Reiko One Shot


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  • 8/8/2019 Reiko One Shot


    Title: Trading Smiles

    Rating: PG 13

    A/N: Im not the writer you requested so sorry about that, thexia012 hasnt been responding to

    emails so your story was handed over to me. Yay~!Im so sorry youve had to wait so long, I had a bit

    of writers block at the beginning of this story and when I started to get into the flow my house wasflooded~! (Crazy Australian weather makes no sense to me) One minute were dry as chalk the next

    were being flooded, its stupid. Anyway here it is I hope it makes up for the wait somehow. Thank

    you for requesting from Pixie magic~! We all adore you guys and I hope you request again.

    Its them, voices whispered, girls gushed, boys beamed. Heads turned as Kanata Hongo and Reiko

    Matsumoto passed. Theyd been a couple for two years now, the pretty girl and handsome boy that

    stole hearts without trying.

    Some girl watched in jealousy, hidden well behind poker faces, as Kanatas hand reach up, tousling

    the hair lightly of his girlfriend who shot him a quick smile. Reikos heart fluttered, as it always did

    when she was around Kanata. He walked her towards her classroom, passing a hand over hershoulder as he bent, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek and bid her goodbye.

    As she always did she watched him walk away, his strong back hidden under the white school shirt

    and again she had to wonder how shed been given such a gem. Hands fell upon her shoulders and

    she turned to see her smiling best friend who winked at her playfully and pulled her into the home

    room class.

    How are you guys going? Her friend said cheerfully as they settled behind their desks. A smile

    formed on Reikos face, the one her friend was so use to appearing when she was thinking of her

    boyfriend. She nudged her friend, Dont be shy,

    Reiko smiled, a light in her face that her friend envied, Good, she said happily as she turned to her

    friend, Really good,

    The day flew past like they always did, before Reiko could catch her breath that afternoon had

    arrived and she was waiting for Kanata at the shoe locker. She checked her small watch, a sigh falling

    from painted lips. He was late.


    It wasnt like Kanata to be late but for the past week hed been arriving ten to fifteen minutes after

    the appointed time theyd met for years. Hours had passed slowly until she eventually gave up

    waited and trudged out of the school, a depression holding her shoulders down.

    She hadnt slept well the entire weekend.

    Her friend had been shocked when shed turned up to school along on the Monday, dark bags that

    werent normally there marked her face. What happened? her friends had all asked, concern

    marked over all their faces but shed just shook her head.

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    Kanata hadnt answered his phone all weekend. Hed missed their date to the movies; his facebook

    account was void of useless messages to pass the time.

    It wasnt until lunch that shed found out why. Kanatas best friend had run up to her, shaking her

    shoulder when she didnt respond to her name being cold. The words hit her hard, Hes moved to

    Tokyo, and he wants to hit it off as a guitarist.

    Shed been crushed, left school early after convincing the nurse she was sick and instantely broken

    into tears in the arms of her mother. Shed begged and begged to be allowed to leave, even though

    the school term wouldnt finish for a month and eventually, after shed explained about her long

    time boyfriend, her mother had agreed. Only under the agreement that she would come back


    Reiko hadnt meant it when she promised she would and the next day she was on the train.

    Yuto was on his way home when he first saw her, the beautiful woman that walked with a grace he

    couldnt understand. Hed sunk down behind the shade of trees as shed walked past, her head held

    high despite the glimmer of tears in her eyes. Curiousity had drawn him to her instantely. Commonsense had commanded him to stay in place.

    Somehow though he found himself picking a sunflower from his garden and racing over to her. He

    didnt make eye contact but simply held out the sunflower in trembling hands, waiting for her to

    take it.

    He bolted once the sunflower left his hands and all he hoped for was that somehow the bright

    sunflower could bring a happy smile to her face.

    Reiko was shaken but not in a bad way. When the local boy had handed her the flower, despite the

    fierce blush over his cheeks or the shyness that held his head down her heart had raced, just the


    She didnt know his name but the next day there was a sunflower in her letterbox. The next there

    was one under her front door. As the days past more and more sunflowers appeared and each time

    shed pick up the precious gift and place it in its own vase. A soft smile started to play across her lips

    when the vases ran out and she had to buy more.

    Shed been walking down the street when hed come up to her again and given her the sunflower for

    the day. Shed been happy; it was the second time hed given her one in person.

    I dont know why you have such sadness in your eyes but I want you to smile, hed said slowly a

    little smile slipping over his face which he pointed at, crooking his head to one side, Like this see?

    he chuckled at himself, a mix of nerves escaping with the laugh before he waved at her and ran off.

    After that hed always given her one sunflower a day, in person. The same heart melting smile had

    always lit up his face and hed always told her to have a good day, cheer up. Always positive, always


    Shed grown to like him, shed grown use to seeing him each day, looked forward to the next

    sunflower he always gave her. Shed been upset when her mother rang her, told her she needed to

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    come back, school was almost back and shed already missed out on a month after Kanata left her

    alone, after shed begged her mother to let her run away for a while.

    Shed left without a word to Yuto, despite the regret that hit her on the train ride home. Shed

    arrived safely, her mother instantly wrapping her in protective arms, arms she hadnt felt around her

    for a long two months.

    School hadnt excited her, the prospect of remembering Kanata plagued her, the fear that shed start

    missing him when shed started to forget him hurt her still bruised heart.

    Shed walked to school slowly, fearfulness in her steps. Shed been slightly less nervous as she

    walked into the shoe racks but instantly grew worried when she saw Kanatas shoe locker filled with

    his familiar black school shoes.

    Shed tried to melt into the groups of students walking to class but each time they saw her a large

    spectacle erupted, theyd all missed their favourite classmate. Shed been trying to detach herself

    from a group of younger students when a hand landed on her shoulder right before his forgotten

    voice filled her ears and she was being pulled away from safety into disaster and pain.

    Shed looked up eventually to see his face and resentment hit her stomach. When he bent down to

    kiss her cheek shed pulled away, her face turned from his as tears stung her eyes.

    You left me,

    I was coming back, he whispered quietly, carful of curious ears.

    You didnt tell me that,

    Kanata watched her built a fence between them and slowly started to panic, Im sorry, ok baby? I

    thought you would understand, weve been together years.

    Tears clogged her throat, were she corrected quietly.


    She lifted her chin, looked him dead set in the eyes and tried not to cry as she whispered, Wewere

    together for years. With that she walked off, ignoring his voice that called out after her and hid

    herself in the girls bathroom, trying to smother the sobs that rose from her chest.

    It had been a struggle for the rest of the day to stay out of Kanatas normal path, another struggle to

    escape him at the shoe locker as she rushed ahead of the pack and tried to calm her uneven

    breathing as the front gate loomed in front of her. Freedom.

    She definitely hadnt expected to see Yuto outside the school that afternoon, emotions instantely

    hitting her as she realized how much shed missed him as she ran over to the surprised but smiling

    boy and embraced him in a warm hug.

    Hed pulled back, another happy laugh slipping from his lips and looked down at her, Are you free


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    Shed nodded, words escaping her as he smiled again and pulled her towards his car, I need to show

    you something, was all he said before placing her in the passenger seat and slipping behind the

    wheel. The last thing she saw as the car pulled away was Kanatas shocked face.

    Shed never experienced the feelings that ran through her at that moment. Fear and nerves were

    woven around excitement, a bubbly playfulness that twined itself into her blood system and brought

    forth butterflies. The hand in hers was warm and that warmth seemed to spread up her leg to fill her

    entire body.

    With a tentative step her foot touched sand, the chill running up her leg as the foot was enveloped.

    The sound of waves lapping at the shore was a peaceful feeling; it took away the fear that would

    have come with noises she didnt understand.

    The fear arrived when his hand left her buts his voice never died as he told her it was ok, he was still

    there. She stood, unmoving, until that same warm voice ran over her asking her to remove the

    blindfold. Her hand trembled as it rose to the scrap of material, unsure what she would see when

    the shield was removed.

    She untangled the knot slowly, allowing the material to slither off her eyes and flutter to the floor.

    Tears sprang to her eyes when she took in the scene, quivering hands rising up to cover her mouth

    as a sort of joy hit her stomach.

    The sand of the beach was shinning where the evening sun hit. The mysterious colours of the sands

    were highlighted beautifully. Sunflowers, too many to count, were scattered around the magical

    beach, they stood up in the sand on their own, the sunlight flittering through the petals to make

    them shine a bright happy yellow.

    The light breeze that followed the waves ruffled the leaves of the tall standing sunflowers and it

    almost looked like they were waving at her, smiling at her. But what made her the most joyful was

    that in the middle of the sunflower mass was Yuto, a bundle of bubbly sunflowers in his hands and

    the always present smile on his pretty face.

    Before she was aware of it, before she could think of it a bright smile had fallen over her face as joy

    bubbled up in her. She didnt expect a smile in return and a twinkling light that reflected in eyes that

    never left hers.

    You did it, he said softly as he started to walk towards her, slow steps that were always followed

    with that heart melting smile shed come to recognize. He chuckled when she shot him a questioning

    look you smiled, he said simply.

    Reiko swallowed the nerves that rose to her throat, You asked me here to smile?

    Yuto shook his head and it was only then that she realized he stood in front of her, looking down on

    her as the sunlight hit his back, I asked you here to tell you I love you.

    Words rose to her throat, a bundle of incoherent babble until she finally managed to gasp out a

    quiet, what?

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    Yuto simply smiled at her again and before she could move away soft lips were pressed against hers

    and time stopped. The world faded away, everything except the soft press of his lips on hers, the

    wind that ruffled their hair and the sunflowers around them and between them.

    When he pulled back to meet her eyes her heart melted and that smile that she use to always wear

    appeared again. He raised an eyebrow at her, So?

    She laughed softly, so what?

    He grinned, a lop-sided smile that was almost as lovely as the one that normally adored his face,

    Will you go out with me?

    Her laughter floated through the beach and in-between smiling sunflowers as she nodded happily,

    accepting the bundle of flowers in his arms, of course, she whispered as the sun hit the horizon.
