-- rlluElq--i- -- . TNB tITTtB TISTN · Alr Sorce sllence at thls polnt ls eloquent! D. C.-NEWS....


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Eaucers startlng up 8ud-berriertt . Nov-Dec. 8. S.

of 6par6eJ.y populated IaP-


-- rlluElq--i- _--

WILELII'E. U.S. has 2!0 Refugeg (t8 nllL acrea) on whlch 35 ntII bunters & fisheruenAffiIdd.en. Ftgbt nolr ls re DevglopgenE on tbese Lands. "ou &t{lLdItfe dontt mlx".Dlzney named Nat.Ohalruan WrIdlffiFEIgn. . .Save-the-Redwoocls League now hEE18r900 nenbers,..A160 threatened. rlth I'ellnlnatlon" 1g our enbattLed Grlzzly Bear.



VoI. 3No. 1



SP0TI,IGHT 0N GP,AVITYI Sclence nov d,etennined. to "outvlt'r ltl N.Y,EeraLcl Trlb publl-f f i16IaouttNat.BureauofStandgrd'she1db1gmeet.(eurrof ' 'G. 'd1f-fers at ci l f ferent places on earth). &pf"tree that d.escend.ed. fron Newtonrs to be plac-ed, on Bureaure lawn as lnsplratlon for "full speed. ahead". U. of Rome confirms an-nlhtLatlon of natter wlth negratron (antl-proton). Conmerclal as well as MllltaryGroups stalklng thls unearthty secret. t'ForeEee a space veblcle de-gravitlzetl, thendlrected at wilL by radar". --- Ye gawd.slTHERE IS N0 POrdER 0N EARTH LIIG A EUMAN SOUL 0N FIRE --- lvlarshal FochiELIINc sAqCEBS MAy pRovE KEY T0 PLANES otr' Tm ryUru', beadllned. the A1r Force Ttnge,lEuropean T6ffi out-6 copy pEffi;menaT; our sklesl ret-Eow@ couldcopy tbat vhlch tbey say "doe6 not exlst" 1g not explained. desplte global glbeso...rAlr Sorce sllence at thls polnt ls eloquent!D. C.-NEWS. Bl1Iy Grahan settlng up E.Q. bere. Says "l'Iashington ls capttal of thev-d;fd'Trl_Srvs nexi 10 yrs. nost crtitcat tn worldts bletorX - "leaders 1n Washlngtonneed splrttuaL lnfluence towartl world peace"...CAA Just held blg conference here "tolron out probleno of Jet Trausport Age almost upon us"...Slte belng sougbt for hugeAlr lrirseun;-State Dept. acldlng 50 ntLL $ expanslon - wtll be largest offlce bldg. tnWashtngton;-Centraf inteUfgence also eelectlng stte (ln vood.s) - tts bldg. wlll- be2nd only to Pentagon...Moxe elderly peopte notlceable on tbe streeto, (the term nowls t'sentorsr'. llblte Eouse bonb shelter obsolete - "Pres. w111 have to be evacuated".--- GOYI. FIJMPING FUNDS llilTO Afit ROA.DS 0F RESEARCE IN EVEB INCBEA^SING Al'lOUNISl PRI-VATE C0.rs DOING SAIIE -- and locatlng here, 321000 here thus enployed. AEC vlILepend. 385 10111 for reeearch ln ,56, Waehlngton being called "CAPITAI 0F SCIENCE"Govt. eold. on Reeearch! -.I{ITE TEE TOOL OF ruSEARGE }4AN CAN CLEA\TE fflE HEAVENSI4l9l4lga forlarE-FtisTfutl-eca]e n-poweF-plaribrlll book lnto BrltaLnts electrlc sys-TEiffixt Oct.,..Tests wtth A-clrtven plane ln Tex. put every pollce on aLert re hand.l-tng crowds ln caee of trouble. COMING, full-scale loquiry lnto AEC lnclucllng wby somucb secr€clrr.."GrowLng concern among sclentlsts that AXC le belng less than frankwltb Anerlcan people re d.anger of rad.latlon": Star..."We need edu for transitton lntoAtontc Age". 3""ippr EolrarE...coMING, tn Brookhaven, N.Y. 6 mlil. $ rnedlcal A-re-searcb ceuter...New sclence -ttnsdletion Cbernlstrytt, . ."I f potrer of E-bonb can be putto vork lt wtll aupp)-y all the pover the earth can use ln m111 yrs. - tbe Job lsstarted.rrl Navy has prod.uced. tiny MEIER to teet for radlatlon felI-out. Sinple. In-expenslve.g_lLeUAIqS EXPLAIMD? "CouLd. be d,ue to boverlng (lnvlstble )ilenly - alr rusbee lnto vacuum as vith Jets breaklng soundRevten Lond,on. lvVsterious skyquake rocked over 100 sq. miLand.. UP.

-2-Tm AMERICAN 8OCI(ET SOCY. & TBE BBITISE INTERPLANETARY SOCY. ptoneered. tn tbe "crack-pott ' f lelci of Astronauttcs (star-crulslng). Slx yrs ego a WorLd. Fed.eratlon vas born.The Internatlonal Astronautlcal Fed. Dow boaets nearly 91000 rnembers representing L9countrles wlth nore countrtes add.ing. Next World Cong. ln Rone ln Sept. Wantat go?Fred Durant II I of Boston beads 1t for Jrd, yr.. .SeyB B,I.S. Journal re "acceptance oftbe lnevitabl l t ty of spabe-f l lgbtr ' , - "Astrouautlcs promlses unpreced.entecl discovery..Eartbbouncl naostande on the tbreshoLd, of a new sger..Wtth the developnent of space-fllght thls new Bclence can & should afford a greater understand.lng & cobeslon to oureartbJ-y natlong as nan reallzes bls lnslgnlf lcance vitbln the Universe"."t'otl_go141lvlNc I,IILL STAND ON VENUS AI{D MAnS" says Dan Fry ln hls comlng book, "Steps- et. Ttrey w111 use a nucb elmpler way,Isltrt l t t lne we stop f lgbtlng gravlty and work vith l t?... I f we ere to reacb tbeStare we nust forget for a tlme

-the tltngs we thliT-we know" .

lAfAQLlfSMr Numerous geoJ.ogtsts, etcr Br€ predlctlng rnaJor FL00D due to shlftlng ofearthre aile. Say "pertodlctt ln geologlcal time & alnoet d.ue agatn. Wm. F. Llbby ofAEC says atonlc calendar Bhovs a catagtrophe struck about 875 B.C. .. . Somethingcaused, sea to r lse & drown whole forest ln N.I. area. AP...Freak weather on lncrease!L.A., t/26, had I ae nuch raln tn 2l+ brs as lt usually gets ln 1rr. l^lm. Danon of L.A.,d,eep sea chart publleber for Jl yrs, eays "The nagnetlc flelds are cbanglng veryrapldly. No nan can explaln wby. fhere are elgns ln sun, noon and stars such asthere are no records of ln past hletoryrr. Also -- "Ae tt vas ln the days of Noab soehall lt be in the daye of the comlng of the Son of Man". Evtl stalks the earthlSaucere have been called the VaLkuerles. (tn tUe Iggencl t'TheVaunreriesttcsne to takebornethesou1eofthedead.. .E6ff i th1stheff inatneverbefore1nbistorywae the race so cLose to the posslbl l l ty of wor ld suictde.. . . . . , . ' l?2??UABE $q NEVS "F1ylng Barrel" gets Navy go-abead -- wlth Kauan ALrcraft Corp. of Conn.I(anan ls D.C. t[an.,.Canada aldettcratettfJ.yers; hornenad.e p]anes now al. lowed to f1ydayttnes vlthln 25 nL of home but no passengers. (Agatnr' the poor pedeetrlanrrl). . .t'Atr trafflc getting conplex" C.A.A., Idlewild., now bas n1l"L $ Control Tower; wiJ-IcontroL JO Alrports and big cbunk of the AtlantLc.!Olg!gJ. blggest-yet E-bornb tests ln Paciflc - 2 to 3 times more powerful! ! COMING,World Atonlc Agency. -- ffiffi, "egg-tlners" to tlne long dletance phonlng. - COMING,real t'Dlnoeaur Nat. Parkil. -- ffiffi, J.p clttes wlth Edu TV statlons. - rulE, "so muchsurplue food. tbat stortng lt costs more than to run Congresst', -- ffiM, t'Skyhop

Restauran! vith fly-tn servlce for planee (Augustar G. ) -- ffiS, one pbone for everyI persons ln U.S. -- COMING, Antarctic Exped.ttlon to get I'Dizney treatment" (lisphotogs golng al.ong,)nnng 11/o drop ln no. of farne ln last h yrs. -- COMING, "Speed-walkt' conveyor belts to transport bunans; 21 cltles consld.ering; has wld.e uses. --COMING, Atonlc Eospltal on Long leland. CBS, EERE, utnglese atrshlp wlth lnternal Jetenglne (mode1). - COMING, "blil. $ ape'naUg spree for gulded misFtles" - COMING, AEcSunmer School; "Need for sctentlsts very great" saye Strauss. -- COMING, Atonlc Navy-.COMING, 5 n111 $ ttotef ln Mtanl -- COMING, Jet transport plane wlth range of 4000 nl,L45 passengers. -- COMING (tn aue t lne) wrlst-radlos & pocket-phones. Also air con-dttloned, cLotbeg. AIeo worlil 3-D fV, EEBE now, Aton-powered plane. (test). - COMING,new 26-story botel tn Eong Kong. -- ffiffi, acrosg the Atlantic ln 6 hre, 14 nln. -C0MII{G, seaplane tbat can clrcle eartb wltbout refuellng! - COMING, posslble ellnlna-tton of SMOG - KIILING tr'ROSTS, also PESTS by elegtronlc neans. Latter would ellminatelurpasse re lnsectlcldee & blrdllfoo -- COMING, fabuloug new tlntlng process for rvom-enef balr. - COMING, electrle blanket (of atr), va:m tn winter, cool tn sunner.COMINC, Jet to clrcle eartb ln less than 40 brs. - CO!trNG, I'eateries" for U.Nts 2000to lOob dail.y vlsltors. - EEBE, "Voodoo" Jet, speed 11OO iirph. - ffiM, (ln L,A.) test-lugs for sevage d.lsposal wlth atonlc energy. Watcb, Bears on New Age. COMINGT Quickf,reezlng of vhole bl"ooct & ceLls -- calLed "Eternlty ln a .test tube'r. - Coning on tblsplanet Ln L956 -

t'68 nlIllon nore bables" I I !SECOJD_COMIN.G (Sent ln to ttP ) Angel Moronl to Josepb Sultb; I'Wben earth eball reelto & fro ltke a clrunken nan & tbe deetroytng angel goes fortb at noonday before thecontng of the Son of llan tbe eecond. tlne, that r+bo le not prepared cannot ablde. Butsucb as are fouud. faltMul & renain sball be gathered. wltb hls people & caught up toneet th,e Lord ln the cLoud.str, (Vla saucers? )

-3-IS YOUR NEIGEBOREOOD SUNNING DOWN? Do you knov tbe earmarks? Problen belng attack-

ION, Box 20, Fadlo Clty Sta. N,I. 20 for info &help. Bears on New Age. (t'We d.ontt go to heevenr we SI9! to beavent'. )SP.IRIT_.TV| "By qgans of a fLat glass poJ-arizer, etc. lt le clalmed tbat other worldscan be photographed." eays Socy of l,letaphysiclans, Hastlngs, Eng. Eas "sultcase ofpbotos taken 1n a basement ln iotaL darkness, that sbow forest of evergreensr', etc.---Add to tbls - 0h1o Stete U. has vla radlo astronomy "Iocated echoes wbose bebav-lor tndleate new types of astronomlcal obJecter'. Well known Edltor B.sks. rrCouJ.d. tbesebe of lnflnlteLy flner atomic frequency tben earth etructure?" & adds t'l.Ihen TV vlewsof what the orthodox know ae t'heavdn" can be tranemltted to eerthts mechanical re-ceivtng sets, tbe vhole phllosopbical-rellgious thot of the wor1d. is due to be etood.cn lts head.rtl IMIPNICET AT TEE LII-IU"B LISTEN_ING POST - (when nuch of the work ls d.one ). Howllngwlnde have set the gard,en wlndbells ranpaglng. Ihe alr ls electric -- and. fulL. oflong, long thoughts.SATELLIIE. 3I yr old D.C. area nan heads proJect. "Cost vt l l be 38 ntLl $$". Whis-pered ln serlous clrcles --

t'Is one pur?ose of sending up satelllte to see whet elsels already ctrcllng our globe"? -- Sovlet clalms ft vift launcb one ln t56ll couFfrTeNBC - "50 yrs after nan gets hls wtngs he reaches for the moon" l ! -- Linffetter,epeaklng of eatelllte on natlon-wicle hookup from Times Sg. New Yearrs Eve saio,t ' fherers a beautlful new world abeadllt tSAUCER NEWS. KEIHOE STRIKES IEE KEYM4EI Says wrlte your senator & rep. & d.emand.A.F, reLease all saucer reports. 'IheD they could be stud.ietl by newsmen, etc. Untilthe preasure ls put on, the subJect wll"L be kept 6ecret. Yet sone warn, "Do youreallze what sudden lnfo could. d.o to econonlc worLd.?"...Keyboets emart press confer-ence re hts latest book welL attended by nel{smen but tbeir storles muffed. dolrn.Keyhoe told LLP -

t'The A.F. knows what the saucers are but d.ontt know what theytrehere for"... -- Ihere ere tlro schooLs of tbought es to wby saucers are here: Onefeels.theyrre to heJ-p us; one fears them. (ProbabJ.y theytre here for a no. of rea-Bons,)... Also, therits the quffin - Is there some Law that wtlI "quararantlne" var-rtng hurnantty to tbls planet? Pronlnent souree say6 "k gg!9!g of space ls soongolng to be a necesslty". Eere, then, is an fiapasse. WlII bunanlty forsake war?WlITlt taTe-war into space? -- Wbtch brlngs the blg & flnal question -- All religlonaside, Is IT possIBLE, BT "LABoRI$oRY" & nESEARCE METEoDS, T0 ISoLATE Tm GEnM 0FEUMAN DISCORD end EXADICATE IT???.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Numeroue slghttngs l i - Bal t t area."Flytng Saucers Stlll A Deep l,ffstery" announces Baltl Sun /22 & descrlbes them asttnost astonlehlng phenonena of thls astonlshlng century' -- sen' Brlcker on AEC com-nlttee saye be vould. not be surprlsed. lf nen from l,lars lancted. here some day & thatAEC sclenlt"ts mlght stage elnllar breakthru at any tine. (Eov nuch does he knov? ) --Clalr Boothe Luce openly adnltting her d.eslre to bL tbe "First Secy. of Space" (WoutaEeen apptoprLate),..8earst lGtrotone.l+50 West !6th N.Y. has 95 ft novte of sclentietesboottng ecJ.lpse ln Sreden ln ,5\, Unexpectedly caught 2 good. saucers ln upper leftcorDer. Juet releaged on fV. Wrlte Frank Iamb...Sw1g6 Le Courrie Interplanetairequotes Astronomer Prof. Vocco vho nakes syetenatle stutiy of UFOrs as e)q)ecttng out-burst of tben betneen Apr. & Nov. t56,,.f!ggll Draft your local Alrport Book Store aean ally. Persons "on the wJ.ng" are lu a nood. for space read.ing. See lf they arecarrylng saucer books.RECENT SESEARCE GUESTS AT TEE tIgNE LISTENTNG POST: Messrs. KOEblCr & SbOCKEtt fTON-_---__--_-_

J.C. llagner of Wagner EngtneerlngPhl1a. (Reported on llagnetlc Fault ln Pa); Stepben Putn?n, mecb. engineer wlth Beth.Shtpbulldlng, Boston. ('lttlany sigbttngs around. Cape Cod")tEE-sENIoR-ciTIzEN. reu. ngirnnl,mm i$'n Etates "Eobbles not enougbr'. Later-xf Dlg-@ new vlew that"E4ucqtlo4_-rnlst be conttnued. ggouglUe.." (l'Iatchthe retrlevtng of this enlarglng arSAUCER GflOUPS R@ORTING TO Ltpt New F.S. Stud,y Group at PIalnweII, Mlch. Interplanet-ery Rd, Berke}ey, Mlcb. Interplanetary Sesslons, 51 W.81'St, N.Y,C, nifafng-pub.lectures. Nortb Jersey UFO Group, Box 506, Morrlstown, N.J.Has good. uews releasis publlsbed. l,!ax lrtiller wltb John 0tto planning teleccmrnunlca-tloni branch of F.S. Internatlonal, L.A. - Clvtlian Saucer Intelllgence of N.I. has

ualltug llst of l+OO. tlaukegan group, 2155 Eyde Park, llauhegan, I1l-. lssues )$ pub 'on al"I pbases of Nev Age.

-4-HEA.LTE FR0I!T. Hoxey of famous Hoxey Cancer C11nic, DaLlas, sues A.M.A. for I0 rnill$S:fr 'pursuing relentless course of r idicule & persecutLon"... New Sleep Drug fort 'dlsturbed. persons", Pertclor -

t 'knlts up ravel-ed sleeve of cere"...J Israeli Drs.find. way to tell sex of unborn...Blg AirPolfutronStud.y und.er way; Bureau of Stand-ard.s, Weather Bureau, Bureau of lillnes, etc. at work on probleml bears on New Age.ULtra-sonlc medlclne has borvetl-ln; results good yet bow sllent sound. works in thebod.y ls poorly und.erstood.. l,lay open blg new fle1d.! COllfNG, "cloth tubing to replacewornout bod,1J.y'arteries - nylon, dacron", etc. lJb-hub!...Spears huge CbtropractlcSan in Denver n:ns full pg ad.s -

ttCancer rellef or money back". "Polio treatmentsfree unless results are aatisfactory". Puts up $tOOrOoO challenge re cerebral pal-sy. Ad.v. because t 'how else would slck folks hear of l t?" --"Palnless Chlldblrtbi l get-t1ngund'erway. l4ethod'na1n1ypre-ed'u1nartofre1axlng.(sf f ivealways used..) -- Pope OK's l t l l l Deecrlpt lon says lt means outgrovlng bypnotlc ef-fect of old curse - "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth". Systemworking. --- Eow rnanyother klude of hypnotlsm mtgbt tbe vor1d come out from under if lt got 1ts eyes open?Ed..A SAUCER CONFE8ENCE is belng proposed. by the Nor:bb Jersey UFO Group -- to be held ln@tocoverCent ia1,Eastern,CoastaI ."" i . ' 'Wantsi top}eve1represen.tatlves of al-l Flytng Saucer Groups." Van Tassel Glant Rock conventlon \/ZB a e9,B00K NEWS, U.S. publtshlng cultural nag "Amerlca" in Bussla, Latter publlshlng slm-ffirffis-ian usg fron tbeir Ebbassy ln D.C. -- Frontlers of Astronory by Fred. Eoyle.Comlng, book by Arthur Constance, &:g. on lfhe Arnazlng Unlverse (inclucllng UFOIa.)Draws hls facts from his 151000 vol- tlbrary & 2 mill news c1ips...Comtng, The Expand-lng Case for the UFO (+ re tlttle peopJ.e ) -- "Search for Bridey Muryhy" DoubJ-eday,(bypnotlzed wonan goes back ln her l-lves. Researeh verifles. ) Wfff be ob,'iectiveproof of contlnulty of Ilfe; havlng wld,e coveragei coming in at the leve1 of Thel,lassesll -- Dtctlonary of New Word.s, Relfer. (t'Atonlc Age has mlnted treasury of newword.s") Crrattenge of Autoroatlon (rut. Affairs Press)Autonation bas produced. problenof lelsure" ) S. Aust. newspaper had. fulL pg re Ad.ansklrs J-ast book. Comlng, SaucerBook by K. E. Ford. (collectetl oplnlon.) Dr. Klnsey worklng on Jrd. Sex Book. (l'larnlng,to Dr. Klnsey -- WEERE TffiRE IS N0 I\4ISTtsRY TEERE IS NO MAGIC. So spoke Oscar Wilcie.)New }bg by Dan Fry -- UwDERSTAIIDING - "concepts gLven from belng not of earth vhichwtII help us ralse our stand,ard of life far above our present dreans". Lou Corbln,!'JFBR, Balti. writlng book to glve tralned. reporterts slant on what he belleves to beone of the greatest storles ever to be recorcled....Eot off the press'TtsE REPORI 0F UNIDENTIFIED FTYING OBJECTS by Ruppe1t, erstwhlle head. saucer s]eutherfor the Atr Force (Doubleday) m:.s book ls a real "Report".wATcE IEIS| t'Anti-tnrst

Judgnent" says lP, If25, "frees Br5oo pbone patents (n.t.at)representtng f0 yrs of researchl covers every known fteld. of electrLcal conmunlcation.Inc1ucles such mlracles as the tiny tranststor, solar battery & a color TV systemnever yet offerecl. Decree nakes avalilabLe to any cltlzen all inventlons and know-bow of tbe BelI system. 'ts8gN SPUR To l^IEoLE FIEI,D 0F E[,ECTR0NICS". thls stng]e lten,barely read by the average cltlzen, nucb less remenbered, could vell be the flaretbat blazes the patb tnto the next d.lnenslonl "Nothlng ehall be hldd.en that shaLlnot be revealetl." Eere ls an {YAi,ANCHE of uncoverlng! In a EIISLIIE@I i'LETtEEnE BE LIG[T". And. parttcu].affi8'6ery phase of Connuntcaffiiffias theclosest ltnk to PTogress. Here coula te ifre SeguencEGE6!-liffipirlt Radio, (Iifhasa1reaaycorr .@-w1thenRCAscienttstwork1ngonSp1rt tRad'1o.)rueDawnlsBreektng. -- "I eay unto you -- WATCHIUAITBAG -- FROM YgU T0 US. I look forruard wlth great lmpatlence to your reward.lngpu-bliCa|fon.E.I; Fa. -Tontt intend. to be witbout your vond.erful lltt1e paper packed,vtth breatb-taktng D€wso lvlrs. G.W,A. Cal" - Your pub. Ls llke food to a hungry nan.J.S,G. N.I. - Iou can pack nore tnfo lnto a slng1e package than anyone in the fteld,Mrs. F. K. CaI. - I,LP ts one of tbe brtgbt spots of ny reading. N.M.M. W.Va. ftrsterrtflc, S.S. Il1. - Outstancting ae ueuaL. T.C. 0h1o - Btggest }tttLe nagazlne everto see the llght of day, E.P.E., Wash. - W corpllnents on a truly anaztng reportor-iaI Job. B.D.S. Fla. -------- THANKSI Ed..tUn irt'trg ttsui}IING PosT Is PUBLIsEED E\ruRT FEII WEEKS (WSEI'I TgE NEWS ,,BON,S OV!R'' )FROM WASUINGTON, I\EWS CAPIIAL OF Tm IIORLD. - FOUR ISSUES FOR ONE DOLLAR. (OOttt'lFoRGET YoUB SUBSCRIPTION) --- ttp IS TnnNc T0 WATCE TnE linotE FRolvI. CAII Al,IroNELEND A PAIR OF ?-LEAGUE BOOTS? ,....,iGs'Uington, p. g.Tplffiffiy - Ilarch.
