Revistas 4 de noviembre




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nuestra Biblioteca - Circulación y Préstamo

Horario de atención:

Lunes a Viernes 6:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.

Sábado 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.

Revi s ta c ient í f i ca de la

corporac ión uni f i cada

nac ional IGNISCorporación Unificada

Nacional (CUN)Edic ión 5


Revi s ta Médica Sani tasFundación Universitaria


Vol . 18 No . 3

Ju l io - Sept iembre 2015

Revi s ta Sa lud Públ i ca de

MéxicoFundación Mexicana para la

Salud A.C.Vol . 57 No . 3

Mayo - Jun io 2015

Medica l B iochemis t ry 4Ed. - 2014

Baynes, John W, PhD•1.Introduction•2.Amino Acids and Proteins•3.Carbohydrates and Lipids•4.Blood and Plasma Proteins•5.Oxygen Transport•6.Catalytic Proteins – Enzymes•7.Hemostasis and Thrombosis•8.Mem branes and Transport•9.Bioenergetics and Oxidative Metabolism•10.Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients : TheGastrointestinal Tract•11.Vitamins and Minerals•12.Anaerobic Metabolism of Glucose in the Red Blood Cell•13.Carbohydrate Storage and Synthesis in Liver and Muscle•14.The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle

•43 capítulos

•1.The clinical biochemistry laboratory•2.The use of the laboratory•3.The interpretation of results•4.Point of care testing•5.Reference intervals•6.Fluid and electrolyte balance : Concepts and vocabulary•7.Water and sodium balance•8.Hyponatraemia : pathophysiology•9.Hyponatraemia : assessment and management•10.Hypernatraemia•11.Hyperkalaemia•12.Hypokalaemia•13.Intravenous f luid therapy•14.Investigation of renal function (1)•15.Investigation of renal function (2)

•83 capítulos

C l in i ca l B iochemis t ry : An

I l lus t ra ted Co lour Tex t , 5 Ed .

C l in i ca l B iochemis t ry : An

I l lus t ra ted Co lour Tex t , 5 Ed . - 2012

Pelley, John W.•1.Acid-Base Concepts•2.Structure and Properties of Biologic Molecules•3.Protein Structure and Function•4.Enzymes and Energetics•5.Membranes and Intracellular Signal Transduction•6.Glycolysis and Pyruvate Oxidation•7.Citric Acid Cycle, Electron Transport Chain, and Oxidative Phosphorylation•8.Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Metabolism•9.Minor Carbohydrate Pathways : Ribose, Fructose, and Galactose•10.Fatty Acid and Triglyceride Metabolism•11.Metabolism of Steroids and Other Lipids•12.Amino Acid and Heme Metabolism•20 capítulos

Princ ip les o f Medica l B iochemis t ry

3 Ed . 2012

Meisenberg, Gerhard, PhD•1.Introduction to Biomolecules•2.Introducti on to Protein Structure•3.Oxygen Transporters : Hemoglobin and Myoglobin•4.Enzymatic Reactions•5.Coenzymes•6.DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis•7.The Human Genome•8.Protein Targeting•9.Introduction to Genetic Diseases•10.Viruses•11.DNA Technology•12.Biological Membranes•13.The Cytoskeleton

•30 Capítulos

Rapid Rev iew Biochemis t ry

3 Ed . - 2011

Pelley, John W., PhD•1.Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Amino Acids : Metabolic Fuelsand Biosynthetic Precursors•2.Proteins and Enzymes•3.Membrane Biochemistry and Signal Transduction•4.Nutrition•5.Generation of Energy from Dietary Fuels•6.Carbohydrate Metabolism•7.Lipid Metabolism•8.Nitrogen Metabolism•9.Integration of Metabolism•10.Nucleotide Synthesis and Metabolism•11.Organization, Synthesis, and Repair of DNA•12.Gene Expression•13.DNA Technology•Common Laboratory Values

The Big P ic ture : Medica l

Biochemis t ry -2012

Lee W. Janson, Marc E. Tischler•1. Amino Acids and Proteins

•Chapter 2. Carbohydrates

•Chapter 3. Lipids

•Chapter 4. Nucleosides, Nucleotides, DNA, and RNA

•5. Enzymes and Amino Acid/Protein Metabolism

•Chapter 6. Carbohydrate Metabolism

•Chapter 7. Lipid Metabolism

•Chapter 8. Membranes

•Chapter 9. DNA/RNA Function and Protein Synthesis

•10. Metabolism and Vitamins/Minerals

•Chapter 11. The Digestive System

•Chapter 12. Muscles and Motility

•Chapter 13. Connective Tissue and Bone

•Chapter 14. Blood

•20 capítulos

Harper ' s I l lus t ra ted Biochemis t ry,

30Ed. - 2015

Victor W. Rodwell,SECTION I: Structures & Functions of

Proteins & Enzymes

SECTION II: Enzymes: Kinetics,

Mechanism, Regulation, & Bioinformatics

SECTION III: Bioenergetics

SECTION IV: Metabolism of


SECTION V: Metabolism of Lipids

SECTION VI: Metabolism of Proteins &

Amino Acids

SECTION VII: Structure, Function, &

Replication of Informational


SECTION VIII: Biochemistry of

Extracellular & Intracellular Communication

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Dr. Luis Arturo López: Director Centro de Información y Consulta

Teléfono: 662 2222 Ext. 222


Marcela Pulido: Jefe de Biblioteca

Teléfono: 662 2222 Ext. 220


Luz Estela Romero: Auxiliar de Biblioteca

Teléfono: 662 2222 Ext. 221


Yeraldín Morales: Auxiliar de Biblioteca

Teléfono: 662 2222 Ext. 223


Germán Rodríguez Beltrán: Auxiliar de Biblioteca - Sala de


Teléfono: 662 2222 Ext. 294

