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PPRRIINNCCIIPPAALL’’SS PPIIEECCEE 3300 MMAAYY 22001122 Dear Parents and Caregivers Well done to all those students in the bands that played and sung at first and second lunch this Tuesday. They performed so well in front of their hardest audience, their peers! They showed PRIDE as did the audience. I have had a quick look at the pupil teacher ratios that have been announced for 2013. I based my calculations on this year‟s starting roll. The first figures suggested that the college would be slightly better off. However, when the detail was sent to me and I incorporated the removal of the technology staffing this would reduce government funding by about 0.8 of a teacher. We would look at ways to continue to deliver the best we can. This Thursday the Year 12 and 13 College ball is on. I wish all our seniors an enjoyable evening. The Ball Committee have worked hard to make the ball a successful event. This Friday we have our normal TOD (Teacher Only Day), after the College ball. This year the teachers are going to workshops to continue to work on Achievement Standards Realignment at Level 3. It is a good opportunity for the staff to work with their colleagues in other Canterbury schools. These workshops are run by NZQA and were announced after we had set up the Restorative training for this day. We were able to move the planned Restorative training to last Friday. At last week‟s TOD the teaching staff at the College had a Professional Development day looking at the skills of Restorative Justice as it can apply in a school setting. As a School is a place of learning “Behaviour management should be an educational process, just like all other modes of learning.” (Hansberry) A response to an issue could be a punitive, which is one that focuses on punishment: what rule has been broken? Who is to blame? What is the punishment going to be? Or it could be a restorative response that focuses on accountability, healing and needs: Who has been affected? How have they been affected? What needs to be done to put things right? As this Professional Development was for all teaching staff the focus of the day was on “Everyday Stuff”; day-to-day interactions between students and staff and in particular looking at “Restorative conversations.” These conversations have four key questions that need to be answered:

1. What happened?

2. Who do you think has been affected?

3. What do you need to do to put things right?

4. How can we make sure this does not happen again?

Many staff commented that this approach gave a framework to what they are already doing in the classroom and in their interactions with students. This approach is something that fits very comfortably within our PRIDE values. I will end this with a whakatauākī that was given to us last Friday

Mana akitia te tangata Treat people respectfully Ahakoa ko wai irrespective of who they are Ahakoa no hea and where they come from

John Schreurs

Principal Mt Hutt College

UUPPCCOOMMIINNGG EEVVEENNTTSS Fri, 1 June Teacher Only Day (NZQA Best Practice – Christchurch) Mon, 4 June Queen‟s Birthday Wed, 6 June Gary Endicott – Guest Speaker, ICAS Science Exam Wed, 13 June Paid Union Meeting. More information to follow Yr 11-13 Senior Quad Tournament at Mt Hutt College - TBC Wed, 27 June Yr 7/8 Junior Quad Tournament at Darfield, Yr 9/10 at Ellesmere College Thu, 2 August Financial Assistance for NCEA forms due to office

TTEERRMM DDAATTEESS Term 2 Finishes 29 June Term 3 16 July – 28 September Term 4 15 October – 12 December

CCAANNCCEELLLLAATTIIOONN LLIINNEE Please remember to phone 302 8904 for information on any sporting or school events/trips that may be off due to the weather.

SSNNOOWW CCLLOOSSUURREE TTIIMMEE AAGGAAIINN!!!! We are no longer using the „Grapevine‟ or texting system to activate early departure of buses due to snow or other situations that may arise. What you need to know and do when the decision is made to send buses home early:

We will ring you – please don‟t ring us, we will need the phone lines free – this includes ringing Methven Travel!

You will be contacted on the numbers we have for you

If you cannot be contacted your student/s will be held at school for you to collect them

Students will remain in their classrooms until we are nearly ready to load their bus at which point they will be asked to go to the hall.

Please have your cellphones on if snow is predicted

Please ensure we have any number changes

Lauriston Primary will activate a separate closure and will phone their families themselves – they may not be affected by the weather event the foothills are.

Phoning will be done from Mt Hutt College

The cancellation line (3028904), MHC website and the MABG Facebook page will be updated with despatch times – please note it can take up to an hour from us phoning you to the bus actually leaving.

If time allows, we will also update the local radio stations

We do not always send ALL buses, if you haven’t been phoned, your student/s bus is not affected – even if your student texts you!!

Numbers to keep handy: 1. Mount Hutt College Cancellation Line 3028904 2. Sally-Ann Kircher – Bus Co-ordinator 0272350337 3. Fox/Port FM Cancellation Line 3088099 4. Classic Hits Cancellation Line 3078927

Please appreciate that this is a hard call to make, and we won‟t always get it right, but it will be a call made earlier rather than later – we would rather the weather turn into a non event than have students on a bus stuck in snow!. Sally-Ann Kircher Methven Bus Group


The school has been informed that there will be a paid Union meeting on Wednesday, 13 June. The school will be operating as per normal timetable until 1.00pm. After that time, students will be supervised. The school will remain open. Buses will depart at the normal times. More information to follow including with regards to Senior Quad Tournament.

Mrs Jane Grace from Magpie’s

Corner celebrates her 40th in


Mount Hutt College Open Days Thursday, 14 June 2012 – 7.00pm 1 HOUR PROGRAMME: Meet with the Principal

School Information Refreshments

Friday, 15 June 2012 Tours commence at 9.15am, 10.15am, 12.30pm, 2.00pm: 1 HOUR PROGRAMME: Meet with the Principal Tour of the School – see the school at work

School Information Refreshments

2013 New Entrant Timeline - Term 3 2012 Friday, 10 August 2013 enrolments close Tuesday, 21 August Ballot for out of zone places (if required) Friday, 24 August Results of ballot (if required) to families Monday, 3 September Acceptance by ballot families by this date Monday, 17 September New entrant newsletter distributed to 2013 enrolling students Monday, 24 September Information request sent to the schools of 2013 enrolling students (for class placement


Term 4 2012 Wednesday, 24 October Methven Primary School new entrant student and parent interviews with Senior

Leadership and Deans Thursday, 25 October Students at other contributing schools & out of zone student and parent interviews Friday, 26 October Return of student information from schools of 2013 enrolling students Thursday, 22 November New entrant visit and orientation for the morning

Term 1 2013 Friday, 1 February New entrant day for all new Yr 7/8 students – Orientation programme.

GGUUEESSTT SSPPEEAAKKEERR On Wednesday 6 June at 2:10pm, Gary Endicott (M.O.E- Disability Officer) will be at Mt Hutt College. He will be discussing implications for learners and any queries people may have. Gary has mild Cerebral Palsy himself, but has never let this stand in the way of his goals. According to feedback from people who have met him he is an inspirational speaker. Please contact Jan Pearce (302 8437) if you wish to attend.

SSCCHHOOOOLL BBAALLLL All Year 12/13 students are expected to be at school on Thursday, 31 May for Periods 1-4 (ie. until 1.30pm). Ball tickets will then be issued. Any appointments with regards to dress/hair need to be made after 2.00pm. At the start of the school ball there is opportunity for parents and other members of the wider community to come along to view the beautiful attire being worn by our lovely young ladies and gentlemen. This is a fabulous opportunity. Entry to this viewing is for the first half hour from 8.00pm – 8.30pm. Gold coin donation, with the money going to Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand. We look forward to seeing many of you there! When: Thursday, 31 May from 8.00pm – 8.30pm Where: Methven Resort

GGAATTEEWWAAYY AATT MMTT HHUUTTTT CCOOLLLLEEGGEE 22001122 Currently there are two students studying Hospitality with a view to a chef‟s apprenticeship. Photo is of Stephany Aburquez working in the Arabica cafe kitchen. She is currently doing her Food Safety and Hygiene units through Aoraki Polytechnic. According to proprietor Hilary Sheldon, Stephany is quick to learn and should do well in her course. Steven Pinfold is also studying and working at Arabica this year and is currently learning about knives, salads and vegetables and grilling meats. There are short courses in the school holidays with Aoraki Polytech and interested students should see Susan Dickson in Careers for information.



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To hear more about this wonderful opportunity or our student exchange programs out of New Zealand

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Some photos from Term 2


NNEETTBBAALLLL Roncalli College Netball Development Tournament On Sunday 27th May, the Year 9 and Year 10 teams travelled to Timaru with their supportive families, keen coaches and organised managers, to compete in the Roncalli College Netball Development Tournament. The year 10 team was placed in the 10A grade with eight other teams from the region. The first game of round robin saw them up against Waitaki where the girls started to find their feet but narrowly went down. Next they were up against Roncalli. This team was very strong and they struggled to come back after they got a clean run of goals on us. Their last game of the round robin saw them play Timaru Girls High School (TGHS). This was a very physical, hard fought game but unfortunately TGHS took it away. Now it was time for the playoffs. Here they came up against Geraldine. Luckily they came up on top meaning we were playing off for 5th and 6th position. Again, up against Timaru Girls High School but this time around they came up with the win. The girls all played outstanding and showed true determination and teamwork to overcome a team that had beaten them earlier on in the day. Well done on a great day ladies and bring on the Junior Secondary Schools Tournament in Christchurch!

The Year 9 team was placed in the 9A grade. The girls had some tough games against Craighead College, Roncalli, Opihi, Waitaki Girls, Geraldine and Mountainview College. They won their game against Mountainview with a score of 7-1 this was a fantastic game to watch. But sadly lost their other games. However this was not without the girls giving it their best, the games were very hard and they did not give up until the last whistle was blown, so well done to the girls. We will now be concentrating on training hard for the up and coming three day tournament in Christchurch in July. A big thank you to the parents and other supporters for attending on Sunday and being great support crew on the sidelines.

GGRRAAPPHHIICC DDEESSIIGGNN Aoraki Polytechnic is now offering the Certificate in Graphic Design (Level 4) part time, after school hours and in the weekends to make it easy for you, other staff, parents or your students (aged 16 and older) to upskill graphic design skills. This programme gives you foundation skills and knowledge in Adobe Creative Suite's Photoshop and Illustrator and InDesign required for a broad range of graphic design related employment and study needs, and further provides a staircase to higher level graphic design programmes. Two modules will be offered this year; Photoshop and Illustrator with the third module InDesign to be offered early in 2013. To gain the certificate you must complete all three modules. Each module will run for 2 day sessions (of 5 hours) on Saturdays and 12 evening sessions (5.30-8.30pm) on Thursday evenings. Total of 46 hours per module. Beryl ParkeSTAR CoordinatorMarketing | Aoraki Polytechnic | Timaru 0800 426 725 | (03) 6871 953 |

FFIINNAANNCCIIAALL AASSSSIISSTTAANNCCEE FFOORR NNAATTIIOONNAALL SSEECCOONNDDAARRYY SSCCHHOOOOLL QQUUAALLIIFFIICCAATTIIOOAANNSS Who can apply for financial assistance? Financial assistance is available to assist with the payment of entry fees for National Secondary Schools qualifications. To be eligible to apply you must be the fee-payer and meet at least one of the following criteria:

• be receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit (benefit-based applications) • have a joint family income that would entitle you to receive a Community Services Card (income-based

applications) • be a fee-payer with two or more children who are candidates, irrespective of family income (multiple

candidate applications), where the total fees you would have to pay would otherwise be more than the $200 multiple candidate maximum.

You cannot claim financial assistance for international fee-paying students. How do I apply for financial assistance? Complete one application form for all members of your family for whom you are seeking financial assistance. The form is available from Mount Hutt College office. Return the completed form to Mount Hutt College by Thursday 2nd August.

CCAANNTT EERRBBUURRYY SSEECCOONNDDAARRYY SSCCHHOOOOLL CCRROOSSSS CCOOUUNNTTRRYY -- HHaallsswweellll QQuuaarrrryy The day saw clear skies and dry ground underfoot at Halswell Quarry. Mt Hutt College fielded a team of 7 athletes to take on the rest of the Canterbury Area: Results: U14 Girls - Bonnie Thorpe - 32nd, Tiffany Nordqvist - 47th U14 Boys - Declan O'Neill - 10th U15 Girls - Assina Dalglish - 8th, Juliette Lewis - 18th U16 Girls - Alice Todhunter - 27th, 16 1/2+ Boys - Jake Bell - 20th

MMTT HHUUTTTT CCOOLLLLEEGGEE MMEETTHHVVEENN 22001122 –– TTEERRMM 33 WWEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY AAFFTTEERRNNOOOONN -- SSNNOOWWSSPPOORRTTSS OOPPTTIIOONN Dear Parent/Guardian Term 3 Snowsport Option is ONLY available to those students who have a MT HUTT SEASON PASS. This year there will be 11 trips in total during Term 3 for the Snowsports option which includes an all day school trip on Wednesday 15th August.

The transport cost this year will be $209 per person for the 11 trips. Optional Lessons (3 or 5 at the appropriate level) will be:

o $96 for 3 lessons Ski/Snowboard o $160 for 5 lessons Ski/Snowboard o Lessons are recommended for learners in both skiing and snowboarding.

Please read the following:

If your child is unable to go on the bus for any reason, his/her seat will still be travelling up

the ski field and MUST BE paid for. There are NO REFUNDS. NZ Ski Ltd will also NOT be

refunding you one day’s use of your child’s season pass. Bus fare refunds may be granted

in exceptional circumstances only by the Principal of Mt Hutt College.

Students must have their own Season Pass.

If the ski area is closed, the bus fare for the day will be credited to your account at the end

of the term.

We are not responsible for sudden changes of weather after 12.00 noon.

Gear Hire: You are responsible for the hiring of gear. The school does not organise this.

If your child is having lessons there is no refund for missing lessons unless the mountain is


Staff work the extra two hours out of goodwill, they are not paid extra to do so. To achieve

the adult/pupil ratios that primary schools use, we would need around 40 adults each week

(and another bus to transport them). This programme can only operate if you accept that

NZ Ski Ltd staff (Patrollers, Instructors, Lifties) count as adult supervisors and that pupils

behave responsibly. There will always be a staff member ‘on duty’ in the café should any

pupil need attention. If you feel your child needs closer supervision than we can offer

he/she should not participate.

Your child is to return on the bus.

Permission slips with payment need to be back at school by Friday, 22nd June, payment by either cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card (no school accounts in accordance with school policy and procedure unless your account is in credit). Any enquires please contact Mrs Dalglish at school on 3028437. Wednesday Snowsports Term 3 - 2012 I give permission for ________________________ form ________ to take part in Wednesday Snowsports Option in Term 3 and have attached the $209 bus transport fee. ______________________________ requires lessons; I am prepared to pay the charges (Please Tick)

$96 for 3 lessons Ski Snowboard (Please tick)

$160 for 5 lessons Ski Snowboard (Please tick)

Please indicate ability level: (Please Tick) Ski First Time Novice Intermediate Advanced Snowboarding First Time Novice Advanced Signed _____________________________________ Parent/Caregiver Total Paid $ __________________

FFUURRTTHHEERR IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN FFOORR SSNNOOWWSSPPOORRTT DDAATTEESS FFOORR 22001122 Dates for snowsports are: 18/07/2012, 25/07/2012, 01/08/2012, 08/08/2012, 15/08/2012 [whole school

snowsport day], 22/08/2012, 29/08/2012, 05/09/2012, 12/09/2012, 19/09/2012, 26/09/2012

Local Hire Prices

Big Al’s [03] 302 8003

Child [12 and under]

Youth [17 and under]

Jaces Ski Hut [03] 302 9553

Will deliver to school for $1 per week

Child [12 and under]

Youth [17 and under]

Ski $10.50 $18 Ski $10 $18

Board $10.50 $21 Board $14 $22

Clothing $9 $15 Clothing part/full set $8/$10 $14/$21

Goggles $5 Goggles $6

Gloves $5 Gloves $6

Helmet $5 Helmet $8

Hire gear needs to be organised well in advance.

Whole School Snowsport Day:

[This pricing is applicable to those that are not regular mountain goers]

Transport, *beginner pass, 1.5hr group lesson, **ski, boots and poles hire - $52

Transport, *beginner lift pass, 1.5hr group lesson, **snowboard and boots rental - $63

[*pass may be upgraded for free to a full mountain pass on instructor‟s recommendation **price remains the same if student has their own equipment]


IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT MMEESSSSAAGGEE FFRROOMM NNZZ SSKKII LLIIMMIITTEEDD NZ Ski Ltd has finished processing all student ski passes. The following instructions need to be followed:

If you have a pass from last year – do nothing! Proceed straight to the lift!!! If you have misplaced your pass/are new to skiing/did not have a pass in 2011 – you can pick up your pass on

either your first day up the mountain at Guest Services or at the Mt Hutt Ski office in the Heritage Centre (open 7 days).

If you have any queries relating to your pass, please phone NZ Ski Ltd on 302 8811.

PPTTAA MMEESSSSAASSGGEE We have the Lion‟s Club Dinner fundraiser coming up on Wednesday the 27th June. We will need volunteers to help on the night and will be asking for donations from families so if you can spare a few hours or would rather donate, give Deb Shears a call (302 4775). Whatever you can do would be much appreciated. More hands make light work!! PTA meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm. The dates of PTA meetings for 2012 are:

11 June

School holidays in July – no meeting

13 August

10 September

School holidays in October – no meeting

12 November All welcome, would be great to see some new faces.

MMEESSSSAAGGEE FFRROOMM TTHHEE OOFFFFIICCEE All curriculum fees have been charged to student accounts. Attached is the 2012/13 fee list.
