Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Minggu i4


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Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak

Rekayasa Perangkat LunakDosen: Syafii, ST, MT, Ph.DReferensi1. Pressman, Roger S.Software engineering: a practitioners approach, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill series in computer science, 20012. Rosa A.S dan M. ShalahuddinRekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Terstruktur dan berorientasi objek, Penerbit Informatika, 2013Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Software engineering)Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak adalah:Suatu disiplin ilmu yang membahas semua aspek produksi perangkat lunak, mulai dari tahap analisa kebutuhan pengguna, specification (menentukan spesifikasi dari kebutuhan pengguna), desain, coding, testing sampai pemeliharaan sistem setelah digunakan. Program Komputer yang terasosiasi dengan dokumentasi perangkat lunak seperti dokumentasi kebutuhan, model desain dan cara penggunaan (user manual) Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Software engineering)1) Instruksi (program komputer) yang bila dieksekusi dapat menjalankan fungsi tertentu; 2) Struktur data yang dapat membuat program memanipulasi informasi; dan 3) Dokumen yang menjelaskan operasi dan penggunaan program (Roger Pressman).

Program komputer, prosedur, aturan, dan dokumentasi yang berkaitan dengannya serta data yang berkaitan dengan operasi suatu sistem komputer (IEEE).ANALISIS KEBUTUHANSPECIFICATIONTESTINGCODINGDESIGN OPERATIONMAINTANANCETahapan Umum Rekayasa Perangkat LunakWhat is software?Computer programs and associated documentation such as requirements, design models and user manuals.Software products may be developed for a particular customer or may be developed for a general market.Software products may beGeneric - developed to be sold to a range of different customers e.g. PC software such as Excel or Word.Custom - developed for a single customer according to their specification.New software can be created by developing new programs, configuring generic software systems or reusing existing software.Software costsSoftware costs often dominate computer system costs. The costs of software on a PC are often greater than the hardware cost.Software costs more to maintain than it does to develop. For systems with a long life, maintenance costs may be several times development costs.Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software development.Jenis SoftwareSoftWare Sistem OperasiProgram yang digunakan untuk menjalankan HardWare (mesin), Contoh : DOS, Windows, Linux, dsbSoftWare AplikasiProgram yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah/aplikasi tertentu, Contoh : Ms Word, MS Excel, SPSS, MyOBSoftWare BahasaProgram yang digunakan untuk menterjemahkan perintah yang ditulis dalam bahasa pemrograman ke dalam bahasa mesin, Contoh : Pascal, Basic, C, JavaBerdasarkan aplikasi:System software. System software is a collection of programs written to service other programs. Some system software (e.g., compilers, editors, and le manage-ment utilities) process complex, but determinate, information structures. Other systems applications (e.g., operating system components, drivers, telecommunicationsReal-time software. Software that monitors/analyzes/controls real-world events, response (typically ranging from 1 millisecond to 1 second). Business software. Business information processing is the largest single software application area. Discrete "systems" (e.g., payroll, accounts receivable/payable, inventory) have evolved into management information system (MIS) software that accesses one or more large databases containing business information. Engineering and scientic software. Engineering and scientic software have been characterized by "number crunching" algorithms.

Embedded software. Intelligent products have become commonplace in nearly every consumer and industrial market. Embedded software resides in read-only mem-ory and is used to control products and systems for the consumer and industrial mar-kets. Personal computer software. The personal computer software market has bur-geoned over the past two decades. Word processing, spreadsheets, computer graph-ics, multimedia, entertainment, database management, personal and business nancial applications, external network, and database access are only a few of hundreds of applications.Web-based software. The Web pages retrieved by a browser are software that incorporates executable instructions (e.g., CGI, HTML, Perl, or JavaArtificial intelligence software. Artificial intelligence (AI) software makes use of nonnumerical algorithms to solve complex problems that are not amenable to computation or straightforward analysis.

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