Silabus Kimia Pangan II


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Ir. Aji Sutrisno, MSc., PhD (AJS)Dr. Teti Estiasih, STP, MP (TES)


Pengertian mencakup struktur kimia, sifat fisiko-kimia, reaksi kimia, peran/fungsi komponen kimia vitamin, mineral dan flavour dalam produk pangan, dan perubahan-perubahan karakteristik fisiko-kimia pangan (molekul, granula dan produk olahan) akibat pengolahan yang disebabkan oleh perubahan kimia komponen tersebut.

Pengertian tentang bahan tambahan pangan, ulasan meliputi: jenis, fungsi pada produk, sifat fisik dan kimiawi, mekanisme kerja, cara pemakaian, batas penggunaan dan aspek keamanannya.

Pengertian tentang suplemen dan pangan fungsional, jenis dan sumber pangan fungsional, dan nutrifikasi. Pengaruh supplemen pangan dan pangan fungsional sebagai zat gizi serta fungsinya dalam tubuh.


1. Structure and properties of food components of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components

2. Chemistry of changes occurring of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, and food additives during processing, storage and utilization

3. Integration and application of food science principles (food chemistry, microbiology, engineering/processing etc.)


1. Understand the chemistry underlying the properties and reactions of various food components

2. Have sufficient knowledge of food chemistry to control reactions in foods

3. Understand the major chemical reactions that limit shelf life of foods

4. Know the spoilage and deteriorationmechanisms in foods and methods tocontrol deterioration and spoilage


4. Understand the principles that make afood product safe for consumption

5. Be able to apply and incorporate theprinciples of food science in practical,real-world situations and problems

6. Be able to apply the principles of foodscience to control and assure the qualityof food products

7. Be aware of current topics of importanceto the food industry


8. Define a problem, identify potential causes and possible solutions, and make thoughtful recommendation

9. Demonstrate the use of oral and writtencommunication skills

10.Independently research scientific andnonscientific information


1. Explain the chemistry of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components, including their properties and reactions

2. Explain the chemical reaction of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components in food products

3. Explain the major chemical reactions of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components that occur during food processing and storage, including those that limit food shelf life


4. Explain the mechanism to control chemical reaction of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components to retard spoilage or to prolong shelf life

5. Explain the hazardous chemical reactions of vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components that occur during processing and storage.

6. Determine the way to control hazardous reaction of pigments, vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components to make a food product safe for consumption


7. Solve real-world problems related to food chemistry

8. Determine how to control undesirable changes of water, carbohydrate, lipid, and protein during processing to assure the quality of food products

9. Solve the problems of the current issue related to food components (vitamin, mineral, other desirable constituents, food additives, and other components) changes


1. Belitz, H-D., W. Grosch, and P. Schieberle. 2009. Food Chemistry. Springer – Verlag, Heideberg, Berlin.

2. Fennema, O.R. 1996. Food Science: A Series of Monographs.

3. Maga, O.A. and A.T. Tu. 1994. Food Additives and Toxicology. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.

4. Sikorski, Z.E. 2002. Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

5. Socaciu, C. 2008. Food Colorant: Chemical and Functional Properties. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida

6. Szefer, P. and J.O. Nriagu. 2007. Mineral Components in Food. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida

7. Winarno, F.G. 1992. Kimia Pangan. Gramedia, Jakarta


1. Vitamin2. Antioksidan3. Pengemulsi4. Pemanis5. Pengental dan

Penstabil6. Pengawet7. Nutrifikasi

1. Mineral2. Flavor3. Pewarna4. Food Acidulant5. Other Constituents in

Foods6. Incidental Food

Additives7. Other Food Additives



UTSUASTugas Terstruktur: Pekerjaan Rumah, Studi

Kasus, Paper, Presentasi