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  • 8/8/2019 RKYV ONLINE # 5


  • 8/8/2019 RKYV ONLINE # 5


    TABLE OF CONTENTSRKYV # 5 {October 2007 submissions}

    RKYV ONLINE LOGO - David Marshall {current}

    - Roy G. James {original}

    - Randy Pare {1st

    online adaptation}Virtual Cover # 5 - art by Elza Von Zansen

    - layouts by David Marshall

    Editorial Column

    Pass The Stuffing Randy Pare {Oct. 30}

    Interior Art

    1 piece by Stan Nelson

    3 pieces by Linda Marie Nordi Johnsen

    2 pieces by Marc Ngui

    3 pieces by Roger Formidable

    1 pieces by Laura Grattan2 pieces by Mark Laliberte

    5 pieces by Harold Crow

    6 pieces by Justine Van de Weg

    1 piece by Matthew Hatt


    Poetry Noir - by R. Patrick James

    Pares poetic Perspectives - by R.J. Pare

    Roots - by Stephen Campbell

    Long Fiction

    Those Who Stood Those Who Fell

    - by R.J. Pare {Oct. 30}

    Family Life Column

    Cook Book For Working Families &

    My Journal- by Mandie Campbell-Fortin {Oct. 24}

    Pop Culture Column -

    Raised on Saturday Morning Cartoons

    - by Pauline Harren Pare

    Broken Hearted - by Stan NelsonEt av mine forste bilder akvarell

    - by Linda Marie Nordi Johnsen

  • 8/8/2019 RKYV ONLINE # 5


    Say Goodbye to California Cauliflower - by Marc Ngui

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    Pass the StuffingLetter from the Editor

    {Oct. 30} All Hallows Eve the deadline approaches and the editorial staff burns themidnight oil. The wind in the eaves batters our quiet solitude and wrings are fragile psyches with

    anxiety. The release of the latest issue of RKYV ONLINE is waiting the blank pages scream

    ravenously demanding fantastic and inventive content. Thanks to the timely submissions of

    our contributors this, at least, is accomplished.

    The price, for gathering such diverse and original content, is steep and the bill is due. Such

    creative and fascinating content can only be served well by combining it with daring and bold

    layouts. The gauntlet is thrown, the demons of failure dance in anticipation of a single misstep.

    The closeted skeletons tense, ready to burst into our rooms and make us pay for the folly the

    arrogance of believing we were good enough that we were up to the task of delivering these

    creations to the world.

    How dare we mid-wife greatness into being? They whisper in our subconscious. We are not

    worthy of such privilege. And yet, we are not wholly convinced.

    We have braved this storm before. We have prepared. Our shutters are bolted to the winds of

    doubt. Our doors are locked to the intrusions of distraction and its evil twin hesitation. Armed

    with the knowledge that we have traversed these paths before and returned blessed with the light

    of success, we set out confident that we can find our way once more. Once more we will travel

    the roads of creation and once more we will return, hopefully unscathed.

    Our past scars we bear with pride, for that is how we learn. The fires of creativity can not forge

    greatness if they do not possess the ability to burn. The spooks are out, give them their treats and

    endure their tricks this might, just might make an alliance out of their acquaintanceand who

    knows, maybe the next time you sit down to create. maybe they will help advise which turns to

    make and which steps to watch out for some of the floorboards are always loose and some of

    the steps are still slippery. They are the mistakes we learn from and the artist must be friends

    with his ghosts if he is to scale mountains in his heart.

    Have a happy Halloween everybody, and NEVER let the blank page or canvas intimidate you

    you always have the ability to create... if you are willing to learn from your failures as much as

    you learn from your successes. So believe in yourself, have faith in your talents and save a placefor the goblins and ghouls to cavort when they need to. hiding away in the dark corners of

    imagination is no place for such spectres.

    They want out and the world does indeed want to see them.

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    Gallery Art

    My PT Cruiser Hood - by Harold CrowUnnamed - by Roger Formidable

    3 Birds - by Roger Formidable

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    Trio - by Harold Crow

    Untitled - by Justine Van de Weg

    Dinosaur Lady - by Harold Crow

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    Tranquillity - by Justine Van de WegUntitled - by Justine Van de Weg

    Long Horn Sheep on a Rock Face - Harold Crow

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    PoetryPoetry... Noir - by R. Patrick James


    Muse for a moment

    on the subtle difference

    between silence and quiet;

    silence has a hum behind it,

    a nervousness,

    the fear of making a sound.

    Quiet is both absence and abstinence;

    it is rest.

    Silence is breath held;

    Quiet is soft breathing.

    Ponder on the perplexity

    of the subtle difference between

    ambivalence and procrastination;

    ambivalence is a calamitous clash,

    simultaneous contradictory

    and opposing emotions focussed

    toward the same person.

    Procrastination, so too a struggle,

    a tendency, or horrendous habit,

    toward dilatory delay.

    Linger on the twinkling gravity

    between love and lust;

    love seems to be, with much uncertainty,

    a strong, complex emotion causing one

    to appreciate, delight in, and crave

    the presence or possession of another.

    Lust, on the other hand,

    is vehement, longing affection,

    inordinate desire for carnal pleasure,

    the gratification of sexual passion.

    Love is quiet;

    Lust is silent;

    Love is often ambivalent;

    Lust is ever so procrastinant.

    Daydream - by Harold Crow

  • 8/8/2019 RKYV ONLINE # 5


    Roots - by Stephen CampbellRoots tethered tightly with scorn they show

    My insecurity of religion, I know

    You think that I am a man of no faith,

    It is my old ways, that wretched old wraith

    That masses inside me determined to wake.

    It does follow me now as I dare to aspire,

    And rises above old fate; that arranged pyre,

    Tripping my footing and daring me home

    To land of ill boding; love caged alone.

    Blossoms lay falling yet produce thousand more,

    Yet mine lie dead and beaten upon old trodden floor,

    I dare to rise over, water my precious crop,

    But roots hold me grounded whist my seeds do rot.

    I'll straighten my roots then and draw from them life,

    As roots right a tree as mine, Ill stand tall and fight

    The urge to sway in slumber and die a dead tree.

    The roots of my old faith will have no hold on me.

    Roots of my faith do still lie in the mound,

    Yet I now a new tree, a blossom do grow,

    A tree that does flower in heavenly grounds,

    And saves me from the heap on the fires below.Untitled - by Justine Van de Weg

    Hope Floats - by Justine Van de Weg

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    Pares Poetic Perspectives - by R.J. Pare

    Autumn Leaves

    tumbling down

    natures shrapnel,the explosive residue of lifes passing

    colourful vibrant tatters of the forests dress

    ripped again from her lush bosom

    look around

    skeletal remains,

    of proud and mighty oaks and maples standing

    the barren etchings from the cyclical art of gods

    sweeping towards the coming solstice

    thistle down

    the soft remnants,

    of seasons passed and the greens yearning

    lustful passionate dispersal of chlorophyll seeds

    passed again on the fertile winds

    Untitled - by Justine Van de Weg

    vinterkveld akvarell - Linda Marie Nordi Johnsen

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    I Like My Odds in Your Scenario - by Marc Ngui

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    Long Fictionthe last stand...

    Arrgghh!!! the brutish stagehand exclaims as he rushes in on the Chinaman. The young manseems oblivious to the coming assault. Standing still in colourful traditional raiment he appears

    to be in jeopardy of, at the least, having his braided pony-tail trimmed by the knife wielding thug

    charging at him from behind. The stagehand forces the blade forward intending to skewer the

    Chinaman through in one thrust.

    Raven Tens eyes are closed. He has been told that he takes his power for granted and that he

    must always be prepared for moments when he cannot summon his power to his defence. He is

    not certain that this could ever happen, but he supposes that anything is possible. A family

    mantra, if ever there was one. So he concentrates.

    His familys ancient martial traditions are called upon to deal with the problem of the knifewielding attacker. He breathes. Raven can hear the pounding footsteps as the enemy that intends

    to end his life is almost upon him. He waits until the last possible second. This, indeed, will be a

    close affair. As the knife slices through the air, intent on plunging into his back and bringing an

    end to all the possibilities that Ravens life encompassed, he moves. Deftly, he pivots, allowing

    the knife and the arm attached to it to pass harmlessly over his shoulder. Raven slides his body

    past the outstretched arms of the stagehand as the thugs momentum carries him beyond his target

    for several steps.

    Untitled - by Matthew Hatt

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    How the? the dim-witted muscle wonders as his victim has somehow gotten behind him.

    Breathing hard he brings himself to a stop. Damn chink!! Ill gut ya! He shouts, fully intending

    on the continuation of his murderous assault.

    An odd thing happened as he tried to turn back towards the Chinaman though. He feels a sharp

    pain at the back of his feet and starts to lose his balance.

    Raven has his sword in hand as the enemy struggles to halt his momentum. With one efficient

    downward slice he severs the mans Achilles tendon, dropping him to his knees.

    Aahh..... moans the stagehand in pain and frustration.

    I should have used the pea-shooter right off dammit! he mutters to himself. Damn the boss

    anyway, whyd he have to insist we hurt these pukes before killing em?

    Well screw this nonsense! the thug decides and reaches for his derringer.

    It is the last thing he ever does. Now, arcing upwards, the Bogeymans sword passes through the

    killers neck sending droplets of blood spraying through the air. Raven is tempted to admire his

    skill but the stench of death and blood turn the smile forming on his lips into a grimace of

    disgust. He looks ahead to where 88, his teammate Danny, is fighting. There must be a dozen of

    the stagehands he is foolishly trying to take on.

    Shaking his head, Raven starts to rush across the field of battle. He must reach 88's side. No man

    can face those odds alone... and they are not alone... he realizes. They have trained for this kind

    of situation, they will guard the world from such monsters as these...

    The responsibility is a heavy burden.

    It falls to them. It falls to the Watch.

    Gesolent Day... the adventures of Elektrika Superbitch - by Roger Formidable

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    Family Life~Cook Book For Working Families~ - by Mandie Campbell-Fortin


    ~ Ground Beef

    ~ Fresh or frozen Vegetables

    ~ Ketchup

    ~ Salt

    ~ Pepper


    * Start by browning your ground beef in a frying


    (Feel free to cook as much as you like, left overscan be used for lunch at work the next day)

    * Boil your fresh or frozen vegetables (chop

    your fresh veggies)

    * Combine your vegetables and ground beef

    together in large pot

    * Add ketchup to your taste, mix together, make

    sure everything is coated

    * Add salt and pepper to taste

    * Serve

    Time to make:

    Approx. 15 - 20 minutes and you're ready to eat



    ~ Chicken

    ~ Fresh or frozen Vegetables

    ~ Diced Tomatoes

    ~ Salt

    ~ Pepper

    ~ Pasta


    * Start by boiling your chicken in a large pot for

    about 25 minutes(Feel free to cook as much as you like, left overs

    can be used for lunch at work the next day)

    * Boil your fresh or frozen vegetables (chop

    your fresh veggies)

    * Boil your pasta (choose your favourite pasta)

    * Remove chicken from water, chop into bite

    size bits (don't burn yourself)

    * Fry chicken to a golden brown in a frying pan

    * Combine your vegetables, chicken and pasta

    in a large pot

    * Add diced tomatoes, mix together, make sureeverything is coated

    * Add salt and pepper to taste

    * Serve

    Time to make:

    Approx. 45 minutes to an hour and you're ready

    to eat


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    Another handy tip!

    If you have time in the day, boil your chicken fresh from the freezer on low throughout the day,

    enjoy the aroma of the chicken filling the air while you go about your daily business. When you

    are ready to follow the cooking directions, place your water from your chicken into another largepot and add an assortment of vegetables such as peas, corn, diced potatoes, etc and turn it into a

    delicious chicken/vegetable soup to enjoy when the weather gets really cold. Mmmmmmmmm

    Campbell Soup, look out, I'm sharing my secrets!

    Do not forget, when handling poultry, wash your hands thoroughly and make sure your chicken is

    fully cooked for your safety and everyone elses and make sure you clean your area after

    preparing chicken before placing any other food there.


    ~ Block Cheese ~ Fresh Broccoli

    ~ Mayonnaise ~ Pasta - small pasta such as

    elbow pasta works best ~ Salt ~ Pepper


    * Boil your pasta in a large pot till soft, drain

    and run under cold water to cool

    * Chop your block cheese in small cubes

    * Chop your Broccoli in small bites

    * Combine pasta, cheese cubes and Broccoli

    trees* Add mayo to coat everything (not too much,

    keep in mind Mayo is very fatty and high in


    * Add salt and pepper to taste * Serve cold

    Time to make:

    Approx. 15 - 20 minutes and you're ready to eat

    ENJOY your pasta salad


    ~ Chicken ~ Fresh Vegetables ~ Block Cheese

    ~ Potatoes ~ Sweet and Sour Sauce ~ Salt~ Pepper ~ Milk ~ Butter


    * Thaw your chicken out on a plate in your

    fridge on the bottom shelf to prevent the

    drippings from contaminating other food

    * Place your chicken in the oven

    * Shred your cheese

    * Boil your potatoes in a large pot till mashable

    * Mash your potatoes - add milk and butter to

    make potatoes creamy

    * Coat top of potatoes with shredded cheese -

    mashed potatoes are done

    * Once chicken is golden brown, add shredded

    cheese to top of chicken and let melt in oven on

    low - chicken is done

    * Stir fry your vegetables with butter

    * Add sweet and sour sauce to your stir fried

    veggies - veggies are done

    * Add salt and pepper to taste* Serve

    Time to make:

    Approx. 45 minutes to an hour ... the eat and...


  • 8/8/2019 RKYV ONLINE # 5


    My Journal - by Mandie Campbell-Fortin

    {Oct. 24} The saying, 'I got up on the wrong side of the bed.' I find is a complete piss off.

    How do you get up on the wrong side of the bed? I get up on the same damn side of the bed every

    freakin morning and have the same blah day as any other day but you know what? Today, I got

    up on the wrong side of the bed. Oh did I ever. I was woken up by my 7 year olds beautifulmorning screech. "Mom.....mom.........mom.........MOM!"

    "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," my shh's are extra long. 'Oh God, please

    don't wake up your brother and sister.' I pray over and over looking at the ceiling and walk into

    the kids bedroom to find them all sitting up and looking at me and then in an off key musical

    performance, "Mom, I'm hungry and thirsty." I drag my ass from their room, 3 kids tagging along

    behind me like a group of zombies waking from the dead to feed.

    Glancing at the clock I the reality of the time is thrown in my face. 3:08 am. Tears well up in my

    eyes for I know that I am being punished for not making the lunches and getting the kids lunchesfor school ready that night. Now your sleep is broken, you're going to hear that alarm clock as

    though it's in the next country and you pray that you'll even be able to go back to sleep, even if

    only for an hour. After they were all settled on the sofa with Treehouse gently playing on the TV

    the kids are snoring again, as if they'd sleep walked into the livingroom....strange little creatures

    children are.

    I finally crawled back into bed, closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

    I woken to laughter and fighting over the channel. Opening my eyes I look at the alarm......4 am.

    Oh dear God, I was being sarcastic. I wanted more than an hour. Oh please let this be a

    nightmare. Nope. They are wide awake. I return to the livingroom, turning off the lights andsettling them back into another sleep I go back to bed.

    7:56 am....."Oh shit, I'm late." you wake up to your spouse blurting out and jumping out of bed.

    T Audrey Hepburn - by Laura Grattan

    damer p akvarell - by Linda Marie Nordi Johnsen

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    he sun is up and when the sun is up, you realize you're late. Falling out of bed you get dressed

    and head out of the bedroom, it's too late to get yourself looking morning fresh, you'll suffer with

    the fact that you look like a hobo on one of their worst days you force yourself to get the kids

    lunches ready, get them dressed, fight over who's wearing what and, "Where are your shoes?"

    Fixing a quick breakfast and double checking the lunches to make sure you didn't miss

    something, that's happened, you rush to get their hats, coats and packs on their backs you rush out

    to the elevator and realize, "I'd better call a cab."

    While waiting for your cab you pour yourself a cup of coffee, add sugar and then the milk.

    Giving it a good stir you're horrified by the sight. White chunks in your cup, swirling around in


    That explains why you felt like death crawled up your ass the second you sat up in bed hearing,

    "I'm late." You cooked dinner last night. Yummy hamburger with spaghetti sauce, with a light

    coating of shredded cheese. Then to top it off......mashed potatoes that was mixed with half a bag

    of milk. OMG What a bad day. What more can go wrong? Ha ha ha ha Then you remember you

    have to work at 12 pm. Your bad day has only just begun and the kids aren't home from


    Just remember, keep your chin up because most likely, someone is having a day worse than you.

    Cloud - by Mark Laliberte

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    Pop CultureRaised On Saturday Morning Cartoons - by Pauline Harren Pare

    {Oct. 31} I have wanted to start a column on the subject of television for quite awhile now.While I may not be considered an expert on the matter, I have certainly logged in many

    wonderful hours in front of the boob-tube. Television may considered a waste of time to many,

    but the value of escapism should never be underestimated. Scripted series television is my

    favourite genre and reality contest are my least. A movie that is well done can carry you away for

    a couple of hours but you never really get into the characters minds like you can in a couple of

    seasons of a good show. How many people were actually concerned about what would happen to

    Joey, Chandler or Monica in the next episode of Friends.

    When a good series ends, I actually miss the main characters. It feels like I formed a connection

    or bond with them but I cant just chat them up on FaceBook years later... now can I? Series like

    that are few and far between but I may have found one in this new seasons offerings

    Pushing Daisies is a new CBS series that is quirky and visually stunning. The characters are

    endearing and will run you through a full gamut of emotions. It mixes fantasy, crime solving,

    romance and even a touch of Broadway. It is one of the most original series since the ill-fated

    Wonderfalls {great show... look it up}. The only downfall I can see in investing time in this

    series is that it could easily get cancelled by some unimaginative studio-exec {refer again to


    I am delighted to have finally started up this column and I welcome letters, comments and input

    on the subject of television. I hope to make this a regular submission to RKYV ONLINE... unless

    something really good is on TV.

    Cat High-Rise - by Mark Laliberte