Proposal Bullying Farahmp




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Name: Farah Mardiani PutriNIM: 2013170797


Table of Contents

CHAPTER I - PREFACE.................................................................................................. 31.1 Background.......................................................................................................................................31.2 Formulization Problem.................................................................................................................31.3 Restriction Problem........................................................................................................................41.4 Objective............................................................................................................................................41.5 Methods of Design.........................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II – THEORITICAL BASIS AND THE IDENTIFICATION OF DATA......82.1 Literature Studies............................................................................................................................82.2 Data Identification..........................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER III – DESIGN CONCEPT.........................................................................113.1 Design Brief.......................................................................................................................................113.2 Creative Concept..............................................................................................................................113.3 Media Concept..................................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER IV – EXECUSION...................................................................................... 144.1 Preliminary Sketches.......................................................................................................................144.2 Final Design.......................................................................................................................................15

ATTACHMENT............................................................................................................... 17



1.1 Background

Although in Indonesia the United Nations convention guarantees for every child the right to live freely, to grow up, take part and participate in any activity, and last to be protected against discrimination, but according to the teacher’s lack of knowledge, they don’t know about these four rights and therefore they don’t give the children all their rights and don’t protect them from any bullying acts. Bullying in Indonesia is one of the main reasons that drive students to commit suicide, and it was even one of the leading reasons for that. And according to some figures that were available at Sejiwa, a non-governmental anti-bullying organization, it was clear that about 30 children aged 6 to 15 years old committed or attempted suicide in the years 2001 and 2005. While last year Indonesia’s National Commission for child protection recorded 2,339 cases of physical, psychological and sexual violence against children, of which 300 were for the reason of bullying.

But although these cases dropped from 498 cases in 2009 and 525 cases in 2008 due to the awareness gained from the steps taken by the NGO’s and family members to tackle the issue with the teachers to take care to prevent any bullying acts, it is still rampant in the schools of Indonesia and especially those found in the rural areas of the country where teachers don’t have much access to the new technological era, and their lack of information.

The problem behind the existence of the bullying acts in Indonesian schools does not only fall on the teachers and their old ways that they adopt in schools, but also goes to the Indonesian television and what it delivers through its movies and broadcasts that are uncensored and show the high school students throwing each other with stones. All these facts affect children and the way they treat others, whether the teachers using violence in classrooms, or the television that brings members of the parliament shouting at each other, because the child will want to imitate what he sees going around him in his society.

1.2 Formulization Problem

What is the definition of Bullying? What factors led to the trade in bullying? What is the result of Bullying? How to reduce Bullying??


1.3 Restriction Problem

Here is a boundary problem discussed in the research:The campaign made regarding cases of Bullying that happens in Indonesia, which the majority of victims are student in high school.

1.4 Objective

Reduce bullying cases in Indonesia, especially to the public and attract the public to know more about this case.

Provide information on the causes of human trafficking, the factors driving the occurrence of the case and what was actually causing.

Creating awareness in Indonesia society against bullying cases that can be built with care and participate in the campaign bullying in Indonesia.

1.5 Methods of Design

1.1.1 Methods of Data Collection Primary Data

Interview with Sarah Ratu about bullying.

When she started high school in one of the best private school in South Jakarta, she brings his car everyday. In that school, only senior who allowed to bring car to school, but that’s not school rules, but senior rules. They made it because they want to be the only person who can do anything but junior is not. They not capable to bring their car and they should obey with anything senior said to them.

And Sarah being punch by her senior just because the car, but she’s not afraid to talk with her parents about that. And her parents report that case to the police. Sarah has to do mortem and many interview about that case. And after that, she’s try to do better than her senior, she doing great with her junior in high school. And she said that if you are bullied by people/person, you should be talk about it, don’t keep it by your self, because it killing you softly. You cannot solve that problem by your self, you should talk with your parents or brother and sister or people who older than you.

4 Secondary Data

Retrieving data from the internet about Bullying.

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta: World Health Organization, WHO (Read: WHO: Every 40 Seconds, Single Suicide since 2003 provide important notes and take seriously the issue of suicide. In the electronic mail received from the Center for Public Communication Secretariat of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Indonesia on Wednesday evening, September 17, 2014, the WHO has been cooperating with the International Association of Suicide Prevention (IASP) to mark World Suicide Prevention Day which takes place every September 10 last.

Based on WHO data, suicide has become a major public health problem in developed countries and an issue that continues to increase in low- and middle-income countries. In the data is also described nearly one million people die each year as a result of suicide. It shows approximately every 40 seconds fall victim to commit suicide.

According to the Director of Mental Health Ministry of Health, dr. Eka Viora, Sp.KJ suicide is a complex problem because it is not caused by a single cause or reason. But more because of the complex interaction of biological factors, genetic, psychological, social, cultural and environmental. (Read: In-bully Since Small, Increase Risk of Depression)

In this circular letter states Eka Viora at the opening meeting of Cross-Sector Coordination Team Mental Health Program At-Risk Group -a workshop organized within the framework of the World Suicide Prevention Day at one of the hotels in Jakarta on Monday, 15 September, 2014.

"It's hard to explain the reasons why people decide to commit suicide, while others in the same condition even worse, but did not do so. However, suicide or attempted suicide in general can be prevented," said Eka Viora.

Eka Viora refers based on WHO data in 2010, the suicide rate in Indonesia reached 1.6 to 1.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. According to him, if there is no concerted effort suicide prevention, this figure could further grow from year to year. "WHO predicted in 2020, the suicide rate in Indonesia globally to 2.4 per 100,000 inhabitants."

Furthermore Eka Viora also explain bagaima early detection of several suicide attempts. He said that in some individuals the symptoms are in the form of those who experience grief, anxiety, feeling swings, restlessness (confusion),


irritability, decreased interest in daily activities such as cleanliness, appearance, eating, sleeping problems, it is difficult to make decisions, behavior hurt myself as not eating, injuring themselves and isolate themselves.

Eka Viora reminds suicide can be prevented. "As long as all members of the public can take action that will save lives. And to prevent suicide in individuals and families, is needed close cooperation between individuals, families, communities, professions and government to jointly tackle the problem," he said.

While psychiatrists Awaludin Ramlan on Thursday, September 18, 2014 said the political and social conditions and economic pressures now more difficult, not to mention about the rise in fuel oil (BBM) to be one of the causes of depression. (Read: Loss and Lifestyle Make People Depression City) "In this depression is suicide gate. People are getting harder and stronger not depressed soul naturally great depression that can lead to the outbreak of a suicide attempt."

The psychiatrist who practices in his clinic in Kelapa Gading area's look at the problem of depression and suicide in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta and other major cities, the data is increasing. "The factors like I mentioned above. And the situation is happening now conditions make people irritable, angry or furious that the frontal great depression. There is a depression that is silent but the tail slay themselves were in despair are endless," says psychiatrist this is usually called Awaluddin.

And Awaladin reminded when there is a tendency in the past such as the stigma that depression and suicide are generally experienced by many women. "Now evenly, children also began to take a shortcut easily depressed suicide. In priapun also applies the same thing," he said.

As with any suggestions Eka Viora, there must remind Awaludin integration between individuals, families and the environment so that no case like this. "Religion and morality is still a keystone foundation and base, coupled with the attitude and the support of all parties," said Awaludin.



2.1 Literature Studies

Definition of Bullying According to Expert

Bullying is derived from word Bully, it means someone who bothers weak person, hector, interfere. (Echols dan Hassan, 1992:87)

According Bambang Sudibyo that quoted from Kompas (Monday, 01 May 2006) mentions that Bullying means torture or harassment which is conducted without any motive but with deliberate or conducted many times to someone who weaker.

Sarwono (Astuti, 2008) mentions that Bullying is pressure from group of people who stronger, bigger, odd, to someone or some of people who weaker, smaller.

Based on word above, the definition of Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both person who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

Lasswell Model Theory

Harold Dwight Lasswell, the American political scientist states that a convenient way to describe an act of communication is to answer the following questions

a. Whob. Says Whatc. In Which Channeld. To Whome. With what effect?

Connection with this campaign are :


a. WhoMy role as a communicator

b. Says WhatThe Message that I want to deliver to the target audience that if other people bullies you, and then you should speak. Don’t keep it or it’ll kill you softly.

c. In Which ChannelThe media I will use such a poster, brochure, print ads, sticker, poster in toilet woman and men, picture on basketball ring, sticker on canteen’s table.

d. To WhomMy target audience age 5-18 years old.

e. EffectAfter reading the poster or brochure and understand about Bullying, I hope people will be more sensitive about bullying, and can speak up against bullying.

2.2 Data Identification

a. Legal Basis

No.23 Year 2002 Pasal 54 claim:Child at home and school environment must be protected from acts of violence committed by teachers, school administrators or friends in your school, or other educational institutions. Every person who committed atrocities, violence or threats of violence, or child abuse, shall be punished with imprisonment of 3 (three) years and 6 (six) months and / or a fine of Rp 72,000,000.00 (seventy-two million dollars ).

Pasal 368 (1) KUHP:Whoever with the intent to benefit themselves or another person unlawfully, forcing a person by force or threat of force, to deliver the goods things, that in whole or in part is that person belongs or belonged to another person, or in order to provide debt and eliminate debt, threatened for extortion, with a maximum imprisonment of nine years.

Pasal 351 KUHP:Persecution threatened with imprisonment of two years and eight months or a maximum fine of four thousand five hundred dollars.


If the act resulted in serious injuries, was guilty threatened premises maximum imprisonment of five years.

b. Advocates OrganizationSTOMP Out Bullying™ is recognized as the most influential anti-bullying organization in America and beyond.

c. Obstacles and SupportingObstacles:People especially children under age like something interesting and colorful, and we will try to make pin, stickers, stationary, and canteen banner.

Supporting factors:By using that kind of things, children under age will easy to understand the message.



3.1 Design Brief

a. Target Audience Social Grade : A - B Geographic : JABODETABEK Demographic :

i. Gender : Male and Femaleii. Age : 15-18 years old

iii. Occupation : High School Student Psychographic :

i. Lifestyle : People who bullied by other people, reserved, don’t have any power, don’t have many friends.

3.2 Creative Concept

a. Media Purpose

b. To create awareness about Bullying and to interest people who participate this campaign. Also against Bullying is expected to disseminate and persuade the public to build an awareness to the target audience in order to receive the message properly and make a curiosity to people who see the campaign, and make the people who cares interest to join and support this campaign.

c. Media Strategy

The strategy we will used to execute this campaign are : We use mass media communication with aim to create awareness The media we will use to communicate with the public are poster, print

advertisement, brochure, sticker, poster in women and men’s toilet, sticker on canteen table, picture on basketball ring.

3.3 Media Concept

The strategy to spread the campaign is to put it in media communication, the print ads, education, billboard and also put in YouTube as a short movie, so people going to see it for sure and spread it as well. With all the strategy, we make sure that people will interest and reach the target audience with the information in the ads that make them know about Bullying.



4.1 Preliminary Sketches


4.2 Final Design

4.2.1 Poster


4.2.2 Poster in Women’s Toilet

4.2.3 Poster in Men’s Toilet


4.2.4 Print Ads

4.2.5 Picture on Basketball Ring


4.2.6 Sticker

4.2.7 Sticker on canteen table.


4.2.8 Brochure