Schoharie NY Union 1882 -...


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, -*."*T • M f e


THUBSDAY. Ito. 88, t-83.


paatMMtar U required b» latter (ratoralag a ]_ •War tha law), whan* saWibar

4 M noUss* kk pap* oat of tha otBoe, Md stats vaa raaaao fcc Hs not beiag taken, aad a neglect to do *o makes tbe tU ilia Ml II taipoaaikto to tbo pablisher for tka p a y a a t .

Aay osteon who takaa a papar from tha poatofBco, whether direeved to hu Mint or another, or whether he ha» aahatribad or not, u responsible for the pay. <**•

If a persou order* bis papar discon-tiaaad, ha noat par all arrearage*, or tha publishers may continue to seod it until payment ia made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from tha office or not Ttiere can be no legal diacontinuance until tha payment ia

| |Prof, Richard A. Praetor baa an ar­ticle in hia Familiar Science Stadias in wbieh he argues that it ia not only poaatble, bat probable tbat tbe oomat of 1880 may eoou Ml into tha auo, and

Isifbrdjso much fuel to thai bndy| that the increased beat will consume svery living thing aa thu earl*. This sup­position ta based on die theory that the oomat of 1880 ia not Only that of 1843

and that it la meeting witi



It tha subscriber orders hia paper to be atopped at a certain time, and tbe pnhHaaar continues to aend it, the sub­scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the office. Tha law proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay (or what he uses.

Too ceurta have decided that rotas-iag to take newspapers aad periodical* from the postoffice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, ia prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.

but ot 1668, such resistauce that tbe period of its reappearance has been reduced from 176 veers to 17 years; in othrr word., it is being drawn nearer and nearer to the sun aad will vary won tali into that body aa into a fiery furnace. Tbe oon -sequence. Prof. Proctor says, can easily be understood. The aun will be invest ed with so much additional heat thai "not one of the higher forms either ot vegetable or animal life would remain in existence" upon this earth. The professor aavs this excessive heat would not but long. In a few weeks, or days, or possibly a few hours the sun wan Id resume hu praaent heat and light. Th< heat and light would bo so great as to

I do the work of destruction in a t wink­ing. It should not be torgetten that

Prof. Proctor dees not say this will happen; ooly that it might or could Ana, aa the sun is more than ninety million miles fiom here, it is a little doubtful, to say the least, whether a comet falling into the sun will cause any mere heat in space, than a bod full ot coal dumped into a stove does in a ten by fifteen (jei room, If Proctor slioul' be correctfhen then all of last Tntf day'* work goes tor nothing.

Mrs. Scoville baa written to - Mrs. Garfield imploring that lady .to inter­cede in bohalt oi the condemned assass­in ot the President An appeal of this sort in itself would violate no propriety; in fact, would reflect credit on tbe writer for bur sisterly affection. Bat, as the Troy Times says, 'the mnonar in whioh tbo letter is paraded before tit* public, with an uvtdeut eye to dramatic effect, will not influence the people favorably.' A copy of the letter seems to have been given t > tbo press at the time tbo original was mailed. Tbta public para la of the matter is simply disgusting' Fartheimoie, th« want of deliotey shown toward the noble wi low must arouse indignation and protest I'he whole Scoville family .of late have

emed to spare no effort to keep theiu-

Saiargwl atom Bi*ut to TasjLr* Peg**.

Bonne* of "Light, The oldest and largest luurnal i s (he world tavut*l

to th* Spiritual Philosophy. ^

• ! ' ! • • _ • • _ •

lata* Wsskfar •« No. I oouiY a

prtetor*. n&^%g£fi&l

l»i*«- B. Hum.... LoVliKH C O U T . . . . . . J O B * iv. UAT .Asttotaat Editor.

Ai.loU by a lerg* o rp* of stile writer*,

Bantu**! Manager. Batter.

T U B HA.NKEU ia IIfirstJslass Family N.sw*j.s of Tw* v« p w « _ 0 nliining 'txfy column* < l tere«ting and ionlrui't ve reading-embracln4 »

Mterary Department. Report* :.f >p|r tual 1,

s Original Kstats I Cpoi aad H- entijfii wibjo ts.

CdlswUt Dopai uaon'.

otore*. pon Spiritual, Phi l

A. ITearw Reading FOR SI.


Weekly World Throughout, New Building

Hew' Appliaae s'of every kind, and • • •« Nsw Fr»-*o*,N«wTyp

' ppliaae * • lffs ia every depsrtiuen'



Tha Uoossc Tunnel ia the subject of aa antartaininsj paper by N. H. Eglee-ton, io the March Atlantic, who shows what a marvellous triumph of engineer-mg tbe great- tunnel really is. The

' *

work ot boring out both ends and sink­ing a abaft in the middle of tha five-•tQe stretch, and having them all meet on an exact line, was a difficult problem, truly. But it was thoroughly solved When the headings from the eentreU^™ » ™ abaft and fram the eastern portal >jame » T^L?" t l u together, their alignments swerved tram each other by tbo almost lnfiotfesimai space of five sixteenths ot an inch ! Says Mr. Egleston: '"It was an unparali' led feat of engineering. With tbe beat engineering talent of Europe the op­posite aims of the Mont Cenia Tunnel had a divergence of more than half a a yard. The office aad worth' ef science ware adnurab'y illustritod in tbe case of tha Hoosac. It waa science, applied setenoe, whieh built this great thorough fare ot traffic and travel Its lines and

Coportions were all ascertained and i down by scientific calculation

Patrick could pound the drill aw* light the fuse that would explode the charges of powder, but without scieotigc eogi neering to lay his path for him and rm>rk every drill hole, Patriek would have wandered in tbe depths of the moon tain till doomsday, with bia powder and

and ao practicable tunnel worl I been the result"

The arrears of pensions act and the pnblie attention it has received has called into being a laige class of awind liog pension agents whose advertise­ments are beginning to crowd the daily prints No more positive evidence of the extent ta which tho conntry is being bled under this act has appeared thar. the large promises if tbeaa "words to old soldiers." The arrears of pension* act, however worthy its intention, i assuming the test!ares of a larire job o' which its assumed beneficiaries will get

ice. The whole business got rrand.

selves befere tbe public and pose aa martyrs. Doubtless it is haid to endure 'he shame of having a relative hanged or murder, but how about the innocent ones to whom that murderous crime brought so much of horror and suffer­ing!"

* * * Under,, the circumstance*, this i s *

itrango time to strike a medal. Gen­erally, medals arc souvenirs of victory; bat the 306 biouzes are souvenirs of the most crashing, complete and deseived defeat in our history..

f'riio value of exports ot breadstuff* for January wss 911,929,000, previous Janiiary.**l4,929,000; for seven months ending Jan. 81st, f 194,073,000; same period last year, $168,509,000. •

1 8 6 a . 1 8 8 9 . American Art Journal.

P u b l i s h e d E v e r y Saturday. MUSICAL A R T

a n d t h e M U 3 I 0 T H A D E 8 .

Che Oldest and Largest C ircu la t i t* W e e k l y Musical Journal in the Uni'e. l Stn'es

T H U M B & 1>ELANG. Pnb'rs, 2 3 U n i o n Square, N e w York,


Spirit lt>*»ag« Department a-.d VoolrlDutioM by tbe mo»l Uittul^l M K 11 i. S

world, ato., -fw .^ Terms of Sub*eription, in A&aace :

Per J * a r « * . « , auiieaUi* .. . .JlJa, Three Mouth* 71

Puatagafra*. In retaining by mail, a Postoflia) Money Urder on

Beaton, or a draft on a Uaokur banking ho i t« iu Boston or New York City, payable t o the order ct Uolby & Rich, ta preferable to bauK note*. Our patron-! can reuvt ua the fractional part of » dollar hi post <ge atirape—one* and two< preferred.

Ailvmimiieut- pnbliched at 90 eeut* pxr line for th ' first, and flrteen ceute pe line tor each s u b x -qapnt insertion.

8u••« -l'iption* diaaontinuad at tlie lapucatiou o the time paid for. ;

aarSpeeiraen eople* sent free.

< : O t , 8 Y a a i H H Publish auU keep for aale at Wholesale and 11. tail

a eomp'eie assortment of Bplritual, Pvogreseivw, Heforcatory, aau Misce1.-

laa'oua Book*. Am •aa th<i authors are Andrew Jackson Darin,

Hon. Kobert Dale Owen, Dr. Jama* | M Peebles Heury C. Wright, Giles n. stebb'us, D. U Horns, T. R. Hazard, WUliam Denton, Rev. H . B. Craven Bpea -ai-gent, W. r. Kvaus, Kertev, A B. Child. P . B Hau'lolpb, Warren 8 Uar low.J .O, Btne t t , M<* Emma Ha ilringe Hrttten, aliei1 UaU Doten, Mrs. Maria M. King, etc.

Any book published in England or America, not on t of print will be sent by mail or express.

BarCatalogMi of Hooks publish by Colby A Itich. Mat free.

To any a-Mr **, postage p 'id. S1.0J a yeai; for ait m')3ti.s.

A € o « | i : « t v ¥ m i i y IVeWsiyaper.

Botoiit Departments for < v*ry Meiotar o f the ¥T*iuMholil


It is going to he a great season tor circosps- B-.riiuni, Bailey ds Hutchin-son, are reallv doing wonders in the wav of prepa ation. They have secur­ed Blondin for a rope walker; they have the baby elephant; all their ani­mal wagon* are to i e golden chariots, and there will be 10 open cages in the processsion. Adam Forepaugh ia ne • gotiating for the twin baby elephants •acently born on boar'I a steamer ; both shows will have n "hahd-"roest woman." Coup is also gting on tbe road with i n ­creased attractions.

The Spiciest Musical Monthly i T U B I J i A D E R . which has tbo best

and most ably written article", tbe fullest and lat­est music, n'-ws. and more of tbe freshest und pur­est innocent tun than any paper in th« oounrry. I t employ* only t e be-t available talent and glres tree (as a premium), in addition to the p per, one doll-rs worth of tho best music published, to i>e selected by the subscriber Sample -opies of TSie Leader and cataloguo of $30,000 w r t h ot tons'" to select ft om A sent lree. 8u'>- ertption price f X ,«0.

J B \ N WHITK. Pub'r, 226WaihingtonHi. Borton, Mass.

ezpt had and lor sale

; i . ... . . f •



The city af Ilaverhill, Mass., waa filled with strangers, viewing, the ruins of the great fire. There is very litt'e to be added to the acconnts published. The whole territory from Washington square to the depot, over five acres, was burned clear, and 75 buildings re in ruins. These sheltered 102 boot manu­facturers and o v r 200 other firms. The estimated lass is between | 2 000

' 000 and $2,500,000. Most of the property is supposed tit be well insured in Boston, New York, Hartford and

Saglish companies The First and tbe erimae National Jjank* weie burned

to the ground, b n M ^ e papers, books and money are thought to be unharmed ia the fire proof sates. Four thousand persons are thrown out of work, and the prosperous little city of Haverhill has recived a blow from which it will he hard to recover.

a i a a s w

Those bronze, or iron, or leather medals which somebody was having made for the "306'' at Chicago, to com-, inemorste their defeat, have been made so much fun ot, that it is said they will not be distributed, Certainly any one wha may receive one of them, will ever

••- fiat like weanag it in public Of all foolish conceits, this waa the most peurile.

-» The Tilden Senators have made nom­inations tor Senate officers as follows: For Sergeant at-Amu, Edward A. Moore, of Richmond; for Assistant 8er (Mot-at-Arme, Chatles 8. Maeomber, of Erie; for Stenographer, James M. latin, of Albany; for Doorkeepei, Joshua Gray; for Chaplain, Rev. George M. Dean, of Albany.

Gen. Meigs waa the great spender ot tho pub'.ic money. During the war he directed the expenditure of much aa $1,958,000,000 a sum by the side of which Vanderbilt seems like a paoper. He also audited a maw of w*w claim*, allowing 83,000 that amounted to $40,-#00,000. Rst not a dollar stock to the honest officer's hands.

The colored Jubilee aently returned from Europe were de­nied admission to every hotel it Wash

In most oaae the wast of room as a reason for refnaing

bat in throe in i the refusal

A farm purchaser will raanv tim-s get such a barf impression of a farm or loefclity, from the rickety tumble-down • ipi i i iWii ottmom^t^m, buildings, ate., that he will not care to iaveetigste mneh further, taking it for granted that the land is in about the same order.

A Hew Jersey tanner act aa old straw stock oa fire to scare eat a lot, and three teamps crawled out ot the smoke aa4 npBiaiilea* him for hia !• aot irat jabbiagarMiad with a pitch Ms* ta sea if aay aaa waa there.

Taaarn aKaaaW TTjaaWai' sals*—mi • i l saaaa!*«**> ai •!• n A * a t***a9 I f a j f J JaVVIaa. VaalValaWU r a a f l F v a W l t H O W

••a^a'a^'a^apw aa^*^a^Rapw^^Ha^swaaaar*jl KanalaaaM " O T %B*JJ

carried 7»PWa,778, an average of 208,-M l dairy.

as*a pays tor it, ia t*neraWy evident that ha has ao hope ot anybody dee dofag timaarviaa for him^—{Ex.

The last trip of the Cunard steam­s'up Servia to Liverpool is said to have heen the fastest, across the Atlantic, vit accompli hod. The apparent t me ">f the pnssage is 7 days, 12 hours, 39 minutes, and the aetnal time of tho passage from Sandy Book, 7 days, 7 hour*, 41 minutes. This is, by several minutes, the shortest passage on record, notwithstanding that the Cunard route is ninety miles longer than that taken bv most other lines.

• The gentlemen who are trying to se­cure the abolition of the 'tax upon to­bacco and whisky so aa to render an in­crease in the tariff ou articles in which they are especially interested, are mak­ing a great mistake. No tax U h*#a on prea-ive than that imposed on the«e two articles, ft* removal foi the reason assigned would not help to popularize principle ol piottction.

I isajSjSjSse1

Miss Jennie, ot New York, put on masculine attire, wont at man's labor and earned a living, For this she was arrested and sentenced to "the Island" for six mouths. Dr. Mary Walker, on tl.e ether hand, wears the male garb, makes a constant nuisance of herself, and nothing is done about it. The jus tice who sent Miss Jennie to jail is a pi {-headed brute.

Friday's drawing room at Baching-ham Pal .ce was remarkable for the un-U"nal number of troops and police and the immense turnout of spectators in thejtttreet and park. Nobody beli vei the Qteen to be in personal danger from the Irish «pIoi, but precautions were taken exactly as if an attempt was ex­pected.

A western exchange wants to know why anthracite coal is delivered in Liverpool for $4.50 per ton, and at Decorah, lows, for $11 90, if railroads are such a bless­ing. Our cotemporary doesn't appeal to understand that it costs money to build railroads, but the ocean was al • ready there, and doesn't cost a cent tor repairs.

'YThe body of a man considerably de­composed was found Saturday in a wood about three miles north of Cats-kill. It is supposed to be the body ot Timmorman, a butcher, who was seen in Athens on Tboraday last with a con­siderable sum of money and neeompan ied by a stranger.

A Rome, Qa., man is preparing a nnique directory. It will contain the name, style, whether brunette or blonde, address, and apptoximate age ot every voung lady in Georgia who has of her awa, or aa heiress expectant, property to tha amount of $5,000 or upward,

* s i > » Tha law schools aie before the Leg

ialature agaia with bills to gain special privileges to their students in the mat-tar of admission to tbe bar. It is time to shot down on this business. The Conrt of Appests has established fair rules, and all candi fast to them

The January reports ct M roads ag­gregate gross earnings for the month at $17,590,489, against $14,088,545 Tor January of 1880, a gam of $8,529,944. i his is upon an increased mileage of 14 par coat

Ladies, if yon are suffering from week back, aarveusooas, leoeorrhma or ID fact aay ilsaasi af the kidneys, bladder or urinary organs, Prof. Gnilmette's French Kidney Pad will cure yon For sale by J. T, Dona, agent, Mlddleborgh, N. f.

Mt, Moms, N. T , is Responsible for tbe following valuable statement from Mis. M. C. Arnold.' ••Warner'sSafe Kid-aay aad Lfver Care haaOoae me worlds of good for catarrh of the bladder and

juavr JUXST M I S S H O W v o i r " D K . F O O T E ' S


*Worth $Z5. Cost 25c. By the author of

P L U M H o n * T A I X " ADO « K S D I O * X COMMOH SSHut."

V O a PAGE90* Ad-rlcasbont Sally Habit* a it Oaini Recipe* for Cure of Common All-ment»;a valuable Bookof Befereiicefor every family. Only a 5 cents.

Tha Band-book contain* chapters on Hy­giene for »U seasons, Common Sense on Com­mon Ills, Hygienic Curative Measures, How to Avoid Undesirable Children, Knacks Worth Knowing, Hints on BathhiK, on Nursing tbe Sick, on Emergencies, Hint* tor Pregnant Women, together with some of the Private Formulas of Dr. FOOTS, and other physician* ol high repute,• «*d mwCTlons tar preparing tood for Invalids, aw AGENTS WANTED.

Muxray fill Beak PuUlsklflg Co. 129 EAST 28TH STBIKT. KIW Tosz CUT,

A G E X T S ! . A»«S'.-VA'S { A C E N T S ! JOHN B. COUGH'S Uran' new book, entitled

SUNUBEITANO SHADOW >s the i W c'inr.c: or>-r i| to >ou. Its Scenes are drawn Iroi't the br^lr, and sluJy sides of lift, portrayed as only

John B. Gough can portray th'em. Tlni rrand work—nirW/lfr tke/lrst titne pHblhhtd—'vi^i *Uiur»in£*' baqkfor agents, and is outsciiiiij a.l tuli 'i-s ten t> one . The thirty third tliousaiid :• now in iVes-i. I-.s immense sale lias been made entir-:y uy r.c.'. v • c.invn.-^-rs No other book com­pares with i: tor quick *:id p:uatable returns. We are starring more iit'eii^ now than ever before, and we be­lieve the »a!e ot Ihvi book will wach One Hundred '"•••tHKUiJ';.CV>*.ri V >to >:•?.' few months.

'/- want lu-c. tiiu:: ,i;--xw. at once, to supply this iisd hi">> •" lie thoiKi. Ji whu are waiting tor it. m-tnb - vh • •' hoiu/ i:wcommencing. .'Thebook '.nil-,:., :» V. *< t ntfi f r.f :he territory is note dear.

> -.... /.'••«' ;s _v~itr' iii'tc .-tj I'utfre money, and at the . • :I.M • ei"v.i.;t > ct tfmronghJv /irst-ciass book. E *

- I' rri o'v'niidv::-y H ^ci.ilTermsgiven, fiend for : f••'! rwrticulani. Address

lord, ( 5


Ail tha New*, fnlly »nd snjclntty. t The FWmier's World—A lull pa«* of A)rricul-tnral and P a r a Nawa TU • IJtary World—A lull vaga of Long Htorh-s a d (Short Stone*, Comlo Ballads and Serious Ve jras. Fairy Tale* and (Sailors' Tarot. TUe llou-ekeepfr'* Columns—What every woman wauta to know. Tbe Veterinary TJnitsrtmept—With, pr- sonp-tlona free r«r all subscrlbi'tr, and lull institic-tious for i he treatment of live st ck-The best CbrM coluuin In thu world (or unu-teur playeis-The be-it Checker Departinaut in the world loi botb amateur and professional pi lyera.

Yoang—Riddles, Chaiad -.•*,

> detail

A Corner for the Puzzles, Enigma*. Aeroftlc*. Ao.

Complete Market Baporla—tJnnval ed andiccuracy. Answer* to inquiries 10. .

Bach department ia perfect ot it* kind, and all com bin' d make it the beat Weekly New.p p«r ever published.

Tho New Yotk World has no superior on cither side of 'be Water, a s * Live, Brilliant, Pcilec<l> App"inted. Progregsive Newspaper.

Hpoclmon copies sent free. T B B NKW YOEK WOULD.

*3Gw6 Woild Building, New V rk.

agree that most disss*** «re caused by Jlsi. ner*-l Kidney* or Liver. ltt therefore, the Kidneys an 1 or Liver, l i v e r aie kept In perfect order, perfect order will be the result. This truth h i s onl< b-r-ii kn*wn t abort time and for 1 — agony without M u g J eoveryolWarneiVeofe K i d u y m d LverCui . ; marks a n e w er* in the treatment of t o w t r rablrs Had* from a simple uoploal leaf of rare v a n e , it contain just the elements necessary, to nourish and invigorate both of these great orgnn*, an I •ately restore and k e s p t b e m in • rdol. I t l a s P O S I T I V I - : n*>Sst«*trIor s 1 thedise>«os tbat cause pains in the lower part ot tb>> bo'y- i * j o - -

Liver -Headaches — Jniunllio —Dixsiie** Fever. A |ue— Malarial P ver.un I alldif-

pid Liver Oravel-Iever. Ague— ttcultlcs of tbe Kidneys.Liver and llnnai y • Irsan-

and sale rem ily for r mal •» ill control Meitatruatiou

ocorrhcea or Palll g e t I •

I t Is an excellent during Pregnanoy. I t and Is invaluable for Le Womb.

As % lllool Purifier it i s ouequftUd, foi il ur. -s tho organ* that MASB the blood.

This Kenwdy which has done fiieli woi ders, is put ap In the I.AHUBBT SIxKD BOTTLEs -pf any medicine upon the market, and iBsold l v Orug-ests and alt dealers at SI 25 per bottl . lor 1). -

tcs,enquire for WARNER'S SAFE Dl MHJTKS \ J T i« a PfMIHTB Remedy. H . H . W A R N B R * CO . Bochesl-r. . Y.

A Beautiful Home Magazine.

vl'fp'i* o f a l l Kiutl* or E n ­g i n e s .

\\ u:cn:i>:nv:.o. t •>, I'ub.Uhers, Hartford,<


CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y, Bains; t h a Great Oantral L ino , a f f o r d s t o trave ler* , b y r e a s o n of Its unrivak : g e a -g r a p h l o a l p o s i t i o n , t h a s h o r t e s t a n d b e a t r o u t e b e t w e e n t h e l a s t . N o r t h - . t a n d S o u t h e a s t , a n d t h e W e s t , N o r t h w e s t a n d S o u t h w e s t .

It I s literally a n d strRRly t r u e , t h a t I t s c o n n e c t i o n * a r e all o f t h e pr inc ipal l i n e s o f r o a d b e t w e e n t h e A t l a n t i c a n d t h a P a c i f i c .

By I t s m a i n l ine a n d b r a n c h e s It r e a c h e s C h i c a g o , J o l i e t , P e o r i a , O u a w a , La S a l l e , Q e n e s e o , Moi ine a n d R o o k I s l a n d , In I l l inois j D a v e n p o r t , M u s c a t i n e , W a a h l n g t o n , Keokuk , Knoxvl l le , O a k a l o o s a , Pairf le ld , D e e M o i n e s , W e s t Liberty, I o w a Otty, A t l a n t i c , n w i a a , A u d u b o n , H a r l a n , O u t h r i e O e n t e r a n d Counc i l d u f f s . In l o w a | Gal la t in , T r e n t o n , C a m e r o n a n d K a n s a s Ci ty , In Missour i , a n d L e a v e n ­w o r t h a n d A t o h l s o n in K a n s a s , a n d t h e h u n d r e d s o f c i t i e s , v i l l ages a n d t o w n s i n t e r m e d i a t e . T h e



SPABX ABRKKTr.R Seiablo , d»rnblesnd eeoooraical, will furnish a

borre power X '•"» fuel end water than any oth< r engme hnilt not fifed with an automatic cut-off end for Illtir-tiated C tal gue "y.10" for lntoi u s -

tion and prlc * , B. W. PAYNE "ft bON3. B ix 1375. 0 rning, N , Y .

Or inquire of C. ('. Kiomer. Schoharie.

csodidates should be sub-

Tka bkffbast price i s^asrs—$7. hsa lataty baaa paM for bogs ia

• 0 ths

184w, Thirty seveuln Year. >»f882,

The Hom«T Journal. Increaeedjin Slss• Improved in Qualit y

Reduced in Cost.

•The Bert Literary and oetety Paper in Amaiiea.'

The leading departm n:g of the HOMK JOURNAL compri e* Ifilitorialt on Top cs of fresh lut> jest; Hrllllant Romimes and Fortraitarea of A ricsn l i f e ; AUitortal Rev ews of new event* in tho world Balleg-Lettrcs. Painting, Sculpture Sc ence. Music, and the the Drama; Original E-?ay»; smple excerpts from tbo best European writers; spicy 1 etterf from correspondents in all ibogieat enpitals of the world tbe first 1 ok at New Rooks; andmey eoeonnts of saying, hsppeuings a n ' do'ng* tit the Peau Monde; embracing the v<-jy freshesi rastt r* of ntere t m this country and in Europt—the whi le i-onipht ly mirroring the wi t and wisdom, the hunor snd pathos. u;e news :.n' sparling gossip of the tunos.

TER M8—VottsgS "f Postage. Tho Home Journal, one copy, u« year. . . . . f t

copies,one y e a r . . . . . - - * 5 6 " •• " 0

Address MORKIS P H I L U P 8 k OO. No. 8 Park Place, New York.


JJ r\l ttjy *S Be. *Is a beautiful Illustrated Monthly Uagazlne de­

voted to flower culture, the household and the farm. It is a large thirty-two page publication, and every number contains Horticultural Item*, Flower Novettle*, Household Hints, Newsy Agricultural Items and Floral Correspondence that give* Infor­mation to all, and always leading articles on Flori­culture, in fact devoted to the home, the garden and tlH' farm, and full of Illustrations.

Terms, 81.50 per Yiar; single eopy 15 cents. Valuable Premiums are given to each subscriber.

For explanatory ch-i :ilar* and liberal term* to agents nduross a [.u.-ial card to \V. E . 1-iowniTcii, 643 Warren St., Boston Ha**.

We give a commission of sixty cents for each subscriber, which Is tbe largest commission paid for *> quick selling a work. Send for premium circular.



V i T A T E O r N R W V O K K . - U ' P K M E £3 OOCBT—Trial desired in Seboh ri • County.

William Broeffle, 1*1 m.tiff, again t Ar.h»r H Farqnher ami David B. Oas", N'ancyC I.ivi. gaton, nr.annab Broeffle, Pet r ' orach, nd usan 1) rsmh.

hi? wife Dav d Dor sc <. Kli'/.abeth f».»r ch. Merri-man P Do ash, and Glizs Oorsch his wfe , Peter Dorwh, Junior, eury ^. Dorseh, Hertlman P. Dor ch, Junior, a il Annie B. norsch, bis eife, Frank DorFch, Experience Wcidman, Marv E, Oaril-lay, Chris Ian Lawyer, i.ovina Lawyer,'EminnC. Ltwyer, biistin Lawyer.ReboccaThr.nias, Martha Eggf ston, Elizabeth Webber, Alexaa er Hunt, and Rntli Bunt his wif , Peter Bunt, and Mary Hunt his wife, I'efendants. .

To the a'lovo named defpndat ts : Yon are herebv sumni. ned to an5 wer the com­

plaint in t i- action, and to serve a c«py ot your answer on the plaint ff's attorn j within twenty day- alter the i ervioe or this Summons, exclusive

f the day nt service and in ease ol your fai ur - to appear, or answer, Judgment will >e take arainst yon ny d fault lor the rel>ef demauded in the im-plalnt

Dated Januarjr 7, ISgS.-F. FISH, Plaintiff's Attorney.

Office and Port Oflice Address, Fultonville. Montgomery ('ounty, New York.

To David Dorach, Peter Dorseh, J tinier, Exper­ience Wetuman, Mary E. Gartllav, • hrstina law­yer, and Re'ecca Thomas, defendants.

Tbe foregoing summons I* served npon > on by

Fnblication, pursna-1 to an order of J. it. Lundon. ustiee of the -up erne Conrt. d>ted the 17>b day of

January, 1881, an*T filed with th" complaint in the office of the Clerk of fc'ch'-horie Coonty. at Scho-h»rie. That the a Won i j brought to procure the partition of a paro'l of real estate htely • wned by Henrietta Lawyer, e e sed, snnsisting o f a h o n s e and lot situate at Centra; Bridge, in the Counu • >t Schoharie, or * sale thereof if partition cannot be mi e without great prejndi' e to tbe owners. Ani the aval's distributed between plaintiff aaa defen­dants as tenants In common, Wh'ch loti* Bonnded northerly by lands of William Larbjn, esaterly by lands of David En<lersv»wuthirly by land-i of Mich­ael Carr, and weeterlv by the publie highway lead-

~ lag* to >loansv1le.—Dated,


Gommentafj St Mark?g Gospel*



S the Oldest I Best Constructed 1 Best Equtped anJ hence the


It is the short and;best ronte between Chicago and sB points in •

Northers Il l inois, low*, Dakota. Wyoming, Ne htaska,California.Oregon, Arizona, Utah, t olorado Idaho, Montana, Nevada, snd for Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, Lead-

ville, Salt Lake, San Francisco, Leadville, Sioux City.

Cedar Rapid*. Dei Moines, Columbus, andall point in the Territories, and the West,

A s it i s familiarly eaMarti o f f er s t o tvavalsra a l l t h a a d v a n t a g e s a n d c o m f o r t s Ino ident t o a s m o o t h t r a c k , s a f e b r i d g e s . U n i o n D e p o t s a t all c o n n e c t i n g , p o i n t s . F a s t e x p r e s s T r a i n s , c o m p o s e d o f C O M M O D I O U S . W I L L VRNTILATID, WELL HEATED, FINELY U P H O L S T E R E D a n d ELEGANT DAY COACHES) a l ino of t h e M O S T MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR C A R S ever b u i l t , PULLMAN'S l a t e s t d e s i g n e d a n d h a n d s o m e s t PALACE SLEEPING OARS, a n d DINING CARS t h a t a r e a c k n o w l e d g e d b y p r e s s a n d p e o p l e t o b e . t h e FINEST RUN UPOM ANY ROAD. IN THE COUNTRY, a n d In w h i c h s u p e r i o r m e a l s a r e served t o t r a v e l e r s a t the low rata of SEVENTY-FIVE C E N T S EAOH.

THREE TRAINS e a o h w a y l e t w e e n CHICAGO a n d t h e MISSOURI RIVER. T W O TRAINS e a o h w a y be- w e e n CHICAGO a n d MINNEAPOLIS a n d S T . P A U L ,

v ia t h a f a m o u s •

ALBERT LEA ROUTE. J a n u a r y 1, 1 8 8 2 , a n o w l ine will b e o p e n e d , v ia S e n e c a a n d K a n k a k e e , b e t w e e n

N e w p o r t N e w s , R i c h m o n d , C i n c i n n a t i , I n d i a n a p o l i s a n d La F a y e t t e , a n d Counci l B lu f f s , S t . P a u l , M i n n e a p o l i s a n d i n t e r m e d i a t e p o i n t s .

All T h r o u g h P a s s e n g e r s c a r r i e d o n P a s t E x p r e s s T r a i n s . For m o r a d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n , a a a M a p s a n d F o l d e r s , which m a y b e o b t a i n e d , a a

wel l a s T i c k e t * , a t a l l pr inc ipal T i c k e t Of f i ce s In t h * U n i t e d S t a t e * a n d C a n a d a , o r o f

R. R. CABLE, E. 8T. JOHN, V l o e - P r e s ' t A Q e n ' l M a n a g e r , - C e n ' l T ' k ' t A P a s s ' r A g ' t ,

CHICAGO. jg.-1 . . isaa

wank**, Creen Bay, Oshkosh, She I)u Lac. Watertown,

Truth. from Central Brtd

tonvllle, N. V. Januiirj Wth, 1B»4. P. P I 8 B , Att'y for Plaintiff.

Ill SLUMS!! STAFFORD &SETTLF Have on band one. of the Finest Aaaurt-ments-of SLEIGH8 over offerer) tor sate in Schoharie county, oonsisting of

Scat PORTLANDS, it .«



All of otir own make and warranted of the best material and finish.

The Public are rsspeetlnlly invited to rlxsmim our stock before purchasing elsewhciP.


jnl imt

LlVr. AGENTS WANTED. T V i w U D r , Ch***'* sUdpas; or lathrsssetes for 1 tveryHody, Is every e-eaty ia t V TJettad

a u t e s s a t G a e d s s . J t e t e r f t . ! J b j j t a s a M M w to Sttasfra*- U eont*fe*s «rsv »,«fr.ei»wshel<rr»-

^ s s 4 ts sttited te a l l dates* snd otmdWea* ef

By t1 e Bev. BDWIN W. BICE. "Tbe P t c t c i I Commentarv on Mark, issued by

tbe American .-tindaj-sc'ool Union, and prepared or it by the Rev II. W. Bice, is the most o'.mpre-ensive work of the kind with which we are famil­

iar, proseutiveaa lf^o»*. n6t only the results o: the latest and best scholarly investigation, also the comments and reflections of many spiritually-minded writers »t home an t abroad."

P r i c e — O n l y O n e D o l l a r . The most nsefol present to your Pastor, Superin­

tendent, or Teacher i s ,

The Dietary of Ins Bible, kdited by the Rev. Philip Rchafi, D . P . , I X . L.

(Sec .nd Edition ) All who bsve examined it have sriven OH* work

the Highest Gommendai on Dictionary," because It i s

Handy—Popular— Cheap. Crown, ootavo, ch'th. handsom-'ly bonrtd, 400

?avine«, 12 colored Mays, 948 pages, Price only 2.50. PosStfsMre .

Good, New, Beau'ifai HOLIDAT BOOK8. Pearls (torn the Bast. By Bar. Richard Newton,

Price 11.25. Tho Piclurv World. Prire 80 and 75 cents. The Sprat; B°y • Prior- 7 J centav • * • ' Tbroafh lb* Winter. PrlosSl^ft , .',

S i i n « l i i y - - « c . l i » o l L i b r a r i e s . Sunday Hours,75 vol* Mb,J . . . . . $ H M Little People's Picture Library, 50 v o l . . . . . . . . in oo Bed Back Library, Mo. 1 ,7i vols, net price. . . 24 50 Urand Cheap Library, No. 1, So V<* " . . . 20 80 Gran.! Cheap Library, No . 3, 50 vu.s " . . . W * ' Grand Cne»p Library, No. 3,50 vol* - . . . 2 5 60 National Library No. l, too vol» a . . . 26W National Library. No. 2, WO vofs - , « - . . . 1300

aarseni i for atalogne*

A M O U S I N G N E W S P A P K R , publishe'i Every D a y m the T e a r , s i

Nsw York.

T R U T H Is a four-page paper, s i x co lumns 'o the

I>a:;e, a n d noai ly as large s s t h e Mew York B u n .

T R U . T H G i v e s all t h e n e w s in an attract ive li>'tr>. T R U T H editui lils- d iscus* quest ion* . of

current inlet e s t T R U T H o w e s al legianc > to DO p a r t y , s a d

is, i o t h e highest sense, independent in po l ­i t ics .

T R U T H is opposed IO ths Nat iona l B a n k ­ing i l y s t c m . and t a k e s a d v a n t a g e of every opportuni ty t o expose its in iquity .

T R U T H is opposed Io the i n e q u i t a b l e d i s ­tr ibut ion o f the pro uefs o < l abor t b a t n o w prevai l s , and endeavors to educate t h e people

It ls""The People*, , „ t t o , hottest and e ju i t able prinip leg o f pr»> f | l itical e c o n o m y .

T R U T H ts opposed to rai lway, teb*gtaph, land a l l e ther raonouolies.

T R U T H favors the payment of t b e National d e b t a s rapidly s s it falls due, snd is opposed t o l b s creat ion t f any inter st p a y i n g G o v ­ernment debt in the future.

Also, for Mil-jan, Ksxqnot-

te, P o n ' D n Lac. Watertown, Honsnten, Neenab, Menasba, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Brron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Wlnonn, 1 ai'rosse, Owatonnu, ft all points in Minnesota, Dakoto, Wisconsin snd thsNoithwest.

At Council Bluffs the tra ins '* the Chicago and North-Western snd the TJ. P . R'ys depart from, arrive at and as* the >em< joint Union depot

At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shor-, Michigan Central, Baltimore ftObto, I t . Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago snd Brand Trunk B ys , and the Kankakee and Pan Handle KoutS*.

Close connections made at Junction Point*. It is tbe Only Line running

Pullman Hotel Dining Cat* between Chicago s n d Ootmcil Bluff*. Pullman Sleeper- on aH Night Trains

Insist upon ticket Agent* selling you,Ticket" via this ro.d. Examine your Tickets, snd refuse to bny if they do not read over the Chicago a North'

If yon wish the Best Tr .leling Aeeommotfattons ra will buy your tiefcet- by his runte, «araml

will take none other. VII Tieket iwienU sHUiek ts by this Lino.


»d V. V A Geu'l M»n«'r,Chiesgo.



« £ ^ Prof GuilmMes

, A\ * VBSMOa

Wm Liner Pads, " Hsvealreadybeen

irjh Bold in this . J s S eountry

•' *i snd in Prance; •v J every oneof which ''••* has given perfect

ii satisfaction. And has perform­

ed c u e s every time

when used ao>or-ding t o direc­

tions. W e now say to the afflicted and doubting ones that we will pay the above reward for a singlcfjcase


J V L B t a O u t .





Un Chestnut t-t. PhUa 7X Randolph St. Ctrteago

lu Bible House, N. Y .

EDWARD LOVEJOY, Whole* .le snd Retail Dealer in

Sierecscopsi' and Views, Photographs, Chromos, Frames, Albums,

Pruning to Order. Pnbllaher of Chicago View*. B8 and SO State St. Chioigo.

T«keKla«atorat8 ; . Send for Catalogue.

wiioleKils pi-i.-«of my newOshtnet Photograph of Uaifleld, Wif", Mother and Mollis, en one caru, is per hundred, #18 W. A lea* number will be m 'Hod piAtpstd on receipt of cash wkth order, at 2c- each.

Th• 4x» panel31 ets; • 25,00per Irond ed. 1««20 with mat, • ! , (» . All sent po | t postpaid on receipt of sash.

B.LOVKIOV, HSandOOf>tate.f^,CWeSgt>. Theiboveoan •>« tonnSr o n « l » at IBS UnioS

Bloek Book Store. Schoharie, If, T

, A wuder fe j b<«k snd a household slty. I t . * n s s t » U h t Grsttast inducewenu ey*r


• S S i s S 1 S 5 a a e s » * * a . E n C l C U ) r s . U i .


LAWYER f% 1*1 1"t **w1t t^%Wf

'UjAtotmtH* sV«i i I N S , .Bsrwjr*, * * atOSSM worklngt i .

rfatt L»» pr; eevs*. On* i f

' e* •v»ryi"

aeadle I S f S T f \ t l « 7 # • • " *• »ars e s s . S e n d s * m»M f i^Hafawsistlea,-"

W A N T E D , Agenta.—Surtlhsg romance—rrom tbe lower di

nong the «r*t t o n and

ositlon amon 'of

hepagasof ot .sfiypry

the land. "Uis

FREDERICK DOUGLAS written by hlm«elf s i s full p*ae illustrations; pric* f !.M. Ontrlvsls 'Uncle Tom's OaMn" In Thrilllny and romantic rntereat, with t e e added chsna that every word ta true. A. marvelous **«*•> mo-1 gssaa-loally told and -f trrest hlstwlealfy vaine. This volume will be e»«erly sonrht for by the hundreds of thousands who h ive watched the remarkable career-md hava been thrill d by th* eloqueno* of tbt* wonderful m«n The workglvvaan a> c nnt of many intewttws with prominent men and narrates many ai.eedotr* concerning taeat unknown to the snmeral pnbrle. It sboonds Is nstay traoofut touch** both af wit and e l s seesss ,

"Be 1* such s remarkable Stan that people like t* read about him, and no wonder."—Boston Congre-(r*tion«H»t. » . «

"It ts t i insphias ss * poem."—Woman's Jonrnsl. "No strangsr story ha* been, or m r will t* to'd."

Boston A dv*rtl*er, "111* more absorbing tats than s a y creation of

gctKm."-Troy ( f ! T.) A s e S . - - 'have a wMs sale."—H«rt ford CoursBt

A d d n a t P A f t PTJBLI8HIN0 OO. Hertford Ct,

Flags of all Nations.

i s ^ i a i V i S w O l T a l s l T i - s f


Beantlfnlly 1 lihefranhad, (ntiwiMy Qsteeed s a d »«-dorsad by the ronsei* of the different asilon* s* to 'A»lr euaorSM. f w sale »y *AI sites ts^itssBSIS, »*• t by ssail teswy sddrkss, hsnasssaslyseat I . Cloth e n 4 G » « c

a**eoB and Part avsaaes, K. B-c*f<\ OaHseten, I win

WW I s r s ^ l a l ^r^rwm *a sw^*v|a^a^B*^Sasw*y s Ms I

. T. of full

T R U T H i s i V o n l y N e w Y. rk d a i l y paper that publ ishes the news respect ing the N a -

s a d whi le not s t t e e h e d t o t b s t o r a n y other party, nor in nt a n y *< nse i b o i g a n , finds it within the Has of i ts policy to "ailv.irate t h e fundamental principl. t whieh the N a ional party w a s formed t o a d v o c a t e .

T i UTI1 w a s nist published on t o e 3 d of December , 1879. I t s circulation b a s s e s -etnotly grown ever* s ince , and Is n o w greater t h a n t b s t of any other N e w York da i ly e x ­c e p t tbe Hera ld .

T R U T H is tho on ly p e n n y p a p e r that b*> ever been s success , e i ther In a b u s i n e s s or pro'eMCinal SSnM.

•TSPTH* PBAHOSa, Per One cepy•«••«•«• . •«•-»••«•• . • . . • • ••# For onn week, p o s t p a i d . . . . . . . . . - . . . • . - . -SVM.<«MI mnnt.h " . . . . . . . . . . . Per one month. For three month* " - . . . . For s ix month* " . . . . . . . . . . . . . For one year " . . . . . . . . . . . . .

R a t e * to c lubs of ten or more

le 10c ate f l I

. i Heat post

ps id to esoh address, in separate wrappers, | % for one y e s r . Address

TRUTH POBLIOATIOtf OVflCB, No 142 Nassau 8L. New York,


The rirctil••> tion of this popular newspaper Is con­stantly Increasing. It contains a l l tbe leading news of the Dally Herald snd is aroanged In handy department*. The

Foreign $Tews embrace* soc ia l dispatch** from aU quarters ot tee glebe. Under th* head of

American News are (riven the tekwrsnie despatches of the week frjm all pa t* of theUnion. This feantnre* alone makes

Th* Wttkly Berald the moat valuaM* ehmniole in the world, a* It is the cheapest. Svery Week Is slven a latthtnl

Political News embracing complete aad eotaprehasive U*apstsbe* fro** Washington, Including fall reports of th*

riehasoffrolnentp.i l to an* on the question of hoar.

'/ he Farm, Department of the Weekly Herald gives th* latest a* well as the meet practical sej*»M0M*Bddi*s»*srJ»s "laMnf t e the datles of ths farmer, hinU for raising Cattle poultry, grates, trees, vegetables, S e , with n « * ties* far keeping buili1i"g»aad farming utensn* ia u p i l l . This * snpplCnested by a well ed ted de-U II Is* en I, widsfy copied, nndr the head of

The Horns,

gives recipes for prscttoal dishes, hint* for making oVotalng and for kesplngnpwlth th I test f**hi>n* at the Irrwest art e, fvery ttam ol ccdtlng or osay s a n a e t e d i s this sewartmeat to at tsasUdby eapertsberorv p-»bheat>Ja, ear P*rl»snd l^m'oe oeness sedse t IsSset fsshtens The Kesas D p.rtaaeat c i lb* W e e s ^ Herald wilt save msh**eswifea»orsld»aa owe hundred Urns* tbe pries of tha paper. Ths latevsers e f

Skillsi Labor ere leaked . f t s t , , . n d *v*ryrtlaf

'rh/v*. Is'* sesm dawettd* te » l M b ^ b s M pheseiVf

v^nebtrfyaAre Is f t U T I a ^ ^ s p s s i a ^ i W - s s p r i c * aadeoadicleasOf

t%« Product i t V A s t . sporting Mews vt hoaw sad , a t r sad , tngssbsv

Wflfi a SKwy every w**k,a Qevstea by s e a * smiamt Sliaas, literwry, sfssiaisi, rwamatia, P*t*om*l sad £ r » o * e w r T * * V . ( a m p a p e r In the wevtd w%*h w»*»las ss ssses sews etsfter ssarv week a*_h* WssWf Wsrsid, w s e » U s w t , pestags fresiev Be* Potts* V o w a a s * • * * « « * » * s e y Hase.

Th* n e w T o r t Bers ld i s s wastry fs»m, Oa* nol le* a T*a».

A Urn* New York Herald,


Standard M - C o i A SpiBt (VXraHTrD.)

Largest Chica­go Carriage mau ufacturers, after trials and test*, ' wrste<

Ch •»*>, -Inly Si, ; S 8 t , - Q e n tlsnun ; — T o n may enter our order 5000 seta i your Standardd Shaft- Tounling^ Springs (600 seta 8ME VIEW, a month. A. A ABBOTT A OO.

Nickel-plated, pair soc. Japan ed 15 rents a pair. Bold v v '11 hardware,har-ness s a d s adelery d. alers everywhere. Dosea s a i n japanned, $1.40. Splen­did selling side artic 1* for cOmmercia travellers — Nickle-plated springs S3 per do*

A. G. MOHKY * 00, 90 Randolph 8t ,

. Chicago. Ill , 8. and Canada, under Letters

FRONT VIEW. Soleman'frs forL'

Patent. ' Dealers < nd the Trade al- o

CLAPP_M'f^. CO , Auburn, N lied by tbe > D,

A BOWB, Birmingham,Conn C«ANDAI.L,8TONE S C O . BlngbsmtOH, N. T . PerfectAntl-Rsttlsr snd Shaft-bolt locker, and look* neit on a buggy.

Sample* o / the shove Springs will be found on exhiMtloaXt the cboharte Co.Tssr In September, and they sen be parenseed s t Union Bloek Agri-onltural Store 8oboh«rie. R T.


Veterinary Adviser. a*W PROP. J A M B S LAW,

Of CornellOaiv r»ity. A flew aad enlarged edition af th* above book to be sold exclusively by Agents

'The moat usefil . aad therefore, the best work on th« diseases of animals is. ths English l sn gunge."— Dr. Salmon, In Oeoatrw Gentleman.

"The work is invaluable to eWorV farmer In tbe land, and none should fail to provide themselves with a oopy ." -The Spirit eVtheTImes,

A g e s u wanted Address the uuBHMer*, JfTNCH A APOAB. Ithaca, N. T .

Agents wan ted'in ever* town In Schoharie On.— Adore**or an at UNION O f PIGX.Sehohsrie^t. T.. for terms, nlrenlar*. hook*. Ac. ^ a t

fcG-et t l i e B e i t , * ' T B I OKNITIrVK

BLANCflAED C H O I ! Five slass made for family u*«. Wsareaowfar-

nlshingritbn the square or round top, as may be preferred. Price* of both styles thesasas. Tiny eont'nae to be the btandard of Chnras th* conntry

The Blanchard Cylindrical Factory Churn,

That the F e d falls to cure. This Great Remedy will POSITIVELY and PBPMANSHT1.Y enre Lumbago, Lime Back, Sciatica, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright'* Diseisv of the Kidneys, Incontin­ence and retention of the Urine, Inflation/if the Kidneys, Catarrh af the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain ia the Back, side or Liens, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. _

L A D I E S , if yon are suffering f r m Fema Weakness, Leucorrhooa. or any disi-as • of the Kid neys, Bladder, or Urnsry Organs.

' Y O U C A N B E C U R E D ! Without swallowing nauavous . imp wearing ,



Ask vonr your druggjet for PBOP. GUILMBT-TK'8 PBENCB KIDNEY P A D , and U k e no other If he ha* not got It, send 12.00 and yon win nee ire the Pad by return mall.

Testimonials from the People : Jonon BDOHASAW, Lawyer, Toledo, O., s a y s : "One of Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pads

cured me of Lumbago in three weeks' t ime. My case had been given up by the best Doctors ss iu-curable During all this time I suffered untold s g e a y and paid oat Urge sums of money.

QnoaoK V I T T B B , J . P., Toledo. O. ,say*: " I suffered far three years with Sciatica aad

Kidney Disease, and often h s d to g o about on cratches, I w a s entirely and permanently cured alter wearing Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pad four weeks."

••noma N . C. SCOTT, Syrvania. O., writes: 1 have been a great auflbrer for 15 years with

Bght's Disease o f the Kidneys.- For week* at a t ime was unable to get oat of bed; took barrels of meatetse, eat they gave,'me only temporary re lef. I wore t w o of Prof, eaibnette's Kidney Pads six week*, and I SOW know I am entirely cured "

Mas. J B B O M S . T o l e d o , O . , says: "For years I have been confined, a great part, nt

the time t o m y hsd, with Lucorrhoea and female weakness. I were one of Guilmette's Kidney Pad s a d was cored te one moats . ' '

B . B . « M « » , Wholesale Grocer, Findlav.O. writes: " I snffered for St years with lair.e back aad ia tags* -weeks w s s permanently cured b wearing ons ot Prof. Guilmette's Kidney P a d s "

B, P. Karsusci.M. D. Druggist, Login sport. Ind when sending in an Order for Kidney Pads, write* ' I wore one of tbe first one* we had and I receive more benefit from it than anything I ever l ied. I fact the Pads g've better satisfaction than any K ney reu,edy we ever Sold,"

B A T A SaomiASXB, Druggist*, Hann.-bsl, M o . ' 'We are w v k i a g up a lively trade In vonr Pads nd sre hearing of goods results from them every ay."



Ths Only S-Flange Safe in the World,

F o n r s u e s m s d ; f e r factory ass, They are mad'of p e r f c c T ^ s V and th* best >'sad are woikmanshl strong, simple, effloUnt. eonveSient sad sand ret dwBHattve cwvrslsr* T h a s M s u s e i i m r S P e w e r a V a t t e r - w e r k -e r - s \ N e w a n d I s n a w r u a n t l a r s n t i s n

Oareesivlng she retail pries, t i e , wswill^end one of ehese Power Butter Workers to aay rsspoa-•ible party, and gnaraatee **tl*f*etlon. or the money w i l l s * refnnded.

This 1* the eaty Bntt«r-Work*r made whieh ean be sueoa.sfniiy epersted with power. It will save Its cost every season Address lb* Inventors and

act. scleMeaof Porter Bfa nchard Son's, oncord. N. H,

SAWTb* above goods may he obtained of any desTeriD really first elaaa Dairy Impkeaenta i« tha

Per eswat Unfon Bleek AgrlcaltarwIStoee, aoke-bsria.M Y. Theserhurns wll . b e e s e i h r W t l o s s t the next foe nty Fetv.

HOBBEOpl t t t p p i M M All d

ha,0a^|iMha a a i fcfSjjttfc IWlsWail all H i • > swsfltVsslsTTIsvl BSS^BKeBprWearSe^*S> •*•****•* ^*SSFag*SS^SSW • W^SBBBBSS ^rsss SS^P; ^*WW ^SBBBBS- psB) SBBSSSpasnjn * SSISB

German invigorator whieh positively sad permanently est** ~ TBNCY (s.uwsd by «ic«**e» ol aay kked). HAL W a s f i r l M , aad ell dM»e'*» that %

SsV]saai |u U | SUPSJH S J H I a|SSSlB|*«JSJS4 ..Vollow *S ofSelf-Abn**, s s lew e f esmrtr, I S M at

». as lretsai aseitwo*. v i n ta t h . saek.dtm of tl ion. prismstere oM ate, and ***** e t a s t

PROF, GUILMETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD. w i l l positively cere Fever and Ague. D o m t

Agne. Agne Cake, BUitona Fever, Jaundice. Bys-p/'psia, and all disease* of Urn Liver, Stomach sn Btnod, Pries »1.W by malL Send for Prof, Oull-mett's Treat ** on the Kidney* and Liver, free b mail. Allures* r s t R N O H P A S S CO.

myl ly l Teumo, OHIO. J T . r . P N N , Agent, M M d l e h n r g h .


PIANOS, Bseeived the highest award at th* United St- tes

Centenn 1*1 World's Bxhlbttloa at PhUadel-phia, IMS, and are admitted t o be

lh* most celebrated Instru­ment* of I

4-unr An teed for F i v e Years WARBKOOM8:

:tl7 A lt» K. l i s BTftmET* fAOTOKY:

Flwsl m ts 845 la SM HTRBBT, m w TOSS.

be p«r<-hM«d at

^ • W WwaVyltC f*l*9f tlah

a O H O H A s U I . N . T.

dwsswi that ls»d »» laaaaity or s a a i T i grave MigrstrealSM wHhte*t4*Hsualsfrw« by ssall. i i f l G O m A T O * N sate s t l l set s a x . or s ix

• f « a » . r * a l r f n * « r w A s , w * n i V i S » t f r * « * y . ssesrs ly «**!' d, enu*islab> ef sjetee.kysA.

More Improvement* than any Safe mode, such a*

The Patent Inside Bolt Work.

More secure from afcxrs>r* than aay other Pi r Proof Safe, and ne expense iniepsirit ig

Bolts er Locks. PATEsTT HINGED CAP.



These Saf es,ar« being sold i n this State in

L A R G E NUMBEKS. A n d g i v e t N

GREATEST SATISFACTION Being the Most Highly Finished.

Best Mad*, and Cheapest First-elms SAFE ever Produced,

These Celebrated Bale* had tbe

h a m p i o n R e c o r d I K T B S

Great Boston Fire and since that time Great and Important Impr <

meat* have been mad*. Before giving your order to any fit her conoar

•send fsr prices awri descriptive Oatatouge.

MORRI h IaEL&N B J f f » » l * W t , srsstosTeT.

A No. « Safe of the above make weighing IS . e a a b e s e e a M the ofl** of th* Scboh*

hohan*. Hew Yerk angl l


GENTS WANTED SCBIPTlfiN BOOKS pablthim by, 0 . AfSSatteh A Oo , N. Y. Tk* ( landing O f t h * B n n r e i ( k K * a r a n t * e of Ui. -har-a e v r e ' l i s e a a S e s w s a s . and the (.' <ral ssssgiasl iu aflawsd laenre a geed meosse to assets wk^ are. wWmit .1 work. Csv>

rvspoaS«B«s from these already sag gad In the busmen*, tmth raffles a id geatlemni.aaw.11aa

^ ^ ^ ^ S S i s i ^ S S ^ saavl P. O. Bex *T. Atb*i»y, N. T.


TO CONSUMPTIVES A OBNTL»TMAlt baviat been so fertnnat* as to

A s m b t * s o w oft lonswmpttoelaitawnvistage*, phvsssjsn*. dessresta make known t h T c r * r w * \ 3 preve* lawnesfal te *vwrv«*e>l satbe-e i Wit* AsSAsaaTtrSBMtwBB, f>«a1sk»,r»lds (w Sen, and an A fraction* »f l A t l t e s a t aad _ aad w « seed the r*ek**/r«e o r>re* ta stl wise sir" it. If they wdl »arwM«Aot» a 'dre.1 f> • • A M I I. ADIB. Si Liberty St.^sft* Yiwk. d i l m s

e y s e w s n e ISeetrettee* fro** sketches aagiSMil to Whywi|«e and

res* en way *ba was last it w«

I .a save.

ostsfttowsr" imdrsw'mweisVsi* It MalarMthi* te to* general M s e v .

e v a f c t sess trv was knew Wit* abaet, anet »lto geth r out ef tb*>a**a nalh e f travel. A recent

* that Lady B4*faM

ImVlmsrSjL111 * * ' * * ** * " rrespondeal

irrHTTWPoa m 1 a «evjs Is esn of the nxw.

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