Sonia Szymanska Portfolio




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architectinterior designer Sonia SzymanskaPortfolio 2015

Curriculum vitae

Sonia Szymanska16 -02-1984polishvia Casalis 52, 10138 Turin, Italy

(0039) 348 450 88

name and surnamebirth date


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february 2009 - july 2012Politecnico di Torino, ItalyI Faculty of Architecture Master degree in EcoDesign 110+/110

october 2003 - october 2008Polytechnic University of Szczecin, PolandFaculty of Architecture and UrbanismMaster Degree in Architectural Design 5/5

september 2006 - july 2007Politecnico di Torino, ItalyI Faculty of ArchitectureMaster Degree in Architecture (Constructions)Erasmus Programme

september 1999 - june 2003Scientific High School Gorzów, Poland

Professional experience

september 2013 – current+studio architetti associati Turin, Italyhigh end interior design, exhibit design, landscape and green design, 3d renderings and graphics

may 2013 – august 2013Stilò Architetti Turin, Italyinterior design, 3d renderings and graphics

june 2013 – august 2013arch. Cesare Monti Turin, Italyarchitectural design, graphics

february 2013 - april 2013magmaprogetti architetti associati Turin, Italydesign and architecture, 3d renderings and graphics

october 2010 - july 2012Keo Project srl Racconigi, Italysustainable architecture and trainings

july 2010 - currentindependent work Turin, Italyinterior design and graphics

Selected works interior design

• Villa Kiev, Ukraine (Pininfarina Extra partnership)

• Villa Belgrade, Serbia

exhibit design

• Mondadori Group trade stands (Frankfrurt, Bologna, Turin)

• Alfa Romeo Master Room, Cassino, Italy

• Expo Jeep, Pernambuco, Brasil

sustainable architecture and design

• Jeep Outdoor, Pernambuco, Brasil

• Green Avenue Concept for Alfa Romeo, Cassino, Italy

• Master Thesis in Eco-Design


• Changing the Face, Rotunda2013 competition

• Master Thesis in Architecture

THE PROJECT:A 3.500 sqm private villa at the Dnieper River with a garden of about 12.000 sqm which includes a small harbour and an island. The villa is composed of three levels: the basement level with a garage-showroom for supercars, a private 400 sqm spa and a lounge room; the ground level with a main living room and among others a cinema and a swimming pool: the first floor with bedrooms and a private gym. The interior design project is based on a exclusive custom made solu-tions proposals and up-market ma-terials and finishing choice.

MY ROLE:I was involved in 3d modeling, renderings and images post pro-duction preparation of the lounge room and the guests bedroom. My job was a selection of the materials and finishings definition, standard furniture choice and cus-tom made furniture design. The final phase was the graphic work and preparation of presentations for the client.

Villa Kiev_interior design

Living and lounge room view

Guests’ bedroom view

THE PROJECT:The lanscape design of the private garden is a natural extention of the luxuorious interior of the villa that reflects completely the needs of the client. First of all as it comes to the functional solutions (jogging path, meditation zone, harbour) and also regarding the plants choice.

MY ROLE:Study of a jogging path that goes through the garden and its graphic presentation. Development of the concept of a tree-house and suspended path on the island, that resembles the villa design and creates an integrated part of the project. Material choice, graphic presentation of the project.

Terrain cross section

Terrain cross section with heights and green specifications

Tree house project on the island Island plan

Tree house view

Terrain cross section from riverside

Villa Kiev_landscape

Villa Kiev_fit out

Groundfloor plan

Single room fit out sample (plan with sections) Part of a longitudinal section

THE PROJECT:The fit out project includes final drawings of the false ceiling and lightning products definition, wall and floors finishing materials, in-ternal front sections of the main spaces, complete longitudinal and cross sections of whole villa with technical details.

MY ROLE:My job was to prepare complete fit out drawings with specifications of the materials, technical solu-tions of the finishings with details. In the final phase of the project my role was to organise the work of a group of persons involved in the drawings preparation and coordi-nation of the work.

Villa Belgrade_interior design

Living room bookshelf proposal _view

Living room bookshelf proposal _front view

Outdoor design proposal_backyard view Outdoor design proposal_kitchen view London mood child’s room_view

mood board and style definition,

technical drawings with materials choice, specifications of the finishings, electri-cal plant drawings,

architectural and customer lights choice

custom made furniture design and final drawings

materials, sanitary ware, internal doors choice and suppliers managment

site visits, direct relations with foreign client and figures involved in the building construction/interior design, artistic supervision

graphic presentations and written documents with motivated description of project choices


concept definition, graphic presentationstechnical drawings direct relations with the client, suppliers, stand construction company and printing house

on-site work coordination

concept eleboration, 3d modelling, graphics and concept presentation, technical drawings preparation, suppliers coordinationcustom made exhibition furniture drawings

Mondadori fair stands Alfa Romeo_Area Master

Mondadori stand for Frankfurt Bookfair 2014_ concept view

Master Area general view and car platform sketch

Interiors concept view Rolling panel photo

Mondadori stand for Frankfurt Bookfair 2014_photos

concept definition, proposal of the space organisation, graphic presentations with 3d views, custom made furniture design , materials choice, prototype and final technical drawings

Expo Jeep Pernambuco

Jeep Expo concept_general view Jeep Expo_ plan

Concept 3d views and expo area photos Concept 3d views and expo area photos

Jeep Expo photos

Rolling panel photo

Jeep_landscape design Alfa Romeo Green Avenue

concept definition, 3d model-ing and graphic presentations,technical drawings of public space furniture and structuressustainable green design

sustainable aspects communication concept definition, public space structures de-sign, 3d modeling and graphic presentations,technical drawings of public space furniture and structuressustainable green design

KeoHabitat: proposta di una possibile crescita

aree permeabili all’acqua diminuizione dell’e�eto isola di calore biodiversità orto: no produzione intensiva, uso minore dell’acqua

riutilizzo di materiali da demolizione utilizzo riciclato pre- e postconsumo edi�ci smontabili

materiali estratti, raccolti o recuperati e lavorati localmente

sviluppo economie locali (produttori, fornitori, lavoratori)

ricilaggio o recupero di ri�uti del cantiere gestione sostenibile di ri�uti degli abitatntibasse emissioni COV

materiali naturali

�essibilità alle richieste e cambia-menti del mercato

ristrutturazioni o nuove costruzzioni materiali dal territorio

sistemi naturali di ventilazione illuminazione naturale fonti di riscaldamento naturali (muro di Trombe, serra)isolamento naturale (tetto verde)

recupero acqua piovana divisione acque grigie e nere con sistemi di trattamento riduzione del cosumo per irrigazione (acqua piovana,

specie vegetali, suolo) educazione all’uso responsabile d’acqua

basso fabbisogno energetico uso innovativo soluzioni naturali (asciugatura del bucato, piatti)

sistema di classi�cazione energetica di edi�ci comparazione dei risultati

naturale (fattore elevato di luce diurna) arti�ciale ad alta e�cienza luminosa esterna: alimentazione da FV relè crepuscolare,

rivelatore di movimento) sicurezza

comfort visivo sicurezza funzioni aggiuntive (es. spazio

raccolta di�erenziata)

ombreggiamenti materiali con alto albedo/SRI (Solar

Re�ectance Index)

no inquinamento elettromagneticosoluzioni con il minor fabbisogno

energetico possibile

diversi�cazione dell’oferta a seconda delle esigenze

materiali e metodi di costruire locali

gestione di risorse e ri�uti

aree verdi

classi�cazione energetica

soluzioni basate sui principi naturali

materiali riciclati e riciclabili

materiali sani



gestione dell’acqua

e�etto isola di calore

progettazione dello spazio esterno





Emissioni e ri�uti

Fine vita

Territorio e uso del suolo





Aspetti socio-culturali

ProgettazioneGestione e qualità del servizio

Aspetti economici

EnergiaFase di costruzione

Salute e comfort


conclusioni parte I

sistemi e sottosistemi

connessioni interne ed esterne

relazioni e subordinanze tra diversi componenti

componente come parte integrante del sistema edificio

miglioramento continuo e simultaneo di singoli componenti

diverse figure professionali relazionate tra di loro: strategie collaborative

calcestruzzo armatolaterizio acciaiolegno

legno vetrometallolaterizio calcestruzzo

vetrolegno alluminio PVCacciaio


i di grandi dimensioni


i di grandi dimensioni

di piccole dimensioni

di piccole dimensioni

di piccole dimensioni

formati in opera

formati in opera

porte �nestre


i di grandi dimensioni

calcestruzzo armatolegno laterizio


itudinali orizzontali e inclinati


dinali orizzontali


delimitare lo spazio

collegare ambienteesterno con interno


proteggere dal rumore

isolamento termico





proteggere da agenti atmosferici

september 2013 – current+studio architetti associati Turin, Italy high end interior design, exhibit design, landscape and green design, 3d renderings and graphicsmay 2013 – august 2013Stilò Architetti Turin, Italyinterior design, 3d renderings and graphics june 2013 – august 2013arch. Cesare Monti Turin, Italy

september 2013 – current+studio architetti associati Turin, Italy high end interior design, exhibit design, landscape and green design, 3d render-ings and graphicsmay 2013 – august 2013Stilò Architetti Turin, Italyinterior design, 3d renderings and graph-ics june 2013 – august 2013arch. Cesare Monti Turin, Italyarchitectural design, graphicsfebruary 2013 - april 2013magmaprogetti architetti associati Tu-

Eco-design Master Thesis Changing The Face

Il proget-to del centro culturale labART nasce dall’idea di portare l’attenzione dei cittadini al centro della città di Gorzów e al contem-po dargli nuova vita. Fornisce una soluzione interessante ai progetti di revitalizzazione del terreno dove una volta si trovava il birrifi-cio dei Fratelli Gross e all’esigenza di incrementare l’offerta culturale della città. Il progetto vuole dare una nuova identità ad un posto abbandonato e parallelamente accentuare i suoi valori storici “nascosti” e quelli legati alla lo-calizzazione (forma del terreno,

Architecture Master Thesis

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