Prova 5º ano_julho_2012


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E.E.”Dr JOAQUIM VILELA”AVALIAÇÂO DE INGLÊS ALUNO (A):________________Nº___ SÉRIE: PROFESSOR: ____________ VALOR: _____

NOTA: _______ BOA SORTE!!! 01 Listen to your teacher and mark the correct alternative.

My favorite activity is gymnastics. What about you?

02 - Match actions and pictures.1. Running

2. Jumping rope

3. Playing soccer

4. Dancing

5. Making music

6. Watering

7. Skating 03 Read the questions, count the objects and write the number.

How many people are riding the car?


How many people are riding bicycles?


04 - Choose 10 parts of the body. Draw a line from each label to the right part of the body.

05 - Listen to your teacher and circle the proper activity.

Script : Running is my favorite leisure activity.

06 - Mark the activity that you should do less during the day to be healthy.

A) Playing video or computer games more than 30 minutes at a time.B) Helping mom with the dish washing.C) SwimmingD) Bathing your pet

07- Listen to your teacher and circle the proper activity.

Running skating fishing riding a bike

____________ _______________ _______________ _______________

08 - Match the words

1-Take the stairs. ( ) Corrida de revezamento2-Relay races. ( ) Subir escadas.3-Sweep the floor. ( ) Caminhada.4-Wash dishes. ( ) Lavar pratos.5-Walking. ( ) Varrer o chão.

Good luck!!! Kisses and hugs!
