Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


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  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e




  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    in opus ministerii

    Circular Letter Concerning the Preparation and Celebration of the Easter FeastsBy the Congregation for Divine orship and the Discipline of the !acra"ents

    PASCHALES SOLEMNITATIS#anuary $6% $&''


    $()he Easter !ole"nity% revised and restored by Pius *++ in $&,$% and then the -rder of.oly ee/ in $&,,% ere favorably received by the Church of the 1o"an 1ite(

    )he !econd atican Council% especially in the Constitution on the !acred Liturgy%repeatedly draing upon tradition called attention to Christ3s Paschal 4ystery and pointed outthat it is the font fro" hich all sacra"ents and sacra"entals dra their poer(

    2(#ust as the ee/ has its beginning and cli"a5 in the celebration of !unday% hich

    alays has a paschal character% so the su""it of the hole liturgical year is in the sacred Easter)riduu" of the Passion and 1esurrection of the Lord% hich is prepared for by the period of Lentand prolonged for fifty days(

    (+n "any parts of the Christian orld% the faithful folloers of Christ% ith their pastors%attach great i"portance to the celebration of this rite% and participate in it ith great spiritual gain(

    .oever% in so"e areas here initially the refor" of the Easter igil as receivedenthusiastically% it ould appear that ith the passage of ti"e this enthusias" has begun to ane()he very concept of the vigil has al"ost co"e to be forgotten in so"e places ith the result thatit is celebrated as if it ere an evening 4ass% in the sa"e ay and at the sa"e ti"e as the 4asscelebrated on !aturday evening in anticipation of the !unday(

    +t also happens that the celebrations of the )riduu" are not held at the correct ti"es( )hisis because certain devotions and pious e5ercises are held at "ore convenient ti"es and so the

    faithful participate in the" rather than in the liturgical celebrations(ithout any doubt one of the principal reasons for this state of affairs is the inade7uatefor"ation given to the clergy and the faithful regarding the Paschal 4ystery as the center of theliturgical year and of Christian life(

    8()he holiday period hich today in "any places coincides ith .oly ee/% and certainattitudes held by present9day society% concur to present difficulties for the faithful to participate inthese celebrations(

    ,( ith these points in "ind% the Congregation for Divine orship% after dueconsideration% thin/s that it is a fitting "o"ent to recall certain ele"ents% doctrinal and pastoral%and various nor"s hich have already been published concerning .oly ee/( :ll those detailshich are given in the liturgical boo/s concerning Lent% .oly ee/% the Easter )riduu" andpaschal ti"e retain their full force% unless otherise stated in this docu"ent(

    +t is the ai" of this docu"ent that the great "ystery of our rede"ption be celebrated inthe best possible ay so that the faithful "ay participate in it ith ever greater spiritualadvantage(

    +(Lenten Season

    6(;)he annual lenten season is the fitting ti"e to cli"b the holy "ountain of Easter(;)he lenten season has a double character% na"ely to prepare both catechu"ens and

    faithful to celebrate the Paschal 4ystery( )he catechu"ens both ith the rite of election and

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    scrutinies% and by catechesis% are prepared for the celebration of the sacra"ents of Christianinitiation< the faithful% ever "ore attentive to the ord of =od and prayer% prepare the"selves bypenance for the reneal of their baptis"al pro"ises(;

    :(Concerning the Rite of Christian Initiation

    >()he hole rite of Christian initiation has a "ar/edly paschal character% since it is therein that the sacra"ental participation in the death and resurrection of Christ ta/es place for the firstti"e( )herefore Lent should have its full character as a ti"e of purification and enlighten"ent%especially through the scrutinies and by the presentations< naturally the Paschal igil should beregarded as the proper ti"e to celebrate the sacra"ents of initiation(

    '(Co""unities that do not have any catechu"ens should not hoever fail to pray forthose ho in the forthco"ing Paschal igil ill receive the sacra"ents of Christian initiation(Pastors should dra the attention of the faithful to those "o"ents of significant i"portance totheir spiritual life nourished by their baptis"al profession of faith% and hich they ill be invitedto reneal in the Easter igil% ;the fullness of the lenten observance(;

    &( +n Lent there should be catechesis for those adults ho% although bapti?ed heninfants% ere not brought up in the faith and conse7uently have not been confir"ed nor have they

    received the Eucharist( During this period penitential services should be arranged to help preparethe" for the sacra"ent of 1econciliation(

    $0()he lenten season is also an appropriate ti"e for the celebration of penitential rites onthe "odel of the scrutinies for unbapti?ed children% ho are at an age to be catechi?ed% and alsofor children already bapti?ed% before being ad"itted to the sacra"ent of penance(

    )he bishop should have particular care to foster the catechu"enate of both adults andchildren% and according to circu"stances% to preside at the prescribed rites% ith the devoutparticipation of the local co""unity(

    B(Celebrations During the Lenten Season

    $$()he !undays of Lent ta/e precedence over all feasts and all sole"nities( !ole"nities

    occurring on these !undays are observed on the preceding !aturday( )he ee/days of Lent haveprecedence over obligatory "e"orials(

    $2()he catechesis on the Paschal 4ystery and the sacra"ents should be given a specialplace in the !unday ho"ilies% the te5t of the Lectionary should be carefully e5plained%particularly the passages of the =ospel hich illustrate the diverse aspects of Baptis" and of theother sacra"ents% and of the "ercy of =od(

    $(Pastors should fre7uently and as fully as possible e5plain the ord of =od% inho"ilies on ee/days% in celebrations of the ord of =od% in penitential celebrations% in variousreunions% in visiting fa"ilies or on the occasion of blessing fa"ilies( )he faithful should try toattend ee/day 4ass% and here this is not possible they should at least be encouraged to readthe lessons% either ith their fa"ily or in private(

    $8( ;)he lenten season should retain so"ething of its penitential character(; ;:sregards catechesis% it is i"portant to i"press on the "inds of the faithful not only the socialconse7uences of sin but also that aspect of the virtue of penance% hich involves the detestationof sin as an offense against =od(;

    )he virtue and practice of penance for" a necessary part of the preparation for Easter(Fro" that inner conversion of heart should spring the practice of penance% both for the individualChristian and of the hole co""unity hich% hile being adapted to the conditions of the presentti"e% should nevertheless itness to the evangelical spirit of penance and also be to the advantageof others(


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    )he role of the Church in penitential practices is not to be neglected% and encourage"entis to be given to pray for sinners< this intention should be included in the prayer of the faithful(

    $,(;)he faithful are to be encouraged to participate in an ever "ore intense and fruitfulay in the lenten liturgy and in penitential celebrations( )hey are to be clearly re"inded that bothaccording to the la and tradition% they should approach the sacra"ent of Penance during thisseason% so that ith purified heart they "ay participate in the paschal "ysteries( +t is appropriate

    that during Lent the sacra"ent of Penance be celebrated according to the rite for thereconciliation of several penitents ith individual confession and absolution% as given in the1o"an 1itual(;

    Pastors should devote the"selves to the "inistry of reconciliation and provide sufficientti"e for the faithful to avail the"selves of this sacra"ent(

    $6(;:ll lenten observances should be of such a nature that they also itness to the life ofthe local Church and foster it( )he 1o"an tradition of the ;stational; churches can bereco""ended as a "odel for gathering the faithful in one place( +n this ay the faithful canasse"ble in larger nu"bers% especially under the leadership of the bishop of the diocese% or at theto"bs of the saints% or in the principle churches of the city or sanctuaries% or so"e place ofpilgri"age hich has a special significance for the diocese(;

    $>(;+n Lent the altar should not be decorated ith floers% and "usical instru"ents "ay

    be played only to give necessary support to the singing;< this is in order that the penitentialcharacter of the season be preserved(

    $'(Li/eise% fro" the beginning of Lent until the Paschal igil% ;:lleluia; is to beo"itted in all celebrations% even on sole"nities and feasts(

    $&( )he chants to be sung in celebrations especially of the Eucharist% and also atdevotional e5ercises should be in har"ony ith the spirit of the season and the liturgical te5ts(

    20(Devotional e5ercises hich har"oni?e ith the lenten season are to be encouraged%for e5a"ple the !tations of the Cross( )hese devotional e5ercises should help foster the liturgicalspirit ith hich the faithful can prepare the"selves for the celebration of Christ3s Paschal4ystery(

    C(Particular Details Concerning the Days of Lent

    2$(;-n the ednesday before the first !unday of Lent% the faithful receive the ashes%thus entering into the ti"e established for the purification of their souls( )his sign of penance% atraditionally biblical one% has been preserved a"ong the Church3s custo"s until the present day( +tsignifies the hu"an condition of the sinner% ho see/s to e5press his guilt before the Lord in ane5terior "anner% and by so doing e5press his interior conversion% led on by the confident hopethat the Lord ill be "erciful( )his sa"e sign "ar/s the beginning of the ay of conversion%hich is developed through the celebration of the sacra"ent of Penance during the days beforeEaster(;

    )he blessing and i"position of ashes should ta/e place either in the 4ass or outside ofthe 4ass( +n the latter case it is to be part of a Liturgy of the ord and conclude ith the prayer

    of the faithful(22(:sh ednesday is to be observed as a day of penance in the hole Church% one ofboth abstinence and fasting(

    2()he first !unday of Lent "ar/s the beginning of the annual lenten observance( +n the4ass of this !unday there should be so"e distinctive ele"ents hich underline this i"portant"o"ent% e(g(% the entrance procession ith litanies of the saints( During the 4ass of the first!unday in Lent% the bishop should celebrate the rite of election in the cathedral or in so"e otherchurch% as see"s appropriate(


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    28()he =ospel pericopes of the !a"aritan o"an% of the "an blind fro" birth and theresurrection of La?arus are assigned to the third% fourth and fifth !undays of Lent in year :% andof particular significance in relation to Christian initiation< they can also be read in years B and C%especially in places here there are catechu"ens(

    2,(-n the fourth !unday of Lent% Laetare% and on sole"nities and feasts% "usicalinstru"ents "ay be played and the altar decorated ith floers( 1ose9colored vest"ents "ay be

    orn on this !unday(26()he practice of covering the crosses and i"ages in the church "ay be observed if the

    episcopal conference should so decide( )he crosses are to be covered until the end of thecelebration of the Lord3s passion on =ood Friday( +"ages are to re"ain covered until thebeginning of the Easter igil(

    ++(Holy Week

    2>(During .oly ee/ the Church celebrates the "ysteries of salvation acco"plished byChrist in the last days of his life on earth% beginning ith his "essianic entrance into #erusale"(

    )he lenten season lasts until the )hursday of this ee/( )he Easter )riduu" begins ith

    the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper% is continued through =ood Friday ith the celebration ofthe passion of the Lord and .oly !aturday% reaches its su""it in the Easter igil% and concludesith espers of Easter !unday(

    ;)he days of .oly ee/% fro" 4onday to )hursday inclusive% have precedence over allother celebrations(; +t is not fitting that Baptis"s and Confir"ations be celebrated on these days(

    :(Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday)

    2'(.oly ee/ begins on ;Passion @or Pal"A !unday; hich oins the foretelling ofChrist3s regal triu"ph and the procla"ation of the passion( )he connection beteen both aspectsof the Paschal 4ystery should be shon and e5plained in the celebration and catechesis of this

    day(2&()he co""e"oration of the entrance of the Lord into #erusale" has% according to

    ancient custo"% been celebrated ith a sole"n procession% in hich the faithful in song andgesture i"itate the .ebre children ho ent to "eet the Lord singing ;.osanna(;

    )he procession "ay ta/e place only once% before the 4ass hich has the largestattendance% even if this should be in the evening either of !aturday or !unday( )he congregationshould asse"ble in a secondary church or chapel or in so"e other suitable place distinct fro" thechurch to hich the procession ill "ove(

    +n this procession the faithful carry pal" or other branches( )he priest and the "inisters%also carrying branches% precede the people(

    )he pal"s or branches are blessed so that they can be carried in the procession( )hepal"s should be ta/en ho"e here they ill serve as a re"inder of the victory of Christ hich

    they celebrated in the procession(Pastors should "a/e every effort to ensure that this procession in honor of Christ theing be so prepared and celebrated that it is of great spiritual significance in the life of thefaithful(

    0()he 4issal% in order to co""e"orate the entrance of the Lord into #erusale"% inaddition to the sole"n procession described above% gives to other for"s% not si"ply forconvenience% but to provide for those situations hen it is not possible to have the procession(


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    )he second for" is that of a sole"n entrance hen the procession cannot ta/e placeoutside of the church( )he third for" is a si"ple entrance such as is used at all 4asses on this!unday hich do not have the sole"n entrance(

    $(here the 4ass cannot be celebrated there should be a celebration of the ord of=od on the the"e of the Lord3s "essianic entrance and passion% either on !aturday evening or on!unday at a convenient ti"e(

    2(During the procession% the choir and people should sing the chants proposed in the1o"an 4issal% especially Psal"s 2 and 86% as ell as other appropriate songs in honor of Christthe ing(

    ()he passion narrative occupies a special place( +t should be sung or read in thetraditional ay% that is% by three persons ho ta/e the parts of Christ% the narrator and the people()he passion is proclai"ed by deacons or priests% or by lay readers( +n the latter case% the part ofChrist should be reserved to the priest(

    )he procla"ation of the passion should be ithout candles and incense% the greeting andthe signs of the cross are o"itted< only a deacon as/s for the blessing% as he does before the=ospel(

    For the spiritual good of the faithful the passion should be proclai"ed in its entirety% andthe readings hich precede it should not be o"itted(

    8(:fter the passion has been proclai"ed% a ho"ily is to be given(

    B(The Chrism Mass

    ,()he Chris" 4ass% hich the bishop concelebrates ith his presbyteriu" and at hichthe holy chris" is consecrated and the oils blessed% "anifests the co""union of the priests iththeir bishop in the sa"e priesthood and "inistry of Christ( )he priests ho concelebrate ith thebishop should co"e to this 4ass fro" different parts of the diocese% thus shoing in theconsecration of the chris" to be his itnesses and cooperators% ust as in their daily "inistry theyare his helpers and counselors(

    )he faithful are also to be encouraged to participate in this 4ass% and to receive the

    sacra"ent of the Eucharist()raditionally the Chris" 4ass is celebrated on the )hursday of .oly ee/( +f% hoever%

    it should prove to be difficult for the clergy and people to gather ith the bishop% this rite can betransferred to another day% but one alays close to Easter( )he chris" and the oil of catechu"ensis to be used in the celebration of the sacra"ents of initiation on Easter night(

    6()here should be only one celebration of the Chris" 4ass given its significance in thelife of the diocese% and it should ta/e place in the cathedral or% for pastoral reasons% in anotherchurch hich has a special significance(

    )he holy oils can be brought to the individual parishes before the celebration of theevening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper or at so"e other suitable ti"e( )his can be a "eans ofcatechi?ing the faithful about the use and effects of the holy oils and chris" in Christian life(

    C(The Penitential Celebrations in Lent

    >(+t is fitting that the lenten season be concluded% both for the individual Christian asell as for the hole Christian co""unity% ith a penitential celebration% so that they "ay behelped to prepare to celebrate "ore fully the Paschal 4ystery(

    )hese celebrations% hoever% should ta/e place before the Easter )riduu"% and should noti""ediately precede the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper(


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    +++(Te Easter Tr!"##$ !n %eneral

    '( )he greatest "ysteries of the rede"ption are celebrated yearly by the Churchbeginning ith the evening 4ass of the Lord3s !upper on .oly )hursday until espers of Easter!unday( )his ti"e is called ;the triduu" of the crucified% buried and risen;< it is also called the;Easter )riduu"; because during it is celebrated the Paschal 4ystery% that is% the passing of the

    Lord fro" this orld to his Father( )he Church by the celebration of this "ystery% throughliturgical signs and sacra"entals% is united to Christ her !pouse in inti"ate co""union(

    &( )he Easter fast is sacred on the first to days of the )riduu"% during hich%according to ancient tradition% the Church fasts ;because the !pouse has been ta/en aay(; =oodFriday is a day of fasting and abstinence< it is also reco""ended that .oly !aturday be soobserved% in order that the Church ith uplifted and elco"ing heart be ready to celebrate theoys of the !unday of the resurrection(

    80(+t is reco""ended that there be a co""unal celebration of the -ffice of 1eadingsand 4orning Prayer on =ood Friday and .oly !aturday( +t is fitting that the bishop shouldcelebrate the -ffice in the cathedral% ith as far as possible the participation of the clergy andpeople(

    )his -ffice% for"erly called ;)enebrae%; held a special place in the devotion of thefaithful as they "editated upon the passion% death and burial of the Lord% hile aaiting theannounce"ent of the resurrection(

    8$(For the celebration of the Easter )riduu" it is necessary that there be a sufficientnu"ber of "inisters and assistants ho are prepared so that they /no hat their role is in thecelebration( Pastors "ust ensure that the "eaning of each part of the celebration be e5plained tothe faithful so that they "ay participate "ore fully and fruitfully(

    82()he chants of the people and also of the "inisters and the celebrating priest are ofspecial i"portance in the celebration of .oly ee/ and particularly of the Easter )riduu"because they add to the sole"nity of these days% and also because the te5ts are "ore effectivehen sung(

    )he Episcopal Conferences are as/ed% unless provision has already been "ade% to provide

    "usic for those parts hich should alays be sung% na"elyaA)he =eneral +ntercessions of =ood Friday% the deacon3s invitation and the accla"ation

    of the peopleA(

    Fro" "idnight onards% hoever% the adoration should be "ade ithout e5ternalsole"nity% because the day of the Lord3s passion has begun( @62A

    ,>(:fter 4ass the altar should be stripped( +t is fitting that any crosses in the church be

    covered ith a red or purple veil% unless they have already been veiled on the !aturday before theFifth !unday of Lent( La"ps should not be lit before the i"ages of saints(

    (%oo" *r!"ay

    ,'(-n this day% hen ;Christ our passover as sacrificed%; the Church "editates on thepassion of her Lord and !pouse% adores the cross% co""e"orates her origin fro" the side ofChrist asleep on the cross% and intercedes for the salvation of the hole orld(


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    ,&(-n this day% in accordance ith ancient tradition% the Church does not celebrate theEucharist .oly Co""union is distributed to the faithful during the Celebration of the Lord3sPassion alone% though it "ay be brought at any ti"e of the day to the sic/ ho cannot ta/e part inthe celebration(

    60(=ood Friday is a day of penance to be observed as of obligation in the hole Church%and indeed through abstinence and fasting(

    6$(:ll celebration of the sacra"ents on this day is strictly prohibited% e5cept for thesacra"ents of Penance and :nointing of the !ic/( Funerals are to be celebrated ithout singing%"usic% or the tolling of bells(

    62(+t is reco""ended that on this day the -ffice of 1eadings and 4orning Prayer becelebrated ith the participation of the people in the churches @cf( n( 80A(

    6()he Celebration of the Lord3s Passion is to ta/e place in the afternoon% at about threeo3cloc/( )he ti"e ill be chosen hich see"s "ost appropriate for pastoral reasons in order toallo the people to asse"ble "ore easily% for e5a"ple shortly after "idday% or in the lateevening% hoever not later than nine o3cloc/(

    68()he -rder for the Celebration of the Lord3s Passion @the Liturgy of the ord% theadoration of the cross% and .oly Co""unionA% that ste"s fro" an ancient tradition of the Church%should be observed faithfully and religiously% and "ay not be changed by anyone on his on

    initiative(6,()he priest and "inisters proceed to the altar in silence and ithout any singing( +f any

    ords of introduction are to be said% they should be pronounced before the "inisters enter()he priest and "inisters "a/e a reverence to the altar prostrating the"selves( )his act of

    prostration% hich is proper to the rite of the day% should be strictly observed% for it signifies boththe abase"ent of ;earthly "an%; and also the grief and sorro of the Church(

    :s the "inisters enter the faithful should be standing% and thereafter should /neel in silentprayer(

    66()he readings are to be read in their entirety( )he responsorial psal" and the chantbefore the =ospel are to be sung in the usual "anner( )he narrative of the Lord3s passionaccording to #ohn is sung or read in the ay prescribed for the previous !unday @cf( n( A( :fterthe reading of the passion a ho"ily should be given% at the end of hich the faithful "ay be

    invited to spend a short ti"e in "editation(6>( )he =eneral +ntercessions are to follo the ording and for" handed don by

    ancient tradition "aintaining the full range of intentions so as to signify clearly the universaleffect of the passion of Christ% ho hung on the cross for the salvation of the hole orld( +n caseof grave public necessity the local -rdinary "ay per"it or prescribe the adding of specialintentions(

    +n this event the priest is per"itted to select fro" the prayers of the 4issal those "oreappropriate to local circu"stances% in such a ay hoever that the series follos the rule for=eneral +ntercessions(

    6'(For veneration of the cross% let a cross be used that is of appropriate si?e and beauty%and let one of the for"s for this rite as found in the 1o"an 4issal be folloed( )he rite should becarried out ith the splendor orthy of the "ystery of our salvation both the invitation

    pronounced at the unveiling of the cross% and the people3s response should be "ade in song% and aperiod of respectful silence is to be observed after each act of veneration9the celebrant standingand holding the raised cross(

    6&()he cross is to be presented to each of the faithful individually for their adorationsince the personal adoration of the cross is a "ost i"portant feature in this celebration< only hennecessitated by the large nu"bers of faithful present should the rite of veneration be "adesi"ultaneously by all present(

    -nly one cross should be used for the veneration% as this contributes to the fullsy"bolis" of the rite( During the veneration of the cross the antiphons% ;1eproaches%; and hy"ns


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    should be sung% so that the history of salvation be co""e"orated through song( -therappropriate songs "ay also be sung @cf( n( 82A(

    >0()he priest sings the invitation to the Lord3s Prayer hich is then sung by all( )he signof peace is not e5changed( )he Co""union 1ite is as described in the 4issal(

    During the distribution of Co""union% Psal" 2$ or another suitable song "ay be sung(hen Co""union has been distributed the py5 is ta/en to a place prepared for it outside of the

    church(>$(:fter the celebration% the altar is stripped< the cross re"ains hoever% ith four

    candles( :n appropriate place @for e5a"ple% the chapel of repose used for reservation of theEucharist on 4aundy )hursdayA can be prepared ithin the church% and there the Lord3s cross isplaced so that the faithful "ay venerate and /iss it% and spend so"e ti"e in "editation(

    >2( Devotions such as the ay of the Cross% processions of the passion% andco""e"orations of the sorros of the Blessed irgin 4ary are not% for pastoral reasons% to beneglected( )he te5ts and songs used% hoever% should be adapted to the spirit of the Liturgy ofthis day( !uch devotions should be assigned to a ti"e of day that "a/es it 7uite clear that theLiturgical celebration by its very nature far surpasses the" in i"portance(

    +(Holy Sat#r"ay

    >(-n .oly !aturday the Church is% as it ere% at the Lord3s to"b% "editating on hispassion and death% and on his descent into hell% and aaiting his resurrection ith prayer andfasting( +t is highly reco""ended that on this day the -ffice of 1eadings and 4orning Prayer becelebrated ith the participation of the people @cf( n( 80A( here this cannot be done% thereshould be so"e celebration of the ord of =od% or so"e act of devotion suited to the "ysterycelebrated this day(

    >8()he i"age of Christ crucified or lying in the to"b% or the descent into hell% hich"ystery .oly !aturday recalls% as also an i"age of the sorroful irgin 4ary can be placed inthe church for the veneration of the faithful(

    >,(-n this day the Church abstains strictly fro" the celebration of the sacrifice of the

    4ass( .oly Co""union "ay only be given in the for" of iaticu"( )he celebration of"arriages is forbidden% as also the celebration of other sacra"ents% e5cept those of Penance andthe :nointing of the !ic/(

    >6()he faithful are to be instructed on the special character of .oly !aturday( Festivecusto"s and traditions associated ith this day on account of the for"er practice of anticipatingthe celebration of Easter on .oly !aturday should be reserved for Easter night and the day thatfollos(

    ++(Easter S#n"ay of te Lor"(s Res#rrect!on

    :(The aster !igil

    >>(:ccording to a "ost ancient tradition% this night is ;one of vigil for the Lord%; and thevigil celebrated during it% to co""e"orate that holy night hen the Lord rose fro" the dead% isregarded as the ;"other of all holy vigils(; For in that night the Church /eeps vigil% aiting forthe resurrection of the Lord% and celebrates the sacra"ents of Christian initiation(

    $(The meaning of the nocturnal character of the aster !igil


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    >'( ;)he entire celebration of the Easter igil ta/es place at night( +t should not beginbefore nightfall< it should end before daybrea/ on !unday(; )his rule is to be ta/en according toits strictest sense( 1eprehensible are those abuses and practices hich have crept into "anyplaces in violation of this ruling% hereby the Easter igil is celebrated at the ti"e of day that it iscusto"ary to celebrate anticipated !unday 4asses(

    )hose reasons hich have been advanced in so"e 7uarters for the anticipation of the

    Easter igil% such as lac/ of public order% are not put forard in connection ith Christ"as night%nor other gatherings of various /inds(

    >&()he Passover igil% in hich the .ebres /ept atch for the Lord3s passover hichas to free the" fro" slavery to Pharaoh% is an annual co""e"oration( +t prefigured the truePasch of Christ that as to co"e% the night that is of true liberation% in hich ;destroying thebonds of death% Christ rose as victor fro" the depths(;

    '0( Fro" the very outset the Church has celebrated that annual Pasch% hich is thesole"nity of sole"nities% above all by "eans of a night vigil( For the resurrection of Christ is thefoundation of our faith and hope% and through Baptis" and Confir"ation e are inserted into thePaschal 4ystery of Christ% dying% buried% and raised ith hi"% and ith hi" e shall also reign(

    )he full "eaning of igil is a aiting for the co"ing of the Lord(

    2(The structure of the aster !igil and the significance of its different elements and parts

    '$()he order for the Easter igil is arranged so that after the service of light and theEaster Procla"ation @hich is the first part of the igilA% .oly Church "editates on theonderful or/s hich the Lord =od rought for his people fro" the earliest ti"es @the secondpart or Liturgy of the ordA% to the "o"ent hen% together ith those ne "e"bers reborn inBaptis" @third partA% she is called to the table prepared by the Lord for his Church9theco""e"oration of his death and resurrection9until he co"es @fourth partA(

    )his liturgical order "ust not be changed by anyone on his on initiative('2()he first part consists of sy"bolic acts and gestures% hich re7uire that they be

    perfor"ed in all their fullness and nobility% so that their "eaning% as e5plained by their

    introductory ords of the celebrant and the liturgical prayers% "ay be truly understood by thefaithful(

    +n so far as possible% a suitable place should be prepared outside the church for theblessing of the ne fire% hose fla"es should be such that they genuinely dispel the dar/ness andlight up the night(

    )he paschal candle should be prepared% hich for effective sy"bolis" "ust be "ade ofa5% never be artificial% be reneed each year% be only one in nu"ber% and be of sufficiently largesi?e% so that it "ay evo/e the truth that Christ is the light of the orld( +t is blessed ith the signsand ords prescribed in the 4issal or by the Conference of Bishops(

    '( )he procession% by hich the people enter the church% should be led by the light ofthe paschal candle alone( #ust as the children of +srael ere guided at night by a pillar of fire% sosi"ilarly% Christians follo the risen Christ( )here is no reason hy to each response ;)han/s be

    to =od; there should not be added so"e accla"ation in honor of Christ()he light fro" the paschal candle should be gradually passed to the candles hich it isfitting that all present should hold in their hands% the electric lighting being sitched off(

    '8()he deacon "a/es the Easter Procla"ation hich tells% by "eans of a great poeticte5t% the hole Easter "ystery placed in the conte5t of the econo"y of salvation( +n case ofnecessity% here there is no deacon% and the celebrating priest is unable to sing it% a cantor "ay doso( )he Bishops3 Conferences "ay adapt this procla"ation by inserting into it accla"ations fro"the people(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    ',()he readings fro" !acred !cripture constitute the second part of the igil( )hey givean account of the outstanding deeds of the history of salvation% hich the faithful are helped to"editate cal"ly upon by the singing of the responsorial psal"% by a silent pause and by thecelebrant3s prayer(

    )he restored -rder for the igil has seven readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent chosen fro"the La and the Prophets% hich are in use everyhere according to the "ost ancient tradition of

    East and est% and to readings fro" the e )esta"ent% na"ely fro" the :postle and fro" the=ospel( )hus the Church% ;beginning ith 4oses and all the Prophets; e5plains Christ3s Paschal4ystery( Conse7uently herever this is possible% all the readings should be read so that thecharacter of the Easter igil% hich de"ands that it be so"ehat prolonged% be respected at allcosts(

    here% hoever% pastoral conditions re7uire that the nu"ber of readings be reduced%there should be at least three readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent% ta/en fro" the La and theProphets< the reading fro" E5odus chapter $8 ith its canticle "ust never be o"itted(

    '6()he typological i"port of the -ld )esta"ent te5ts is rooted in the e% and is "adeplain by the prayer pronounced by the celebrating priest after each reading< but it ill also behelpful to introduce the people to the "eaning of each reading by "eans of a brief introduction()his introduction "ay be given by the priest hi"self or by a deacon(

    ational or diocesan liturgical co""issions ill prepare aids for pastors(

    Each reading is folloed by the singing of a psal"% to hich the people respond(4elodies should be provided for these responses hich are capable of pro"oting the

    people3s participation and devotion( =reat care is to be ta/en that trivial songs do not ta/e theplace of the psal"s(

    '>(:fter the readings fro" the -ld )esta"ent% the hy"n ;=loria in e5celsis; is sung% thebells are rung in accordance ith local custo"% the collect is recited% and the celebration "oveson to the readings fro" the e )esta"ent( :n e5hortation fro" the :postle on Baptis" as aninsertion into Christ3s Paschal 4ystery is read(

    )hen all stand and the priest intones the ;:lleluia; three ti"es% each ti"e raising thepitch( )he people repeat it after hi"( +f it is necessary% the psal"ist or cantor "ay sing the

    ;:lleluia%; hich the people then ta/e up as an accla"ation to be interspersed beteen the versesof Psal" $$>% so often cited by the :postles in their Easter preaching( Finally% the resurrection ofthe Lord is proclai"ed fro" the =ospel as the high point of the hole Liturgy of the ord( :fterthe =ospel a ho"ily is to be given% no "atter ho brief(

    ''()he third part of the igil is the baptis"al liturgy( Christ3s passover and ours is nocelebrated( )his is given full e5pression in those churches hich have a baptis"al font% and "oreso hen the Christian initiation of adults is held% or at least the Baptis" of infants( Even if thereare no candidates for Baptis"% the blessing of baptis"al ater should still ta/e place in parishchurches( +f this blessing does not ta/e place at the baptis"al font% but in the sanctuary% baptis"alater should be carried afterards to the baptistry there to be /ept throughout the hole ofpaschal ti"e( here there are neither candidates for Baptis" nor any need to bless the font%Baptis" should be co""e"orated by the blessing of ater destined for sprin/ling upon the

    people( '&(e5t follos the reneal of baptis"al pro"ises% introduced by so"e ords on thepart of the celebrating priest( )he faithful reply to the 7uestions put to the"% standing and holdinglighted candles in their hands( )hey are then sprin/led ith ater in this ay the gestures andords re"ind the" of the Baptis" they have received( )he celebrating priest sprin/les the peopleby passing through the "ain part of the church hile all sing the antiphon ;idi a7ua"; oranother suitable song of a baptis"al character(

    &0()he celebration of the Eucharist for"s the fourth part of the igil and "ar/s its highpoint% for it is in the fullest sense the Easter !acra"ent% that is to say% the co""e"oration of the


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    !acrifice of the Cross and the presence of the risen Christ% the co"pletion of Christian initiation%and the foretaste of the eternal pasch(

    &$(=reat care should be ta/en that this Eucharistic Liturgy is not celebrated in haste(+ndeed% all the rites and ords "ust be given their full force )he =eneral +ntercessions in hichfor the first ti"e the neophytes no as "e"bers of the faithful e5ercise their priesthood< theprocession at the offertory in hich the neophytes% if there are any% ta/e part< the first% second or

    third Eucharistic Prayer% preferably sung% ith its proper e"bolis"s< and finally% EucharisticCo""union% as the "o"ent of full participation in the "ystery that is being celebrated( +t isappropriate that at Co""union there be sung Psal" $$> ith the antiphon ;Paschua nostru"%; orPsal" ith the antiphon ;:lleluia% alleluia% alleluia%; or so"e other song of Easter e5ultation(

    &2(+t is fitting that in the Co""union of the Easter igil full e5pression be givento the sy"bolis" of the Eucharist% na"ely by consu"ing the Eucharist under the species of bothbread and ine( )he local -rdinaries ill consider the appropriateness of such a concession andits ra"ifications(

    (Some pastoral considerations

    &()he Easter igil Liturgy should be celebrated in such a ay as to offer to theChristian people the riches of the prayers and rites( +t is therefore i"portant that authenticity berespected% that the participation of the faithful be pro"oted% and that the celebration should notta/e place ithout servers% readers and choir e5ercising their role(

    &8(+t ould be desirable if on occasion provision ere "ade for several co""unities toasse"ble in one church% herever their pro5i"ity or s"all nu"bers "ean that a full and festivecelebration could not otherise ta/e place(

    )he celebration of the Easter igil for special groups is not to be encouraged% since aboveall in this igil the faithful should co"e together as one and should e5perience a sense ofecclesial co""unity(

    )he faithful ho are absent fro" their parish on vacation should be urged to participate inthe liturgical celebration in the place here they happen to be(

    &,(+n announce"ents concerning the Easter igil care should be ta/en not to present itas the concluding period of .oly !aturday% but rather it should be stressed that the Easter igil iscelebrated ;during Easter night%; and that it is one single act of orship( Pastors should beadvised that in giving catechesis to the people they should be taught to participate in the igil inits entirety(

    &6(For a better celebration of the Easter igil% it is necessary that pastors the"selveshave an ever deeper /noledge of both te5ts and rites% so as to give a proper "ystagogicalcatechesis to the people(

    B(aster Day

    &>(4ass is to be celebrated on Easter Day ith great sole"nity( +t is appropriate that thepenitential rite on this day ta/e the for" of a sprin/ling ith ater blessed at the igil% duringhich the antiphon ;idi a7ua"%; or so"e other song of baptis"al character should be sung( )hefonts at the entrance to the church should also be filled ith the sa"e ater(

    &'()he tradition of celebrating baptis"al espers on Easter Day ith the singing ofpsal"s during the procession to the font should be "aintained here it is still in force% andappropriately% restored(


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    &&()he paschal candle has its proper place either by the a"bo or by the altar and shouldbe lit at least in all the "ore sole"n liturgical celebrations of the season until Pentecost !unday%hether at 4ass% or at 4orning and Evening Prayer( :fter the Easter season the candle should be/ept ith honor in the baptistry% so that in the celebration of Baptis" the candles of the bapti?ed"ay be lit fro" the"( +n the celebration of funerals% the paschal candle should be place near thecoffin to indicate that the death of a Christian is his on passover( )he paschal candle should not

    otherise be lit nor placed in the sanctuary outside the Easter season(

    +++(Easter T!$e

    $00()he Celebration of Easter is prolonged throughout the Easter season( )he fifty daysfro" Easter !unday to Pentecost !unday are celebrated as one feast day% the ;great !unday(;

    $0$()he !undays of this season are regarded as !undays of Easter% and so ter"ed% andthey have precedence over all feasts of the Lord and over all sole"nities( !ole"nities that fall onone of these !undays are anticipated on the !aturday( Celebrations in honor of the Blessed irgin4ary or the saints hich fall during the ee/ "ay not be transferred to one of these !undays(

    $02(For adults ho have received Christian initiation during the Easter igil% the holeof this period is given over to "ystagogical catechesis( )herefore herever there are neophytes

    the prescriptions of the -rdo initiationis Christianae adultoru"% nn( >980 and 2,92&% should beobserved( +ntercession should be "ade in the Eucharistic Prayer for the nely bapti?edthroughout the Easter octave in all places(

    $0()hroughout the Easter season the neophytes should be assigned their on specialplace a"ong the faithful( :ll neophytes should endeavor to participate at 4ass along ith theirgodparents( +n the ho"ily% and according to local circu"stances% in the =eneral +ntercessions"ention should be "ade of the"( !o"e celebration should be held to conclude the period of"ystagogical catechesis on or about Pentecost !unday depending upon local custo"( +t is alsoappropriate that children receive their first Co""union on one of the !undays of Easter(

    $08(During Easter ti"e% the pastor should instruct the faithful ho have been alreadyinitiated into the Eucharist on the "eaning of the Church3s precept concerning the reception of.oly Co""union during this period( +t is highly reco""ended that Co""union be brought to

    the sic/ also% especially during the Easter octave($0,(here there is the custo" of blessing houses in celebration of the resurrection% this

    blessing is to be i"parted after the !ole"nity of Easter and not before by the parish priest or otherpriests or deacons delegated by hi"( )his is an opportunity for e5ercising a pastoral "inistry( )heparish priest should go to each house for the purpose of underta/ing a pastoral visitation of eachfa"ily( )here he ill spea/ ith the residents and spend a fe "o"ents ith the" in prayerusing te5ts to be found in the boo/ De Benedictionibus( +n larger cities consideration should begiven to the gathering of several fa"ilies for a co""on celebration of the blessing for all(

    $06(:ccording to the different circu"stances of places and peoples% there are found anu"ber of popular practices lin/ed to celebrations of the Easter season hich% in so"e instances%attract greater nu"bers of the people than the sacred liturgy itself< these are not in any ay to beundervalued for they are often ell adapted to the religious "entality of the faithful( Let

    Episcopal Conferences and local -rdinaries% therefore% see to it that practices of this /ind hichsee" to nourish popular piety be har"oni?ed in the best ay possible ith the sacred liturgy% bei"bued "ore distinctly ith the spirit of the liturgy% in so"e ay derived fro" it% and lead thepeople to it(

    $0>()his sacred period of fifty days concludes ith Pentecost !unday hen the gift ofthe .oly !pirit to the :postles% the beginnings of the Church and the start of its "ission to alltongues and peoples and nations are co""e"orated(;


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    Encourage"ent should be given to the prolonged celebration of 4ass in the for" of avigil% hose character is not baptis"al as in the Easter igil% but is one of urgent prayer% after thee5a"ple of the :postles and disciples% ho persevered together in prayer ith 4ary% the 4otherof #esus% as they aaited the .oly !pirit(

    $0'( ;+t is proper to the paschal festivity that the hole Church reoices at the forgivenessof sins% hich is not only for those ho are reborn in holy Baptis"% but also for those ho have

    long been nu"bered a"ong the adopted children(; By "eans of a "ore intensive pastoral careand a deeper spiritual effort% all ho celebrate the Easter feasts ill by the Lord3s gracee5perience their effect in their daily lives(;

    =iven at 1o"e% at the -ffices of the Congregation for Divine orship% #anuary $6%$&''(

    Pa#l A#'#st!n Car"!nal Mayer


    +!'!l!o Noe)itular :rchbishop of oncaria!ecretary


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    E&en!n' Mass of te Lor"-s S#))er ./

    Cele0rat!on of te Lor"-s Pass!on 12

    Sole$n +!'!l on te Holy N!'t of Easter 34

    :ppendi5 :Sole$n Mass on Easter Morn!n' /14

    :ppendi5 BRe'!na Cael! /35

    :ppendi5 CE6s#ltet /34


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  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    As I a&e lo&e" yo#7 so yo# so#l" also lo&e one anoter8@#n $% 8A



    Entrance :ntiphon e should glory in the cross of our Lord #esus Christ%for he is our salvation% our life and our resurrectione" tat te o#r a"

    co$e for !$ to )ass fro$ t!s ca$e to S!$on Peter7


    After e a"

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    )he ho"ily should e5plain the principal "ysteries that are co""e"orated in this 4ass theinstitution of the Eucharist% the institution of the priesthood% and ChristGs co""and"ent ofbrotherly love(


    )he persons ho have been chosen are led by the "inisters to chairs prepared in a suitable place%

    unless they have already assu"ed their designated places at the beginning of the 4ass(

    )he Presider introduces the rite in these or si"ilar ords(

    T!s !s te n!'t !n

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    ayoGy di na alipin% /undi /aibigan /o(Lahat ng "ula sa :"aGy nalahad /o na sa inyo(ayoGy hinirang /o% Hdi a/o ang hinirang nGyo(

    Loob /ong hu"ayo /ayo at "agbunga ng ibayo(

    +to nga ang siyang utos /o% na bilin /o sa inyo4ag"ahalan /ayoI4ag"ahalan /ayoI


    duardo 'ontieros# S$

    .esus na a/ing /apatid% sa lupa na"iGy bu"ali/

    iyong "u/haGy ibang9iba% hindi /ita na/i/ilala(

    T#l#tan $on' ak!n' $ata7 $a$#lat sa katotoanan7

    !ka< Poon $ak!k!lala sa taon' $a)a'k#$0a0a8

    .esus na a/ing /apatid% puti/in "an ang Hyong sapin%punit9punit ang Hyong da"it% naaGy "apasa9a/in(

    .esus na a/ing /apatid% sa bu/id /a nagtatani"%o sa paleng/e rin na"an% i/a ay naghahanap9buhay(

    :fter the ashing of the Feet% the Presider puts aside the toel and puts on the chasuble( )hecelebration continues ith the Prayers of the Faithful(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e




    At t!s o#r7 Jes#s )raye" for !s "!sc!)les

    an" for tose

    all tat

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    as itnesses to Christ and to the fullness of life he shares ith the Father(4ay they co"e to share in the glory that #esus gives to all believers

    and in the felloship in hich he gathers all ho re"ain in hi"(

    Let us pray to the Lord(

    1( "ather# gie glory to your Son

    8( For the unity of all ho believe in the Lord #esus%that the orld "ay recogni?e in their felloshipthe -ne ine ho is Christand the Co""union of the Father and the !on in the !pirit(

    By the itness of all believers% "ay all people co"e to believe in Christho" the Father sent for the salvation of all hu"anity(

    Let us pray to the Lord(

    1( "ather# gie glory to your Son

    ,( For all of us no gathered around the table of the Lord%that e "ay learn to love and serve one anotheras the Lord hi"self teaches us(

    1e"aining as branches in the ine%"ay e alays bear in abundance the fruits of charityto give glory to the Fatherand so co"e to share in the fullness of oy(

    Let us pray to the Lord(

    1( "ather# gie glory to your Son



    '!&e 'lory to yo#r Son7


    so tat l!&!n' !n yo#r fello

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    1( :"en(



    :t the beginning of the liturgy of the Eucharist% there "ay be a procession of the faithful ithgifts for the poor(


    Charlie Cen*on# S$

    :ng sinu"ang sa a/iGy "ananahan% "ananahan din a/o sa /anyaat /ung siyaGy "a"unga nang "asagana%siyaGy sa :"a Hy nagbigay ng /arangalan(

    M#la n'ayon kayo-y ak!n' ka!0!'an

    H!nan'o sa "!l!$ at ka0a0aan8

    An' ka!0!'a-y $a'9aalay n' sar!l! n!yan' 0#ay7


    bi Caritas et a"or% bi Caritas% Deus ibi est(

    )he Presider ta/es the paten ith the bread and% holding it slightly raised above the altar says

    ,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8

    tro#' yo#r 'oo"ness

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    ,y te $ystery of t!s

    1( Blessed be =od forever(

    )he Presider says inaudibly

    Lor" %o"7

    cleanse $e fro$ $y s!n8

    !tanding at the center of the altar% facing the people% he e5tends and the oins his hands% saying

    Pray 0retren7 tat o#r sacr!f!ce

    $ay 0e acce)ta0le to %o"7 te Al$!'ty *ater8

    1( 4ay the Lord accept the sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and glory of his na"e%for our good and the good of all his Church(



    $ake #s

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    We ask t!s !n te na$e of Jes#s te Lor"8

    1( :"en(


    )he !acrifice and !acra"ent of Christ

    ( Te Lor" 0e

    1( :nd also ith you(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    ( L!ft #) yo#r earts8

    1( e lift the" up to the Lord(

    ( Let #s '!&e tanks to te Lor" o#r %o"8

    1( +t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(

    *ater7 all9)o

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    -sana sa aitaasanI


    )he Presider% ith hands e5tended% says

    We co$e to yo#7 *ater7

    Tro#' !$

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    e pray to you% our living and true =od%for our ell9being and our rede"ption(Concelebrant )o

    +n union ith the hole Churche celebrate that dayhen #esus Christ% our Lord%as betrayed for us(

    e honor 4ary%the ever9virgin "other of #esus Christ our Lord and =od(e honor #oseph% her husband%the apostles and "artyrs%Peter and Paul% :ndre

    O#a"es% #ohn% )ho"as% #a"es% Philip% Bartholo"e% 4atthe%!i"on and #ude

    :"en( :"en(

    :fter a period of silent adoration% the Presider and "inisters genuflect and return to the sacristy(

    )hen the altar is stripped and% if possible% the crosses are re"oved fro" the church( +t is desirableto cover any crosses that re"ain in the church(

    )he faithful are encouraged to continue adoration before the Blessed !acra"ent for a suitableperiod of ti"e during the night% but there should be no sole"n adoration after "idnight(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e




  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    Cr!st 0eca$e o0e"!ent for #s e&en #nto "eat7

    "y!n' on te cross8

    @Phil 2% 'A


    )he altar should be co"pletely bare% ithout cloths% candles% or cross(

    )he celebration of the LordGs passion ta/es place in the afternoon% about three oGcloc/% unlesspastoral reasons suggest a later hour( )he celebration consists of three parts liturgy of the ord%veneration of the cross% and holy co""union(

    )he Presider% the concelebrants and the deacons% earing red vest"ents as at 4ass% go to thealtar( )here they "a/e a reverence and prostrate the"selves% or they "ay /neel( )he people /neeland all pray silently for a hile(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    )hen the Presider goes to the chair ith the "inisters( .e faces the people% and% ith handsoined% says one of the folloing prayers(


    .ands oined( Let us pray is not said(


    0y se""!n' !s 0loo" for #s7

    yo#r Son7 Jes#s Cr!st

    esta0l!se" te Pascal $ystery8

    In yo#r 'oo"ness7 $ake #s oly


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    !ee% "y servant shall prosper

    he shall be raised high and greatly e5alted(

    Even as "any ere a"a?ed at hi"

    so "arred as his loo/ beyond that of "an%

    and his appearance beyond that of "ortals

    !o shall he startle "any nations%

    because of hi"% /ings shall stand speechless(

    For those ho have not been told shall see%

    those ho have not heard shall ponder it(

    ho ould believe hat e have heardN

    )o ho" has the ar" of the Lord been revealedN

    .e gre up li/e a sapling before hi"%

    Li/e a shoot fro" the parched earth

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    +n isdo"% you have rought the" allthe earth is full of your creatures(

    Bless the Lord% - "y soulI

    1( Lor"7 sen" o#t yo#r S)!r!t7 an" rene< te face of te eart8


    Let #s )ray8

    Pause for silent prayer(

    Al$!'ty an" eternal %o"7

    yo# create" all t!n's !n

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    ;=od hi"self ill provide the sheep for the holocaust(; )hen the to continued goingforard(

    hen they ca"e to the place of hich =od had told hi"% :braha" built an altar thereand arranged the ood on it(

    Oe5t he tied up his son +saac% and put hi" on top of the ood on the altar(

    )hen he reached out and too/ the /nife to slaughter his son( But the L-1D3! "essengercalled to hi" fro" heaven% ;:braha"% :braha"I; ;Kes% Lord%; he ansered( ;Do not layyour hand on the boy%; said the "essenger( ;Do not do the least thing to hi"( + /no noho devoted you are to =od% since you did not ithhold fro" "e your on beloved son(;:s :braha" loo/ed about% he spied a ra" caught by its horns in the thic/et( !o he entand too/ the ra" and offered it up as a holocaust in place of his son(

    O:braha" na"ed the site Kaheh9yireh< hence people no say% ;-n the "ountain the

    L-1D ill see(;:gain the L-1D3! "essenger called to :braha" fro" heaven and said ;+ sear by"yself% declares the L-1D% that because you acted as you did in not ithholding fro""e your beloved son% + ill bless you abundantly and "a/e your descendants as countlessas the stars of the s/y and the sands of the seashore< your descendants shall ta/epossession of the gates of their ene"ies% and in your descendants all the nations of theearth shall find blessingall this because you obeyed "y co""and(GG

    Te Wor" of te Lor"8

    1( )han/s be to =od(

    RESPONSORIAL PSALM II $6% ,( '( &9$0( $$(

    1( :ee) $e safe7 O %o"? yo# are $y o)e8 @$A

    - Lord% you allotted "y portion and "y cup%you it is ho hold fast "y lot(

    + set the Lord ever before "e

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    only o)e of te

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    !uch is our =od9'

    1( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

    Cr!st as 0eco$e o#r )ascal sacr!f!ce8

    Let #s feast

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    1( :lleluiaI :lleluiaI :lleluiaI

    %OSPEL=o and tell "y disciples(

    Te Lor" 0e

    1( :nd also ith you(

    ( A Rea"!n' fro$ te oly 'os)el accor"!n' to Mark $6% $9'

    1( =lory to you% - Lord(

    en te Sa00at

    +ery early7 F#st after s#nr!se7 on te f!rst "ay of te

    s!tt!n' at te r!'t7 "resse" !n a e"; Yo# arelook!n' for Jes#s of Na>aret7 te one 'reat fear7 tey sa!" not!n' to anyone8


    Te %os)el of te Lor"8

    1( Praise to you% Lord #esus Christ(



  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    )he Presider goes ith the "inisters to the baptis"al font% if this can be seen by the asse"bly(-therise a vessel of ater is placed in the sanctuary(

    +f there are candidates to be bapti?ed% the Presider introduces the rite in these or si"ilar ords

    Dear fr!en"s !n Cr!st7

    as o#r G0roters an" s!sters a))roac te

    to 0less t!s font7

    tat tose re0orn !n !t

    $ay 0e one

    +f there is to be a procession of so"e length to the font% the litany is sung during the procession(+n this case% those to be bapti?ed are first called forard( )hen the procession begins the Eastercandle is carried first% folloed by the candidates ith their godparents% and the Presider ith the"inisters( )he above instruction is given before the blessing of the ater(

    +f there is no one to be bapti?ed and the font is not to be blessed% the litany is o"itted% and the,less!n' of Waterta/es place at once(

    +n the litany% so"e na"es of saints "ay be added% especially the titular of the church% the localpatrons% or the saints of those to be bapti?ed(


    Lord% have "ercy(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    1( Lord# hae mercy

    Christ% have "ercy(1( Christ# hae mercy

    Lord% have "ercy(

    1( Lord# hae mercy

    .oly 4ary% 4other of=od% 1( pray for us!t( 4ichael%.oly angels of =od%!t( #ohn the Baptist%!t( #oseph%!t( Peter and !t( Paul%!t( :ndre%!t( #ohn%!t( 4ary 4agdalene%!t( !tephen%

    !t( +gnatius%!t( Larence%!t( Loren?o 1ui? de 4anila%!t( Perpetua and !t( Felicity%!t( :gnes%!t( =regory%!t( Leo the =reat%!t( :ugustine%!t( :thanasius%!t( Basil%!t( 4artin%!t( Benedict%

    !t( Francis and !t( Do"inic%!t( Francis *avier%!t( #ohn 4ary ianney%!t( +gnatius of Loyola%!t( Catherine%!t( )eresa%!t( )herese of the Child #esus%:ll holy "en and o"en%

    Lord be "erciful% 1( Lord# sae your peopleFro" all evil%Fro" every sin%

    Fro" everlasting death%

    By your co"ing as "an% 1( Lord# sae your peopleBy the death and rising to ne life%By your gift of the .oly !pirit%

    Be "erciful to us sinners% 1( Lord# hear our prayer

    +f there are candidates to be bapti?ed


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    =ive ne life to these chosen onesby the grace of baptis"%

    +f there are no candidates to be bapti?ed%but the font is to be blessed

    By your grace% bless this fonthere your children ill be reborn(

    #esus% !on of the living =od%Christ% hear us( 1( Christ hear usLord #esus% hear our prayer( 1( Lord $esus#

    hear our prayer


    )he Presider then blesses the baptis"al ater( ith hands oined% he sings or says the foloingprayer

    *ater7 yo# '!&e #s 'race tro#' sacra$ental s!'ns7

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    yo#r Son e" 0y Jon

    an" ano!nte"

    Yo#r Son

    0a)t!>!n' te$ !n te na$e of te *ater7

    an" of te Son7 an" of te Holy S)!r!t8

    *ater7 look no<

    an" #nseal for er te fo#nta!n of 0a)t!s$8

    ,y te )oto sen" te Holy S)!r!t #)on te

    r!se also

    We ask t!s tro#' Cr!st o#r Lor"8

    1( :"en(

    )hen the candle is ta/en out of the ater as the people sing the accla"ation


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    !prings of ater% bless the Lord(=ive hi" glory and praise for ever(

    :ny appropriate accla"ation "ay be sung(



    )he Presider spea/s to the parents and godparents in these ords( +n the case of the baptis" ofadults% he addresses the" directly and refers to their on faith and responsibility(

    Dear G)arents an" 'o")arents7 or0roters an" s!sters=

    Yo# a&e co$e ere to )resent Gtese c!l"ren oryo#rsel&es for

    0a)t!s$8 ,y e"8

    .e then as/s the"

    Do yo# reFect SatanB

    1( + do(

    An" all !s

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    .e continues%

    Do yo# 0el!e&e !n %o"7 te *ater al$!'ty7

    creator of ea&en an" eartB

    1( + do(

    Do yo# 0el!e&e !n Jes#s Cr!st7 !s only Son7 o#r Lor"7

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    Is !t yo#r

    !n te fa!t of te C#rc7

    an" of te Son7

    .e i""erses the candidate or pours ater on hi" or her% a second ti"e(

    an" of te Holy S)!r!t8

    .e i""erses the candidate or pours ater on hi" or her% a third ti"e( .e as/s the sa"e 7uestionand perfor"s the sa"e action for each candidate(

    :fter each baptis"% it is appropriate for the people to sing a short accla"ation% such as

    ,lesse" 0e %o"

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    )hen the Presider says

    %o" te *ater of o#r Lor" Jes#s Cr!st as free" yo# fro$ s!n7 'a&e

    yo# a ne< 0!rt 0y

    1( :"en(

    e5t% the Presider anoints each of the candidates on the cron of the head ith chris"% in silence(

    +f the nu"ber is large% and other priests and deacons are present% these "ay anoint so"e of thenely bapti?ed ith chris"(


    )hen the Presider says

    GN87 N87 yo# a&e 0eco$e a ne< creat!on7 an" a&e clote" yo#rsel&es !n


    See !n t!s

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    +f no one is to be bapti?ed% and the font is not to be blessed% the Presider blesses the ater iththe folloing prayer

    My 0roters an" s!sters7

    let #s ask te Lor" o#r %o"

    to 0less te

    an" te 'reat

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    let #s rene< te )ro$!ses

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    Do yo# reFect Satan7 fater of s!n an" )r!nce of "arknessB

    1( + do(

    .e continues%

    Do yo# 0el!e&e !n %o"7 te *ater al$!'ty7

    creator of ea&en an" eartB

    1( + do(

    Do yo# 0el!e&e !n Jes#s Cr!st7 !s only Son7 o#r Lor"7

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    Han'o sa t#0!' tayo ay !nan'at n' D!yos sa kal!'tasan

    P#r!!n s!yan' sa at!n ay t#$a

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e




    Cr!st o#r Lor"

    learne" o0e"!ence fro$

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    Let us pray to the Lord(

    1( Lord# hear our prayer

    8( For the poor and the suffering%that they too "ay feel the oy of the 1isen Lord%and e5perience his salvation in their life(4ay the co"passion of Christianshelp bring the healing light of the !aviorto all ho live in pain and dar/ness(Let us pray to the Lord(

    1( Lord# hear our prayer

    ,( For all of us no gathered around the table of the Lord%

    that filled ith grace in the oy of this night%e "ay go out and proclai"the =ood es of ChristGs 1esurrectionand beco"e his active and transfor"ing presence in the orld(Let us pray to the Lord(

    1( Lord# hear our prayer


    *ater of lo&e7yo# f!ll t!s n!'t

    tat '!&es l!'t an" Foy to all )eo)le8

    tro#' te sa$e Cr!st o#r Lor"8

    1( :"en(


  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e





    Manoling "rancisco# S$

    Panginoon% turuan "o a/ong "aging bu/as9palad()uruan "o a/ong "agling/od sa iyo

    na "agbigay ng ayon sa nararapatna alang hinihintay "ula sa Hyo

    na "a/iba/ang di inaalintana "ga hirap na dinaranassa tuinaGy "agsu"i/ap na hindi hinahanap

    ang /apalit na /aginhaahanna di naghihintay /undi ang a/ing "abatid

    na ang loob "oGy siyang sinusundan(

    )he Presider ta/es the paten ith the bread and% holding it slightly raised above the altar says

    ,lesse" are yo# Lor"7 %o" of all creat!on8

    tro#' yo#r 'oo"ness



  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    cleanse $e fro$ $y s!n8

    !tanding at the center of the altar% facing the people% he e5tends and the oins his hands% saying

    Pray 0retren7 tat o#r sacr!f!ce

    May 0e acce)ta0le to %o"7 te Al$!'ty *ater8

    1( 4ay the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands

    for the praise and glory of his na"e%for our good and the good of all his Church(



    acce)t te )rayers an" offer!n' of yo#r )eo)le8

    W!t yo#r el)7 $ay t!s Easter $ystery of o#r re"e$)t!on

    ,r!n' to )erfect!on te sa&!n'

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    1( :nd also ith you(

    ( L!ft #) yo#r earts8

    1( e lift the" up to the Lord(

    ( Let #s '!&e tanks to te Lor" o#r %o"8

    1( +t is right to give hi" than/s and praise(

    *ater7 all9)o

    ,y "y!n' e "estroye" o#r "eat?

    0y r!s!n' e restore" o#r l!fe8

    An" so7

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e


    to ser&e yo#7 !s creator

    an" to r#le o&er all creat#res8


    An" tat

  • 8/12/2019 Sacrum Tri Du Um Paschal e



    .e shos the consecrated host to the people% places it on the paten% and genuflects in adoration(

    )hen he continues

    In te sa$e

    .e bos slightly(

    Take t!s7 all of yo#

    an" "r!nk fro$ !t?

    t!s !s te c#) of $y 0loo"7

    te 0loo" of te ne98

    Peter addressed the people in these ords J+ ta/e it you /no hat has been reported allover #udea about #esus of a?areth% beginning in =alilee ith the baptis" #ohn preached