Revista nr 3 2015



Parole, Meaning, Literatur Colegiul Tehnic Henri Coanda Timisoara Comisia de limbi moderne

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Nr.3/ Ianuarie 2015




ISSN 2359 – 7917

ISSN–L 2359 – 7917



















We are nothing but a piece of history which has begun. It drives me insane that in any moment we

can end up by being a simple past for the next generation. That makes me cover myself in the pre-

sent and get the best of it. This is my only cure which helps me get rid of the unknown.

Unlike me, in most of the cases, people are more concentrated on their future, and forget the fact

that they are living in the present. Bill Cosby, the well known actor, said “The past is a ghost, the

future a dream. All we ever have is now.” Consequently, we should take the future as a dream,

and be dream chasers while living the present to its fullest. Our life is not a sky of stars, it’s just a

book of pages. With every day passing by you put an end to a chapter.

What about the past? Is it important for us as human beings? Definitely yes ! If we take a look in

our history we will see nothing but awful times. “Those who do not remember the past are con-

demned to repeat it” (George Santayana),a great quote, that reminds us that we should be prepared

for the worse. History shows, that men have never learnt from their mistakes and they have trav-

eled on the same road over and over again. It should be a lesson for us, but we ignore it regardless

and in any moment the consequences of that ignorance could hit us again. Half of the unknown is

still imprisoned in the past and the key is lost in time. The other half has its own key. It is in our

hands, we have the capacity of writing the pages in advance. We shouldn’t ignore that gift and use

it until we reach the last chapter. The sad part is that the majority of people will let others hold or

guide their hands while writing the book. Fortunately, things were quite different centuries ago.

In Aboriginal mythology, for instance, Dreaming or Dreamtime, were the basis of all religious

beliefs, a place beyond time and space in which the past, present, and future exist wholly as one.

Tribes people could enter this alternate universe through dreams or various states of altered con-

sciousness, Dreamtime being considered the final destination before reincarnation. It is said that

spirits shaped the world during the Dreamtime, they built the land, the ocean and the sky . This

Living the present


eternal part existed before the life of the individual began, and continues to exist when the life of

the individual ends. Aboriginal people preserved thus the natural world and ensured that mankind

would survive in this sacred spiritual geography. It is a wave of genes and mysticism that concocts

a new safe, secure living area for the generations to come.

Nowadays, unfortunately, we are doing the opposite. Let us focus on the past few years...from two

thousand onwards more specifically. If we put aside any utopic perceptions of reality, and scruti-

nize the naked truth, it’s impossible not to have omens about the future. In the whirl of technology

everything has evolved way too fast, and we find ourselves in the middle of the process. With a

little bit of luck we can go through the process and escape from it without being wounded, but, I

can’t say the same for the next generation who will come after us. More probably an unpassable

wall will be reached by them. And they will have no other choice but to put an end to the process,

because everything that comes fast has a yo-yo effect, and needs to go back to where it began. We

need to go back to our inheritance and sacredness.

The way I see it, we are the pier of the future. Since we are in the process, it’s a must to keep a

piece of the past in our present and be able to make a better future for the people who will follow.

This will allow us to guide them on their long journey, and they won’t look behind with indiffer-

ence. We can not afford to be childish and forget entirely the fact that we are just a piece of a puz-

zle in this game called life.

We need to learn, live and hope. These are three stages but they are all in the same moment. We

neither learn in the past nor hope in the future. We live the moment. If you don’t have time to live

now, you won’t have it later. But what maters most is the way you live it. Take the sacred geogra-

phy of your soul, passed on by your ancestors, and that little spark of the present and make your

life an unforgettable experience. Don’t reach the last chapter of your life book without having an

awesome plot, just don’t, because, otherwise, you can reach the hell before you embrace the

heaven, a state of facts a witty man found a definition for: “ hell is the last day you have on earth,

when the person you became, will meet the person you could have become.’’

Cărăușu Ciprian a XII-a C


Partner: Heinrich-Wieland-Schule, Pforzheim, Deutschland

Solski Center Celje, Slowenien

Hohere Technische Lehranstalt Weiz, Österreich

Colegiul Tehnic Henri Coandă Timisoara, Rumänien

Die Zielsetzungen dieses Projektes sind mannigfaltig. Eine hohe Qualifikation ist

sowohl ein Gewinn für den Facharbeiter als auch für die Betriebe. Ein gut

qualifizierter, international erfahrener Mitarbeiter besitzt die Befähigung einen

sicheren und gut bezahlten Arbeitsplatz zu erwerben. Er hat die Möglichkeit

sowohl auf den nationalen als auch auf dem internationalen Arbeitsmarkt seine

Chancen zu ergreifen. Somit ist die Kompetenzstärkung der Auszubildenden im

fachlich-technischen Bereich, im sozialen Bereich (Integrationsfähigkeit,

Teamkompetenz, Mitverantwortung, Toleranz), im methodischen Bereich

(Problemlösefähigkeit, Informationsbeschaffung, Lernmethoden) als auch im

personalen Bereich (Interesse, Leistungsbereitschaft, Selbstvertrauen

Eigeninitiative) das breite Ziel dieses Projektes. Gespiegelt an den EU-Kernzielen

der Strategie Europa 2020 kann dieses Projekt einen Beitrag zu einer höheren

Beschäftigung und geringerer Jugendarbeitslosigkeit leisten, im Bildungsbereich

zu einer Verringerung der Schulabbrecherquote beitragen und in indirekter Folge

auch Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung bekämpfen. Weitere Ziele sind: Ergänzung

Erasmusprojekt in Pforzheim


der Kompetenzen der einzelnen Schulen, Stärkung der Ausbildungsfähigkeiten

durch Kooperation der Lehrkräfte bzgl. Lern- und Lehrmethoden und Austausch

zum neuestem Stand der

Technik, besserer Umgang

mit IKT und Erzeugung von

Synergieeffekten, Integration

weniger leistungsstarker und

m o t i v i e r t e r S c h ü l e r ,

E r w e i t e r u n g d e r


Durch dieses Projekt wird

le tz tend l i ch auch d ie

bestehenden Laborausstattung

der Partnerschulen erweitert.

Die Brückenfunktion zu den Ballungsräumen Karlsruhe und Stuttgart macht

Pforzheim zu einem der attraktivsten Standorte in Baden-Württemberg.Als

hochwertiger Lebensraum für rund 118.000 Menschen hat die Goldstadt einiges

zu bieten. Neben vielseitigen Freizeit- und Sporteinrichtungen verfügt Pforzheim

über ein ausgeprägtes kulturelles Leben, eine Hochschule von internationalem

Rang, Schulen aller Ausrichtungen, zahlreiche Kinderbetreuungsangebote sowie

moderne medizinische Versorgungseinrichtungen und hervorragende

Einkaufsmöglichkeiten. Keine andere Stadt in Deutschland ist so eng mit der

Geschichte der Schmuck-und Uhrenindustrie verbunden wie die Goldstadt

Pforzheim. Ungeachtet des wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandels ist Pforzheim bis auf

den heutigen Tag Zentrum der deutschen Schmuck- und Uhrenindustrie und

genießt international den Ruf als "die Schmuckmetropole". Darüber hinaus stellt

die Stadt heute einen diversifizierten und zukunftsträchtigen Wirtschaftsstandort

dar. Kompetenzfelder in den Bereichen (Edel-)metallverarbeitung, Maschinenbau,

Präzisionstechnik, wissens-und informationsorientierte Dienstleistungen,

Drucktechnik und Großversandhandel sowie ein innovativer und

wettbewerbsfähiger Mittelstand machen Pforzheim zu einem attraktiven Standort

für ansässige sowie ansiedlungswillige Unternehmen. Prof. Rusu Vlad

Stadt Pforzheim - das Tor zum Schwarzwald


We’ve all gathered here today to talk for a few minutes about what a Roman

philosopher said roughly 2100 years ago: “To be ignorant of what occurred be-

fore you were born is to always remain a child. For what is the worth of a human

life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”

When I was given this topic, the first thing I did was ask myself why anyone

would possibly care to study history, perhaps excluding general knowledge of our

country’s origins and such – from whence we came; the only somewhat impor-

tant thing one could learn is if anyone ever felt like slaying a few Jews, all they

had to do was not attack Poland and everything be fine and dandy. So I went

ahead and tried to discover the purpose of taking an interest in matters of the


Cicero, whose quote this whole “event” is based upon, considered that igno-

rance of the past should be regarded as immaturity. His point of view was that of

the circumstances humanity is in, and to put it shortly, who we are, is profoundly

shaped and influenced by what previously happened. I ’ll get back to this “who we

are” thing in a minute. While this is true on a larger scale, I was still left with the

opinion that there are currently wars raging, economic issues, and most impor-

tantly what am I going to wear tomorrow to worry about and me wasting time to

memorise in what year some guy with a receding hairline landed on the Moon

would be pointless. It was 1969 if anyone cares, by the way.

Then again, perhaps it would be erroneous to interpret it like that; we come

into this world and we inherit ideas and traditions – could that be thought of as

Ignorant of the past


learning the past? Cultures are made out of beliefs and values that define each

individual. I suppose that is compulsory for having a sense of identity. Approxi-

mately 50 years ago, people were seen as being on a quest, if you will, to “find”

himself or herself, or simply put as achieving an understanding of who they are.

As a side note, I find the whole idea of “knowing who you are” massively cliché, a

banal phrase lacking original thought. Recently, we’ve been referring to this as

people having an identity crisis.

The main idea is the past, a word which has been used and will be used

dozens of times in this room today, is the foundation of here and now. There lies

a story behind everything and everyone. There’s a reason why people know you

as the group of syllables that you recognize as your name, a reason why the

population around you is predominantly Christian and a reason why we’re all here

today speaking English instead of Gaelic or what have you – a reason why we,

allegedly, live under democracy instead of monarchy for example.

There is an extremely boring story behind everything about the world in

which we are a part. Every single one of those tales is unfinished as the story

continues to unfold through the fabric of space and time. The goal of us being

here is to debate whether turning a blind eye to these stories makes us children.

As a broad answer, just like probably most things, it depends. It depends on what

exactly part of the past we pay no heed to.

From my point of view, and to no longer bore you with my seemingly end-

less ranting, ignorance is bliss. Since it ’s about time to end this speech, which

you’ve been hopefully listening to at least half of, I have randomly decided that I ’

d like to end it on a grim note because… why not. Thus, just as each one of us

has shared a common origin, it is quite likely we are all going to a share a com-

mon end. We’re all going to die. Nădrag Claudiu, a X-a E


L'enquête ci-dessous n'a pas de valeur scientifique ; elle nous offre seulement une indication de l'opinion de nos élèves concernant la télé. Ce questionnaire a été appliqué à un groupe de 50 élèves de notre lycée ( 9F,9D, 10 F). 1. Combien d'heures passez-vous devant la télé? Une heure - 15 réponses Deux à trois heures -21 réponses Plus de 3 heures -11 réponses Autres-3 réponses 2. Qu’aimez –vous regarder à la télé? Des films et des séries -23 réponses Des émissions de téléréalité-9 réponses Des concours ou des émissions de talents-8 réponses Des émissions de divertissement - 7 réponses 3. Quelles autres activités avez-vous lorsque vous êtes devant le petit écran? Manger ou grignoter-22 réponses Naviguer sur son portable-18 réponses Chatter sur Facebook-6 réponses Autres-14 réponses 4. Que faites-vous quand vous ne regardez pas la télé? Surfer sur Internet -20 réponses Dormir -7 réponses Sortir avec ses amis -3 réponses Écouter de la musique -3 réponses Se promener-4 réponses Autres (dessiner, lire,jouer au football, cuisiner)-13 réponses



5.Dans notre société, la télévision remplit plusieurs rôles. Parmi les rôles suivants,

lequel vous semblerait le plus important ?

Informer- 29 réponses

Manipuler- 14 réponses

Éduquer- 0 réponses

Divertir- 7 réponses

6.Êtes-vous un accro de la television ?

Non- 50 réponses

Oui- 0 réponses

7.À votre avis, quels seraient les effets de la violence sur le comportement des

jeunes ?

“Beaucoup de jeunes imitent ce qu'ils voient à la télé. (Lya Jennette, 9F,N.B. ,9F,

Aurelia, 10 F)

"Les jeunes deviennent plus violents"(Darius Alin, 9F)

"D'après moi, la télé nous apprend à éviter la violence"(anonyme, 9F)

"Je pense que la télé ne peut pas influencer les jeunes de telle manière qu'ils de-

viennent violents.(Will, 10 F)

"L'emploi d'un mauvais langage"(anonyme, 10 F)

8. Si un psychologue vous disait que la télé supprime l’analyse critique et di-

minue les fonctions cérébrales , vous réduiriez le temps passé devant l'écran?

Oui-35- réponses

Non-10- réponses

Aucune réponse-5 personnes prof. Indreica Cristina


Saving the world

Have you ever tried to figure out

which is our role in this world,

where we are coming from and

where we are heading? Have you

taken the time to notice how great

and precious our planet is? It has

all the natural resources we need

to survive, it keeps a proper tem-

perature during the day and night, it goes around the sun over and

over again without getting tired... Shouldn’t we be thankful for that?

We were blessed to live on this beautiful planet.

And still...the Earth desperately cries out words like: global warming,

endangered species, the damaged ozone layer, industrial pollution,

rising sea level, deforestation, problems that our planet is fighting, but

which are constantly ignored by its inhabitants.

The power in saving the planet stays in everyone’s hands, every

person can help reducing the pollution level by recycling their house-

hold waste, reducing consumption, using public transport and bio food.

Needless to say that we could plant more trees to create more oxy-

gen to counterbalance the noxes, or we could just stop cutting down

the rainforest. Also, we should rely more on what the Earth itself has

to offer: solar, eolian and hydro energy and encourage people to use

solar panels and wind mills.

All in all, if we don't save the Earth now, maybe our children or

grandchildren might not be able to see it for long. Our atmosphere is

weakening and we have to do something about it fast.

Georgiana Stan a XII-a F


Earth... Terra... our home planet, where all of us were born and

probably where most of us will perish. The planet that hosts us, feeds

us and makes it possible for us to survive is dying and all we do is

accelerate the process. We are pulling the plug on our own planet.

Thanks God there are still some inspired people, trying to keep Terra

alive, creating new ways to produce energy and fuel: green ways to

produce it.

One way to produce such green energy is to reduce the fuel

consumption. We don’t need our cars that much. We can walk to most

of our destinations or ride a bike. But people won’t simply drop the

luxury of sitting down in a comfy chair, warm and protected from

weather conditions. The battery powered car was introduced a long

time ago just for those people that can’t live without a car, but the oil

companies quickly got rid of them, considering those cars a risk to

their business. That means that we can’t touch the vehicles and give

them a “green” makeover. But, we can cover everything else in

green. Place solar powered walkways everywhere. Use biological fuel

to power our machines. Harvest energy from the wind, water and sun.

We have so many possibilities,s o many ways to prolong our planet’s

life, our life. But we refuse to do so because “they”, the industrial

giants, need us to consume.

Companies need us to survive, they need somebody to use their fuel

and their products. They perceive the “green movement” as a threat

and they are simply destroying us for money. What if we didn’t play

their game anymore?

Live the Green Dream

Ştefan Bălan,a XI-a D


Earth,2050: There are around 10 billion people in the world, trying everyday to

survive. Little children are the most feeble, a lot of them dying a few days after

they being born because of the pollution and the lack of clear water. In order to

get clear water, you have to walk miles to the nearest town…But even when you

get there, you need to identify yourself and prove that you are an employee. If

you have seen “Hunger Games”, you have already understood that this imaginary

concoction will be our reality in the near future.

It doesn’t sound encouraging, right? So, In order to stop this from happening, we

have to do something to save this beautiful planet, the only lived planet from our

Solar System.

Give people the chance to be healthy and save the world: provide them with free

bicycles and public transportation! Stop destroying the ecosystems and take care

of our endangered species, restoring thus the natural balance! Pass harsh laws

for the great environmental contaminators and put an end to their endless poison-

ing of the planet!

Do you know that it takes 1000 years for plastic to decompose? Do you know that

our resources are scarce or that the Earth itself provides solutions for us? Use

the wind, the water and the sun, take the free resources and let the Earth heal!

Stand up for a better world and clear the path for the coming generations!

Denisa Serediuc, a XII-a F

Save the planet Earth


A very important problem nowadays is the pollution, caused by a lot of factors.

People do not realize how important is to keep the Earth green for us and for the

next generations.

I think a good solution for this problem would be to teach the children the impor-

tance of taking care of nature. Teachers should explain them in the first years of

school how to protect and help the nature. The change should start with them be-

cause they are our future.

Another solution could be producing electric cars at a low price, so the usual

cars disappear little by little. In the countries where the pollution is very accen-

tuated, a very important factor is the car emissions. A good way to replace the

cars is by using bikes, like people from Amsterdam, where their number is higher

than that of the inhabitants.

Also, a big problem in many families is overbuying unnecessary products. The

demand is higher than the offer. This way, they are wasting a lot of resources

and also pollute the planet. Furthermore Earth

intoxication is the result of chemical industries.

A good idea would be to create replaceable

products that are more eco friendly and close

those factories down.

The change should start now, with us and our

children. We should wake up and do everything

we can to keep the Earth green. We broke it,

we have to fix it back.

How can we keep Earth “green” for the future generations

Theodora Pop, a XII-a F


Je m'appelle Simionescu Ioan, élève en XI -èmeC. J'ai été volontaire au servivce d'

ambulance en Italie. Pour devenir infirmier bénévole au service d' ambulance, il

faut être bien préparé. Tout nouveau volontaire reçoit une formation qui dure

entre 5-7 mois, en fonction de sa future spécialisation. Durant ce stage ,il

apprend tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour sauver la vie d'une personne: il sera amené

à assurer la prise en charge des patients et à aider aux techniques médicales et

paramédicales. Par exemple, il doit être capable de faire un massage cardiaque

ou bien d'agir en cas d'accouchement inopiné. Il est aussi très important qu'il

sache utiliser une seringue et faire une injection à moindre risque. La connais-

sance des médicaments injectables, de leur compatibilité est vitale. L'infirmier

est aussi habilété à administrer de medicaments antalgique, tonicardiaque,glucose

anticonvulsivant,chlorure de calcium voire de pratiquer l'intubation trachéale. En

cas de douleur intense, il doit réaliser une titration de morphine orale qui permet

l ’obtention rapide d’une analgésie de bonne qualité (toutes les trente minutes).

En médecine, on classe typiquement les urgences en trois catégories correspon-

dant à trois codes de couleurs différentes: le code rouge-urgence vitale, le code

jaune -urgence grave et le code vert - urgence relative.

Simionescu Ioan, a XI-a- C




What can be considered art? How best to

define art is still debated. In my opinion it

can be anything: dancing, role playing,

sculpting, painting, even the drawings that

you did when you were 4 years old can be

called art. No matter how bizarre or simple it

is, it still has its charm. At first I wasn't good at drawing, I continued practicing. It's my hobby. It's

my passion. It's my way to express my feelings. A way to express yourself. That's art.

Boaru Darius, a IX-a

Un champion national: Vlad Briscan

Le rallye est une discipline de sport automobile. C'est un sport magnifique qui

demande beaucoup de sacrifices. Pour moi, c'est une passion qui demande

des sacrifices, autant personnels que financiers. Malgré ces efforts, j'ai participe

chaque année à toutes les étapes, essayant d'obtenir de bons resultants et

d'évoluer.Je dois avouer qu'après une année 2014, pleine d'émotions et de

changements, j’ai finalement ressenti le couronnement de mes efforts: j'ai obtenu

le titre de champion national en rallye. J'en suis très content et j'espère répéter

cette fantastique performance sportive en 2015. Vlad Briscan, a X-a E

ART- a diverse range of human activities


Le coin créatif

La voiture

Un moyen de transport……un peu cher. (Teslim) L'épreuve que le monde est en évolution permanente.(Bianca I.)


Lorsqu'on a des papillons dans le ventre (Felicia, Roxana ) Quelque chose d' intense.(Andrei, Ionut, Ovidiu) La vie sans amour est un désert.(Irina, Andreea, Ionut)

La vie Un beau cadeau. (Larisa) Quelque chose qui nous accompagne partout; nous nous en déba-

rassons difficilement. Elle est belle si vous êtes positifs.(Felicia, Roxana)

La femme Un être noble, délicat (Larisa) Un mot trop complexe, qu’on ne peut pas expliquer à l'aide des ad-

jectifs.(Bianca I.)

L'école Synonyme du stress.( Bianca) Une institution qui aide les enfants à devenir adultes. (Irina) Améloration des connaissances.(Felicia, Roxana)

Le stress

Il est étroitement lié à la vie.(Bianca) État de tension.(Aurelia, Oana, Andreea)

L'ami Une personne qui est toujours auprès de nous.(Bianca I.) Il a 365 jours.(Felicia, Roxana)

Définitions personnelles créées par les élèves de la Xème F

Prof. Indreica Cristina


Mobilité Il n’ya qu’une différence

Entre la voiture et la moto

C'est que la voiture a quatre roues. Solomonea Felicia a X-a F


Il n’ya qu’une différence

Entre la vie et les jeux vidéo

C'est que dans la vie on ne peut pas cliquer sur le

bouton "Redémarrer" Izgarian Bianca a X-a F


Il n’ya qu’une différence

Entre la maison et l'école

C'est que je me repose. Mursa Ovidiu a X-a F

Jouons avec les mots!


Une maîtresse demande à ses élèves:

- Si je dis « je suis belle », c’est à quel


Un élève répond:

- Sûrement au passé madame

Que dit un hérisson qui se cogne à un cactus ?

- Maman !

Au restaurant, le garçon demande au client:

- Comment avez-vous trouvé le beefsteak?

- Tout à fait par hasard, en soulevant une


Une mère dit à son garçon :

-N'oublie pas que nous sommes sur terre

pour travailler.

- Bon, alors moi, plus tard je serai marin !

20 blondes et 1 brune participent à un cours de géographie. Le professeur pointant une carte

géographique demande :

- Où se trouve l’Amérique sur ce plan ?

La brune, qui se prénomme Jessica, se lève et pointe l’Amérique du doigt. Le professeur dit :

- C’est très bien Jessica ! Maintenant, est-ce que quelqu’un peut me dire

qui a découvert l’Amérique ?

Les 20 blondes lèvent et disent toutes en cœur :

- C'est JESSICA !!!


Membrii comisiei de limbi moderne

prof. Faur Ramona

prof. Sima Remina

prof. Rusu Vladimir

prof. Indreica Cristina

Elevi colaboratori

Stefan Balan, a XI-a D

Simionescu Ionut a XI-a C

Serediuc Denisa, a XII-a F

Stan Georgiana, a XII-a F

Nãdrag Claudiu, a X-a E

Mursa Ovidiu a X-a F

Solomonea Felicia, a X-a F

Izgãrian Bianca, a X-a F

Briscan Vlad, a X-a E

Cãrãuşu Ciprian, a XII-a C

Boariu Darius a IX-a

Pop Theodora a XII-a F

Profesor coordonator

prof. Indreica Cristina