PR COD 1amCom - European Parliament · 12.5.2016, s. 1-14). 54 Interinstitutionel aftale mellem...


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RR\1170470DA.docx PE625.457v02-00

DA Forenet i mangfoldighed DA

Europa-Parlamentet 2014-2019





om forslag til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning om programmet for et

digitalt Europa for perioden 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Udvalget om Industri, Forskning og Energi

Ordfører: Angelika Mlinar

Ordfører for udtalelse (*):

Bogdan Wenta, Kultur- og Uddannelsesudvalget

(*) Procedure med associerede udvalg – forretningsordenens artikel 54

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* Høringsprocedure

*** Godkendelsesprocedure

***I Almindelig lovgivningsprocedure (førstebehandling)

***II Almindelig lovgivningsprocedure (andenbehandling)

***III Almindelig lovgivningsprocedure (tredjebehandling)

(Proceduren afhænger af, hvilket retsgrundlag der er valgt i udkastet til


Ændringsforslag til et udkast til retsakt

Ændringsforslag fra Parlamentet opstillet i to kolonner

Tekst, der udgår, er markeret med fede typer og kursiv i venstre kolonne.

Tekst, der udskiftes, er markeret med fede typer og kursiv i begge kolonner.

Ny tekst er markeret med fede typer og kursiv i højre kolonne.

Den første og den anden linje i informationsblokken til hvert ændringsforslag

angiver den relevante passage i det pågældende udkast til retsakt. Hvis et

ændringsforslag angår en eksisterende retsakt, som udkastet til retsakt har til

formål at ændre, indeholder informationsblokken tillige en tredje og en fjerde

linje, hvori det er anført, hvilken eksisterende retsakt og hvilken bestemmelse

heri der

Ændringsforslag fra Parlamentet i form af en konsolideret tekst

Ny tekst er markeret med fede typer og kursiv. Tekst, som er bortfaldet,

markeres med symbolet ▌eller med overstregning. Ved udskiftninger

markeres den nye tekst med fede typer og kursiv, og den udskiftede tekst

slettes eller overstreges.

Som en undtagelse bliver rent tekniske justeringer, der er foretaget af de

berørte tjenestegrene med henblik på udarbejdelsen af den endelige tekst,

ikke markeret.

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BEGRUNDELSE ..................................................................................................................... 91


MODTAGET INPUT FRA ...................................................................................................... 93


OPINION OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUDGETS .............................................................. 133


FOOD SAFETY ..................................................................................................................... 146


PROTECTION ....................................................................................................................... 158


OPINION OF THE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AFFAIRS ................................................. 235


AFFAIRS ............................................................................................................................... 275

PROCEDURE – COMMITTEE RESPONSIBLE ................................................................. 304


KORRESPONDERENDE UDVALG .................................................................................... 305

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om forslag til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning om programmet for et digitalt

Europa for perioden 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

(Almindelig lovgivningsprocedure: førstebehandling)


– der henviser til Kommissionens forslag til Europa-Parlamentet og Rådet


– der henviser til artikel 294, stk. 2, samt artikel 172 og 173, stk. 3, i traktaten om Den

Europæiske Unions funktionsmåde, i henhold til hvilken Kommissionen indsendte

forslaget til Parlamentet (C8-0256/2018),

– der henviser til artikel 294, stk. 3, i traktaten om Den Europæiske Unions


– der henviser til forretningsordenens artikel 59,

– der henviser til betænkning fra Udvalget om Industri, Forskning og Energi og til

udtalelse fra Kultur- og Uddannelsesudvalget samt til udtalelser fra Budgetudvalget,

Udvalget om Miljø, Folkesundhed og Fødevaresikkerhed, Udvalget om det Indre

Marked og Forbrugerbeskyttelse, Transport- og Turismeudvalget, Retsudvalget og

Udvalget om Borgernes Rettigheder og Retlige og Indre Anliggender (A8-0408/2018),

1. vedtager nedenstående holdning ved førstebehandling;

2. anmoder om fornyet forelæggelse, hvis Kommissionen erstatter, i væsentlig grad ændrer

eller agter i væsentlig grad at ændre sit forslag;

3. pålægger sin formand at sende Parlamentets holdning til Rådet og Kommissionen samt

til de nationale parlamenter.

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Ændringsforslag 1

Forslag til lovgivningsmæssig beslutning

Henvisning 3 a (ny)

Forslag til lovgivningsmæssig beslutning Ændringsforslag

– der henviser til Europa-Parlamentets

beslutning af 17. maj 2017 om

finansteknologi: teknologiens indflydelse

på finanssektorens fremtid,

Ændringsforslag 2

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(4) I henhold til [reference to be

updated as appropriate according to a new

decision on OCTs: artikel 88 i Rådets

afgørelse / /EU53] bør personer og enheder,

som er etableret i oversøiske lande og

territorier (OLT'er), kunne modtage

finansiering under overholdelse af de regler

og mål, der gælder for programmet, og

eventuelle ordninger, som finder

anvendelse på den medlemsstat, som det

pågældende oversøiske land eller

territorium hører under.

(4) I henhold til [reference to be

updated as appropriate according to a new

decision on OCTs: artikel 88 i Rådets

afgørelse / /EU53] bør personer og enheder,

som er etableret i oversøiske lande og

territorier (OLT'er), kunne modtage

finansiering under overholdelse af de regler

og mål, der gælder for programmet, og

eventuelle ordninger, som finder

anvendelse på den medlemsstat, som det

pågældende oversøiske land eller

territorium hører under. Der skal ved

gennemførelsen af programmet tages

højde for de begrænsninger, der vedrører

oversøiske lande eller territoriers

deltagelse, og deres effektive deltagelse i

programmet skal overvåges og med jævne

mellemrum evalueres.

_________________ _________________

53 Rådets afgørelse / /EU. 53 Rådets afgørelse / /EU.

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Ændringsforslag 3

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 5

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(5) I henhold til punkt 22 og 23 i den

interinstitutionelle aftale om bedre

lovgivning af 13. april 201654 er der behov

for at evaluere dette program på grundlag

af oplysninger, der indsamles ved hjælp af

specifikke overvågningskrav, samtidig med

at overregulering og administrative byrder

undgås, navnlig for medlemsstaterne. Disse

krav kan, når det er hensigtsmæssigt,

omfatte målbare indikatorer, hvormed

programmets praktiske virkninger kan


(5) I henhold til punkt 22 og 23 i den

interinstitutionelle aftale om bedre

lovgivning af 13. april 201654 er der behov

for at evaluere dette program på grundlag

af oplysninger, der indsamles ved hjælp af

specifikke overvågningskrav,

sammenholdt med eksisterende behov og i

overensstemmelse med Europa-

Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU)

2016/67954a, samtidig med at

overregulering og administrative byrder

undgås for alle modtagere, navnlig for

medlemsstaterne og SMV'er. Disse krav

bør, når det er hensigtsmæssigt, omfatte

målbare kvantitative og kvalitative

indikatorer, hvormed programmets

praktiske virkninger kan evalueres.

__________________ __________________

54 Interinstitutionel aftale mellem Europa-

Parlamentet, Rådet for Den Europæiske

Union og Europa-Kommissionen om bedre

lovgivning af 13. april 2016 (EUT L 123 af

12.5.2016, s. 1-14).

54 Interinstitutionel aftale mellem Europa-

Parlamentet, Rådet for Den Europæiske

Union og Europa-Kommissionen om bedre

lovgivning af 13. april 2016 (EUT L 123 af

12.5.2016, s. 1-14).

54a Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets

forordning (EU) 2016/679 af 27. april

2016 om beskyttelse af fysiske personer i

forbindelse med behandling af

personoplysninger og om fri udveksling af

sådanne oplysninger og om ophævelse af

direktiv 95/46/EF (generel forordning om

databeskyttelse) (EUT L 119 af 4.5.2016,

s. 1).

Ændringsforslag 4

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 5 a (ny)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(5 a) Programmet bør sikre størst mulig

gennemsigtighed, ansvarlighed og

demokratisk kontrol med innovative

finansielle instrumenter og mekanismer,

der involverer Unionens budget, navnlig

for så vidt angår deres bidrag, både hvad

angår de oprindelige forventninger og de

resultater, der er opnået i retning af at nå

Unionens mål.

Ændringsforslag 5

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 6

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(6) Det digitale topmøde i Tallinn55 i

september 2017 og Det Europæiske Råds

konklusioner56 af 19. oktober 2017 viste, at

der er behov for, at Europa investerer i

digitalisering af vores økonomier og slår

bro over kvalifikationskløften for at

opretholde og forbedre europæisk

konkurrenceevne, vores livskvalitet og

sociale struktur. Det Europæiske Råd

konkluderede, at den digitale omstilling

giver enorme muligheder for innovation,

vækst og beskæftigelse, som vil bidrage til

vores globale konkurrenceevne og fremme

kreativ og kulturel mangfoldighed.

Udnyttelse af disse muligheder kræver, at

nogle af udfordringerne ved den digitale

omstilling tackles i fællesskab, og at

politikker, der er berørt af den digitale

omstilling, tages op til revision.

(6) Det digitale topmøde i Tallinn55 i

september 2017 og Det Europæiske Råds

konklusioner56 af 19. oktober 2017 viste, at

der er behov for, at Europa investerer i

effektiv digitalisering af vores økonomier

og slår bro over kvalifikationskløften for at

opretholde og forbedre europæisk

konkurrenceevne og innovation, vores

livskvalitet og sociale struktur. Det

Europæiske Råd konkluderede, at den

digitale omstilling giver enorme

muligheder for innovation, vækst og

beskæftigelse, som vil bidrage til vores

globale konkurrenceevne og fremme

kreativ og kulturel mangfoldighed.

Udnyttelse af disse muligheder kræver, at

udfordringerne ved den digitale omstilling

tackles i fællesskab på flere måder,

herunder ved at sikre, at de væsentlige

elementer, som nye teknologier er

afhængige af, iværksættes, ved at

gennemføre effektive lovregler, som er

lette at håndhæve, ved at politikker, der er

berørt af den digitale omstilling, tages op

til revision samt ved at skabe et

innovationsvenligt miljø, hvor brugernes

interesser beskyttes fuldt ud.

Finansieringsrammen for dette program,

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som udgør en indsats på europæisk plan,

bør optimalt set øges med betydelige

midler fra den private sektor og bidrag fra


__________________ __________________









Ændringsforslag 6

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 6 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(6a) I fremtiden vil det europæiske

samfund og den europæiske økonomi i

høj grad være afhængig af en

harmoniseret og ensartet frekvenspolitik,

på 5G-infrastrukturen, hvilket vil

nødvendiggøre en

infrastrukturmålsætning vedrørende

VHC-nettene, som sigter mod at tilbyde

kommunikationsydelser af høj kvalitet og

med en højere hastighed. Dette er en

nødvendig forudsætning for en vellykket

gennemførelse af dette program. I denne

forbindelse bør programmet drage fordel

af den vellykkede gennemførelse af

Connecting Europe-faciliteten og navnlig

Wif4EU-initiativet, som har til formål at

fremme borgernes

forbindelsesmuligheder i Unionens

offentlige rum. Med kombinationen af de

to programmer kan man opnå de bedst

mulige resultater og nå Unionens

målsætning om at levere en stabil og

ensartet højhastighedsnetværksdækning i

hele Unionen.

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Ændringsforslag 7

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 7

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(7) Det Europæiske Råd konkluderede

navnlig, at Unionen straks bør forholde sig

til følgende begyndende tendenser, der

bl.a. omfatter kunstig intelligens og

distributed ledger-teknologier (f.eks.

blockchain), samtidig med at der sikres et

højt niveau af databeskyttelse, digitale

rettigheder og etiske standarder. Det

Europæiske Råd opfordrede

Kommissionen til at fremsætte forslag om

en europæisk tilgang til kunstig intelligens

i begyndelsen af 2018, og det opfordrede

Kommissionen til at fremsætte forslag til

de initiativer, der er nødvendige for at

styrke rammebetingelserne med henblik på

at gøre EU i stand til at undersøge nye

markeder via risikobaserede

gennemgribende innovationer og

understrege sine industriers ledende rolle.

(7) Det Europæiske Råd konkluderede

navnlig, at Unionen straks bør forholde sig

til følgende begyndende tendenser, der

bl.a. omfatter digital opdeling, kunstig

intelligens, samtidig med at der sikres et

højt niveau af databeskyttelse i fuld

overensstemmelse med forordning (EU)

2016/679, rettigheder, grundlæggende

rettigheder og etiske standarder. Det

Europæiske Råd opfordrede

Kommissionen til at fremsætte forslag om

en europæisk tilgang til kunstig intelligens

i begyndelsen af 2018, og det opfordrede

Kommissionen til at fremsætte forslag til

de initiativer, der er nødvendige for at

styrke rammebetingelserne med henblik på

at gøre EU i stand til at undersøge nye

markeder via risikobaserede

gennemgribende innovationer og

understrege sine industriers ledende rolle.

Ændringsforslag 8

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 7 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(7a) Den 10. april 2018 gav

medlemsstaterne udtryk for deres støtte og

fælles vilje til at samarbejde om initiativer

vedrørende kunstig intelligens og

infrastrukturtjenester til distributed

ledger-teknologier (f.eks. blockchain) ved

at underskrive samarbejdsaftaler.

Ændringsforslag 9

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 7 b (ny)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(7b) For at sikre en vellykket

gennemførelse af dette program er der

brug for mere end blot at følge

udviklingen. Unionen er nødt til at udvise

engagement i teknologier til sikring af

privatlivet (dvs. kryptografi og decentrale

applikationer (DApps)) samt øgede

investeringer i fremtidssikre

infrastrukturer ((fiberoptiske) netværk)

for at muliggøre et selvbestemt

digitaliseret samfund.

Ændringsforslag 10

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 7 c (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(7c) Europa skal gennemføre

omfattende investeringer i fremtiden og

opbygge strategiske digitale færdigheder

for at kunne udnytte den digitale

revolution. Der skal sikres et væsentligt

budget (på mindst 9,2 mia. EUR) på EU-

plan til dette formål, og dette skal

suppleres med en betydelig

investeringsindsats på nationalt og

regionalt plan, navnlig gennem et

sammenhængende og komplementært

forhold til struktur- og


Ændringsforslag 11

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 8

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(8) I Kommissionens meddelelse om

"En ny, moderniseret flerårig finansiel

ramme for en Europæisk Union, der

effektivt lever op til de valgte prioriteter

(8) I Kommissionens meddelelse om

"En ny, moderniseret flerårig finansiel

ramme for en Europæisk Union, der

effektivt lever op til de valgte prioriteter

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for perioden efter 2020"57 skitseres blandt

mulighederne for en fremtidig finansiel

ramme et program for Europas digitale

omstilling, som kan afstedkomme "store

fremskridt hen mod intelligent vækst på

områder som infrastruktur for data af høj

kvalitet, konnektivitet og cybersikkerhed".

Meningen med programmet er, at det skal

sikre europæisk lederskab indenfor

supercomputere, den næste generation af

internettet, kunstig intelligens,

robotteknologi og big data. Det vil styrke

den europæiske industris og de europæiske

virksomheders konkurrenceposition på

tværs af hele den digitale økonomi, og det

vil i høj grad kunne bidrage til at slå bro

over kvalifikationskløften i Unionen.

for perioden efter 2020"57 skitseres blandt

mulighederne for en fremtidig finansiel

ramme et program for Europas digitale

omstilling, som kan afstedkomme "store

fremskridt hen mod intelligent vækst på

områder som infrastruktur for data af høj

kvalitet, konnektivitet, cybersikkerhed og

digitalisering af offentlige forvaltninger.

Meningen med programmet er, at det skal

sikre europæisk lederskab indenfor

supercomputere, den næste generation af

internettet, kunstig intelligens,

robotteknologi og big data. Det vil styrke

den europæiske industris og de europæiske

virksomheders konkurrenceposition på

tværs af hele den digitale økonomi, og det

vil i høj grad kunne konsolidere og bidrage

til at slå bro over kvalifikationskløften i

Unionen og derved sikre, at europæiske

borgere har de fornødne færdigheder og

kompetencer og den rette viden til at

kunne håndtere den digitale omstilling.

__________________ __________________

57 COM(2018) 98 final. 57 COM(2018) 98 final.

Ændringsforslag 12

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 8 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(8a) Set i lyset af forsinkelsen i

udarbejdelsen af Unionens strategiske

digitale færdigheder og bestræbelserne på

at afhjælpe situationen bør der garanteres

et budget, som står i rimeligt forhold til

programmets ambitioner, og som bør

være på minimum 9,2 mia. EUR.

Ændringsforslag 13

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 9

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(9) I meddelelsen "Mod et fælles

europæisk dataområde"58 omhandles de

nye foranstaltninger, der skal træffes på de

vigtigste områder for at opnå et fælles

dataområde i EU, altså et

sammenhængende digitalt område med et

omfang, der gør det muligt at udvikle nye

produkter og tjenester baseret på data.

(9) I meddelelsen "Mod et fælles

europæisk dataområde"58 omhandles de

nye foranstaltninger, der skal træffes på de

vigtigste områder for at opnå et fælles

dataområde i EU, altså et

sammenhængende digitalt område med et

omfang, der gør det muligt at udvikle og

skabe innovation inden for nye produkter

og tjenester baseret på data.

_________________ _________________

58 COM (2018) 125 final 58 COM (2018) 125 final

Ændringsforslag 14

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 9 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(9a) Kommissionens initiativ fra 2017

vedrørende den næste generation af

internettet bør også skabe grundlag for

gennemførelse af programmet, idet det

sigter mod et mere åbent internet med

bedre tjenester, mere intelligens, større

involvering og deltagelse, og det

beskæftiger sig med teknologiske

muligheder, der opstår på baggrund af

fremskridt på forskellige

forskningsområder, og strækker sig fra ny

netværksarkitektur og softwaredefinerede

infrastrukturer til nye koncepter for

tjenesteydelser og applikationer.

Ændringsforslag 15

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 10

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(10) Det generelle mål med programmet

bør være at understøtte industriens digitale

omstilling og fremme en bedre udnyttelse

(10) Det generelle mål med programmet

bør være at understøtte industriens digitale

omstilling og fremme en bedre udnyttelse

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af det industrielle potentiale, der ligger i

politikken for innovation, forskning og

teknologisk udvikling til gavn for

virksomheder og borgere i hele Unionen.

Programmet bør bygges op omkring fem

specifikke mål, der afspejler de vigtigste

politikområder, nemlig højtydende

databehandling, cybersikkerhed, kunstig

intelligens, højtudviklede IT-færdigheder

og udrulning, bedste brug af den digitale

kapacitet og interoperabilitet. Programmet

bør for alle disse områder også sigte mod

en højere grad af ensretning af EU's,

medlemsstaternes og regionernes

politikker og mod at samle private og

industrielle ressourcer med henblik på at

øge investeringerne og udvikle yderligere


af det industrielle potentiale, der ligger i

politikken for innovation, forskning og

teknologisk udvikling samt at modernisere

specifikke sektorer af offentlig interesse til

gavn for virksomheder, navnlig SMV'er,

og borgere i hele Unionen. Desuden bør

programmet styrke EU's konkurrenceevne

og økonomiske modstandsdygtighed.

Ændringsforslag 16

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 10 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(10a) Det er nødvendigt som en

prioriteret opgave at støtte de SMV'er, der

ønsker at benytte sig af digital omstilling i

deres produktionsprocesser. Forskning og

innovation i den digitale sektor vil gøre

det muligt for SMV'er at bidrage til den

europæiske økonomiske vækst gennem en

effektiv anvendelse af ressourcerne.

Ændringsforslag 17

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 10 b (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(10b) Programmet bør bygges op

omkring fem specifikke mål, der afspejler

de vigtigste politikområder, nemlig: a)

højtydende databehandling, b) kunstig

intelligens og distributed ledger-

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teknologier, c) cybersikkerhed, d)

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder og e)

udrulning, bedste brug af digital kapacitet

og interoperabilitet. Programmet bør for

alle disse områder også sigte mod en

højere grad af ensretning af EU's,

medlemsstaternes og regionernes

politikker og mod at samle private og

industrielle ressourcer med henblik på at

øge investeringerne og udvikle yderligere


Ændringsforslag 18

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 10 c (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(10c) Sammen med det overordnede

formål om digital omstilling bør

programmet bidrage til at sikre

langsigtede strategiske sikkerhedsmål

gennem opbygning af kapacitet og

færdigheder i Unionen, således at

foranstaltninger, der øger det strategiske

potentiale og begrænser afhængigheden

af leverandører og produkter fra

tredjelande prioriteres, hvilket er med til

at sikre Unionens økonomiske og

innovative konkurrenceevne.

Ændringsforslag 19

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 11

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(11) Digitale innovationsknudepunkter

bør spille en central rolle i forbindelse med

gennemførelsen af programmet, og de bør

stimulere en vid udbredelse af avancerede

digitale teknologier i industrien, offentlige

organisationer og den akademiske verden.

Et net af digitale innovationsknudepunkter

(11) Europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter bør spille en

central rolle i forbindelse med

gennemførelsen af programmet, og de bør

stimulere en vid udbredelse af avancerede

digitale teknologier i industrien, herunder

SMV'er, i offentlige organisationer og den

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bør sikre den bredest mulige geografiske

dækning på tværs af Europa59. De første

digitale innovationsknudepunkter vil blive

valgt på grundlag af medlemsstaternes

forslag, og derefter vil nettet blive udvidet

gennem en åben udbudsprocedure. De

digitale innovationsknudepunkter skal tjene

som adgangspunkt til de nyeste digitale

kapaciteter, herunder højtydende

databehandling ("HPC"), kunstig

intelligens, cybersikkerhed og andre

eksisterende innovative teknologier som

f.eks. centrale støtteteknologier, der også

kan tilgås i fablabs eller citylabs. De skal

fungere som det centrale kontaktpunkt,

når man skal have adgang til testede og

validerede teknologier, og fremme åben

innovation. De skal også yde støtte inden

for højtudviklede IT-færdigheder. Nettet af

digitale innovationsknudepunkter bør også

bidrage til, at regionerne i den yderste

periferi lettere kan deltage i det digitale

indre marked.

akademiske verden. Et net af europæiske

digitale innovationsknudepunkter bør sikre

den bredest mulige geografiske dækning på

tværs af Europa59. De første europæiske

digitale innovationsknudepunkter vil blive

valgt på grundlag af medlemsstaternes

forslag, og derefter vil nettet blive udvidet

gennem en åben og gennemsigtig

udbudsprocedure. De europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter skal tjene som

adgangspunkt til de nyeste digitale

kapaciteter, herunder højtydende

databehandling ("HPC"), kunstig

intelligens, cybersikkerhed og andre

eksisterende innovative teknologier som

f.eks. centrale støtteteknologier, der også

kan tilgås i fablabs eller citylabs. De skal

fungere som one-stop-shops, når man skal

have adgang til testede og validerede

teknologier, og fremme åben innovation.

De skal også yde støtte inden for

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder. Nettet af

europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter bør også bidrage

til, at regionerne i den yderste periferi

lettere kan deltage i det digitale indre

marked, og understøtte den digitale

omstilling i oversøiske lande og


__________________ __________________

59 Som angivet i meddelelsen om

digitalisering af den europæiske industri

(COM(2016) 180 final).

59 Som angivet i meddelelsen om

digitalisering af den europæiske industri

(COM(2016) 180 final).

Ændringsforslag 20

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 11 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(11 a) For at skabe synergier mellem

investeringer under dette program og med

hensyn til Unionens investeringer i

forskning og udvikling, navnlig

investeringer i forbindelse med Horisont

Europa-programmet, bør de europæiske

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digitale innovationsknudepunkter fungere

som en platform for at bringe industri,

erhvervsliv og administration, som på den

ene side har behov for nye teknologiske

løsninger, sammen med virksomheder,

navnlig nyetablerede virksomheder og

SMV'er, som på den anden side har

markedsklare løsninger.

Ændringsforslag 21

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 11 b (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(11b) Planlægning, udvikling og udbud i

programmet finder sted med henblik på at

styrke Unionens kapacitet og

konkurrenceevne på mellemlang og lang

sigt. Foranstaltninger, der øger EU's

strategiske potentiale og konkurrenceevne

og har til formål at begrænse

afhængigheden af leverandører og

produkter fra tredjelande, bør prioriteres.

Deltagelse fra tredjelande i programmets

specifikke mål bør således afhænge af de

pågældende landes bidrag til EU.

Ændringsforslag 22

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 12

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(12) Programmet bør gennemføres via

projekter, der styrker væsentlige digitale

kapaciteter og deres udbredelse. Dette bør

omfatte fælles investeringer i samarbejde

med medlemsstaterne og den private

sektor, når nødvendigt. Det skulle især

bidrage til, at man inden for offentlige

indkøb når den kritiske masse, der skal til

for at opnå mere værdi for pengene og for

at garantere, at leverandører i Europa er på

(12) Programmet bør gennemføres via

projekter, der styrker væsentlige digitale

kapaciteter og Unionens strategiske

autonomi. Med henblik herpå bør

programmet sikre et EU-budget på mindst

9,2 mia. EUR suppleret med fælles

investeringer fra medlemsstaterne og/eller

den private sektor. Det skulle især bidrage

til, at man inden for offentlige indkøb når

den kritiske masse, der skal til for at opnå

mere værdi for pengene og for at garantere,

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forkant med den teknologiske udvikling. at leverandører i Europa når op på forkant

med den teknologiske udvikling.

Ændringsforslag 23

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 14

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(14) Programmets foranstaltninger bør

anvendes til at imødekomme markedssvigt

eller suboptimale investeringsforhold på en

forholdsmæssigt afpasset måde, uden at

dette medfører overlapning eller fortrænger

privat finansiering, og sikre en klar

europæisk merværdi.

(14) Programmets foranstaltninger bør

anvendes til at styrke og udvide Unionens

digitale base, håndtere store

samfundsmæssige udfordringer,

yderligere forbedre Unionens digitale

industrielle kompetencer samt imødekomme markedssvigt eller

suboptimale investeringsforhold på en

forholdsmæssigt afpasset måde, uden at

dette medfører overlapning eller fortrænger

privat finansiering, og sikre en klar

europæisk merværdi.


Det digitale program bør ikke kun vedrøre markedssvigt og problemer, men bør også bidrage

til Unionens udvidelse, beskyttelse eller støtte med henblik på at opnå en teknologisk, digital

og industriel førerposition.

Ændringsforslag 24

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 15

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(15) For at opnå størst mulig fleksibilitet

i hele programmets levetid og fremme

synergierne mellem dets bestanddele kan

de enkelte specifikke mål gennemføres ved

hjælp af alle de instrumenter, der er

tilgængelige i henhold til

finansforordningen. De

gennemførelsesmekanismer, der skal

anvendes, er direkte forvaltning og

indirekte forvaltning, når EU-

finansieringen skal kombineres med andre

(15) For at opnå størst mulig fleksibilitet

i hele programmets levetid og fremme

synergierne mellem dets bestanddele kan

de enkelte specifikke mål gennemføres ved

hjælp af alle de instrumenter, der er

tilgængelige i henhold til

finansforordningen. De

gennemførelsesmekanismer, der skal

anvendes, er direkte forvaltning og

indirekte forvaltning, når EU-

finansieringen skal kombineres med andre

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finansieringskilder, eller når

gennemførelsen kræver, at der oprettes

strukturer, der forvaltes i fællesskab.

finansieringskilder, eller når

gennemførelsen kræver, at der oprettes

strukturer, der forvaltes i fællesskab. I

tilfælde af indirekte forvaltning sikrer

Kommissionen, at de kvalitets- og

sikkerhedsstandarder, der er påkrævet for

direkte forvaltning af programmet,

opretholdes og overholdes.

Ændringsforslag 25

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 16

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(16) Højtydende databehandling og de

dertil hørende databehandlingskapaciteter

i Unionen bør gøre det muligt at sikre stor

udbredelse af højtydende databehandling i

industrien og mere generelt på områder af

offentlig interesse, således at vi griber den

unikke mulighed, som supercomputere

giver samfundet inden for sundhed, miljø

og sikkerhed, og bidrager til industriens

konkurrenceevne, navnlig blandt små og

mellemstore virksomheder.

(16) Højtydende databehandling og de

dertil hørende databehandlings- og

lagringskapaciteter i Unionen bør gøre det

muligt at sikre stor udbredelse af

højtydende databehandling i industrien og

mere generelt på områder af offentlig

interesse, således at vi griber den unikke

mulighed, som supercomputere giver

samfundet inden for sundhed, miljø og

sikkerhed, og bidrager til industriens

konkurrenceevne, navnlig blandt små og

mellemstore virksomheder. EU skal købe

supercomputere i verdensklasse, sikre sit

forsyningssystem og implementere

tjenester til simulering, visualisering og

prototypeudarbejdelse, samtidig med at

det sikres, at HCP-systemet er i

overensstemmelse med EU's værdier og


Ændringsforslag 26

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 17

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(17) Både Rådet60 og Europa-

Parlamentet61 har udtrykt støtte til EU's

indsats på området. Endvidere underskrev

ni medlemsstater i 2017 Euro-HPC-

(17) Både Rådet60 og Europa-

Parlamentet61 har udtrykt støtte til EU's

indsats på området. Endvidere underskrev

ni medlemsstater i 2017 Euro-HPC-

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erklæringen62, som er en mellemstatslig

aftale, hvor parterne forpligter sig til at

samarbejde med Kommissionen om at

opbygge og udrulle topmoderne HPC- og

datainfrastrukturer i Europa, som vil være

tilgængelige for forskersamfund og

offentlige og private partnere på tværs af


erklæringen62, som er en mellemstatslig

aftale, hvor parterne forpligter sig til at

samarbejde med Kommissionen om at

opbygge og udrulle topmoderne HPC- og

datainfrastrukturer i Europa, som vil være

tilgængelige for forskersamfund og

offentlige og private partnere på tværs af

EU og øge EU's merværdi.

__________________ __________________

60 60

61 61

62 62

Ændringsforslag 27

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 18

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(18) For de mål, der er specifikke for

højtydende databehandling, forventes et

fællesforetagende at være den mest

velegnede gennemførelsesmekanisme,

navnlig med henblik på at koordinere

medlemsstaternes og EU's strategier og

investeringer i højtydende

databehandlingsinfrastruktur og forskning

og udvikling, samle ressourcer fra

offentlige og private midler og sikre

Unionens økonomiske og strategiske

interesser63. Endvidere vil

kompetencecentre inden for højtydende

databehandling i medlemsstaterne give

mulighed for at tilbyde industrien, den

akademiske verden og de offentlige

forvaltninger højtydende


(18) For de mål, der er specifikke for

højtydende databehandling, forventes et

fællesforetagende at være den mest

velegnede gennemførelsesmekanisme,

navnlig med henblik på at koordinere

medlemsstaternes og EU's strategier og

investeringer i højtydende

databehandlingsinfrastruktur og forskning

og udvikling, samle ressourcer fra

offentlige og private midler og sikre

Unionens økonomiske og strategiske

interesser63. Endvidere vil

kompetencecentre inden for højtydende

databehandling i medlemsstaterne give

mulighed for at tilbyde industrien, specielt

SMV'er og nyetablerede virksomheder,

den akademiske verden og de offentlige

forvaltninger, som er etableret inden for

Unionen, højtydende


__________________ __________________

63 Konsekvensanalysen, der ledsager

dokumentet "Forslag til Rådets forordning

om oprettelse af Euro-HPC-


63 Konsekvensanalysen, der ledsager

dokumentet "Forslag til Rådets forordning

om oprettelse af Euro-HPC-


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Ændringsforslag 28

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 19

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(19) Udvikling af kapacitet inden for

kunstig intelligens er en afgørende faktor

for industriens og den offentlige sektors

digitale omstilling. Stadig flere autonome

robotter bruges på fabrikker, i havets dyb, i

hjem, byer og på hospitaler. Kommercielle

platforme med kunstig intelligens er gået

fra at blive testet til rent faktisk at blive

anvendt inden for sundhed og miljø; alle

større bilproducenter er ved at udvikle

selvkørende biler, og

maskinlæringsteknikker er centrale for alle

de primære webplatforme og anvendelse af

big data.

(19) Udvikling af kapacitet inden for

kunstig intelligens er en afgørende faktor

for industriens og den offentlige sektors

digitale omstilling. Stadig flere autonome

robotter bruges på fabrikker, i havets dyb, i

hjem, byer og på hospitaler. Kommercielle

platforme med kunstig intelligens er gået

fra at blive testet til rent faktisk at blive

anvendt inden for sundhed og miljø; alle

større bilproducenter er ved at udvikle

selvkørende biler, og

maskinlæringsteknikker er centrale for alle

de primære webplatforme og anvendelse af

big data. Med henblik på at skabe de

bedste rammebetingelser for at fremme

disse nye teknologier i Europa er det

nødvendigt, at Unionen tilføjer

innovationsprincippet til sin politiske


Ændringsforslag 29

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 19 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(19a) I sin beslutning af 1. juni 2017 om

digitalisering af EU's industri påpegede

Europa-Parlamentet sprogbarrierers

indvirkning på industrien og dens

digitalisering. I denne sammenhæng er

udviklingen af omfattende

sprogteknologier baseret på kunstig

intelligens, såsom automatisk

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oversættelse, talegenkendelse, big data-

tekstanalyse, dialog og systemer til

besvarelse af spørgsmål centrale med

hensyn til at bevare den sproglige

mangfoldighed, sikre rummeligheden og

fremme kommunikation mellem

mennesker og mellem menneske og


Ændringsforslag 30

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 19 b (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(19b) Den stadig hurtigere udvikling af

selvlærende robotter og kunstig

intelligens samt deres evne til at

mangfoldiggøre viden og læring i løbet af

sekunder gør det vanskeligt at forudsige

udviklingsstadier, inden programmet

afsluttes i 2027. Kommissionen bør derfor

lægge særlig vægt på denne digitale trend,

som er i hastig udvikling, og bør, hvis det

er relevant, hurtigt tilpasse målene i

arbejdsprogrammet i overensstemmelse


Ændringsforslag 31

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 19 c (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(19c) I lyset af den europæiske industris

voksende efterspørgsel efter

robotteknologiløsninger med kunstig

intelligens og vigtigheden af at undgå et

betydeligt investeringsunderskud på dette

område bør programmets målsætninger

om kunstig intelligens omfatte robotter,

der er udstyret med kunstig intelligens.

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Ændringsforslag 32

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 19 d (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(19d) Produkter og tjenester, der er

baseret på kunstig intelligens, skal være

brugervenlige; det skal være sikret, at de

overholder lovgivningen, og de skal give

forbrugerne flere valgmuligheder og flere

oplysninger, især om kvaliteten af

produkter og tjenesteydelser.

Ændringsforslag 33

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 20

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(20) Det er af allerstørste vigtighed for

udviklingen af kunstig intelligens, at der er

adgang til meget store datasæt samt test- og


(20) Det er af allerstørste vigtighed for

udviklingen af kunstig intelligens,

herunder sprogteknologier, at der er

adgang til meget store datasæt samt test- og

forsøgsfaciliteter med henblik på at sikre

det indre marked, når der anvendes

kunstig intelligens, og adgangen til tekst-

og datamining.

Ændringsforslag 34

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 20 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(20a) Den 25. april 2018 forpligtede

Kommissionen sig til at fremsætte et

forslag om en europæisk tilgang ved at

udarbejde retningslinjer for kunstig

intelligens i samarbejde med interessenter

inden for AI-alliancen, som er en gruppe

af eksperter i kunstig intelligens, med

henblik på at sætte skub i applikationer og

virksomheder, der anvender kunstig

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intelligens i Europa.

Ændringsforslag 35

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 21

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(21) Europa-Parlamentet understregede i

sin beslutning af 1. juni 2017 om

digitalisering af EU's industri64 vigtigheden

af en fælles europæisk tilgang til

cybersikkerhed, der anerkender behovet for

at udbrede kendskab til cybersikkerhed, og

anser cyberrobusthed for at være et

væsentligt ansvar, der påhviler

virksomhedsledere og nationale og

europæiske beslutningstagere inden for

industriel sikkerhed.

(21) Europa-Parlamentet understregede i

sin beslutning af 1. juni 2017 om

digitalisering af EU's industri64 vigtigheden

af en fælles europæisk tilgang til

cybersikkerhed, der anerkender behovet for

at udbrede kendskab til cybersikkerhed, og

anser cyberrobusthed for at være et

væsentligt ansvar, der påhviler

virksomhedsledere og nationale og

europæiske beslutningstagere inden for

industriel sikkerhed, samt gennemførelsen

af sikkerhed og privatliv som standard og

som design.

__________________ __________________

64 Dokumentreference: A8-0183/2017 kan

findes på:


64 Dokumentreference: A8-0183/2017 kan

findes på:


Ændringsforslag 36

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 22

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(22) Cybersikkerhed er en udfordring

for hele Unionen, som vi ikke kan blive

ved med at forsøge at håndtere enkeltvis

med fragmenterede nationale initiativer.

Europas kapacitet inden for cybersikkerhed

bør styrkes, så Europa kan beskytte sine

borgere og virksomheder mod cybertrusler.

Derudover bør forbrugerne være

beskyttede, når de anvender netforbundne

produkter, der kan hackes eller bringe

(22) Cybersikkerhed er en udfordring

for hele Unionen, som vi ikke kan blive

ved med at forsøge at håndtere enkeltvis

med fragmenterede nationale initiativer.

Europas kapacitet inden for cybersikkerhed

bør styrkes, så Europa kan beskytte sine

borgere, offentlige forvaltninger og

virksomheder mod cybertrusler. Derudover

bør forbrugerne være beskyttede, når de

anvender netforbundne produkter, der kan

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deres sikkerhed i fare. Dette bør opnås i

samarbejde med medlemsstaterne og den

private sektor ved at udvikle og sikre

koordinering mellem projekter, der styrker

Europas kapacitet inden for cybersikkerhed

og sikrer en bred udrulning af de seneste

cybersikkerhedsløsninger på tværs af

økonomien, samt ved at samle

kompetencerne på området for at sikre

kritisk masse og bedst mulig kvalitet.

hackes eller bringe deres sikkerhed i fare.

Dette bør opnås i samarbejde med

medlemsstaterne og den private sektor ved

at udvikle og sikre koordinering mellem

projekter, der styrker Europas kapacitet

inden for cybersikkerhed og sikrer en bred

udrulning af de seneste

cybersikkerhedsløsninger på tværs af

økonomien, samt ved at samle

kompetencerne på området for at sikre

kritisk masse og bedst mulig kvalitet.

Ændringsforslag 37

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 23

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(23) I september 2017 fremlagde

Kommissionen en række initiativer65, som

indeholdt en omfattende EU-tilgang til

cybersikkerhed med henblik på at styrke

Europas evne til at håndtere cyberangreb

og trusler og styrke den industrielle og

teknologiske kapacitet på området.

(23) I september 2017 fremlagde

Kommissionen en række initiativer65, som

indeholdt en omfattende EU-tilgang til

cybersikkerhed med henblik på at styrke

Europas evne til at håndtere cyberangreb

og trusler, øge modstandsdygtigheden og

styrke den industrielle og teknologiske

kapacitet på området.

_________________ _________________





Ændringsforslag 38

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 23 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(23 a) Som udgangspunkt bør

cybersikkerhedsløsninger indeholde

standarder for sikkerhed og sikring som

kernekonstruktionsparametre i henhold til

den tilgængelige nyeste teknologi og

principperne om "sikkerhed i form af

design" og "sikkerhed som standard".

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Ændringsforslag 39

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 24

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(24) Tillid er en forudsætning for, at det

digitale indre marked kan fungere.

Cybersikkerhedsteknologier som digitale

identiteter, kryptografi og "Intrusion

Detection" samt deres anvendelse inden for

områder som finansverdenen, industri 4.0,

energi, transport, sundhedspleje eller e-

forvaltning er væsentlig for at kunne sørge

for sikkerhed og tillid i forbindelse med

onlineaktiviteter og -transaktioner, der

foretages af både borgere, offentlige

forvaltninger og virksomheder.

(24) Tillid er en forudsætning for, at det

digitale indre marked kan fungere.

Cybersikkerhedsteknologier som

distributed ledger-teknologier, digitale

identiteter, kryptografi, kryptering eller

"Intrusion Detection" samt deres

anvendelse inden for områder som

finansverdenen, industri 4.0, logistik,

energi, transport, turisme, sundhedspleje

eller e-forvaltning er væsentlig for at kunne

sørge for sikkerhed, gennemsigtighed og

tillid i forbindelse med onlineaktiviteter,

herunder 5G-platforme, og transaktioner,

der foretages af både borgere, offentlige

forvaltninger og virksomheder.

Ændringsforslag 40

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 25

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(25) Det Europæiske Råd understregede

i sine konklusioner af 19. oktober 2017, at

med henblik på at opbygge et succesrigt

digitalt Europa har Unionen navnlig behov

for arbejdsmarkeder og uddannelses- og

erhvervsuddannelsessystemer, der passer

til den digitale tidsalder, og at der er behov

for at investere i IT-færdigheder for at

styrke og kvalificere alle europæere.

(25) Det Europæiske Råd understregede

i sine konklusioner af 19. oktober 2017, at

med henblik på at opbygge et succesrigt

digitalt Europa har Unionen navnlig behov

for arbejdsmarkeder og uddannelses- og

erhvervsuddannelsessystemer, der passer

til den digitale tidsalder, og at der er behov

for at investere i udvikling af IT-

færdigheder og forbedre de digitale

færdigheder for at styrke og kvalificere

alle europæere med en integreret tilgang.

Ændringsforslag 41

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 26 a (ny)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(26a) I betragtning af behovet for en

holistisk tilgang bør der i programmet

også tages hensyn til områder som

inklusion, kvalifikationer, uddannelse og

specialisering, som sammen med

højtudviklede digitale kompetencer er

afgørende for at kunne skabe merværdi i


Ændringsforslag 42

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 27

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(27) I sin beslutning af 1. juni 2017 om

digitalisering af EU's industri67 skrev

Europa-Parlamentet, at uddannelse,

erhvervsuddannelse og livslang læring er

selve grundlaget for social samhørighed i

et digitalt samfund.

(27) I sin beslutning af 1. juni 2017 om

digitalisering af EU's industri67 skrev

Europa-Parlamentet, at uddannelse,

erhvervsuddannelse og livslang læring er

selve grundlaget for social samhørighed i

et digitalt samfund. Det forlangte

endvidere, at kønsaspektet skulle

inkorporeres i alle digitale initiativer, og

fremhævede behovet for at afhjælpe den

alvorlige kønsskævhed i IKT-sektoren, da

dette er afgørende for Europas vækst og

velstand på lang sigt.

__________________ __________________

67 Dokumentreference: A8-0183/2017 kan

findes på:


67 Dokumentreference: A8-0183/2017 kan

findes på:


Ændringsforslag 43

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 27 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(27 a) I sin beslutning af 28. april 2016

om ligestilling mellem kønnene og

PE625.457v02-00 28/305 RR\1170470DA.docx


styrkelse af kvinders position i den

digitale tidsalder understregede Europa-

Parlamentet behovet for indsamling af

kønsopdelte data vedrørende brugen af

IKT samt for udarbejdelse af mål,

indikatorer og benchmarks til at følge

fremskridt med hensyn til kvinders

adgang til IKT og fremme eksempler på

bedste praksis blandt virksomheder.

Ændringsforslag 44

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 27 b (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(27 b) I sin beslutning af 21. december

2015, På vej mod en akt for det digitale

indre marked, gav Europa-Parlamentet

udtryk for sin fulde støtte og opfordrede til

en digital iværksætterkultur for kvinder

og deres integration og deltagelse i


Ændringsforslag 45

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 28

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(28) De avancerede digitale teknologier,

der støttes af programmet, som f.eks.

højtydende databehandling, cybersikkerhed

og kunstig intelligens, er nu tilstrækkelig

modne til, at de kan flyttes ud af

forskningsområdet med henblik på

udrulning, gennemførelse og opskalering

på EU-niveau. Ligesom udrulningen af

teknologierne kræver en indsats på EU-

niveau, gør udviklingen af færdigheder det

også. Uddannelsesmulighederne inden for

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder skal

opskaleres, udbredes og gøres tilgængelige

i hele EU. Hvis dette ikke sker, kan det

forhindre en gnidningsløs udrulning af de

(28) De avancerede digitale teknologier,

der støttes af programmet, som f.eks.

højtydende databehandling,

cybersikkerhed, cloudcomputing,

databeskyttelse og

informationsforvaltning og kunstig

intelligens, er nu tilstrækkelig modne til, at

de kan flyttes ud af forskningsområdet med

henblik på udrulning, gennemførelse og

opskalering på EU-niveau. Ligesom

udrulningen af teknologierne kræver en

indsats på EU-niveau, gør udviklingen af

færdigheder det også. Lærings- og

uddannelsesmulighederne inden for

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder skal

RR\1170470DA.docx 29/305 PE625.457v02-00


avancerede digitale teknologier og skade

den overordnede konkurrenceevne i EU's

økonomi. De foranstaltninger, der støttes

med programmet, supplerer de tiltag, der

støttes gennem ESF, EFRU og Horisont


opskaleres, udbredes og gøres tilgængelige

i hele EU. Hvis dette ikke sker, kan det

forhindre en gnidningsløs udrulning af de

avancerede digitale teknologier og skade

den overordnede konkurrenceevne i EU's

økonomi. De foranstaltninger, der støttes

med programmet, supplerer de tiltag, der

støttes gennem ESF, EFRU, ERASMUS og

Horisont Europa.

Ændringsforslag 46

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 29

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(29) Modernisering af de offentlige

forvaltninger og tjenester ved hjælp af

digitale midler er af afgørende betydning

for at kunne nedbringe den administrative

byrde for industrien og borgerne generelt

ved at gøre deres interaktioner med de

offentlige myndigheder hurtigere, mindre

besværlige og billigere samt ved at øge

effektiviteten og kvaliteten af de tjenester,

der ydes borgere og virksomheder.

Eftersom en række tjenester af offentlig

interesse allerede har en EU-dimension,

bør støtten til deres gennemførelse og

udrulning på EU-niveau sikre, at borgere

og virksomheder kommer til at drage

fordel af adgangen til digitale tjenester af

høj kvalitet i hele Europa.

(29) Modernisering af de offentlige

forvaltninger og tjenester ved hjælp af

digitale midler er af afgørende betydning

for at kunne nedbringe den administrative

byrde for borgerne og industrien ved at

gøre deres interaktioner med de offentlige

myndigheder hurtigere, mindre besværlige

og billigere samt ved at øge effektiviteten,

gennemsigtigheden og kvaliteten af de

tjenester, der ydes borgere og

virksomheder, og samtidig øge

effektiviteten af de offentlige udgifter.

Eftersom en række tjenester af offentlig

interesse allerede har en EU-dimension,

bør støtten til deres gennemførelse og

udrulning på EU-niveau sikre, at borgere

og virksomheder vil kunne drage fordel af

adgangen til flersprogede digitale tjenester

af høj kvalitet i hele Europa. Det er også

vigtigt, at disse tjenester er tilgængelige

for mennesker med handicap.

Ændringsforslag 47

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 29 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

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(29a) Digitalisering kan fremme og

forbedre uhindret tilgængelighed for alle,

herunder ældre, personer med nedsat

mobilitet eller et handicap samt personer i

fjerntliggende områder eller


Ændringsforslag 48

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 30

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(30) Den digitale omstilling af områder

af offentlig interesse, som f.eks.

sundhedspleje68, mobilitet, retsvæsen,

overvågning af jorden/miljøet, uddannelse

og kultur, kræver, at

digitaltjenesteinfrastrukturerne videreføres

og udbygges, idet de muliggør sikker

udveksling af data på tværs af grænserne

og fremmer den nationale udvikling. En

koordinering af dem i henhold til denne

forordning når bedst målet om at udnytte

potentielle synergier.

(30) Den digitale omstilling af områder

af offentlig interesse, som f.eks.

sundhedspleje68, mobilitet, retsvæsen,

overvågning af jorden/miljøet, sikkerhed,

reduktion af kulstofemissioner,

energiinfrastruktur, uddannelse og

erhvervsuddannelse og kultur, kræver, at

digitaltjenesteinfrastrukturerne videreføres,

opgraderes og udbygges, idet de muliggør

sikker udveksling af data og oplysninger

på tværs af grænserne og på tværs af

sprogene og fremmer den nationale

udvikling. En koordinering af dem i

henhold til denne forordning når bedst

målet om at udnytte potentielle synergier

og sikre komplementaritet. Den digitale

omstilling bør ikke desto mindre tage

hensyn til, at visse borgere, af forskellige

årsager, ikke er en del af den, og netværk

bør støttes til fortsat at informere disse

borgere, således at de kan bibeholde deres

rettigheder og tage del i alle sociale og

civile pligter.

_________________ _________________





Ændringsforslag 49

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 30 a (ny)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(30a) Den digitale omstilling i denne

sektor bør under alle omstændigheder

give europæiske borgere mulighed for at

få adgang til egne data, anvende og

forvalte disse på sikker vis på tværs af

grænserne uanset borgernes og dataenes

fysiske lokalitet.

Ændringsforslag 50

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 30 b (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(30b) Anvendelsen af og adgangen til

højtudviklede teknologier på områder af

offentlig interesse, såsom uddannelse, vil

også kræve oplæring i de færdigheder, der

er nødvendige for at kunne gøre brug af

disse teknologier. Som følge heraf bør

målene, der fremgår af specifikt mål nr. 8,

endvidere omfatte

undervisningsprogrammer for personer,

der kommer til at gøre brug af den

avancerede teknologi.

Ændringsforslag 51

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 32

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(32) Moderniseringen af de europæiske

offentlige forvaltninger er en af de centrale

forudsætninger for en vellykket

gennemførelse strategien for et digitalt

indre marked. I midtvejsevalueringen af

strategien blev det understreget, at der er

behov for at styrke omstillingen af de

offentlige forvaltninger og sikre, at

borgerne har nem, pålidelig og problemfri

adgang til de offentlige tjenester.

(32) Moderniseringen af de europæiske

offentlige forvaltninger er en af de centrale

forudsætninger for en vellykket

gennemførelse strategien for et digitalt

indre marked. I midtvejsevalueringen af

strategien blev det understreget, at der er

behov for at styrke omstillingen af de

offentlige forvaltninger og sikre, at

borgerne har nem, pålidelig, sikker,

problemfri og inklusiv adgang til de

PE625.457v02-00 32/305 RR\1170470DA.docx


offentlige tjenester.

Ændringsforslag 52

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 33

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(33) Kommissionens årlige

vækstundersøgelse fra 201769 viser, at

kvaliteten af de europæiske offentlige

forvaltninger har direkte indflydelse på det

økonomiske miljø og derfor er afgørende

for at stimulere produktivitet,

konkurrenceevne, økonomisk samarbejde,

vækst og beskæftigelse. Navnlig er det

nødvendigt med en effektiv og

gennemsigtig offentlig forvaltning og

effektive retssystemer for at understøtte

økonomisk vækst og levere tjenester af høj

kvalitet til virksomheder og borgere.

(33) Kommissionens årlige

vækstundersøgelse fra 201769 viser, at

kvaliteten af de europæiske offentlige

forvaltninger har direkte indflydelse på det

økonomiske miljø og derfor er afgørende

for at stimulere produktivitet,

konkurrenceevne, økonomisk samarbejde,

bæredygtig vækst, beskæftigelse og

arbejde af høj kvalitet. Navnlig er det

nødvendigt med en effektiv og

gennemsigtig offentlig forvaltning og

effektive retssystemer for at understøtte

økonomisk vækst og levere tjenester af høj

kvalitet til virksomheder og borgere.

__________________ __________________

69 COM(2016) 725 final. 69 COM(2016) 725 final.

Ændringsforslag 53

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 34

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(34) Interoperabiliteten mellem de

europæiske offentlige tjenester vedrører

alle forvaltningsniveauer: EU-plan og

nationalt, regionalt og lokalt plan. Ud over

at fjerne hindringerne for et velfungerende

indre marked, gør interoperabilitet det

lettere at gennemføre politikker og rummer

et stort potentiale med hensyn til at undgå

elektroniske barrierer i forbindelse med

overskridelse af grænserne og fremme

opkomsten af nye, eller konsolidere

udviklingen af eksisterende, fælles

offentlige tjenester på EU-plan. For at

(34) Interoperabiliteten mellem de

europæiske offentlige tjenester vedrører

alle forvaltningsniveauer: EU-plan og

nationalt, regionalt og lokalt plan. Ud over

at fjerne hindringerne for et velfungerende

indre marked er interoperabilitet med til at

fremme grænseoverskridende samarbejde

og tilpasning af fælles standarder, gør det

lettere at gennemføre politikker og rummer

et stort potentiale med hensyn til at undgå

elektroniske barrierer og sprogbarrierer i

forbindelse med overskridelse af

grænserne, mindske bureaukratiet og

RR\1170470DA.docx 33/305 PE625.457v02-00


afhjælpe fragmenteringen af de europæiske

tjenester, understøtte de grundlæggende

frihedsrettigheder og gennemførelsen af

gensidig anerkendelse i EU bør en

helhedsorienteret, tværsektoriel og

grænseoverskridende tilgang til

interoperabilitet fremmes på den mest

effektive måde og på en måde, som bedst

opfylder brugernes behov. Dette indebærer,

at interoperabilitet forstås i bred forstand,

så termen dækker alt fra tekniske til

juridisk lag og omfatter alle

politikelementer på området. Følgelig bør

viften af aktiviteter gå ud over løsningernes

almindelige livscyklus for at inkludere alle

de interventionselementer, der vil

understøtte de nødvendige

rammebetingelser for vedvarende

interoperabilitet i almindelighed.

fremme opkomsten af nye, eller

konsolidere udviklingen af eksisterende,

fælles offentlige tjenester på EU-plan samt

undgå unødig dobbelt lagring. For at

afhjælpe fragmenteringen af de europæiske

tjenester, understøtte de grundlæggende

frihedsrettigheder og gennemførelsen af

gensidig anerkendelse i EU bør en

helhedsorienteret, teknologineutral,

tværsektoriel og grænseoverskridende

tilgang til interoperabilitet fremmes på den

mest effektive måde og på en måde, som

bedst opfylder brugernes behov og sikrer

et højt niveau af databeskyttelse. Dette

indebærer, at interoperabilitet forstås i bred

forstand, så termen dækker alt fra tekniske

til juridisk lag og omfatter alle

politikelementer på området. Følgelig bør

viften af aktiviteter gå ud over løsningernes

almindelige livscyklus for at inkludere alle

de interventionselementer, der vil

understøtte de nødvendige

rammebetingelser for vedvarende

interoperabilitet i almindelighed.

Ændringsforslag 54

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 34 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(34 a) Den 6. oktober 2017 erklærede

EU-ministrene i Tallinn, at den

europæiske digitale strategi skulle være

baseret på samarbejde og

interoperabilitet, herunder brugen af åbne

licenspolitikker og åbne standarder.

Programmet skulle derfor fremme open

source-løsninger for at muliggøre

genanvendelse, øge tilliden og sikre

gennemsigtighed. Dette vil have en positiv

indvirkning på bæredygtigheden af

finansierede projekter.

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Ændringsforslag 55

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 37

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(37) I april 2016 vedtog Kommissionen

initiativet til digitalisering af EU's industri

for at sikre, at alle industrier i Europa, store

som små, kan få adgang til fordelene ved

digitale innovationer, uanset hvor de ligger

og i hvilken sektor de befinder sig.71

(37) I april 2016 vedtog Kommissionen

initiativet til digitalisering af EU's industri

for at sikre, at alle industrier i Europa, store

som små, kan få adgang til fordelene ved

digitale innovationer, uanset hvor de ligger

og i hvilken sektor de befinder sig. Dette

har særlig betydning for små og

mellemstore virksomheder i de kulturelle

og kreative sektorer.



Ændringsforslag 56

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 39

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(39) For at nå målene kan det blive

nødvendigt at udnytte de komplementære

teknologier inden for netværk og

databehandling, som det fremgår af

meddelelsen "Digitalisering af EU's

industri"73, hvori "adgang til netværk og

cloudinfrastruktur i verdensklasse"

betragtes som en væsentlig forudsætning

for digitalisering af industrien.

(39) For at nå målene kan det blive

nødvendigt at udnytte de komplementære

teknologier inden for netværk og

databehandling, som det fremgår af

meddelelsen "Digitalisering af EU's

industri", hvori "adgang til netværk og

cloudinfrastruktur i verdensklasse"

betragtes som en væsentlig komponent i

forbindelse med digitalisering af


__________________ __________________

73 COM(2016) 180 final: Digitalisering af

EU's industri – Fuldt udbytte af det digitale

indre marked.

73 COM(2016) 180 final: Digitalisering af

EU's industri – Fuldt udbytte af det digitale

indre marked.

Ændringsforslag 57

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 40

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(40) Den generelle


(persondataforordningen), der finder

anvendelse fra maj 2018 og frem, og som

indeholder et fælles sæt regler, der finder

direkte anvendelse i medlemsstaternes

retssystemer, vil sikre fri udveksling af

personoplysninger mellem EU's

medlemsstater og styrke forbrugernes tillid

og sikkerhed, der er to uundværlige

elementer i et reelt digitalt indre marked.

De foranstaltninger, der er omfattet af

nærværende program, bør, når de vedrører

behandling af personoplysninger, derfor

understøtte anvendelsen af

persondataforordningen, f.eks. inden for

kunstig intelligens og blockchain-


(40) Forordning (EU) 2016/679, som

indeholder et fælles sæt regler, der finder

direkte anvendelse i medlemsstaternes

retssystemer, sikrer fri udveksling af

personoplysninger mellem EU's

medlemsstater og styrker forbrugernes

tillid og sikkerhed, der er to uundværlige

elementer i et reelt digitalt indre marked.

De foranstaltninger, der er omfattet af

nærværende program, bør, når de vedrører

behandling af personoplysninger, derfor

være i fuld overensstemmelse med denne

forordning. De bør navnlig støtte

udviklingen af digitale teknologier, der er

i overensstemmelse med forpligtelserne

"indbygget databeskyttelse", som er

bindende i henhold til forordningen. For

så vidt som behandlingen omfatter

elektroniske kommunikationsdata, skal

der tages behørigt hensyn til Europa-

Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv

2002/58/EF.1a De bør navnlig støtte

udviklingen af digitale teknologier, der er

i overensstemmelse med de forpligtelser til

"indbygget databeskyttelse", som er

bindende ifølge persondataforordningen.


1a Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv

2002/58/EF af 12. juli 2002 om

behandling af personoplysninger og

beskyttelse af privatlivets fred i den

elektroniske kommunikationssektor

(direktivet om privatlivets fred og

elektronisk kommunikation) (EFT L 201

af 31.7.2002, s. 37).

Ændringsforslag 58

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 41

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(41) Programmet bør gennemføres under (41) Programmet bør gennemføres under

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fuldstændig overholdelse af de

internationale retsregler og EU-retsreglerne

for beskyttelse og håndhævelse af

intellektuel ejendomsret. Effektiv

beskyttelse af intellektuel ejendomsret

spiller en afgørende rolle for innovation, og

er derfor nødvendig for en effektiv

gennemførelse af programmet.

fuldstændig overholdelse af de

internationale retsregler og EU-retsreglerne

for beskyttelse og håndhævelse af

intellektuel ejendomsret. Effektiv

beskyttelse af intellektuel ejendomsret

spiller en afgørende rolle for innovation og

opretholdelse af den europæiske

merværdi, og er derfor nødvendig for en

effektiv gennemførelse af programmet.

Ændringsforslag 59

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 42

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(42) De organer, der gennemfører

programmet, bør overholde de

bestemmelser, der gælder for EU-

institutionerne samt national lovgivning

vedrørende behandling af oplysninger,

herunder navnlig følsomme

ikkeklassificerede oplysninger og EU-

klassificerede oplysninger.

(42) I det omfang de organer, der

gennemfører programmet, håndterer

følsomme ikkeklassificerede oplysninger

eller klassificerede EU-oplysninger, bør

de overholde de relevante bestemmelser i

EU-retsakter eller national lovgivning

vedrørende behandling af oplysninger, alt

efter hvad der er relevant.

Ændringsforslag 60

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 43

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(43) For at understrege betydningen af at

imødegå klimaændringerne i

overensstemmelse med Unionens

forpligtelser til at gennemføre Parisaftalen

og realisere FN's mål for bæredygtig

udvikling vil programmet bidrage til at

integrere klimaindsatsen og realisere det

overordnede mål, nemlig at 25 % af

udgifterne i EU-budgettet skal gå til

finansiering af støtte til klimamål 74.

Relevante foranstaltninger vil blive

identificeret under forberedelserne og

gennemførelsen af programmet og

revurderet som led i de relevante

(43) For at understrege betydningen af at

imødegå klimaændringerne i

overensstemmelse med Unionens

forpligtelser til at gennemføre Parisaftalen

og realisere FN's mål for bæredygtig

udvikling vil programmet bidrage til at

integrere klimaindsatsen og hjælpe med at

realisere det overordnede mål, nemlig at 25

% af udgifterne i EU-budgettet skal gå til

finansiering af støtte til klimamål 74.

Relevante foranstaltninger bør

identificeres under forberedelserne og

gennemførelsen af programmet og

revurderes som led i de relevante

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evaluerings- og revisionsprocedurer. evaluerings- og revisionsprocesser for at

sikre fuld overholdelse af disse


_________________ _________________

74 COM(2018) 321 final, s. 1. 74 COM(2018) 321 final, s. 1.

Ændringsforslag 61

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 44

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(44) Med henblik på at sikre ens

betingelser for gennemførelsen af denne

forordning bør Kommissionen tillægges

gennemførelsesbeføjelser med henblik på

vedtagelsen af arbejdsprogrammerne, så

programmets mål kan realiseres i

overensstemmelse med Unionens og

medlemsstaternes prioriteter, alt imens det

sikres, at Unionens og medlemsstaternes

fælles indsats er sammenhængende,

gennemsigtig og kontinuerlig. Disse

beføjelser bør udøves i overensstemmelse

med rådgivningsproceduren i artikel 4 i

Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets

forordning (EU) nr. 182/201175 om de

generelle regler og principper for,

hvordan medlemsstaterne skal kontrollere

Kommissionens udøvelse af




75 Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets

forordning (EU) nr. 182/2011 af 16.

februar 2011 om de generelle regler og

principper for, hvordan medlemsstaterne

skal kontrollere Kommissionens udøvelse

af gennemførelsesbeføjelser (EUT L 55 af

28.2.2011, s. 13).

Ændringsforslag 62

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 45

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(45) Arbejdsprogrammerne bør i

princippet vedtages som flerårige

arbejdsprogrammer, typisk hvert andet år,

eller, hvis det er berettiget af hensyn til

gennemførelsen af programmet, som årlige

arbejdsprogrammer. Finansieringstyper og

gennemførelsesmetoder i medfør af denne

forordning bør vælges på grundlag af, om

de giver mulighed for at nå de specifikke

mål for foranstaltningerne og give

resultater, idet der navnlig tages hensyn til

kontrolomkostningerne, den administrative

byrde og den forventede risiko for

manglende overholdelse. Dette bør omfatte

overvejelser om anvendelsen af faste

beløb, faste takster og enhedsomkostninger

samt finansiering, der ikke er knyttet til

omkostningerne, som omhandlet i artikel

125, stk. 1, i finansforordningen.

(45) Der bør vedtages

arbejdsprogrammer, så programmets mål

kan realiseres i overensstemmelse med

Unionens og medlemsstaternes prioriteter,

alt imens det sikres, at Unionens og

medlemsstaternes fælles indsats er

sammenhængende, gennemsigtig og

kontinuerlig. Arbejdsprogrammerne bør i

princippet vedtages hvert andet år, eller,

hvis det er berettiget af hensyn til

gennemførelsen af programmet, på

årsbasis. Finansieringstyper og

gennemførelsesmetoder i medfør af denne

forordning bør vælges på grundlag af, om

de giver mulighed for at nå de specifikke

mål for foranstaltningerne og give

resultater, idet der navnlig tages hensyn til

kontrolomkostningerne, den administrative

byrde og den forventede risiko for

manglende overholdelse. Dette bør omfatte

overvejelser om anvendelsen af faste

beløb, faste takster og enhedsomkostninger

samt finansiering, der ikke er knyttet til

omkostningerne, som omhandlet i artikel

125, stk. 1, i finansforordningen.

Ændringsforslag 63

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 46

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(46) Beføjelsen til at vedtage retsakter i

overensstemmelse med artikel 290 i

traktaten om Den Europæiske Unions

funktionsmåde bør delegeres til

Kommissionen for så vidt angår ændringer

til bilag II med henblik på at revidere

og/eller supplere indikatorerne. Det er

navnlig vigtigt, at Kommissionen

gennemfører relevante høringer under sit

forberedende arbejde, herunder på

ekspertniveau, og at disse høringer

gennemføres i overensstemmelse med

(46) Beføjelsen til at vedtage retsakter i

overensstemmelse med artikel 290 i

traktaten om Den Europæiske Unions

funktionsmåde bør delegeres til

Kommissionen for så vidt angår ændringer

til bilag I og II med henblik på at revidere

og/eller supplere indikatorerne. Det er

navnlig vigtigt, at Kommissionen

gennemfører relevante høringer under sit

forberedende arbejde, herunder på

ekspertniveau, og at disse høringer

gennemføres i overensstemmelse med

RR\1170470DA.docx 39/305 PE625.457v02-00


principperne i den interinstitutionelle aftale

af 13. april 2016 om bedre lovgivning. For

at sikre lige deltagelse i forberedelsen af

delegerede retsakter modtager Europa-

Parlamentet og Rådet navnlig alle

dokumenter på samme tid som

medlemsstaternes eksperter, og deres

eksperter har systematisk adgang til møder

i Kommissionens ekspertgrupper, der

beskæftiger sig med forberedelse af

delegerede retsakter.

principperne i den interinstitutionelle aftale

af 13. april 2016 om bedre lovgivning. For

at sikre lige deltagelse i forberedelsen af

delegerede retsakter modtager Europa-

Parlamentet og Rådet navnlig alle

dokumenter på samme tid som

medlemsstaternes eksperter, og deres

eksperter har systematisk adgang til møder

i Kommissionens ekspertgrupper, der

beskæftiger sig med forberedelse af

delegerede retsakter.

Ændringsforslag 64

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 46 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(46a) For at sikre, vedligeholde og

udvikle en langsigtet finansiering af

programmet for det digitale Europa

kræves der klare, fælles EU-regler, som er

fremtidsorienterede og

konkurrencefremmende, med henblik på

at øge investeringerne og innovationen

samt bevare prisoverkommeligheden.

Ændringsforslag 65

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 47

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(47) Bestemmelserne i denne

forordning er i overensstemmelse med de

grundlæggende rettigheder og Den

Europæiske Unions charter om

grundlæggende rettigheder, navnlig

bestemmelserne i artikel [8], [11], [16],

[21], [35], [38] og [47] vedrørende

beskyttelse af personoplysninger, ytrings-

og informationsfrihed, retten til at drive

egen virksomhed, forbuddet mod

forskelsbehandling, retten til

sundhedsydelser, forbrugerbeskyttelse og

(47) Handlinger, som falder ind under

programmets anvendelsesområde, bør

respektere de grundlæggende rettigheder

og især Den Europæiske Unions charter

om grundlæggende rettigheder, navnlig

bestemmelserne i artikel [8], [11], [16],

[21], [22], [35], [38], [41] og [47]

vedrørende beskyttelse af

personoplysninger, ytrings- og

informationsfrihed, retten til at drive egen

virksomhed, forbuddet mod

forskelsbehandling, sproglig

PE625.457v02-00 40/305 RR\1170470DA.docx


retten til adgang til effektive retsmidler og

til upartisk domstolsprøvelse.

Medlemsstaterne skal anvende

forordningen i overensstemmelse med

disse rettigheder og principper.

mangfoldighed og retten til at

kommunikere på alle EU's sprog, retten til

sundhedsydelser, forbrugerbeskyttelse og

retten til adgang til effektive retsmidler og

til upartisk domstolsprøvelse Sådanne

handlinger skal være i overensstemmelse

med enhver retslig forpligtelse, herunder

international lovgivning og eventuelle

relevante beslutninger fra Kommissionen,

samt med etiske principper, hvilket

omfatter at forhindre overtrædelse af


Ændringsforslag 66

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 47 a (ny)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(47a) I april 2018 forpligtede

Kommissionen1a sig til at fastsætte en

ramme, hvor interessenter og eksperter

kunne udarbejde retningslinjer for

kunstig intelligens i samarbejde med Den

Europæiske Gruppe vedrørende Etik

inden for Naturvidenskab og Ny

Teknologi. Kommissionen støtter på

nationalt plan og på EU-plan

forbrugerorganisationer og


i at opbygge en forståelse af applikationer

med kunstig intelligens med input fra Den

Europæiske Rådgivende

Forbrugergruppe og Det Europæiske



1a Meddelelse af 25.4.2018 om kunstig

intelligens for Europa, COM(2018)0237,






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Ændringsforslag 67

Forslag til forordning

Betragtning 48

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

(48) Tredjelande, der indgår i Det

Europæiske Økonomiske

Samarbejdsområde (EØS), må deltage i

Unionens programmer inden for

rammerne af det samarbejde, der er

etableret ved EØS-aftalen, hvori det

bestemmes, at programmerne kan

gennemføres ved en afgørelse, der træffes

i henhold til denne aftale. Der bør

indføres en særlig bestemmelse i denne

forordning om at give den ansvarlige

anvisningsberettigede, Det Europæiske

Kontor for Bekæmpelse af Svig (OLAF)

og Den Europæiske Revisionsret de

fornødne rettigheder og den fornødne

adgang med henblik på fuld udøvelse af

deres respektive beføjelser.


Ændringsforslag 68

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 1 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Ved denne forordning oprettes programmet

for et digitalt Europa ("programmet").

Ved denne forordning oprettes programmet

for et digitalt Europa ("programmet"), der

skal gennemføres for perioden 1. januar

2021 til 31. december 2027.

Ændringsforslag 69

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 2 – stk. 1 – litra e

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

e) "digitalt innovationsknudepunkt":

en retlig enhed, der er udpeget eller valgt

gennem en åben udbudsprocedure til at

e) "europæisk digitalt

innovationsknudepunkt": en eksisterende

eller ny retlig enhed eller et konsortium af

PE625.457v02-00 42/305 RR\1170470DA.docx


udføre opgaverne i programmet, herunder

give adgang til teknologisk ekspertise og

forsøgsfaciliteter, som f.eks. udstyr og

software, der understøtter industriens

digitale omstilling

retlige enheder, der er udpeget eller valgt

gennem en åben udbudsprocedure til at

udføre opgaverne i programmet, herunder

give adgang til teknologisk ekspertise og

forsøgsfaciliteter, som f.eks. udstyr og

software, der understøtter industriens

digitale omstilling samt fremmer

adgangen til finansielle midler. Det

europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkt er åbent for

erhvervslivet i alle former og størrelser,

især SMV'er, vækstvirksomheder og

offentlige forvaltninger på tværs af hele


Europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter skal fungere

som one-stop-shops, hvor virksomheder,

navnlig SMV'er, nyetablerede

virksomheder og midcapselskaber, kan få

hjælp til at forbedre deres virksomhed,

produktionsprocesser, produkter og

tjenesteydelser ved hjælp af digital

teknologi, der kan medføre merværdi.

Knudepunkterne vil derfor skabe et

decentraliseret netværk på tværs af

Unionen og tilbyde støtte til virksomheder

for at sikre, at deres medarbejderes

kompetencer matcher den ekspertise, der

kræves for at håndtere den digitale

teknologi. Knudepunkterne koordinerer

også med uddannelsesudbydere med

henblik på at støtte uddannelse for

studerende og oplæring på arbejdspladsen

for arbejdstagere

Ændringsforslag 70

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 2 – stk. 1 – litra f a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

fa) "mediekundskab": udvikling af de

analytiske færdigheder, der er nødvendige

for at kunne forstå og navigere i den

digitale verden

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Ændringsforslag 71

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 2 – stk. 1 – litra f b (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

fb) "europæisk partnerskab": et

initiativ, hvor Unionen sammen med

private og/eller offentlige partnere (såsom

industrien, forskningsorganisationer,

organer med offentlige tjenester på lokalt,

regionalt, nationalt eller internationalt

plan eller borgersamfundsorganisationer,

herunder foreninger, SMV-

organisationer) forpligter sig til i

fællesskab at støtte udviklingen og

gennemførelsen af digital innovation og

teknologiske implementeringsaktiviteter,

herunder i forbindelse med markeds-, lov-

eller politikudbredelse

Ændringsforslag 72

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 2 – stk. 1 – litra f c (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

fc) "små og mellemstore

virksomheder" eller "SMV'er": små og

mellemstore virksomheder som defineret i

artikel 2 i bilaget til Kommissionens

henstilling 2003/361/EU

Ændringsforslag 73

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 2 – stk. 1 – litra f d (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

fd) "konsortium": en kollaborativ

gruppe af virksomheder, der er stiftet med

henblik på at gennemføre et tiltag i

forbindelse med programmet

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Ændringsforslag 74

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 3 – stk. 1 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Programmet har følgende generelle

mål: at understøtte de europæiske

økonomier og samfunds digitale omstilling

og viderebringe fordelene herved til de

europæiske borgere og virksomheder.

Programmet skal:

1. Programmet har følgende generelle

mål: at understøtte og fremskynde de

europæiske økonomier, industrier og

samfunds digitale omstilling og

viderebringe fordelene herved til de

europæiske borgere, offentlige tjenester og

virksomheder samt styrke den strategiske

selvstændighed og samhørighed i

Unionen og samtidig sikre

konkurrenceevnen og reducere den

digitale kløft. Programmet:

Ændringsforslag 75

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 3 – stk. 1 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) udbrede dens formidling og

anvendelse på områder af offentlig

interesse og i den private sektor.

b) udvide dens formidling og

anvendelse i den private sektor og på

områder af offentlig interesse og dermed

understøtte dens digitale omstilling og

sikre adgang til digitale teknologier

Ændringsforslag 76

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 4 – stk. 1 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) udrulle, koordinere på EU-niveau

og drive en integreret supercomputer- og

datainfrastruktur i exaskala 77 i Unionen,

der er i verdensklasse, og som er

tilgængelig på ikkekommercielle vilkår for

offentlige og private brugere og til

offentligt finansierede forskningsformål

a) udrulle, koordinere på EU-niveau

og drive en interoperabel supercomputer-

og datainfrastruktur i exaskala 77 i

Unionen, der er i verdensklasse, og som er

tilgængelig for offentlige og private

brugere og til offentligt og privat

finansierede forskningsformål

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__________________ __________________

77 Milliarder og atter milliarder af flydende

operationer pr. sekund.

77 Milliarder og atter milliarder af flydende

operationer pr. sekund.

Ændringsforslag 77

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 4 – stk. 1 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) udrulle brugsklare/operationelle

teknologier, som er baseret på forskning og

innovation, med henblik på at opbygge et

integreret, højtydende

databehandlingsøkosystem i Unionen, der

omfatter alle videnskabelige og industrielle

segmenter i værdikæden, herunder

hardware, software, applikationer,

tjenester, sammenkoblinger og IT-


b) udrulle brugsklare/operationelle

teknologier, som er baseret på forskning og

innovation, med henblik på at opbygge et

integreret, højtydende

databehandlingsøkosystem i Unionen, der

omfatter alle videnskabelige og industrielle

segmenter i værdikæden, herunder

hardware, software, applikationer,

tjenester, sammenkoblinger og IT-

færdigheder, og samtidig sikre et højt

sikkerheds- og beskyttelsesniveau for


Ændringsforslag 78

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 4 – stk. 1 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) udrulle og drive en post-

exaskalainfrastruktur 78, hvilket bl.a.

omfatter integrering med

kvantecomputerteknologier, og udvikle nye


c) udrulle og drive en post-

exaskalainfrastruktur 78, hvilket bl.a.

omfatter integrering med

kvantecomputerteknologier, og udvikle nye

forskningsinfrastrukturer fremme

udviklingen inden for Unionen af

hardware og software, som er nødvendig

for en sådan implementering til datalogi.

__________________ __________________

78 Tusind gange hurtigere end exaskala. 78 Tusind gange hurtigere end exaskala.

Ændringsforslag 79

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Forslag til forordning

Artikel 4 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1a. Foranstaltningerne under specifikt

mål nr. 1 gennemføres hovedsageligt

gennem fællesforetagendet foreslået af

Kommissionen og godkendt af

Ministerrådet den 25. juni 2018 i

overensstemmelse med Europa-

Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU)



1aForordning om oprettelse af et

europæisk fællesforetagende for

højtydende databehandling 10594/18.

Bruxelles, den 18. september 2018 (OR.



Ændringsforslag 80

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 5 – stk. 1 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) opbygge og styrke den

grundlæggende kapacitet inden for kunstig

intelligens i Unionen, herunder

dataressourcer og algoritmebiblioteker,

som lever op til databeskyttelseslovgivningen

a) opbygge og styrke den

grundlæggende kapacitet inden for kunstig

intelligens i Unionen, herunder

dataressourcer og algoritmebiblioteker. I

overensstemmelse med

databeskyttelseslovgivningen skal AI-

baserede løsninger og ressourcer, der

stilles til rådighed, overholde princippet

om privatlivets fred og indbygget

sikkerhed og sikre, at mennesker forbliver

i centrum for udviklingen og udbredelsen

af kunstig intelligens

Ændringsforslag 81

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 5 – stk. 1 – litra b

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) gøre denne kapacitet tilgængelig for

alle virksomheder og offentlige


b) gøre denne kapacitet tilgængelig for

virksomheder, især SMV'er og

nyetablerede virksomheder, og offentlige

forvaltninger, herunder almennyttige

organisationer, forskningsinstitutioner og


Ændringsforslag 82

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 5 – stk. 1 – litra c a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

ca) udvikle og styrke industrielle

anvendelses- og produktionssystemer,

fremme integrationen af teknologier i

værdikæder, udvikle innovative

forretningsmodeller og reducere tiden fra

innovation til industrialisering og fremme

udbredelsen af AI-baserede løsninger på

områder af offentlig interesse og i


Ændringsforslag 83

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 5 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Foranstaltninger under det specifikke mål

Kunstig intelligens skal udelukkende

gennemføres via direkte forvaltning af

Kommissionen eller et

gennemførelsesorgan på baggrund af en


Ændringsforslag 84

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 5 – stk. 1 b (nyt)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Foranstaltninger, der udføres under

specifikt mål nr. 2, gennemføres under

overholdelse af etiske principper og den

relevante nationale lovgivning, EU-

lovgivning samt international lovgivning,

herunder Den Europæiske Unions

charter om grundlæggende rettigheder og

den europæiske

menneskerettighedskonvention, inklusive

tillægsprotokoller. Kommissionen

fastsætter under hensyntagen til

anbefalingerne fra ekspertgruppen på

højt plan om kunstig intelligens

betingelser relateret til etiske spørgsmål i

arbejdsprogrammerne under specifikt mål

nr. 2. Indkaldelserne eller

tilskudsaftalerne skal indeholde relevante

betingelser som fastsat i

arbejdsprogrammerne. Der foretages en

etisk gennemgang af hvert projekt under

evalueringen af hver foranstaltning.

Foranstaltninger, som ikke er etisk

acceptable, eller som ikke opfylder

aftalens betingelser, er ikke berettiget til


Ændringsforslag 85

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 6 – stk. 1 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) sammen med medlemsstaterne

understøtte anskaffelsen af avanceret

cybersikkerhedsudstyr, værktøj og

datainfrastruktur i fuld overensstemmelse

med databeskyttelseslovgivningen

a) sammen med medlemsstaterne

understøtte anskaffelsen af avanceret

cybersikkerhedsudstyr, værktøj og

datainfrastruktur for at opnå et fælles højt

cybersikkerhedsniveau på europæisk plan i fuld overensstemmelse med

databeskyttelseslovgivningen og de

grundlæggende rettigheder, samtidig med

at EU's strategiske selvstændighed


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Ændringsforslag 86

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 6 – stk. 1 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) støtte den bedste anvendelse af

europæisk viden, kapacitet og færdighed i

forbindelse med cybersikkerhed

b) støtte den bedste anvendelse og

forøgelse af europæisk viden, kapacitet og

færdighed i forbindelse med

cybersikkerhed samt deling og udbredelse

af bedste praksis

Ændringsforslag 87

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 6 – stk. 1 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) sikre en bred udrulning af de

seneste cybersikkerhedsløsninger på tværs

af økonomien

c) sikre en bred udrulning af de

seneste cybersikkerhedsløsninger på tværs

af økonomien med særlig opmærksomhed

på offentlige tjenester og væsentlige

økonomiske aktører som SMV'er

Ændringsforslag 88

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 6 – stk. 1 – litra d

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

d) styrke medlemsstaternes og den

private sektors kapacitet med henblik på at

hjælpe dem til at overholde Europa-

Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv (EU)

2016/1148 af 6. juli 2016 om

foranstaltninger, der skal sikre et højt

fælles sikkerhedsniveau for net- og

informationssystemer i hele Unionen 79.

d) styrke medlemsstaternes og den

private sektors kapacitet med henblik på at

hjælpe dem til at overholde Europa-

Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv (EU)

2016/1148 af 6. juli 2016 om

foranstaltninger, der skal sikre et højt

fælles sikkerhedsniveau for net- og

informationssystemer i hele Unionen 78,

herunder gennem foranstaltninger med

henblik på at udvikle en

cybersikkerhedskultur i organisationerne

__________________ __________________

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79 EUT L 194 af 19.7.2016, s. 1. 79 EUT L 194 af 19.7.2016, s. 1.

Ændringsforslag 89

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 6 – stk. 1 – litra d a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

da) forbedre modstandsdygtigheden

over for cyberangreb, øge kendskabet til

og viden om risici i forbindelse med

grundlæggende sikkerhedsprocesser

blandt brugere, navnlig offentlige

tjenester, SMV'er og nyetablerede

virksomheder, med henblik på at sikre, at

virksomhederne har et grundlæggende

sikkerhedsniveau, såsom ende-til-ende-

kryptering af data og kommunikation og

softwareopdatering, samt tilskynde til

anvendelse af indbygget sikkerhed og

sikkerhed som standard

Ændringsforslag 90

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 6 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Foranstaltningerne under specifikt mål

nr. 3, cybersikkerhed og tillid, skal

hovedsageligt gennemføres via det

europæiske industri-, teknologi- og

forskningskompetencecenter for

cybersikkerhed samt

kompetencenetværket for cybersikkerhed i

overensstemmelse med [Europa-

Parlamentets og Rådets forordning ...1a].


1a Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets

forordning ... om oprettelse af det

europæiske industri-, teknologi- og

forskningskompetencecenter for

cybersikkerhed og netværket af nationale

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Ændringsforslag 91

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 7 – stk. 1 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Med Unionens finansielle tiltag i

forbindelse med specifikt mål nr. 4.

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder understøtter

udviklingen af højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder på områder, der støttes af dette

program, hvilket bidrager til at udvikle

Europas talentmasse, fremme større

professionalisme især inden for højtydende

databehandling, analyse af big data,

cybersikkerhed, distributed ledger-

teknologi, robotteknologi og kunstig

intelligens. Med de finansielle tiltag søges

følgende operationelle mål opfyldt:

Med Unionens finansielle tiltag i

forbindelse med specifikt mål nr. 4.

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder understøtter

udviklingen af højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder på områder, der støttes af dette

program, hvilket bidrager til at udvikle

Unionens talentmasse, reducere den

digitale kløft, fremme større

professionalisme med fokus på balance

mellem kønnene, især inden for

højtydende databehandling, analyse af big

data, cybersikkerhed, distributed ledger-

teknologi, robotteknologi, kunstig

intelligens, cloudcomputing,

kommunikationssystemer og netværk,

databeskyttelseskompetencer og kunstig

intelligens. For at stimulere og forbedre

arbejdsmarkedet samt specialisering i

digitale teknologier og applikationer søges

med de finansielle tiltag følgende

operationelle mål opfyldt:

Ændringsforslag 92

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 7 – stk. 1 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) støtte tilrettelæggelse og afholdelse

af langsigtede uddannelses- og

kursusforløb for studerende, IT-

professionelle og arbejdsstyrken

a) støtte tilrettelæggelse og afholdelse

af langsigtede uddannelses- og

kursusforløb af høj kvalitet for studerende,

lærere, undervisere, IT-professionelle,

forskere og arbejdsstyrken, herunder

offentlige embedsmænd, i samarbejde

med skoler, universiteter og


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Ændringsforslag 93

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 7 – stk. 1 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) støtte udarbejdelse og afholdelse af

kortsigtede uddannelses- og kursusforløb

for entreprenører, ledere af små

virksomheder og arbejdsstyrken

b) støtte udarbejdelse og afholdelse af

kortsigtede uddannelses- og kursusforløb

af høj kvalitet, herunder blandet læring,

for entreprenører, ledere af små

virksomheder og nyetablerede

virksomheder og arbejdsstyrken, herunder

offentlige embedsmænd og selvstændige

Ændringsforslag 94

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 7 – stk. 1 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) støtte oplæring på arbejdspladsen

og praktikophold for studerende, unge

entreprenører og nyuddannede.

c) støtte oplæring på arbejdspladsen af

høj kvalitet, herunder blandet læring, og

praktikophold for studerende, unge

entreprenører og nyuddannede

Ændringsforslag 95

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 7 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Foranstaltningerne under specifikt mål

nr. 4, højtudviklede IT-færdigheder, skal

gennemføres primært gennem direkte

forvaltning af Kommissionen. De

europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter kan fungere

som formidlere af

uddannelsesmuligheder, rådgive

virksomheder og samarbejde med de

relevante kompetencecentre om at sikre

den bredeste geografiske dækning i hele

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Ændringsforslag 96

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Med Unionens finansielle tiltag i

forbindelse med specifikt mål nr. 5.

Udrulning, bedste brug af den digitale

kapacitet og interoperabilitet bør opnå

følgende operationelle mål:

Med Unionens finansielle tiltag i

forbindelse med specifikt mål nr. 5.

Udrulning, bedste brug af den digitale

kapacitet og interoperabilitet bør opnå

følgende operationelle mål, der supplerer

de digitale infrastrukturforanstaltninger

og samtidig reducerer den digitale kløft:

Ændringsforslag 97

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) sikre, at den offentlige sektor og

områder af offentlig interesse, som f.eks.

sundhed og pleje, uddannelse, retsvæsen,

transport, energi, miljø, kulturelle og

kreative sektorer, kan udrulle og tilgå

topmoderne digitale teknologier, især inden

for højtydende databehandling, kunstig

intelligens og cybersikkerhed,

a) sikre, at den offentlige sektor og

områder af offentlig interesse, som f.eks.

sundhed og pleje, uddannelse, retsvæsen,

transport og kommunikation, energi, miljø,

kulturelle og kreative sektorer samt

virksomheder, som er etableret i Unionen,

kan udrulle og tilegne sig de nødvendige

færdigheder gennem uddannelse til at

tilgå topmoderne digitale teknologier, især

inden for højtydende databehandling,

sprogteknologi, kunstig intelligens og


Ændringsforslag 98

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) udrulle, drive og vedligeholde b) udrulle, drive og vedligeholde

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transeuropæiske interoperable

digitaltjenesteinfrastrukturer (og

tilknyttede tjenester) i tillæg til nationale

og regionale foranstaltninger

topmoderne transeuropæiske interoperable

digitaltjenesteinfrastrukturer i hele

Unionen (og tilknyttede tjenester) i tillæg

til nationale og regionale foranstaltninger

Ændringsforslag 99

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) lette europæiske offentlige

forvaltningers, virksomheders og borgeres

udvikling, opdatering og brug af løsninger

og rammer, herunder genbrug af

interoperabilitetsløsninger og -rammer

c) lette europæiske offentlige

forvaltningers, virksomheders og borgeres

udvikling, opdatering og brug af løsninger

og rammer, herunder open source og

genbrug af interoperabilitetsløsninger og -


Ændringsforslag 100

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra d

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

d) tilbyde offentlige forvaltninger

adgang til test af og pilotforsøg med

digitale teknologier, herunder deres

anvendelse på tværs af grænser

d) tilbyde offentlige forvaltninger

adgang til test af, pilotforsøg med og

opskalering af digitale teknologier,

herunder deres anvendelse på tværs af


Ændringsforslag 101

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra e

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

e) støtte udbredelsen af avancerede

digitale og dertil knyttede teknologier,

herunder især højtydende databehandling,

kunstig intelligens, cybersikkerhed og

fremspirende teknologier til EU's industri,

navnlig SMV'er

e) støtte udbredelsen af avancerede

digitale og dertil knyttede teknologier,

herunder især højtydende databehandling,

kunstig intelligens, distributed ledger-

teknologi, cybersikkerhed, databeskyttelse,

cloudcomputing og informationsstyring

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og fremspirende teknologier til EU's

industri, navnlig SMV'er og nyetablerede


Ændringsforslag 102

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra f

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

f) støtte udarbejdelse, test,

implementering og udrulning af

interoperable digitale løsninger til

offentlige forvaltninger på EU-niveau, der

leveres gennem en datadrevet

genanvendelig løsningsplatform, og som

fremmer innovation og skaber en fælles

ramme med henblik på at udnytte de

offentlige forvaltningers tjenester fuldt ud

til fordel for europæiske borgere og


f) støtte udarbejdelse,

vedligeholdelse, test, implementering og

udrulning af interoperable digitale

løsninger til offentlige forvaltninger på

EU-niveau, der leveres gennem en

datadrevet genanvendelig

løsningsplatform, og som fremmer

innovation og skaber en fælles ramme med

henblik på at udnytte de offentlige

forvaltningers tjenester fuldt ud til fordel

for europæiske borgere og virksomheder

Ændringsforslag 103

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra g

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

g) sikre fortsat kapacitet på EU-niveau

til at observere, analysere og tilpasse sig de

digitale tendenser i rivende udvikling, samt

dele og udbrede bedste praksis

g) sikre fortsat kapacitet på EU-niveau

til at stå i spidsen for digital udvikling

samt observere, analysere og tilpasse sig de

digitale tendenser i rivende udvikling, samt

dele og udbrede bedste praksis og fremme

gensidig udveksling af de forskellige

nationale initiativer, hvilket fører til

udvikling af det digitale samfund takket

være et permanent samarbejde mellem

alle berørte parter på EU-plan.

Ændringsforslag 104

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 – litra h

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

h) understøtte et samarbejde med

henblik på at opnå et europæisk økosystem

for betroet infrastruktur, der anvendes

distributed ledger-tjenester og -

applikationer, herunder støtte

interoperabilitet og standardisering og

fremme udrulning af grænseoverskridende

applikationer i hele Unionen

h) understøtte et samarbejde med

henblik på at opnå et europæisk økosystem

for betroet infrastruktur, der anvendes bl.a.

distributed ledger-tjenester og -

applikationer, herunder støtte

interoperabilitet og standardisering og

fremme udrulning af grænseoverskridende

applikationer i hele Unionen baseret på

indbygget sikkerhed og fortrolighed, der

garanterer databeskyttelse og


Ændringsforslag 105

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 8 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Foranstaltningerne under specifikt mål

nr. 5, udrulning, bedste brug af den

digitale kapacitet og interoperabilitet, skal

gennemføres primært gennem direkte

forvaltning af Kommissionen. De

europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter og

kompetencecentre kan fungere som


Ændringsforslag 106

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Finansieringsrammen for

gennemførelsen af programmet for

perioden 2021-2027 er på 9 194 000 000

EUR i løbende priser.

1. Finansieringsrammen for

gennemførelsen af programmet for

perioden 2021-2027 er på 8 192 391 000

EUR i 2018-priser (9 194 000 000 EUR i

løbende priser).

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Ændringsforslag 107

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 2 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) op til 2 698 240 000 EUR til

specifikt mål nr. 1, højtydende


a) op til 2 404 289 438 EUR i 2018-

priser (2 698 240 000 EUR i løbende

priser) til specifikt mål nr. 1, højtydende


Ændringsforslag 108

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 2 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) op til 2 498 369 000 EUR til

specifikt mål nr. 2, kunstig intelligens

b) op til 2 226 192 703 EUR i 2018-

priser (2 498 369 000 EUR i løbende

priser) til specifikt mål nr. 2, kunstig


Ændringsforslag 109

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 2 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) op til 1 998 696 000 EUR til

specifikt mål nr. 3, cybersikkerhed og tillid

c) op til 1 780 954 875 EUR i 2018-

priser (1 998 696 000 EUR i løbende

priser) til specifikt mål nr. 3,

cybersikkerhed og tillid

Ændringsforslag 110

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 2 – litra d

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

d) op til 699 543 000 EUR til specifikt

mål nr. 4, højtudviklede IT-færdigheder

d) op til 623 333 672 EUR i 2018-

priser (699 543 000 EUR i løbende priser)

til specifikt mål nr. 4, højtudviklede IT-

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Ændringsforslag 111

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 2 – litra e

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

e) op til 1 299 152 000 EUR til

specifikt mål nr. 5, udrulning, bedste brug

af den digitale kapacitet og interoperabilitet

e) op til 1 157 620 312 EUR i 2018-

priser (1 299 152 000 EUR i løbende

priser) til specifikt mål nr. 5, udrulning,

bedste brug af den digitale kapacitet og


Ændringsforslag 112

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 9 – stk. 5

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5. Midler, der er tildelt

medlemsstaterne ved delt forvaltning, kan

på disses anmodning overføres til

programmet. Kommissionen forvalter disse

midler direkte i overensstemmelse med

finansforordningens artikel 62, stk. 1, litra

a), eller indirekte i overensstemmelse med

nævnte artikels litra c). De omhandlede

midler anvendes om muligt til fordel for

den pågældende medlemsstat.

5. Midler, der er tildelt

medlemsstaterne ved delt forvaltning, kan

på disses anmodning overføres til

programmet. Kommissionen forvalter disse

midler direkte i overensstemmelse med

finansforordningens artikel 62, stk. 1, litra

a), eller indirekte i overensstemmelse med

nævnte artikels litra c). De omhandlede

midler anvendes om muligt i videst muligt

omfang til fordel for den pågældende


Ændringsforslag 113

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 10 – stk. 1 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Programmet skal være åbent for: udgår

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Ændringsforslag 114

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 10 – stk. 1 – nr. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Medlemmer af Den Europæiske

Frihandelssammenslutning, som er

medlemmer af Det Europæiske

Økonomiske Samarbejdsområder, jf.

betingelserne i EØS-aftalen.

1. Programmet er åbent for

medlemmer af Den Europæiske

Frihandelssammenslutning, som er

medlemmer af Det Europæiske

Økonomiske Samarbejdsområder, jf.

betingelserne i EØS-aftalen.

Ændringsforslag 115

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 10 – stk. 1 – nr. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Tiltrædende lande, kandidatlande

og potentielle kandidatlande i

overensstemmelse med de generelle

principper og betingelser for deres

deltagelse i EU-programmer, som er

fastsat i de respektive rammeaftaler og

Associeringsrådets afgørelser eller

lignende aftaler, og i overensstemmelse

med de specifikke betingelser i aftaler

mellem Unionen og de pågældende lande.

2. Fuld eller delvis tilknytning til

programmet for tredjelande, der ikke er

henvist til i stk. 1, baseres på individuel

vurdering af de specifikke mål i

overensstemmelse med de betingelser, som

er fastsat i en særlig aftale, som omfatter

deltagelse af det pågældende tredjeland i

et EU-program, forudsat at denne særlige

aftale fuldt ud overholder følgende


- det pågældende tredjelands

deltagelse er i Unionens interesse

- deltagelsen bidrager til at nå de

mål, der fastsættes i artikel 3

- deltagelsen giver ikke anledning til

sikkerhedsproblemer og respekterer fuldt

ud de relevante sikkerhedskrav i artikel 12

- aftalen sikrer en rimelig balance,

for så vidt angår bidrag og fordele for det

tredjeland, som deltager i Unionens


- aftalen fastsætter betingelser for

deltagelse i programmerne, herunder

beregningen af finansielle bidrag til de

enkelte programmer og dets

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administrationsomkostninger Disse

bidrag udgør formålsbestemte indtægter i

henhold til den nye finansforordnings

artikel [21, stk. 5],

- aftalen indrømmer ikke

tredjelandet beslutningskompetence over


- Aftalen garantere Unionens ret til

at sikre en forsvarlig økonomisk

forvaltning og beskytte sine finansielle


Ændringsforslag 116

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 10 – stk. 1 – nr. 2 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2a. I forbindelse med udarbejdelsen af

arbejdsprogrammer vurderer

Kommissionen eller andre relevante

gennemførelsesorganer fra gang til gang,

om betingelserne i aftalen som omhandlet

i stk. 2 er opfyldt for de foranstaltninger,

der indgår i arbejdsprogrammerne.

Ændringsforslag 117

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 10 – stk. 1 – nr. 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Lande omfattet af den europæiske

naboskabspolitik i overensstemmelse med

de generelle principper og betingelser for

disse landes deltagelse i EU-programmer,

som er fastsat i de respektive

rammeaftaler og Associeringsrådets

afgørelser eller lignende aftaler, og i

overensstemmelse med de specifikke

betingelser i aftaler mellem EU og disse



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Ændringsforslag 118

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 10 – stk. 1 – nr. 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4. Tredjelande i overensstemmelse

med de betingelser, der er fastsat i en

særlig aftale om tredjelandets deltagelse i

Unionens programmer, forudsat at der i



— sikres en rimelig balance for så

vidt angår bidrag og fordele for det

tredjeland, som deltager i Unionens


— fastsættes betingelser for

deltagelse i programmerne, herunder

beregningen af finansielle bidrag til de

enkelte programmer og deres

administrative omkostninger. Disse bidrag

udgør formålsbestemte indtægter i

henhold til artikel [21, stk. 5] i [den nye


— ikke indrømmes tredjelandet

beslutningskompetence over programmet

— garanteres Unionen ret til at sikre

en forsvarlig økonomisk forvaltning og

beskytte sine finansielle interesser.

Ændringsforslag 119

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 11 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Samarbejdet med de tredjelande og

organisationer, der er nævnt i stk. 1 under

specifikt mål nr. 3, cybersikkerhed og

tillid, er omfattet af artikel [12].

2. Samarbejdet med de tredjelande og

organisationer, der er nævnt i stk. 1 under

specifikt mål nr. 1, højtydende

databehandling, 2, kunstig intelligens og

3, cybersikkerhed og tillid, er omfattet af

artikel [12].

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Ændringsforslag 120

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 12 – stk. 5

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5. I arbejdsprogrammet kan det også

fastsættes, at retlige enheder etableret i

associerede lande og retlige enheder

etableret i Unionen, som kontrolleres fra

tredjelande, ikke kan deltage i alle eller

nogle af foranstaltningerne under specifikt

mål nr. 3 af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager. I

disse tilfælde er indkaldelser af forslag og

bud begrænset til enheder, der er etableret

eller anses for etableret i en medlemsstat

og kontrolleres af en medlemsstat og/eller

statsborgere i en medlemsstat.

5. I arbejdsprogrammet kan det også

fastsættes, at retlige enheder etableret i

associerede lande og retlige enheder

etableret i Unionen, som kontrolleres fra

tredjelande, ikke kan deltage i alle eller

nogle af foranstaltningerne under specifikt

mål nr. 1, 2 og 3 af strategiske og

sikkerhedsmæssige årsager. I disse tilfælde

er indkaldelser af forslag og bud begrænset

til enheder, der er etableret eller anses for

etableret i en medlemsstat og kontrolleres

af en medlemsstat og/eller statsborgere i en


Ændringsforslag 121

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 12 – stk. 5 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5a. Foranstaltninger, der omfatter

overførsel af teknologi uden for Unionen,

er ikke tilladt. Med henblik på at sikre

langsigtede strategiske sikkerhedsmål

foretages der en vurdering af muligheden

for, at enheder, som har deres hovedsæde

uden for Unionen, kan deltage.

Ændringsforslag 122

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 12 – stk. 5 b (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5b. I givet fald kan Kommissionen

eller finansieringsinstituttet udføre

sikkerhedskontroller, og foranstaltninger,

som ikke overholder sikkerhedsreglerne,

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kan til enhver tid udelukkes eller opsiges.

Ændringsforslag 123

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 13 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Programmet er udformet, så dets

gennemførelse muliggør synergier med

andre af Unionens

finansieringsprogrammer, hvilket er

beskrevet nærmere i bilag III, navnlig via

ordninger med supplerende finansiering fra

EU's programmer, hvis

forvaltningsmetoderne tillader det, enten i

rækkefølge, skiftevis eller ved kombination

af midler, herunder til fælles finansiering af


1. Programmet er udformet, så dets

gennemførelse muliggør synergier med

andre af Unionens

finansieringsprogrammer, hvilket er

beskrevet nærmere i bilag III, navnlig via

ordninger med supplerende finansiering fra

EU's programmer, hvis

forvaltningsmetoderne tillader det, enten i

rækkefølge, skiftevis eller ved kombination

af midler, herunder til fælles finansiering af

foranstaltninger. Kommissionen sikrer, at

når programmets supplerende karakter

udnyttes sammen med andre europæiske

finansieringsprogrammer, navnlig ESIF,

Den Europæiske Fond for

Regionaludvikling (EFRU), Horisont

Europa og Connecting Europe-faciliteten

(CEF-2), investEU, Erasmus, Den

Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling

af Landdistrikterne (ELFUL), hæmmer

dette ikke specifikt mål nr. 1-5.

Kommissionen vil overveje mulighederne

for at øge effektiviteten af de samlede

programmer, der tilbyder kurser inden for


Ændringsforslag 124

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 13 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Der indføres passende mekanismer

til koordinering mellem de relevante

myndigheder og passende

overvågningsværktøjer for systematisk at

2. Der indføres passende mekanismer

til koordinering mellem de relevante

myndigheder og mellem myndighederne

og Kommissionen og passende

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sikre synergier mellem programmet og

eventuelle relevante EU-

finansieringsinstrumenter. Disse ordninger

bidrager til at modvirke overlapninger og

maksimere investeringernes virkning.

overvågningsværktøjer for systematisk at

sikre synergier mellem programmet og

eventuelle relevante EU-

finansieringsinstrumenter. Disse ordninger

bidrager til at modvirke overlapninger og

maksimere investeringernes virkning.

Ændringsforslag 125

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 14 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Programmet kan yde finansiering i

enhver af de former, der er fastsat i

finansforordningen, særlig udbud som den

primære form samt tilskud og priser. Det

kan også yde finansiering i form af

finansielle instrumenter inden for


2. Programmet kan yde finansiering i

enhver af de former, der er fastsat i

finansforordningen, særlig udbud fra

Kommissionen eller finansieringsorganet,

fra støttemodtagere individuelt eller

samlet som den primære form for

foranstaltning samt tilskud og priser. I

udbud kan der gives tilladelse til tildeling

af flere kontrakter inden for samme

procedure, og der kan fastsættes

betingelser for stedet for udførelsen i

overensstemmelse med gældende

internationale aftaler om udbud. Programmet kan også yde finansiering i

form af finansielle instrumenter inden for



Ændringsforslaget har til formål at gøre det muligt at anvende udbud på den mest effektive

måde ved at præcisere bestemmelsen om, hvordan Kommissionen eller EU's

finansieringsorganer selv kan inddrages som udbydere i offentlige udbud, der finansieres af

DEP. I et udbud kan der tildeles kontrakter til flere leverandører eller flere leverandører,

hvilket sikrer mere valuta for pengene og kontinuitet i leveringen og servicen, navnlig i

forbindelse med digitale teknologier.

Ændringsforslag 126

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 15 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

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Programmet kan gennemføres ved hjælp af

europæiske partnerskaber. Dette kan

navnlig omfatte bidrag til eksisterende eller

nyoprettede offentlig-private partnerskaber

i form af fælles foretagender oprettet i

henhold til artikel 187 i TEUF.

Bestemmelserne vedrørende Europæiske

partnerskaber i henhold til [Horisont

Europa-forordningen, ref. tilføjes] finder

anvendelse på disse bidrag.

Programmet kan gennemføres ved hjælp af

europæiske partnerskaber, som aftales

inden for den strategiske

programmeringsproces mellem

Kommissionen og medlemsstaterne. Dette

kan navnlig omfatte bidrag til eksisterende

eller nyoprettede offentlig-private

partnerskaber i form af fælles foretagender

oprettet i henhold til artikel 187 i TEUF.

Bestemmelserne vedrørende Europæiske

partnerskaber i henhold til [Horisont

Europa-forordningen, ref. tilføjes] finder

anvendelse på disse bidrag.

Ændringsforslag 127

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 15 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Europæiske partnerskaber:

a) etableres i situationer, hvor de på mere

effektiv vis kan opfylde målene i

programmet for et digitalt Europa end

Unionen alene

b) skal overholde principperne for EU-

merværdi, gennemsigtighed, åbenhed,

indvirkning, løftestangseffekt, langsigtede

finansielle forpligtelser for alle

involverede parter, fleksibilitet,

samhørighed og komplementaritet med

Unionen, lokale, regionale og nationale

og internationale initiativer

c) skal være tidsbegrænsede og omfatte

betingelser for udfasning af programmets


Ændringsforslag 128

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 15 – stk. 1 b (nyt)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Bestemmelser og kriterier for udvælgelse,

gennemførelse, overvågning, evaluering

og udfasning heraf fastsættes i (reference


Ændringsforslag 129

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – overskrift

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Digitale innovationsknudepunkter Europæiske digitale


Ændringsforslag 130

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. I løbet af det første år af

programmets gennemførelse etableres det

første net af digitale


1. I løbet af det første år af

programmets gennemførelse etableres det

første net af europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter på den

eksisterende infrastruktur, og der skal

være mindst ét europæisk digitalt

innovationsknudepunkt pr. medlemsstat.

Ændringsforslag 131

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 2 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Med henblik på det i stk. 1 nævnte

net udpeger hver medlemsstat

kandidatenheder ved hjælp af en åben

udbudsprocedure på grundlag af følgende


2. Med henblik på det i stk. 1 nævnte

net udpeger hver medlemsstat

kandidatenheder ved hjælp af en åben,

gennemsigtig og inkluderende udbudsprocedure på grundlag af følgende

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Ændringsforslag 132

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 2 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) tilstrækkelige kompetencer til

varetagelse af de digitale

innovationsknudepunkters funktioner

a) tilstrækkelige kompetencer til

varetagelse af de europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkters funktioner

Ændringsforslag 133

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 2 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) tilstrækkelig kapacitet med hensyn

til forvaltning, personale og infrastruktur

b) tilstrækkelig kapacitet med hensyn

til forvaltning, personale og infrastruktur

og færdigheder

Ændringsforslag 134

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 2 – litra d a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

da) dokumenteret samarbejde med den

private sektor for at sikre

markedsrelevansen af indsatserne under

specifikt mål nr. 1-5

Ændringsforslag 135

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 2 – litra d b (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

db) forbindelser til eksisterende IKT-

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knudepunkter oprettet under Horisont

2020, EUinvest-knudepunktet og

European Enterprise Network

Ændringsforslag 136

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 2 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2a. De nærmere betingelser, der skal

være opfyldt for at opnå betegnelsen

"europæisk digitalt

innovationsknudepunkt", og de opgaver,

der skal udføres, harmoniseres og

offentliggøres rettidigt for at muliggøre en

grundig forberedelse og gennemførelse af


Ændringsforslag 137

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 3 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Kommissionen vedtager en

afgørelse om udvælgelse af de enheder, der

udgør det første net. Enhederne udvælges

af Kommissionen blandt de

kandidatenheder, som medlemsstaterne har

udpeget, på grundlag af de kriterier, der

fremgår af stk. 2, samt følgende

supplerende kriterier:

3. Kommissionen vedtager en

afgørelse om udvælgelse af de enheder, der

udgør det første net. Enhederne udvælges

og bestemmes af Kommissionen blandt de

kandidatenheder, som medlemsstaterne har

udpeget, på grundlag af de kriterier, der

fremgår af stk. 2, samt følgende

supplerende kriterier:

Ændringsforslag 138

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 3 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) nødvendigheden af, at det første net

sikrer dækning af industriens behov og

b) nødvendigheden af, at det første net

sikrer dækning af industriens behov og

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behovene på områder af offentlig interesse,

og at det sikrer en omfattende og

velafbalanceret geografisk dækning.

behovene på områder af offentlig interesse,

og at det sikrer en omfattende og

velafbalanceret geografisk dækning, som

forbedrer konvergensen og bidrager til at

mindske skellet mellem

samhørighedslandene og de øvrige

medlemsstater og til at mindske den

digitale kløft i geografisk henseende.

Ændringsforslag 139

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4. Supplerende digitale

innovationsknudepunkter udvælges på

grundlag af en åben udbudsprocedure, så

der sikres den bredest mulige geografiske

dækning på tværs af Europa. Antallet af

enheder i nettet er proportionelt med en

given medlemsstats befolkning, og der skal

være mindst ét digitalt

innovationsknudepunkt i hver

medlemsstat. For at afhjælpe de specifikke

begrænsninger, som EU's regioner i den

yderste periferi står over for, kan

specifikke enheder udnævnes til at dække

deres behov.

4. Supplerende europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter udvælges på

grundlag af en åben, gennemsigtig

udbudsprocedure, så der sikres den bredest

mulige geografiske dækning på tværs af

Europa. Antallet af enheder i nettet er

proportionelt med en given medlemsstats

befolkning. For at afhjælpe de specifikke

begrænsninger, som EU's regioner i den

yderste periferi står over for, kan der

vælges yderligere

innovationsknudepunkter i disse regioner.

Ændringsforslag 140

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 5

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5. De digitale

innovationsknudepunkter kan modtage

finansiering i form af tilskud.

5. De digitale

innovationsknudepunkter bør klart

identificeres gennem en specifik

betegnelse eller et specifikt mærke og kan

modtage finansiering i form af tilskud.

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Ændringsforslag 141

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

6. De digitale

innovationsknudepunkter, der modtager

finansiering, inddrages i gennemførelsen af

programmet med henblik på at:

6. De europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter, der modtager

finansiering, inddrages i gennemførelsen af

programmet med henblik på at:

Ændringsforslag 142

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 – litra a

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

a) levere tjenester til den digitale

omstilling, herunder test- og

forsøgsfaciliteter, som er målrettet SMV'er

og midcapselskaber, bl.a. i sektorer, der er

langsomme til at anvende digitale og

relaterede teknologier

a) levere tjenester til den digitale

omstilling og teknologisk ekspertise,

herunder test- og forsøgsfaciliteter, som er

målrettet SMV'er, nyetablerede

virksomheder og midcapselskaber, bl.a. i

sektorer, der er langsomme til at anvende

digitale og relaterede teknologier

Ændringsforslag 143

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 – litra a a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

aa) hjælpe virksomheder, navnlig

SMV'er og nyetablerede virksomheder,

organisationer og offentlige forvaltninger

med at blive mere konkurrencedygtige og

forbedre deres forretningsmodeller

gennem brug af nye teknologier, der er

omfattet af programmet

Ændringsforslag 144

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Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 – litra b

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

b) overføre ekspertise og knowhow

mellem regioner, navnlig via et

netværkssamarbejde mellem SMV'er og

midcapselskaber, som er etableret i én

region, og et digital innovationsknudepunkt

i en anden region, som er bedst egnet til at

levere den pågældende tjeneste

b) overføre ekspertise og knowhow

mellem regioner, navnlig via et

netværkssamarbejde mellem SMV'er,

nyetablerede virksomheder og

midcapselskaber, som er etableret i én

region, og et europæisk digital

innovationsknudepunkt i en anden region,

som er bedst egnet til at levere den

pågældende tjeneste tilskynde til

udveksling af færdigheder, fælles

initiativer og god praksis

Ændringsforslag 145

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) levere tematiske tjenester, herunder

tjenester inden for kunstig intelligens,

højtydende databehandling og

cybersikkerhed og tillid, til offentlige

forvaltninger, organisationer i den

offentlige sektor, SMV'er og

midcapselskaber. Individuelle digitale

innovationsknudepunkter kan specialisere

sig i specifikke tematiske tjenester og skal

ikke levere alle de tematiske tjenester, der

fremgår af nærværende stk.

c) levere tematiske tjenester, herunder

tjenester inden for kunstig intelligens,

højtydende databehandling og

cybersikkerhed og tillid, til offentlige

forvaltninger, organisationer i den

offentlige sektor, SMV'er, nyetablerede

virksomheder og midcapselskaber.

Individuelle europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter kan specialisere

sig i specifikke tematiske tjenester og skal

ikke levere alle de tematiske tjenester, der

fremgår af nærværende stk.

Ændringsforslag 146

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

6a. De europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter kan også

samarbejde med Det Europæiske Institut

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for Innovation og Teknologi, navnlig EIT

Digital samt de digitale

innovationsknudepunkter, der blev

etableret under Horisont 2020.

Ændringsforslag 147

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 16 – stk. 6 b (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

6b. De europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter kan udføre de

digitale innovationsknudepunkters

opgaver, jf. rammeprogrammer for

forskning og innovation, herunder

innovationsknudepunkterne for EIT


Ændringsforslag 148

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 17 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Der kan kun ydes finansiering til

foranstaltninger, som bidrager til opnåelse

af de mål, der fremgår af artikel 3 og

artikel 4-8.

1. Der kan kun ydes finansiering til

foranstaltninger, som bidrager til opnåelse

af de mål, der fremgår af artikel 3 og

artikel 4-8, i overensstemmelse med de

generelle målsætninger fastsat i bilag I.

Ændringsforslag 149

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 18 – stk. 2 – litra a – nr. ii

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

ii) et tredjeland, der er associeret med


ii) et tredjeland, der er associeret med

programmet i overensstemmelse med

artikel 10 og 12

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Ændringsforslag 150

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 18 – stk. 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Retlige enheder, der er etableret i et

tredjeland, som ikke er associeret med

programmet, er undtagelsesvis berettigede

til at deltage i specifikke foranstaltninger,

hvis dette er nødvendigt for at nå

programmets mål.

3. Retlige enheder, der er etableret i et

tredjeland, som ikke er associeret med

programmet, er undtagelsesvis berettigede

til at deltage i specifikke foranstaltninger,

hvis dette er nødvendigt for at nå

programmets mål, og hvor dette ikke

involverer en yderligere sikkerhedsrisiko

for EU eller drager EU's strategiske

selvstændighed i tvivl.

Ændringsforslag 151

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 18 – stk. 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4. Fysiske person er ikke

støtteberettigede, bortset fra, hvis der ydes

tilskud i henhold til specifikt mål nr. 4.

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder.

4. Fysiske person kan være

støtteberettigede til tilskud i henhold til

specifikt mål nr. 4. højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder. Tredjelandsstatsborgere kan

være støtteberettigede, hvis de bor i


Ændringsforslag 152

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 19 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Tilskud i henhold til programmet tildeles

og forvaltes i overensstemmelse med

finansforordningens afsnit VIII.

Tilskud i henhold til programmet tildeles

og forvaltes i overensstemmelse med

finansforordningens afsnit VIII og kan

dække op til 100 % af de støtteberettigede

og behørigt begrundede omkostninger, jf.

dog samfinansieringsprincippet samt i

overensstemmelse med specifikationen

under det enkelte mål.

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Ændringsforslag 153

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 20 – stk. 1 – indledning

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Tildelingskriterierne defineres i

arbejdsprogrammet og indkaldelser af

forslag, hvor der som minimum tages

højde for følgende:

1. Tildelingskriterierne defineres i

arbejdsprogrammet og indkaldelser af

forslag, hvor der mindst tages højde for


Ændringsforslag 154

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 20 – stk. 1 – litra e

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

e) hvis relevant, de økonomiske,

sociale, klimamæssige og miljømæssige

virkninger, og tilgængelighed

e) hvis relevant, de økonomiske,

klimamæssige, miljømæssige og sociale

virkninger, navnlig fremme af

tilgængelighed og lige

uddannelsesmæssige og professionelle


Ændringsforslag 155

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 20 – stk. 1 – litra g

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

g) hvis relevant, en velafbalanceret

geografisk fordeling på tværs af Unionen,

herunder bl.a. i regioner i den yderste


g) hvis relevant, en velafbalanceret

geografisk fordeling på tværs af Unionen,

herunder bl.a. i regioner i den yderste

periferi, herunder oversøiske lande og


Ændringsforslag 156

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 20 – stk. 1 - litra h a (nyt)

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

ha) hvis relevant, friheden til at

genanvende og tilpasse projektets


Ændringsforslag 157

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 20 – stk. 1 - litra h b (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

hb) hvis relevant, den offentlige


Ændringsforslag 158

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 20 – stk. 1 - litra h c (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

hc) hvis relevant, en mindskelse af det

digitale skel mellem regioner, borgere

eller virksomheder

Ændringsforslag 159

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 21 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Blandingsoperationer vedtaget i henhold til

dette program gennemføres i

overensstemmelse med [InvestEU-

forordningen] og finansforordningens

afsnit X.

Blandingsoperationer vedtaget i henhold til

dette program gennemføres i

overensstemmelse med [InvestEU-

forordningen] og finansforordningens

afsnit X. Beløbet til udgifterne fra dette

program, som skal blandes med et

finansielt instrument, skal være uden


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Ændringsforslag 160

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 22 – stk. 2 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2a. Hvis en foranstaltning allerede er

blevet tildelt eller har modtaget bidrag fra

et andet EU-program eller støtte fra en

EU-fond, skal dette bidrag eller denne

støtte anføres i ansøgningen om bidrag

fra programmet.

Ændringsforslag 161

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 23 – stk. 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Det første flerårige

arbejdsprogram skal være rettet mod

aktiviteterne i bilaget og sikre, at de

foranstaltninger, der modtager støtte, ikke

fortrænger private investeringer.

Efterfølgende arbejdsprogrammer kan

omfatte aktiviteter, der ikke er fastsat i

bilaget, forudsat at de stemmer overens

med målene i forordningen, jf. artikel [4-


3. Arbejdsprogrammerne skal være

rettet mod aktiviteterne i bilag I og sikre, at

de foranstaltninger, der modtager støtte,

ikke fortrænger private investeringer.

Ændringsforslag 162

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 23 – stk. 3 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3a. Kommissionen skal have beføjelse

til at vedtage delegerede retsakter i

overensstemmelse med artikel 27 med

henblik på at ændre bilag I for at revidere

eller supplere de aktiviteter, der er fastsat

heri, på en måde, der er i

overensstemmelse med målene i

nærværende forordning i henhold til

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artikel 4-8.

Ændringsforslag 163

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 24 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Indikatorer til overvågning af

programmets gennemførelse og fremskridt

med hensyn til opfyldelsen af de generelle

og specifikke mål, jf. artikel 3, fremgår af

bilag II.

1. Målbare indikatorer til overvågning

af programmets gennemførelse og

fremskridt med hensyn til opfyldelsen af de

generelle og specifikke mål, jf. artikel 3,

fremgår af bilag II.

Ændringsforslag 164

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 24 – stk. 1 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1a. Kommissionen fastlægger en

metode med målbare indikatorer for en

præcis vurdering af de opnåede

fremskridt med opnåelsen af de generelle

målsætninger, der er opstillet i artikel 3,

stk. 1. På grundlag af denne metode

supplerer Kommissionen bilag III senest

den 1. januar 2021.

Ændringsforslag 165

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 24 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. For at sikre en effektiv vurdering af

programmets fremskridt hen imod målene

tillægges Kommissionen beføjelser til at

vedtage delegerede retsakter i

overensstemmelse med artikel 27 med

henblik på at ændre bilag II for om

nødvendigt at evaluere eller supplere

indikatorerne, og med henblik på at

2. For at sikre en effektiv vurdering af

programmets fremskridt hen imod målene

tillægges Kommissionen beføjelser til at

vedtage delegerede retsakter i

overensstemmelse med artikel 27 med

henblik på at ændre bilag II for om

nødvendigt at evaluere eller supplere de

målbare indikatorer, og med henblik på at

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supplere denne forordning med

bestemmelser vedrørende oprettelsen af

regler om overvågning og evaluering.

supplere denne forordning med

bestemmelser vedrørende oprettelsen af

regler om overvågning og evaluering.

Ændringsforslag 166

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 24 – stk. 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Performancerapporteringssystemet

skal sikre, at data til overvågning af

programmets gennemførelse og resultater

indsamles effektivt og rettidigt. Til dette

formål pålægges modtagere af EU-midler

og medlemsstaterne forholdsmæssige


3. Performancerapporteringssystemet

skal sikre, at data til overvågning af

programmets gennemførelse og resultater

er egnede til en dybdegående analyse af

de fremskridt, der er gjort, og de

vanskeligheder, der er konstateret, og indsamles effektivt, virkningsfuldt og

rettidigt. Til dette formål pålægges

modtagere af EU-midler og

medlemsstaterne forholdsmæssige


Ændringsforslag 167

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 24 – stk. 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4. Officielle EU-statistikker, som

f.eks. regelmæssige statistiske IKT-

undersøgelser, udnyttes fuldt ud. Nationale

statistikkontorer høres og inddrages

sammen med Eurostat i den indledende

udformning og efterfølgende udvikling af

de statistiske indikatorer, der anvendes til

at overvåge programmets gennemførelse

og fremskridt med hensyn til den digitale


4. Officielle EU-statistikker, som

f.eks. regelmæssige statistiske IKT-

undersøgelser, udnyttes så effektivt som

muligt, ligesom der skal indsamles DESI-

datasæt på NUTS-2 for at afhjælpe

manglen på data relateret til et digitalt

Europa. Nationale statistikkontorer høres

og inddrages sammen med Eurostat i den

indledende udformning og efterfølgende

udvikling af de statistiske indikatorer, der

anvendes til at overvåge programmets

gennemførelse og fremskridt med hensyn

til den digitale omstilling.

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Ændringsforslag 168

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 25 – overskrift

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Evaluering Programevaluering

Ændringsforslag 169

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 25 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Evalueringer gennemføres så

betids, at resultaterne kan indgå i


1. Kommissionen sikrer løbende

overvågning og ekstern evaluering af

programmet, hovedsageligt baseret på

performancerapporteringssystemet som

anført i artikel 24, stk. 3. Evalueringerne

skal også omfatte en kvalitativ vurdering

af de fremskridt, der er gjort i retning af

at opfylde de generelle målsætninger, som

er opstillet i artikel 3, stk. 1.

Ændringsforslag 170

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 25 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Midtvejsevalueringen af

programmet foretages, når der foreligger

tilstrækkelige oplysninger om

programmets gennemførelse, dog senest

fire år efter programmets iværksættelse.

2. Ud over regelmæssig overvågning

af programmet skal Kommission

udarbejde en midtvejsevalueringsrapport

og forelægge den for Europa-

Parlamentet, Rådet, Det Europæiske

Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg og

Regionsudvalget senest den 31. december

2024. Midtvejsevalueringen skal

indeholde de resultater, der er nødvendige

for at træffe afgørelse om en opfølgning

af programmet efter 2027 og dens mål.

Midtvejsevalueringen forelægges Europa-


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Ændringsforslag 171

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 25 – stk. 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Ved afslutningen af programmets

gennemførelse og senest fire år efter

afslutningen af den i artikel [1] fastsatte

periode foretager Kommissionen en

endelig evaluering af programmet.

3. På baggrund af en endelig ekstern

og uafhængig evaluering skal Kommissionen udarbejde en endelig

evalueringsrapport om programmet, hvor

dets langsigtede effekter og

bæredygtighed vurderes.

Ændringsforslag 172

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 25 – stk. 4 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4a. Kommission indsender den omtalte

endelige evalueringsrapport i henhold til

stk. 3 til Europa-Parlamentet, Rådet, Det

Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale

Udvalg og Regionsudvalget senest den 31.

december 2030.

Ændringsforslag 173

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 25 – stk. 5

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5. Kommissionen meddeler Europa-

Parlamentet, Rådet, Det Europæiske

Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg og

Regionsudvalget resultaterne af

evalueringerne og sine bemærkninger



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Ændringsforslag 174

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 26 – stk. 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4. Revisionsstrategien kan som led i

kontrolsystemet være baseret på finansiel

revision af et repræsentativt udsnit af

udgifter. Denne repræsentative stikprøve

suppleres af yderligere udgifter, der

udvælges på grundlag af en vurdering af de

risici, der er forbundet med udgifterne.

4. Revisionsstrategien baseres som

led i kontrolsystemet mindst på finansiel

revision af et repræsentativt udsnit af

udgifter Denne repræsentative stikprøve

suppleres af yderligere udgifter, der

udvælges på grundlag af en vurdering af de

risici, der er forbundet med udgifterne.

Ændringsforslag 175

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 27 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Beføjelsen til at vedtage delegerede

retsakter, jf. artikel 24, tillægges

Kommissionen indtil den 31. december


2. Beføjelsen til at vedtage delegerede

retsakter, jf. artikel 23 og 24, tillægges

Kommissionen indtil den 31. december


Ændringsforslag 176

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 27 – stk. 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Den i artikel 24 omhandlede

delegation af beføjelser kan til enhver tid

tilbagekaldes af Europa-Parlamentet eller

Rådet. En afgørelse om tilbagekaldelse

bringer delegationen af de beføjelser, der er

angivet i den pågældende afgørelse, til

ophør. Den får virkning dagen efter

offentliggørelsen af afgørelsen i Den

Europæiske Unions Tidende eller på et

senere tidspunkt, der angives i afgørelsen.

Den berører ikke gyldigheden af

delegerede retsakter, der allerede er i kraft.

3. Den i artikel 23 og 24 omhandlede

delegation af beføjelser kan til enhver tid

tilbagekaldes af Europa-Parlamentet eller

Rådet. En afgørelse om tilbagekaldelse

bringer delegationen af de beføjelser, der er

angivet i den pågældende afgørelse, til

ophør. Den får virkning dagen efter

offentliggørelsen af afgørelsen i Den

Europæiske Unions Tidende eller på et

senere tidspunkt, der angives i afgørelsen.

Den berører ikke gyldigheden af

delegerede retsakter, der allerede er i kraft.

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Ændringsforslag 177

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 27 – stk. 6

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

6. En delegeret retsakt vedtaget i

henhold til artikel 24 træder kun i kraft,

hvis hverken Europa-Parlamentet eller

Rådet har gjort indsigelse inden for en frist

på to måneder fra meddelelsen af den

pågældende retsakt til Europa-Parlamentet

og Rådet, eller hvis Europa-Parlamentet og

Rådet inden udløbet af denne frist begge

har underrettet Kommissionen om, at de

ikke agter at gøre indsigelse. Fristen

forlænges med to måneder på Europa-

Parlamentets eller Rådets initiativ.

6. En delegeret retsakt vedtaget i

henhold til artikel 23 og 24 træder kun i

kraft, hvis hverken Europa-Parlamentet

eller Rådet har gjort indsigelse inden for en

frist på to måneder fra meddelelsen af den

pågældende retsakt til Europa-Parlamentet

og Rådet, eller hvis Europa-Parlamentet og

Rådet inden udløbet af denne frist begge

har underrettet Kommissionen om, at de

ikke agter at gøre indsigelse. Fristen

forlænges med to måneder på Europa-

Parlamentets eller Rådets initiativ.

Ændringsforslag 178

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 29 – stk. 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Modtagere af EU-midler

anerkender EU-midlernes oprindelse og

sikrer synligheden af disse (navnlig ved

fremstød for foranstaltningerne og disses

resultater) gennem sammenhængende,

virkningsfulde og målrettede oplysninger,

som er afpasset forholdsmæssigt efter

forskellige modtagergrupper, herunder

medierne og offentligheden.

1. Modtagere af EU-midler

anerkender EU-midlernes oprindelse og

sikrer synligheden af disse (navnlig ved

fremstød for foranstaltningerne og disses

resultater) gennem sammenhængende,

sandfærdige, virkningsfulde og målrettede

oplysninger, som er afpasset

forholdsmæssigt efter forskellige

modtagergrupper, herunder medierne og


Ændringsforslag 179

Forslag til forordning

Artikel 29 – stk. 2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2. Kommissionen gennemfører

informations- og kommunikationstiltag

2. Kommissionen gennemfører

informations- og kommunikationstiltag

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vedrørende programmet, dets

foranstaltninger og resultater. De

finansielle midler, der er afsat til

programmet, skal også bidrage til den

institutionelle formidling af Unionens

politiske prioriteter, for så vidt som de

vedrører målene i artikel [3].

vedrørende programmet, dets

foranstaltninger og resultater. Den sikrer

desuden, at potentielle ansøgere har

integreret information og adgang til EU-

finansiering i den digitale sektor. De

finansielle midler, der er afsat til

programmet, skal også bidrage til den

institutionelle formidling af Unionens

politiske prioriteter, for så vidt som de

vedrører målene i artikel [3].

Ændringsforslag 180

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 1 – afsnit 2 – punkt 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. En fælles indkøbsramme for et

integreret netværk af HCP i verdensklasse,

herunder supercomputer- og

datainfrastruktur i exaskala. Den vil være

tilgængelig på et ikke-økonomisk grundlag

for offentlige og private brugere og til

offentligt finansierede forskningsmål.

1. En fælles indkøbsramme for et

integreret netværk af HCP i verdensklasse,

herunder supercomputer- og

datainfrastruktur i exaskala. Den vil være

tilgængelig for alle virksomheder og

offentlige forvaltninger på et ikke-

økonomisk grundlag for offentlige og

private brugere og til offentligt

finansierede forskningsmål.

Ændringsforslag 181

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 1 – afsnit 2 – punkt 6

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

6. Udrulning af operationel teknologi,

som er klar til brug: Supercomputere som

en tjeneste, der er et resultat af F&I til

opbygning af et integreret europæisk HPC-

økosystem, som dækker alle

videnskabelige og industrielle

værdikædesegmenter (hardware, software,

applikationer, tjenester, sammenkoblinger

og højtudviklede IT-færdigheder).

6. Udrulning af operationel teknologi,

som er klar til brug: Supercomputere som

en tjeneste, der er et resultat af F&I, især

nye teknologier, der tidligere har nydt

godt af eller som for øjeblikket nyder godt

af EU-finansiering, til opbygning af et

integreret europæisk HPC-økosystem, som

dækker alle videnskabelige og industrielle

værdikædesegmenter (hardware, software,

applikationer, tjenester, sammenkoblinger

og højtudviklede IT-færdigheder).

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Ændringsforslag 182

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 2 – afsnit 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Programmet skal opbygge og styrke

grundlæggende kapacitet inden for kunstig

intelligens (AI) i Europa, herunder

dataressourcer og algoritmeregistre, og

gøre dem tilgængelige for alle

virksomheder og offentlige forvaltninger

samt styrke og fremme forbindelserne

mellem eksisterende AI-test- og

forsøgsfaciliteter i medlemsstaterne.

Programmet skal opbygge og styrke

grundlæggende kapacitet inden for kunstig

intelligens (AI) og distributed ledger-

teknologier i Europa, herunder

dataressourcer og algoritmeregistre, og

gøre dem tilgængelige for alle

virksomheder og offentlige forvaltninger

samt styrke og fremme forbindelserne

mellem eksisterende AI-test- og

forsøgsfaciliteter i medlemsstaterne.

Ændringsforslag 183

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 4 – afsnit 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Programmet skal støtte let adgang til

højtudviklede IT-færdigheder, især HPC,

AI, distributed ledger-teknologi (f.eks.

blockchain) og cybersikkerhed for den

nuværende og kommende arbejdsstyrke

ved at give studerende, nyuddannede og

nuværende arbejdstagere, hvor de end bor,

mulighed for at erhverve og udvikle disse


Programmet skal støtte let adgang til og

mulighed for uddannelse i højtudviklede

IT-færdigheder, især HPC, AI, distributed

ledger-teknologi (f.eks. blockchain) og

cybersikkerhed for den nuværende og

kommende arbejdsstyrke ved at give

studerende, nyuddannede eller borgere i

alle aldre med behov for opkvalificering,

jobsøgende og nuværende arbejdstagere,

hvor de end bor, mulighed for at erhverve

og udvikle disse færdigheder.

Ændringsforslag 184

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 4 – afsnit 2 – punkt 1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1. Adgang til oplæring på 1. Adgang til oplæring på

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arbejdspladsen ved at deltage i

praktikophold i kompetencecentre og

virksomheder, som anvender avancerede


arbejdspladsen og muligheder for blandet

læring ved at deltage i praktikophold i

kompetencecentre og virksomheder, som

anvender avancerede teknologier.

Ændringsforslag 185

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 4 – afsnit 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

Alle tiltag skal først og fremmest udformes

og gennemføres gennem de digitale

innovationsknudepunkter, jf. artikel 15.

Alle tiltag skal først og fremmest udformes

og gennemføres gennem de digitale

innovationsknudepunkter, jf. artikel 16.

Ændringsforslag 186

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 5 – afsnit 1 – punkt 1 – nr. 1.2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

1.2. Støtte udformning, afprøvning,

udrulning, vedligeholdelse og fremme af et

sammenhængende økosystem for

grænseoverskridende infrastruktur inden

for digitale tjenester og lettelse af

gnidningsfrie ”end-to-end”, sikre,

interoperable, flersprogede,

grænseoverskridende eller tværsektorielle

løsninger og fælles rammer inden for

offentlig forvaltning. Metodologier til

vurdering af indvirkning og nytte omfattes


1.2. Støtte udformning, afprøvning,

udrulning, vedligeholdelse, udbredelse og

fremme af et sammenhængende økosystem

for grænseoverskridende infrastruktur

inden for digitale tjenester og lettelse af

gnidningsfrie ”end-to-end”, sikre,

interoperable, flersprogede,

grænseoverskridende eller tværsektorielle

løsninger og fælles rammer inden for

offentlig forvaltning. Metodologier til

vurdering af indvirkning og nytte omfattes


Ændringsforslag 187

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 1 – del 5 – afsnit 1 – punkt 1 – nr. 2.1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2.1. Sikre, at EU-borgerne kan få

adgang til, dele, anvende og forvalte deres

personlige sundhedsdata sikkert på tværs af

2.1. Sikre, at EU-borgerne kan få

adgang til, dele, anvende og forvalte deres

personlige sundhedsdata sikkert og på en

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grænserne uanset deres opholdssted eller

datas lokalisering. Færdiggøre

digitaltjenesteinfrastrukturen for e-sundhed

og udvide den med nye digitale tjenester,

støtte udrulning af et europæisk format for

udveksling af elektroniske patientjournaler.

måde, der sikrer beskyttelsen af deres

privatliv, på tværs af grænserne uanset

deres opholdssted eller datas lokalisering.

Færdiggøre digitaltjenesteinfrastrukturen

for e-sundhed og udvide den med nye

digitale tjenester, støtte udrulning af et

europæisk format for udveksling af

elektroniske patientjournaler.

Ændringsforslag 188

Forslag til forordning

Bilag I – del 5 – punkt I – punkt 3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

3. Retsvæsenet: Muliggøre

gnidningsløs og sikker

grænseoverskridende elektronisk

kommunikation inden for retsvæsenet og

mellem retsvæsenet og andre kompetente

organer på civil- og strafferetsområdet.

Forbedre adgangen til retlig prøvelse og

retlige informationer og procedurer for

borgere, virksomheder, advokater og andre

ansatte i retsvæsenet ved hjælp af

semantisk interoperable sammenkoblinger

til nationale databaser og registre samt

lette udenretslige online-tvistbilæggelser.

Fremme udviklingen og gennemførelsen af

innovative teknologier til domstole og

advokater, baseret på AI-løsninger, som

sandsynligvis vil kunne strømline og

fremskynde procedurer (f.eks. retlige


3. Retsvæsenet: Muliggøre

gnidningsløs og sikker

grænseoverskridende elektronisk

kommunikation inden for retsvæsenet og

mellem retsvæsenet og andre kompetente

organer på civil- og strafferetsområdet.

Forbedre adgangen til retlig prøvelse og

retlige informationer og procedurer for

borgere, virksomheder, advokater og andre

ansatte i retsvæsenet ved hjælp af

semantisk interoperable sammenkoblinger

til databaser og registre samt lette

udenretslige online-tvistbilæggelser.

Fremme udviklingen og gennemførelsen af

innovative teknologier til domstole og

advokater, baseret på AI-løsninger, som

sandsynligvis vil kunne strømline og

fremskynde procedurer (f.eks. retlige


Ændringsforslag 189

Forslag til forordning

Bilag I – del 5 – punkt I – punkt 4

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4. Transport, energi og miljø: Udrulle

decentraliserede løsninger og

infrastrukturer, som kræves til større

digitale applikationer så som intelligente

4. Transport, energi og miljø: Udrulle

decentraliserede løsninger og

infrastrukturer, som kræves til større

digitale applikationer så som intelligente

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byer eller intelligente landdistrikter til

støtte for transport-, energi- og


byer, intelligente landdistrikter eller

regionerne i den yderste periferi til støtte

for transport-, energi- og miljøpolitikkerne.

Ændringsforslag 190

Forslag til forordning

Bilag I – del 5 – punkt I – overskrift

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

II Indledende aktiviteter i forbindelse

med digitalisering af industrien:

II (Vedrører ikke den danske tekst)

Ændringsforslag 191

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 2 – punkt 2.2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2.2 Antal af virksomheder og

organisationer, som anvender AI

2.2 Antal af virksomheder og

organisationer, som afprøver og

eksperimenterer med AI i samarbejde med

digitale innovationsknudepunkter

Ændringsforslag 192

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 2 – nr. 2.2 a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

2.2a Antal konkrete anvendelser af

kunstig intelligens, som støttes af

programmet, og som aktuelt


Ændringsforslag 193

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 4 – punkt 4.1

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4.1 Antal IKT-specialister, som er

uddannet og i arbejde

4.1 Antal IKT-specialister, som er

uddannet og i arbejde hvert år i Unionen

Ændringsforslag 194

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 4 – punkt 4.2

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4.2 Antal virksomheder, som har svært

ved at rekruttere IKT-specialister

4.2 Antal virksomheder, som har svært

ved at rekruttere IKT-specialister hvert år i


Ændringsforslag 195

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 4 – punkt 4.2 b (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

4.2b Antal studerende, nye

færdiguddannede og arbejdsløse, som har

forbedret deres status efter et

uddannelsesforløb inden for rammerne af


Ændringsforslag 196

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 5 – punkt 5.1

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5.1 Udnyttelse af digitale offentlige


5.1 Hyppigheden af udnyttelsen af

digitale offentlige tjenester

Ændringsforslag 197

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 5 – punkt 5.2

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Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5.2 Virksomheder, der scorer højt med

hensyn til digital intensitet

5.2 Antallet af virksomheder, der

scorer højt med hensyn til digital intensitet

Ændringsforslag 198

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 2 – del 5 – punkt 5.3

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

5.3 Tilpasning af den nationale

interoperabilitetsramme til den europæiske


5.3 Omfanget af tilpasningen af den

nationale interoperabilitetsramme til den

europæiske interoperabilitetsramme

Ændringsforslag 199

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 3 – punkt 1 – litra b a (nyt)

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

ba) programmet for et digitalt Europa

skaber aktivt synergier med Horisont

Europa omkring bæredygtigheden af

data, der hidrører fra forskningsprojekter

Ændringsforslag 200

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 3 – punkt 1 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) Programmet for et digitalt Europa

vil investere i i) digital

kapacitetsopbygning inden for højtydende

databehandling, kunstig intelligens,

cybersikkerhed og højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder; og ii) national og regional

udrulning inden for en EU-ramme for

digital kapacitet og de seneste digitale

teknologier på områder af offentlig

interesse (som sundhed, offentlig

forvaltning, retsvæsen og uddannelse) eller

c) Programmet for et digitalt Europa

vil investere i i) digital

kapacitetsopbygning inden for højtydende

databehandling, kunstig intelligens,

cybersikkerhed og højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder; og ii) national, regional og

lokal udrulning inden for en EU-ramme for

digital kapacitet og de seneste digitale

teknologier på områder af offentlig

interesse (som sundhed, offentlig

forvaltning, retsvæsen og uddannelse) eller

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områder med markedssvigt (som f.eks.

digitalisering af virksomheder, navnlig


områder med markedssvigt (som f.eks.

digitalisering af virksomheder, navnlig


Ændringsforslag 201

Forslag til forordning

Bilag 3 – punkt 3 – litra c

Kommissionens forslag Ændringsforslag

c) Programmet for et digitalt Europa

vil investere i i) digital

kapacitetsopbygning inden for højtydende

databehandling, kunstig intelligens,

cybersikkerhed og højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder; og ii) national og regional

udrulning inden for en EU-ramme for

digital kapacitet og de seneste digitale

teknologier på områder af offentlig

interesse (som sundhed, offentlig

forvaltning, retsvæsen og uddannelse) eller

områder med markedssvigt (som f.eks.

digitalisering af virksomheder, navnlig


c) Programmet for et digitalt Europa

vil investere i i) digital

kapacitetsopbygning inden for højtydende

databehandling, kunstig intelligens,

distributed ledger-teknologi, cybersikkerhed og højtudviklede IT-

færdigheder; og ii) national og regional

udrulning inden for en EU-ramme for

digital kapacitet og de seneste digitale

teknologier på områder af offentlig

interesse (som sundhed, offentlig

forvaltning, retsvæsen og uddannelse) eller

områder med markedssvigt (som f.eks.

digitalisering af virksomheder, navnlig


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I programmet for et digitalt Europa for perioden 2021-2027, der blev foreslået af

Kommissionen den 6. juni 2018, fastsættes målsætninger for programmet, et budget for

perioden 2021-2027, former for EU-finansiering samt regler for ydelsen heraf.

Ordføreren godkender det foreslåede programs overordnede mål om at understøtte de

europæiske økonomier, industrier og samfunds digitale omstilling. Programmet skal bringe

fordelene herved til europæiske virksomheder og borgere. Det skal styrke Europas kapacitet

inden for væsentlige områder af den digitale teknologi via storstilet udrulning og udbrede

dens formidling og anvendelse på områder af offentlige interesse og i den private sektor. I

lyset af specificiteten af visse mål mener ordføreren dog, at programmet ud over den digitale

omstilling har et overordnet mål om at skabe færdigheder og styrke EU's strategiske


Den aktuelle status for digitaliseringen af EU's økonomi, industri og samfund er ikke

tilstrækkelig til at kunne leve op til den politiske ambition om et digitalt indre marked. Der er

stadig et stort gab, der skal dækkes, gennem omfattende og bedre europæisk investering, for

at kunne opnå det fælles mål og få fuld udnyttelse af EU-merværdien. Ordføreren vil gerne

understrege, at dette forslag er det første paneuropæiske digitale program. Det skal ses som et

stort skridt på vejen mod at styrke og øge Europas førerposition.

Programmet har fem specifikke mål, og forskellen på disse afspejles i deres specifikke

finansieringsrammer. Da en række aktiviteter kan finansieres gennem dette program, kan

gennemførelsen heraf føre til en udvanding af programmets eget primære mål, som er at

opbygge kapaciteter i EU. Ordføreren vil gerne udvise forsigtighed og foreslår derfor, at

arbejdsprogrammerne udarbejdes under Europa-Parlamentets kontrol.

Programmet skal være et reelt værktøj til at styrke EU's uafhængighed, navnlig på områderne

inden for de specifikke mål nr. 1, 2 og 3 (højtydende databehandling, kunstig intelligens og

cybersikkerhed og tillid). EU's strategiske autonomi er afgørende for at sikre konkret

handlefrihed på globalt plan. Dette kan kun opnås gennem bedre samarbejde mellem

medlemsstaterne og virksomheder, der skal være baseret i medlemsstaterne.

Specifikt mål nr. 4 (højtudviklede IT-færdigheder) er afgørende for at understøtte de første tre

måls succes ved at sikre, at den nuværende og fremtidige arbejdsstyrke let kan erhverve

højtudviklede digitale færdigheder ved at give studerende, nyuddannede og nuværende

arbejdstagere midlerne til at opnå og udvikle disse færdigheder, uanset hvor de befinder sig i


Specifikt mål nr. 5 (udrulning, bedste brug af den digitale kapacitet og interoperabilitet) er

afgørende for at udvide den bedste brug af digitale kapaciteter (navnlig højtydende

databehandling, kunstig intelligens og cybersikkerhed) for hele økonomien, herunder

udrulningen af interoperable løsninger på områder af offentlig interesse samt formidling af

adgang til teknologi og knowhow for alle virksomheder, herunder SMV'er og nyetablerede

virksomheder, og borgere.

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Ordføreren vil derfor gerne gøre det klart, at de berettigede enheder skal være etableret i EU.

Samarbejde med tredjelande specifikt inden for rammerne af dette program skønnes ikke at

være relevant.

Ordføreren mener ligeledes, at de valgte projekter, som følge af følsomheden af og de

igangværende høringer om det specifikke mål 2 (kunstig intelligens), skal overholde de etiske

krav, sådan som det også er tilfældet for andre FFR-filer såsom Horisont Europa og det

europæiske forsvarsprogram.

De europæiske digitale innovationsknudepunkter er beregnet til at udføre målrettede

programmer for at hjælpe den europæiske industri, herunder SMV'er og nyetablerede

virksomheder, og de offentlige forvaltninger med at give deres ansatte de nødvendige

færdigheder til at få adgang til de nye muligheder, der tilbydes med superdatabehandling,

kunstig intelligens og cybersikkerhed. SMV'er, nyetablerede virksomheder og offentlige

forvaltninger vil også have mulighed for at få adgang til teknologisk ekspertise og

forsøgsfaciliteter, men også for at få rådgivning med henblik på bedre at kunne vurdere deres

virksomhed i forhold til digitale omstillingsprojekter. De er i dag et af de afgørende elementer

i strategien for digitalisering af den europæiske industri. Ordføreren mener, at det er af

afgørende betydning at støtte etableringen af et netværk af europæiske digitale

innovationsknudepunkter. Dette netværk skal udvides til at have den størst mulige geografiske

dækning af hele Europa, men også på nationalt plan, så det kan opfylde de konkrete behov.

Etableringen af mindst et europæisk digitalt innovationsknudepunkt i hver region vil være en


Programmets overordnede budget på 9 1940 000 EUR skal opfattes som det minimumsbeløb,

der er nødvendigt for at sikre programmet for et digitalt Europa succes. Ordføreren mener, at

det foreslåede beløb fra Kommissionen er en smule begrænset, hvis man tager det

overordnede ambitionsniveau i betragtning samt de udfordringer, der ikke kan forudses nu, da

programmet er nyt, og da det ikke er muligt på forhånd at vurdere det enkelte måls præcise


Endelig er ordføreren klar over Unionens og medlemsstaternes budgetmæssige begrænsninger

og investeringsindsats, og derfor kan gennemførelsen af dette program ikke se igennem fingre

med forpligtelsen til at sikre den mest effektive forvaltning af midlerne. I den forbindelse vil

det derfor være afgørende at skabe synergier mellem programmet og anden EU-finansiering

under næste FFR.

Ordføreren mener, at opblødningen af finansieringsopdelingen vil gøre investeringerne mere

effektive og give mere værdi, navnlig ved at øge digitale investeringer på EU-plan, samtidig

med at national og regional digital investering bedre vil kunne supplere EU-programmerne.

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Følgende liste er udarbejdet på helt frivillig basis og udelukkende på ordførerens ansvar.

Ordføreren har modtaget input fra følgende enheder eller personer som led i udarbejdelsen af

betænkningen frem til vedtagelsen heraf i udvalget:

Enhed og/eller person

Det portugisiske ministerium for videnskab, teknologi og videregående uddannelse i


Det østrigske ministerium for digitale og økonomiske anliggender (EU's formandskab)

Norges mission i EU



Universitetet i Aalto


Wirtschaftskammer Österreich




European Digital Rights (EDRi)

European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)


UEAPME – de europæiske håndværksfags og SMV'ers arbejdsgiverorganisation

European Digital SME Alliance

European Digital Rights (EDRi)

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for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion (*): Bogdan Brunon Wenta

(*) Associated committee – Rule 54 of the Rules of Procedure


The Rapporteur welcomes the Commission's proposal to establish a Digital Europe

Programme. As part of the next long-term EU budget (MFF 2021-2027), and with a budget of

€9.2 billion, the Programme aims to shape Europe's digital transformation to the benefit of

citizens and businesses.

The Programme focuses on five specific objectives: (1) high-performance computing, (2)

artificial intelligence, (3) cybersecurity, (4) advanced digital skills and (5) deployment, best

use of digital capacity and interoperability.

The main points of the draft opinion are:

(i) Budget (Article 9)

Whilst the Rapporteur considers it essential to ensure the synergies between the Digital

Europe Programme and all other MFF programmes, he would nevertheless like to stress the

necessity to secure the budget allocated to Digital Europe, considering its ambitious

objectives. In that regard, the Rapporteur therefore suggests some specific modifications to

the budget.

In particular, the Rapporteur suggests a slight increase of the budget allocated to the specific

objective 4, “Advanced digital skills”, with a proposal for a budget of around €830 million

(9% of the overall budget) instead of the €700 million (7,6%) originally foreseen by the


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(ii) Advanced digital skills (Article 7 and annexes)

Considering the crucial importance of ensuring that both the current and future workforce will

have the opportunity to acquire advanced digital skills through long-and short-term training

courses and on-the-job traineeships, the Rapporteur suggests several amendments in order to

reinforce this specific objective and further clarify the proposed provisions.

(iii) Deployment, best use of digital capacity and interoperability (Article 8 and annexes)

This objective is of particular relevance to cultural and creative sectors. The Rapporteur

suggests several amendments to strengthen support to cultural and creative industries, in

particular in the audiovisual sector, in their ongoing digital transformation and stresses the

need to guarantee them access to the most advanced and performing digital technologies from

AI to advanced computing.

This objective is also relevant to cultural heritage. The Rapporteur would like to emphasise

the important role Digital Europe will play in supporting Europeana.

(iv) Evaluation (Article 25)

The Rapporteur suggests several important changes concerning the evaluation of the

Programme because he considers that the Commission's proposal is not sufficiently clear in

that regard.

(v) Work programmes (Article 23)

The Rapporteur suggests that the work programmes are adopted by the Commission through

delegated acts and not through implemented acts as suggested by the Commission in its


Overall the Rapporteur welcomes the effort that the Commission has put into this proposal.

Nevertheless, the Rapporteur considers it to be far too general, vague, and to be lacking in

crucial detail and in legal clarity. In that regard, considering the difficulties in understanding

how the Programme will concretely work as well as how the synergies between programmes

will be implemented, the Rapporteur suggests a series of amendments, focusing particularly

on providing greater legal clarity and certainty to the Programme.


The Committee on Culture and Education calls on the Committee on Industry, Research and

Energy, as the committee responsible, to take into account the following amendments:

Amendment 1

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(5) Pursuant to paragraph 22 and 23 of

the Inter-institutional agreement for Better

Law-Making of 13 April 201654 , there is a

need to evaluate this Programme on the

basis of information collected through

specific monitoring requirements, while

avoiding overregulation and administrative

burdens, in particular on Member States.

These requirements, where appropriate,

can include measurable indicators, as a

basis for evaluating the effects of the

Programme on the ground.

(5) Pursuant to paragraph 22 and 23 of

the Inter-institutional agreement for Better

Law-Making of 13 April 201654 , there is a

need to evaluate this Programme on the

basis of information collected through

specific monitoring requirements, while

avoiding overregulation and administrative

burdens, in particular on Member States.

These requirements, where appropriate,

can include measurable quantitative and

qualitative indicators, as a basis for

evaluating the effects of the Programme on

the ground.

_________________ _________________

54 Interinstitutional Agreement between the

European Parliament, the Council of the

European Union and the European

Commission on Better Law-Making of 13

April 2016; OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1–14.

54 Interinstitutional Agreement between the

European Parliament, the Council of the

European Union and the European

Commission on Better Law-Making of 13

April 2016; OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1–14.

Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

digitising our economies and addressing

the skills gap to maintain and enhance

European competitiveness, our quality of

life and social fabric. The European

Council concluded that the digital

transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, and enhance creative and

cultural diversity. Seizing these

opportunities requires collectively tackling

some of the challenges posed by the digital

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

digitising our economies and addressing

the skills gap to maintain and enhance

European competitiveness, our quality of

life and social fabric. The European

Council concluded that the digital

transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, media freedom and

democratic dialogue, whilst enhancing

not only cultural and creative industries

but also cultural and linguistic diversity.

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transformation and reviewing policies

affected by the digital transformation.

Seizing these opportunities requires

collectively tackling some of the

challenges posed by the digital

transformation and digital monopolies and

reviewing policies affected by the digital

transformation while putting focus on

investment in human capital and citizens

needs in terms of upskilling and reskilling

in order for them to fully benefit from the

Digital Single Market.

__________________ __________________









Amendment 3

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) The European Council concluded in

particular that the Union should urgently

address emerging trends: this includes

issues such as artificial intelligence and

distributed ledgers technologies (e.g.

blockchain), while at the same time

ensuring a high level of data protection,

digital rights and ethical standards. The

European Council invited the Commission

to put forward a European approach to

artificial intelligence by early 2018 and

called on the Commission to put forward

the necessary initiatives for strengthening

the framework conditions with a view to

enable the EU to explore new markets

through risk-based radical innovations and

to reaffirm the leading role of its industry.

(7) The European Council concluded in

particular that the Union should urgently

address emerging trends: this includes

issues such as digital divide, artificial

intelligence and distributed ledgers

technologies (e.g. blockchain), while at the

same time ensuring a high level of data

protection, rights and ethical standards.

The European Council invited the

Commission to put forward a European

approach to artificial intelligence by early

2018 and called on the Commission to put

forward the necessary initiatives for

strengthening the framework conditions

with a view to enable the EU to explore

new markets through risk-based radical

innovations and to reaffirm the leading role

of its industry.

Amendment 4

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The Commission's Communication

on 'A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020'57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

for Europe's digital transformations to

deliver 'strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity and

cybersecurity'. It would seek to secure

European leadership in supercomputing,

next generation internet, artificial

intelligence, robotics and big data. It would

reinforce the competitive position of

industry and businesses in Europe across

the digitised economy and would have a

significant impact on filling the skills gap

across the Union.

(8) The Commission's Communication

on 'A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020'57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

for Europe's digital transformations to

deliver 'strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity and

cybersecurity'. It would seek to secure

European leadership in supercomputing,

next generation internet, artificial

intelligence, robotics and big data. It

should reinforce the competitive position

of industry and businesses in Europe across

the digitised economy and it should ensure

that European citizens have the necessary

skills, competences and knowledge to

face the digital transformation of our

societies and economies.

_________________ _________________

57 COM(2018) 98 final 57 COM(2018) 98 final

Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses and citizens all over

the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry, in society and

to foster better exploitation of the potential

of policies of innovation and research

policies, as well as the full use of R&D

results, technological development,

European and international standards in

industry, in cultural, educational,

academic/scientific, audiovisual and

media institutions and in public

administration, for the benefit of citizens

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skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

private and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger


and businesses all over the Union. The

programme should be structured into five

Specific Objectives reflecting key policy

areas, namely: high-performance

computing, cybersecurity, artificial

intelligence, advanced digital skills, and

deployment, best use of digital capacities

and interoperability. For all these areas, the

Programme should also aim at better

aligning Union, Member States and

regional policies, and pooling of private

and industrial resources in order to increase

investment and develop stronger synergies.

Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10a) In line with the objectives of, and

action plan for, the European Year of

Cultural Heritage (which has highlighted

the great potential of the cultural, artistic,

creative and audiovisual sectors to

contribute to European scientific and

social innovation), the programme should

promote partnerships and research

projects between research institutes,

universities and cultural, artistic, creative

and audiovisual bodies (in particular,

museums, academies, conservatories,

theatres and cinemas). It should also

support the development of digital

technologies that facilitate and broaden

the scope for conservation of, and access

to, cultural, artistic, creative and

audiovisual content and services (e.g.

augmented and virtual reality and

human-machine interfaces), in synergy

with the Creative Europe and Horizon

Europe programmes.

Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59 . A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open and competitive

process. The Digital Innovation Hubs will

serve as access points to latest digital

capacities including high performance

computing (HPC), artificial intelligence,

cybersecurity, as well as other existing

innovative technologies such as Key

Enabling Technologies, available also in

fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single


(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, SMEs, local start-ups by public

organisations and academia taking into

account the specific sectorial needs at

regional level. A network of Digital

Innovation Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59

while taking into consideration remote

areas and less developed regions. A first

set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals taking into account criteria

such as geographical situation,

demographic trends, regional skills

forecasts needs and then the network will

be enlarged through an open, transparent

and competitive process. The Digital

Innovation Hubs will serve as access points

to latest digital capacities including high

performance computing (HPC), artificial

intelligence, cybersecurity, as well as other

existing innovative technologies such as

Key Enabling Technologies, available also

in fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single


__________________ __________________

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

Amendment 8

Proposal for a regulation

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Recital 14

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) The Programme's actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value.

(14) The Programme's actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value. It should

also see to the unconditional respect of

rights of content providers, consumers

and users of digital technology, ensuring

full respect of European values in the

development of a digital Europe.

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment and

security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably small and medium-sized


(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment,

linguistics and security as well as

competitiveness of industry, notably start-

ups, micro, small and medium-sized


Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16a) Digital technologies should be

widely accessible to all the necessary

public and private bodies, taking into

account geographical balance; the

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criteria for grants, therefore, should give

strong emphasis to the general impact, the

availability of technologies and

information technologies, and the

geographic balance.

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities are of major importance for the

development of artificial intelligence.

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets, as well as computational linguistics,

and testing and experimentation facilities

are of major importance for the

development of artificial intelligence.

Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 22

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(22) Cybersecurity is a challenge for the

whole Union that cannot continue to be

addressed only with fragmented national

initiatives. Europe's cybersecurity capacity

should be reinforced to endow Europe with

the necessary capacities to protect its

citizens and businesses from cyber threats.

In addition consumers should be protected

when using connected products that can be

hacked and compromise their safety. This

should be achieved together with Member

States and private sector by developing,

and ensuring coordination between,

projects reinforcing Europe's capacities in

cybersecurity and ensuring the wide

deployment of latest cybersecurity

solutions across the economy, as well as by

aggregating the competences in this field to

ensure critical mass and excellence.

(22) Cybersecurity is a challenge for the

whole Union that cannot continue to be

addressed only with fragmented national

initiatives. Europe's cybersecurity capacity

should be reinforced to endow Europe with

the necessary capacities to protect citizens,

businesses and public administrations

from cyber threats. In addition consumers

should be protected when using connected

products that can be hacked and

compromise their safety. This should be

achieved together with Member States and

private sector by developing, and ensuring

coordination between, projects reinforcing

Europe's capacities in cybersecurity and

ensuring the wide deployment of latest

cybersecurity solutions across the

economy, as well as by aggregating the

competences in this field to ensure critical

mass and excellence.

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Amendment 13

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 25 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(25a) In its resolution of 14 September

2017 on the New Skills Agenda for

Europe65a , the European Parliament

recalled that in today's society, ensuring

basic digital skills is an essential

prerequisite for personal and professional

fulfilment. Furthermore it stressed the

necessity of equipping people with more

specific and advanced digital competences

in order to be able to use digital

technologies in an innovative and creative



65a Texts adopted, P8_TA(2017)0360.

Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 27

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(27) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry67 the

European Parliament stated that education,

training and lifelong learning are the

cornerstone of social cohesion in a digital


(27) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry67 the

European Parliament stated that education,

training and lifelong learning are the

cornerstone of social cohesion in a digital

society. It emphasised as well the

importance of basic digital skills which

should encompass knowledge of the

possibilities that digital skills offer,

advanced use of basic digital tools, safe

internet behaviour and search

methodologies to identify credible sources,

and promote awareness-raising about

rights online. It would also contribute to

allowing citizens to have a critical

understanding of different forms of digital

media and thereby increasing and

enhancing the resources and

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opportunities offered by ‘digital literacy’.

_________________ _________________

67 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



67 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



Amendment 15

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Learning and training opportunities,

including on-the-job training, blended

and distance learning in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the Union.

Particular attention should be paid to

providing workers, especially in the

context of an ageing workforce, the

means and tools to benefit from the

opportunities offered by new digital

infrastructures. Failing this could impede

the smooth deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the participation

of citizens to the public life and the job

market, as well as the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe and

Erasmus programmes.

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Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 30

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as healthcare68

, mobility, justice, earth/environmental

monitoring, education and culture requires

the continuation and expansion of Digital

Service Infrastructures, which make secure

cross-border exchange of data possible and

foster national development. Their

coordination under this Regulation best

achieves the potential for exploiting


(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as healthcare68

, mobility, justice, earth/environmental

monitoring, education and training and

culture requires the continuation and

expansion of Digital Service

Infrastructures, which make secure cross-

border exchange of data possible and foster

national development. Their coordination

under this Regulation best achieves the

potential for exploiting synergies. The

digital transformation should nevertheless

take into account that some citizens are

not taking part - out of different reasons -

in it and networks should be supported to

continue informing those citizens, helping

them to remain in full possession of their

rights and participation to all social and

civic duties.

_________________ _________________





Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 30 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(30a) The deployment and access to

advanced technologies in areas of public

interest, such as education, also require

training in skills necessary to make use of

these technologies. Therefore the

objectives included in Specific Objective 8

should also cover training programmes

for those persons who will be using the

advanced technologies.

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Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 34 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(34a) In order to make the most of all

the opportunities and benefits offered by

digital technologies, the existing gap in

terms of access and use between public

administrations, individuals, businesses

and geographical areas should be filled.

In view of this, accelerating the adoption

of digital infrastructures, in particular in

the most disadvantaged areas of the

European territory, is fundamental in

order to increase inclusiveness as well as

the reduction of the digital divide.

Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 35 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(35a) In that context, and as evidenced

by the Europeana initiative, the

digitisation of European works represents

a significant opportunity to improve the

accessibility, distribution and promotion

of European culture and common

cultural heritage. Digital innovation can

provide the impetus for a revolution in

how cultural goods are exhibited and

accessed. Promoting the use of 3D

technologies for data collection and the

reconstruction of destroyed cultural goods

and heritage is, in that regard, of

particular importance. Digital Europe can

therefore contribute to the guarantee of

funding for a fair and ethical digitisation,

preservation and online availability of

European cultural heritage and culture.

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Amendment 20

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 35 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(35b) Furthermore historical and

cultural sites are often not easily

accessible for persons with disabilities.

The Programme could therefore

contribute to support digital initiatives

aiming at improving engagement and

making cultural experiences, sites and

artefacts throughout Europe more

accessible to persons with disabilities,

regardless of geographical location.

Amendment 21

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 35 c (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(35c) On 31 May 2016, the Council

underlined the vital importance of

ensuring the sustainable funding and

governance of Europeana as a combined

effort of cultural heritage institutions,

Member States and the Commission. As a

well-established digital service

infrastructure, the Europeana Digital

Service Infrastructure should have

priority for funding. In particular, the

continuity in Union funding in Digital

Europe should be ensured in the

multiannual financial framework for the

period 2021-2027, in order to allow for

the uninterrupted and successful delivery

of services at the same level as provided

for under the current funding scheme.

Amendment 22

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 37

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(37) In April 2016 the Commission

adopted the Digitising European Industry

initiative to ensure that "any industry in

Europe, big or small, wherever situated and

in any sector can fully benefit from digital


(37) In April 2016 the Commission

adopted the Digitising European Industry

initiative to ensure that "any industry in

Europe, big or small, wherever situated and

in any sector can fully benefit from digital

innovations". This is of particular

relevance to small and medium

enterprises in the cultural and creative



71 null

Amendment 23

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 39

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(39) Reaching the target objectives may

require leveraging the potential of

complementary technologies in the

networking and computing domains, as

stated in the Communication "Digitising

European Industry"73 that recognises

"availability of world class networking and

cloud infrastructure" as an essential

ingredient of industry digitisation.

(39) Reaching the target objectives may

require leveraging the potential of

complementary technologies in the

networking and computing domains, as

stated in the Communication "Digitising

European Industry"73 that recognises

"availability of world class networking and

cloud infrastructure" as an essential

component of industry digitisation.

__________________ __________________

73 COM (2016) 180 final: Digitising

European Industry – Reaping the full

benefits of a digital single market.

73 COM (2016) 180 final: Digitising

European Industry – Reaping the full

benefits of a digital single market.

Amendment 24

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 44

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(44) In order to ensure uniform

conditions for the implementation of this


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Regulation, implementing powers should

be conferred on the Commission for the

adoption of the work programmes so that

the objectives of the Programme are

achieved in accordance with the Union's

and Member States' priorities while

ensuring consistency, transparency and

continuity of joint action by the Union

and the Member States. Those powers

should be exercised in accordance with

the advisory procedure referred to in

Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 182/201175

laying down the rules and general

principles concerning mechanisms for

control by the Member States of the

Commission's exercise of implementing



75 Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the

European Parliament and of the Council

of 16 February 2011 laying down the

rules and general principles concerning

mechanisms for control by Member States

of the Commission’s exercise of

implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011,

p. 13)

Amendment 25

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 45

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(45) The work programmes should be

adopted in principle as multi-annual work

programmes, typically every two years, or,

if justified by the needs related to the

implementation of the programme, annual

work programmes. The types of financing

and the methods of implementation under

this Regulation should be chosen on the

basis of their ability to achieve the specific

objectives of the actions and to deliver

results, taking into account, in particular,

the costs of controls, the administrative

burden, and the expected risk of non-

(45) Work programmes should be

adopted so that the objectives of the

Programme are achieved in accordance

with the Union's and Member States'

priorities, while ensuring consistency,

transparency and continuity of joint

action by the Union and the Member

States. The work programmes should be

adopted in principle every two years, or, if

justified by the needs related to the

implementation of the programme, on an

annual basis. The types of financing and

the methods of implementation under this

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compliance. This should include

consideration of the use of lump sums, flat

rates and unit costs, as well as financing

not linked to costs as referred to in Article

125(1) of the Financial Regulation.

Regulation should be chosen on the basis

of their ability to achieve the specific

objectives of the actions and to deliver

results, taking into account, in particular,

the costs of controls, the administrative

burden, and the expected risk of non-

compliance. This should include

consideration of the use of lump sums, flat

rates and unit costs, as well as financing

not linked to costs as referred to in Article

125(1) of the Financial Regulation.

Amendment 26

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 46

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(46) The power to adopt acts in

accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty

on the Functioning of the European Union

should be delegated to the Commission

concerning amendments to Annex II to

review and/or complement the indicators.

It is of particular importance that the

Commission carry out appropriate

consultations during its preparatory work,

including at expert level, and that those

consultations be conducted in accordance

with the principles laid down in the

Interinstitutional Agreement on Better

Law-Making of 13 April 2016. In

particular, to ensure equal participation in

the preparation of delegated acts, the

European Parliament and the Council

receive all documents at the same time as

Member States' experts, and their experts

systematically have access to meetings of

Commission expert groups dealing with the

preparation of delegated acts.

(46) The power to adopt acts in

accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty

on the Functioning of the European Union

should be delegated to the Commission

concerning the adoption of work

programmes, amendments to Annex II to

review and/or complement the indicators.

It is of particular importance that the

Commission carry out appropriate

consultations during its preparatory work,

including at expert level, and that those

consultations be conducted in accordance

with the principles laid down in the

Interinstitutional Agreement on Better

Law-Making of 13 April 2016. In

particular, to ensure equal participation in

the preparation of delegated acts, the

European Parliament and the Council

receive all documents at the same time as

Member States' experts, and their experts

systematically have access to meetings of

Commission expert groups dealing with the

preparation of delegated acts.

Amendment 27

Proposal for a regulation

Article 1 – paragraph 1

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

This Regulation establishes the Digital

Europe programme ('Programme').

This Regulation establishes the Digital

Europe programme ('Programme'), which

shall be implemented for the period of 1

January 2021 to 31 December 2027.

Amendment 28

Proposal for a regulation

Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) 'Digital Innovation Hub' means

legal entity designated or selected in an

open and competitive procedure in order to

fulfil the tasks under the Programme, in

particular providing access to technological

expertise and experimentation facilities,

such as equipment and software tools to

enable the digital transformation of the


(e) 'Digital Innovation Hub' means

legal entity designated or selected in an

open, transparent and competitive

procedure, in order to fulfil the tasks under

the Programme, in particular providing

access to technological expertise and

experimentation facilities, such as

equipment and software tools, as well as

specialised trainings in advance digital

skills, to enable the digital empowerment

of all European citizens and the digital

transformation of the industry and public


Amendment 29

Proposal for a regulation

Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point f a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(fa) "media literacy" means the

analytical skills necessary to find one's

path of understanding throughout the

digital world.

Amendment 30

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens and businesses. The

Programme will:

1. The general objective of the

Programme shall be to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens and businesses. It shall:

Amendment 31

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) reinforce Europe's capacities in key

digital technology areas through large-

scale deployment,

(a) reinforce Europe's capacities in key

digital technology areas, seeing thereby to

a full respect of rights and European

values, through large-scale deployment,

Amendment 32

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The Programme will have five

specific objectives:

2. The five specific objectives of the

Programme shall be:

Amendment 33

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation;

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation supported by the

development of voluntary standards;

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Amendment 34

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase the Union’s talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics, artificial

intelligence and computer linguistics. The

financial intervention shall pursue the

following operational objectives:

Amendment 35

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term trainings and courses for

students, IT professionals and the


(a) support the design and delivery of

high-quality long-term trainings and

courses, including blended learning for

citizens of all ages, such as students,

people in need of upskilling, teachers and

trainers, researchers, IT professionals and

the workforce and taking into account and

respecting language diversity;

Amendment 36

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

(b) support the design and delivery of

high-quality short-term trainings and

courses, including blended learning, for

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the workforce; teachers, trainers, entrepreneurs,

including small business and start-ups

leaders, self-employed and the workforce,

as well as citizens of all ages in need of

upskilling, including in the non-profit

sector and cultural, creative, artistic and

audiovisual organisations;

Amendment 37

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ba) support the design and delivery of

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

for jobseekers, students and workers;

Amendment 38

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, young

entrepreneurs and graduates.

(c) support high-quality on-the-job

trainings, included blended learning and

traineeships for students, young

entrepreneurs and graduates, as well as

citizens of all ages in need of upskilling.

Amendment 39

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ca) support networks or services

offering help and continued information

to citizens not taking part in the digital

development - out of different reasons.

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Amendment 40

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(cb) support on-the-job trainings for

the workforce.

Amendment 41

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can effectively deploy and have the

necessary skills through training to use state-of-the-art digital technologies, in

particular high performance computing,

language technology, artificial intelligence

and cybersecurity;

Amendment 42

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point d a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(da) reduce the distance in terms of use

and access to digital services and

infrastructures between public

administrations, citizens, businesses and

geographical areas, supporting their

ability to provide more efficient services

and encouraging greater citizens'

involvement in decision-making


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Amendment 43

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The annual appropriations shall be

authorised by the European Parliament

and the Council within the limits of the

multiannual financial framework.

Amendment 44

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The indicative distribution of the

referred amount shall be:

2. The financial envelope referred to

in paragraph 1 shall be allocated as


Amendment 45

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) up to EUR 2 698 240 000 for

Specific Objective 1, High Performance


(a) a maximum of 29% for Specific

Objective 1, High Performance Computing

Amendment 46

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) up to EUR 2 498 369 000 for

Specific Objective 2, Artificial Intelligence

(b) at least 27% for Specific Objective

2, Artificial Intelligence

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Amendment 47

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) up to EUR 1 998 696 000 for

Specific Objective 3, Cybersecurity and


(c) at least 21% for Specific Objective

3, Cybersecurity and Trust

Amendment 48

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) up to EUR 699 543 000for Specific

Objective 4, Advanced Digital skills

(d) at least 9% for Specific Objective

4, Advanced Digital skills

Amendment 49

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) up to EUR 1 299 152 000for

Specific Objective 5, Deployment, best use

of digital capacities and Interoperability

(e) at least 14% for Specific Objective

5, Deployment, best use of digital

capacities and Interoperability

Amendment 50

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme is designed to be

implemented enabling synergies, as further

described in Annex III, with other Union

funding programmes, in particular through

arrangements for complementary funding

from EU programmes where management

modalities permit; either in sequence, in an

1. The Programme shall enable

synergies, as further described in Annex

III, with other Union funding programmes,

in particular through arrangements for

complementary funding from EU

programmes where management modalities

permit, either in sequence, in an alternating

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alternating way, or through the

combination of funds including for the

joint funding of actions.

way, or through the combination of funds

including for the joint funding of actions.

Amendment 51

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(aa) NUTS classification;

Amendment 52

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. Additional Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be selected on the basis of an open

and competitive process, in such a way to

ensure the widest geographical coverage

across Europe. The number of entities of

the network shall be proportional to the

population of a given Member States and

there shall be at least one Digital

Innovation Hub per Member State. To

address the specific constraints faced by

the EU outermost regions, specific entities

may be nominated to cover their needs.

4. Additional Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be selected on the basis of an open,

transparent and competitive process, in

such a way to ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe. The

number of entities of the network shall be

proportional to the population of a given

Member States and there shall be at least

one Digital Innovation Hub per Member

State, while taking into consideration the

Union's less advantaged regions, the

demographic situation and the regional

skills forecast needs. To address the

specific constraints faced by the EU

outermost regions, specific entities may be

nominated to cover their needs.

Amendment 53

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

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towards SMEs and midcaps, also in sectors

that are slow in the uptake of digital and

related technologies;

towards start-ups, SMEs and midcaps,

especially in sectors that are slow in the

uptake of digital and related technologies;

Amendment 54

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs and midcaps established

in one region with Digital Innovation Hubs

established in other regions which are best

suited to provide relevant services;

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking start-ups, SMEs and midcaps

established in one region with Digital

Innovation Hubs established in other

regions which are best suited to provide

relevant services;

Amendment 55

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs and midcaps.

Individual Digital Innovation Hubs may

specialise in specific thematic services and

do not need to provide all thematic services

mentioned in this paragraph;

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, start-ups, SMEs and

midcaps. Individual Digital Innovation

Hubs may specialise in specific thematic

services and do not need to provide all

thematic services mentioned in this


Amendment 56

Proposal for a regulation

Article 23 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1a. The Commission shall be

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empowered to adopt delegated acts in

accordance with Article 27 in order to

supplement this Regulation by adopting

work programmes.

Amendment 57

Proposal for a regulation

Article 23 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. Those work programmes shall be

adopted as multiannual programmes for

the entire Programme. If justified by

specific implementation needs, they may

also be adopted as annual programmes

which cover one or more Specific


2. Those work programmes shall be

adopted as multiannual programmes every

two years. If justified by specific

implementation needs, they may also be

adopted as annual programmes which

cover one or more Specific Objectives.

Amendment 58

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Indicators to monitor the

implementation and progress of the

Programme in achieving the general and

specific objectives set out in Article 3 are

set in the Annex II.

1. Quantitative and qualitative

indicators to monitor the implementation

and progress of the Programme in

achieving the general and specific

objectives set out in Article 3 are set in the

Annex II.

Amendment 59

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. To ensure effective assessment of

progress of the Programme towards the

achievement of its objectives, the

Commission is empowered to adopt

delegated acts in accordance with Article

2. To assess efficiently the progress of

the Programme towards the achievement of

its objectives, the Commission shall be

empowered to adopt delegated acts in

accordance with Article 27 to amend

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27 to amend Annex II to review or

complement the indicators where

considered necessary and to supplement

this Regulation with provisions on the

establishment of a monitoring and

evaluation framework.

Annex II to review or complement the

indicators where considered necessary and

to supplement this Regulation with

provisions on the establishment of a

monitoring and evaluation framework.

Amendment 60

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The performance reporting system

shall ensure that data for monitoring

programme implementation and results are

collected efficiently, effectively, and in a

timely manner. To that end, proportionate

reporting requirements shall be imposed on

recipients of Union funds and Member


3. The performance reporting system

shall ensure that data for monitoring

programme implementation and results are

collected efficiently, effectively, and in a

timely manner. To that end, specific

reporting requirements shall be imposed on

recipients of Union funds and Member


Amendment 61

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. Official EU statistics such as

regular ICT statistical surveys shall be used

to their maximum. National Statistical

Institutes shall be consulted on, and

involved together with Eurostat, in the

initial design and subsequent development

of statistical indicators used for monitoring

the implementation of the programme and

the progress made with regard to digital


4. Official EU statistics such as

regular ICT statistical surveys shall be used

in the most efficient manner possible, as

well as collection of DESI datasets at

NUTS-2 to help address the lack of

Digital Europe related regional data.

National Statistical Institutes shall be

consulted on, and involved together with

Eurostat, in the initial design and

subsequent development of statistical

indicators used for monitoring the

implementation of the programme and the

progress made with regard to digital


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Amendment 62

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – title

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Evaluation Programme Evaluation

Amendment 63

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Evaluations shall be carried out in

a timely manner to feed into the decision-

making process.

1. The Commission shall ensure

regular monitoring and external

evaluation of the Programme, based

notably on the performance reporting

system as referred to in Article 24

paragraph 3.

Amendment 64

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The interim evaluation of the

Programme shall be performed once there

is sufficient information available about

the implementation of the Programme,

but no later than four years after the start

of the implementation of the Programme.

2. In addition to regularly

monitoring the Programme, the

Commission shall establish an interim

evaluation report and shall submit it to the

European Parliament, the Council, the

European Economic and Social

Committee and the Committee of the

Regions no later than 31 December 2024.

Amendment 65

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 3

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. At the end of the implementation

of the Programme, but no later than four

years after the end of the period specified

in Article [1], a final evaluation of the

Programme shall be carried out by the


3. On the basis of a final external

and independent evaluation, the

Commission shall establish a final

evaluation report of the Programme, which

assesses its longer-term impacts and its


Amendment 66

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. The evaluation reporting system

shall ensure that data for programme

evaluation are collected efficiently,

effectively, in a timely manner and at the

appropriate level of granularity by

recipients of Union funds;


Amendment 67

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 4 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4a. The Commission shall submit the

final evaluation report referred to in

paragraph 3 to the European Parliament,

the Council, the European Economic and

Social Committee and the Committee of

the Regions no later than 31 December


Amendment 68

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 5

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5. The Commission shall

communicate the conclusions of the

evaluations accompanied by its

observations, to the European Parliament,

the Council, the European Economic and

Social Committee and the Committee of

the Regions.


Amendment 69

Proposal for a regulation

Article 27 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The power to adopt delegated acts

referred to in Article 24 shall be conferred

on the Commission until 31 December


2. The power to adopt delegated acts

referred to in Articles 23 and 24 shall be

conferred on the Commission until 31

December 2028.

Amendment 70

Proposal for a regulation

Article 27 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The delegation of power referred to

in Article 24 may be revoked at any time

by the European Parliament or by the

Council. A decision to revoke shall put an

end to the delegation of power specified in

that decision. It shall take effect the day

following the publication of the decision in

the Official Journal of the European Union

or at a later date specified therein. It shall

not affect the validity of any delegated acts

already in force.

3. The delegation of power referred to

in Articles 23 and 24 may be revoked at

any time by the European Parliament or by

the Council. A decision to revoke shall put

an end to the delegation of power specified

in that decision. It shall take effect the day

following the publication of the decision in

the Official Journal of the European Union

or at a later date specified therein. It shall

not affect the validity of any delegated acts

already in force.

Amendment 71

Proposal for a regulation

Article 27 – paragraph 6

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to

article 24 shall enter into force if no

objection has been expressed either by the

European Parliament or by the Council

within a period of two months of

notification of that act to the European

Parliament and the Council or if, before the

expiry of that period, the European

Parliament and the Council have both

informed the Commission that they will

not object. That period shall be extended

by two months at the initiative of the

European Parliament or of the Council.

6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to

Articles 23 and 24 shall enter into force if

no objection has been expressed either by

the European Parliament or by the Council

within a period of two months of

notification of that act to the European

Parliament and the Council or if, before the

expiry of that period, the European

Parliament and the Council have both

informed the Commission that they will

not object. That period shall be extended

by two months at the initiative of the

European Parliament or of the Council.

Amendment 72

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The Programme shall support easy access

to advanced digital skills, notably in HPC,

AI, distributed ledgers (e.g. blockchain)

and cybersecurity for the current and future

labour force by offering students, recent

graduates, and existing workers, wherever

they are situated, with the means to acquire

and develop these skills.

The Programme shall support easy access

and training opportunities in advanced

digital skills, notably in HPC, AI,

distributed ledgers (e.g. blockchain) and

cybersecurity for the current and future

labour force by offering students, recent

graduates or citizens of all ages in need of

upskilling, jobseekers and existing

workers, wherever they are situated, with

the means to acquire and develop these


Amendment 73

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 4 – paragraph 2 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Access to on the job training by

taking part in traineeships in competence

centres and companies deploying advanced


1. Access to on the job training and

blended learning opportunities by taking

part in traineeships in competence centres

and companies deploying advanced

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Amendment 74

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 4 – paragraph 2 – point 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2a. Access to Massive open online

courses (MOOCs) which will be offered

by online learning platforms and


Amendment 75

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 5 – subpart II – title

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

II Initial activities related to the

digitization of industry:

II Initial activities related to the

digitisation of industry:

Amendment 76

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 5 – subpart I – point 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5. Education and culture: Provide

creators and creative industry in Europe

with access to latest digital technologies

from AI to advanced computing. Exploit

the European cultural heritage as a vector

to promote cultural diversity, social

cohesion and European citizenship.

Support the uptake of digital technologies

in education.

5. Education and training: Support

the uptake of digital technologies and

digital communication rules in formal,

informal and non-formal education,

notably the further inclusion of digital

skills, media literacy as well as the use of

digital technologies in all curricula with

effective access to latest digital

technologies from AI to advanced

computing, including providing schools

with adequate digital infrastructures and

equipment, such as high-capacity

broadband networks with access to at

least 100 Mbps connectivity. Support

investment in distance learning, both

blended and entirely online. Support

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continuing digital education from an

early age, without prejudice to nurturing

at the same time classical and humanistic

skills, without overlooking the risk of

digital addiction as well as potential

pathologies linked to digitalisation, in the

context of social and physical


Amendment 77

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 5 – subpart I – point 5 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5a. Cultural and creative sectors:

support cultural and creative sectors, in

particular the audiovisual sector, in their

ongoing digital transformation whilst

guaranteeing them the access to the most

advanced, sustainable and performing

digital technologies from AI to advanced

computing, as well as supporting the

contribution of the cultural and creative

sectors to a fair and ethical use and

development of their digital tools and


Amendment 78

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 1 – part 5 – subpart I – point 5 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5b. Cultural heritage: Exploit and

promote the European cultural heritage,

both tangible and intangible as a vector to

promote cultural and linguistic diversity,

social cohesion and European citizenship.

Protect, preserve and disseminate cultural

heritage through digitisation and the

development of contemporary digital

cultural practices, as well as specific

digital initiatives such as European,

cultural heritage cloud, and other

initiatives that take into account the latest

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digital technologies.

Amendment 79

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 2 – part 4 – point 4.1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4.1 Number of ICT specialists trained

and working

4.1 Number of ICT specialists trained

and working each year in the Union

Amendment 80

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 2 – part 4 – point 4.2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4.2 Number of enterprises having

difficulty recruiting ICT specialists

4.2 Number of enterprises having

difficulty recruiting ICT specialists each

year in the Union

Amendment 81

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 3 – point 1 – point b a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ba) Digital Europe Programme shall

actively create synergies with Horizon

Europe around the sustainability of data

originating from research projects;

Amendment 82

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 3 – point 4 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4a. Synergies with Creative Europe

shall ensure that:

(a) The Programme will support the

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development and acquisition of the

advanced digital skills needed for the

deployment of cutting-edge technologies

relevant for the cultural ecosystem and

cultural and creative sectors as a whole. It

shall enable exchange within cultural

sectors and across other sectors on the

protocols and advanced digital skills

already developed by creative

communities with a view to foster its

dissemination and uptake.

(b) The Creative Europe Programme,

with its general objective of increasing the

competitiveness of the cultural and

creative sectors, will complement in that

regard the interventions of Digital

Europe, which aim to support the digital

transformation of cultural and creative

industries; as well as to ensure the

diversity of available platforms taking into

consideration the increasing market

concentration of digital monopolies.

(c) Within the Programme two

leadership projects will ensure the

continuation of deployment activities

linked to the #Digital4Culture strategy.

The leadership project on digital

transformation of the cultural heritage

sector will continue to support European

initiative launched during the European

Year on Cultural Heritage 2018. The part

of the Programme focusing on digital

skills has synergies with issues such as

media literacy and film education.

(d) The Programme will support the

launch and the realisation of an online

directory of European films available on

legal on-demand services with the aim of

promoting distribution, promotion,

visibility and findability at a European


(e) The Programme will support the

development of new technologies needed

to enhance theatrical and online

distribution and provide wider access

across borders to European audiovisual

works, as stated in the priorities of

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Creative Europe´s MEDIA Strand.

Amendment 83

Proposal for a regulation

Annex 3 – point 5 – point b a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ba) The programme adequately

supports the development and

implementation of the European Student

Card (e-Card) by providing the technical

infrastructure and capacity building and

ensuring the development of the trust and

security aspects, especially concerning the

electronic exchange of data;

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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary



Associated committees - date announced

in plenary



Date appointed

Bogdan Brunon Wenta


Discussed in committee 3.9.2018

Date adopted 10.10.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote Isabella Adinolfi, Dominique Bilde, Nikolaos Chountis, Silvia Costa,

Mircea Diaconu, Damian Drăghici, Angel Dzhambazki, Jill Evans,

María Teresa Giménez Barbat, Giorgos Grammatikakis, Petra

Kammerevert, Svetoslav Hristov Malinov, Rupert Matthews, Stefano

Maullu, Morten Messerschmidt, Luigi Morgano, Momchil Nekov,

Helga Trüpel, Sabine Verheyen, Julie Ward, Bogdan Brunon Wenta,

Theodoros Zagorakis, Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski, Krystyna Łybacka,

Michaela Šojdrová

Substitutes present for the final vote Norbert Erdős, Martina Michels, Remo Sernagiotto

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27 +

ALDE Mircea Diaconu, María Teresa Giménez Barbat

ECR Angel Dzhambazki, Rupert Matthews, Morten Messerschmidt, Remo Sernagiotto

EFDD Isabella Adinolfi

GUE/NGL Nikolaos Chountis, Martina Michels

PPE Norbert Erdős, Svetoslav Hristov Malinov, Stefano Maullu, Michaela Šojdrová, Sabine

Verheyen, Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Theodoros Zagorakis, Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski

S&D Silvia Costa, Damian Drăghici, Giorgos Grammatikakis, Petra Kammerevert, Krystyna

Łybacka, Luigi Morgano, Momchil Nekov, Julie Ward

VERTS/ALE Jill Evans, Helga Trüpel

0 -

1 0

ENF Dominique Bilde

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

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for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion: Paul Rübig


The Committee on Budgets calls on the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, as the

committee responsible, to take into account the following amendments:

Amendment 1

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, academia

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, including

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and public administrations. SMEs and start-ups, academia and public


_________________ _________________

63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 39 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(39a) Blockchain and other distributed

ledger technologies can significantly

enhance access to distributed datasets

across the Union, facilitate notarisation of

documents, and enable traceability of

transactions or movement of products in a

way that is secure and compliant with the

EU acquis. They reinforce trust in

applications involving multiple

stakeholders, enhance collaborative

models and enable the defragmentation of

distributed datasets. This will lead to

quality and efficiency gains, reducing

administrative burden, in particular for

regulatory reporting and auditing,

combating and limiting fraud,

incentivising the adoption of best

practices and ethical behaviours.

Moreover strengthening capacities in

Europe to develop and exploit Blockchain

and other distributed ledger technologies

will reinforce digital innovation

ecosystems in Europe and help position

European actors amongst the leaders of a

new internet economy.

Amendment 3

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 39 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(39b) At the European Council meeting

on 19 October 2017 Member States

concluded the Union needs a sense of

urgency to address emerging trends:

including blockchain technologies, while

at the same time ensuring a high level of

data protection, digital rights and ethical

standards. The European Parliament

resolution on "Distributed ledger

technologies and blockchains: building

trust with disintermediation"

(2017/2772(RSP)) passed on 16 May2018,

recognises the role of blockchain in

enhancing innovation in Europe and

around the world.

Amendment 4

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 39 c (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(39c) At the second Digital Day on 10

April, 2018, European counties committed

to working together in the development of

advanced trusted solutions for public

services (e.g. through the development of

a European blockchain infrastructure for

services) and invited the European

Commission to support the development

and deployment of blockchain and

distributed ledger technology through its

digital programmes.

Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 43

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the achievement

of an overall target of 25% of the EU

budget expenditures supporting climate

objectives74 . Relevant actions will be

identified during the Programme's

preparation and implementation, and

reassessed in the context of the relevant

evaluations and review processes.

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the swift

achievement of an overall target of at least

25% of the EU budget expenditures

supporting climate objectives74 over the

MFF 2021-2027 period and 30% as soon

as possible at the latest by 2027. Relevant

actions will be identified during the

Programme's preparation and

implementation, and reassessed in the

context of the relevant evaluations and

review processes. It is imperative that the

EU delivers on its commitment to be a

frontrunner in implementing the UN

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

although there is a lack of a clear and

visible commitment to that end in the

MFF proposals, therefore, the

mainstreaming of the SDGs should be

present in all EU policies and initiatives

of the next MFF.

_________________ _________________

74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1 74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1

Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The Programme will have five

specific objectives:

2. The Programme will have six

specific objectives:

Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e a (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ea) Blockchain and Distributed

Ledger Technologies

Amendment 8

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

the workforce;

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders,

including start-uppers and the workforce;

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs;

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs and start-ups;

Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 8a

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger


The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 6: Blockchain

and Distributed Ledger Technologies,

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shall pursue the following operational


(a) Build up and strengthen core

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

Technologies capacities in the Union,

connecting national / regional blockchain

infrastructures and establishing a

governance model that can support the

development and deployment of new

digital services enabled by Blockchain

and Distributed Ledger Technologies in

accordance with the Union's legal


(b) Make those capacities accessible to

businesses, [in particular SMEs], public

administrations or other organisations in

order to support development of

innovative cross-border applications of

those technologies that will benefit

European citizens and the digital

economy [in Europe];

(c) Further develop, deploy,

coordinate and operate at the Union level

a European Blockchain Services

Infrastructure meeting the highest global

standards of cybersecurity, energy

efficiency, privacy-compliance and

accessible on a non-commercial basis to

public and private users to support the

delivery of services of public interest;

(d) Support the deployment of ready to

use/operational technology resulting from

research and innovation strengthening an

integrated Union innovation ecosystem on

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

Technologies, offering testing and

experimentation facilities in Member



Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies can significantly enhance access to

distributed datasets across the Union, facilitate notarisation of documents, and enable

traceability of transactions or movement of products in a way that is secure and compliant

with the EU acquis. They reinforce trust in applications involving multiple stakeholders,

enhance collaborative models and enable the defragmentation of distributed datasets. This

will lead to quality and efficiency gains, reducing administrative burden, in particular for

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regulatory reporting and auditing, combating and limiting fraud, incentivising the adoption of

best practices and ethical behaviours.

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The financial envelope for the

implementation of the Programme for the

period 2021−2027shall be EUR 9 194 000

000 in current prices.

1. The financial envelope for the

implementation of the Programme for the

period 2021−2027shall be EUR 8 192 391

000 in 2018 prices (EUR 9 194 000 000 in

current prices).

Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) up to EUR 2 698 240 000 for

Specific Objective 1, High Performance


(a) up to EUR 2 404 289 438 in 2018

prices (EUR 2 698 240 000 in current

prices) for Specific Objective 1, High

Performance Computing

Amendment 13

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) up to EUR 2 498 369 000 for

Specific Objective 2, Artificial Intelligence

(b) up to EUR 2 226 192 703 in 2018

prices (EUR 2 498 369 000 in current

prices) for Specific Objective 2, Artificial


Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point c

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) up to EUR 1 998 696 000 for

Specific Objective 3, Cybersecurity and


(c) up to EUR 1 780 954 875 in 2018

prices (EUR 1 998 696 000 in current

prices) for Specific Objective 3,

Cybersecurity and Trust

Amendment 15

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) up to EUR 699 543 000 for Specific

Objective 4, Advanced Digital skills

(d) up to EUR 623 333 672 in 2018

prices (EUR 699 543 000 in current

prices) for Specific Objective 4, Advanced

Digital skills

Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) up to EUR 1 299 152 000 for

Specific Objective 5, Deployment, best use

of digital capacities and Interoperability

(e) up to EUR 1 157 620 312 in 2018

prices (EUR 1 299 152 000 in current

prices) for Specific Objective 5,

Deployment, best use of digital capacities

and Interoperability

Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1 a. The Commission shall ensure that

procedural requirements for application

and participation in programmes relevant

for the Digital Agenda are harmonised.

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Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Article 14 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The Programme may provide

funding in any of the forms laid down in

the Financial Regulation, including notably

procurement as a primary form as well as

grants and prizes. It may also provide

financing in the form of financial

instruments within blending operations.

2. The Programme may provide

funding in any of the forms laid down in

the Financial Regulation, including notably

procurement by the Commission or

funding body, by grant beneficiaries

individually or jointly as a primary form of

the action as well as grants and prizes.

Procurements may authorise the award of

multiple contracts within the same

procedure and may provide for place of

performance conditions in line with

applicable international procurement

agreements. The Programme may also

provide financing in the form of financial

instruments within blending operations.


The amendment aims at allowing the use of procurement in the most effective way by

clarifying the provision on how the EC or EU funding bodies themselves can be involved as

procurers in DEP funded public procurements. Also one procurement can award contracts to

multiple vendors or multiple sourcing ensuring better value for money and assuring

continuity of supply and service especially for digital technologies.

Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

towards SMEs and midcaps, also in sectors

that are slow in the uptake of digital and

related technologies;

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

towards SMEs, midcaps and start-ups,

also in sectors that are slow in the uptake

of digital and related technologies;

Amendment 20

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Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs and midcaps established

in one region with Digital Innovation Hubs

established in other regions which are best

suited to provide relevant services;

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs, midcaps and start-ups,

established in one region with Digital

Innovation Hubs established in other

regions which are best suited to provide

relevant services;

Amendment 21

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs and midcaps.

Individual Digital Innovation Hubs may

specialise in specific thematic services and

do not need to provide all thematic services

mentioned in this paragraph;

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs, midcaps and start-

ups. Individual Digital Innovation Hubs

may specialise in specific thematic services

and do not need to provide all thematic

services mentioned in this paragraph;

Amendment 22Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) the need to overcome financial

obstacles such as the lack of market


(d) the need to overcome financial

obstacles such as the lack of market

finance in particular for young

entrepreneurs and SMEs;

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Amendment 23

Proposal for a regulation

Article 29 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The Commission shall implement

information and communication actions

relating to the Programme, and its actions

and results. Financial resources allocated to

the Programme shall also contribute to the

corporate communication of the political

priorities of the Union, as far as they are

related to the objectives referred to in

Article [3].

2. The Commission shall implement

information and communication actions

relating to the Programme, and its actions

and results. It shall also ensure integrated

information and access to potential

applicants to Union funding in the digital

sector. Financial resources allocated to the

Programme shall also contribute to the

corporate communication of the political

priorities of the Union, as far as they are

related to the objectives referred to in

Article [3].

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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary




Date appointed

Paul Rübig


Discussed in committee 26.9.2018

Date adopted 5.11.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote Jean Arthuis, Reimer Böge, Lefteris Christoforou, Gérard Deprez,

Manuel dos Santos, André Elissen, José Manuel Fernandes, Eider

Gardiazabal Rubial, Jens Geier, Ingeborg Gräßle, Monika Hohlmeier,

John Howarth, Bernd Kölmel, Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, Vladimír Maňka,

Siegfried Mureşan, Jan Olbrycht, Paul Rübig, Eleftherios Synadinos,

Indrek Tarand, Isabelle Thomas, Inese Vaidere, Daniele Viotti, Tiemo

Wölken, Marco Zanni

Substitutes present for the final vote Karine Gloanec Maurin, Alain Lamassoure, Janusz Lewandowski,

Andrey Novakov

Substitutes under Rule 200(2) present

for the final vote

Michael Detjen

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27 +

ALDE Jean Arthuis, Gérard Deprez

ECR Bernd Kölmel, Zbigniew Kuźmiuk

PPE Reimer Böge, Lefteris Christoforou, José Manuel Fernandes, Ingeborg Gräßle, Monika

Hohlmeier, Alain Lamassoure, Janusz Lewandowski, Siegfried Mureşan, Andrey

Novakov, Jan Olbrycht, Paul Rübig, Inese Vaidere

S&D Michael Detjen, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Jens Geier, Karine Gloanec Maurin, John

Howarth, Vladimír Maňka, Manuel dos Santos, Isabelle Thomas, Daniele Viotti, Tiemo


VERTS/ALE Indrek Tarand

2 -

ENF André Elissen

NI Eleftherios Synadinos

1 0

ENF Marco Zanni

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

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for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion: Adina-Ioana Vălean


The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety calls on the Committee

on Industry, Research and Energy, as the committee responsible, to take into account the

following amendments:

Amendment 1

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses and citizens all over

the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and of

European societies and to foster better

exploitation of the industrial potential of

policies of innovation, research and

technological development, for the benefit

of businesses, regions, local communities

and citizens all over the Union. The

programme should be structured into five

Specific Objectives reflecting key policy

areas, namely: high-performance

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skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

private and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger


computing, cybersecurity, artificial

intelligence, advanced digital skills, and

deployment, best use of digital capacities,

interoperability and closing the digital

gap between regions and between urban

and rural communities. For all these areas,

the Programme should also aim at better

aligning Union, Member States and

regional policies, and pooling of private

and industrial resources in order to increase

investment and develop stronger synergies.

Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59 . A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open and competitive

process. The Digital Innovation Hubs will

serve as access points to latest digital

capacities including high performance

computing (HPC), artificial intelligence,

cybersecurity, as well as other existing

innovative technologies such as Key

Enabling Technologies, available also in

fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single

(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations, public

administrations and academia. A network

of Digital Innovation Hubs should ensure

the widest geographical coverage across

Europe59 . A first set of Digital Innovation

Hubs will be selected based on Member

States’ proposals and then the network will

be enlarged through an open, transparent

and competitive process. The Digital

Innovation Hubs will serve as access points

to latest digital capacities including high

performance computing (HPC), artificial

intelligence, cybersecurity, as well as other

existing innovative technologies such as

Key Enabling Technologies, available also

in fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single

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Market. Market.

_________________ _________________

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

Amendment 3

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment and

security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably small and medium-sized


(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by all

beneficiaries of the Programme and, more

generally, in areas of public interest in

order to seize unique opportunities that

supercomputers bring to society as regards

social inclusiveness, health, environment

and security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably small and medium-sized


Amendment 4

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16a) The energy consumption of

computer devices and data storage

centres, which is expected to increase

continuously over the next decades,

should be based on renewable energy



The storage of data becomes an increasingly prominent problem with data centres estimated

to have the fastest growing carbon footprint from across the whole ICT (Information and

Communication Technology) sector. Research shows that global electricity usage ascribed to

Communication Technology in the coming years are expected to grow, leading to a potential

14% share of global CO2 emissions by 2040 (already 2% today).

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Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, academia

and public administrations.

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, including

SMEs and start-ups, academia and public


_________________ _________________

63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity,

data protection and artificial intelligence

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mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


are now sufficiently mature to move

beyond the research arena and be deployed,

implemented and scaled-up at Union level.

Just as the deployment of these

technologies require a Union response so

does the skills dimension. Training

opportunities in advanced digital skills

need to be scaled up, increased and made

accessible throughout the EU. Failing this

could impede the smooth deployment of

advanced digital technologies and hamper

the overall competitiveness of Union's

economy. The actions supported by this

programme are complementary to those

supported by the ESF, ERDF and Horizon

Europe programmes.

Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 30

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as healthcare68

, mobility, justice, earth/environmental

monitoring, education and culture requires

the continuation and expansion of Digital

Service Infrastructures, which make secure

cross-border exchange of data possible and

foster national development. Their

coordination under this Regulation best

achieves the potential for exploiting


(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as healthcare68

, mobility, justice, earth/environmental

monitoring, reduction of carbon

emissions, energy infrastructure,

education and culture requires the

continuation and expansion of Digital

Service Infrastructures, which make secure

cross-border exchange of data possible and

foster national development. Their

coordination under this Regulation best

achieves the potential for exploiting


_________________ _________________





Amendment 8

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 43

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the

achievement of an overall target of 25% of

the EU budget expenditures supporting

climate objectives74 . Relevant actions will

be identified during the Programme's

preparation and implementation, and

reassessed in the context of the relevant

evaluations and review processes.

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s obligations to implement the Paris

Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and help leading to the

achievement of an overall target of 25% of

the EU budget expenditures supporting

climate objectives74 . Relevant actions

should be identified during the

Programme's preparation and

implementation, and reassessed in the

context of the relevant evaluations and

review processes in order to ensure full

compliance with these obligations.

_________________ _________________

74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1 74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ba) modernise education and training

across the Union,

Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point b b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(bb) promote open government

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point b c (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(bc) enhance the use of digital

technologies as a means to improve

citizen's access to information and culture

and improve their job opportunities.

Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation;

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in full compliance

with data protection legislation;

Amendment 13

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation;

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation and the fundamental


Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders,

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the workforce; including start-uppers, and the workforce;

Amendment 15

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, climate, cultural and

creative sectors, can deploy and access

state-of-the-art digital technologies, in

particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence and cybersecurity;

Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs;

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs and start-ups;

Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point i a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ia) ensure that the concept of user-

cantered design is thoroughly adapted by

creating digital solutions that are simple,

functioning, modifiable and tailorable to

personal needs, taking into account the

ageing population.

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Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

towards SMEs and midcaps, also in sectors

that are slow in the uptake of digital and

related technologies;

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

towards SMEs, midcaps and start-ups, also

in sectors that are slow in the uptake of

digital and related technologies;

Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs and midcaps established

in one region with Digital Innovation Hubs

established in other regions which are best

suited to provide relevant services;

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs, midcaps and start-ups

established in one region with Digital

Innovation Hubs established in other

regions which are best suited to provide

relevant services;

Amendment 20

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs and midcaps.

Individual Digital Innovation Hubs may

specialise in specific thematic services and

do not need to provide all thematic services

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs, midcaps and start-

ups. Individual Digital Innovation Hubs

may specialise in specific thematic services

and do not need to provide all thematic

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mentioned in this paragraph; services mentioned in this paragraph;

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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary




Date appointed

Adina-Ioana Vălean


Date adopted 12.11.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote Margrete Auken, Pilar Ayuso, Ivo Belet, Biljana Borzan, Lynn Boylan,

Paul Brannen, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Nessa Childers, Birgit Collin-

Langen, Miriam Dalli, Seb Dance, Angélique Delahaye, Mark

Demesmaeker, Stefan Eck, Bas Eickhout, Francesc Gambús, Gerben-

Jan Gerbrandy, Arne Gericke, Jens Gieseke, Julie Girling, Françoise

Grossetête, Andrzej Grzyb, Jytte Guteland, György Hölvényi, Anneli

Jäätteenmäki, Jean-François Jalkh, Benedek Jávor, Karin Kadenbach,

Urszula Krupa, Jo Leinen, Peter Liese, Susanne Melior, Rory Palmer,

Bolesław G. Piecha, Annie Schreijer-Pierik, Davor Škrlec, Nils

Torvalds, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Jadwiga Wiśniewska, Damiano Zoffoli

Substitutes present for the final vote Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Fredrick Federley, Giorgos Grammatikakis,

Christophe Hansen, Tilly Metz, Carolina Punset

Substitutes under Rule 200(2) present

for the final vote

Paul Rübig, Tomáš Zdechovský

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42 +

ALDE Fredrick Federley, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Carolina Punset, Nils


GUE/NGL Lynn Boylan, Stefan Eck

PPE Pilar Ayuso, Ivo Belet, Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Birgit Collin-Langen, Angélique

Delahaye, Francesc Gambús, Jens Gieseke, Julie Girling, Françoise Grossetête, Andrzej

Grzyb, Christophe Hansen, György Hölvényi, Peter Liese, Paul Rübig, Annie Schreijer-

Pierik, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Tomáš Zdechovský

S&D Biljana Borzan, Paul Brannen, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Nessa Childers, Miriam Dalli,

Seb Dance, Giorgos Grammatikakis, Jytte Guteland, Karin Kadenbach, Jo Leinen,

Susanne Melior, Rory Palmer, Damiano Zoffoli

Verts/ALE Margrete Auken, Bas Eickhout, Benedek Jávor, Tilly Metz, Davor Škrlec

5 -

ECR Mark Demesmaeker, Arne Gericke, Urszula Krupa, Bolesław G. Piecha, Jadwiga


1 0

ENF Jean-François Jalkh

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

PE625.457v02-00 158/305 RR\1170470DA.docx




for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion: Evelyne Gebhardt


Internet and new technologies are comprehensively changing our society and our economy.

Increasing investment in modern digital infrastructure – like high-performance computing,

artificial-intelligence products and services and efficient cybersecurity capacities – combined

with investment in advanced digital skills in these new technologies for workers and students

is crucial to ensure that citizens, industry, business and public administrations can take full

advantage of these developments and of the Digital Single Market.

In order to stimulate innovation, tackle market fragmentation under fair and balanced

conditions and achieve consumer confidence, such a substantial investment in infrastructure

and digital skills needs to be executed by the European Union, by Member States and by the

private sector. This is entirely in line with the European Parliament’s call, in its report

“Towards a digital single market act”1, for a long-term investment strategy in digital

infrastructure and skills as well as the support of digitisation of Europe’s industry and public


The new Digital Europe Programme can be a powerful instrument to support this digital

transformation. Furthermore, it complements other programmes of the European Union,

supports other Union policies and thus creates synergy effects, in particular with:

the Horizon Europe Programme, supporting research and development of new

1 Own initiative report “Towards a digital single market act” (2015/2147(INI)

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the European Regional Development Funds (EDRF), supporting inter alia the

deployment of digital solutions, including cybersecurity;

the Connecting Europe Facility, providing infrastructure for broadband networks;

and the Single Market programme, supporting inter alia product safety in relation to

digital economy, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

The rapporteur welcomes the proposal of the new Digital Europe Programme and suggests to

maintain the total budget of the Programme of 8.192 billion in constant prices (i.e. 9.194

billion in current prices) as proposed by the Commission, in accordance with the agreement of

the European Parliament based on its resolution of 14 March 20181. Nevertheless, the

rapporteur calls on the Member States and the private sector to make the financial

contribution needed to achieve the Programme’s objectives.

Furthermore, the rapporteur welcomes the integration of existing and new Digital Innovation

Hubs to implement the Programme. Digital Innovation Hubs will support the digital

transformation of European industry, in particular SMEs, and of public administration and

diffuse digital capacities on a local level. Therefore, the rapporteur suggests increasing the

responsibilities of the Digital Innovation, clarifying that Hubs should be allowed to receive

other public or private contributions and own revenues created by the Digital Innovations

Hubs. In addition, Digital Innovation Hubs should be free to define their internal organisation,

their composition, their work programme and working methods.

In order to avoid significant investment gaps in other new technologies covered by the

Horizon Europe Programme but not the Digital Europe Programme, it should be made clear

that those other new technologies can attract funding under this Programme provided they are

part of a comprehensive and related solution with the technologies that are covered under

Articles 4 to 8.

Specific objectives:

The rapporteur supports the EuroHPC declaration and the proposal of the Commission for a

Council Regulation establishing the EuroHPC Joint undertaking, which seems to be an

effective and efficient instrument to acquire, deploy and maintain the integrated high

performance computing infrastructure.

In light of European industry’s undoubtedly increasing demand for AI robotics solutions and

distributed ledger technology (e.g. blockchain) and the importance of avoiding a significant

investment gap in these fields, the Programme’s objectives should encompass robotics

powered by artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technology.

With regard to the fight against digital exclusion, the rapporteur suggests to open up

opportunities for advanced long-term training to all qualified persons. Given the large number

1 European Parliament resolution of 14 March 2018 on the next MFF: Preparing the Parliament’s position on the

MFF post-2020 reached with MFF 2021-2027

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of people that have to be trained to satisfy European industry’s needs, and given the challenge

of recruiting enough qualified trainers for that task, the rapporteur also suggests to support the

design and provision of a pan-European e-learning platform.


The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection calls on the Committee on

Industry, Research and Energy, as the committee responsible, to take into account the

following amendments:

Amendment 1

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 5 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(5 a) The Programme should ensure

utmost transparency, accountability and

democratic scrutiny of innovative

financial instruments and mechanisms

that involve the Union budget, especially

as regards their contribution, both as

regards initial expectations and end

results made towards achieving Union


Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

digitising our economies and addressing

the skills gap to maintain and enhance

European competitiveness, our quality of

life and social fabric. The European

Council concluded that the digital

transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, and enhance creative and

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

digitising our economies and addressing

the skills gap to maintain and enhance

European competitiveness, our quality of

life and social fabric. The European

Council concluded that the digital

transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, and enhance creative and

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cultural diversity. Seizing these

opportunities requires collectively tackling

some of the challenges posed by the digital

transformation and reviewing policies

affected by the digital transformation.

cultural diversity. Seizing these

opportunities requires collectively tackling

some of the challenges posed by the digital

transformation and reviewing policies

affected by the digital transformation.

Optimally, the financial envelope for this

Programme, a European level effort, shall

be increased by significant private sector

funds and contributions from the Member


_________________ _________________









Amendment 3

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7a) On 10 April 2018 Member States

expressed their support and a joint will to

cooperate together on initiatives on

artificial intelligence and distributed

ledger technologies (for example

blockchain) infrastructure services by

signing cooperation agreements.

Amendment 4

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The Commission's Communication

on 'A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020'57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

(8) The Commission's Communication

on 'A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020'57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

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for Europe's digital transformations to

deliver 'strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity and

cybersecurity'. It would seek to secure

European leadership in supercomputing,

next generation internet, artificial

intelligence, robotics and big data. It would

reinforce the competitive position of

industry and businesses in Europe across

the digitised economy and would have a

significant impact on filling the skills gap

across the Union.

for Europe's digital transformations to

deliver 'strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity, digitisation of

public administrations and cybersecurity'.

It would seek to reduce the gap between

the European Union and leading

economies in supercomputing, next

generation internet, artificial intelligence,

robotics and big data. It would reinforce

the competitive position of industry and

businesses in Europe across the digitised

economy and would have a significant

impact on filling the skills gap across the


__________________ __________________

57 COM(2018) 98 final 57 COM(2018) 98 final


Given that on the one hand China, Japan and the United States are widely seen as leading

countries in relation to new technologies and that on the other hand the budget of the

Programme is limited to less than 10 billion Euro, a more realistic approach seems

appropriate. In its resolution of 16 February 2017 on the European cloud initiative, the

European Parliament already noted the lack of HPC capacity in Europe. It stressed that the

EU was ‘lagging behind in the development of HPC as a result of its under-investment in

establishing a complete HPC system, when countries like the USA, China, Japan and Russia

are significantly investing in such systems, making them a strategic priority, with national

programmes to develop them.

Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses and citizens all over

the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development as well as

to modernise specific sectors of public

interest, for the benefit of businesses,

especially SMEs, and citizens all over the

Union. Furthermore, the Programme

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performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling

of private and industrial resources in

order to increase investment and develop

stronger synergies.

should strengthen the Union's

competiveness and the resilience of its


Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10 a) The Programme should be

structured into five specific objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: (a)

high-performance computing, (b)

artificial intelligence and distributed

ledger technologies, (c) cybersecurity, (d)

advanced digital skills, and (e)

deployment, best use of digital capacities

and interoperability. For all these areas,

the Programme should also aim at better

aligning Union, Member States and

regional policies, and pooling of private

and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger


Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10 b) The Programme should support a

fair digital transition and uphold the

common values of the European Union,

including the right to education, the

protection of workers’ rights, guarantee

fair competition, promote equality and

ensure that digitisation contributes to

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rising social and labour standards, and

promote prosperity for all European

citizens, democracy and security.

Amendment 8

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59 . A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open and competitive

process. The Digital Innovation Hubs will

serve as access points to latest digital

capacities including high performance

computing (HPC), artificial intelligence,

cybersecurity, as well as other existing

innovative technologies such as Key

Enabling Technologies, available also in

fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single


(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59. A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs should

be selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network should be

enlarged through an open, transparent and

competitive process. The Digital

Innovation Hubs should serve as access

points to latest digital capacities including

high performance computing (HPC),

artificial intelligence, robotics powered by

artificial intelligence, and distributed

ledger technologies, cybersecurity, as well

as other existing innovative technologies

such as Key Enabling Technologies,

available also in fablabs or citylabs. They

should act as single-entry points in

accessing tested and validated technologies

and promote open innovation and provide

assistance to businesses especially SMEs

and start-ups. They should also provide

support in the area of advanced digital

skills. The network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should contribute to the

participation of a broad range of partners

of all sizes from both private and public

sectors, and from a range of economic

sectors, and should also contribute to the

participation of the outermost regions in

the Digital Single Market. Digital

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Innovation Hubs should have substantial

overall autonomy to define their internal

organisation and composition, as well as

their precise work programme and

working methods.

__________________ __________________

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11 a) In order to create synergies

between investments under this

Programme and Union research and

development investments , in particular

those under the Horizon Europe

programme, Digital Innovation Hubs

should act as a platform to bring together

industry, business and administrations

which are in need of new technology

solutions on one side, with companies,

notably start-ups and SMEs, that have

market-ready solutions on the other side.

Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11 b) Digital Innovation Hubs should be

allowed to receive contributions from

Member States, participating third

countries or public authorities within

them, contributions from international

bodies or institutions, contributions from

the private sector, in particular from

members, shareholders or partners of the

Digital Innovation Hubs, revenues

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generated by the Digital Innovation Hubs’

own assets and activities, bequests,

donations and contributions from

individuals or funding in the form of

grants including from the Programme

and other EU programmes.

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 12

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12) The Programme should be

implemented through projects reinforcing

essential digital capacities and their wide

use. This should involve co-investments

with Member States and, when needed, the

private sector. This should notably require

reaching a critical mass in procurement to

obtain better value for money and

guarantee that suppliers in Europe stay at

the forefront of technology advancements.

(12) The Programme should be

implemented through projects reinforcing

essential digital capacities and their wide

use. This should involve co-investments

with Member States and the private sector.

This should notably require reaching a

critical mass in procurement to obtain

better value for money and guarantee that

suppliers in Europe reach the forefront of

technology advancements.

Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 14

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) The Programme’s actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value.

(14) The Programme’s actions should

also be used to reinforce and extend the

Union’s digital base, tackle major societal

challenges, further raise the Union’s

digital industrial competences, as well as address market failures or sub-optimal

investment situations, in a proportionate

manner, without duplicating or crowding

out private financing and have a clear

European added value.

Amendment 13

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment and

security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably small and medium-sized


(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment,

security, communication, urban planning,

landscaping and traffic optimisation as

well as competitiveness of industry,

notably small and medium-sized


Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) The support to the Union's

intervention in this area was expressed by

the Council60 and, by the European

Parliament61 . Moreover, in 2017 nine

Member States signed the EuroHPC

Declaration62 , a multi-government

agreement where they commit to

collaborate with the Commission to build

and deploy state-of-the-art HPC and data

infrastructures in Europe that would be

available across the Union for scientific

communities, public and private partners.

(17) The support to the Union's

intervention in this area was expressed by

the Council and, by the European

Parliament. Moreover, in 2017 nine

Member States signed the EuroHPC

Declaration, a multi-government

agreement where they commit to

collaborate with the Commission to build

and deploy state-of-the-art HPC and data

infrastructures in Europe that would be

available across the Union for scientific

communities, public and private partners

and would boost the Union’s innovative

potential. The Programme provides a

good opportunity for other Member States

to sign that declaration.





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Amendment 15

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63 . Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, academia

and public administrations.

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective the HPC joint

undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is deemed the

most suited implementation mechanism, in

particular to coordinate national and Union

strategies and investments in high

performance computing infrastructure and

research and development, pool resources

from public and private funds, and

safeguard the economic and strategic

interests of the Union63 . The EuroHPC

JU will enable Member States to

coordinate together with the Union their

supercomputing strategies and

investments. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, especially

SMEs and start-ups, academia and public

administrations. The Programme should

therefore finance the EuroHPC JU for

the sole purpose of investing in high

performance computing under the


__________________ __________________

63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19) Developing capacity related to

artificial intelligence is a crucial driver for

the digital transformation of industry and

also of the public sector . Ever more

autonomous robots are used in factories,

deep sea application, homes, cities and

hospitals. Commercial artificial

intelligence platforms have moved from

testing to real applications in health and

environment; all major car manufacturers

are developing self-driving cars, and

machine learning techniques are at the

heart of all main web platforms and big

data applications.

(19) Developing capacity related to

artificial intelligence is a crucial driver for

the digital transformation of industry and

also of the public sector. Ever more

autonomous robots are used in production

processes, deep sea application, homes,

cities, medical and pharmaceutical areas.

Commercial artificial intelligence

platforms have moved from testing to real

applications in health and environment; all

major car manufacturers are developing

self-driving cars, and machine learning

techniques are at the heart of all main web

platforms and big data applications.

Artificial intelligence (AI) will provide

entirely new areas in science, for example

the use of artificial intelligence for drug

discovery and related areas such as

synthetic biology for the manufacture and

rapid design of microorganisms for

industrial uses. The future application of

artificial intelligence in cybersecurity

should reduce the success of hacker


Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19 a) The increasingly rapid

development of self-learning robots and

artificial intelligence as well as their

ability to multiply knowledge and learning

content within seconds makes it difficult

to predict any stage of development until

the Programme’s termination in 2027.

Consequently, the Commission should pay

particular attention to this fast-evolving

digital trend and, if applicable should

swiftly adapt the objectives of the work

programme, accordingly.

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Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19 b) In light of European industry’s

increasing demand for AI robotics

solutions and the importance of avoiding

a significant investment gap in this field,

the Programme’s objectives on artificial

intelligence should encompass robotics

powered by artificial intelligence.

Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19 c (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19 c) Products and services based on

artificial intelligence should be user-

friendly, legally compliant by default and

provide consumers with more choice and

more information, in particular on the

quality of products and services.

Amendment 20

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities are of major importance for the

development of artificial intelligence.

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities to secure the internal market

where artificial intelligence is used and

access to text and data mining are of

major importance for the development of

artificial intelligence.

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Amendment 21

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20a) In its resolution of 12 September

2018 on autonomous weapon systems 1a

the European Parliament reaffirmed the

EU’s ambition to be a global actor for

peace, called for the expansion of its role

in global disarmament and non-

proliferation efforts and urged the Vice-

President of the Commission / High-

Representative of the Union for Foreign

Affairs and Security Policy, the Member

States and the Council to work towards

the start of international negotiations on a

legally binding instrument prohibiting

lethal autonomous weapon systems.

Lethal autonomous weapons are mostly

based on Artificial Intelligence.

Consequently, financial contributions by

the Union under Specific Objective 2 of

the Programme should not be used for

military purposes.


1a P8_TA-PROV(2018)0341.

Amendment 22

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20b) On 25 April 2018 the Commission

committed to propose a European

approach by developing draft Artificial

Intelligence guidelines in cooperation

with stakeholders within the AI alliance, a

group of artificial intelligence experts, in

order to boost AI-powered applications

and businesses in Europe.

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Amendment 23

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry64 the

European Parliament highlighted the

importance of a common European

cybersecurity approach, recognising the

need to raise awareness and considered

cyber-resilience as a crucial responsibility

for business leaders and national and

European industrial security policymakers.

(21) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry64 the

European Parliament highlighted, in the

context of potential vulnerabilities as

regards cyber attacks, sabotage,

manipulation of data or industrial

espionage, the importance of a common

European cybersecurity approach,

recognising the need to raise awareness on

enhancing cybersecurity and considered

cyber-resilience and implementation of

security and privacy by default and by

design as a crucial responsibility for

business leaders and national and European

industrial security policymakers, as well as

highlighting the need to make

cybersecurity requirements mandatory for

public procurement with regard to IT

equipment and IoT products.

__________________ __________________

64 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



64 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



Amendment 24

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 21 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21 a) Data and IT infrastructure

security and trust in the digital

environment are essential for unlocking

the full potential of growth and

innovation connected with the digitisation

of industry as well as public

administrations for the benefit of citizens,

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workers, consumers and businesses,

including SMEs and start-ups.

Amendment 25

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 23

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(23) In September 2017, the

Commission put forward a package of

initiatives65 setting out a comprehensive

Union approach to cybersecurity, with the

aim of reinforcing Europe’s capacities to

deal with cyber-attacks and threats and to

strengthen technology and industrial

capacity in this field.

(23) In September 2017, the

Commission put forward a package of

initiatives65 setting out a comprehensive

Union approach to cybersecurity, with the

aim of reinforcing Europe’s capacities to

deal with cyber-attacks, to increase cyber

resilience and threats and to strengthen

technology and industrial capacity in this


_________________ _________________





Amendment 26

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 23 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(23 a) As a matter of principle,

cybersecurity solutions should contain

safety and security standards as core

design parameters according to the

available state-of-the-art technology and

the principles of ‘security by design’ and

‘security by default’.

Amendment 27

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 24

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(24) Trust is a prerequisite for the

Digital Single Market to function.

Cybersecurity technologies such as digital

identities, cryptography or intrusion

detection, and their application in areas

such as finance, industry 4.0, energy,

transportation, healthcare, or e-government

are essential to safeguard the security and

trust of online activity and transactions by

both citizens, public administrations, and


(24) Trust is a prerequisite for the

Digital Single Market to function.

Cybersecurity technologies such as

distributed ledger technology, digital

identities, cryptography or intrusion

detection, and their application in areas

such as finance, industry 4.0, energy,

transportation, healthcare, or e-government

are essential to safeguard the security and

trust of online activity, including 5G

platforms, and transactions by both

citizens, public administrations, and


Amendment 28

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 25

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(25) The European Council in its

conclusions of 19 October 2017 stressed

that to successfully build a Digital Europe,

the Union needs in particular labour

markets, training and education systems fit

for the digital age and that there is a need

to invest in digital skills, to empower and

enable all Europeans;

(25) The European Council in its

conclusions of 19 October 2017 stressed

that to successfully build a Digital Europe,

the Union needs in particular labour

markets, life-long learning and

innovation-driven training and education

systems fit for the potential and

challenges of the digital age and that it is

crucial to invest in digital skills in order to

empower and enable all European citizens

and businesses;

Amendment 29

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 26 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(26a) Considering the need for a holistic

approach, the Programme should also

take into account the areas of inclusion,

qualification, training and specialization

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which, in addition to advanced digital

competences, are decisive for the creation

of added value in the knowledge society.

Amendment 30

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 27

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(27) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry67 the

European Parliament stated that education,

training and lifelong learning are the

cornerstone of social cohesion in a digital


(27) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry67 the

European Parliament stated that education,

training and lifelong learning are the

cornerstone of social cohesion in a digital

society. They are of utmost importance for

fighting digital exclusion and for

promoting inclusiveness and the

competitiveness of European regions.

__________________ __________________

67 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



67 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



Amendment 31

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity,

cloud computing, data protection and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, qualitatively

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Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


improved, increased and made accessible

throughout the EU. Failing this could

impede the smooth deployment of

advanced digital technologies, increase the

shortage of a qualified workforce in

Europe and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union’s economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


Amendment 32

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 29

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry and on citizens in general by

making their interactions with public

authorities faster, more convenient and less

costly, as well as by increasing the

efficiency and the quality of the services

provided to citizens and businesses. Since a

number of services of public interest

already have a Union dimension, the

support to their implementation and

deployment at Union level should ensure

that citizens and businesses will benefit

from the access to high quality digital

services across Europe.

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry and on citizens in general by

making their interactions with public

authorities faster, more convenient and less

costly, as well as by increasing the

efficiency, transparency and the quality of

the services provided to citizens and

businesses. Since a number of services of

public interest already have a Union

dimension, the support to their

implementation and deployment at Union

level should ensure that citizens and

businesses will benefit from the access to

high quality digital services across Europe.

Amendment 33

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 29 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(29 a) The accelerating digitisation in the

Member States must reduce the growing

gap between poor and rich. Therefore, the

Programme should contribute to more

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social equality in an accelerating digitised

world by granting access to modern

digital technologies for all citizens

including persons with disabilities.

Amendment 34

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 32

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(32) The modernisation of European

public administrations is one of the key

priorities for successful implementation of

the Digital Single Market Strategy. The

mid-term evaluation of the Strategy

highlighted the need to strengthen the

transformation of public administrations

and to ensure citizens have easy, trusted,

and seamless access to public services.

(32) The modernisation of European

public administrations is one of the key

priorities for successful implementation of

the Digital Single Market Strategy. The

mid-term evaluation of the Strategy

highlighted the need to strengthen the

transformation of public administrations

and to ensure citizens have easy,

trusted, and inclusive access to public


Amendment 35

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 33

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(33) The Annual Growth Survey

published by the Commission in 201769

shows that the quality of European public

administrations has a direct impact on the

economic environment and is therefore

crucial to stimulating productivity,

competitiveness, economic cooperation,

growth and employment. In particular,

efficient and transparent public

administration and effective justice

systems are necessary to support economic

growth and deliver high quality services

for firms and citizens.

(33) The Annual Growth Survey

published by the Commission in 201769

shows that the quality of European public

administrations has a direct impact on the

economic environment and is therefore

crucial to stimulating productivity,

competitiveness, economic cooperation,

sustainable growth, employment and

high-quality work. In particular, efficient

and transparent public administration and

effective justice systems are necessary to

support economic growth and deliver high

quality services for firms and citizens.

__________________ __________________

69 COM(2016) 725 final 69 COM(2016) 725 final

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Amendment 36

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 34

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(34) Interoperability of European public

services concerns all levels of

administration: Union, national, regional

and local. Besides removing barriers to a

functioning Single Market, interoperability

facilitates successful implementation of

policies and offers great potential to avoid

cross-border electronic barriers, further

securing the emergence of new, or the

consolidation of developing, common

public services at Union level. In order to

eliminate fragmentation of European

services, to support fundamental freedoms

and operational mutual recognition in the

EU, a holistic cross-sector and cross-border

approach to interoperability should be

promoted in the manner that is the most

effective, and the most responsive to end-

users. This implies that interoperability is

to be understood in a broad sense, spanning

from technical to legal layers and

encompassing policy elements in the field.

Accordingly, the span of activities would

go beyond the usual lifecycle of solutions

to include all the interventions elements

that would support the necessary

framework conditions for sustained

interoperability at large.

(34) Interoperability of European public

services concerns all levels of

administration: Union, national, regional

and local. Besides removing barriers to a

functioning Single Market, interoperability

facilitates cross-border co-operation,

alignment of common standards, successful implementation of policies and

offers great potential to avoid cross-border

electronic barriers, to cut red tape, further

securing the emergence of new, or the

consolidation of developing, common

public services at Union level. In order to

eliminate fragmentation of European

services, to support fundamental freedoms

and operational mutual recognition in the

EU, a holistic cross-sector and cross-border

approach to interoperability should be

promoted in the manner that is the most

effective, and the most responsive to end-

users. This implies that interoperability is

to be understood in a broad sense, spanning

from technical to legal layers and

encompassing policy elements in the field.

Accordingly, the span of activities would

go beyond the usual lifecycle of solutions

to include all the interventions elements

that would support the necessary

framework conditions for sustained

interoperability at large.

Amendment 37

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 41 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(41 a) The Programme should support

open-source projects provided that they

are in line with the Programme's

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conditions, in particular in relation to

security and data protection.

Amendment 38

Proposal for a regulation

Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point e a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ea) ‘small and medium-sized

enterprises’ or ‘SMEs’ means small and

medium-sized enterprises as defined in

Article 2 of the Annex to Commission

Recommendation 2003/361/EC;

Amendment 39

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens and businesses. The

Programme will:

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society, to boost Europe’s innovative

capacity and bring its benefits to European

citizens and businesses, especially SMEs.

The Programme will:

Amendment 40

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) deploy ready to use/operational

technology resulting from research and

innovation to build an integrated Union

high performance computing ecosystem,

covering all scientific and industrial value

chain segments, including hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and digital skills;

(b) deploy ready to use/operational

technology resulting from research and

innovation, including technologies that

have previously benefitted or that

currently benefit from Union funding, to

build an integrated Union high

performance computing ecosystem,

covering all scientific and industrial value

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chain segments, including hardware

software, applications, services,

interconnections and digital skills;

Amendment 41

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) deploy and operate a post-

exascale78 infrastructure, including the

integration with quantum computing

technologies and develop new research

infrastructures for computing science.

(c) deploy and operate a post-

exascale78 infrastructure, including the

integration with quantum computing

technologies and develop new research

infrastructures for computing science, that

shall be accessible on a non-commercial

basis to public and private users and for

publicly funded research purposes;

__________________ __________________

78 A thousand times faster than exascale 78 A thousand times faster than exascale

Amendment 42

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation;

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation and guided by

the principles of security and privacy by

design and by default;

Amendment 43

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) make those capacities accessible to (b) make those capacities accessible to

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all businesses and public administrations; all businesses and public administrations,

as well as to not-for-profit organisations,

research institutions and universities;

Amendment 44

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) reinforce and network existing

artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member


(c) reinforce and network existing

ethical artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member



Ethics is a necessary prerequisite for respecting the fundamental rights in Artificial

Intelligence research and deployment, therefore funding should only be provided for those

initiatives that abide by it

Amendment 45

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c a) reinforce, develop, network and

strengthen existing artificial intelligence

sectors, especially where Europe is

already a leader, such as robotics,

automotives, manufacturing, household

appliances, space technologies and cyber

defence technologies.

Amendment 46

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Financial interventions by the Union

under Specific Objective 2 of the

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Programme shall not be used for military


Amendment 47

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to


(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to

cybersecurity, and the sharing and

mainstreaming of best practices;

Amendment 48

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) ensure a wide deployment of the

latest cybersecurity solutions across the


(c) ensure a wide deployment of the

latest cybersecurity solutions across the

economy, including for industry, as well

as for SMEs and start-ups;

Amendment 49

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point d a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d a) reinforce capabilities within

Member States and private sector to help

them comply with Regulation xx/xx of the

European Parliament and of the Council

on ENISA, the “EU Cybersecurity

Agency”, and repealing Regulation (EU)

No 526/2013, and on Information and

Communication Technology cybersecurity



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1a Proposal 2017/0225(COD), not yet


Amendment 50

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point d b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d b) support the mission, objectives and

tasks of the European Cybersecurity

Industrial, Technology and Research

Competence Centre[1] in so far as the

objectives under Article 3 of this

Programme are concerned1b.


1b Proposal for a regulation establishing

the European Cybersecurity Industrial,

Technology and Research Competence

Centre and the Network of National

Coordination Centres of 12 September

2018, 2018/0328(COD).

Amendment 51

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, cloud computing, data

protection competencies, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational

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Amendment 52

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term trainings and courses for

students, IT professionals and the


(a) support the design and delivery of

both general and specialised long-term

trainings and high-quality courses for

students, teachers, academics, ICT

professionals, other qualified persons and

the broader workforce, taking into

consideration different levels of skills;

Amendment 53

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

the workforce;

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and high-quality

courses for entrepreneurs, including self-

employed persons, leaders of SMEs and

start-ups, and the workforce, including

public servants;

Amendment 54

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c a) support the design and provision

of a pan-European e-learning platform;

Amendment 55

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Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport and

communications, energy, environment,

cultural and creative sectors, can deploy

and access state-of-the-art digital

technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

Amendment 56

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) deploy, operate and maintain trans-

European interoperable Digital Service

Infrastructures (including related services)

in complementarity with national and

regional actions;

(b) deploy, operate, maintain and

expand state-of-the-art trans-European

interoperable Digital Service

Infrastructures (including related services)

in complementarity with national and

regional actions;

Amendment 57

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) facilitate the development, update

and use of solutions and frameworks by

European public administrations,

businesses and citizens, including the re-

use of interoperability solutions and


(c) facilitate the development,

deployment, update and use of solutions

and frameworks by European public

administrations, businesses and citizens,

including open-source solutions and the

re-use of interoperability solutions and


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Amendment 58

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) offer to public administrations

access to testing and piloting of digital

technologies, including their cross-border


(d) offer to public administrations

access to testing and piloting of advanced

digital technologies, including their cross-

border use;

Amendment 59

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs;

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, distributed ledger

technologies, cloud computing, cybersecurity, data protection and future

emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs and start-ups,

entrepreneurs and self-employed persons;

Amendment 60

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and establishing

common frameworks in order to unleash

the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and research and

establishing common frameworks in order

to unleash the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

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Amendment 61

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) ensure a continuous capacity at

the Union level to observe, analyse and

adapt to fast-evolving digital trends, as

well as sharing and mainstreaming best



Amendment 62

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point h

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures using distributed ledger

services and applications, including

support for interoperability and

standardisation and fostering the

deployment of EU cross-border


(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures using, among other things,

distributed ledger services and

applications, including support for

interoperability and standardisation and

fostering the deployment of EU cross-

border applications to support businesses,

especially SMEs;

Amendment 63

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. Third countries in accordance with

the conditions laid down in a specific

agreement covering the participation of the

third country to any Union programme,

provided that the agreement;

4. Third countries in accordance with

the conditions laid down in a specific

agreement covering the participation of the

third country to any Union programme,

provided that the Commission has

undergone a case-by-case assessment that

their participation contributes to the

achievement of the objectives of the

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programme in the Union and is compliant

with the security requirements in

accordance with Article 12, and that the agreement;

Amendment 64

Proposal for a regulation

Article 10 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – indent 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

— guarantees the rights of the Union

to ensure sound financial management and

to protect its financial interests.

— guarantees the rights of the Union

to ensure sound financial management and

to protect its interests.

Amendment 65

Proposal for a regulation

Article 11 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1a. Planning, development and

procurement in the programme shall be

done with a view to enhancing European

Union competitiveness in the medium and

long term. Priority shall be given to

actions that increase the strategic

potential and limit the dependence on

suppliers and products from outside the

European Union.


A competitive industry needs that the characteristics of European products are better than

those coming from competitors. In order to achieve that medium and long-term objectives

need to be favoured.

Amendment 66

Proposal for a regulation

Article 11 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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2. The cooperation with third

countries and organisations mentioned in

paragraph 1 under Specific Objective 3.

Cybersecurity and Trust shall be subject to

Article [12].

2. The cooperation with third

countries and organisations mentioned in

paragraph 1 under Specific Objective 2,

Artificial Intelligence, Specific Objective

3, Cybersecurity and Trust shall be subject

to Article [12].

Amendment 67

Proposal for a regulation

Article 12 – paragraph 5 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5a. Actions that limit technology

transfers outside the European Union

shall be given priority. With a view to

ensuring long-term strategic security

objectives, an opportunity evaluation shall

be done for the participation of entities

not having their main establishment in

the European Union.


A competitive industry is also based on its technological level. Advances resulting from the

programme’s actions need to be used for increasing European competitivity.

Amendment 68

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme is designed to be

implemented enabling synergies, as further

described in Annex III, with other Union

funding programmes, in particular through

arrangements for complementary funding

from EU programmes where management

modalities permit; either in sequence, in an

alternating way, or through the

combination of funds including for the

joint funding of actions.

1. The Programme is designed to be

implemented enabling synergies, as further

described in Annex III, with other Union

funding programmes, in particular through

arrangements for complementary funding

from EU programmes where management

modalities permit; either in sequence, in an

alternating way, or through the

combination of funds including for the

joint funding of actions. The Commission

shall ensure that when leveraging the

complementary character of the

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programme with other European

programmes, in particular ESF, ERDF,

Horizon Europe and CEF-2, the

achievement of the specific objectives set

in Articles 4 to 8 are not hampered.

Amendment 69

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. Appropriate mechanisms of

coordination between relevant authorities

and appropriate monitoring tools shall be

established to systematically ensure

synergies between the Programme and any

relevant EU funding instruments. The

arrangements shall contribute to avoiding

duplications and maximising impact of


2. Appropriate mechanisms of

coordination between relevant authorities,

and between authorities and the

European Commission, and appropriate

monitoring tools shall be established to

systematically ensure synergies between

the Programme and any relevant EU

funding instruments. The arrangements

shall contribute to avoiding duplications

and maximising impact of expenditure.

Amendment 70

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. For the purpose of the

establishment of the network mentioned in

paragraph 1, each Member State shall

designate candidate entities through an

open and competitive process, on the basis

of the following criteria:

2. For the purpose of the

establishment of the network mentioned in

paragraph 1, each Member State shall

designate candidate entities based on

harmonised rules through an open,

transparent, inclusive and competitive

process, on the basis of the following


Amendment 71

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b a) the need to ensure involvement of

entities of all sizes from both private and

public sectors, and from a range of

economic sectors.

Amendment 72

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 4 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4 a. Digital Innovation Hubs shall

have substantial overall autonomy to

define their internal organisation and

composition, as well as their precise work

programme and working methods. In

particular, Digital Innovation Hubs shall

aim to be open to new partners to join

Digital Innovation Hubs whenever these

members add value to the partnerships

and function in an open and transparent


Amendment 73

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5. The Digital Innovation Hubs may

receive funding in the form of grants.

5. The Digital Innovation Hubs may

receive contributions from Member

States, participating third countries or

public authorities within them,

contributions from international bodies or

institutions, contributions from members,

shareholders or partners of the Digital

Innovation Hub, revenues generated by

the Digital Innovation Hubs own assets

and activities, bequest, donations and

contributions from individuals or funding

in the form of grants including from this

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Programme and other EU programmes.

Amendment 74

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. The Digital Innovation Hubs which

receive funding shall be involved in the

implementation of the Programme to:

6. The Digital Innovation Hubs shall

be involved in the implementation of the

Programme to:

Amendment 75

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

towards SMEs and midcaps, also in sectors

that are slow in the uptake of digital and

related technologies;

(a) provide digital transformation

services and technological expertise -

including testing and experimentation

facilities - targeted towards SMEs, midcaps

and start-ups, also in sectors that are slow

in the uptake of digital and related


Amendment 76

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a a) support companies, especially

SMEs and start-ups, organisations and

public administrations to become more

competitive and improve their business

models through use of new technologies

covered by the Programme;

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Amendment 77

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs and midcaps established

in one region with Digital Innovation Hubs

established in other regions which are best

suited to provide relevant services;

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs, midcaps and start-ups

established in one region with Digital

Innovation Hubs established in other

regions which are best suited to provide

relevant services and offer coaching


Amendment 78

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs and midcaps.

Individual Digital Innovation Hubs may

specialise in specific thematic services and

do not need to provide all thematic services

mentioned in this paragraph;

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs, midcaps and start-

ups. Individual Digital Innovation Hubs

may specialise in specific thematic services

and do not need to provide all thematic

services mentioned in this paragraph;

Amendment 79

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6 a. The European Commission shall,

in close cooperation with the Member

States, organise continuous monitoring

and evaluation of the output, results and

impacts of Digital Innovation Hubs

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receiving EU funds.

Amendment 80

Proposal for a regulation

Article 17 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2 a. Actions that pursue objectives

relating to other new technologies covered

by the Horizon Europe Programme,

namely robotics, big data and Key Digital

Technologies, shall be eligible for

funding, provided that those objectives

relate to the specific objectives covered

under Articles 4 to 8 and constitute a

comprehensive and related solution in a

specific project.


In order to avoid significant investment gaps in other technologies, exclude comprehensive

solutions from the Programme or complicate its distinction, other new technologies should

also be part of the Programme provided they constitute a comprehensive and related solution

with the new technologies according to Art. 4 to 8.

Amendment 81

Proposal for a regulation

Article 18 – paragraph 2 – point a – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) legal entities established in: (a) legal entities established and, if

applicable, liable to pay corporate tax in:

Amendment 82

Proposal for a regulation

Article 18 – paragraph 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. Legal entities established in a third

country which is not associated to the

6. Legal entities established in a third

country which is not associated to the

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programme should in principle bear the

cost of their participation.

programme should bear the cost of their


Amendment 83

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

and accessibility;

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

gender equality opportunities and


Amendment 84

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) where applicable, a balanced

geographical distribution across the Union,

including the outermost regions;

(g) where applicable, a balanced

geographical distribution across the Union,

including the outermost regions to reduce

the digital divide between regions, citizens

and businesses;

Amendment 85

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point h a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h a) where applicable, the presence of a

plan to create sustainable high-quality

employment in the European Union or a

participating country.

Amendment 86

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point h b (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h b) where applicable, the

complementarity of the project with other

Union programmes;

Amendment 87

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point h c (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h c) where applicable, the

innovativeness of the project.

Amendment 88

Proposal for a regulation

Article 22 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2 a. Where an action has already been

awarded or has received contributions

from another Union programme or

support from an EU fund, that

contribution or support shall be listed in

the application for a contribution under

the Programme.

Amendment 89

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The interim evaluation of the

Programme shall be performed once there

is sufficient information available about the

implementation of the Programme, but no

later than four years after the start of the

implementation of the Programme.

2. The interim evaluation of the

Programme shall be performed once there

is sufficient information available about the

implementation of the Programme, but no

later than three years after the start of the

implementation of the Programme. The

interim evaluation shall present the

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findings necessary to make a decision

about a follow-up to the Programme

beyond 2027 and its objectives.

The interim evaluation shall be submitted

to the European Parliament.

Amendment 90

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. At the end of the implementation of

the Programme, but no later than four

years after the end of the period specified

in Article [1], a final evaluation of the

Programme shall be carried out by the


3. At the end of the implementation of

the Programme, but no later than two years

after the end of the period specified in

Article [1], a final evaluation of the

Programme shall be carried out by the


Amendment 91

Proposal for a regulation

Article 26 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. As part of the control system, the

audit strategy may be based on the

financial audit of a representative sample

of expenditure. That representative sample

shall be complemented by a selection

based on an assessment of the risks related

to expenditure.

4. As part of the control system, the

audit strategy shall be based on the

financial audit of at least a representative

sample of expenditure. That representative

sample shall be complemented by a

selection based on an assessment of the

risks related to expenditure.

Amendment 92

Proposal for a regulation

Article 29 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The recipients of Union funding

shall acknowledge the origin and ensure

the visibility of the Union funding (in

1. The recipients of Union funding

shall acknowledge the origin and ensure

the visibility of the Union funding (in

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particular when promoting the actions and

their results) by providing coherent,

effective and proportionate targeted

information to multiple audiences,

including the media and the public.

particular when promoting the actions and

their results) by providing coherent,

truthful, effective and proportionate

targeted information to multiple audiences,

including the media and the public.

Amendment 93

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 1 – paragraph 2 – point 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. The deployment of ready to

use/operational technology:

supercomputing as a service resulting from

R&I to build an integrated European HPC

ecosystem, covering all scientific and

industrial value chain segments (hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and advanced digital


6. The deployment of ready to

use/operational technology:

supercomputing as a service resulting from

R&I, in particular new technologies that

have previously benefitted or that

currently benefit from Union funding, to

build an integrated European HPC

ecosystem, covering all scientific and

industrial value chain segments(hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and advanced digital


Amendment 94

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 2 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The Programme shall build up and

strengthen core Artificial Intelligence

capacities in Europe including data

resources and repositories of algorithms

and making them accessible by all

businesses and public administrations as

well as reinforcement and networking of

existing AI testing and experimentation

facilities in Member States.

The Programme shall build up and

strengthen core capacities of Artificial

Intelligence and distributed ledger

technologies in Europe including data

resources and repositories of algorithms

and making them accessible by all

businesses and public administrations as

well as reinforcement and networking of

existing AI testing and experimentation

facilities in Member States.

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Amendment 95

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 4 – paragraph 2 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Access to on the job training by

taking part in traineeships in competence

centres and companies deploying advanced technologies.

1. The Programme shall support easy

access to advanced digital skills, notably in

HPC, AI, distributed ledgers (for example

block chain) and cybersecurity for the

current and future labour force by

offering students, recent graduates,

existing workers and other qualified

persons, wherever they are situated, the

means to acquire and develop these skills.

Amendment 96

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 4 – paragraph 2 – point 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2 a. The Programme shall support the

design and provision of a pan-European

e-learning platform.

Amendment 97

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 4 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

All interventions will be designed and

implemented primarily through the Digital

Innovation Hubs, as defined in Article 15.

All interventions will be designed and

implemented primarily through the Digital

Innovation Hubs, as defined in Article 16.

Amendment 98

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 5 – subpart I – point 1 – point 1.2

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1.2. Support the design, piloting,

deployment, maintenance and promotion of

a coherent eco-system of cross-border

digital services infrastructure and facilitate

seamless end-to-end, secure, interoperable,

multi-lingual, interoperable cross-border or

cross-sector solutions and common

frameworks within public administration.

Methodologies for assessing the impact

and benefits shall also be included.

1.2. Support the design, piloting,

deployment, maintenance, expansion and

promotion of a coherent eco-system of

cross-border digital services infrastructure

and facilitate seamless end-to-end, secure,

interoperable, multi-lingual, interoperable

cross-border or cross-sector solutions and

common frameworks within public

administration. Methodologies for

assessing the impact and benefits shall also

be included.

Amendment 99

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 5 – subpart I – point 2 – point 2.1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2.1. Ensure that EU citizens can access,

share, use, and manage their personal

health data securely across borders

irrespective of their location or the location

of the data. Complete the eHealth Digital

Service Infrastructure and extend it by new

digital services, support deployment of the

European exchange format for electronic

health records.

2.1. Ensure that EU citizens can access,

share, use, and manage their personal

health data securely and in a way that

guarantees their privacy across borders

irrespective of their location or the location

of the data. Complete the eHealth Digital

Service Infrastructure and extend it by new

digital services, support deployment of the

European exchange format for electronic

health records.

Amendment 100

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 5 – subpart I – point 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Judiciary: Enable seamless and

secure cross-border electronic

communication within the judiciary and

between the judiciary and other competent

bodies in the area of civil and criminal

justice. Improve access to justice and

juridical information and procedures to

3. Judiciary: Enable seamless and

secure cross-border electronic

communication within the judiciary and

between the judiciary and other competent

bodies in the area of civil and criminal

justice. Improve access to justice and

juridical information and procedures to

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citizens, businesses, legal practitioners and

members of the judiciary with semantically

interoperable interconnections to national

databases and registers as well as

facilitating the out-of-court dispute

resolution online. Promote the

development and implementation of

innovative technologies for courts and

legal practitioners based on artificial

intelligence solutions which are likely to

streamline and speed-up procedures (for

example “legal tech” applications).

citizens, businesses, legal practitioners and

members of the judiciary with semantically

interoperable interconnections to databases

and registers as well as facilitating the out-

of-court dispute resolution online. Promote

the development and implementation of

innovative technologies for courts and

legal practitioners based on artificial

intelligence solutions which are likely to

streamline and speed-up procedures (for

example “legal tech” applications).

Amendment 101

Proposal for a regulation

Annex II – part 5 – point 5.1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5.1 Take-up of digital public services 5.1 Frequency of take-up of digital

public services

Amendment 102

Proposal for a regulation

Annex II – part 5 – point 5.2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5.2 Enterprises with high digital

intensity score

5.2 Number of enterprises with high

digital intensity score

Amendment 103

Proposal for a regulation

Annex II – part 5 – point 5.3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5.3 Alignment of the National

Interoperability Framework with the

European Interoperability Framework

5.3 Extent of alignment of the National

Interoperability Framework with the

European Interoperability Framework

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Amendment 104

Proposal for a regulation

Annex II – part 2 – point 2.2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2.2 Number of companies and

organisations using AI

2.2 Number of companies and

organisations testing and experimenting

with AI in co-operation with Digital

Innovations Hubs

Amendment 105

Proposal for a regulation

Annex III – point 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) Digital Europe will invest in (i)

digital capacity building in High

Performance Computing, Artificial

Intelligence, Cybersecurity and advanced

digital skills; and (ii) national and regional

deployment within an EU framework of

digital capacities and the latest digital

technologies in areas of public interest

(such as health, public administration,

justice and education) or market failure

(such as the digitisation of businesses,

notably small and medium enterprises);

(c) Digital Europe will invest in (i)

digital capacity building in High

Performance Computing, Artificial

Intelligence, Cybersecurity and advanced

digital skills; and (ii) national, regional and

local deployment within an EU framework

of digital capacities and the latest digital

technologies in areas of public interest

(such as health, public administration,

justice and education) or market failure

(such as the digitisation of businesses,

notably small and medium enterprises);

Amendment 106

Proposal for a regulation

Annex III – point 3 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) Digital Europe will invest in (i)

digital capacity building in High

Performance Computing, Artificial

Intelligence, Cybersecurity and advanced

digital skills; and (ii) national and regional

deployment within an EU framework of

digital capacities and the latest digital

technologies in areas of public interest

(such as health, public administration,

(c) Digital Europe will invest in (i)

digital capacity building in High

Performance Computing, Artificial

Intelligence, distributed ledger technology,

Cybersecurity and advanced digital skills;

and (ii) national and regional deployment

within an EU framework of digital

capacities and the latest digital

technologies in areas of public interest

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justice and education) or market failure

(such as the digitisation of businesses,

notably small and medium enterprises);

(such as health, public administration,

justice and education) or market failure

(such as the digitisation of businesses,

notably small and medium enterprises);

Amendment 107

Proposal for a regulation

Annex III – point 3 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c a) Other new technologies covered by

the Horizon Europe Programme, namely

robotics, big data and Key Digital

Technologies, will be eligible for funding,

provided that those objectives relate to the

specific objectives covered under Articles

4 to 8 and constitute a comprehensive and

related solution in a specific project.

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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary




Date appointed

Evelyne Gebhardt


Discussed in committee 24.9.2018 10.10.2018

Date adopted 5.11.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote John Stuart Agnew, Pascal Arimont, Carlos Coelho, Sergio Gaetano

Cofferati, Daniel Dalton, Nicola Danti, Dennis de Jong, Pascal Durand,

Evelyne Gebhardt, Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Philippe

Juvin, Morten Løkkegaard, Nosheena Mobarik, Jiří Pospíšil, Christel

Schaldemose, Andreas Schwab, Jasenko Selimovic, Ivan Štefanec,

Richard Sulík, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein, Anneleen Van

Bossuyt, Marco Zullo

Substitutes present for the final vote Birgit Collin-Langen, Arndt Kohn, Julia Reda, Martin Schirdewan,

Marc Tarabella, Lambert van Nistelrooij

Substitutes under Rule 200(2) present

for the final vote

Clara Eugenia Aguilera García, Esther Herranz García

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30 +








Morten Løkkegaard, Jasenko Selimovic

Daniel Dalton, Nosheena Mobarik, Richard Sulík, Anneleen Van Bossuyt

Marco Zullo

Martin Schirdewan, Dennis de Jong

Pascal Arimont, Carlos Coelho, Birgit Collin-Langen, Esther Herranz García, Philippe

Juvin, Jiří Pospíšil, Andreas Schwab, Ivan Štefanec, Róża Gräfin von Thun und

Hohenstein, Lambert van Nistelrooij

Clara Eugenia Aguilera García, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Nicola Danti, Evelyne

Gebhardt, Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Arndt Kohn, Christel Schaldemose,

Marc Tarabella

Pascal Durand, Julia Reda

1 -

EFDD John Stuart Agnew

0 0

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

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for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion: Deirdre Clune


On 6 June 2018 the Commission proposed the Digital Europe Programme for the years 2021

until 2027. This proposal outlines the core objectives of the proposed programme, its budget

for the defined period and the different forms of EU funding for this programme and the rules

for their application.

The rapporteur for opinion is fully in support of the programme´s overarching objective to

encourage and support the digitalisation of the European economy and society. The

rapporteur believes that this is essential for Europe to keep-pace with the fast-moving

industrial and digital revolution and ensure that our economy and society is properly prepared.

It is essential to ensure European competitiveness and promote smart, inclusive and

sustainable growth.

The Commission´s proposed programme has five main objectives, which the rapporteur

agrees, that will help the EU to further improve the digitalisation of the EU economy, industry

and society by boosting investment in these specific streams. It is important to note that this is

the first pan-European digital programme and should be seen as a way to ensure the continued

competitiveness of the European economy while also strengthening the many projects of

common interest with a digital dimension across the Union.

Specific Objective´s 1 -3, particularly Cybersecurity and Trust are of particular importance, as

we need to apply high standards of cybersecurity as the transport system becomes more

digitised and connected, for example. The rapporteur believes that cross-border cooperation

between the Member States will be important in this regard. Specific Objective 4 (Advanced

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Digital Skills) is important to European transport and to meet the challenge of a potential

digital skills gap as transport becomes more digitised and connected. Specific Objective 5

(Deployment, better use of digital capacities and interoperability) is crucial to boosting

the deployment of digital technologies in transport in order to help improve road safety,

reduce congestion and emissions while also ensuring a high standard of cybersecurity and

adhering to data protection standards. Supporting the deployment of innovative and

interoperable solutions in areas such as public transport will be for the benefit of citizens and

business, especially SME´s in the transport sector.

While broadly welcoming the proposal, the rapporteur would like to highlight a few additions.

Notably, given the likely rise in the development and capacity for autonomous vehicles, the

Commission should clarify safety and liability rules for their fast and effective integration into

the market. In this vein, the programme should also ensure adequate tools and support for

start-ups and SME´s to swiftly integrate viable innovations into the market. The programme

should also be aware of the potential of digitalisation to improve barrier free accessibility,

particularly for older people and for those with reduced mobility.

Finally, the programme should ensure that there is synergy and complementarity with other

Union programmes and projects of common interest, particularly those with a multi sector

dimension. It is important that other funding programmes under the next MFF, like CEF-2,

are well aligned to ensure most efficient management of EU funds and to provide for the most

EU added value from the programme.


The Committee on Transport and Tourism calls on the Committee on Industry, Research and

Energy, as the committee responsible, to take into account the following amendments:

Amendment 1

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7a) For the implementation of the

Programme, it is a prerequisite to invest

in infrastructure in order to ensure an

appropriate level of connectivity through

5G and ultra-fast broadband networks.

Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 8

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The Commission's Communication

on 'A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020'57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

for Europe's digital transformations to

deliver 'strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity and

cybersecurity'. It would seek to secure

European leadership in supercomputing,

next generation internet, artificial

intelligence, robotics and big data. It would

reinforce the competitive position of

industry and businesses in Europe across

the digitised economy and would have a

significant impact on filling the skills gap

across the Union.

(8) The Commission's Communication

on 'A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020'57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

for Europe's digital transformations to

deliver 'strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality, high

performance and interoperable data

infrastructure, connectivity and

cybersecurity'. It would seek to secure

European leadership in supercomputing,

next generation internet, artificial

intelligence, robotics and big data. It would

reinforce the competitive position of

industry and businesses in Europe across

the digitised economy and ensure its

strong economic position vis-a-vis third

countries, while creating new

opportunities for SMEs and start-ups and

fostering the emergence of new business

models, including the development of the

collaborative economy in the transport

sector, and would have a significant

impact on filling the skills gap across the


_________________ _________________

57 COM(2018) 98 final 57 COM(2018) 98 final

Amendment 3

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 8 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8a) Whereas in view of the delay in

developing the Union's strategic digital

capacities and the efforts made to remedy

this, a budget commensurate with the

ambitions of this programme and of at

least EUR 9.2 billion should be


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Amendment 4

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 8 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8b) Uninterrupted and high-

performance connectivity is a necessary

precondition for further digitalisation of

all relevant sectors, including for fast,

safe and reliable connections for all

transport modes. One of the objectives of

the programme will be to reduce the

fragmentation of digital coverage within

the Union by taking a cross-sectoral

approach. Such a level of connectivity

should be provided for all main transport

routes and hubs.

Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses and citizens all over

the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

private and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses, especially SMEs,

and citizens all over the Union. The

programme should be structured into five

Specific Objectives reflecting key policy

areas, namely: high-performance

computing, cybersecurity, artificial

intelligence, advanced digital skills, and

deployment, best use of digital capacities

and interoperability. For all these areas, the

Programme should also aim at better

aligning Union, Member States and

regional policies, and pooling of private

and industrial resources in order to increase

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synergies. investment, develop stronger synergies and

complementarity between programmes

with an emphasis on full synergy between

the transport, energy and digital sectors,

and avoid unnecessary duplication.

Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10a) Start-ups and SMEs have already

contributed significantly to Europe´s

digitalisation process and this programme

should provide adequate tools and support

in order to ensure the application of new

innovations, including swift market


Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 12

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12) The Programme should be

implemented through projects reinforcing

essential digital capacities and their wide

use. This should involve co-investments

with Member States and, when needed, the

private sector. This should notably require

reaching a critical mass in procurement to

obtain better value for money and

guarantee that suppliers in Europe stay at

the forefront of technology advancements.

(12) The Programme should be

implemented through projects reinforcing

essential digital capacities and the Union's

strategic autonomy. This should involve

co-investments with Member States and,

when needed, the private sector. This

should notably require reaching a critical

mass in procurement to obtain better value

for money and guarantee that suppliers in

Europe stay at the forefront of technology


Amendment 8

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 14

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) The Programme's actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value.

(14) The Programme's actions should be

used to boost investment, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value.

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) The support to the Union's

intervention in this area was expressed by

the Council60 and, by the European

Parliament61 . Moreover, in 2017 nine

Member States signed the EuroHPC

Declaration62 , a multi-government

agreement where they commit to

collaborate with the Commission to build

and deploy state-of-the-art HPC and data

infrastructures in Europe that would be

available across the Union for scientific

communities, public and private partners.

(17) The support to the Union's

intervention in this area was expressed by

the Council and, by the European

Parliament. Moreover, in 2017 nine

Member States, and since then another

thirteen Member States, signed the

EuroHPC Declaration (by September 2018,

two other Member States committed to

join), a multi-government agreement where

they commit to collaborate with the

Commission to build and deploy state-of-

the-art HPC and data infrastructures in

Europe that would be available across the

Union for scientific communities, public

and private partners.

Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19) Developing capacity related to

artificial intelligence is a crucial driver for

the digital transformation of industry and

also of the public sector . Ever more

autonomous robots are used in factories,

deep sea application, homes, cities and

hospitals. Commercial artificial

(19) Developing capacity related to

artificial intelligence is a crucial driver for

the digital transformation of industry and

also of the public sector. Ever more

autonomous robots are used in factories,

the logistics chain, deep sea application,

homes, cities and hospitals. Commercial

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intelligence platforms have moved from

testing to real applications in health and

environment; all major car manufacturers

are developing self-driving cars, and

machine learning techniques are at the

heart of all main web platforms and big

data applications.

artificial intelligence platforms have

moved from testing to real applications in

health and environment; all major car

manufacturers and industries in the

automotive sector are developing self-

driving cars, and machine learning

techniques are at the heart of all main web

platforms and big data applications.

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19a) As autonomous transport is likely

to grow significantly in the near future,

and to reflect the expected development of

capacity in this field, the Commission

should clarify safety and liability rules for

fully autonomous transport and safeguard

the human and societal interests in order

to provide the legal conditions for its fast

and effective integration into the market,

in the best interest of Union business and


Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities are of major importance for the

development of artificial intelligence.

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities to secure the internal market

where artificial intelligence is used are of

major importance for the development of

artificial intelligence.

Amendment 13

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 22

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(22) Cybersecurity is a challenge for the

whole Union that cannot continue to be

addressed only with fragmented national

initiatives. Europe's cybersecurity capacity

should be reinforced to endow Europe with

the necessary capacities to protect its

citizens and businesses from cyber threats.

In addition consumers should be protected

when using connected products that can be

hacked and compromise their safety. This

should be achieved together with Member

States and private sector by developing,

and ensuring coordination between,

projects reinforcing Europe's capacities in

cybersecurity and ensuring the wide

deployment of latest cybersecurity

solutions across the economy, as well as by

aggregating the competences in this field to

ensure critical mass and excellence.

(22) Cybersecurity is a challenge for the

whole Union that cannot continue to be

addressed only with fragmented national

initiatives. Europe's cybersecurity capacity

should be reinforced to endow Europe with

the necessary capacities to protect its

citizens, its strategic networks (transport,

energy, telecommunications) and its businesses from cyber threats. In addition

consumers should be protected when using

connected products that can be hacked and

compromise their safety and that of their

data. This should be achieved together

with Member States and private sector by

developing, and ensuring coordination

between, projects reinforcing Europe's

capacities in cybersecurity and ensuring the

wide deployment of the latest

cybersecurity solutions across the

economy, as well as by aggregating the

competences in this field to ensure critical

mass and excellence.

Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 24

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(24) Trust is a prerequisite for the

Digital Single Market to function.

Cybersecurity technologies such as digital

identities, cryptography or intrusion

detection, and their application in areas

such as finance, industry 4.0, energy,

transportation, healthcare, or e-government

are essential to safeguard the security and

trust of online activity and transactions by

both citizens, public administrations, and


(24) Trust is a prerequisite for the

Digital Single Market to function.

Cybersecurity technologies such as digital

identities, cryptography or intrusion

detection, and their application in areas

such as finance, industry 4.0, logistics,

energy, transportation, tourism, healthcare,

or e-government are essential to safeguard

the security and trust of online activity and

transactions by both citizens, public

administrations, and companies.

Amendment 15

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level, however should

continue to be supported also at Member

States level. Just as the deployment of

these technologies requires a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Bearing in mind the impact new

technologies may have on the job market,

training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU, in

particular for employees in the sectors

that will be most affected by digital

innovations. Failing this could impede the

smooth deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 29

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry and on citizens in general by

making their interactions with public

authorities faster, more convenient and less

costly, as well as by increasing the

efficiency and the quality of the services

provided to citizens and businesses. Since a

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry and on citizens in general by

making their interactions with public

authorities faster, more convenient and less

costly, as well as by increasing the

efficiency and the quality of the services

provided to citizens and businesses. Since a

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number of services of public interest

already have a Union dimension, the

support to their implementation and

deployment at Union level should ensure

that citizens and businesses will benefit

from the access to high quality digital

services across Europe.

number of services of public interest

already have a Union dimension, the

support to their implementation and

deployment at Union level should ensure

that citizens and businesses will benefit

from the access to high quality digital

services across Europe. It is also important

that such services be available to persons

with disabilities.

Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 29 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(29a) Digitalisation can facilitate and

improve barrier-free accessibility for

everyone, including older people, persons

with reduced mobility or a disability, and

those in remote or rural areas.

Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 30

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as

healthcare68, mobility, justice,

earth/environmental monitoring, education

and culture requires the continuation and

expansion of Digital Service

Infrastructures, which make secure cross-

border exchange of data possible and foster

national development. Their coordination

under this Regulation best achieves the

potential for exploiting synergies.

(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as

healthcare68, mobility, justice,

earth/environmental monitoring, education

and culture requires the continuation,

upgrading and expansion of Digital

Service Infrastructures, which make secure

cross-border exchange of data possible and

foster national development. Their

coordination under this Regulation best

achieves the potential for exploiting

synergies and ensuring complementarity.

_________________ _________________





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Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 34

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(34) Interoperability of European public

services concerns all levels of

administration: Union, national, regional

and local. Besides removing barriers to a

functioning Single Market, interoperability

facilitates successful implementation of

policies and offers great potential to avoid

cross-border electronic barriers, further

securing the emergence of new, or the

consolidation of developing, common

public services at Union level. In order to

eliminate fragmentation of European

services, to support fundamental freedoms

and operational mutual recognition in the

EU, a holistic cross-sector and cross-border

approach to interoperability should be

promoted in the manner that is the most

effective, and the most responsive to end-

users. This implies that interoperability is

to be understood in a broad sense, spanning

from technical to legal layers and

encompassing policy elements in the field.

Accordingly, the span of activities would

go beyond the usual lifecycle of solutions

to include all the interventions elements

that would support the necessary

framework conditions for sustained

interoperability at large.

(34) Interoperability of European public

services concerns all levels of

administration: Union, national, regional

and local. Besides removing barriers to a

functioning Single Market, interoperability

facilitates successful implementation of

policies and offers great potential to avoid

cross-border electronic barriers, further

securing the emergence of new, or the

consolidation of developing, common

public services at Union level. In order to

eliminate fragmentation of European

services, to support fundamental freedoms

and operational mutual recognition in the

EU, a holistic, technology-neutral cross-

sector and cross-border approach to

interoperability should be promoted in the

manner that is the most effective, and the

most responsive to end-users. This implies

that interoperability is to be understood in a

broad sense, spanning from technical to

legal layers and encompassing policy

elements in the field. Accordingly, the span

of activities would go beyond the usual

lifecycle of solutions to include all the

interventions elements that would support

the necessary framework conditions for

sustained interoperability at large.

Amendment 20

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 34 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(34a) In order to create a well-

functioning digital single market for the

whole Europe, some basic preconditions

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have to exist in all Member States. Lack

of digital service infrastructure and

capacity still hampers the development of

smooth cross-border services. Therefore,

in addition to supporting the frontrunners

and champions and facilitating the

sharing of knowledge and best practises,

the Union and its programmes should

support and allocate adequate resources

for the establishment of the basic

preconditions and infrastructure for the

digital services. The starting point should

be to analyse the missing links, functions

and features needed for digital services

and their full-scale deployments locally,

nationally and European wide, covering

all sectors of the European economy.


If the aim is to create a truly well-functioning European-wide digital single market, also the

poorest European countries should be included into the process.

Amendment 21

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 43

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the achievement

of an overall target of 25% of the EU

budget expenditures supporting climate

objectives74 . Relevant actions will be

identified during the Programme's

preparation and implementation, and

reassessed in the context of the relevant

evaluations and review processes.

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the achievement

of an overall target of at least 30% of the

EU budget expenditures supporting climate

objectives74 . Relevant actions will be

identified during the Programme's

preparation and implementation, and

reassessed in the context of the relevant

evaluations and review processes. As the

transport sector currently accounts for

almost a quarter of the Union´s GHG

emissions, digitisation and digitalisation

in particular in the logistics sector,

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mobility management, C-ITS and new

transport technologies can contribute

significantly to achieving the said targets.

_________________ _________________

74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1 74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1

Amendment 22

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens and businesses. The

Programme will:

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy,

industry, mobility and society and bring its

benefits to European citizens and

businesses, especially SMEs. The

programme shall also aim to reinforce the

strategic autonomy of the Union. The

Programme will:

Amendment 23

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) reinforce Europe's capacities in

key digital technology areas through large-

scale deployment,

(a) reinforce the Union's capacities

and strategic autonomy in key digital

technology areas through large-scale


Amendment 24

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) widen their diffusion and uptake in

areas of public interest and the private

(b) widen their diffusion and uptake in

areas of public interest and the private

sector, including the digital

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sector. transformation of services of public

interest and the digitisation of industry.

Amendment 25

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b a) support cross-sectoral programmes

and ensure their synergy and

complementarity with an emphasis on

sectors with projects of common interest

such as transport, energy and


Amendment 26

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) deploy, coordinate at the Union

level and operate an integrated world-class

exascale77 supercomputing and data

infrastructure in the Union that shall be

accessible on a non-commercial basis to

public and private users and for publicly

funded research purposes;

(a) deploy, coordinate at the Union

level and operate an integrated world-class

exascale77 supercomputing and data

infrastructure in the Union that shall be

accessible to all businesses and public

administrations, on a non-commercial

basis to public and private users and for

publicly funded research purposes;

_________________ _________________

77 Billions of billions of floating operations

per second

77 Billions of billions of floating operations

per second

Amendment 27

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

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Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation;

Union, by respecting geographical

balance in accordance with point (g) of

Article 20(1), including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation;

Amendment 28

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) make those capacities accessible to

all businesses and public administrations;

(b) make those capacities accessible to

all businesses and public administrations,

including universities and research or

innovation centres;

Amendment 29

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) reinforce and network existing

artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member


(c) reinforce and network existing

artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member

States, including existing and newly

established high performance computing


Amendment 30

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c a) promote the exchange of

knowledge, development and large-scale

application of artificial intelligence across

the Union and reinforce AI industrial

applications installed in machines,

sensors, robots, automotive, space

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technologies, etc.

Amendment 31

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation;

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation, especially personal

data, including those from existing and

newly established high performance

computing centres;

Amendment 32

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to


(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to

cybersecurity, while respecting personal

data protection;

Amendment 33

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b a) provide the European Union

Agency for Network and Information

Security (ENISA) with additional

resources to promote awareness

campaigns and to increase the capabilities

of Member States and businesses;

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Amendment 34

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point d a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d a) support the latest research and

innovation in autonomous transport,

logistics and traffic management in all

transport modes, including the

development of 5G networks and secure

5G platforms in order to enable the digital

transformation and to assist the

deployment of the 5G system across the

TEN-T corridors, including ensuring the

protection of European industries from

economic espionage and cyber-attack with

robust and reliable cyber-security


Amendment 35

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point d b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d b) improve among users, in

particular SMEs, micro-enterprises and

start-ups, resilience against cyber-attacks

by increasing risk awareness and

knowledge of basic security processes.

Amendment 36

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

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pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


pool, and fostering professional skills at

Union level, especially with regard to high

performance computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


Amendment 37

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term trainings and courses for

students, IT professionals and the


(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term trainings, courses and research

for students, educators, IT professionals

and the workforce;

Amendment 38

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

the workforce;

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term and long-term trainings and

courses and research for IT professionals,

educators, entrepreneurs, leaders of small

and medium-sized businesses and the


Amendment 39

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, young

entrepreneurs and graduates.

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, including

doctoral research students, the workforce young entrepreneurs and graduates,

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including their mobility from one Member

State to another.

Amendment 40

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c a) support training courses and re-

skilling for employees in sectors that will

be deeply affected by the digital

transformation of the Union's economy in

order to help them adjust to changes in

their profession.

Amendment 41

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity, in

compliance with the provisions of the

General Data Protection Regulation;

Amendment 42

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) deploy, operate and maintain trans-

European interoperable Digital Service

Infrastructures (including related services)

in complementarity with national and

(b) deploy, operate and maintain trans-

European interoperable high quality and

high performance Digital Service

Infrastructures (including related services)

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regional actions; in complementarity with national and

regional actions;

Amendment 43

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs;

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs, microenterprises

and start-ups;

Amendment 44

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and establishing

common frameworks in order to unleash

the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering research, innovation and

establishing common frameworks in order

to unleash the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

Amendment 45

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point h

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures using distributed ledger

(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures using distributed ledger

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services and applications, including

support for interoperability and

standardisation and fostering the

deployment of EU cross-border


services and applications, including

support for interoperability and

standardisation and fostering the

deployment of EU cross-border

applications while taking note to ensure

complementarity and synergy with other

Union programmes in projects of common


Amendment 46

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point i

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(i) build up and strengthen the

network of Digital Innovation Hubs.

(i) build up, strengthen and promote

the network of Digital Innovation Hubs;

where possible, the hubs should be built

on and cooperate with existing national

and European structures.

Amendment 47

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme is designed to be

implemented enabling synergies, as further

described in Annex III, with other Union

funding programmes, in particular through

arrangements for complementary funding

from EU programmes where management

modalities permit; either in sequence, in an

alternating way, or through the

combination of funds including for the

joint funding of actions.

1. The Programme is designed to be

implemented enabling synergies and

complementarity, as further described in

Annex III, with other Union funding

programmes, in particular through

arrangements for complementary funding

from EU programmes where management

modalities permit; either in sequence, in an

alternating way, or through the

combination of funds including for the

joint funding of actions.

Amendment 48

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 1 a (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1 a. The programme shall aim to

unlock any potential links with other

Union funding programmes and actions

contributing to the development of

projects considered to be of common

interest, particularly in sectors such as

transport, energy and digital. The

programme will particularly have

synergies with CEF-2 in this regards.

Amendment 49

Proposal for a regulation

Article 13 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. Appropriate mechanisms of

coordination between relevant authorities

and appropriate monitoring tools shall be

established to systematically ensure

synergies between the Programme and any

relevant EU funding instruments. The

arrangements shall contribute to avoiding

duplications and maximising impact of


2. Appropriate mechanisms of

coordination between relevant authorities

and appropriate monitoring tools shall be

established to systematically ensure

synergies and complementarity between

the Programme and any relevant EU

funding instruments. The arrangements

shall contribute to avoiding duplications,

ensuring compliance with conditions laid

down in Article 10(1) and (4) and

maximising impact of expenditure.

Amendment 50

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. During the first year of the

implementation of the Programme, an

initial network of Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be established.

1. During the first year of the

implementation of the Programme, an

initial network of Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be established. Where possible, the

network should be built on and cooperate

with existing national and European


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Amendment 51

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 2 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) appropriate competences related to

the functions of the Digital Innovation


(a) appropriate competences related to

the functions of the Digital Innovation

Hubs; where possible, including

experience with managing existing


Amendment 52

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The Commission shall adopt a

decision on the selection of entities

forming the initial network. These entities

shall be selected by the Commission from

candidate entities designated by Member

States on the basis of the criteria mentioned

in paragraph 2 and the following additional


3. The Commission, taking utmost

account of the recommendation adopted

by an advisory group composed of

representatives of Member States, shall

adopt a decision on the selection of entities

forming the initial network, where at least

one entity per Member State shall be

represented. These entities shall be

selected by the Commission from

candidate entities designated by Member

States on the basis of the criteria mentioned

in paragraph 2 and the following additional


Amendment 53

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) the soundness of the

implementation plan proposed;

(b) the soundness of the

implementation plan proposed along with

clear and measurable targets and


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Amendment 54

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point e a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e a) where applicable, deployment in

sectors with a high multiplication effect,

such as digitalised industry and transport

or space technologies;

Amendment 55

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) where applicable, a balanced

geographical distribution across the Union,

including the outermost regions;

(g) where applicable, a balanced

geographical distribution across the Union

and associated countries, including the

Union's outermost regions;

Amendment 56

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Indicators to monitor the

implementation and progress of the

Programme in achieving the general and

specific objectives set out in Article 3 are

set in the Annex II.

1. Measurable indicators to monitor

the implementation and progress of the

Programme in achieving the general and

specific objectives set out in Article 3 are

set in the Annex II.

Amendment 57

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1 a. The Commission shall define a

methodology to provide for measurable

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indicators for an accurate assessment of

the progress towards achieving the

general objectives set out in Article 3(1).

On the basis of this methodology the

Commission shall complement Annex III

at the latest by 1st January 2021.

Amendment 58

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. To ensure effective assessment of

progress of the Programme towards the

achievement of its objectives, the

Commission is empowered to adopt

delegated acts in accordance with Article

27 to amend Annex II to review or

complement the indicators where

considered necessary and to supplement

this Regulation with provisions on the

establishment of a monitoring and

evaluation framework.

2. To ensure effective assessment of

progress of the Programme towards the

achievement of its objectives, the

Commission is empowered to adopt

delegated acts in accordance with Article

27 to amend Annex II to review or

complement the measurable indicators

where considered necessary and to

supplement this Regulation with provisions

on the establishment of a monitoring and

evaluation framework.

Amendment 59

Proposal for a regulation

Article 24 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The performance reporting system

shall ensure that data for monitoring

programme implementation and results are

collected efficiently, effectively, and in a

timely manner. To that end, proportionate

reporting requirements shall be imposed on

recipients of Union funds and Member


3. The performance reporting system

shall ensure that data for monitoring

programme implementation and results are

suitable for an in-depth analysis of the

progress achieved and the difficulties

encountered and are collected efficiently,

effectively, and in a timely manner. To that

end, proportionate reporting requirements

shall be imposed on recipients of Union

funds and Member States.

Amendment 60

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Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Evaluations shall be carried out in a

timely manner to feed into the decision-

making process.

1. Evaluations shall be carried out in a

timely manner to feed into the decision-

making process. The evaluations shall

also provide for a qualitative assessment

of the progress towards achieving the

general objectives set out in Article 3(1).

Amendment 61

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 1 – paragraph 2 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. A joint procurement framework for

an integrated network of world-class HPC

including exascale supercomputing and

data infrastructure. It will be accessible on

a non-economic basis to public and private

users and for publicly funded research


1. A joint procurement framework for

an integrated network of world-class HPC

including exascale supercomputing and

data infrastructure. It will be accessible to

all businesses and public administrations,

and on a non-economic basis to public and

private users and for publicly funded

research purposes.

Amendment 62

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 5 – subpart I – point 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. Transport, energy and environment:

Deploy decentralised solutions and

infrastructures required for large-scale

digital applications such as smart cities or

smart rural areas in support of transport,

energy and environmental policies.

4. Transport, energy and environment:

Deploy decentralised solutions and

infrastructures required for large-scale

digital applications such as smart cities,

smart rural areas or outermost regions in

support of transport, energy and

environmental policies.

Amendment 63

Proposal for a regulation

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Annex I – part 5 – subpart I – point 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5. Education and culture: Provide

creators and creative industry in Europe

with access to latest digital technologies

from AI to advanced computing. Exploit

the European cultural heritage as a vector

to promote cultural diversity, social

cohesion and European citizenship.

Support the uptake of digital technologies

in education.

5. Education, culture and the tourism

sector: Provide creators and creative

industry in Europe and the tourism sector

with access to latest digital technologies

from AI to advanced computing. Exploit

the European cultural heritage and the

tourism sector as a vector to promote

cultural diversity, social cohesion and

European citizenship. Support the uptake

of digital technologies in education and the

tourism sector.

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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary




Date appointed

Deirdre Clune


Date adopted 15.11.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote Daniela Aiuto, Lucy Anderson, Marie-Christine Arnautu, Inés Ayala

Sender, Georges Bach, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Michael Cramer,

Luis de Grandes Pascual, Andor Deli, Karima Delli, Isabella De Monte,

Ismail Ertug, Tania González Peñas, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Miltiadis

Kyrkos, Innocenzo Leontini, Bogusław Liberadzki, Peter Lundgren,

Marian-Jean Marinescu, Georg Mayer, Gesine Meissner, Renaud

Muselier, Markus Pieper, Gabriele Preuß, Christine Revault d’Allonnes

Bonnefoy, Dominique Riquet, Massimiliano Salini, Jill Seymour,

Claudia Țapardel, Keith Taylor, Pavel Telička, István Ujhelyi, Wim van

de Camp, Kosma Złotowski

Substitutes present for the final vote Francisco Assis, Daniel Dalton, Stefan Gehrold, Maria Grapini,

Kateřina Konečná, Bolesław G. Piecha, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero

Fernández, Anders Sellström, Henna Virkkunen

Substitutes under Rule 200(2) present

for the final vote

Heinz K. Becker, Edward Czesak, Jiří Maštálka, Theodor Dumitru

Stolojan, Richard Sulík

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45 +









Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Gesine Meissner, Dominique Riquet, Pavel Telička

Edward Czesak, Daniel Dalton, Bolesław G. Piecha, Richard Sulík, Kosma Złotowski

Daniela Aiuto

Georg Mayer

Tania González Peñas, Kateřina Konečná, Jiří Maštálka

Georges Bach, Heinz K. Becker, Andor Deli, Stefan Gehrold, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch,

Innocenzo Leontini, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Renaud Muselier, Markus Pieper,

Massimiliano Salini, Anders Sellström, Theodor Dumitru Stolojan, Henna Virkkunen,

Luis de Grandes Pascual, Wim van de Camp

Lucy Anderson, Francisco Assis, Inés Ayala Sender, Isabella De Monte, Ismail Ertug,

Maria Grapini, Miltiadis Kyrkos, Bogusław Liberadzki, Gabriele Preuß, Christine

Revault d'Allonnes Bonnefoy, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Claudia

Țapardel, István Ujhelyi

Michael Cramer, Karima Delli, Keith Taylor

2 -



Peter Lundgren

Jill Seymour

1 0

ENF Marie-Christine Arnautu

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

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for the Committee on Industry Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021 - 2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion: Evelyne Gebhardt


Internet and new technologies are comprehensively changing our society and our economy.

Increasing investment in modern digital infrastructure – like high-performance computing,

artificial-intelligence products and services and efficient cybersecurity capacities – combined

with investment in advanced digital skills in these new technologies for workers and students

is crucial to ensure that citizens, industry, business and public administrations can take full

advantage of these developments and of the Digital Single Market.

In order to stimulate innovation, tackle market fragmentation under fair and balanced

conditions and achieve consumer confidence, such a substantial investment in infrastructure

and digital skills needs to be executed by the European Union, by Member States and by the

private sector. This is entirely in line with the European Parliament’s call, in its report

“Towards a digital single market act”1, for a long-term investment strategy in digital

infrastructure and skills as well as the support of digitisation of Europe’s industry and public


The new Digital Europe Programme can be a powerful instrument to support this digital

transformation. Furthermore, it complements other programmes of the European Union,

supports other Union policies and thus creates synergy effects, in particular with:

the Horizon Europe Programme, supporting research and development of new


the European Regional Development Funds (EDRF), supporting inter alia the

deployment of digital solutions, including cybersecurity;

the Connecting Europe Facility, providing infrastructure for broadband networks;

1 Own initiative report “Towards a digital single market act” (2015/2147(INI)

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and the Single Market programme, supporting inter alia product safety in relation to

digital economy, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

The rapporteur welcomes the proposal of the new Digital Europe Programme and suggests to

maintain the total budget of the Programme of 8.192 billion in constant prices (i.e. 9.194

billion in current prices) as proposed by the Commission, in accordance with the agreement of

the European Parliament based on its resolution of 14 March 20181. Nevertheless, the

rapporteur calls on the Member States and the private sector to make the financial

contribution needed to achieve the Programme’s objectives.

Furthermore, the rapporteur welcomes the integration of existing and new Digital Innovation

Hubs to implement the Programme. Digital Innovation Hubs will support the digital

transformation of European industry, in particular SMEs, and of public administration and

diffuse digital capacities on a local level. Therefore, the rapporteur suggests increasing the

responsibilities of the Digital Innovation, clarifying that Hubs should be allowed to receive

other public or private contributions and own revenues created by the Digital Innovations

Hubs. In addition, Digital Innovation Hubs should be free to define their internal organisation,

their composition, their work programme and working methods.

The rapporteur aims to uphold important values of the Programme, in particular the necessity

for its contribution to social equality including persons with disabilities and, in view of their

disproportionate underrepresentation in ICT, the principle of gender equality and women`s

rights. She also stresses, that the development of robotics and Artificial Intelligence needs

focus on complementing human capabilities and not on replacing them as set out in the

European Parliament’s report for civil law rules on robotics and that humans need to have

control over intelligent machines at all times.

In order to avoid significant investment gaps in other new technologies covered by the

Horizon Europe Programme but not the Digital Europe Programme, it should be made clear

that those other new technologies can attract funding under this Programme provided they are

part of a comprehensive and related solution with the technologies that are covered under Art.

4 to 8.


The Committee on Legal Affairs calls on the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, as

the committee responsible, to take into account the following amendments:

Amendment 1

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(2а) Europe should compete with other

1 European Parliament resolution of 14 March 2018 on the next MFF: Preparing the Parliament’s position on the

MFF post-2020 reached with MFF 2021-2027

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world powers for leadership of the digital

revolution, and levels of investment in

digital capacity, in both the EU budget

and national and regional budgets, should

increase steadily.

Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) In accordance with the Financial

Regulation, Regulation (EU, Euratom) No

883/2013 of the European Parliament and

of the Council48 , Council Regulation

(Euratom, EC) No 2988/9549 , Council

Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/9650

and Regulation (EU) 2017/193951 , the

financial interests of the Union are to be

protected through proportionate measures,

including the prevention, detection,

correction and investigation of

irregularities including fraud, the recovery

of funds lost, wrongly paid or incorrectly

used and, where appropriate, the

imposition of administrative sanctions. In

particular, in accordance with the

provisions and procedures laid down in

Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of

the European Parliament and of the

Council and Regulation (Euratom, EC) No

2185/96, the European Anti-Fraud Office

(OLAF) may carry out administrative

investigations, including on-the-spot

checks and inspections, with a view to

establishing whether there has been fraud,

corruption or any other illegal activity

affecting the financial interests of the

Union. In accordance with Regulation

(EU) 2017/1939, the European Public

Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) may

investigate and prosecute fraud and other

criminal offences affecting the financial

interests of the Union, as provided for in

Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European

Parliament and of the Council52 . In

(3) In accordance with the Financial

Regulation, Regulation (EU, Euratom) No

883/2013 of the European Parliament and

of the Council48 , Council Regulation

(Euratom, EC) No 2988/9549 , Council

Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/9650

and Regulation (EU) 2017/193951 , the

financial interests of the Union are to be

protected through proportionate measures,

including the prevention, detection,

correction and investigation of

irregularities including fraud, the recovery

of funds lost, wrongly paid or incorrectly

used and, where appropriate, the

imposition of administrative sanctions. In

particular, in accordance with the

provisions and procedures laid down in

Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of

the European Parliament and of the

Council and Regulation (Euratom, EC) No

2185/96, the European Anti-Fraud Office

(OLAF) may carry out administrative

investigations, including on-the-spot

checks and inspections, with a view to

establishing whether there has been fraud,

corruption or any other illegal activity

affecting the financial interests of the

Union. In accordance with Regulation

(EU) 2017/1939, the European Public

Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) is to

investigate and prosecute fraud and other

criminal offences affecting the financial

interests of the Union, as provided for in

Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European

Parliament and of the Council52 . In

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accordance with the Financial Regulation,

any person or entity receiving Union funds

is to fully cooperate in the protection of the

Union’s financial interests, to grant the

necessary rights and access to the

Commission, OLAF, the EPPO and the

European Court of Auditors (ECA) and to

ensure that any third parties involved in the

implementation of the Union funds grant

equivalent rights.

accordance with the Financial Regulation,

any person or entity receiving, managing

or distributing Union funds is to fully

cooperate in the protection of the Union’s

financial interests, to grant the necessary

rights and access to the Commission,

OLAF, the EPPO and the European Court

of Auditors (ECA) and to ensure that any

third parties involved in the

implementation of the Union funds grant

equivalent rights.

__________________ __________________

48 OJ L 248, 18.9.2013, p. 1–22. The

regulation is available at: http://eur-



48 OJ L 248, 18.9.2013, p. 1–22. The

regulation is available at: http://eur-



49 OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1–4. The

regulation is available at http://eur-



49 OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1–4. The

regulation is available at http://eur-



50 OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2–5. The

regulation is available at http://eur-



50 OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2–5. The

regulation is available at http://eur-



51 OJ L 283, 31.10.2017, p. 1–71. The

regulation is available at http://eur-



51 OJ L 283, 31.10.2017, p. 1–71. The

regulation is available at http://eur-



52 Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the

European Parliament and of the Council of

5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the

Union's financial interests by means of

criminal law (OJ L 198, 28.7.2017, p. 29).

52 Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the

European Parliament and of the Council of

5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the

Union's financial interests by means of

criminal law (OJ L 198, 28.7.2017, p. 29).

Amendment 3

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 5 a (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(5 a) The Programme should ensure

utmost transparency, accountability and

democratic scrutiny of innovative

financial instruments and mechanisms

that involve the Union budget, especially

as regards their contribution, both as

regards initial expectations and end

results made towards achieving Union


Amendment 4

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

digitising our economies and addressing

the skills gap to maintain and enhance

European competitiveness, our quality of

life and social fabric. The European

Council concluded that the digital

transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, and enhance creative and

cultural diversity. Seizing these

opportunities requires collectively tackling

some of the challenges posed by the digital

transformation and reviewing policies

affected by the digital transformation.

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

consolidating EU digital capacity with the

aim of digitising our economies and

addressing the skills gap to maintain and

enhance European competitiveness, our

quality of life and social fabric. At Tallinn,

however, it became clear that a powerful

digital economy can be achieved under

the following main pillars: Cybersecurity

and artificial intelligence, accompanied

by a world class infrastructure that

includes high performance computing,

digital skills, and the digital

transformation of the public sector. The

European Council concluded that the

digital transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, and enhance creative and

cultural diversity. Seizing these

opportunities requires a collective and

interconnected approach to tackling some

of the challenges posed by the digital

transformation and reviewing policies

affected by the digital transformation, as

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well as securing significant private sector

funds and contributions from the Member


_________________ _________________









Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 6 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6 a) Among these challenges it must be

considered as of the greatest importance

to favour and stimulate an inclusive

digital transformation in terms of gender,

generational and regional. Measures

aimed at improving the training of

workers in digital knowledge and

preventing the increase of wage

polarisation and inequality are very


Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) The European Council concluded in

particular that the Union should urgently

address emerging trends: this includes

issues such as artificial intelligence and

distributed ledgers technologies (e.g.

blockchain), while at the same time

ensuring a high level of data protection,

digital rights and ethical standards. The

European Council invited the Commission

to put forward a European approach to

(7) The European Council concluded in

particular that the Union should urgently

address emerging trends: this includes

issues such as artificial intelligence and

distributed ledger technologies (e.g.

blockchain), while at the same time

ensuring a high level of protection of

intellectual property, data and digital

rights, as well as liability-related ethical

and legal issues. It is of crucial

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artificial intelligence by early 2018 and

called on the Commission to put forward

the necessary initiatives for strengthening

the framework conditions with a view to

enable the EU to explore new markets

through risk-based radical innovations and

to reaffirm the leading role of its industry.

importance to ensure that the EU legal

framework responds adequately to those

challenges. The European Council invited

the Commission to put forward a European

approach to artificial intelligence by early

2018 and called on the Commission to put

forward the necessary initiatives for

strengthening the framework conditions

with a view to enable the EU to explore

new markets through risk-based radical

innovations and to reaffirm the leading role

of its industry.

Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The Commission’s Communication

on ‘A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020’57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

for Europe’s digital transformations to

deliver ‘strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity and

cybersecurity’. It would seek to secure

European leadership in supercomputing,

next generation internet, artificial

intelligence, robotics and big data. It would

reinforce the competitive position of

industry and businesses in Europe across

the digitised economy and would have a

significant impact on filling the skills gap

across the Union.

(8) The Commission’s Communication

on ‘A new, modern Multiannual Financial

Framework for a European Union that

delivers efficiently on its priorities post-

2020’57 outlines among the options for the

future financial framework a programme

for Europe’s digital transformations to

deliver ‘strong progress towards smart

growth in areas such as high quality data

infrastructure, connectivity, cybersecurity’,

which would facilitate the provision of

new, efficient and reliable services in

sectors such as e-health, e-government or

mobility. It would seek to secure European

leadership in supercomputing, next

generation internet, artificial intelligence,

robotics and big data. It would reinforce

the competitive position of industry and

businesses in Europe across the digitised

economy and would have a significant

impact on filling the skills gap across the


_________________ _________________

57 COM(2018) 98 final. 57 COM(2018) 98 final.

Amendment 8

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses and citizens all over

the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

private and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger


(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to promote,

consolidate and support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses, public

administrations and all citizens all over

the Union. The Programme should

support a fair digital transition and

uphold the common values of the

European Union, including the right to

education, the protection of workers’

rights, guarantee fair competition,

promote equality and ensure that

digitation contributes to rising social and

labour standards, and promote prosperity

for all European citizens, democracy and

security. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

private and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger

synergies, thereby creating a prosperous

data-based inclusive economy promoting

innovative projects and ensuring the

creation of real added value.

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59 . A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open and competitive

process. The Digital Innovation Hubs will

serve as access points to latest digital

capacities including high performance

computing (HPC), artificial intelligence,

cybersecurity, as well as other existing

innovative technologies such as Key

Enabling Technologies, available also in

fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single


(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59. A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open, transparent and

competitive process. The Digital

Innovation Hubs will serve as access points

to latest digital capacities including high

performance computing (HPC), artificial

intelligence, cybersecurity, as well as other

existing innovative technologies such as

Key Enabling Technologies, available also

in fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single


_________________ _________________

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11a) Digital Innovation Hubs should be

allowed to receive contributions from

Member States, participating third

countries or public authorities within

them, contributions from international

bodies or institutions, contributions from

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the private sector, in particular from

members, shareholders or partners of the

Digital Innovation Hubs, revenues

generated by the Digital Innovation Hubs’

own assets and activities, bequests,

donations and contributions from

individuals or funding in the form of

grants including from the Programme

and other Union programmes.

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 14

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) The Programme’s actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value.

(14) The Programme’s actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value. Multilateral

coordinated action should capitalise on

synergies by linking funding with

framework conditions, safeguard

interoperability, and avoid a major

geographical digital divide, resulting in

strategic advantages for European

businesses and public services for citizens,

enabling them to achieve breakthroughs

more effectively in solving societal

challenges, thereby helping to achieve the

general objective of improving quality of

life in every sector and throughout the


Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 15

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(15) To achieve maximum flexibility

throughout the lifetime of the programme

and develop synergies between its

(15) To achieve maximum flexibility

throughout the lifetime of the programme

and develop synergies between its

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components, each of the specific objectives

may be implemented through all

instruments available under the Financial

Regulation. The delivery mechanisms to be

used are direct management and indirect

management when Union financing should

be combined with other sources of

financing or when execution requires the

setup of commonly governed structures.

components, each of the specific objectives

may be implemented through all

instruments available under the Financial

Regulation. The delivery mechanisms to be

used are direct management and indirect

management when Union financing should

be combined with other sources of

financing or when execution requires the

setup of commonly governed structures. In

the case of indirect management, the

Commission should ensure that the

quality and safety standards required for

the direct management of the programme

are maintained and respected.

Amendment 13

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment and

security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably small and medium-sized


(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment and

security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably micro, small and

medium-sized enterprises.

Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 17 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17a) The programme provides a good

opportunity for other Member States to

sign that declaration and stresses the

possibility for all other Member States to

enter the EuroHPC Declaration.

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Amendment 15

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, academia

and public administrations.

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective the HPC joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63. The Programme should therefore

finance the EuroHPC joint undertaking

for the purpose-of investing in high

performance computing under the

Programme. Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, small

businesses and start-ups, academia and

public administrations.

__________________ __________________

63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19a) Products and services based on

artificial intelligence should be user-

friendly, legally compliant by default and

provide consumers with more choice and

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more information, in particular on the

quality of products or services.

Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19b) In its report for civil law rules on

robotics1a the European Parliament

stresses that the development of robotics

and artificial intelligence should focus on

complementing human capabilities and

not on replacing them. The development

of robotics and artificial intelligence

should also guarantee that humans have

control over intelligent machines at all



1a European Parliament resolution of 16

February 2017 with recommendations to

the Commission on Civil Law Rules on

Robotics (2015/2103(INL))

Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20 a) In its resolution of 12

September2018 on autonomous weapon

systems 1a , the European Parliament

reaffirmed the Union's ambition to be a

global actor for peace, called for the

expansion of its role in global

disarmament and non proliferation efforts

and urged the Vice-President of the

Commission / High-Representative of

Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the

Member States and the Council to work

towards the start of international

negotiations on a legally binding

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instrument prohibiting lethal autonomous

weapon systems. Lethal autonomous

weapons are mostly based on Artificial

Intelligence. Consequently, any financial

contribution by the Union under Specific

Objective 2 of the Programme must not be

used for military purposes.




Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry64 the

European Parliament highlighted the

importance of a common European

cybersecurity approach, recognising the

need to raise awareness and considered

cyber-resilience as a crucial responsibility

for business leaders and national and

European industrial security policymakers.

(21) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry64 the

European Parliament highlighted, in the

context of potential vulnerabilities as

regards cyberattacks, sabotage,

manipulation of date or industrial

espionage, the importance of a common

European cybersecurity approach,

recognising the need to raise awareness on

enhancing cybersecurity and considered

cyber-resilience as a crucial responsibility

for business leaders and national and

European industrial security policymakers

and the need to make cybersecurity

requirements mandatory for public

procurement with regard to IT equipment

and IoT products.

_________________ _________________

64 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



64 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



Amendment 20

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 21 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21a) The resolution has also

highlighted the need to guarantee safety

and cybersecurity standards according to

the available state-of-the-art technology

and the principles of ‘security by design’

and ‘security by default’ as core design


Amendment 21

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 21 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21 b) Data and IT infrastructure

security and trust in the digital

environment are essential for unlocking

the full potential of growth and

innovation connected with the digitisation

of industry as well as public

administrations for the benefit of citizens,

workers, consumers and businesses,

including SMEs and start-ups.

Amendment 22

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 23 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(23 a) As a matter of principle,

cybersecurity solutions should contain

safety and, according to the available

state-of-the-art technology and the

principles of ‘security by design’ and

‘security by default’, cybersecurity

standards as core design parameters.

Amendment 23

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Proposal for a regulation

Recital 25

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(25) The European Council in its

conclusions of 19 October 2017 stressed

that to successfully build a Digital Europe,

the Union needs in particular labour

markets, training and education systems fit

for the digital age and that there is a need

to invest in digital skills, to empower and

enable all Europeans;

(25) The European Council in its

conclusions of 19 October 2017 stressed

that to successfully build a Digital Europe,

the Union needs in particular labour

markets, training and education systems fit

for the digital age and that there is a need

to invest in digital skills, and digital

education programmes, to empower and

enable all Europeans;

Amendment 24

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 27

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(27) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry67 the

European Parliament stated that education,

training and lifelong learning are the

cornerstone of social cohesion in a digital


(27) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry67 the

European Parliament stated that education,

training and lifelong learning are the

cornerstone of social cohesion in a digital

society. They are of utmost importance for

fighting digital exclusion and for

promoting inclusiveness and the

competitiveness of European regions.

__________________ __________________

67 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



67 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



Amendment 25

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 27 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(27a) The European Parliament also

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noted the disproportionate gender gap in

terms of employment and training in the

ICT sector and the decrease of women

taking up ICT related higher education,

with negative implications for equality

and in the labour market. Therefore, the

Programme's objective regarding

advanced digitals skills should pay

particular attention to women and girls

and promote their career in the ICT area

of advanced digital skills. In addition, the

European Parliament noted its concern

about the impacts of digitisation on

working conditions and changes in the

labour market. The Parliament called for

safe and dignified working conditions and

adequate training to improve the digital

skills of the workforce in particular and

society as a whole.

Amendment 26

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy.

Moreover, in view of the growing national

and regional inequalities the Programme

should contribute to reduce the digital

divide between countries and regions. The

actions supported by this programme are

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complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


Amendment 27

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 29

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry and on citizens in general by

making their interactions with public

authorities faster, more convenient and less

costly, as well as by increasing the

efficiency and the quality of the services

provided to citizens and businesses. Since a

number of services of public interest

already have a Union dimension, the

support to their implementation and

deployment at Union level should ensure

that citizens and businesses will benefit

from the access to high quality digital

services across Europe.

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry, business and research as well

as and on citizens in general by making

their interactions with public authorities

including judiciaries faster, more

convenient and less costly, as well as by

increasing the efficiency and the quality of

the services provided to citizens and

businesses. Since a number of services of

public interest already have a Union

dimension, the support to their

implementation and deployment at Union

level should ensure that citizens and

businesses will benefit from the access to

high quality digital services across Europe.

Amendment 28

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 32

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(32) The modernisation of European

public administrations is one of the key

priorities for successful implementation of

the Digital Single Market Strategy. The

mid-term evaluation of the Strategy

highlighted the need to strengthen the

transformation of public administrations

and to ensure citizens have easy, trusted,

and seamless access to public services.

(32) The modernisation of European

public administrations is one of the key

priorities for successful implementation of

the Digital Single Market Strategy. The

mid-term evaluation of the Strategy

highlighted the need to strengthen the

transformation of public administrations

and to ensure citizens have easy, trusted,

and seamless access to public services

without being charged disproportionate


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Amendment 29

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 33

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(33) The Annual Growth Survey

published by the Commission in 201769

shows that the quality of European public

administrations has a direct impact on the

economic environment and is therefore

crucial to stimulating productivity,

competitiveness, economic cooperation,

growth and employment. In particular,

efficient and transparent public

administration and effective justice

systems are necessary to support economic

growth and deliver high quality services

for firms and citizens.

(33) The Annual Growth Survey

published by the Commission in 201769

shows that the quality of European public

administrations has a direct impact on the

economic environment and is therefore

crucial to stimulating productivity,

competitiveness, economic cooperation,

sustainable growth, employment and

high-quality work. In particular, efficient

and transparent public administration and

effective justice systems are necessary to

support economic growth and deliver high

quality services for firms and citizens.

__________________ __________________

69 COM(2016) 725 final 69 COM(2016) 725 final

Amendment 30

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 33 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(33 a) Promoting digital infrastructure in

the most disadvantaged areas is key to

promoting inclusion. The reduction of the

'digital divide' in terms of use and access

to infrastructure and digital services

between administrations, individuals,

households, businesses and geographical

areas should be a central objective. The

digital divide prevents administrations,

especially local authorities, from taking

full advantage of the benefits that digital

technology can offer. This can continue to

contribute to increasing income

polarisation and stimulate long-term

unbalanced economic development.

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Amendment 31

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 34 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(34 a) On 6 October 2017, Council of the

EU in Tallinn stated that the European

digital strategy should be based on

collaboration and interoperability,

including the use of open licensing

policies and open standards. The

programme should, therefore, demand or

incentivise open source solutions in order

to allow reuse, increase trust and secure

transparency. This will have a positive

impact on the sustainability of funded


Amendment 32

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 38

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(38) The European Economic and Social

Committee welcomed the communication

on "Digitising European Industry" and

considered it, together with accompanying

documents, as "the first step in a vast

European work programme to be carried

out in close mutual cooperation between all

interested public and private parties".72

(38) The European Economic and Social

Committee welcomed the communication

on "Digitising European Industry" and

considered it, together with accompanying

documents, as "the first step in a vast

European work programme to be carried

out in close mutual cooperation between all

interested public and private parties".72 The

Economic and Social Committee also

noted72a "that it remains to acknowledge

most of the repercussions that

digitalisation has for employment

purposes, which, therefore, are subject to

poor treatment in the corresponding

policies". Likewise, the aforementioned

communication pointed out the need to

improve collective bargaining and the

participation of workers in order to

counteract the increase in income

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inequalities caused by digitisation.


72 72

72a Opinion of the European Economic

and Social Committee on "The effects of

digitalisation on the services sector and

employment in relation to industrial

change" (2016/C 013/24).

Amendment 33

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 40

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(40) The General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR), applicable from May

2018 onwards, by providing for a single set

of rules directly applicable in the Member

States legal orders, will guarantee the free

flow of personal data between EU Member

States and reinforce trust and security of

the individuals, two indispensable elements

for a real Digital Single Market. The

actions undertaken under this Programme,

when they involve the processing of

personal data, should therefore support the

application of the GDPR, for instance in

the field of artificial intelligence and

block chain technology.

(40) The General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR), applicable from May

2018 onwards, by providing for a single set

of rules directly applicable in the Member

States legal orders, will guarantee the free

flow of personal data between EU Member

States and reinforce trust and security of

the individuals, two indispensable elements

for a real Digital Single Market. The

actions undertaken under this Programme,

when they involve the processing of

personal data, should therefore support the

application of the GDPR in all new

technologies. Moreover, product and

services should be developed and used in

full respect of other EU data protection

rules, considering the principles of

fairness, transparency, purpose limitation,

data minimisation, accountability and

privacy by design and by default.

Amendment 34

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 42 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(42 a) Bodies implementing the

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programme should respect the principle of

gender equality between women and men

as laid down in Articles 2 and 3 of the

Treaty on European Union and Article 8

TFEU, as well as in Article 23 of the

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the

European Union.

Amendment 35

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 43

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme will contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the achievement

of an overall target of 25% of the EU

budget expenditures supporting climate

objectives74 . Relevant actions will be

identified during the Programme's

preparation and implementation, and

reassessed in the context of the relevant

evaluations and review processes.

(43) Reflecting the importance of

tackling climate change in line with the

Union’s commitments to implement the

Paris Agreement and the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals, this

Programme shall contribute to mainstream

climate actions and lead to the achievement

of an overall target of 25% of the EU

budget expenditures supporting climate

objectives74 . Relevant actions shall be

identified during the Programme's

preparation and implementation by way of

optimising output of climate investment,

and reassessed in the context of the

relevant evaluations and review processes.

_________________ _________________

74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1 74 COM(2018) 321 final, page 1

Amendment 36

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 44 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(44 a) In order to be able to exercise its

function of political control and to ensure

transparency and accountability, as

stipulated in the Treaties, the Commission

should duly and regularly inform the

European Parliament of all relevant

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aspects of the implementation of the

Programme, including the work

programmes, the execution and possible

need for adjustment of the budgetary

breakdown, and the development of the

performance indicators in terms of

objectives pursued and expected results.

Amendment 37

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1 The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens and businesses. The

Programme will:

1 The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens, public administrations,

workers and businesses. The Programme


(a) reinforce Europe's capacities in key

digital technology areas through large-

scale deployment,

(a) reinforce and develop Europe's

capacities in key digital technology areas

through large-scale deployment and use,

(b) widen their diffusion and uptake in

areas of public interest and the private


(b) widen their diffusion and uptake in

areas of public interest and the private


(ba) support the uptake of advanced

digital skills.

(bb) reinforce Europe’s competiveness

and strengthen its labour-market in areas

according to the objectives in Article 4 to

8 of the Programme with particular

regard to a gender perspective and an

inclusive and socially sustainable use of


Amendment 38

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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Article 4 Article 4

High Performance Computing High Performance Computing

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 1. High

Performance Computing shall pursue the

following operational objectives:

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 1. High

Performance Computing shall pursue the

following operational objectives:

(a) deploy, coordinate at the Union

level and operate an integrated world-class

exascale76 supercomputing and data

infrastructure in the Union that shall be

accessible on a non-commercial basis to

public and private users and for publicly

funded research purposes;

(a) deploy, coordinate at the Union

level and operate an integrated world-class

exascale76 supercomputing and data

infrastructure in the Union that shall be

accessible on a non-commercial basis to

public and private users and for publicly

funded research purposes;

(b) deploy ready to use/operational

technology resulting from research and

innovation to build an integrated Union

high performance computing ecosystem,

covering all scientific and industrial value

chain segments, including hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and digital skills;

(b) deploy ready to use/operational

technology resulting from research and

innovation, in particular technologies that

have previously benefitted or that

currently benefit from Union funding, to

build an integrated Union high

performance computing ecosystem,

covering all scientific and industrial value

chain segments, including hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and digital skills;

(c) deploy and operate a post-

exascale77 infrastructure, including the

integration with quantum computing

technologies and develop new research

infrastructures for computing science.

(c) deploy and operate a post-

exascale77 infrastructure, encourage the

deployment of European hardware and

software necessary for this deployment,

including the integration with quantum

computing technologies and develop new

research infrastructures for computing


_________________ _________________

76 Billions of billions of floating per second 76 Billions of billions of floating per second

77 A thousand times faster than exascale 77 A thousand times faster than exascale

Amendment 39

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 5 Article 5

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Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 2. Artificial

Intelligence shall pursue the following

operational objectives:

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 2. Artificial

Intelligence shall pursue the following

operational objectives:

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation;

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation and with the

principles of security and privacy by

design and by default;

(b) make those capacities accessible to

all businesses and public administrations;

(b) promote those capacities and make

them accessible to all businesses and

public administrations;

(c) reinforce and network existing

artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member


(c) develop, reinforce and network

existing artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member


Any financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 2 of the

Programme shall comply with ethical

principles, applicable national, Union and

international law and must not be used

for military purposes.

Amendment 40

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 6 Article 6

Cybersecurity and Trust Cybersecurity and Trust

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 3. Cybersecurity

and Trust shall pursue the following

operational objectives:

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 3. Cybersecurity

and Trust shall pursue the following

operational objectives:

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation;

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in order to achieve a

common high level of cybersecurity at

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Union level, in full compliance with data

protection legislation and the fundamental


(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to


(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to


(c) ensure a wide deployment of the

latest cybersecurity solutions across the


(c) ensure a wide deployment of the

latest cybersecurity solutions across the


(d) reinforce capabilities within

Member States and private sector to help

them meet Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of

the European Parliament and of the

Council of 6 July 2016 concerning

measures for a high common level of

security of network and information

systems across the Union78.

(d) reinforce capabilities within

Member States and private sector to help

them meet Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of

the European Parliament and of the

Council of 6 July 2016 concerning

measures for a high common level of

security of network and information

systems across the Union78.

(da) support the mission, objectives and

tasks of the European Cybersecurity

Industrial, Technology and Research

Competence Centre78a in so far as the

objectives under Article 3 of this

Programme are concerned.

(db) support the best use and the

increase of European knowledge, capacity

and skills related to cybersecurity;

_________________ _________________

78 OJ L 194, 19.7.2016, p.1–30 78 OJ L 194, 19.7.2016, p.1–30

78a Proposal for a regulation establishing

the European Cybersecurity Industrial,

Technology and Research Competence

Centre and the Network of National

Coordination Centres of 12 September

2018, 2018/0328(COD)

Amendment 41

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 7 Article 7

Advanced Digital Skills Advanced Digital Skills

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The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, reducing the digital divide within the

Union, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term trainings and courses for

students, IT professionals and the


(a) support the design and delivery of

more long-term trainings, including

requalification and courses for students,

educators/teachers, IT professionals and

the workforce, researchers and academics;

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

the workforce;

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for the

workforce and entrepreneurs, small and

medium-sized business leaders;

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, young

entrepreneurs and graduates.

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, workforce and

entrepreneurs and graduates.

(ca) promote barrier-free digital

training ensuring that people with

disabilities have equal access.

Amendment 42

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 8 Article 8

Deployment, best use of digital capacities

and Interoperability

Deployment, best use of digital capacities

and Interoperability

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 5. Deployment,

best use of digital capacities and

Interoperability shall achieve the following

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 5. Deployment,

best use of digital capacities and

Interoperability shall achieve the following

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operational objectives: operational objectives:

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural, labour and

creative sectors, can deploy and access

state-of-the-art digital technologies, in

particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence and cybersecurity;

(b) deploy, operate and maintain trans-

European interoperable Digital Service

Infrastructures (including related services)

in complementarity with national and

regional actions;

(b) deploy, operate and maintain state-

of-the-art trans-European interoperable

Digital Service Infrastructures (including

related services) in complementarity with

national and regional actions;

(c) facilitate the development, update

and use of solutions and frameworks by

European public administrations,

businesses and citizens, including the re-

use of interoperability solutions and


(c) facilitate the development, update

and use of solutions and frameworks by

European public administrations,

businesses and citizens, including open-

source and the re-use of interoperability

solutions and frameworks;

(d) offer to public administrations

access to testing and piloting of digital

technologies, including their cross-border


(d) offer to public administrations

access to testing and piloting of digital

technologies, including their cross-border


(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs;

(e) support the uptake of advanced

digital and related technologies, including

in particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and

future emerging technologies by the Union

industry, notably SMEs;

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and establishing

common frameworks in order to unleash

the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and establishing

common frameworks in order to unleash

the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

(g) ensure a continuous capacity at the

Union level to observe, analyse and adapt

to fast-evolving digital trends, as well as

sharing and mainstreaming best practices;

(g) ensure a continuous capacity at the

Union level to observe, analyse and adapt

to fast-evolving digital trends in co-

operation with relevant EU Agencies, as

well as sharing and mainstreaming best

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(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures using distributed ledger

services and applications, including

support for interoperability and

standardisation and fostering the

deployment of EU cross-border


(h) promote and support cooperation

towards achieving a European ecosystem

for trusted infrastructures notably using

distributed ledger services and

applications, including support for

interoperability and standardisation and

fostering the deployment of EU cross-

border applications to support businesses,

especially SMEs;

(i) build up and strengthen the network

of Digital Innovation Hubs.

(i) build up and strengthen and

promote the network of Digital Innovation


Amendment 43

Proposal for a regulation

Article 11 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1 a. Planning, development and

procurement in the programme shall be

done with a view to enhance European

Union competitiveness in medium and

long term. Priority shall be given to

actions that increase the strategic

potential and limit the dependence on

suppliers and products from outside the

European Union.

Amendment 44

Proposal for a regulation

Article 12 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Actions carried out under the

Programme shall comply with the

applicable security rules and in particular

the protection of the classified information

against unauthorised disclosure, including

compliance with any relevant national and

Union law. In case of actions carried out

outside the Union, it is necessary that, in

1. Actions carried out under the

Programme shall comply with the

applicable security rules and in particular

the protection of the classified information

against unauthorised disclosure, including

compliance with any relevant national,

Union and international laws and

principles. In case of actions carried out

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addition to the compliance with above

requirements, a security agreement must

have been concluded between the Union

and the third country in which the activity

is conducted.

outside the Union, it is necessary that, in

addition to the compliance with above

requirements, a security agreement must

have been concluded between the Union

and the third country in which the activity

is conducted.

Amendment 45

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 16 Article 16

Digital Innovation Hubs Digital Innovation Hubs

1. During the first year of the

implementation of the Programme, an

initial network of Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be established.

1. During the first year of the

implementation of the Programme, an

initial network of Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be established.

2. For the purpose of the

establishment of the network mentioned in

paragraph 1, each Member State shall

designate candidate entities through an

open and competitive process, on the basis

of the following criteria:

2. For the purpose of the

establishment of the network mentioned in

paragraph 1, each Member State shall

designate candidate entities based on

harmonised rules through an open,

transparent, inclusive and competitive

process, on the basis of the following


(a) appropriate competences related to

the functions of the Digital Innovation


(a) appropriate competences related to

the functions of the Digital Innovation


(b) appropriate management capacity,

staff and infrastructure;

(b) appropriate management capacity,

staff and infrastructure;

(c) operational and legal means to

apply the administrative, contractual and

financial management rules laid down at

Union level;

(c) operational and legal means to

apply the administrative, contractual and

financial management rules laid down at

Union level;

(d) appropriate financial guarantees,

issued preferably by a public authority,

corresponding to the level of Union funds

it will be called upon to manage.

(d) appropriate financial guarantees,

issued preferably by a public authority,

corresponding to the level of Union funds

it will be called upon to manage.

Member States shall, when designating

their candidate entities, take into account

principles of diversity, accessibility and

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gender equality.

3. The Commission shall adopt a

decision on the selection of entities

forming the initial network. These entities

shall be selected by the Commission from

candidate entities designated by Member

States on the basis of the criteria mentioned

in paragraph 2 and the following additional


3. The Commission shall adopt a

decision on the selection of entities

forming the initial network. These entities

shall be selected by the Commission from

candidate entities designated by Member

States on the basis of the criteria mentioned

in paragraph 2 and the following additional


(a) the budget available for the

financing of the initial network;

(a) the budget available for the

financing of the initial network;

(b) the need to ensure by the initial

network a coverage of the needs of

industry and areas of public interest and a

comprehensive and balanced geographical


(b) the need to ensure by the initial

network a coverage of the needs of

industry and areas of public interest and a

comprehensive and balanced geographical


4. Additional Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be selected on the basis of an open

and competitive process, in such a way to

ensure the widest geographical coverage

across Europe. The number of entities of

the network shall be proportional to the

population of a given Member States and

there shall be at least one Digital

Innovation Hub per Member State. To

address the specific constraints faced by

the EU outermost regions, specific entities

may be nominated to cover their needs.

4. Additional Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be selected on the basis of an open

and competitive process, in such a way to

ensure the widest geographical coverage

across Europe. The number of entities of

the network shall be proportional to the

population of a given Member States and

there shall be at least one Digital

Innovation Hub per Member State. To

address the specific constraints faced by

the EU outermost regions, specific entities

may be nominated to cover their needs.

4.a Digital Innovation Hubs shall

have substantial overall autonomy to

define their internal organisation and

composition, as well as their precise work

programme and working methods. In

particular, Digital Innovation Hubs shall

aim to be open to new partners to join

Digital Innovation Hubs whenever these

members add value to the partnerships

and function in an open and transparent


5. The Digital Innovation Hubs may

receive funding in the form of grants.

5. The Digital Innovation Hubs may

receive funding in the form of grants from

the Member States, participating third

countries or public authorities within

them, contributions from international

bodies or institutions, contributions from

members, shareholders or partners of the

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Digital Innovation Hub, revenues

generated by the Digital Innovation Hubs

own assets and activities, bequest,

donations and contributions from

individuals or funding in the form of

grants including from this Programme

and other EU programmes..

6. The Digital Innovation Hubs which

receive funding shall be involved in the

implementation of the Programme to:

6. The Digital Innovation Hubs shall

be involved in the implementation of the

Programme to:

(a) provide digital transformation

services - including testing and

experimentation facilities - targeted

towards SMEs and midcaps, also in sectors

that are slow in the uptake of digital and

related technologies;

(a) provide digital transformation

services and technological expertise -

including testing and experimentation

facilities - targeted towards SMEs and

midcaps, also in sectors that are slow in the

uptake of digital and related technologies;

(aa) support companies, organisations

and public administrations to become

more competitive through use of new

technologies covered by the Programme;

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs and midcaps established

in one region with Digital Innovation Hubs

established in other regions which are best

suited to provide relevant services;

(b) transfer expertise and know-how

between regions, in particular by

networking SMEs and midcaps established

in one region with Digital Innovation Hubs

established in other regions which are best

suited to provide relevant services and

offer coaching consultancy;

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs and midcaps.

Individual Digital Innovation Hubs may

specialise in specific thematic services and

do not need to provide all thematic services

mentioned in this paragraph;

(c) provide thematic services,

including services related to artificial

intelligence, high performance computing

and cybersecurity and trust to the

administrations, public sector

organisations, SMEs and midcaps.

Individual Digital Innovation Hubs may

specialise in specific thematic services and

do not need to provide all thematic services

mentioned in this paragraph;

(d) provide financial support to third

parties, under the specific objective 4,

Advanced Digital Skills.

(d) provide financial support to third

parties, under the specific objective 4,

Advanced Digital Skills.

6a. The European Commission shall,

in close co-operation with the Member

States, organise continuous monitoring

and evaluation of the output, results and

impacts of Digital Innovation Hubs

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receiving EU funds.

Amendment 46

Proposal for a regulation

Article 17 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2 a. Actions that pursue objectives

relating to other new technologies covered

by the Horizon Europe Programme,

namely robotics, Big Data & Key Digital

Technologies, shall be eligible for

funding, provided that those objectives

relate to the specific objectives covered

under Articles 4 to 8 and constitute a

comprehensive and related solution in a

specific project.


In order to avoid significant investment gaps in other technologies, exclude comprehensive

solutions from the Programme or complicate its distinction, other new technologies should

also be part of the Programme provided they constitute a comprehensive and related solution

with the new technologies according to Art. 4 to 8.

Amendment 47

Proposal for a regulation

Article 18 – paragraph 2 – point a – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) legal entities established in: (a) legal entities established and, if

applicable, liable to pay corporate tax in:

Amendment 48

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point d a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d a) the impact on the climate and the


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Amendment 49

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

and accessibility;

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

gender balance opportunities and


Amendment 50

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point h a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h a) where applicable, the presence of a

plan to create sustainable high-quality

employment in the Union or a

participating country.

Amendment 51

Proposal for a regulation

Article 22 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2 a. Where an action has already been

awarded or has received contributions

from another Union programme or

support from a Union fund, that

contribution or support shall be listed in

the application for a contribution under

the Programme.

Amendment 52

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 2

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The interim evaluation of the

Programme shall be performed once there

is sufficient information available about the

implementation of the Programme, but no

later than four years after the start of the

implementation of the Programme.

2. The interim evaluation of the

Programme shall be performed once there

is sufficient information available about the

implementation of the Programme, but no

later than three years after the start of the

implementation of the Programme. The

interim evaluation shall present the

findings necessary to make a decision

about a follow-up to the programme

beyond 2027 and its objectives.

Amendment 53

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. At the end of the implementation of

the Programme, but no later than four

years after the end of the period specified

in Article [1], a final evaluation of the

Programme shall be carried out by the


3. At the end of the implementation of

the Programme, but no later than two years

after the end of the period specified in

Article [1], a final evaluation of the

Programme shall be carried out by the


Amendment 54

Proposal for a regulation

Article 25 – paragraph 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

5. The Commission shall

communicate the conclusions of the

evaluations accompanied by its

observations, to the European Parliament,

the Council, the European Economic and

Social Committee and the Committee of

the Regions.

5. The Commission shall

communicate the conclusions of the

evaluations accompanied by its

observations, to the European Parliament,

the Council, the European Economic and

Social Committee and the Committee of

the Regions. In particular, the

Commission shall submit its mid-term

evaluation for consideration by the

European Parliament.

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Amendment 55

Proposal for a regulation

Article 26 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. As part of the control system, the

audit strategy may be based on the

financial audit of a representative sample

of expenditure. That representative sample

shall be complemented by a selection

based on an assessment of the risks related

to expenditure.

4. As part of the control system, the

audit strategy shall be based on the

financial audit of at least a representative

sample of expenditure. That representative

sample shall be complemented by a

selection based on an assessment of the

risks related to expenditure.

Amendment 56

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 2 – paragraph 2 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Creation of Common European

Data spaces that aggregate public

information across Europe and become a

data input source for AI solutions. The

spaces would also be open to public and

private sector. For increased usage, data

within a space should be made

interoperable as much as possible, both in

the interactions between public and private

sectors, within sectors and across sectors

(semantic interoperability).

1. Creation of Common European

Data spaces that aggregate public

information across Europe and become a

data input source for AI solutions. The

spaces would also be open to public and

private sector. For increased usage, data

within a space should be made

interoperable as much as possible through

use of open formats and open standards,

both in the interactions between public and

private sectors, within sectors and across

sectors (semantic interoperability).

Amendment 57

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 2 – paragraph 2 – point 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. Development of common European

libraries of algorithms that would be

accessible to all. Companies and public

sector would be able to identify and

acquire whichever solution would work

2. Development of common European

libraries of algorithms that are open source

and would be accessible to all. Companies

and public sector would be able to identify

and acquire whichever solution would

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best for their needs. work best for their needs.

Amendment 58

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 2 – paragraph 2 – point 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Co-investment with Member States

in world class reference sites for

experimentation and testing in real setting

focusing on the applications of AI in

essential sectors such as health,

earth/environment monitoring, mobility,

security, manufacturing or finance, as well

as in other areas of public interest. The

sites should be open to all actors across

Europe and connected to the Network of

Digital Innovation Hubs. They should be

equipped with large computing and data

handling facilities as well as latest AI

technologies including emerging areas

such as neuromorphic computing, deep

learning and robotics.

3. Co-investment with Member States

in world class reference sites for

experimentation and testing in real setting

focusing on the applications of AI in

essential sectors such as health,

earth/environment monitoring, mobility,

security, manufacturing or finance, as well

as in other areas of public interest. The

sites should be open to all actors across

Europe and connected to the Network of

Digital Innovation Hubs. They should be

equipped with large computing and data

handling facilities as well as latest AI

technologies including emerging areas

such as ethics, neuromorphic computing,

deep learning and robotics.

Amendment 59

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 1 – paragraph 2 – point 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. The deployment of ready to

use/operational technology:

supercomputing as a service resulting from

R&I to build an integrated European HPC

ecosystem, covering all scientific and

industrial value chain segments (hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and advanced digital


6. The deployment of ready to

use/operational technology:

supercomputing as a service resulting from

R&I, in particular new technologies that

have previously benefitted or that

currently benefit from Union funding, to

build an integrated European HPC

ecosystem, covering all scientific and

industrial value chain segments (hardware,

software, applications, services,

interconnections and advanced digital


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Amendment 60

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 4 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

All interventions will be designed and

implemented primarily through the Digital

Innovation Hubs, as defined in Article 15.

All interventions will be designed and

implemented primarily through the Digital

Innovation Hubs, as defined in Article 16.

Amendment 61

Proposal for a regulation

Annex I – part 5 – subpart I – point 2 – point 2.1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2.1. Ensure that EU citizens can access,

share, use, and manage their personal

health data securely across borders

irrespective of their location or the location

of the data. Complete the eHealth Digital

Service Infrastructure and extend it by new

digital services, support deployment of the

European exchange format for electronic

health records.

2.1. Ensure that EU citizens can access,

share, use, and manage their personal

health data securely and in a way that

guarantees their privacy across borders

irrespective of their location or the location

of the data. Complete the eHealth Digital

Service Infrastructure and extend it by new

digital services, support deployment of the

European exchange format for electronic

health records.

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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary




Date appointed

Evelyne Gebhardt


Discussed in committee 24.9.2018 11.10.2018

Date adopted 20.11.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote Max Andersson, Joëlle Bergeron, Jean-Marie Cavada, Kostas

Chrysogonos, Mady Delvaux, Laura Ferrara, Lidia Joanna Geringer de

Oedenberg, Sajjad Karim, Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, Gilles Lebreton,

António Marinho e Pinto, Emil Radev, Julia Reda, Evelyn Regner,

Pavel Svoboda, József Szájer, Axel Voss, Francis Zammit Dimech,

Tadeusz Zwiefka

Substitutes present for the final vote Geoffroy Didier, Pascal Durand, Jytte Guteland, Virginie Rozière,

Kosma Złotowski

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21 +

ALDE Jean-Marie Cavada, António Marinho e Pinto

EFDD Joëlle Bergeron

ENF Gilles Lebreton

GUE/NGL Kostas Chrysogonos

PPE Geoffroy Didier, Emil Radev, Pavel Svoboda, József Szájer, Axel Voss, Francis

Zammit Dimech, Tadeusz Zwiefka

S&D Mady Delvaux, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Jytte Guteland, Sylvia-Yvonne

Kaufmann, Evelyn Regner, Virginie Rozière

VERTS/ALE Max Andersson, Pascal Durand, Julia Reda

2 -

ECR Sajjad Karim, Kosma Złotowski

0 0

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

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for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing

the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

(COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD))

Rapporteur for opinion: Jeroen Lenaers


The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs calls on the Committee on

Industry, Research and Energy, as the committee responsible, to take into account the

following amendments:

Amendment 1

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(5) Pursuant to paragraph 22 and 23 of

the Inter-institutional agreement for Better

Law-Making of 13 April 201654 , there is a

need to evaluate this Programme on the

basis of information collected through

specific monitoring requirements, while

avoiding overregulation and administrative

burdens, in particular on Member States.

These requirements, where appropriate,

can include measurable indicators, as a

basis for evaluating the effects of the

Programme on the ground.

(5) Pursuant to paragraph 22 and 23 of

the Inter-institutional agreement for Better

Law-Making of 13 April 201654 , there is a

need to evaluate this Programme on the

basis of information collected through

specific monitoring requirements,

correlated to existing needs and

complying with the Regulation (EU)

2016/679 of the European Parliament and

of the Council54a, while avoiding

overregulation and administrative burdens

for all beneficiaries, in particular on

Member States and SMEs. These

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requirements should, where appropriate,

include measurable indicators, as a basis

for evaluating the effects of the Programme

on the ground.

__________________ __________________

54 Interinstitutional Agreement between the

European Parliament, the Council of the

European Union and the European

Commission on Better Law-Making of 13

April 2016; OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1–14.

54 Interinstitutional Agreement between the

European Parliament, the Council of the

European Union and the European

Commission on Better Law-Making of 13

April 2016; OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1–14.

54a Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the

European Parliament and of the Council

of 27 April 2016 on the protection of

natural persons with regard to the

processing of personal data and on the

free movement of such data, and

repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General

Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119,

4.5.2016, p. 1).

Amendment 2

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

digitising our economies and addressing

the skills gap to maintain and enhance

European competitiveness, our quality of

life and social fabric. The European

Council concluded that the digital

transformation offers immense

opportunities for innovation, growth and

jobs, will contribute to our global

competitiveness, and enhance creative and

cultural diversity. Seizing these

opportunities requires collectively tackling

some of the challenges posed by the digital

transformation and reviewing policies

affected by the digital transformation.

(6) The Tallinn Digital Summit55 of

September 2017 and the Conclusions of the

European Council56 of 19 October 2017

indicated the need for Europe to invest in

efficient digitalisation of our economies

and addressing the skills gap to maintain

and enhance European competitiveness

and innovation, our quality of life and

social fabric. The European Council

concluded that the digital transformation

offers immense opportunities for

innovation, growth and jobs, will

contribute to our global competitiveness,

and enhance creative and cultural diversity.

Seizing these opportunities requires

collectively tackling the challenges posed

by the digital transformation in several

ways, including by ensuring that the

essential building blocks on which new

technologies rely are put in place, by

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creating effective and easily enforceable

legal rules, by reviewing policies affected

by the digital transformation, and by

creating an innovation-friendly

environment in which the interests of

users are fully safeguarded.

__________________ __________________









Amendment 3

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) The European Council concluded in

particular that the Union should urgently

address emerging trends: this includes

issues such as artificial intelligence and

distributed ledgers technologies (e.g.

blockchain), while at the same time

ensuring a high level of data protection,

digital rights and ethical standards. The

European Council invited the Commission

to put forward a European approach to

artificial intelligence by early 2018 and

called on the Commission to put forward

the necessary initiatives for strengthening

the framework conditions with a view to

enable the EU to explore new markets

through risk-based radical innovations and

to reaffirm the leading role of its industry.

(7) The European Council concluded in

particular that the Union should urgently

address emerging trends: this includes

issues such as artificial intelligence, while

at the same time ensuring a high level of

data protection in full compliance

with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, digital

rights, fundamental rights and ethical

standards. The European Council invited

the Commission to put forward a European

approach to artificial intelligence by early

2018 and called on the Commission to put

forward the necessary initiatives for

strengthening the framework conditions

with a view to enable the EU to explore

new markets through risk-based radical

innovations and to reaffirm the leading role

of its industry.

Amendment 4

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 7 a (new)

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7 a) For a successful implementation

of this Programme, more is needed than

following the trends. The Union needs to

be committed to privacy-enabling

technologies (i.e. cryptography and

decentralised applications (DApps)) as

well as increased investments in future-

proof infrastructure (fibre-optic)

networks) to enable a self-determined

digitalised society.

Amendment 5

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The Communication “Towards a

common European data space”58 ,

addresses the new measure to be taken as a

key step towards a common data space in

the EU - a seamless digital area with a

scale that will enable the development of

new products and services based on data.

(9) The Communication “Towards a

common European data space”58 ,

addresses the new measure to be taken as a

key step towards a common data space in

the EU - a seamless digital area with a

scale that will enable the development and

innovation of new products and services

based on data.

_________________ _________________

58 COM (2018) 125 final 58 COM (2018) 125 final

Amendment 6

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and to foster

better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of businesses and citizens all over

(10) The general objective of the

Programme should be to support the digital

transformation of industry and society and

to foster better exploitation of the industrial

potential of policies of innovation, research

and technological development, for the

benefit of citizens and businesses all over

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the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

private and industrial resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger


the Union. The programme should be

structured into five Specific Objectives

reflecting key policy areas, namely: IT

infrastructures including high-

performance computing, cybersecurity,

artificial intelligence, advanced digital

skills, and deployment, best use of digital

capacities and interoperability. For all

these areas, the Programme should also

aim at better aligning Union, Member

States and regional policies, and pooling of

public and private resources in order to

increase investment and develop stronger

synergies, so as to attain the greatest

possible impact.

Amendment 7

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 11

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry, by public organisations and

academia. A network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should ensure the widest

geographical coverage across Europe59. A

first set of Digital Innovation Hubs will be

selected based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open and competitive

process. The Digital Innovation Hubs will

serve as access points to latest digital

capacities including high performance

computing (HPC), artificial intelligence,

cybersecurity, as well as other existing

innovative technologies such as Key

Enabling Technologies, available also in

fablabs or citylabs. They shall act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They will also provide support

in the area of advanced digital skills. The

(11) A central role in the

implementation of the Programme should

be attributed to Digital Innovation Hubs,

which should stimulate the broad adoption

of advanced digital technologies by

industry within all sectors and by

companies of all sizes and by the public

sector and academia, thereby addressing

the strong digitisation discrepancies. A

network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

ensure the widest geographical coverage

across Europe59. A first set of Digital

Innovation Hubs should be selected by the

Commission based on Member States’

proposals and then the network will be

enlarged through an open and competitive

process. The Digital Innovation Hubs

should serve as access points to latest

digital capacities including high

performance computing (HPC), artificial

intelligence, cybersecurity, as well as other

existing innovative technologies such as

Key Enabling Technologies available also

in fablabs or citylabs. They should act as

single-entry points in accessing tested and

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network of Digital Innovation Hubs should

also contribute to the participation of the

outermost regions in the Digital Single


validated technologies and promote open

innovation. They should also provide

support in the area of advanced digital

skills. The network of Digital Innovation

Hubs should also facilitate the

participation of the outermost regions in

the Digital Single Market.

__________________ __________________

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

59 As indicated in the Communication on

Digitising European Industry (COM(2016)

180 final)

Amendment 8

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 12

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12) The Programme should be

implemented through projects reinforcing

essential digital capacities and their wide

use. This should involve co-investments

with Member States and, when needed, the

private sector. This should notably require

reaching a critical mass in procurement to

obtain better value for money and

guarantee that suppliers in Europe stay at

the forefront of technology advancements.

(12) The Programme should be

implemented through projects reinforcing

essential digital capacities and their wide

use. This should involve co-investments

with Member States and, when needed, the

private sector. This should notably require

reaching a critical mass in procurement to

obtain better value for money and

guarantee that suppliers in Europe stay at

the forefront of technology advancements.

The Programme should also aim at

protecting the interests of the citizens of

the Union.

Amendment 9

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 14

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) The Programme's actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

or crowding out private financing and have

a clear European added value.

(14) The Programme's actions should be

used to address market failures or sub-

optimal investment situations, in a

proportionate manner, without duplicating

private financing and have clear added

value for the Union and its citizens.

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Amendment 10

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

industry and, more generally, in areas of

public interest in order to seize unique

opportunities that supercomputers bring to

society as regards health, environment and

security as well as competitiveness of

industry, notably small and medium-sized


(16) The high performance computing

and the related data processing capacities

in the Union should allow to ensure wider

use of high performance computing by

research, civil society, industry and, more

generally, in areas of public interest in

order to seize unique opportunities that

supercomputers bring to society as regards

health, environment and security as well as

competitiveness of industry, notably small

and medium-sized enterprises.

Amendment 11

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) The support to the Union's

intervention in this area was expressed by

the Council60 and, by the European

Parliament61 . Moreover, in 2017 nine

Member States signed the EuroHPC

Declaration62 , a multi-government

agreement where they commit to

collaborate with the Commission to build

and deploy state-of-the-art HPC and data

infrastructures in Europe that would be

available across the Union for scientific

communities, public and private partners.

(17) The support to the Union's

intervention in this area was expressed by

the Council60 and, by the European

Parliament61. Moreover, in 2017 nine

Member States signed the EuroHPC

Declaration62, a multi-government

agreement where they commit to

collaborate with the Commission to build

and deploy state-of-the-art HPC and data

infrastructures in Europe that would be

available across the Union for scientific

communities, public and private partners.

European leadership in supercomputing

can only be attained if Union intervention

in this area also focusses on enhancing

the Union’s attractiveness to European

and international researchers, thereby

reducing brain drain.

__________________ __________________

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60 null 60 null

61 null 61 null

62 null 62 null

Amendment 12

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63 . Moreover, high performance

computing competence centres in Member

States will provide high performance

computing services to industry, academia

and public administrations.

(18) For the high performance

computing specific objective a joint

undertaking is deemed the most suited

implementation mechanism, in particular to

coordinate national and Union strategies

and investments in high performance

computing infrastructure and research and

development, pool resources from public

and private funds, and safeguard the

economic and strategic interests of the

Union63 and its citizens. Moreover, high

performance computing competence

centres in Member States will provide high

performance computing services to

industry, academia and public


_________________ _________________

63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





63 Impact Assessment accompanying the

document "Proposal for a Council

Regulation on establishing the EuroHPC

Joint Undertaking"





Amendment 13

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 19

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19) Developing capacity related to (19) Developing capacity related to

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artificial intelligence is a crucial driver for

the digital transformation of industry and

also of the public sector . Ever more

autonomous robots are used in factories,

deep sea application, homes, cities and

hospitals. Commercial artificial

intelligence platforms have moved from

testing to real applications in health and

environment; all major car manufacturers

are developing self-driving cars, and

machine learning techniques are at the

heart of all main web platforms and big

data applications.

artificial intelligence is a crucial driver for

the digital transformation of industry and

also of the public sector. Ever more

autonomous robots are used in factories,

deep sea application, homes, cities and

hospitals. Commercial artificial

intelligence platforms have moved from

testing to real applications in health and

environment; all major car manufacturers

are developing self-driving cars, and

machine learning techniques are at the

heart of all main web platforms and big

data applications. European leadership in

artificial intelligence can only be attained

if Union intervention in this area also

focusses on enhancing the Union’s

attractiveness to European and

international researchers, thereby

reducing brain drain.

Amendment 14

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 20

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities are of major importance for the

development of artificial intelligence.

(20) The availability of large-scale data

sets and testing and experimentation

facilities are of major importance for the

development of artificial intelligence. At

the same time, these large-scale data sets

need to be secure and comply with

Regulation No 2016/679.

Amendment 15

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry64 the

European Parliament highlighted the

importance of a common European

cybersecurity approach, recognising the

(21) In its resolution of 1 June 2017 on

digitising European industry64 the

European Parliament highlighted the

importance of a common European

cybersecurity approach, recognising the

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need to raise awareness and considered

cyber-resilience as a crucial responsibility

for business leaders and national and

European industrial security policymakers.

need to raise awareness and considered

cyber-resilience as a crucial responsibility

for business leaders and national and

European industrial security policymakers.

Furthermore, in its resolution of 3

October 2017 on the fight against

cybercrime the European Parliament

underlined the fact that cross-border

cybercrime is increasing rapidly which

makes it necessary to urgently step up the

response at Union and Member State

level, and furthermore stressed that, next

to the necessary legal measures, the fight

against cybercrime is first and foremost

about technological challenges, in

particular safeguarding and hardening

critical infrastructures and other

networked devices.

__________________ __________________

64 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



64 Document ref. A8-0183/2017, available



Amendment 16

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 22

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(22) Cybersecurity is a challenge for the

whole Union that cannot continue to be

addressed only with fragmented national

initiatives. Europe's cybersecurity capacity

should be reinforced to endow Europe with

the necessary capacities to protect its

citizens and businesses from cyber threats.

In addition consumers should be protected

when using connected products that can be

hacked and compromise their safety. This

should be achieved together with Member

States and private sector by developing,

and ensuring coordination between,

projects reinforcing Europe's capacities in

cybersecurity and ensuring the wide

(22) Cybersecurity is a challenge for the

whole Union that cannot continue to be

addressed only with fragmented national

initiatives. Europe's cybersecurity capacity

should be reinforced to endow Europe with

the necessary technological capacities and

legislation to protect its citizens,

businesses, public institutions and

democracy from cyber threats and attacks.

In addition consumers should be protected

when using connected products that can be

hacked and compromise their safety. This

should be achieved together with Member

States and private sector by developing,

and ensuring coordination between,

RR\1170470DA.docx 285/305 PE625.457v02-00


deployment of latest cybersecurity

solutions across the economy, as well as by

aggregating the competences in this field to

ensure critical mass and excellence.

projects reinforcing Europe's capacities in

cybersecurity and ensuring the wide

deployment of latest cybersecurity

solutions across the economy, including by

promoting public-private cooperation and

by means of awareness raising measures, as well as by aggregating the competences

in this field to ensure critical mass and


Amendment 17

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 24

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(24) Trust is a prerequisite for the

Digital Single Market to function.

Cybersecurity technologies such as digital

identities, cryptography or intrusion

detection, and their application in areas

such as finance, industry 4.0, energy,

transportation, healthcare, or e-government

are essential to safeguard the security and

trust of online activity and transactions by

both citizens, public administrations, and


(24) Trust is a prerequisite for the

Digital Single Market to function.

Cybersecurity technologies such as digital

identities, cryptography, encryption or

intrusion detection, and their application in

areas such as finance, industry 4.0, energy,

transportation, healthcare, or e-government

are essential to safeguard the security and

trust of online activity and transactions by

both citizens, public administrations, and


Amendment 18

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

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made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


made accessible throughout the EU to

tackle the digital divide that is based on

social-structural factors, such as income,

gender or age. Failing this could impede

the smooth deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


Amendment 19

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 28

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity and

artificial intelligence are now sufficiently

mature to move beyond the research arena

and be deployed, implemented and scaled-

up at Union level. Just as the deployment

of these technologies require a Union

response so does the skills dimension.

Training opportunities in advanced digital

skills need to be scaled up, increased and

made accessible throughout the EU.

Failing this could impede the smooth

deployment of advanced digital

technologies and hamper the overall

competitiveness of Union's economy. The

actions supported by this programme are

complementary to those supported by the

ESF, ERDF and Horizon Europe


(28) The advanced digital technologies

supported by this Programme, such as high

performance computing, cybersecurity,

data protection and artificial intelligence

are now sufficiently mature to move

beyond the research arena and be deployed,

implemented and scaled-up at Union level.

Just as the deployment of these

technologies require a Union response so

does the skills dimension. Training

opportunities in advanced digital skills

need to be scaled up, increased and made

accessible throughout the EU. Failing this

could impede the smooth deployment of

advanced digital technologies and hamper

the overall competitiveness of Union's

economy. The actions supported by this

programme are complementary to those

supported by the ESF, ERDF and Horizon

Europe programmes.

Amendment 20

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 29

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on industry and on citizens in general by

making their interactions with public

authorities faster, more convenient and less

costly, as well as by increasing the

efficiency and the quality of the services

provided to citizens and businesses. Since a

number of services of public interest

already have a Union dimension, the

support to their implementation and

deployment at Union level should ensure

that citizens and businesses will benefit

from the access to high quality digital

services across Europe.

(29) Modernising public administrations

and services through digital means is

crucial to reducing administrative burden

on citizens and industry by making their

interactions with public authorities faster,

more convenient and less costly, as well as

by increasing the efficiency and the quality

of the services provided to citizens and

businesses while at the same time

increasing the efficiency of public

spending. Since a number of services of

public interest already have a Union

dimension, the support to their

implementation and deployment at Union

level should ensure that citizens and

businesses may benefit from the access to

high quality digital services across Europe.

It is also important that these services be

accessible to people with disabilities.

Amendment 21

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 30

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as

healthcare68, mobility, justice,

earth/environmental monitoring, education

and culture requires the continuation and

expansion of Digital Service

Infrastructures, which make secure cross-

border exchange of data possible and foster

national development. Their coordination

under this Regulation best achieves the

potential for exploiting synergies.

(30) The digital transformation of the

areas of public interest such as

healthcare68, mobility, justice,

earth/environmental monitoring, security,

education and culture requires the

continuation and expansion of Digital

Service Infrastructures, which make secure

cross-border exchange of data possible and

foster national development. Their

coordination under this Regulation best

achieves the potential for exploiting


_________________ _________________





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Amendment 22

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 32

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(32) The modernisation of European

public administrations is one of the key

priorities for successful implementation of

the Digital Single Market Strategy. The

mid-term evaluation of the Strategy

highlighted the need to strengthen the

transformation of public administrations

and to ensure citizens have easy, trusted,

and seamless access to public services.

(32) The modernisation of European

public administrations is one of the key

priorities for successful implementation of

the Digital Single Market Strategy. The

mid-term evaluation of the Strategy

highlighted the need to strengthen the

transformation of public administrations

and to ensure citizens have easy, trusted,

secure and seamless access to public


Amendment 23

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 34

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(34) Interoperability of European public

services concerns all levels of

administration: Union, national, regional

and local. Besides removing barriers to a

functioning Single Market, interoperability

facilitates successful implementation of

policies and offers great potential to avoid

cross-border electronic barriers, further

securing the emergence of new, or the

consolidation of developing, common

public services at Union level. In order to

eliminate fragmentation of European

services, to support fundamental freedoms

and operational mutual recognition in the

EU, a holistic cross-sector and cross-border

approach to interoperability should be

promoted in the manner that is the most

effective, and the most responsive to end-

users. This implies that interoperability is

to be understood in a broad sense, spanning

from technical to legal layers and

encompassing policy elements in the field.

Accordingly, the span of activities would

(34) Interoperability of European public

services concerns all levels of

administration: Union, national, regional

and local. Besides removing barriers to a

functioning Single Market, interoperability

facilitates successful implementation of

policies and offers great potential to avoid

cross-border electronic barriers, further

securing the emergence of new, or the

consolidation of developing, common

public services at Union level as well as

preventing unnecessary double-storage. In

order to eliminate fragmentation of

European services, to support fundamental

freedoms and operational mutual

recognition in the EU, a holistic cross-

sector and cross-border approach to

interoperability should be promoted in the

manner that is the most effective, the most

responsive to end-users and that ensures a

high level of data protection. This implies

that interoperability is to be understood in a

broad sense, spanning from technical to

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go beyond the usual lifecycle of solutions

to include all the interventions elements

that would support the necessary

framework conditions for sustained

interoperability at large.

legal layers and encompassing policy

elements in the field. Accordingly, the span

of activities would go beyond the usual

lifecycle of solutions to include all the

interventions elements that would support

the necessary framework conditions for

sustained interoperability at large.

Amendment 24

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 40

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(40) The General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR), applicable from May

2018 onwards, by providing for a single

set of rules directly applicable in the

Member States legal orders, will guarantee

the free flow of personal data between EU

Member States and reinforce trust and

security of the individuals, two

indispensable elements for a real Digital

Single Market. The actions undertaken

under this Programme, when they involve

the processing of personal data, should

therefore support the application of the

GDPR, for instance in the field of

artificial intelligence and blockchain


(40) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 by

providing for a single set of rules directly

applicable in the Member States legal

orders guarantees the free flow of personal

data between EU Member States and

reinforces trust and security of the

individuals, two indispensable elements for

a real Digital Single Market. All actions

undertaken under this Programme, when

they involve the processing of personal

data, should therefore be in full

compliance with that Regulation. They

should especially support the development

of digital technologies that comply with

the ‘data protection by design’ obligations

which are binding pursuant to that

Regulation to the extent that the

processing involves electronic

communications data, due respect is to be

paid to Directive 2002/58/EC of the

European Parliament and of the



1a Directive 2002/58/EC of the European

Parliament and of the Council of 12 July

2002 concerning the processing of

personal data and the protection of

privacy in the electronic communications

sector (Directive on privacy and electronic

communications) (OJ L 201, 31.7.2002, p.


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Amendment 25

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 40

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(40) The General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR), applicable from May

2018 onwards, by providing for a single set

of rules directly applicable in the Member

States legal orders, will guarantee the free

flow of personal data between EU Member

States and reinforce trust and security of

the individuals, two indispensable elements

for a real Digital Single Market. The

actions undertaken under this Programme,

when they involve the processing of

personal data, should therefore support the

application of the GDPR, for instance in

the field of artificial intelligence and

blockchain technology.

(40) The General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR), applicable from May

2018 onwards, by providing for a single set

of rules directly applicable in the Member

States legal orders, will guarantee the free

flow of personal data between EU Member

States and reinforce trust and security of

the individuals, two indispensable elements

for a real Digital Single Market. The

actions undertaken under this Programme,

when they involve the processing of

personal data, should therefore support the

application of the GDPR, for instance in

the field of artificial intelligence. They

should especially support the development

of digital technologies that comply with

the “data protection by design”

obligations which are binding pursuant to

the GDPR.

Amendment 26

Proposal for a regulation

Recital 42

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(42) Bodies implementing this

Programme should comply with the

provisions applicable to the Union

institutions, and with national legislation

regarding the handling of information, in

particular sensitive non-classified

information and EU classified


(42) To the extent that bodies

implementing this Programme handle

sensitive non-classified information or

Union classified information, they should

respect the relevant provisions laid down

in Union acts or national legislation

regarding the handling of information, as


Amendment 27

Proposal for a regulation

Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point e

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) 'Digital Innovation Hub' means

legal entity designated or selected in an

open and competitive procedure in order to

fulfil the tasks under the Programme, in

particular providing access to technological

expertise and experimentation facilities,

such as equipment and software tools to

enable the digital transformation of the


(e) 'Digital Innovation Hub' means

legal entity designated or selected in an

open procedure in order to fulfil the tasks

under the Programme, in particular

providing access to technological expertise

and experimentation facilities, such as

equipment and software tools to enable the

digital transformation of the industry or

software to enhance citizens’ privacy.

Amendment 28

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens and businesses. The

Programme will:

1. The Programme has the following

general objective: to support the digital

transformation of the European economy

and society and bring its benefits to

European citizens, workforce and

businesses. The Programme will:

Amendment 29

Proposal for a regulation

Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) Specific Objective 1: High

Performance Computing

(a) Specific Objective 1: IT

Infrastructure, including High

Performance Computing

Amendment 30

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4 – title

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

High Performance Computing IT Infrastructure including High

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Performance Computing

Amendment 31

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 1. High

Performance Computing shall pursue the

following operational objectives:

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 1. IT

Infrastructure, including High

Performance Computing shall pursue the

following operational objectives:

Amendment 32

Proposal for a regulation

Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) deploy and operate a post-

exascale78 infrastructure, including the

integration with quantum computing

technologies and develop new research

infrastructures for computing science.

(a) deploy and operate a post-

exascale78 infrastructure, including the

integration with quantum computing

technologies and develop new research

infrastructures for high-performance

computing science.

__________________ __________________

78 A thousand times faster than exascale 78 A thousand times faster than exascale

Amendment 33

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in compliance with

data protection legislation;

(a) build up and strengthen core

artificial intelligence capacities in the

Union, including data resources and

libraries of algorithms in full compliance

with data protection legislation, including

the principle of data protection by design

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and by default, and the principle of

security by design;

Amendment 34

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) make those capacities accessible to

all businesses and public administrations;

(b) make those capacities accessible to

all businesses, public research institutions

and public administrations;

Amendment 35

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) reinforce and network existing

artificial intelligence testing and

experimentation facilities in Member


(c) reinforce existing ethical artificial

intelligence testing and experimentation

facilities in Member States and facilitate

cooperation between such facilities across

the Union;

Amendment 36

Proposal for a regulation

Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c a) develop and integrate ethical

guidelines for artificial intelligence,

taking into account research and

evaluation of possible implications of

artificial intelligence, including

autonomous systems powered by artificial

intelligence, on society.

Amendment 37

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Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in full compliance with data

protection legislation;

(a) support, together with Member

States, the procurement of advanced

cybersecurity equipment, tools and data

infrastructures in order to achieve a

common high level of cybersecurity at

Union level, in full support of and compliance with data protection

legislation, including data protection and

privacy by design;

Amendment 38

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the best use of European

knowledge, capacity and skills related to


(b) support the development, exchange

and best use of European knowledge,

capacity and skills related to cybersecurity,

including through more training and


Amendment 39

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) ensure a wide deployment of the

latest cybersecurity solutions across the


(c) ensure a wide deployment of the

latest cybersecurity solutions across the

economy, including by raising awareness

about those solutions among businesses

and citizens and through code auditing of

free and open source software;

Amendment 40

Proposal for a regulation

Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point d

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) reinforce capabilities within

Member States and private sector to help

them meet Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of

the European Parliament and of the

Council of 6 July 2016 concerning

measures for a high common level of

security of network and information

systems across the Union79 .

(d) reinforce capabilities within

Member States and the private sector to

help them meet the requirements laid

down in Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the

European Parliament and of the Council of

6 July 2016 concerning measures for a high

common level of security of network and

information systems across the Union79 .

__________________ __________________

79 OJ L 194, 19.7.2016, p. 1–30 79 OJ L 194, 19.7.2016, p. 1–30

Amendment 41

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, distributed ledger

technologies, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


The financial intervention by the Union

under Specific Objective 4. Advanced

Digital skills shall support the development

of advanced digital skills in areas

supported by this programme, thus

contributing to increase Europe's talent

pool, fostering greater professionalism,

especially with regard to high performance

computing, big data analytics,

cybersecurity, robotics and artificial

intelligence. The financial intervention

shall pursue the following operational


Amendment 42

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term trainings and courses for

students, IT professionals and the

(a) support the design and delivery of

long-term and requalification trainings

and courses for students, IT professionals

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workforce; and the workforce, including for work-


Amendment 43

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders and

the workforce;

(b) support the design and delivery of

short-term trainings and courses for

entrepreneurs, small business leaders,

innovators and the workforce;

Amendment 44

Proposal for a regulation

Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, young

entrepreneurs and graduates.

(c) support on-the-job trainings and

traineeships for students, young

entrepreneurs and graduates and the


Amendment 45

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, transport,

energy, environment, cultural and creative

sectors, can deploy and access state-of-the-

art digital technologies, in particular high

performance computing, artificial

intelligence and cybersecurity;

(a) ensure that the public sector and

areas of public interests, such as health and

care, education, judiciary, security,

transport, energy, environment, cultural

and creative sectors, can deploy and access

state-of-the-art digital technologies, in

particular high performance computing,

artificial intelligence and cybersecurity;

Amendment 46

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Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) deploy, operate and maintain trans-

European interoperable Digital Service

Infrastructures (including related services)

in complementarity with national and

regional actions;

(b) deploy, operate and maintain trans-

European interoperable state-of-the-art

Digital Service Infrastructures (including

related services) in complementarity with

national and regional actions;


Aligned with point (a).

Amendment 47

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) facilitate the development, update

and use of solutions and frameworks by

European public administrations,

businesses and citizens, including the re-

use of interoperability solutions and


(c) facilitate the development, update

and use of solutions and frameworks by

European public administrations,

businesses and citizens, including open

source and the re-use of interoperability

solutions and frameworks;

Amendment 48

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and establishing

common frameworks in order to unleash

the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

(f) support the design, testing,

implementation and deployment of

interoperable digital solutions for EU level

public services delivered through a data-

driven reusable solutions platform,

fostering innovation and creativity, and

establishing common frameworks in order

to unleash the full potential of the public

administrations’ services for European

citizens and businesses;

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Amendment 49

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point h

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures using distributed ledger

services and applications, including

support for interoperability and

standardisation and fostering the

deployment of EU cross-border


(h) support cooperation towards

achieving a European ecosystem for trusted

infrastructures, including support for

interoperability, encryption and

standardisation and fostering the

deployment of EU cross-border


Amendment 50

Proposal for a regulation

Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point i

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(i) build up and strengthen the

network of Digital Innovation Hubs.

(i) build up, strengthen and promote

the network of Digital Innovation Hubs.

Amendment 51

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) up to EUR 2 498 369 000 for

Specific Objective 2, Artificial Intelligence

(b) up to EUR 2 248 533 000 for

Specific Objective 2, Artificial Intelligence

Amendment 52

Proposal for a regulation

Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) up to EUR 1 998 696 000 for

Specific Objective 3, Cybersecurity and


(c) up to EUR 2 248 532 000 for

Specific Objective 3, Cybersecurity and


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Amendment 53

Proposal for a regulation

Article 11 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1 a. Planning, development and

procurement in the Programme shall be

done with a view to enhancing Union

competitiveness in the medium and long

term. Priority shall be given to actions

that increase the strategic potential and

limit the dependence on suppliers and

products from outside the Union.


A European independence from suppliers from outside of Europe is not only relevant for a

competitive industry, but also for securing the EU against foreign attacks on its digital and

critical infrastructures. In order to achieve that, medium and long term objectives need to be


Amendment 54

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. For the purpose of the

establishment of the network mentioned in

paragraph 1, each Member State shall

designate candidate entities through an

open and competitive process, on the basis

of the following criteria:

2. For the purpose of the

establishment of the network mentioned in

paragraph 1, each Member State shall

designate candidate entities, based on

harmonised rules, through an open,

transparent and competitive process, on

the basis of the following criteria:

Amendment 55

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(a a) social and ecological criteria, as

well as the involvement of labour

associations, the workforce, trade unions,

social partners and civil society.

Amendment 56

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. Additional Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be selected on the basis of an open

and competitive process, in such a way to

ensure the widest geographical coverage

across Europe. The number of entities of

the network shall be proportional to the

population of a given Member States and

there shall be at least one Digital

Innovation Hub per Member State. To

address the specific constraints faced by

the EU outermost regions, specific entities

may be nominated to cover their needs.

4. Additional Digital Innovation Hubs

shall be selected on the basis of an open

process, in such a way to ensure the widest

geographical coverage and the

involvement of the workforce, trade

unions, social partners, civil society and

companies across Europe. The number of

entities of the network shall be

proportional to the population of a given

Member States and there shall be at least

one Digital Innovation Hub per Member

State. To address the specific constraints

faced by the EU outermost regions,

specific entities may be nominated to cover

their needs.

Amendment 57

Proposal for a regulation

Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point d a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d a) continuously transfer the expertise

and know-how developed by this

programme to the general public to

ensure the highest possible transparency

for society at large, for example at

dialogue events involving scientists, the

workforce, civil society and industry.

Amendment 58

Proposal for a regulation

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Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

and accessibility;

(e) the impact on society, workforce,

economy, climate, environment and


Amendment 59

Proposal for a regulation

Article 20 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

and accessibility;

(e) where applicable, the economic,

social, climate and environmental impact,

gender balance opportunities, and


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Title Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027

References COM(2018)0434 – C8-0256/2018 – 2018/0227(COD)

Committee responsible

Date announced in plenary



Opinion by

Date announced in plenary




Date appointed

Jeroen Lenaers


Date adopted 5.11.2018

Result of final vote +:






Members present for the final vote Heinz K. Becker, Monika Beňová, Michał Boni, Daniel Dalton, Frank

Engel, Cornelia Ernst, Kinga Gál, Ana Gomes, Sophia in ‘t Veld, Eva

Joly, Dietmar Köster, Barbara Kudrycka, Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Juan

Fernando López Aguilar, Roberta Metsola, Claude Moraes, Ivari Padar,

Judith Sargentini, Giancarlo Scottà, Birgit Sippel, Csaba Sógor, Sergei

Stanishev, Helga Stevens, Traian Ungureanu, Marie-Christine Vergiat,

Josef Weidenholzer, Kristina Winberg, Auke Zijlstra

Substitutes present for the final vote Carlos Coelho, Pál Csáky, Maria Grapini, Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann,

Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Morten Helveg Petersen, Barbara Spinelli

Substitutes under Rule 200(2) present

for the final vote

Petras Auštrevičius, Rupert Matthews, Martina Michels

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34 +

ALDE Petras Auštrevičius, Sophia in 't Veld, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Morten Helveg


ENF Giancarlo Scottà

GUE/NGL Cornelia Ernst, Martina Michels, Barbara Spinelli, Marie-Christine Vergiat

PPE Heinz K. Becker, Michał Boni, Carlos Coelho, Pál Csáky, Frank Engel, Kinga Gál,

Barbara Kudrycka, Jeroen Lenaers, Roberta Metsola, Csaba Sógor, Traian Ungureanu

S&D Monika Beňová, Ana Gomes, Maria Grapini, Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, Dietmar

Köster, Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Claude Moraes, Ivari

Padar, Birgit Sippel, Sergei Stanishev, Josef Weidenholzer

VERTS/ALE Eva Joly, Judith Sargentini

1 -

ENF Auke Zijlstra

4 0

ECR Daniel Dalton, Rupert Matthews, Helga Stevens, Kristina Winberg

Key to symbols:

+ : in favour

- : against

0 : abstention

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Titel Forslag til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning om programmet

for et digitalt Europa for perioden 2021-2027


Dato for forelæggelse for EP

Korresponderende udvalg

Dato for vedtagelse

Rådgivende udvalg

Dato for vedtagelse

Associeret/Associerede udvalg

Dato for vedtagelse


Dato for valg

Behandling i udvalg

Dato for vedtagelse

Resultat af den endelige afstemning




Til stede ved den endelige afstemning –


Til stede ved den endelige afstemning -


Til stede ved den endelige afstemning -

stedfortrædere (forretningsordenens art.

200, stk. 2)

Dato for indgivelse

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3 0

Key to symbols:



