Rome and the Traditional North Aryan Solar Christmas” by ......gjitha raca e madhe Arjane, ishte...


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    [“Rome and the Traditional North Aryan Solar

    Christmas” by Julius Evola] (Shqip|English Page 11)

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    idis te tjerave, doktrina e races ne nje nivel shpirteror duhet te

    kete dy rezultate: fillimisht, me nje rikthim ne origjine, duhet te

    nxjerre ne drite kuptimet me te thella te traditave dhe simboleve,

    te cilat jane erresuar me kalimin e mijevjecareve, dhe mbijetojne vetem

    fragmente te shperndara, te degraduara ne zakone dhe festivale

    konvencionale. Se dyti, doktrina e races duhet te rizgjoje ndjeshmerine

    per nje menyre te gjalle konceptimi te botes dhe te natyres, te limitoje

    fuqine e racionalistes, profanes, shkencores dhe fenomenalistes, qe ka

    joshur njeriun perendimor per shekuj te tere. Dhe, duke marre parasysh

    keten ndjeshmeri te gjalle dhe shpirterore te objekteve dhe fenomeneve,

    pika me e mire e references mund te jepet mbi te gjitha nga konceptimet

    “diellore” dhe heroike, te cilat i perkisnin te gjitha traditave me te

    vjetra arjane.

    Shume pak dyshojne qe manifestimet e ketyre diteve, te cilat edhe sot,

    ne shekullin e gratacelave, radios, turmave te medha, festohen si ne

    metropole ashtu edhe mes telave me gjemba, makinerive te luftes, dhe

    masave luftuese, vazhdojne nje tradite te lashte, qe na sjell pas ne

    kohera kur, pothuaj ne fillim te njerezimit, levizja ne ngritje e civilizimit

    te pare Arjan filloi; nje tradite zeri i larte te se ciles shkaktoi si jehone

    nje fenomen me shume se sa nje besim fetar. Me kete duhet te rikujtojme

    si fillim nje fakt te injoruar nga shume veta, qe data e Krishtlindjeve

    dhe fillimi i vitit te ri ishin dikur e njejta dite, dhe kjo date nuk ishte

    aspak arbitrare, por e lidhur me saktesi me nje event kozmik, ate te


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    solsticit te dimrit. Kur solstici bie ne daten 25 Dhjetor, daten te cilen

    sot e njohim si Krishtlindje, ne fakt ka patur nje origjine ne thelb


    Kjo duket ende ne Romen e lashte: data e Krishtlindjeve ne Rome ishte

    data e lindjes se Diellit, nje zot i pamposhtur – Natalis solis invicti. Me

    te, ashtu si dita e diellit te ri – dies solis natali – fillonte cikli i ri ne

    kohen perandorake. Por kjo “lindje diellore” e Romes perandorake i

    referohet ne fakt nje tradite shume me te lashte Nordike-Arjane. Per me

    teper, Sol, hyji qiellor duket qe tek perendite indigjene, pra perendite

    me origjine te mirefillte romake, marre nga cikle edhe me te lashta

    civilizimi. Ne te vertete, domethenia e fese diellore te periudhes

    perandorake ishte pergjithesisht me shume nje rilindje e tradites se

    lashte arjane, dhe fatkeqsisht e ndryshuar dhe dekompozuar.

    Historia e italianeve para-Romake eshte e pasur ne gjurmet e kultit

    diellor te lartpermendur: karroca diellore, disqe me rreze, yj me rreze,

    kryqe gjithfare, madje dhe shembuj svastikash ne sopata primitive jane

    gjetur ne Piemonte dhe Liguria. Ne kete menyre mund te vihet re kalimi,

    ne Italine e lashte, i te njejtes tradite qe la gjurme te ngjashme ne

    udhet e migrimeve veriore dhe perendimore te arianeve qe nga Epoka e

    Gurit. Simbolet, shenjat, jerogramet, kalendaret dhe notacionet yjore,

    figurat ne vazo, arme dhe stoli, pozicioni enigmatik i gureve te varreve,

    gjithashtu tregojne deshmi te qarta dhe te pakundershtueshme jo vetem

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    te prezences se nje kulti unitar diellor si qendra shpirterore e nje

    civilizimi e Arjaneve primordiale, por edhe rendesine e vecante qe

    “Krishtlindjet” kishin per ta; me “Krishtlindje” nenkuptoj daten e 25


    Per te evituar keqkutpime, duhet te permendim per hater te nje kategorie

    te caktuar lexuesish, qe kur flasim per nje kult diellor prehistorik, ne

    nuk kemi fjalen per nje forme inferiore, ‘idhulltare”, te nje feje

    natyraliste. Eshte qesharake te besojme qe njerezimi antik, dhe mbi te

    gjitha raca e madhe Arjane, ishte supersticioze dhe hyjnezonte fenomene

    natyrore – ne te kundert, antikiteti ishte i mendimit qe natyra permban

    simbole te shpirterores dhe te asaj cka eshte me e larte ne pergjithesi,

    pra eshte e nenrenditur ndaj hyjnores – me pak fjale, perdorte ate cka

    merrte nga shqisat per te gjetur domethenie transhendente.

    Klasat me te uleta mund t’i shikojne gjerat ndryshe, kete mund ta

    pranojme, por kjo nuk provon asgje tjeter vecse nje degradim shpirteror

    nga i cili burojne forma supersticioze besimi, dhe ketu perfshihen dhe

    disa kulte te krishtera, i cili ka ndodhur ne pjeset e pakultivuara te

    popullsive jugore. Tani qe e kemi sqaruar kete, kuptimi simbolik i arias

    arkaike, si “drite e njerzve” apo “drite e fushave” – landa lóme – qe i

    jepet diellit, duhet te jete i qarte, dhe duhet te kuptojme qe rruga e

    diellit gjate vitit, me fazat e ngritjes dhe uljes, paraqitet si nje simbol

    kozmik madheshtor. Ne rrugetimin diellor, solstici i dimrit ishte nje lloj

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    pike kritike, i perjetuar si nje lloj drame gjate kohes kur arjanet origjinale

    nuk i kishin braktisur rajonet ku klima arktike dhe makthi i nje nate te

    perhershme jane te pranishme. Ne kushte te tilla, pika e solsticit te

    dimrit – pika me e ulet ekliptike – ishte ajo ku drita e jetes dukej sikur

    zhdukej, perendonte, dhe zhytej ne token e ngrire dhe te shkrete apo ne

    uje apo mes pyjeve te erreta, nga te cilat ama ngrihej prape dhe


    Ketu lind nje jete e re, nje fillim i ri, hapet nje cikel i ri. Drita e jetes

    rindizet. “Heroi diellor” ngrihet nga ujerat. Pertej erresires dhe te ftohtes

    vdekjeprurese, perjetohet nje rilindje, nje clirim. Pema simbolike e botes

    dhe jeta vete gjallerohen me forca te reja. Eshte ne lidhje me keto

    kuptime qe qysh prej koheve prehistorike festohej 25 Dhjetori, si date

    lindjeje dhe rilindjeje e forces diellore, ne bote jashte si dhe brenda

    njeriut. Pak e dine qe pema e Krishtlindjeve, qe perdoret ende sot e

    kesaj dite, por ne formen e nje lodre per femije, ose ne rastin me te

    mire, si shenje e nje familjeje te mire te klases se mesme, eshte nje

    jehone e nje te shkuare shume te lashte, e nje tradite te rrepte arjane.

    Kjo peme qe rri jeshile gjate gjithe vitit, semper virens, pra nje bime te

    ciles nuk i bien gjethet ne dimer, pishe apo bredh, e cila ndizet me

    driten e re te solsticit te dimrit, qe sot shprehet nepermjet dekorimeve

    qe i vihen pemes. Dhuratat te cilat vihen rrotull pemes – sot dicka

    femijenore – ne fakt tregojne simbolikisht “dhuraten e jetes”, qe eshte

    forca diellore e lindur apo rilindur.

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    Por ne momentin qe semper virens, bima qe nuk vdes, ringjallet dhe

    ndricohet, ajo behet sipas simbolikes primordiale “heroi diellor” i cili

    ngrihet nga ujerat sipas nje riti qe vazhdonte deri tek mesjeta Ghibeline

    dhe ka luajtur dhe nje rol tek legjendat lidhur me Aleksandrin e Madh;

    pema kozmike eshte gjithashtu nje “peme diellore” e cila ka nje

    maredhenie te ngushte me te ashtuquajturen “peme te Perandorise” –

    arbor solis, arbor imperii.

    Kjo na ben te konsiderojme nje aspekt tjeter interesant te traditave qe

    po trajtojme, dhe per kete do t’i referohemi ne vecanti botes Romake te

    lashte. Mitraizmi, ose kulti i Mitras, eshte nje forme e vone e fese antike

    arjane-iraniane (mazdeane), e pershtatur ndaj nje mentaliteti luftetar.

    Gjate kohes se Perandorit Aurelian, kur ky kult arriti kulmin e

    shperndarjes ne Rome, data e “lindjes diellore” ne 25 Dhjetor identifikohej

    me ate cka eshte manifestimi i Natalis Invicti, pra lindja e Mitres si

    hero diellor.

    Per sa i perket Mitraizmit ne Rome do te ishte shume siperfqesore,

    madje dhe vulgare, ta permendim ate si thjesht nje “import oriental”:

    asokohe Orienti ishte shume me kompleks se sot, ku elemente prej

    traditash nga me te ndryshmet ishin te pranishem – dhe mes tyre,

    padyshim, gjendeshin elemente te rendesishem dhe te padegraduar te

    trashegimise Arjane te popujve Indo-Evropiane. Duke marre parasysh

    maredhenien e vene mes Mitras dhe “lindjes diellore” Romake, nje

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    akademik i mirenjohur vuri re se si kjo nuk coi ne nje ndryshim, por ne

    nje ringjallje te Kalendarit Romak krijuar ne kohen e Romulit dhe Numas,

    te cilet i dhane festave kuptime simbolesh te medha ne varesi me datat

    e epokave te medha te botes.

    Eshte me rendesi te analizojme titullin e invictus-aniketos te Mitras,

    heroit diellor, dhe forces se re diellore ne konceptimin e ri Romak. Eshte

    nje titull “triumfal”. Ne traditen origjinale Arjane-Iraniane eshte nje titull

    me natyre qiellore, dhe deri diku diellore, si nje drite qe mposht erresiren

    nje force uranike e shndritshme mbi te cilen forcat e nates dhe tokes

    se erret nuk do te ngadhenjojne kurre. Ne Rome, veme re qe epiteti

    invictus behet epitet perandorak, epitet cezarian, dhe e dime qe

    Mitraizmi, ne vend qe te ishte kulti i nje hyjnie abstrakte, deshironte

    t’i jepte te njejtat cilesi si Mitra atyre qe ishin ne kult, pra te shkaktonte

    nje transformim te natyres se tyre. Tendenca per te kuptuar atributet

    diellore ne nje menyre simbolike dhe analoge eshte e dukshme; ato

    aplikohen dhe tek njeriu per te treguar nje forme njerezimi superior –

    madje edhe “mbinjerezimi”. Ashtu si dielli lind, dhe fiton gjithnje kunder

    erresires, ashtu dhe njeriu eshte fitimtar ndaj forcave te erreta te

    brendshme, atyre qe kane natyre te vdekshme dhe instinktive, dhe keshtu

    virtyti mistik i jep atij funksionin e mbretit, liderit, udheheqesit etj.

    Pra nepermjet Mitras, heroit diellor, nje fautor imperii adhurohej ne

    Rome; keshtu u vendos nje maredhenie e ngushte mes simbolizmit diellor

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    dhe ideve te mbreterores dhe perandorakes ne format e tyre me te larta.

    Kjo maredhenie kishte rendesi te vecante ne traditat heroike te Arjaneve

    antike, dhe kemi permendur tjeterkund se si keto lidheshin me doktrinen

    mistike te “lavdise”. Pra, duke mos dashur te perserisim ate cka eshte

    thene, do merremi vetem me prezencen e ketyre formave ne Romen e

    Lashte. Victoria Caesaris, pra forca mistike triumfale e cila ne formen e

    nje statuje te vogel transmetohej nga nje Caesar tek tjetri, reflektonte

    nje tradite antike arjane-iraniane mbi mbreteroren dhe te ashtuquajturen

    hvarenò, nje force misterioze diellore e pamposhtmerise dhe lavdise e

    cila i jepet lidereve, dhe i ben dicka me shume se sa burra te thjeshte

    dhe eshte deshmi specifike e fitores se tyre.

    Nje skulpture antike romake e hyjit Sol e tregon kete hyj simbolik me

    doren e djathte te ngritur ne gjestin mbrojtes qe shihet sot dhe ne ikonat

    e krishtera, dhe me doren e majte qe mban nje sfere, simbol i dominances

    universale. Ne nje imazh tjeter, mund te shikojme te njejtin zot qe ia

    jep globin perandorit, dhe prane ka shkrime te cilat flasin saktesisht per

    “ndricimin” dhe stabilitetitn e imperiumit te Romes: Sol conservator

    orbis, Sol Roman dominus imperii. Nje medalion goxha interesant ka ne

    anen e perparme imazhin e nje peme “evergreen”, semper virens; dhe

    ne anen tjeter eshte zoti diell me nje sfere dhe aty prane edhe nje kryq

    i thyer dhe shkrimi: suns invicto comiti, perkthyer: per zotin Diell, nje

    shok i pamposhtur.

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    Nje imazh tjeter ruhet ne Muzeun Kapitolin – tregon lidhjen e simbolit

    te Sol sanctissimus me Shqiponjen, kafshen fatlume te Romes, qe

    mendohej te ishte ajo cka ngrinte shpirtin e perandoreve te vdekur nga

    zjarri funerar drejt qiellit. Deshmi te ngjashme gjehen dhe tjeterkund.

    Nuk eshte kontroverse te thuash qe ato flasin per nje mandat hyjnor

    dhe diellor, si nje shpirt te gjalle te funksionit cezarian perandorak, qe

    per ne, ne boten antike, ishte nje lloj flake e fundit simbolesh arkaike

    qe kane humbur pak nga pak.

    Ne ditet e javes si konceptoheshin ne Romen e lashte, dita e diellit ishte

    dita e zotit, kuptim qe ka mbijetuar deri me sot me termat e diel, nga

    diell, apo Sunday ne anglisht, dita e diellit, Sonntag, dita e diellit ne

    Gjermanisht, ne italisht Domenica, nga dominus, zoteri. Kuptimi eshte

    ruajtur ne kuptimin e plote te fjales dhe eshte reflektim i konceptit

    diellor arjan. Dicka e mencurise primordiale duket te jete ruajtur, deri

    diku, dhe ne diten e sotme te Krishtlindjeve, edhe pse festa e vitit te ri

    eshte shkeputur nga ajo. Simbolizmi i drites eshte aty – kujtoni si Ungji

    i Gjonit thote: erat lux vera, quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem

    in hunc mundum (drita e vertete qe i jepet cdo njeriu qe vjen ne kete

    bote) – pra atributi i lavdise. Ne gjurmet monumentale te periudhes se

    pare Romaneske, simbolet e kryqit dhe te diellit behen nje.

    Ne traditen arjane dhe ne Rome, e njejta tematike nuk ishte vetem fetare

    dhe mistike, por e shenjte, heroike dhe kozmike ne te njejten kohe. Ishte

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    tradita e nje populli, per te cilet e njejta natyre, i njejti ze i madh, fliste

    ne ate dite per misterin e ringjalljes, i nje ngjalljeje dhe ringjalljeje te

    nje principi jo vetem te drites dhe jetes se re, po dhe te imperiumit, ne

    kuptimin me te larte dhe augustin te ketij termi.

    Nga La difesa della razza, 20 Dhjetor 1940.

    -Julius Evola-

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    mong others, the doctrine of race on a spiritual level should lead

    to two results : firstly, with a return to its origins, it should bring

    to light the deeper meanings of traditions and symbols, which

    have become obscured in the courses of millennials, so that only

    scattered fragments survive, decayed in customs and in conventional

    festivals. Secondly – and not without reference to this – the doctrine

    of the race should reawaken the sensibility for a living conception of

    the world and of nature, to limit the power of the rationalistic, profane,

    scientist and phenomenalist one, from which Western man is been

    seduced for centuries now. And, with regard to this living and spiritual

    sense of things and phenomena, the best points of reference can be

    given above all by “solar” and heroic conceptions, which the most

    ancient aryan traditions had on their own.

    Very few suspect that the celebrations of these days, which even today,

    in the century of skyscrapers, radio, large crowds, are celebrated in

    metropolis as well as between trenches, war machines and fighting

    masses, continue a remote tradition, bringing us back to the times when,

    almost at the dawn of humanity, the ascending movement of the first

    aryan civilization began; a tradition, in which, moreover, echoed the


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    great voice of a unique phenomenon rather than a particular belief of

    men. Wanting to say something here, we must first of all remember a

    fact ignored by many, that is to say, that originally the date of Christmas

    and that of the beginning of the new year coincided, this date not being

    arbitrary but connected to a precise cosmic event , at the winter solstice.

    The winter solstice falls, in fact, on December 25th, which is the date

    of Christmas subsequently known, but which in its origins had an

    essentially “solar” meaning.

    This still appears in ancient Rome: the Christmas date in ancient Rome

    was that of the rising of the Sun, an undefeated god – Natalis solis

    invicti -. With it, as the day of the new sun – dies solis novi – in the

    imperial age the new year, the new cycle, began. But this “solar birth”

    of Rome of the imperial period, in turn, refers to a much more remote

    tradition of Nordic-aryan origin. Moreover, Sol, the solar divinity already

    appears among the gods indigetes, that is among divinities of Roman

    origin, received from even more distant cycles of civilization. In reality,

    as we will say, the solar religion of the imperial period, to a large

    extent, had the meaning of a revival and almost of a renaissance,

    unfortunately altered by various factors of decomposition, of a very

    ancient Aryan heritage.

    Pre-Roman Italic prehistory is rich in traces of the said solar cult: sun

    chariots, radiated disks, radiated stars, crosses of all kinds, not excluding

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    the swastika for example in archaic axes found in Piedmont and Liguria.

    In this way it can be seen the passage, in ancient Italy, of the same

    tradition, which left similar traces along the routes of the great ano-

    western and northern-arias migrations since the Stone Age. Symbols,

    signs, jerograms, rudimentary calendar or astral notations, figurations on

    vases, weapons or ornaments, enigmatic dispositions of ritual stones or

    caves, then, later, rites and myths survived in later civilizations, if

    studied according to the new points of view specifically in the spiritual

    and racial investigation of the world of origins, they also provide

    concordant and unambiguous testimonies not only about the presence of

    a unitary solar cult as the center of the civilization of the primordial

    aryans, but also about the special importance that the “Christmas” date

    had in them, ie the date of the winter solstice, December 25th.

    To avoid misunderstandings, however, it will be good to remind a certain

    class of readers what we have already had occasion to note here, that

    is to say, that speaking of a prehistoric solar cult one must not at all

    think of inferior forms of a religion “Naturalistic” and idolatrous. It’s

    ridiculous to believe that ancient humanity, and above all that of the

    great aryan race, superstitiously deified natural phenomena – on the

    contrary, it is true that antiquity conceived natural phenomena

    essentially as sensitive symbols of higher, spiritual meanings – therefore,

    more or less as supports spontaneously offered to the senses by nature

    in order to present these transcendent meanings.

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    Things may go otherwise between the less qualified part of a given

    ancient people, this can be granted, but evidently it proves as little as

    the fact of spiritual corruption leading to forms of bigoted superstitions,

    including some christian cults, in certain uncultivated and fanatical

    populations of the South. Having thus received a well-known

    misunderstanding, the symbolic meaning of archaic arias, such as “light

    of men”, or “light of fields” – landa lóme – given to the sun, must be

    clear, and one can also understand that the same entire course of the

    sun in the year, with its ascending and descending phases, presented

    itself in terms of a grandiose cosmic symbol. In this solar affair the

    winter solstice was a kind of critical point, experienced as a particular

    drama in the period in which the original aryans had not yet left the

    regions in which the arctic climate and the nightmare of a long night

    had come . In such conditions, the point of the winter solstice – the

    lowest of the ecliptic – appeared as the one in which the “light of life”

    seemed to die out, set, sink into the desolate and frozen earth or into

    the waters or between the dark forests, from which, however,

    immediately he gets up again to shine again.

    Here a new life arises, a new beginning arises, a new cycle opens. The

    “light of life” is rekindled. The “solar hero” rises or arises from the

    waters. Beyond the darkness and the deadly chill a rebirth, a liberation

    is experienced. The symbolic tree of the world and life comes alive with

    new strength. It is in relation to all these meanings that already in

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    prehistoric times a number of rituals and sacred feasts went to celebrate

    the date of December 25th, as a date of birth or rebirth, in the world

    as well as in the man, of the “solar” force. Little is known that the

    same traditional Christmas tree, still in use in many countries and partly

    also in Italy, but in the form of a children’s affair or, at best, of good

    middle-class families, is a residual echo of that very ancient, severe

    tradition of arja, and Nordic-aryan. Such a tree, derived from an

    “evergreen”, semper virens, that is, from a plant that does not die in

    winter, pine or fir, reproduces the archaic tree of life or the world,

    which lights up at the winter solstice new light, which is expressed

    precisely by the glow plugs that adorn it and which are lit on that date.

    And the “gifts”, of which that tree is loaded – today, simple gifts for

    children – actually depicted the symbolic “gift of life” precisely to the

    solar force that is born or is reborn.

    But the moment in which the semper virens, the plant that does not die,

    renews itself and lights up, is, in primordial symbolism, also that in

    which, as has been said, the “solar hero” rises from the waters in the

    same way that, according to a rite that continued into the Ghibelline

    Middle Ages after having played an important part in the legends

    relating to Alexander the Great, the cosmic tree is also a “solar” tree

    having an intimate relationship with the so-called “tree of the empire”

    – arbor solis, arbor imperii.

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    This leads us to consider another very interesting aspect of the traditions

    in question, for which we particularly want to refer to the ancient

    Roman world. Mithracism, or cult of Mithra, as it is known, is the late

    form assumed by the ancient ario-iranian (mazdean) religion, in a

    formulation particularly adapted for a warrior mentality. Spreading this

    cult in Romanity, under Emperor Aurelian, the date of the “solar birth

    or winter solstice” on December 25th was identified with that of the

    celebration of Natalis Invicti, that is the birth of Mithra considered as

    a “solar” hero.

    As for Mithracism in Rome, as mentioned, it would be very superficial,

    if not coarse, to speak sic et sirnpliciter of “imports” or “oriental

    influences”: the East of that time was a very complex thing, in which

    elements very heterogeneous elements were represented- but among

    them, undoubtedly, also important and incorrupt parts of the most ancient

    spiritual heritage of the arias and Indo-European peoples. With regard

    to the relationship that was established between Mithra and the Roman

    “solar birth”, a well-known scholar had therefore quite rightly pointed

    out that this did not lead to an alteration, but rather to a renewal of

    the Roman calendar according to its ancient astronomical and cosmic

    aspect, which it had had at the time of Romulus and Numa and which

    gave the feasts the meaning of great symbols in the coincidence of their

    dates with great epochs of the life of the world.

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    After that, it is important to examine the attribute of invictus-aniketos

    – given to Mithra – to the solar hero – and to the same solar force in

    the new Roman conception. It is a “triumphal” attribute. In the original

    Aryan-Iranian and related traditions it is the attribute of every celestial

    nature and, eminently, of the sun, as light that overcomes darkness, a

    luminous uranic force on which those of the night and dark earth will

    never prevail. But, in Rome, we see that the same invictus epithet

    becomes an imperial, cesarean title, and we know that mithracism, rather

    than being the cult of an abstract divinity, wanted to “induce” so to

    speak – the same quality of Mithra in initiates, for means of a certain

    transformation of their nature. The tendency to understand the “solar”

    attribute in a symbolic and analogical way is evident, so that it can be

    applied to man and, properly, to countersign the type and ideal of a

    superior humanity – for not to even say of a “superhumanity”. Just as

    the sun rises, perpetually victorious over darkness, so also, in a perennial

    interior victory over the mortal and instinctive nature, a being is

    fulfilled, which a mystical virtue renders, normally, eminently suitable

    for the function of king, leader, ruler etc.

    Thus in Mithra, the “solar hero”, a fautor imperii was venerated in

    Rome; this is how an intimate relationship of solar symbolism is

    established with the ideas of royalty and empire, in their highest form.

    Such a relationship had particular prominence in the heroic traditions

    of the ancient arias, and we have already spoken of it in dealing with

  • 18

    the mystical doctrine of “glory”. Therefore, not wanting to repeat things

    already said, we will limit ourselves to recalling the presence of the

    same meanings in ancient Rome. The victoria Caesaris, that is the

    mystical triumphal force which, in the symbol of a statuette, from one

    Caesar was transmitted to the other, exactly reflects the most ancient

    aryan-iranian traditions about royalty and the so-called hvarenò: since,

    as we already said in the the article now mentioned, the hvarenò earned

    as a mysterious “solar” force of invincibility, and of “glory”, which

    invests the leaders, makes them something more than mere men and

    testifies to them precisely with their victory.

    An ancient Roman effigy of Sol depicts this symbolic god with the right

    had raised in the “pontifical” protective gesture and with the left hand

    holding a sphere, symbol of universal domination. In another image,

    however, we can see the same god that transmits the globe to the

    emperor, near inscriptions, which refer precisely to the “radiance” the

    stability and the imperium of Rome: Sol conservator orbis, Sol Roman

    dominus imperii. Another particularly interesting medallion bears in the

    rectum the graduated image of the emperor – with the head, that is,

    enclosure of the semper virens, of the imperishable frond: on the back

    there is the sun god with the sphere, but in addition, near, a cross

    hooked (which we see therefore also present in ancient Rome) and the

    writing: suns invicto comiti, that is: to the solar god, invincible


  • 19

    Another image preserved in the Capitoline Museum – shows the

    association of the symbol of Sol sanctissimus with the Eagle, with the

    fateful animal of Rome, which was thought to be also that, from which

    the transhumanated spirit of the dead emperors was symbolically drawn

    from the funeral pyre in the sky. Similar testimonies could easily be

    multiplied. It is not risky to say, that they speak of a true and proper

    “divine solar mandate” as a living soul of that cesarean imperial

    function, which, for us, in the ancient world, was a kind of last flicker

    of archaic meanings little by little lost.

    In the ancient Roman week the “day of the sun” was the “day of the

    lord” – and this meaning has survived in the following times with the

    term of Sunday, from dominus, sir, as well as in the Germanic designation

    sontag or English sunday for the same day of “Feast” the meaning of

    “day of the sun” is literally preserved and, with it, the reflection of the

    ancient Aryan solar conception. Something of primordial wisdom

    therefore seems to have been preserved, in some way, in the actual

    present day of Christmas, even though the celebration of the new year

    has been dissociated from it. The symbolism of light remains there –

    remember for example the words of the prologue of the Gospel of John:

    erat lux vera, quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in hunc

    mundum -so as the attribute of “glory”, which appears a little below.

    In monumental traces of the first Romanesque period the same symbol

    of the cross joins the solar one.

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    In the aryan and Nordic-aryan tradition and in Rome itself the same

    theme had a reach not only religious and mystical, but sacred, heroic

    and cosmic at the same time. It was the tradition of a people, to whom

    the same nature, the same great voice of things, spoke on that date of

    a mystery of resurrection, of the birth or rebirth of a principle not only

    of “light” and new life, but also of imperium, in the highest and august

    sense of the term.

    From La difesa della razza, 20 december 1940.

    -Julius Evola-
