Radio Geopoliticaas


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  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    Radio geopolitics: broadcasting, listeningand the struggle for

    acoustic spaces

    Alasdair Pinkerton* and Klaus Dodds

    Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of ondon, !gham "#$%

    %!&, UK

    Abstract: "his paper 'onsiders some of the interdis'iplinary s'holarship on radio and

    sound more generally for the purposes of 'onsidering how geopoliti'al s'holarship

    might re'onsider its predominantly visual fo'us( "he first part 'onsiders radio and its

    relationship to studies of propaganda, international diploma'y and even everyday life(

    "hereafter, attention is given to new themes su'h as resear'hing radio 'ultures,

    )road'asting infrastru'ture and te'hnology and, finally, the affe'tive impa'ts of radio

    on audien'es( "he 'on'lusion of this paper urges further 'riti'al 'onsideration of

    radio, sound and )road'astinglistener engagement with the well+esta)lished

    geographi'al literature on musi'(

    Key words: audien'es, 'ommuni'ation, geopoliti's, listening, radio(

    I Introduction

    #e have some pla'es( ust stay -uiet and you.ll )e /K( #e are returning to the

    airport( #e open this arti'le, as does the 011 2ommission Report 3$%%45, with the

    words attri)uted to 6ohammad Atta, the alleged ringleader of the 10 hi7a'kers

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    responsi)le for the atta'ks on the "win "owers of the #orld "rade 2enter, the

    Pentagon and the 'rash of United 08 in a Pennsylvanian field( "his radio transmissionmade )y the hi7a'kers on )oard Ameri'an Airlines 9light 11 was the first aural 'lue

    for federal air traffi' 'ontrollers seeking to 'omprehend the unusual movements 3and

    la'k of radio

    'ommuni'ation5 of a num)er of planes fl ying

    over the eastern part of the United :tates(

    Given the su)se-uent developments, these

    words, as some 7ournalists noted at the time,

    have an un-uestiona)ly ;'hilling -uality. not

    least )e'ause the hi7a'kers perished with

    nearly 8,%%% other vi'tims( Una)le to see the

    hi7a'kers or the other o''upants of Ameri'an

    Airlines 9light 11, those on the ground were

    reliant on listening to the o''asional 'ommuni'ations

    )y the hi7a'kers( And then radio

    silen'e as 9light 11 'rashed into the "win

    "owers at %

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    :hortly after the impa't of the se'ond

    plane into the "win "owers, terrified onlookers

    were shown, via television 'overage,

    e>hi)iting a range of responses from

    stunned silen'e to 'rying, wailing and holding

    highly animated 'onversations with

    fellow onlookers( "o des'ri)e these atta'ks

    *Author for 'orresponden'e? !mail? a(d(pinkerton@rhul(a'(uk

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics 11

    as a visual assault on Ameri'a is to miss a

    fundamental point this was an audiovisual

    spe'ta'le of horrifying proportions( As the

    )uildings )egan to smoulder, the sight and

    sound of people 7umping from the "win

    "owers to their 'ertain death was 'aptured

    on film( Produ'ed )y two 9ren'h )rothers

    3ules and Gedeon Baudet5 who a''ompanied

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    mem)ers of the Bew Cork 9ire

    Department to the "win "owers, the do'umentary

    film 9/11 3$%%$5 is parti'ularly

    poignant in that regard( t remains the only

    footage taken inside the "win "owers on

    11 :eptem)er $%%1( 9inally, the thundering

    noise a''ompanying the 'ollapse of the

    "win "owers and the diffusion of suffo'ating

    'louds of dust 'ompleted, one might say,

    the first deadly phase of this audiovisual

    spe'ta'le 3De)ri>, $%%=5(

    "he re'orded statements of the hi7a'kers

    and other utteran'es su'h as ;let.s roll. issued

    )y one of the passengers on )oard United

    08 has )een mu'h analysed and de)ated )y

    offi'ial investigators, politi'al leaders and

    relatives of the dead( "he )ipartisan 011

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    2ommission, 'reated )y the Eush administration

    to investigate the 11 :eptem)er atta'ks,

    'onsidered all forms of soni' and visual

    information germane to their e>tensive )rief(

    6o)ile phone 'onversations )etween the

    air)orne vi'tims of 011 and their friends

    and relatives have provided further poignant

    soni' testimony of those last minutes )efore

    impa't and 'ertain death(1 "hose 'onversations

    form part of what Bational Pu)li'

    Radio des'ri)ed as their :oni' 6emorial

    pro7e't( As 2ohen and #illis 3$%%45 re'ord?

    How 'ould pu)li' radio F a medium fo'ussed

    solely on aural e>perien'es F 'ontri)ute to

    storytelling these tragedies After :eptem)er

    11th, Bational Pu)li' Radio 3BPR5 took up

    the task of aural remem)ering for the nation

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    through an unpre'edented pu)li' radio 'olla)oration,

    'onsisting of at least 1%% BPR

    stations and their affiliates that 'ontri)uted

    and aired up to 8% hours of BPR+produ'ed

    programming during the week )efore the

    anniversary ie, :eptem)er $%%$I( 32ohen and

    #illis, $%%4? J0$5

    6oreover, BPR also produ'ed a :oni'

    6emorial on the internet, hosted )y the

    :eptem)er 11th Digital Ar'hive($

    Radio )road'asting 3and noise for

    that matter5 is playing a ma7or part in the

    Ameri'an+led #ar on "error( 9ollowing

    ames :idaway.s interventions on the su)7e't

    matter of ;)anal geopoliti's., we should

    draw attention to the manner in whi'h radio

    is now routinely used )y military personnel

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    in their pursuit of those who masterminded

    the 11 :eptem)er assault on Bew Cork and

    #ashington, and asso'iated 'ounter+terror

    strategies 3:idaway, $%%1 $%%8 Graham,

    $%%=5( As part of developing new ur)an)ased

    fi ghting strategies, the Ameri'an military

    has 'reated a series of training environments,

    whi'h in'lude ;)om)arding. U: troops

    with radio )road'asting in Ara)i' for the purpose

    of developing a sense of geographi'al

    and 'ultural ;authenti'ity., while simultaneously

    desensitiing the troops to foreign

    'ultural pra'ti'es(

    f we wanted to understand more fully

    some of the popular 'ultural dimensions to

    post+011 Ameri'a, then talk radio would )e

    an e>'ellent pla'e to )egin su'h an investigation

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    3see 2roft, $%%L5( naugurated in the

    108%s and 104%s, talk radio fundamentally

    'hanged in the 10

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    areas relating to the #ar on "error, loud musi'

    and sound more generally have )een deployed

    on suspe'ted terrorists around the world in

    the )elief that these soni' a'tivities will lead

    to vital intelligen'e )eing divulged( n ra- and

    1$Progress in Human Geography !1"

    Afghanistan, 'ompanies su'h as Homeland

    :e'urities :trategies n' are developing new

    radio 7amming te'hnologies in the hope that

    they will )e a)le to interfere with improvised

    e>plosive devi'es pla'ed )y the sides of highways

    and other strategi' pla'es( 9inally, the

    Department of :tate is funding, via the Moi'e

    /f Ameri'a 3M/A5, a plethora of new radio

    stations and lo'al language )road'asting in

    the hope that Ameri'a.s ;soft power. will )e

    a)le to persuade millions in the Glo)al :outh

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    not to support violen'e dire'ted against

    Ameri'an personnel and material interests(

    #hile we have opened with some o)servations

    a)out 011 and its aftermath, this

    arti'le.s more general purpose is to shift the

    'entre of gravity towards radio for the purpose

    of )roadening popular geographi'al

    geopoliti'al horions and en'ouraging further

    work, whi'h has tended to )e dominated

    )y so'ial and 'ultural geographi'al interest

    in musi' rather than radio )road'asting, or

    listening more generally 3see, for e>ample,

    :mith, 1004 eyshon et al(, 100

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    reprodu'ed sounds 3Eull, $%%4? $4

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    geographers su'h as ;resear'hing radio. and

    the sound ar'hive, radio and )road'asting

    infrastru'ture, and radio and its audien'es(

    9inally, the paper 'onne'ts up with the

    esta)lished literature on musi' to 'onsider the

    geographi'al impli'ations and 'onse-uen'es

    of sound( #hile we spe'ifi 'ally address radio

    and its geopoliti'al impli'ations, we are mindful

    of a long+esta)lished )ody of literature

    more generally 'on'erned with 'ommuni'ations,

    te'hnology and the role of states and

    empires 3for e>ample, nnis, 10J% 6attellart,

    100L Hugill, 1000 6einig, $%%45(

    II Popular geopolitics of radio: identity,

    propaganda and soft power

    :hortly after President Eush.s de'ision to

    de'lare a #ar on "error, the U: :tate Department+

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    funded Moi'e of Ameri'a 3M/A5 was

    given e>tra funding so that it 'ould e>pand

    radio )road'asting in Ara)i', Dari, 9arsi and

    Pashto( 2reated in 9e)ruary 104$, Moi'e

    of Ameri'a is the one of the largest statefunded

    )road'asters and rivals EE2 #orld

    :ervi'e and Radio 6os'ow in terms of its

    )road'asting 'overage, language provision

    and weekly audien'es( n $%%$ a 6iddle !ast

    Radio Betwork was laun'hed and one of

    the most signifi 'ant developments was the

    laun'h of Radio 9arda, whi'h is designed to

    )road'ast news and musi' in !nglish and

    9arsi to ran and 2entral Asia( Bew investment

    in radio )road'asting and pu)li' diploma'y

    was 7udged to )e 'riti'al in esta)lishing

    a )roader legitima'y for more violent forms

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    of intervention( n his weekly radio address,

    President Eush announ'ed on 1J :eptem)er

    $%%1 that?

    "his is a 'onfli't without )attlefields or

    )ea'hheads, a 'onfli't with opponents who

    )elieve they are invisi)le( Cet, they are

    mistaken( "hey will )e e>posed, and they will

    dis'over what others in the past have learned?

    those who make war against the United :tates

    have 'hosen their own destru'tion( Mi'tory

    against terrorism will not take pla'e in a single

    )attle, )ut in a series of de'isive a'tions against

    terrorist organiations and those who har)or

    and support them(

    #e are planning a )road and sustained 'ampaign

    to se'ure our 'ountry and eradi'ate the

    evil of terrorism( And we are determined to see

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    this 'onfl i't through( Ameri'ans of every faith

    and )a'kground are 'ommitted to this goal(8

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics 18

    Radio )road'asting remains part of that

    ;)road and sustained 'ampaign. and this is

    the 'ase not only with regard to overseas

    )road'asting )ut also domesti'ally, notwithstanding

    the highly televised 'ulture of the

    United :tates( t is important to re'all that

    the weekly radio address )y the President

    has )een a regular feature of Ameri'an pu)li'

    life sin'e the 9ranklin D( Roosevelt administration

    31088F4J5, and there are many

    other e>amples we 'ould draw upon to highlight

    the i'oni' role of radio )road'asting

    involving !uropean politi'al leaders and di'tators,

    su'h as 2harles de Gaulle, #inston

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    2hur'hill, oseph :talin and Eenito 6ussolini

    as well as post'olonial leaders su'h as Behru

    and his 104= independen'e )road'ast(

    Ameri'a.s 'ommitment to dire't funding

    towards overseas radio )road'asting in the

    post+011 era was motivated )y a simple )ut

    important development( :in'e the 10L%s,

    the widespread availa)ility of the transistor

    radio has meant that many 'ommunities,

    without a''ess to television and uninterrupted

    power supplies, 'ontinue to depend

    on the radio for their news and other output

    su'h as musi'( 6a7or )road'asting organiations

    su'h as M/A and EE2 #orld :ervi'e,

    as a 'onse-uen'e, have re'ognied that lo'al

    language )road'asting offers opportunities

    to rea'h and potentially infl uen'e audien'es

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    in 'ountries su'h as Afghanistan, Pakistan

    and ran( o'al language )road'asting has

    often, as a 'onse-uen'e, )een highly sensitied

    to regional geopoliti'al 'hange(

    /ne e>ample from an earlier era involves

    M/A radio )road'asting in :panish and

    Portuguese to atin Ameri'a( n 10JL, M/A

    )road'asting to atin Ameri'a 'onsisted of

    one hour of daily programming and was

    in !nglish( 9oreign language )road'asting

    had )een downgraded as M/A invested its

    energies in eastern !uropean and southeast

    Asian language programming( Ey 6ar'h

    10L%, and in the aftermath of the 10J0

    2u)an revolution, M/A :panish language

    )road'asting was restored, and a year later

    Portuguese language )road'asting resumed(

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    1=N of total M/A foreign programming was

    dire'ted towards atin Ameri'a and a new

    radio station was 'onstru'ted in 2entral

    Ameri'a 39e7es, 10ed(

    n the 'ase of re'ent endeavours )y the

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    Ameri'an government, any transmission

    asso'iated with M/A is, for some listeners,

    treated with 'ontempt and suspi'ion, )e'ause

    of the 'ontemporary military o''upation

    of Afghanistan and ra- 3Gregory, $%%45(

    2olonial radio stations in the !nglish, 9ren'h

    and Dut'h speaking worlds were fre-uently

    linked to e>pressions of anti'olonial agitation

    and national li)eration movements(

    6oreover, as Kat and #eddell 310==? patriate )road'asters in order to

    prepare themselves for the day when li)eration

    would 'ome.( :u'h training would

    have disastrous 'onse-uen'es in Rwanda

    in April 1004 when so+'alled ;hate radio.

    was instrumental in persuading thousands

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    to slaughter their fellow 'itiens( "he ensuing

    geno'ide was later to en'apsulate no

    fewer than

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    that popular representations of glo)al geopoliti's

    need to )e investigated alongside

    elite understandings( ndeed terms su'h as

    ;geopoliti'al 'ulture. have )een deployed in

    order to 'onsider how fi lm, 'artoons, 'omi'

    )ooks and television 'ontri)ute to e>pressions

    of popular geopoliti's and how and with what

    'onse-uen'es audien'es rea't to those media

    3Dodds, $%%=5( Re'ent resear'h has demonstrated

    how 'ertain kinds of emotional rea'tions

    and investments may )e provoked

    and mo)ilied )y parti'ular produ'tions

    su'h as a fi lm like#lack Ha$k Do$n 3$%%15

    or a 'omi' 'hara'ter like 2aptain Ameri'a

    3Dittmer, $%%J 2arter and 6'2orma'k,

    $%%L5( Geographi'al s'holars su'h as 2hris

    Gi)son and his 'o+workers have helped to

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    ensure that popular geopoliti'al s'holars do

    'onsider how musi' 'ontri)utes to de)ates

    a)out 'ontemporary 'ommuni'ations, popular

    'ulture and national identity 3Gi)son,

    100L Dun)ar+Hall and Gi)son, $%%% Gi)son

    and 2onnell, $%%8 )ut 'riti'ally see Power,

    $%%15( Gi)son.s resear'hes into the musi' in

    Australia has )een parti'ularly effe'tive in

    highlighting how indigenous 'ommunities

    'an e>press so'ial identities and 'ontest the

    hegemoni' representations of Anglophone

    and white Australia( "here is surely mu'h

    more work to )e done on the popular geopoliti's

    of musi' and Anglophone performers

    and )ands su'h as Eo) Dylan, 6idnight /il

    and Beil Coung would feature, as would parti'ular

    musi'al genres, su'h as gangster rap

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    and ro'k, whi'h have 'riti'ally refl e'ted on

    'onfl i'ts from Mietnam to ra-( Until re'ently

    only one geopoliti'al s'holar, 6ar'us Power,

    had e>plored in any detail the geopoliti'al

    'onse-uen'es of radio )road'asting, in this

    'ase with referen'e to 'olonial 6oam)i-ue

    3Power, $%%1 'f( Pinkerton, $%%= $%%

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    as relevant( 9irst, there has )een e>tensive

    interest in radio propaganda espe'ially

    sin'e the 10$%s with many resear'h papers

    and monographs devoted to Bai Germany,

    :oviet Russia and other !uropean states su'h

    as taly, :pain and the United Kingdom 3for

    e>ample, 6iller, 1041 sola, 100J :hirer,

    1000 6enduni, $%%45( n his )ook#acking

    Hitler, Ro)ert Gellately not only shows the

    importan'e of radio to fas'ist German propaganda

    )ut also tra'es the penalties imposed

    on those 'itiens 'aught or e>posed listening

    to overseas )road'asting )y the EE2 and

    others( istening was a matter of life and

    death and this remains the 'ase in many parts

    of the world 3Gellately, $%%$? 1

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    purposes, it has also )een a medium that governments

    have sought to 'ontrol, ;to 7am.

    and to limit a''ess to other forms of )road'asting(

    "he apparent u)i-uity of radio

    should not )e overestimated as national

    governments have and 'ontinue to attempt

    to engage in politi'al suppression, prohi)it

    foreign )road'asting, limit ownership of

    radio transmitters and 'reate 'onditions

    where listening is far from mundane( nstead,

    radio listening in 'ontemporary ran and

    Oim)a)we and the former :oviet Union

    'ould )e a dangerous, frustrating and deadly

    e>perien'e( 2hina 'ontinues to 7am radio

    )road'asting alongside the internet( 2u)a

    remains parti'ularly a'tive in ;)lo'king. radio

    )road'asting from e>ile groups in 6iami

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    and the U: government funded Radio 6arti(

    Alternatively, others have pointed to the

    a)ility of radio )road'asting, often in dire

    'ir'umstan'es, to provide some 'omfort and

    sola'e, as the Eritish 'aptive "erry #aite

    a'knowledged( Held for several years in

    Eeirut, #aite and his fellow 'aptives re'orded

    their gratitude for EE2 #orld :ervi'e )road'asting

    )e'ause it, in his words, ;helped to

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics 1J

    keep us alive )oth spiritually through the

    work of the religious departments and

    mentally through the varied 'ultural and

    news programmes. 3#alker, 100$? 1LJ5( n

    different ways, therefore, the geographies

    of )road'asting and listening 'ontinue to

    )e highly 'ontingent(

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    :e'ond, the radio studies literature has

    long )een preo''upied with domesti' radio

    environments in the western world and keen

    to de'ipher 'odes, 'onventions, formats and

    pra'ti'es of radio programming and re'eption(

    #ell+known works su'h asRadio %roadcasting:

    an introduction to the sound medium

    have )een important in shaping future s'holarship

    with its fo'us on the Ameri'an domesti'

    radio s'ene and international )road'asting

    3Hillard, 10

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    6oreover, the diversifi 'ation of radio )road'asting

    3with the o)vious e>'eption of U:

    Bational Pu)li' Radio5 has allowed for a

    series of overlapping listening environments

    to e>ist( "hese spe'ialied listening populations

    are in some 'ases further served and

    en'ouraged )y the development of highprofi

    le ;sho'k+7o'k. radio presenters su'h as

    Howard :tern who en7oy a highly defined

    listening segment as defi ned )y ra'e, gender,

    edu'ational attainment, politi'al persuasion

    and age( :e'uring su'h segments is vitally

    important for 'ommer'ial radio stations )e'ause

    of the strong 'onne'tion with advertising

    and revenue generation(

    As historians of Ameri'an radio have

    noted, the pla'e of this medium in national

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    life has long )een 'ontested and as su'h predates

    some of the 'ontemporary 'ontroversies

    asso'iated with outspoken right+wing

    radio presenters 3Earfi eld, 10ual a)andonment(

    #hile 7a was later aired more

    generally in the 108%s and 104%s, Afri'an+

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    Ameri'an musi'ians attra'ted large num)ers

    of white listeners and indeed 7a was 'redited

    with playing a part in )uilding 'ross'ommunity

    solidarities during the struggle

    for 'ivil rights in the 10JJFLJ period(

    :u'h solidarities need to )e set alongside

    the produ'tion and 'ir'ulation of ra'ist representations

    of Afri'an+Ameri'ans via the

    radio( :hows su'h as ;Amos.n. Andy. were

    hugely important, if 'ontroversial, in developing

    the radio serial drama and in this 'ase

    'on'entrated on the 'hanging so'ial and e'onomi'

    fortunes of two Afri'an+Ameri'an

    workers 3Douglas, 10005( #hile resisted and

    resented )y many Afri'an+Ameri'an listeners,

    radio was later to provide an important

    pu)li' forum for the dis'ussion of ra'ial politi's

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    in 'ontemporary Ameri'an life( Ey 1041,

    nearly every family in the United :tates

    owned a re'eiver and radio 'reated an aural

    pu)li' sphere for a'knowledging, in programmes

    su'h as federally funded ;9reedom.s

    People., the 'ontri)ution Afri'an+Ameri'an

    'ommunities have made to la)our, musi',

    sports, literature, military servi'e and edu'ation

    3:avage, 1000? =%5( "he year 1048 was

    a landmark in Ameri'an radio history, as

    Ear)ara :avage noted, )e'ause funding

    and )road'asting restri'tions tightened in

    response to 'on'erns from Afri'an+Ameri'an

    'ommunities a)out segregation and dis'rimination

    in Ameri'an life( n postwar Ameri'a,

    progressive dissent 'ontinued to appear on

    the airwaves and radio.s pla'e in the so'ial

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    and 'ultural transformation of the United

    :tates is )eginning to attra't ever more 'riti'al

    attention 3see, for e>ample, Hilmes and

    oviglio, $%%$5(

    1LProgress in Human Geography !1"

    :'holars su'h Paddy :'annell 310015,

    Andrew 2rissell 3100L5, 6artin :hingler

    and 2indy #ierniga 3100

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    role of radio in the making of ;e>traordinary.

    rituals and 'eremonies in modern so'iety

    su'h as the 10J8 'oronation of !lia)eth ,

    the trial of Bai war 'riminals and the role

    of radio during the se'ond world war( Radio

    audien'es were often signifi 'ant, espe'ially

    in 'ountries where a''ess to television was

    either 7ust )e'oming widespread or had yet

    to emerge( However, in a salutary study

    of the role of radio in the 10L1 trial of Adolf

    !i'hmann in erusalem, a team of s'holars

    found that the 'overage )y sraeli state radio

    was 'onsistently overestimated in fre-uen'y

    and duration )y listeners( n fa't, radio )road'asting

    was more sporadi' than people re'alled

    and many )elieved that the medium

    must have featured more strongly in daily

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    life )e'ause of the sheer magnitude of this

    pu)li' event 3Pin'hevski et al(, $%%=? 1

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    in the daily ma'hination of domesti'

    politi's would fail to tune in and listen to

    the morning news programme ;"oday. on

    Radio 4( "he so+'alled Andrew Gilligan

    affair of 6ay $%%8, in the midst of 'on'erns

    over ra-.s #eapons of 6ass Destru'tion

    'apa)ilities, highlighted -uite how important

    radio )road'asting and listening rea'tions

    'ould )e( n this 'ase a well+known Radio 4

    defen'e 7ournalist 3Gilligan5 used his short

    early morning report to 'laim that a highly

    pla'ed se'urity sour'e had told him that

    the a)our government had ;se>ed up. its

    dossier on ra-.s military 'apa)ilities for the

    sole purpose of persuading parliamentarians

    and the pu)li' that the 6ar'h $%%8

    invasion of ra- was ne'essary( "he rea'tion

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    to the )road'ast was e>traordinary and led

    to the EE2 )eing for'ed to apologie for the

    report after the so+'alled Hutton n-uiry

    found in favour of the a)our government

    3see also the Beil Report, $%%45( t also,

    tragi'ally, led to the sui'ide )y Gilligan.s

    sour'e F Dr David Kelly( Alternatively, as

    9raser 6a'Donald has noted with regard to

    the nightly weather )road'ast on Radio 4,

    ;the 'aden'es and rhythms of the UK

    shipping fore'ast have a soporifi' effe't

    a familiar and 'omforting register of sea

    areas and 'oastal stations that have 'ome

    to define the sym)oli' )oundary of the

    nation. 36a'Donald, $%%L? L$

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    'itiens in the United Kingdom(

    David Hendy.s 3$%%%5Radio in the glo%al

    age is argua)ly the most impressive intervention

    )y a radio studies s'holar )e'ause of

    his willingness to e>plore how radio )road'asting

    and listening is now a glo)al phenomenon,

    even if there are signifi 'ant lo'al

    and regional variations depending inter alia

    on the integration with internet te'hnologies,

    'ommer'ialiation, listener availa)ility, politi'al

    'ontrol and transnational 'onne'tions

    with other )road'asters( As Hendy notes?

    #hile )eing a lo'al medium par e>'ellen'e,

    radio is a)le to rea'h a'ross large spa'es,

    potentially threatening pla'e+spe'ifi ' 'ultures

    with its homogenied 'ontent, potentially

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics 1=

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    forging new delo'alied 'ommunities of

    interest it has a history in whi'h nation+states

    often led the way in esta)lishing servi'es, )ut

    its oral 'ode of 'ommuni'ation allows it to

    tie itself to 'ommunities of language, whi'h

    ignore offi 'ial )orders it )etrays a 'ommer'ial

    imperative to rea'h large, high+spending audien'es,

    )ut it also has a 'ost stru'ture, whi'h

    'reates at least the possi)ility of a 'ommunity

    station surviving on the tiniest of audien'es(

    t is, in short, the most adapta)le of ;media.

    in fi nding its audien'e( 3Hendy, $%%%? $1J5

    n this way, radio is often im)ued with an aura

    of a''essi)ility and demo'ratiing potential

    3listeners 'an )e 'ontri)utors and thus not

    7ust passive re'eivers5 even if there is a long

    history of radio )road'asting )eing either

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    tightly regulated )y states or restri'ted )y

    national authorities throughout the Glo)al

    Borth and :outh(

    9inally, within nternational Relations

    and Politi'al :'ien'e, there has )een interest

    in radio as a form of ;soft power. and its role

    in pu)li' diploma'y during and after the

    se'ond world war( n his well+known work,

    oseph Bye 3$%%4a5 has 'laimed that the

    Eush administration has lost interest in 'ultural

    diploma'y and what he has 'alled ;soft

    power.( As he noted in an arti'le in&oreign


    :kepti's of soft power 3:e'retary of :tate

    Donald Rumsfeld professes not even to

    understand the term5 'laim that popularity

    is ephemeral and should not guide foreign

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    poli'y( "he United :tates, they assert, is strong

    enough to do as it wishes with or without the

    world.s approval and should simply not

    a''ept that others will envy and resent it(

    "he world.s only superpower does not need

    permanent allies the issues should determine

    the 'oalitions, not vi'e versa, a''ording

    to Rumsfeld( 3Bye, $%%4)? 1L5

    Given that :e'retary of :tate Rumsfeld no

    longer holds offi 'e, this s'epti'al view may

    no longer )e -uite so prevalent in the fa'e

    of rising anti+Ameri'anism and the mounting

    losses of U: servi'e personnel in ra-(

    However, Bye dete'ted an apparent disregard

    of the power of media in'luding

    radio to ;persuade. others a)out Ameri'a.s

    interventions in southwest and 'entral Asia(

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    As he noted, ;During the 2old #ar, radio

    )road'asts funded )y #ashington rea'hed

    half the :oviet population and =% to

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    words, the -uestion of legitima'y is likely to

    )e 'riti'al in determining potential infl uen'e(

    /ther studies on radio diploma'y and

    ;soft power. have in the past )een )etter at

    e>amining radio )road'asting and state

    'ontrols rather than listening audien'es and

    potential effe'tiveness( Hale 310=J5 and

    Rawnsley 3100L5 )oth 'onsider Eritish )road'ast

    poli'ies and parti'ular international

    'rises and 'onfl i'ts in the post+104J era( n

    the 'ase of Rawnsley, for e>ample, his work

    'onsiders radio )road'asting with regard to

    the 10JL :ue 2risis, the 10JL Hungarian

    Uprising, the 10L$ 2u)an 6issile 2risis and

    the Ameri'an engagement with Mietnam( n

    ea'h 'ase, Eritish and Ameri'an )road'asting

    was e>amined and 7udged with regard to how

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    it reported these parti'ular 'rises and the

    kinds of politi'al and )road'asting 'onfl i'ts

    reports from the EE2 and M/A engendered(

    "he earlier work )y Hale 'onsiders three

    models of international radio )road'asting F

    the Bai, the 2ommunist and the EE2( n

    'on'lusion, Hale 'ontends that the EE2

    remains somewhat different to Bai and

    2ommunist )road'asters )e'ause it sought

    sin'e the 'reation of the !mpire :ervi'e in

    10$= to provide ;relia)le. news and information

    even if that meant 'lashing with the


  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    of Bai )road'asting 'ompared to the EE2.s

    reputation for ;relia)le. news )road'asting(

    "he Ameri'an and :oviet )road'asters were

    7udged to )e single+minded in their determination

    to pursue their national priorities as

    refle'ted )y state+'ontrolled radio stations

    su'h as Moi'e of Ameri'a and Radio 6os'ow


    6ore re'ent resear'h, however, would

    'all into -uestion the 'laim regarding the

    EE2.s reputation for relia)le and impartial

    )road'asting( Although Hale 310=J? 4

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    other sour'es. 310=J? 4

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    pro+Pakistani in its reporting of parti'ular

    'rises( Alternatively, there are still many

    listeners who tune into the EE2 #orld

    :ervi'e in )oth 'ountries and value it for its

    news and 'urrent affairs reporting( Audien'e

    figures alongside listener letters and email

    'omments sent to lo'al EE2 offi 'es provide

    some invalua)le insights into these parti'ular

    listening 'ommunities(

    Moi'e of Ameri'a and the EE2 #orld

    :ervi'e are funded )y the :tate Department

    and the 9oreign /ffi 'e respe'tively( ikewise

    Radio 6os'ow 'ontinues to )e funded )y

    the Russian government( #hile editorial

    'ontrol and 'ontent varies )etween these

    three glo)al )road'asters, former 9oreign

    :e'retary Ro)in 2ook des'ri)ed the EE2.s

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    as Eritain.s ;Moi'e around the #orld. despite

    its 'laims to impartiality and editorial

    independen'e( "here is still a great deal of

    resear'h to )e done on the impa't on listeners

    and listener 'ommunities, espe'ially in the

    Glo)al :outh( "he reputations and impa't

    of glo)al )road'asters has )een varied even

    if ea'h has the 'apa'ity to )road'ast over

    large areas that far e>'eed their 'ountry.s

    respe'tive national )oundaries( 6oreover,

    as earlier studies did not readily a'knowledge,

    listeners to the EE2, M/A and Radio

    6os'ow also listen, read and wat'h other

    media su'h as television and newspapers( :o,

    in the 'ase of the 10JL :ue 2risis, readers of

    the (%ser)er and the Guardian 3whi'h were

    'riti'al of the Anglo+9ren'h intervention5

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    might have also listened to EE2 #orld :ervi'e

    )road'asts )e'ause they )elieved them

    to )e willing to )e 'riti'al of offi 'ial government

    statements a)out the nature and longterm

    purpose of the intervention 3:haw,

    100L5( As Roger :ilverstone 310045 had noted,

    people have their own ;media signatures.

    and resear'hers need to understand )etter

    how and with what 'onse-uen'es people

    a''ess different forms of media(

    III Media and popular geopolitics:

    new directions

    "he negle't of radio )y e>isting studies

    of popular geopoliti's is unfortunate )ut

    not unsurprising given the preo''upation

    with visual media and the visual tradition of

    geopoliti's more generally( As Q "uathail

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    argued in *ritical geopolitics 3100L5, the intelle'tual

    tradition of geopoliti's has long )een

    preo''upied with the visual whether it )e in

    the form of the /lympian gae or maps and

    other representations of glo)al geopoliti'al

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics 10

    spa'e( 2riti'al geopoliti'al s'holars have

    tended to fo'us their energies on visual

    media su'h as film, television and 'omi's

    and te>tual produ'tions su'h as magaines

    like theReader+s Digest, whi'h 'om)ine te>t

    and images 3:harp, $%%%5( "his apparently

    visual preo''upation needs to )e treated with

    'aution, however( n one key respe't, terms

    su'h as ;visual media., as 6it'hell 3$%%J? $J

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    media in'luding radio are ;mi>ed media. that

    involve other senses su'h as tou'hing, looking

    and listening( /ne only has to 'onsider how

    radio listening often involves looking at the

    radio transmitter to appre'iate that it may

    well )e a 'ase of simply a'knowledging a

    visual predominan'e( As a form of ;mi>ed

    media., radio and fi lm 3for instan'e5 involve a

    )raiding and nesting of these senses(

    As noted earlier, we )elieve that this

    negle't of radio is, if you forgive a visual pun,

    short+sighted( "hree areas deserve further

    attention Fresear'hing radio, radio and )road'asting

    infrastru'ture, and listening( 9irst,

    with regard to resear'hing radio, we need to

    'onsider how this intelle'tual fi eld might )e

    further developed( #hile radio would appear

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    to have an ethereal -uality, whi'h might make

    resear'h appear at fi rst glan'e pro)lemati',

    it is not impossi)le to re'onstru't the varied

    geographies and geopoliti's of )road'asting

    and listening( Radio, as "amar ie)es

    has noted, is 'apa)le of 'reating a series of

    ;a'ousti' spa'es. through whi'h listeners

    and 'ommunities 'an e>press their 'olle'tive

    identities( n her resear'h, ie)es 3$%%L5

    e>amined sraeli )road'asting and sought

    to re'onstru't how listeners were 7oined together

    through ethereal listening networks(

    Using personal a''ounts, novels and newspaper

    reports and arti'les within the sraeli

    media, alongside interviews and oral testimonies,

    she fo'used on how those radio

    reports had 'ontri)uted to a sense of pu)li'

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    memory and 'olle'tive geohistory on the eve

    of sraeli independen'e( "his task was made

    all the harder in the sense that there were

    no offi 'ial re'ordings of the )road'asts and

    many of the interviewees were )eing asked

    to remem)er asso'iated events from over

    L% years ago( t is pre'isely )e'ause radio is

    often not stored in the same manner as newspapers

    and other printed te>ts in ar'hives

    that led resear'hers to underestimate the signifi

    'an'e of radio )road'asting and listening(

    As ie)es noted, ;"he ephemeral -uality of

    the medium, and in srael.s 'ase, the gradual

    disappearan'e of re'ords and re'ordings, and

    the 3partly resultant5 relian'e of historians on

    print, 'ontri)ute to an in'orre't re'olle'tion

    of the salien'e of radio on moulding uniform

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    pu)li' outlooks. 3ie)es, $%%L? =%5(

    Her resear'h raises some interesting

    -uestions a)out resear'hing radio and, for

    instan'e, the relationship )etween a'ousti'

    and te>tual sour'es in radio )road'asting

    and listening resear'h( As :'annell and

    2ardiff 310015 refl e'ted?

    "here is an ines'apa)le parado> at the

    heart of this pro7e't of whi'h we have )een

    a'utely aware of all along F our o)7e't of

    study no longer e>ists( "he early pioneers of

    radio as an art form lamented the ;ghastly

    impermanen'e. of their medium( Radio, and

    later television, developed fi rst as live systems

    of transmission and re'ording te'hnologies

    'ame later( "hus, although there are some

    re'ordings of the more signifi 'ant programmes

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    )road'ast from the mid thirties onwards, the

    vast )ulk of output perished in the moment

    of transmission( "he fleeting, unre'orded

    'hara'ter of early radio seems o)stinately to

    resist the possi)ility of histori'al re'lamation(

    3:'annell and 2ardiff, 1001? >iii5

    n their resear'h on radio, :'annell and

    2ardiff draw upon radio.s te>tual presen'e

    in the form of minutes of EE2 6anagement

    Eoards and departmental meetings held at

    the EE2 #ritten Ar'hive 2entre in Reading(

    "here are also listener reports, press 'uttings

    and poli'y fi les, whi'h 'an help re'onstru't

    the )road'asting+listening 'onte>t so vital

    for understanding the geopoliti'al and 'ultural

    signifi 'an'e of radio reporting espe'ially

    during moments of international 'risis su'h

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    as the 10LJ ndo+Pakistani war( However, as

    $%Progress in Human Geography !1"

    Dolan 3$%%85 has noted, there is an inherent

    tension )etween the aural and te>tual sour'es

    used )y many radio s'holars and the value

    that is pla'ed on written do'umentation,

    whi'h is often seen as a ;poor su)stitute for a

    voi'e that 'annot )e heard. 3$%%8? L=5(

    :e'ond, )road'asting infrastru'ture and

    te'hnology needs to )e )etter understood

    )y popular geopoliti'al writers whether it )e

    asso'iated with radio, television, the internet

    or television 3see Hugill, 10005( A great deal of

    e>isting dis'ussion within popular geopoliti's

    shows little awareness either of the media

    te'hnologies and infrastru'ture ne'essary to

    )road'ast or of the values atta'hed to the

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    te'hnologies themselves( "ake radio listening

    as an e>ample( n the UK, if you want to

    listen to EE2 #orld :ervi'e then you are

    guaranteed 96 -uality listening throughout

    the day and night( Eoth of us 'an and do listen

    to the radio via our digital televisions )e'ause

    we have a''ess to it via the 9reeview digital

    platform( /ther listeners 'an a''ess #orld

    :ervi'e via digital radio )road'asting te'hnologies(

    "he improved audi)ility and relia)ility

    has )rought new listeners to the

    EE2.s international servi'es( However, other

    listeners in other parts of the world are less

    fortunate when it 'omes to availa)ility and

    a''essi)ility( ust as there is a digital divide,

    there is a radio listening s'hism( isteners

    in ndia, for instan'e, are prevented from

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    a''essing EE2 #orld :ervi'e on lo'al 96

    )e'ause the ndian government prevents the

    EE2 from re)road'asting on these 'hannels(

    As a 'onse-uen'e, the listening e>perien'e

    is -uite different and listeners in south Asia

    often 'omment that one has to listen to the

    EE2 more ;intently. and ;'arefully. than if

    you were in the UK( :easonal differen'es

    su'h as the monsoon 'an also interfere with

    )road'asting -uality of international radio

    servi'es( "he inherent 'hallenges of shortwave

    audi)ility appear to demand a more

    'ommitted and 'areful form of listening

    and this 'an generate different kind of audien'e

    rea'tions and, as we shall note )elow,

    emotional investments with the medium,

    espe'ially if listeners gather 'olle'tively to

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    listen to parti'ular reports and news items(

    nfrastru'tural developments su'h as

    short+wave and 96 )road'asting availa)ility

    need to )e )etter understood( "he physi'al

    infrastru'ture of radio )road'asting is also

    signifi 'ant( "he lo'ation of a radio transmitter

    is 'riti'ally important in determining radio

    )road'asting range and fre-uen'y( Given

    radio.s 'apa'ity to trans'end international

    )orders, radio transmitters have )e'ome

    fre-uent o)7e'ts of geopoliti'al dis'ord( n

    south Asia, for e>ample, the proposed lo'ation

    of a radio transmitter )y the EE2 and

    su)se-uently M/A in the early 10L%s generated

    a su)stantial and highly emotive response

    in ndia as lo'al politi'al leaders and

    newspaper editors 'omplained that Ameri'a

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    was trying to in'rease politi'al and 'ultural

    infl uen'e( At a time when ndia was a leading

    mem)er of the Bon+Aligned 6ovement, this

    was 7udged to )e an una''epta)le )rea'h of

    this foreign poli'y disposition( "he rea'tion

    in Pakistan was also highly 'harged F )oth

    radio )road'asters were a''used of trying

    to influen'e domesti' politi'al sensi)ilities(

    2artoonists for newspapers su'h asDa$n

    3Kara'hi5 re'orded the 'ontroversy visually

    with at least one image 31$ uly 10L85 depi'ting

    two large loudspeakers )elonging to

    Moi'e of Ameri'a, lo'ated in north ndia,

    )road'asting anti+Pakistani and anti+2hinese

    propaganda 39igure 15(

    "he geographies of )road'asting and

    transmitting deserve greater attention

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    espe'ially in the Glo)al :outh( n part, this is

    symptomati' of a )roader malaise whi'h 'on'erns

    a tenden'y of popular geopoliti's to

    'on'entrate on the e>perien'es of the !uro+

    Ameri'an world and ;western. outliers su'h

    as Australia and Bew Oealand( "his is not

    7ust an issue for Anglophone geopoliti'al

    studies )ut also for other intelle'tual fields

    su'h as media studies( As 2urran and Park

    3$%%%? 85 have warned, there is a real need

    to ;de+westernie. media studies )e'ause it

    leads to generaliations a)out the availa)ility

    of media in'luding radio, the nature of

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics $1

    listening and 'ommer'ial relationships that

    have no pur'hase in the Glo)al :outh( #hile

    EE2 short+wave servi'es in 6andarin are

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    routinely 7ammed )y the 2hinese authorities,

    other pla'es su'h as As'ension sland, 2yprus,

    /man and a new transmitter in southern

    "hailand 3repla'ing the former transmitter in

    Hong Kong5 play a 'riti'al role in fa'ilitating

    glo)al )road'asting( "hese transmitter

    stations have a 'onsidera)le geopoliti'al importan'e

    as, for instan'e, As'ension is the

    key nodal point for rea'hing atin Ameri'an

    and Afri'an audien'es( t also hosted the

    Eritish government.s propaganda station

    Radio Atlanti'o del :ur, during the 9alklands

    'onfli't of 10

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    should now in'reasingly turn to understanding

    )etter the role of audien'es and listening

    pra'ti'es( As :tephen Earnard 3$%%%5 noted?

    "hinking a)out one.s own use of a mass 'ommuni'ation

    medium su'h as radio is a good

    point of departure for a study of how the media

    operate and wield the power they have( Until

    you appre'iate your own viewing, listening or

    reading ha)its, trying to understand the ha)its

    and predile'tions of audien'es F and the way

    the media per'eives their audien'es, respond

    to, adapt and 'ater for them F is almost impossi)le(

    3Earnard, $%%%? 15

    "his means in part shifting the dire'tion

    from further analyses of )road'asting strategies

    and radio propagandaper se to )etter

    Figure 1 U:+ndian mouthpie'e? M/A )road'asting anti+Pakistan and anti+2hinese

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    propaganda( Dawn 3Kara'hi? 1$=L85

    $$Progress in Human Geography !1"

    understanding audien'es and their rea'tions(

    As the historian o 9o> 3$%%45 has noted?

    n wartime, as at other moments of 'risis,

    there is a need to 'reate unity or a unified

    'ommunity, to make the individual'eelpart

    of something greater( Radio played a key role

    in )ringing people out of isolation and integrating

    them with the mass Radio offered

    its listeners a ;)ridge. )etween the individual

    and the mass, and played an essential role in

    'ommunity )uilding( 39o>, $%%4? 0J, emphasis


    Although she does not dwell on how Eritish

    wartime radio )road'asting performed as

    a ;)ridge., other sour'es 3te>tual and visual5

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    have played a signifi 'ant role in 'reating an

    understanding of how individuals and families

    listened to the radio(4 f they did ;feel

    part of something greater. then it was perhaps

    due to 'ertain forms of )ehaviour su'h

    as gathering in the living room of a house to

    listen to reports a)out the se'ond world war(

    ikewise the radio o''upied a 'entral position

    in Ameri'an life as President Roosevelt 'ommuni'ated

    to over L%N of radio listeners

    on the eve of the 'ountry.s entry into war(

    /n $0 De'em)er 104%, Roosevelt delivered

    his famous ;arsenal of demo'ra'y. spee'h to

    around LJ million listeners 3Douglas, 10005(

    Unsurprisingly, radio.s role in mo)iliing the

    nation for war has )een mu'h 'onsidered )y

    s'holars, not least )e'ause of the inherent

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    tensions of using a demo'ratiing medium

    su'h as radio for the purpose of 'entraliing

    'ontrol over a popula'e( #hat is 'lear from

    this resear'h is that the rea'tions of listeners

    were in'red+i)ly varied and depended on a

    raft of fa'tors in'luding ethni'ity, gender,

    so'ial 'lass and geographi'al lo'ation(

    As with any medium, radio listening varied

    among listening 'ommunities in the sense

    of emotional investments and audien'e dispositions(

    n the 'ase of post+104J south Asia,

    for instan'e, listeners to EE2 #orld :ervi'e

    rea'ted in very different ways to reports

    a)out international events su'h as the 10LJ

    Figure 2 Radio Atlanti'o del :ur ;:. 'ard 310

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    Eangladesh and the ndian !mergen'y in

    the 10=%s( /n the one hand, there were those

    who viewed the EE2 reporting as ;trustworthy.

    and ;relia)le. 'ompared to lo'al radio

    stations su'h as All ndia Radio and Radio

    Pakistan, whi'h were 'ondemned as ;propaganda

    mouth+pie'es. for the ndian and

    Pakistani governments respe'tively( /n the

    other hand, the EE2 'ould also )e 'ondemned

    for )eing an unwel'ome ;'olonial. presen'e in

    south Asia and intent on se'retly pursuing a

    Eritish government agenda designed to retain

    'ontrol over its former 'olonies( !viden'e

    for these mi>ed rea'tions 'omes in part from

    listener letters sent to the EE2 #orld :ervi'e

    offi 'e in Bew Delhi and through interviews

    with listeners, who often re'alled vividly

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    where they were and who they were with

    when they first heard EE2 reports on a

    parti'ular 'risis 3Pinkerton, $%%ample involving the EE2 Pashto

    :ervi'e, whi'h is )road'ast primarily to

    Afghan audien'es( Eefore the /'to)er $%%1

    assaults, 8(J million were tuning in to hear a

    soap opera entitled ;Bew Home, Bew ife.(

    t was the most popular programme in the

    'ountry and su'h was its popularity that the

    "ali)an regime was relu'tant to impose a

    )an on radio entertainment for fear of stimulating

    an insurre'tion( "he EE2.s reputation

    was enhan'ed and many listeners a''ordingly

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    tuned into other programmes in'luding

    news and 'urrent affairs( However, that did

    not mean that the Eritish military.s involvement

    in the 'ountry was any less 'ontroversial

    and that listeners were not perfe'tly

    'apa)le of en7oying some programmes

    while deriding others for )eing ;propaganda.

    and ;imperialist. in nature( As listeners have

    demonstrated in many parts of the world,

    espe'ially with regards to international )road'asters,

    listening 'ommunities 'an alter in

    tone and su)stan'e(

    As radio s'holars have noted, listening 'an

    always )e 'onsidered in a more so'ial and

    'ultural 'onte>t( As :usan Douglas 310005

    has 'laimed?

    the way people listened to radio was profoundly

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    shaped )y the era they )egan to

    listen n other words different generations

    learned to listen and use the radio differently(

    :o it.s not only what people listened to

    that defi ned generations( ts ho$ they listened

    as well that shaped people.s memories,

    asso'iations with others, their sense of who

    they were and their pla'e in history( 3Douglas,

    1000? L5

    A fo'us on listening 3and how we learn to

    listen and different modes of listening depending

    on whether one is listening to news,

    the weather, musi', sport and so on5 is essential

    in developing a 'riti'al appre'iation of

    radio( #e might, to paraphrase Douglas,

    also note that the ;pla'e of geography. matters

    )e'ause, as Keith ones has noted with

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    referen'e to musi' and fa'tory work in the

    midst of the se'ond world war, a'ts of listening

    and singing were also shaped )y geographi'al

    fa'tors su'h as a''ess to radio, pro>imity to

    loudspeakers, the segregated nature of the

    workpla'e and the availa)ility of 'olleagues

    and friends 3ones, $%%J5( f this was true

    of fa'tory work in Eritain during the se'ond

    world war then it is 'ertainly pertinent to

    a'knowledge that listening in pla'es su'h as

    ndia, Pakistan and Afghanistan was as mu'h

    infl uen'ed )y prevailing weather patterns as

    it was )y a''essi)ility to the radio and the

    segregated nature of 'ommunal listening(

    I !onclusions: towards a radio


    "his review of some of the literature asso'iated

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    with radio needs to )e 'onte>tualied

    with regard to geography.s longer+standing

    engagement with musi' and sound( /ver 1%

    years ago, :usan :mith 310045 was one of the

    fi rst to alert geographers to a'ousti' spa'es

    and the 'onne'tions )etween musi' and soni'

    geographies( /ver the following de'ade and

    $4Progress in Human Geography !1"

    a half, others have followed and 'onsidered

    in more detail the role of sound in 'reating

    spa'es, )orders and power sound as a form of

    memory and )elonging sound and everyday

    life sound.s 'apa'ity to stimulate movement,

    dan'e and performan'e the institutions and

    industries that market and sell aural 'ulture

    and the ma'hines and te'hnologies that

    produ'e, store and disseminate sound in the

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    form of musi' and other forms of noise 3see,

    for e>ample, Eull, $%%45( n short, a great

    deal of literature now e>ists on how and with

    what 'onse-uen'es sound is em)edded in

    history, 'ultures, institutions, te'hnologies

    and of 'ourse geographies(

    9rom our point of view, the spe'ial issue

    on soni' geographies in the 7ournal ,ocial

    and *ultural Geography 3$%%J5 is ri'hly suggestive

    in terms of how we might further

    pursue a soni' geopoliti's( 9irst, following

    David 6atless.s 3$%%J5 paper on ;:oni' geography

    in a nature region., we might 'onsider

    the a'ousti' e'ologies and how a soni' environment

    is defi ned, valued, e>perien'ed and

    'ommuni'ated( /ne e>ample that illustrates

    that potential well is the impa't on the

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    9alkland slands 'ommunity in April 10

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    )e e>'hanged( 6any slanders later re'orded

    that the takeover of the radio station )y

    the Argentine military authorities was the

    most traumati' event of the o''upation, in

    a 'onfli't whi'h was later to )e mer'ifully

    light on 'ivilians 'ompared to later 'onfl i'ts

    in the 100%s and )eyond( #hen the lo'al

    )road'asting station )e'ame ;Argentine.,

    listeners relied on EE2 #orld :ervi'e for

    further news a)out the military situation

    affe'ting the 9alklands 3Pinkerton, $%%=5(

    :e'ond, using the work of Bi'k 6egoran

    3$%%L5 on the politi's of remem)ran'e

    following the 11 :eptem)er $%%1 atta'ks,

    popular geopoliti's should 'onsider how

    prayers, readings, songs and sermons 'o+7oin

    in 'omple> ways to produ'e 'ommemorative

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    en'ounters in, for instan'e, :t Paul.s

    2athedral in ondon( istening, as :usan

    :mith 3$%%%? L845 has noted, is mu'h more

    than simply overhearing sounds, it involves

    a performan'e, whi'h helps listeners de'ipher,

    'lassify and interpret sound( How do 'ertain

    soni' e>perien'es then )e'ome 'onne'ted to

    geopoliti'al 'ultures and affe't f the 'om)ination

    of musi', silen'e, praying and 'rying

    have the power to move em)odied su)7e'ts,

    then this deserves more detailed 'onsideration

    )e'ause e>pressions of Ameri'an geopoliti'al

    power in Afghanistan and ra- owe

    as mu'h to strategi' planning as they do to an

    affe'tive response seeking not only to punish

    those who planned the atta'ks )ut also to

    seek a form of uplifting denouement for a

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    'ountry and its popula'e hurt, humiliated and

    traumatied )y 11 :eptem)er $%%1( #hat

    is la'king from important interventions )y

    s'holars su'h as Q "uathail 3$%%85, for e>ample,

    is a 'learly stated 'ommitment to develop

    audio+ethnographies so ne'essary to

    )etter our understanding of listening pra'ti'es(

    "he em)odied ha)its that 6i'hael

    Eillig 3100J5 mentions, su'h as saluting the

    fl ag, need to )e 'o+7oined with other pra'ti'es

    su'h as singing and listening to national

    anthems( ikewise, it should )e noted that

    religious 'hanting and e>hortation in the

    form of ;God is great. is also 'entral to the

    em)odied ha)its of slami' radi'als(

    "hird, we might further 'ontemplate the

    une-ual geopoliti's of sound and 'onsider

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics $J

    how some 'ountries su'h as the United

    :tates, Eritain and Russia have a greater

    'apa'ity than others to intrude on soni'

    environments( 9or instan'e, the EE2 #orld

    :ervi'e, as noted earlier, while often valued

    )y many listeners around the world also has

    )een a deeply resented presen'e in the soni'

    lives of listeners in ran, ndia and Pakistan(

    During the post+'old+war era, these glo)al

    )road'asters 'ontinue to use their network

    of transmitters to produ'e and disseminate

    news, musi' and 'ommentary to listening

    'ommunities around the world( isteners

    and other )road'asters are not simply soni'

    sponges as, in many parts of the world, these

    overseas sour'es are 7ust one radio sour'e

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    and popular geopoliti'al s'holarship needs

    to understand )etter how listeners 'om)ine

    different radio sour'es and other analogue

    and digital media to produ'e individual and

    'olle'tive media signatures(

    9inally, other s'holars have pointed to

    the need to 'onsider the pla'e of ;affe't. and

    the manner in whi'h radio alongside other

    mediated 'ommuni'ation 'an )e registered

    at the level of the physi'al )ody( Affe't, as

    Erian 6assumi 310

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    determine the relationship )etween the

    )ody, the environment and others( Bew resear'h

    in media studies is, as a 'onse-uen'e,

    'alling into -uestion the notion of ;media

    effe'ts. and instead 'onsiders affe'tive

    resonan'e( Radio s'holars su'h as ohn

    "e))utt 3$%%L?

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    espe'ially with regard to the mi'ro+)odily

    geographies of listening(


    /n 81 /'to)er 108

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    delivered F as a news )ulletin format(


    #e would like to thank Alan ngram, Ale'

    6urphy, 6ar'us Power, 9ran'is Ro)inson

    and ames :idaway for their helpful 'omments

    on an earlier draft( "he referees offered

    many helpful 'omments( Alasdair Pinkerton

    gratefully a'knowledges the support of the

    !'onomi' and :o'ial Resear'h 2oun'il and

    the Eritish A'ademy in the form of a do'toral

    studentship and a Postdo'toral 9ellowship

    respe'tively, and Klaus Dodds a'knowledges

    the support of the everhulme "rust in the

    form of the Philip everhulme Prie 3$%%J5(


    1( /ne signifi 'ant differen'e )etween $%%1 and the

    time of writing this arti'le 3ie, :eptem)er $%%=5 is

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    that mo)ile phone te'hnology has shifted so that

    it is now 'ommon for users to )e a)le to use their

    phones to photograph and video( :urvivors, within

    the "win "owers and elsewhere, might have

    'reated a very different audiovisual ar'hive(

    $( http?www(011digitalar'hive(org 3last a''essed

    1< April $%%

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    #arfi eld, R$ 10

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


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    (ebri, F$ $%%=? Ta%loid terror: $ar4 culture and geopolitics(

    ondon? Routledge(

    (itt&er, +$ $%%J? 2aptain Ameri'a.s empire? refl e'tions

    of identity, popular 'ulture and post 011 geopoliti's(

    Annals o' the Association o' American Geographers

    0J, L$LF4J(

    (odds, K$ $%%=? Geopolitics: a )ery short introduction(

    />ford? />ford University Press(

    (olan, +$ $%%8? "he voi'e that 'annot )e heard? radio

    )road'asting and the ;ar'hive.(Radio ournal 1,


    (ouglas, %$ 1000?istening in: radio and the American

    imagination( Bew Cork? Random House(

    (unbar-.all, P$ and /ibson, !$ $%%%? :inging a)out

    nations within nations? geopoliti's and identity in

    Australian indigenous ro'k musi'(Popular 5usic and

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    ,ociety $43$5, 4JF=4(

    Fe0es, F$ 10 Pu)lishers(

    Fo, +$ $%%4? mages of wartime radio( n 2onnelly, 6(

    and #el'h, D(, editors, 7ar and the media, ondon?

    (E( "auris(

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    /regory, ($ $%%4? The colonial present( />ford?


    .ale, +$ 10=J?Radio po$er: propaganda and international

    %roadcasting( ondon? Paul !le'k Press(

    .endy, ($ $%%%?Radio in the glo%al age( 2am)ridge?

    Polity Press(

    .illard, R$, editor 10>:

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    geopolitics and technology( Ealtimore, 6D? ohns

    Hopkins University Press(

    Innis, .$ 10J%?ford?

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    Isola, /$ 100J? talian radio? history and historiography(

    Historical ournal o' &ilm4 Radio and Tele)ision 1J,


    +a3eel, 4$ $%%J? "he world is sound Geography,

    musi'ology and Eritish+Asian sounds'apes(Area 8=,


    +ones, K$ $%%J? 6usi' in fa'tories? a twentieth 'entury

    te'hni-ue for 'ontrol of the produ'tive self( ,ocial

    and *ultural Geography L, =$8F44(

    Kat3, )$ and *eddell, /$ 10==?#roadcasting in the

    third $orld( 2am)ridge? 2am)ridge University Press(

    eyshon, A$, Matless, ($ and Reill, /$, editors


  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas


    iebes, 4$ $%%L? A'ousti' spa'e? the role of radio in

    sraeli 'olle'tive memory(e$ish History $%, L%F0%(

    Mac(onald, F$ $%%L? "he last outpost of empire?

    Ro'kall and the 'old war(ournal o' Historical

    Geography 8$, L$=F4=(

    Massu&i, #$ 10

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    perspecti)e on 3 years o' history4 glo%al America4

    1913F04 ?olume >@Bew Haven, 2"? Cale

    University Press(

    Menduni, /$ $%%4? ;An unheard story "he 'hallenge

    for radio studies in taly(Radio ournal $, 1JF$L(

    Alasdair Pinkerton and Klaus Dodds: Radio geopolitics $=

    Miller, !$ 1041? Radio and propaganda(Annals o' the

    American Academy o' Political and ,ocial ,cience $18,


    Mitchell, *$+$4$ $%%J? "here is no visual media(

    ournal o' ?isual *ulture 4, $J=FLL(

    "eil Report $%%4? http?www())'('o(ukinfopoli'ies

    pdfneilreport(pdf 3last a''essed 1< April $%%

  • 7/24/2019 Radio Geopoliticaas



    5 $%%8? ;ust out looking for a fi ght.? Ameri'an affe't

    and the invasion of ra-(Antipode 8J,

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    ondon? Pluto Press(

    *al'er, A$ 100$?A sky'ul o' 'reedom( ondon?

    Eroadside Eooks(

    *hittington, *$ $%%=? ,ound design and science

    'i ction( Austin, "&? University of "e>as Press(

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