2. How much time do you need to get your phone working abroad?

3. What can change within a short period of time?

4. Do all mobile services providers offer reduced rates for international calls?

5. What can be difficult to get abroad if you are using a prepaid mobile service?

6. Name two establishments whose numbers you should store in your mobile.

7. What is IMEI?

8. What extra information is sometimes required to have your phone disconnected?

32 Angleščina

6. naloga: Povezovanje

Preberite opise različnih revij in rešite nalogo.


A The 'What's New' magazine of science and technology. Covering the latest developments in cars, electronics, communications, tools, energy, aviation, science, space exploration and much more.

B Our magazine is an American icon of consumer protection and quality assurance. Every issue delivers a unique mix of independent investigation and trusted reporting, along with inspirational and personal stories. The magazine's rich tradition embodies a commitment to the modern home and to a woman's quality of life.

C Our magazine is written for readers who love adventure. Our readers are serious about their passion for the outdoors. Published nine times a year, our magazine provides expert information on the best trails in America, including GPS coordinates to get readers to the most remote and beautiful places nature has to offer.

D On the day a mom puts her child onto the kindergarten bus, her life and her child's will be forever changed. School alters everything in a kid's world. The new edition of our magazine captures the joys and explores the questions and unique challenges that moms face with their school-age children.

E From the professional to the personal, our magazine provides engaging profiles, industry outlooks and in-depth coverage for seasoned leaders striving to manage and grow their companies - and stay on top of their game.

F This magazine's editorial emphasis celebrates the human fascination with, and increasing dependence on, the sky. It explores the ways flight continues to change the world and features the people, places and issues of the air age.

G Recommended by experts and loved by readers who want their pets to live a naturally long and healthy life. Empower yourself and celebrate the bond we share with our loving companions through educational and heartwarming articles of hope, health, rescue, and support.

H This magazine is your all-access pass to Hollywood's most creative minds and fascinating stars. They're the first to know about the best (and worst) in show biz, and with their sharp insight and trusted voice, they keep you plugged into pop culture. It's where buzz begins.

I This magazine is packed with the world's greatest recipes for soups, salads, pasta, bread, meats, and mouthwatering desserts. Every issue helps readers find the best restaurants, enjoy the best food, indulge in the best wine, create a better kitchen, eat more healthy, get inspired by great chefs, and much more!

J The magazine features all the fresh and stylish patterns crocheters want, from fashion and home decor to baby items and gifts. Easy how-to's allow anyone to learn to crochet or expand their skills, so beginners and pros alike can get in on the new face of crochet!

(Prirejeno po: www.amazon.com. Pridobljeno: 3. 12. 2010.)

Angleščina 33

Povežite spodnja imena revij z njihovimi opisi v besedilu Magazines tako, da vpišete črko, ki zaznamuje najprimernejši odgovor, v ustrezno oštevilčeno vrstico v preglednici. Dva opisa revij sta odveč. Example:

0. Food & Wine I

1. Entertainment Weekly

2. Animal Wellness

3. Popular Science

4. Good Housekeeping

5. Parenting

6. Life in Business

7. Backpacker

34 Angleščina

7. naloga: Pravilno/Napačno

Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

The life of an ex-pat in Dubai By Helena Frith Powell

Three months after moving from France to Abu Dhabi, our expat is still living in a hotel and desperate to find an affordable family home.

When the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers. After three months in a hotel room, I was desperate for a home. We moved to Abu Dhabi from France in August, to start jobs on a new paper over here called The National. My husband works on the business and finance desk; I write for the magazine.

The hotel was pleasant enough, but I was fed up with trying to create a family home in two rooms. It really wasn't helping the children (or us) to settle in. Especially poor Leo, our five-year-old son, who was sleeping in an annex between the two rooms. It was either that or share with his two sisters – which he wisely decided against. Then there were the logistical issues; try making packed lunches for three children with only the contents of a minibar fridge, or organising breakfast when there is no time (or money) for the hotel buffet.

The housing situation, however, remained impossible. I had lots of contacts, mainly through the French Mistress column I used to write for The Sunday Times from my former home in the Languedoc. They were lovely, helpful people – some even had local influence, or wasta, as they call it – but nothing came to anything. We had our hopes raised several times, only to end up back at the hotel, gloomier than ever.

Exciting flats with sea views on the sought-after Corniche were dangled in front of us, only to be snatched away as we were outbid by people with

proper jobs – bankers or lawyers. It seemed impossible, and not a tad unfair, that while the rest of the world languished in a credit crunch, rental prices in Abu Dhabi could double in an afternoon.

And it wasn't as if we were asking for much. In France, we lived in a six-bedroom farmhouse. In Abu Dhabi, we knew we could afford only a three-bedroom flat – and were desperate for one. One day a couple of weeks ago, my phone rang. “I'm in an apartment up on 25th Street,” said David, an estate agent I had been dealing with. “It's not too bad. You should see it.” We dropped everything and rushed over. It was in a suburban part of town, so not the groovy downtown we wanted, but the agent was right. It wasn't bad.

At least, it was vaguely affordable by local standards – “only” about £55,000 a year – and not too shabby. “What about that villa across the road?” I asked, pointing at a “For rent” sign hanging from its balcony. “That's beyond your budget,” David replied. “It's about £65,000.”

“Everything is beyond our budget,” my husband retorted. “Let's take a look.” We walked over. The villa was beautiful, and almost as big as our house in the Languedoc, with a vast roof terrace and three kitchens. The rooms were light and spacious. It was the only place I'd seen since arriving that I could imagine living in. “The landlady could get a lot more for it, but she is insisting on a family,” David told us. “If you want it, you will have to meet her this evening. Bring the children.”

We took the children to meet the landlady. She loved us. The place was ours if we wanted it. We did the maths, which wasn't pretty, but what option did we have? Whatever we found would have cost us a fortune. So why not pay a little bit more than a fortune and end up somewhere we will be happy? Now we have a proper fridge – but will we be able to afford anything to put in it? (Prirejeno po: The Sunday Times. Pridobljeno: 16. 11. 2008.)

Angleščina 35

Odločite se, ali so spodaj navedene trditve glede na prebrano besedilo The Life of an ex-pat in Dubai pravilne (T) ali napačne (F). Nato vpišite kljukico () v ustrezen stolpec v preglednici. Morebitni popravki naj bodo jasni, sicer bo odgovor neveljaven. Example:


0. The author moved to Abu Dhabi with her family for professional reasons.


1. The family wanted to move from the hotel because the hotel was in poor condition.

2. Preparing meals for the family was not demanding.

3. A number of people were involved in pursuit of a new home for the family.

4. With better-paid jobs, the family could have found a flat without any difficulties.

5. The family were looking for a home that was bigger than the one in France.

6. The apartment on 25th Street was located in the town centre.

7. The owner of the villa did not like children.

8. The family refused to rent the villa.

36 Angleščina

8. naloga: Izberite pravi odgovor

Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

Reality Television Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate

description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real

World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day

activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the

competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word "reality" to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama."

(Prirejeno po podobni nalogi na strani http: //www.usingenglish.com/. Pridobljeno 25. 9. 2010.

Besedilo je sicer prirejeno po knjigi Sayre, Shay, in Cynthia King. 2010. Entertainment and society: influences, impacts, and innovations. New York: Routledge.)

OPOMBA: DPK PM za angleščino se zahvaljuje učiteljicam in učiteljem, ki so v letih 2010 in 2011 sodelovali na seminarjih za ocenjevalce pri poklicni maturi in prispevali k nastanku te naloge.

Angleščina 37

Obkrožite črko pred pravilnimi odgovori na vprašanja o besedilu Reality Television. Pri posameznem vprašanju je mogoč le en odgovor. Example:

0. What does reality TV usually show?

A Dramatic talk show discussions.

B The lives of everyday people.

C Acted humorous dialogues.

D The lives of professional actors.

1. When did the popularity of reality TV begin to increase?

A It is a recent development.

B At the beginning of the third millennium.

C After the invention of television.

D In the early years of television.

2. Which of the following is a type of a reality programme?

A A science fiction series.

B A game show.

C A soap opera.

D The evening news.

3. What do experts say about reality TV?

A It shows realistic situations.

B It shows factual situations.

C It shows adapted situations.

D It shows historical situations.

4. How many women does the participant of the Bachelor meet?

A Exactly twelve.

B More than twelve.

C Twenty-four.

D About twenty-four.

5. What happens to participants in reality TV shows?

A They always become national celebrities.

B They can turn into national celebrities.

C They very rarely turn into national celebrities.

D They should become national celebrities.

6. Why are some shows not proper reality TV?

A Because the participants are actors.

B Because the participants follow scenarios.

C Because people in real life do not behave so aggressively.

D Because the participants choose their own activities.

7. According to Burnett, is Survivor a reality show?

A Yes; it is a perfect example of the genre.

B Yes, because it is unscripted.

C No; it is closer to a drama.

D No, because it doesn't tell good stories.

38 Angleščina

9. naloga: Izberite pravi odgovor

Preberite besedilo in rešite nalogo.

Some American Customs

1. Eating Contests

The eating contest is a tried-and-true American custom

practiced at state fairs and ethnic festivals around the country. It is a kind of eat-until-you-bust affair at which the

contestants gorge themselves on regional

delicacies (often kielbasa or pie) to compete for prizes. The contests are popular affairs where the axiom “more is better” seems to be the order of the day. 2. Demolition Derbies

Demolition derbies are large-scale automobile rodeos that take place in large arenas. The entrants pay a fee to drive their dilapidated autos into each other, and the last car moving is declared the winner. Demolition derbies reflect the Americans' fascination with cars and provide a form of entertainment whose main appeal is that of wanton destruction.

3. Lighting Matches at a Rock Concert

The custom of the audience lighting matches at a well-

received rock concert was invented by appreciative fans of the

1960s rock stars. The ritual was initiated by a grateful audience as a

method of paying tribute to the musicians. It is thought that perhaps the light of the match or lighter is appropriate to the rock medium since to many people rock performers have become like high priests of this musical idiom. 4. Bingo

The game of Bingo is an ongoing American custom that is encouraged by civic groups, and is

condoned by the church as well, in exchange for the needed income the game provides. It is customary for players to get together in an atmosphere free from the chaos of modern society and where they can interact on a social, congenial basis. Since the stakes are usually a dollar a card, bingo is considered a low-risk game and thus poses no threat of economic difficulties for the players.

(Prirejeno po: Collins, Harry, in Joe Kohl. 1999. 101 American Customs: Understanding language and culture through common

practices. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pridobljeno: 5. 2. 2010.)

Angleščina 39

9.1. Obkrožite črko pred izjavo, ki pravilno dopolnjuje nedokončano poved o besedilu Some American Customs. Mogoč je le en odgovor.


0. The goal of eating events is

A to taste ethnic dishes.

B to order a variety of regional dishes.

C to eat as much as you can.

D to win kielbasas and pies as contest prizes.

1. The competitors in demolition derbies

A go to large arenas to win destroyed cars.

B go to rodeos to destroy large arenas.

C win derbies by destroying their opponents' cars.

D win derbies by quickly destroying their cars.

2. Rock musicians are compared to

A grateful fans.

B flames on a match.

C musical idioms.

D divine representatives of rock.

3. Bingo is popular because

A it generates a lot of income for the players.

B church officials enjoy playing it.

C it fosters interaction among players.

D it has a positive impact on the national economy.

9.2. Obkrožite črko pred pravilno razlago besede. Razlaga mora ustrezati pomenu podčrtane

besede v besedilu Some American Customs. Mogoč je le en odgovor. Example:

0. The word ‘contest’ in the first text means

A a struggle to win power or control.

B a competition in which people try to win.

C a debate.

D a heated dispute.

4. The word ‘gorge’ in the first text means

A a deep narrow valley with very steep sides.

B a narrow pass between mountains.

C to eat carefully.

D to eat in a very greedy way.

5. The word ‘derbies’ in the second text means

A round, hard hats with narrow brims.

B sports competitions or races.

C races for horses that take place each year.

D bowler hats.

6. The word ‘medium’ in the third text means

A neither large nor small.

B average in degree or amount.

C a way of expressing your ideas.

D a person who claims to be able to contact and speak to dead people.

7. The word ‘stakes’ in the fourth text means

A things that can be gained or lost.

B ownership in a business.

C pointed wooden posts.

D legal shares of something.

40 Angleščina

Rešitve nalog iz bralnega razumevanja

Vsaka pravilna rešitev je vredna1 točko. 1. naloga: An electric car that really works

Vpr. Rešitev

1 ena od: cost price

2 petrol 3 short 4 kilometres 5 eZone 6 factory 7 lead-acid 8 ena od:

subsidies cash

2. naloga: Heathrow airport to get an underground luggage system

Vpr. Rešitev Dodatna navodila

1 F E je odveč. 2 H 3 D 4 G 5 A 6 I 7 C

3. naloga: Jennifer Lopez – Biography

Vpr. Rešitev Dodatna navodila

1 series Odveč sta rehearsal in remake. 2 praise

3 role 4 novel 5 influence 6 award 7 portrayal 8 release

Angleščina 41

4. naloga: Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen

Vpr. Rešitev

1 ena od: reaction question remark

2 ena od: special extraordinary unique

3 early 4 ena od:

affected influenced marked

5 ena od: daughter child

6 ena od: problems issues difficulties traumas

7 ena od: statements beliefs claims implications suggestions

5. naloga: Using your mobile phone abroad

Vpr. Rešitev

1 (International) roaming. 2 Up to 14 days. 3 (The) charges. 4 No. 5 (The) (extra) vouchers. 6 ena od:

(The) British Embassy (your/the nearest) hotel

7 (Your) mobile's serial number 8 (A) password

42 Angleščina

6. naloga: Magazines

Vpr. Rešitev Dodatna navodila

1 H Odveč sta F in J. 2 G 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 E 7 C

7. naloga: The life of an ex-pat in Dubai

Vpr. Rešitev

1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F

8. naloga: Reality Television

Vpr. Rešitev

1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 C

9. naloga: Some American Customs

Vpr. Rešitev

1 C 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 C 7 A

Angleščina 43

Pisno sporočanje

Krajši pisni sestavek

Napišite krajši pisni sestavek (60–70 besed). Upoštevajte spodnje zahteve.

Pri pouku angleščine izmenjujete mnenja o nenavadnih hišnih ljubljenčkih. Vaš/-a profesor/-ica vas je zato prosil/-a, da za šolsko glasilo That's Us, ki izhaja v angleščini, predstavite svoje mnenje v rubriki Keeping unusual pets. V sestavku:

− navedite in utemeljite en razlog za in en razlog proti, zakaj se vam zdi skupina živali na sliki primerna/neprimerna za hišne ljubljenčke.

(10 točk)

44 Angleščina

Daljši (vodeni) pisni sestavek

Napišite daljši pisni sestavek (160–180 besed). Upoštevajte spodnje zahteve.

Želite si, da bi si ogledali igro Romeo in Julija v angleščini. Spodnji oglas vam ponuja prav to možnost, a preden se dogovorite za gostovanje potujoče igralske skupine na vaši šoli, se morate pozanimati za nekatere podrobnosti. Kot aktiven član kulturnega krožka napišite pismo – poizvedbo. Namesto svojega pravega navedite naslednje, namišljeno ime in naslov:

Ana/Jan Vesel, Slovenska 31, 6000 Koper, Slovenia

In your letter of enquiry, of about 160–180 words, not necessarily in this order,

− give reasons for writing,

− introduce yourself (name, age, origin, interests, function/position),

− ask for more information (about the possibility to play Romeo and Juliet on a certain date, the size of the stage required, props needed, the percent of discount for groups),

− ask for a brochure with the programme,

− promise to send an invitation as soon as everything is agreed upon.

(20 točk) (Vira slik: http://www.moviemaker.com/ in http://tvtropes.org/. Pridobljeno: 13. 9. 2011.)

– we give performances of Shakespeare's plays in English – a guest appearance at your local theatre or at school can be

arranged – scenery and most props provided – discounts for organized groups available For further information contact: Ken Richards, EST manager 10 Sutherland Road Croydon, Surrey

The English Speaking Theatre

from Great Britain touring around Slovenia soon!

Angleščina 45

Daljši (prosti) pisni sestavek

Izberite enega izmed spodnjih naslovov (1 ali 2). Izbrani naslov in sestavek napišite na ustrezno stran. 1. Life's most enjoyable milestones

Write a composition of about 160–180 words.

2. Building my professional career

Write a composition of about 160–180 words.

(20 točk)

46 Angleščina


Govorno sporazumevanje in sporočanje

Osnovni podatki o ustnem izpitu so navedeni v poglavju 3 Zgradba izpita, 3.1 Shema izpita in v poglavju 3.3 Vrednotenje.

Naloge za ustni izpit pripravljajo učitelji angleščine. Zavedamo se, da je priprava nalog za preverjanje govornega sporočanja zelo zahtevno in odgovorno delo, zato dodajamo:

1. seznam govornih dejavnosti pri izpitu,

2. opis izpitnih pogojev,

3. merila za ocenjevanje,

4. zglede nalog.

Govorne dejavnosti

Govorne dejavnosti so izbrane tako, da omogočajo prikaz kandidatovega funkcionalnega jezikovnega znanja in zmožnosti:

− predstavitvene/opisovalne zmožnosti

− opis dejstev

− predstavitev

− primerjanje

− izražanje navodil

− povzemanje

− zmožnosti vrednotenja

− izražanje mnenja

− utemeljevanje mnenja

− predlaganje

− izražanje želja

− poizvedovanje

− povpraševanje po mnenju

− strinjanje

− nestrinjanje

− pojasnjevanje

− interakcijske zmožnosti

− sodelovanje v razgovoru

− obvladovanje dialoga

− obvladovanje poteka pogovora: znati začeti in končati pogovor, prepustiti besedo, prevzeti besedo

− zmožnosti prilagajanja

− preverjanje/ugotavljanje pravilnosti razumevanja, prilagajanje, pogajanje, usklajevanje s sogovornikom

Angleščina 47

Med govornim sporazumevanjem kandidati pokažejo tudi:

− obvladovanje in širino besedišča ter raven in širino jezikovnega znanja nasploh,

− tekočnost govora,

− ustrezne komunikacijske strategije.

Izpitni pogoji

Ustni izpit je pogovor med kandidatom in izpraševalcem. Obnova pri pouku obravnavanih besedil (splošnih ali strokovnih), razlaga besednih zvez in slovničnih struktur, pomnjenje in bralno razumevanje niso cilj vrednotenja govorne zmožnosti. Izpraševalec spodbuja pogovor. Njegova naloga je dati kandidatu možnost, da se izkaže in izrazi svoje misli čim bolj sproščeno ter z vsakdanjim življenjskim komunikacijskim vzorcem, v skladu s svojo starostjo in zrelostjo.

Vrste nalog

− avtentične (podobne tistim iz resničnih življenjskih okoliščin, tudi poklicnih)

− smiselne (izvirnost, problemskost, celovitost, različne perspektive)

− komunikacijsko zastavljene

Teme in sestava nalog

− Izpitne lističe (3 naloge) pripravi učitelj oziroma aktiv učiteljev angleščine na šoli, na kateri kandidat opravlja izpit. Ta mora biti zastavljen tako, da preverja govorno in slušno zmožnost pri sporazumevanju v vsakdanjem življenju, pa tudi zmožnost sporazumevanja v jeziku stroke oziroma v poklicnem življenju.


− Slikovne iztočnice (npr. grafi, fotografije, slike) in besedilne iztočnice (npr. kratka besedila do 100 besed, reklamni oglasi, izhodiščna vprašanja).

Navodila in pripomočki

− Za vsako nalogo so pripravljena ustrezna navodila. Podvprašanja, ki jih učitelj pripravi za pogovor, niso del navodil.


− Do 20 minut za pogovor.


− Učitelj angleščine.

Merila za ocenjevanje

− Gl. razdelek 3.3 v tem katalogu.


Ocenjujemo tako, da vsako kategorijo (sporočilnost in jasnost izražanja, jezik, besedišče, tekočnost govora, izgovarjava in intonacija, sodelovanje v pogovoru in raba komunikacijskih strategij; gl. razdelek 3.3) ocenimo ločeno, potem pa točke seštejemo. Skladno z merili ocenimo celostni vtis kandidatove govorne zmožnosti. Ne vrednotimo vsake naloge posebej.

Skupno število točk je 40.

48 Angleščina

Zgledi nalog

Osnovne smernice pri sestavljanju nalog so:

1. Oblikovanje takšnih nalog za preverjanje sporazumevalnih zmožnosti, s katerimi bomo dobili kar se da veljaven in zanesljiv vzorec kandidatovih jezikovnih zmožnosti.

2. Pestrost – vsaka naloga je zastavljena drugače in temelji na drugačni izhodiščni temi.

3. Zaporedje nalog je poljubno.

1. primer:

Look at the picture, describe it, and say what you think is happening; then discuss any subject related to the picture.

(Prirejeno po: http://indiancondition.webs.com/. Pridobljeno: 6. 10. 2010.)

Examiner's notes:

− What does the picture show?

− What are the consequences of global warming?

− What do you do to help protect the environment? What should our society do?

− What could happen as a result of pollution and global warming?

− What are some health issues related to the problem?

Angleščina 49

2. primer:

Look at the newspaper cover, describe it and/or say what you think is happening.

Naslov prvaka jih je zacementiral za vedno Slovenski košarkarski reprezentanti so po naslovu prvaka najprej rajali v dvorani, nato v slačilnici ter kasneje še

v slovenski hiši v Carigradu. Dragić pravi, da se bo teh občutkov spominjal za vedno.

Ko je v Carigradu sirena označila konec finalnega obračuna, se je na parketu začelo nepopisno rajanje slovenskih

košarkarjev. Prešerno je bilo tudi v zakulisju, kjer so si igralci dali duška, kričali in se objemali. Najkoristnejši

posameznik prvenstva Goran Dragić je naokoli hodil ovit v slovensko zastavo, ob tem pa pod roko ves čas držal

pokal za evropskega prvaka. (Prirejeno po: Dnevnik. Pridobljeno: 10. 11. 2017.)

Examiner's notes:

− What does the picture show? What is happening?

− How important is sport in Slovenia? (It's a daily newspaper cover!)

− What is the role of top sportsmen as their country’s representatives?

50 Angleščina

3. primer:

Your parents have gone on a fast food strike! They say no more trips to the local fast food places because they feel it is too unhealthy. Life as you know it is over, no more drive-thru's, happy meal toys, play lands… Your brain is wheeling; how can you convince them that fast food is OK as long as it is not all you eat? It is your job to convince your parents that there are meals at fast food restaurants that can be better for you than others.

(Vir: http://ericadobson101.wordpress.com/. Pridobljeno: 4. 10. 2010.)

Examiner's notes:

− I am your mother/father. Try to convince me that not all fast food is unhealthy.

− How often do you eat such food?

− What is your opinion about fast food?

− How can we raise awareness of healthy eating?

4. primer:

Your school is one of the partners in a mobility project. The other project partners have asked you to describe your country's school system. They also expect you to explain things about your school and its activities.

Examiner's notes:

− Name your school, the subjects, your favourites.

− Describe the Slovene school system.

− What are the most typical activities at your school?

− What can you contribute as a partner in the mobility project?

5. primer:

Read the Czech proverb below and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

You live a new life for every new language you speak.

If you know only one language, you live only once.

(Czech proverb)

(Vir: http://www.omniglot.com/. Pridobljeno: 6. 10. 2010.)

Examiner's notes:

− What does the proverb suggest?

− How far do you agree? Disagree? Why?

− What about your personal experience regarding language learning?

− Why should people learn foreign languages?

Angleščina 51

6. primer:

Look at the picture and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

(Vir: http://www.sodahead.com/. Pridobljeno: 4. 10. 2010.) Examiner's notes:

− What does the picture tell you? What problem does it show?

− Do you know any such addicts? How can they be helped?

− How dangerous can virtual social networking really be?

− What is the role of certain professionals (i.e. social workers, doctors, etc.) in helping addicts? What is the role of the addicts' families?

7. primer:

Read the following statements and be prepared to discuss them with the examiner.

Examiner's notes:

− How far do you agree with the statements?

− How important are friends and friendship for you?

− What is your opinion about virtual friendships and social networking applications like Facebook?

− Do you prefer meeting and talking to friends on the Facebook or in real life? Why?

52 Angleščina

8. primer:

Look at the pie chart below and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

Residential Energy Costs

(Vir: http://www.r-prollc.com/SavingEnergy.html. Pridobljeno: 4. 10. 2010.)

Examiner's notes:

− What does the chart show?

− If you made a similar chart for your household, would anything be different? What?

− In which segment would it be easiest to lower costs or save energy?

− What is your contribution to saving energy at home/at school?

− How important is saving energy? Why?

9. primer:

Read the text below and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

Workers' health and safety

Did you know...? • All workers have a right to work in places where risks to

their health and safety are properly controlled. The primary responsibility for this is down to the employer.

• Both workers and employers have a legal responsibility to look after health and safety at work together.

• Workers who contribute to health and safety at work are safer and healthier than those who do not.

(Vir: http://www.allianceindia.co.in/. Pridobljeno: 6. 10. 2010.) (Vir slike: http://www.hse.gov.uk/workers/. Pridobljeno: 6. 10. 2010.)

Examiner's notes:

− What is the text about? Who is it for?

− How important is safety at work? Can you provide an example?

− Who should be responsible for safety at work? Why?

− What can we do to make people more aware of this issue?

Angleščina 53

10. primer (strokovna tema – tehnik varovanja):

Look at the picture, describe it, and say what you think is happening. Then discuss any subject related to the picture.

(Vir: http://tinyurl.com/y739r7ga. Pridobljeno: 8. 11. 2017.)

Examiner's notes:

− What does the picture show?

− What measures are taken before visitors enter the stadium?

− What measures are taken during and after the event?

− What are a security officer’s tasks, duties and responsibilities when working at public events?

− What tools and equipment does a security officer working at public events use?

− What skills and knowledge does one need to work at public events?

− What personality characteristics are preferred if one wants to work at public events?

− Would you work as a security officer/guard at public events? Why/Why not?

11. primer (strokovna tema – logistični tehnik):

Role play: You have just seen the advertisement for the position of Warehouse Operative / Picker and Packer and you have decided to apply for the job.

Warehouse Operative / Picker and Packer - Fixed Shifts Posted 26 September by PMP Recruitment

Doncaster, South Yorkshire £7.65 - £9.36 per hour Temporary, full-time

3 applications

We have a fantastic new opportunity for ambitious, hardworking and driven individuals to work in a state of the art warehouse as a Warehouse Operative in Doncaster for Amazon,

a massive global company focused on customer service, innovation and development!

(Vir: http://tinyurl.com/yb6wl9q6. Pridobljeno: 8. 11. 2017.)

You would like to prepare for the job interview. You have asked one of your classmates to help you. Discuss the job and its requirements, the necessary skills, knowledge and characteristics as well as questions you might have for the employer. The examiner will play the part of your friend.

54 Angleščina

Examiner's notes:

− Before the job interview, what should one do?

− What questions about the job should one ask?

− What questions can the employer ask the candidate?

− What questions cannot be asked/discussed?

− Would you apply for the job of warehouse operative? Why/Why not?

− What skills and qualifications do you have for the job?

− What task, duties and responsibilities does one have when working in a warehouse?

− What protective equipment is used when working in a warehouse? How is safety at work provided?

− What personality traits should one have to work in a warehouse? Logistics?

12. primer (strokovna tema – tehnik zdravstvene nege):

Asking for information: Read the situation and be prepared to respond appropriately. You are a triage nurse in an emergency room. A patient with a minor bleeding on his hand comes in and you need to write down the information for the patient record. What questions do you ask?

13. primer (strokovna tema – tehnik zdravstvene nege):

Read the text and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.

Florence Nightingale (Vir: http://www.hhnmag.com/. Pridobljeno: 10. 11. 2017.)

Examiner's notes:

− What is hospital hygiene?

− What are the consequences of poor hospital hygiene?

− Have you ever had any problems with other people’s poor personal hygiene?

− What are the basic guidelines for personal and / or hospital hygiene?

− Why was the work of Florence Nightingale important for modern nursing care?

− What is the hospital hygiene like in Slovenia?

Angleščina 55

14. primer (strokovna tema – živilskoprehranski tehnik):

Read the clues and be prepared to discuss the topic with the examiner. BIRTHDAY WEDDING EASTER CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL Examiner's notes:

− Which special occasions do you and your family celebrate?

− What kind of food do you prepare for these occasions?

− What role do religion, tradition and cultural differences play in preparing food and celebrating different occasions?

15. primer (strokovna tema – naravovarstveni tehnik):

Discuss the following topic with the examiner: BIOMASS Examiner's questions:

− What is biomass?

− Where do we get it from?

− What do we use it for?

− What is its impact on the environment?

56 Angleščina

Zgledi izpitnih lističev na ustnem izpitu

1. primer (tehnik zdravstvene nege):


Look at the picture. You will be asked to describe it and talk about it.

(Vir: https://www.123rf.com/. Pridobljeno: 10. 11. 2017.)


Read the text and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

Fast food restaurants in America serve 50 million customers per day.

According to the American Beverage Association, American consumers on average drink more than 54 gallons [204.4 litres] of carbonated soft drinks each year, making carbonated soft drinks the most popular beverage in the U.S., almost three times more popular than bottled water, milk or coffee.

On any given day, 34 percent of children between ages 2 and 19 consume fast food.

The average American spends an estimated $1,200 on fast food each year.

20 percent of all American meals are eaten in the car. (Vir: https://blog.partnersforyourhealth.com/. Pridobljeno: 10. 11. 2017.)

TASK 3: Making suggestions Read the situation and be prepared to respond appropriately.

Your friend keeps complaining that he is bored and fed up with everything. Give him

some advice on free time activities he could do to make him feel better and get active.

Angleščina 57

Examiner’s notes – Task 1:

− What are infectious diseases? Do you know any? − How do they spread? − How can we avoid them? − What is your opinion on vaccinations? − What is the usual treatment when people get sick? − Have you ever taken care of an infectious patient? − What do you know about the probable use of antibiotics in the future?

Examiner’s notes – Task 2:

− What is fast food? − What is your opinion on fast food? − How does fast food affect our health? − Do you have a balanced diet? − What is the situation like in Slovenia as far as bad eating habits are concerned? − Do your eating habits change when you are under stress? − What is in your opinion the best way to lose weight?

58 Angleščina

2. primer (živilskoprehranski tehnik):


Look at the pictures. You will be expected to make some comments and discuss any subject related to the pictures.

(Viri slik: http://www.sloveniainside.com/en/tourism-info/kuhnya.html; https://www.slovenia.info/en/press-centre/news-of-the-tourism-press-agency/5718-day-of-slovenian-food-and-traditional-breakfast;

https://www.myguideslovenia.com/usefulinfo/traditional-food-and-drinks. Pridobljeno: 10. 6. 2017.) TASK 2: My school

You have been chosen to present your school and your educational programme at Open Door Day.

− Name your school and your educational programme. − How long does the programme last? What do you learn about in the programme? − Where can you get a job after completing the programme? − Why did you decide for this particular school and programme? − Does your school offer other educational programmes? Which?


Read the text carefully. You will be expected to make some comments, and the text will also serve as a basis for a discussion on a particular topic with the examiner.

We are what we eat. And that’s a pretty big deal considering how ridiculously sensitive our human bodies actually are. Optimal nutrition is a complicated, messy art that confounds even the most knowledgeable health experts. A diet that’s a little out of balance can lead to a slew of acute problems like decreased energy and constipation. And a diet that’s a lot off balance? Well, that’s a recipe for some serious, even life-threatening issues. Diet-related illnesses are at the core of our nation’s health problems.

(Vir: http://www.organicauthority.com/. Pridobljeno: 10. 6. 2017.)

Angleščina 59

Examiner’s notes – Task 1:

− Which traditional dishes are presented in the photos? − How does food differ from region to region? − How did history influence Slovenian cuisine? − What is your favourite Slovenian dish? How do we prepare it?

Examiner’s notes – Task 3:

− What is the text about? − What are food-related illnesses? − What can we do to protect ourselves? − Do you think it is possible to stay healthy nowadays, with so much going on, fast pace of life,


60 Angleščina

3. primer (naravovarstveni tehnik):

TASK 1: Look at the pictures. You will be expected to make some comments and discuss any subject related to the pictures.

(Viri slik: https://whatsonsukhumvit.com/14-of-thailands-worst-natural-disasters/; http://www.punditcafe.com/science/types-of-natural-disasters-examples/. Pridobljeno: 10. 11. 2017.)

TASK 2: Read the quote and be prepared to discuss the topic with the examiner.

A healthy outside starts from the inside. (Robert Urich)

(Vir: https://www.brainyquote.com/. Pridobljeno: 10. 6. 2017.)

TASK 3: Read the text carefully. You will be expected to make some comments and it will also serve as a basis for a discussion on a particular topic with the examiner.

Forests are essential for life on earth. Three hundred million people worldwide live in forests and 1.6 billion depend on them for their livelihoods. Forests also provide habitat for a vast array of plants and animals, many of which are still undiscovered. They protect our watersheds. They inspire wonder and provide places for recreation. They supply the oxygen we need to survive. They provide the timber for products we use every day.

(Vir: https://www.worldwildlife.org/habitats/forest-habitat. Pridobljeno: 12. 6. 2017.)

Angleščina 61

Examiner’s notes – Task 1:

− What can you see in the photos? − What are natural disasters? − Name and explain different types of natural disasters. − Has Slovenia experienced any natural disaster?

Examiner’s notes – Task 2:

− How far do you agree/disagree with this quote? − What are your eating habits? − Do you think your diet is healthy? − Which nutrients do our bodies need every day? − How and what should we eat to stay healthy?

Examiner’s notes – Task 3:

− What is the text about? − What types of forests do you know? − What animals and bird species can we find in forests? − What do forests provide us with? − What are forests threatened by? − Is Slovenia rich in greenery?

62 Angleščina

4. primer (tehnik varovanja):

TASK 1: Look at the picture, describe it, and say what you think is happening; then discuss any subject related to the picture.

(Vir: http://tinyurl.com/y9pcxgop. Pridobljeno: 7. 11. 2017.)

TASK 2: Read the leaflet below and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

(Vir: http://tinyurl.com/y9blhj2x; Pridobljeno: 7. 11. 2017.)

TASK 3: Read the text below and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.

Golden-crowned sifaka Habitat loss means that the golden-crowned sifaka now has one of the smallest distributions of all lemur species. While this sifaka’s dry forest habitat was previously under threat from the logging industry and bush fires, the recent discovery of gold in the region has resulted in further swathes of forest disappearing to make way for the miners, who also hunt lemurs for food.

(Vir: http://www.arkive.org/endangered-species/. Pridobljeno: 7. 11. 2017.)

Angleščina 63

Examiner's notes – Task 1:

− What does the picture show? − What do you think about the “Big Brother is watching” concept? − Where can one find video-surveillance systems? − How is video-surveillance regulated? Where can / can one not place the cameras? − What should be done prior to installing surveillance cameras? − What skills, knowledge and qualifications does one need to work in the control centre? In

technical security? − What are the control centre operators’ task, duties and responsibilities? Technical security

specialists’? − What personal characteristics are desirable when working in the control centre? Technical

security? − Would you work in the control centre? Technical security? Why/Why not?

Examiner's notes – Task 2:

− What is the text about? − What other rules and regulations apply at the airport? − What are the airport security officers’ duties and responsibilities? − What skills, knowledge and qualifications do the airport security officers need? − What tools and equipment do the airport security officers use? − Which personality traits are desirable when you work for airport security? − Would you like to work as an airport security guard? Why/Why not?

Examiner’s notes – Task 3:

− What is the text about? − Why are certain species close to extinction? Hunting, pollution, natural habitat? − What can be done to help the endangered species? − Which organisations fight for the animal rights? Would you join? Why/Why not? − What can you do to help the environment?

64 Angleščina

5. primer (logistični tehnik):


Look at the picture, describe it, and say what you think is happening: then discuss any subject related to the picture.

(Vir: http://tinyurl.com/ycnwtj2q. Pridobljeno: 7. 11. 2017.)


Read the text below and be prepared to discuss it with the examiner.


Warehousing is a key component of any supply chain – choosing the right location and facility type for your business has the potential to streamline operations and improve speed to market. Our multi-user facilities provide flexible warehousing that can be scaled to meet seasonal demand, while our dedicated and custom-built warehouses can be designed specifically for your business with specialised equipment and technology.

From secure storage for highly valuable freight to ambient and temperature-controlled sites, we offer warehouses complete with highly skilled management and operations teams to successfully handle operations for your business.

(Vir: http://www.tollgroup.com/warehousing. Pridobljeno: 7. 11. 2017.) TASK 3:

Your school is one of the partners in the mobility project. The other project partners have asked you to tell them a few things about Slovenia. They would like to know a bit more about social and business manners, interesting sights and local cuisine.

Angleščina 65

Examiner's notes – Task 1:

− What does the picture show? − What effect does transport have on the environment? − Why should we implement sustainable mobility? − Which modes of transport do you know? How do they affect the environment? − What can be done to reduce air/soil/water/noise pollution caused by different modes of

transport? − What should be done to make people use public transport more?

Examiner's notes – Task 2:

− What is the text about? − What types of warehouses do you know? What are the differences between them? − What tasks and duties do warehouse workers have? What are they responsible for? − What equipment do they use? What protective gear do they use? − What skills, knowledge and qualifications does one need to work in a warehouse? − What personal characteristics are desirable when one works in a warehouse? − What about workplace safety? What should one be careful about?

Examiner’s notes – Task 3:

− What do you know about Slovenia? Capital, location, neighbouring countries? − What are some of the Slovene customs and traditions? − Which sights should one visit and why? − What food is worth trying? Why? − How do people greet when they meet? Private/business.

66 Angleščina


Učbeniki in učna sredstva, ki jih je potrdil Strokovni svet Republike Slovenije za splošno izobraževanje, so zbrani v Katalogu učbenikov za srednjo šolo in objavljeni na spletni strani Zavoda Republike Slovenije za šolstvo www.zrss.si.
