Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010 E ngā mana, e ngā rau rangatira ma, Nau mai, haere mai....


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Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

E ngā mana, e ngā rau rangatira ma,

Nau mai, haere mai.

To the prestige and the leaders assembled here.

Welcome to the Registered Teacher Criteria Workshop

Faciliated by:

Juliet Martin,

Deborah Wansbrough,

Brian Ruawai-Hamilton,

Cynthia Shaw,

Erin Pilcher,

Marnie Hainsworth.

Ko te pae tawhiti, whaia kia tataKo te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina.

Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Introducing the Registered Teacher Criteria

• A seminar for professional leaders and advisers to:

– Inform about the nature, purposes, requirements and possibilities for using the new Registered Teacher Criteria

– Discuss implications of the new criteria

– Support implementation in your school or early childhood education service.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Programme summary• Introduction to the Registered Teacher Criteria

– From background to implementation– DVD professional leaders in the 2009 pilot

Coffee break

• Activity– Knowing and working with the criteria.

• Supporting implementation – Working with systems and initiatives you already know

• Activity– Reflection and Action plan

• Resource suggestions.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Getting started• What questions have you come


At your table:

• Record your questions on the sheets provided. (5 minutes)

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

A quick jigsaw

• The jigsaw is in the envelopes on your tables. Work in groups of two or three to put it together.

a) Overarching statements

b) The two dimensions

c) The 12 Registered Teacher Criteria

d) Match the Criteria to the indicators.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Why replace the Satisfactory Teacher


• Review

• Re-cast

• Re-position.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010


• Apply in all settings including early childhood services, primary and secondary schools, Māori medium settings.

• Update to include current research findings and other initiatives (e.g. NZ Curriculum) re effective teaching

• What should all registered teachers know, be able to do, and value as a member of the teaching profession?

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010


• Should the registration criteria merely describe minimum levels of competence?

Or • Should they be a tool for all

teachers to guide their professional practice?

• Hurdle? Compass? Beacon?

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Re-position…• Where there has been a proliferation of

‘standards’, which ones have been the ‘default’ standards?– Professional standards used for attestation for pay

progression– Registration criteria used for registration (must be

used for provisionally registered teachers)– Both should be included in appraisal processes?

• Should the profession have clear and aspirational criteria to use, rather than criteria for a ‘licence to teach’ only.

• Should the criteria also provide a framework for professional learning?

PRTs’ induction and mentoring using RTC self assessment tool as part of evidence for full registration.

Experienced teachers’

re- registrationand opportunities for

professional development and


Whole school PD aligned to strategic goals

and annual planning.Appraisal systems

based on RTC.

Whānau School/ECE


Learner’s Achievement and Potential

Learner’s Achievement and Potential

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Process of review

• 2005 - Project began - literature review• 2006 - Reference Group of stakeholders formed• 2007 - Writing Group - draft - feedback • 2007 - Consultation (stakeholders)• 2008 - Practitioner working groups

(Draft Evidence Guide)• 2008 - Consultation (sector wide) - redraft• 2009 - Piloting - finalised October 2009• 2010 - Gazetted.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Implementation2010 Focus is on training and resource development.

Voluntary uptake is possible

2011 The Registered Teacher Criteria are mandatory for all teachers renewing or reapplying for a practising certificate in 2011. All teachers beginning an induction programme will use new criteria

2012 Registered Teacher Criteria will be used by all teachers working to gain full registration and teachers renewing or reapplying for a practising certificate in 2012

2013 The Registered Teacher Criteria will be used by all teachers working to gain full registration and teachers renewing or reapplying for a practising certificate in 2013

2014 All teachers now using the Registered Teacher Criteria.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Who are they for?

• All teachers applying to become or renew as ‘fully’ registered

• Provisional and experienced

• In all sectors requiring registered teachers

• Including professional leaders.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

What are they for?

• The test for ‘satisfactory’ recent teaching experience (Ed Act 1989) for registration – affirms competence – (hurdle)

• Criteria to guide professional learning of teachers (compass)

• To promote status of the profession by describing complex nature of teachers’ work (beacon).

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

How do they differ?

• Bicultural nature is explicit• Emphasis on critical reflection• Clearer connection to practice• Professional Relationships are placed as

Dimension One

• Refer to comparison matrices

(note that the Professional Standards on the matrices are at the level of ‘fully registered’ teacher).

(5 minutes)

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Registered Teacher Criteria Handbook 2010

• Introduction p.1• Purposes pp.2-3• Using the Criteria pp. 4-5• Implementation timetable p.6• Organisation of the Criteria p.7• The Registered Teacher Criteria pp. 8-14 • Overarching statements p. 9.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Leaders’ responsibilities

• Ensure all teachers know and understand the Criteria

• Promote the Criteria as a guide for professional learning of teachers

• Support teachers to be able to meet the Criteria to use them effectively

• Assess teachers and/or ensure systems and training for those who will appraise/assess teachers.

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

• As you watch:

- note two ideas that could work in your setting

- note one potential challenge.

Professional Leaders talk about the

Registered Teacher Criteria


Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

• What were two ideas that could work in your setting?

• And one potential challenge?

Professional Leaders talk about the

Registered Teacher Criteria

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Ask more questions

• Table discussion

Refer to the sheet of questions on your table…• Review your initial questions - tick those

that have already been answered• Record your new questions on the same

sheet at the center of your table. (5 minutes)

Registered Teacher Criteria Workshops 2010

Coffee break - 15 minutes


re-assemble in

