Step1 . Leading in (5 分钟 ) Step2. Reading ( 13 分钟) Step3. Writing ( 20 分钟)...


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Step1 . Leading in (5 分钟 )

Step2. Reading ( 13 分钟)

Step3. Writing ( 20 分钟)

Step5. Homework (1 分钟 )

Step4. Summary (1 分钟 )

Step1 . Leading in (5mins)1)Can you tell any disabled people

with great achievements?

2)Look at some pictures. Who are they? What are their disabilities and


Ludwig Von Beethoven

路德维希 · 范 · 贝多芬( 1770-1827

Composer in Germany

26 years old

-- hearing impaired

35 years old

-- deaf

张海迪五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤 , paralyzed 高位截瘫。(writer & translator)


Hellen Keller(1880-1968)Blind, deaf and dumb

1964 年被授予美国公民最高的荣誉——总统自由勋章,次年被推选为世界十名杰出妇女之一。

Stephen Hawking

Physicist , mathematician

1963 年被诊断出肌萎缩性侧索硬化症。超越了相对论、量子力学、大爆炸等理论而迈入创造宇宙的“几何之舞”。

…a strong will …determination




… optimistic

…live a meaningful life…

Why can the disabled achieve success in life?

Step2 . Reading

Task 1. Fast reading(3mins)

Glance through the first and the last paragraphs.

Main idea:____________________________Marty is a disabled person, but he overcomes the difficulties and leads a happy life.

a. Read Marty’s story and fill in the chart. (5mins)

Task 2.Careful reading

What kind of person is Marty?

brave, strong-minded,

optimistic, happy, independent

Task 3. Discussion

(pair work) (3mins)

1. 用 30 个词左右概述本文2. 就“应该如何对待人生的挫折”为主题发表你的看法(约 120 词) 1 )谈谈身边的人对待生活或学习中挫折的态度。 2 )你认为应该如何正确应对人生的挫折或不幸。


be in low spirits

lose heart/confidence

give up …

work harder

complain … try one’s best to overcome



b. Organization

①sort out the information ( 5 分钟)

Optimistic(…) Pessimistic (…)

on the other hand, on the contrary, / however,

②Give topic sentence and supporting sentences ( 4 分钟)

Topic sentence:

(attitude) _____________________


Supporting sentences:

Optimistic(…) ___________________

Pessimistic(…) __________________

Different people have different attitudes towards frustrations

Most students take an active attitude towards frustrations. …

Some are in low spirits when meet with frustrations. …

③ Sum up the structure (5mins)


Part 1: summary

(In fact, …)

Part 2: attitude (T + S)

(In my view / opinion,

As far as I’m concerned, …)

Part 3: opinion

1 ) Finish the writing.2 ) Surf the internet to learn

more about the life of disabled people.

