Rolf Hempelmann


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  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann



    The German Schlerlabor a SEMT educational innovation

    Rolf HempelmannPhysical Chemistry, Saarland University, Saarbrcken, GermanyChemistry-Schlerlabor NanoBioLab, Head

    Saarlands Schlerlabor Group SaarLab: SpokesmanLernortLabor - Federal Association of Schlerlabors, Berlin: President

    2Iasi 2013


    out of school out of school

    Schlerlabors SEMT places to learn

    places to learn

    enable contact and experience with up-to-date science and/or technology, provide well-equipped laboratories, allow young people to perform experiments hands-on, have a regular periodical offer of practicals.

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    3Iasi 2013

    how to translate Schlerlabor

    school lab ? it is not at school!students lab school students or university students?extracurricular science lab ? mostly not extracurricular!informal science lab ? mostly formal, sometimes non-formal,

    in some cases non-formal/informal

    4Iasi 2013

    types, characteristics and examplesof learning

    Type Characteristics Exampleformal school

    (attendence)at school,out-of-school

    organised regular lessons at school,a class visits a museum(organized by theteacher),a class visits the university

    for a projectnon-formal

    voluntary out-of-schoolandfree-choice

    organised summer school, sciencecourses in the studentsfree time

    informal voluntary not organised TV, visiting a zoo onSunday

    schlerlabor or schuelerlabor

    Stocklmayer, Rennie & Gilbert 2010

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    5Iasi 2013

    schlerlabor foundations in Germany

    Schlerlabors:a bottom-up developmentin the educational system


    6Iasi 2013

    coordination by the community itself

    2010: foundation meeting of Federal Association of Schlerlabors:LernortLabor Bundesverband der Schlerlabore e.V.

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    7Iasi 2013

    Schlerlaborsin Germany

    Problem for:users, education administration,educational politics,

    possible supporters,educational scientists

    request to LernortLabor:categorisation / catalogisation

    2 BMBF-projects

    Large block of SEMT-offersscene of schlerlabors seeminglyconfusing and heterogeneous

    8Iasi 2013

    state of the art

    Heterogeneity of scene of schlerlabors diffuse and generalizing statementsnot only in the press, but also in papers of educational sciences(compare, e.g., Schmidt, Di Fuccia & Ralle 2011; Priemer 2012 ).

    Disadvantages of previous attempts : do not separate the entity of schlerlabors from other out-of-school places to learn

    and from in-school offers in the field of SEMT, only partially indicate the function of the different types of schlerlabors, no correlation between name and function of the respective schlerlabor.

    Previous attempts of classification of schlerlabors : Dhnhardt, Sommer und Euler (2007) : owner-oriented approach

    (universities, research centers, science centers and musea, technology & foundercenters, big science-based industry).

    Pfenning (2013) : historically oriented approach (Schlerlabors of the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd generation, perhaps also 4 th generation?).

  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann



    9Iasi 2013

    claims and primary aims of all schlerlabors

    Our claim: schlerlabors assume essential tasks in Society & National Economyto arouse the interest in and to support the comprehension ofnatural and engineering sciences in children and young people Scientific Literacy Service for our Society: young people of today adults of tomorrow,they will participate in shaping the future of our science-based society .

    Schlerlabors as out-of-school places to learn actively support the schools:school problem: shortage in equipment and in time for laboratory work;general school problems: Heterogeneity and Inclusion

    to motivate for non-academic SEMT professions and for SEMT university studies.Service for our National Economy measure against the shortage in personalinterested in science and engineering,technology-based economy .

    10Iasi 2013

    primary criteria for all schlerlabors

    out-of-school place to learn in the field of SEMTwith real address, really out of schoolscheduled operation at 20 days per year at least(schlerlabor operation at least at 10 % of the days available in the year,

    otherwise spontaneous school-student events)hands-on experimentswith the research processin the focus:- inquiry-based experiments

    or- guided inquiry-based experiments,

    or- recipe-type experiments





    out-of-school places to learnregistered at LeLa

    Kein Schlerlabor

    unklar > nein

    unklar > ja

    SchlerlaborAbout two thirds of the out-of-school places to learn registered at LeLaare real Schlerlabors.

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    11Iasi 2013

    categories of schlerlabors

    originating from the secondary aims of the respective operator

    for instance universities: advertisement for better beginner students,improvement of the education of teacher studentswith respect to practical relevance

    for instance large-scale companies: cultivation of their image,advertisement for (non-academic) technical jobs

    for instance communities: measure against shortage in technical personalof the local SMEs;this is an obstacle for economic prosperity

    12Iasi 2013

    categories and criteria

    category mode criteria

    Sch Le rLa bor K Klassical Schlerlabor

    Broad-band promotion : whole classes or courses,sufficient working places for a whole classin the frame work of school activitiesdirect relation to the school curriculum, formal type of learning

    Sch Le rLa borF

    Young people


    Research Center

    individual promotion : capable and keen boys and girlsLong-term, free research and laboratory workseparate building with appropriate equipmentnon-formal / informal activities beyond school, extracurricular

    Sch Le rLa bor L Teaching- Learning-Laboratory

    part of teacher

    s university education (compulsory)direct relation to the school curriculum

    Sch Le rLa bor W Schlerlabor forscience communication communication of the R&D activities of the owner organisation

    Sch Le rLa bor U Schlerlabor with

    relation toentrepreneurship

    information about entrepreneurship and economic relationships

    Sch Le rLa bor B Schlerlabor withvocational orientation focussed on offers for information about vocational possibilities

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    13Iasi 2013

    category = mode of operation:bivalence or multivalence of single laboratory

    One schlerlabor worksat the same time and at the same placein two modes of operation, e.g.:

    Sch Le r La bor KL

    one Schlerlabor worksat different times but at the same placeorat the same time but at different placesin two modes of operation, e.g.:

    Sch Le r La bor FK

    considering one schlerlabor:

    14Iasi 2013

    evaluation of available data

    valid statements: all real schlerlabors have been

    covered K-labs most abundant category,

    frequently in bimodale operation

    LeLa-categorisation is importantfor comparability within theFederal Republic of Germany(beyond the state boundaries)LernortLabor: reference

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    15Iasi 2013

    benefit from categorisation

    effect to the inside : operators of schlerlabors can better utilize synergetic effectsand perhaps can establish cooperations or regional networks

    effect to the outside : Users, supporters and the school administration canidentify the desired target group,printed media and TV can better comprehend and describe targets and facts

    educational sciences : single type of schlerlabors as comparable entityyields more reasonable and evident statements

    apparent heterogeneity of scene of schlerlabors collapses

    categorisation can be referred (in German language) to as short letter-type article in: LeLa magazin 5 (March 2013) as full paper in MNU-journal:

    O.J. Haupt, J. Domjahn, U. Martin, P. Skiebe-Corrette, S. Vorst, W. Zehren, R. Hempelmann,Schlerlabor Begriffsschrfung und Kategorisierung , MNU 66 /6 (2013) 324-330

    can be down loaded from

    16Iasi 2013

    LeLa magazin

    Aim of the editorial board: Short versions of scientific papers with relation to Schlerlabores Initiation of educational scientific discussions about Schlerlabor issues Reviews of relevant new book editions

    with ISSN-Nr.

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    17Iasi 2013

    classical schlerlaborLeLa magazin 6 (June 2013)

    SEMT broad-band support, whole classes:infrastructure adequate for the respective subjects pupils perform laboratory work in small groups

    Essential difference to experiments in schools: the environment has flair :

    fascinating situation pupils are interested,

    pay attention and work intensively. no 45 minute timing: pupils can also

    go along wrong ways:

    there is sufficient time for corrections. no marks and no performance pressure : pupils ask questions !

    misconceptions become clear. girls and boys : gender gap very small in schlerlabors,

    only the way of working can differ.

    at least 10 working places

    18Iasi 2013

    target group: school students,regular practical courses

    for instance NanoBioLab:experimentation every Thursday (mostly 2 events, am and pm);

    number of student visits in one year : 1600

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    19Iasi 2013

    types of experiments

    single visit of a schlerlabor, content-independent of the school event .

    Teachers want to achieve substantially more: longer-lasting motivation of their studentsand content-support of their school teaching, i.e. cognitive effects.

    type oflaboratory work manual supervisers remarks


    sparcely, onlyproblem posing

    intensive: laboratoryresponsible and 4 to6 educated tutorsper class

    pre-knowledge fromschool, comparativelysimple experiments

    guided inquiry-based experiments

    explanations,helps for learning

    (prompts )

    less intensivedegree of complexityof the experiments

    higherrecipe-type experi-mentation(cooking book )


    down to just 1supervisor per class

    highly-complexexperiments: e.g. inmolecular-biologicschlerlabors

    also mixed forms: highly-instructed experimental parts along with open experiments

    20Iasi 2013

    inquiry-based experimental problems particular sustainable experimentation:

    autonomalously workable/processable, with minimum intervention of tutors

    thematically connected with the actual school program (pre-knowledge necessary),

    devided into partial tasks, each resolvable in maximum 15 minutes,

    open and enactively resolvable problems,

    addresses misconceptions

    didactical conditioning of experimentsfor inquiry-based experimentation

    repeated visits desirable

  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann



    21Iasi 2013

    characteristics of classical schlerlabors

    classical schlerlabor: close relation to school curriculum

    classical schlerlabors with strong demand:Chemistry, Biology (Life Science), Physics and Technics schlerlabors.

    Less demanded: Mathematics, Informatics, Geography/Geology.

    Difficult situation for: Material Science, Nanotechnology, Mechatronics, etc.:Connection to school subjects is not always straightforward

    Owner in most cases: university:

    Supervision and mentoring by existing personal (academic and technical people)and by in-service school teachers part-time delegated to the university.

    Classical schlerlabors of universities can advantageously be extendedtoTeaching-Learning-Laboratories

    Sch Le r La bor KL

    22Iasi 2013

    class from elementary schoolvisits NanoBioLab

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    23Iasi 2013

    24Iasi 2013

    Teaching-Learning-LaboratoriesLeLa magazin 7 (November 2013)

    exist only at universitites with teacher studentsschlerlabor is compulsory part of university didactics education(teaching of subject-specific didacticsusing the respective schlerlabor as platform)

    pre-condition: university subject = school subject:Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography,to a small extent Mathematics, Informatics

    direct relation to curriculum at school

    Pure Teaching-Learning-Labs ???There are some, which however do not fulfill the criterion 20 laboratory days not registered by LeLa, data not available.

    in most cases: Sch Le r La bor KL

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    25Iasi 2013

    2 nd target group of schlerlabors:teacher students

    26Iasi 2013

    benefit for teacher students

    1st course: practical chemistry-specific educational training in the laboratory roomof the schlerlabor without pupils (with school-type equipment),

    2nd course: inquiry-based learning and experimentation with pupils

    compulsory tutorials in SaarLab-Labs: 6 NanoBioLab, 3 others

    pre-school training of teacherstudents close to the school reality

    engaged and well-educated tutorsfor the kids in the Schlerlabor

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    27Iasi 2013

    3 rd target group:in-service teachers

    just during the visit in the schlerlabor: new technologies new experimental techniques and methods contact to university

    additionally most schlerlabors offertraining of in-service teachers

    28Iasi 2013

    4 th target group: Junior Students80 Junior Students at Saarland University per year,

    20 of which with subject Chemistry (future elite students)

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    29Iasi 2013

    research in Teaching-Learning-Labs ?

    win-win-situation, utilisation of synergies;advantages for the head of a university schlerlabor: implementation into the key mission teaching

    long-term existence of schlerlabor is secured practical work in subject-specific didactics:

    many well-educated and very engaged tutors

    Sch Le r La bor KL

    Increasingly important: empirical instructional research implementation into the key mission research of the university

    schlerlabors constitute ideal research platforms many master theses on schlerlabor problems:

    very well-educated collaborators in the group of tutors from time to time a doctoral thesis, financed by third-party money

    thesis student helps with the coordination of the schlerlabor publications increase visibility

    30Iasi 2013

    implementation into research

    kids as active researchers : for instance Chemistrykids as object of research: Chemistry-related didactics, instructional studies

    Walter Zehren, Inquiry-based

    Experimentationin Schlerlabors ,

    Thesis,Saarbrcken 2009





    intrinsic interest



    interest in a later professionin the SEMT field

    evaluation marks

    Walter Zehren, Heinz Neber und Rolf Hempelmann, Kognitive und motivationale Effekte durchregelmiges Forschendes Experimentieren im Schlerlabor , MNU-Zeitschrift 66/7 (2013) in print

    Participant group

    Comparison group

    Recently: Dr. phil. nat. in addition to Dr. phil., Dr. rer.nat., Dr. ing.

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  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann



    33Iasi 2013

    young peoplesresearch centers (YPRC)

    in Germany


    100 member labs , among them10 YPRCs

    existent, under construction

    34Iasi 2013

    young peoples research center (YPRC)

    offers as supplementary facility (besides schools and other schlerlabors) : support of individuals / leasure-time pursuit in the field of SEMT well-equipped laboratories experienced supervisors/mentors for young peoples research contacts to companies, reserach institutes and universities,

    Low-threshold regional offer, adresses interested young people,in full intention also future non-academic professionals

    discoverer pleasureones own initiative, standingability to work in teamsability to accept critics & compromisesability to communicate

    ability to work with new media

    side effects ( colateral benefits):development of essential soft skills

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    35Iasi 2013

    typical operation of a YPRC

    courses (6 to max. 12 participants), e.g., brazing course inventor club puzzling, developing and research (informal learning) students industrial projects in offer/order relationship summer schools (non-formal learning) evening events for the interested public students conference

    Sch Le r La bor F

    36Iasi 2013

    typical operation of a YPRC

    operation as classical schlerlabor (formal learning) courses (6 to max. 12 participants), e.g., brazing course inventor club puzzling, developing and research

    students projects in offer / order relationship vacation courses evening events for the interested public students conference

    Sch Le r La bor FK

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    37Iasi 2013


    38Iasi 2013

    Schlerlaborsat UdS:

    2002foundation of

    Center of Nanoanalytics (CFN)of Physics

    2002foundation of

    Mach-mit-Laborof Biochemistry

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    39Iasi 2013


    official opening January 2003

    40Iasi 2013

  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann



    41Iasi 2013

    Schlerlabor SinnTecTechnical sensing devices

    Focus onmechatronicsand sensor technology

    Offers for Groups of pupils of all

    ages (Primary school

    up to Gymnasium) Practicals for pupils Individual projects Training of in-service

    teachers Education of pre-

    service teachers

    Secondary stage II

    42Iasi 2013

    Universal platform forexperiments in electronicsfor Schools, school groups and pupils

    Demo experiments Learning by doing

    electronics programming calibration

    Base for realisation ofown projects

    Individual promotion

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    43Iasi 2013

    Seven-Labs-Tour a Science Campin the autumn school vacations

    44Iasi 2013


    LeLa-prize 2006, phnomenta / Wolfsburg

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    45Iasi 2013

    Deutschland - Land der Ideen 2008


    46Iasi 2013


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    47Iasi 2013

    Bildung fr nachhaltige Entwicklung (BnE)

    48Iasi 2013

    UniCampStudy center of UdS

    first participation23.07.2004

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    49Iasi 2013

    always greatinterest of media

    50Iasi 2013

    coating with zinkin lab and industry

    12 2 2


    212 2 2


    3 6


    2 2



    6 2 III II

    O H O e OH

    Fe Fe e

    O Fe H O Fe

    Fe K


    Fe CN

    K H Fe CN


    O K

  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann



    51Iasi 2013

    Lab and industry (KD Pharma in Bexbach):omega-3 fatty acids

    ethyl esters of fatty acids

    Thin layer chromatography

    52Iasi 2013

    SEMT in SchlerlaborSecondary stage 2

    Junior study

    Schlerlabor in Primary School

    NaSci in SchlerlaborSecondary stage 1

    SaarLab: complete out-of-school SEMT educational cain,

    Haus der Kleinen ForscherKindergarten

    connectivity of the offers

  • 8/11/2019 Rolf Hempelmann


    53Iasi 2013

    some statistics about schlerlabs

    54Iasi 2013

    invitation to the next Annual Meeting of Schlerlabors

    in Heidelberg 16. bis 18. Mrz