Stilitetika FPBS tahun III vol 4



Stilitetika FPBS tahun III vol 4

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  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    Pengantar Redaksi

    Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni merupakan salah satu institusi

    akademik yang berkonsentrasi pada ilmu pendidikan bahasa dan seni. Dinamika

    ilmu pendidikan bahasa dan seni amatlah pesat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan wadah

    untuk menghimpun dan menyosialisasikan perkembangan ilmu pendidikan bahasa

    dan seni tersebut. Berdasarkan kesadaran dan komitmen civitas akademika,

    Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni berhasil mewujudkan idealisme ilmiahnya

    melalui jurnal Stilistetika yang terbit dua kali setahun, yakni pada bulan Mei dan

    Nopember. Apa yang ada di tangan pembaca budiman saat ini merupakan jurnal

    Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014.

    Jurnal Stilistetika ini memiliki makna tersendiri. Penerbitan edisi ini selain

    disebarkan secara internal dalam kampus Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni,

    juga didistribusikan pada komunitas akademik yang lebih luas. Jurnal Stilistetika

    kali ini memuat sepuluh artikel ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh para dosen,

    mahasiswa Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, dan sebuah artikel ilmiah dari

    dosen luar kampus Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, yakni STIKES Bina

    Usadha Bali dan sebuah artikel ilmiah dari mahasiswa ISI Yogyakarta. Adanya

    sumbangan tulisan dari luar kampus Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

    diharapkan memperluas cakrawala ilmiah komunitas akademik.

    Semoga penerbitan jurnal Stilistetika ini menjadi wahana yang baik untuk

    membangun atmosfer akademik. Akhirnya, sumbangan pemikiran, kritik, dan

    saran dari pembaca diharapkan dapat memperbaiki terbitan edisi selanjutya.

    R e d a k s i

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460



    Pengantar Redaksi ......................................................................................... i

    Daftar Isi ....................................................................................................... ii

    Community Values In The Maintenance Of Balinese Language: A Covert

    Policy Analysis In Banjar Taman, Esa Pekraman Ubud, Gianyar-Bali

    I Putu Andre Suhardiana, S. Pd., M. Pd. ...................................................... 1

    Syntactic Analysis of Locative Prepositional Phrase in English-Indonesian

    Text with Reference To The Voyagers and Its Translation Sebuah Sandiwara: Para Penjelajah Ni Luh Gede Liswahyuningsih, S.S., M.Hum. ............................................... 14

    Analisis Standar Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Berdasarkan

    Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Nasional

    Pendidikan di Tinjau dari Cipp (Contexs, Input, Process, Product)

    Luh De Liska, S.Pd., M.Pd. ........................................................................... 32

    Pemerolehan Bahasa Kedua pada Balita Hasil dari Pernikahan Cross

    Marriage Jerman-Indonesia Usia 2,5 Tahun

    Ni Komang Purwaningsih, S.S. ..................................................................... 48

    Membahasakan Objek melalui Pendekatan Observasi Agus Mediana Adipura ....................................................................................... 63

    Variasi Kalimat pada Karangan Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Denpasar

    Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

    Ni Putu Arik Purnami ................................................................................... 79

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Puisi melalui Teknik Pemodelan oleh

    Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

    Komang Triana Dewi Wulandari .................................................................. 95

    Kemampuan Memainkan Drama dengan Naskah Buatan Kelompok Siswa

    Kelas XI IPS SMA N 6 Denpasar Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

    Kadek Puspita Dewi ...................................................................................... 107

    Kemampuan Melukis Objek Buah-Buahan pada Media Kertas dengan

    Mengunakan Pastel oleh Siswa Kelas X Tata Boga SMK Pariwisata

    Dalung Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

    I Ketut Budana .............................................................................................. 117

    Kemampuan Menarikan Tari Kreasi Metangi dalam Kegiatan

    Ekstrakurikuler Siswa Kelas VII-VIII SMP Negeri 3 Tabanan Tahun

    Pelajaran 2013/2014

    Luh Gede Laras Sita ..................................................................................... 130

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460






    I PutuAndre Suhardiana, S. Pd., M. Pd.

    Indonesian and Local Language and Literature Education Department

    The Faculty of Language and Art IKIP PGRI Bali



    Community values as a covert language policy play a crucial role in

    maintaining mother language in the globalization era. This descriptive qualitative

    research aimed at finding the community values of people in banjar Taman, Ubud

    in maintaining Balinese language. This research also aimed at investigating the

    factors that influence the community values towards the language maintenance. It

    was found that the use of mother tongue language in social interaction in banjar

    Taman, Ubudwas still maintained well. Based on the interview and observation,

    some of the research subjects started to use mixed language with their children.

    However, when they went back to the social interaction and activities, they still

    used Balinese language. It was because of the community values held by people in

    banjar Taman, Ubud. The cultural and religion activities were the major factors

    why Balinese language could be well maintained. The existence of Palace of

    Ubud (PuriUbud) in that area was another factor which influences the

    maintenance of Balinese language in banjar Taman, Ubud, Bali.

    Keywords: language policy, language maintenance, community values


    Nilai-nilai masyarakat yang terkandung dalam kebijakan bahasayang

    tersembunyi memainkan peran penting dalam mempertahankan bahasa ibu di era

    globalisasi. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-

    nilai komunitas orang-orang di banjar Taman, Ubud dalam mempertahankan

    bahasa Bali. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang

    mempengaruhi nilai-nilai masyarakat terhadap pemeliharaan bahasa. Dari

    penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa penggunaan bahasa ibu sebagai bahasa dalam

    interaksi sosial di banjar Taman, Ubud masih terpelihara dengan baik.

    Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi, beberapa subjek penelitian mulai

    menggunakan bahasa campuran dengan anak-anak mereka. Namun, ketika mereka

    kembali ke interaksi social dan kegiatan, mereka masih menggunakan bahasa

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    Bali. Itu karena nilai-nilai kemasyarakatan yang dicoba untuk dilestarikan oleh

    orang-orang di banjar Taman, Ubud. Kegiatan budaya dan agama merupakan

    faktor utama mengapa bahasa Bali dapat terpelihara dengan baik. Keberadaan

    Istana Ubud (Puri Ubud) di daerah itu adalah faktor lain yang mempengaruhi

    pemeliharaan bahasa Bali di banjar Taman, Ubud, Bali.

    Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilaikebijakanbahasa, pemeliharaanbahasa , masyarakat :

    1. Introduction

    Language plays an important role in developing and maintaining

    relationships between people in society. Language is close related to power,

    class, status, solidarity, accommodation, face, gender, and

    politeness (Wardhaugh, 2002). Particularly in relation to class and status,

    dominant language will be preferred to be used even in the daily activities and

    family activities. By using dominant language, they will show themselves coming

    from higher class or status. Besides, the multicultural society can be a basic reason

    of people in using dominant language. In this case, dominant language refers to

    Bahasa Indonesia or Indonesian language. To be able to communicate with other

    people from other areas, like Javanese, Sundanese, Sasaknese, or Balinese, people

    will tend to use Indonesian. In this case seems like mother language is left behind

    in which it will lead to language shift even scarcity language.

    Balinese language which had become minority language seemed to be less

    in use in society. Based on the observation in several schools in Denpasar and

    Gianyar, it was seen that almost all students speak in Indonesianwith their friends,

    teachers, and families. Musgrave (2011) stated that Indonesian censuses

    conducted in 1971, 1980, and 1990 showed an increase in the number of people

    who speak Indonesian as their first language, especially among the young

    generation, and a decline in the number of people who speak local languages as

    their first language. In addition, the fact that Bali became prior tourism destination

    in Indonesia made people more interested in learning English. To provide more

    evidences towards this issue, an observation in social media Facebook and

    Twitter was done. Here, several people from different educational backgrounds,

    status, and ages posted comments to express their feeling or to inform

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    somethingmostly using Indonesian and English. In short, the use of Balinese

    language had shifted to the use of Indonesian and English in Balinese societies.

    In multilingual societies, the major concerns were how to develop and

    maintain the societys language resources and how to meet the societys and

    individuals language related needs. Because of that, all languages in a community

    or society had to be accommodated in a language policy, no matter their status,

    demographic strength and distribution, economic strength, state of development,

    sociolinguistic vitality, functions, legal status, estimation, geographical

    distribution, readiness for literacy and numeracy, etc. (Emenanjo, in Musgrave

    2011).However, it was in contrast with the governments plan to eliminate local

    language from the local content curriculum of elementary school. Minister of

    Education and Culture, Mohammad Nuh, aligned the local language would not be

    eliminated from the curriculum (Indonesia News, January 3rd

    2013). According to

    him, the curriculum clearly listed in art and culture subject including arts, regional

    culture, and craft and local language was part of it. It means that the chance for

    students to learn and communicate in local language was diminishing.

    Based on the explanation above, Balinese language in Bali was closing to

    be endangered language and it should be preserved. It is because Balinese

    language is part of Balinese culture. Maintaining Balinese language became

    Balinese people responsibilities including the government. It was close related to

    language policy applied in that area. The language policy in this banjar is

    categorized as covert policy since there is no written legal document regulating

    the use of language. However, the values growing in the society brought big

    impacts to the maintenance of Balinese language. Further, this mini research

    presented the kinds of communitys values and how those values affected the

    community policy and practices. The present research aimed to answer these two

    research questions (1) What kind of values washeld by community in

    banjarTaman, desapekramanUbud related to the maintenance of Balinese

    language and (2) what factors are influencing the values held by people in banjar

    Taman desapekramanUbud towards the maintenance of Balinese language.

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    2. Theoretical Frameworks

    2.1 Sociolinguistics

    Sociolinguistics is study of a relationship between language and society

    (Holmes, 2001). The sociolinguistics deals with explaining why we speak

    differently in different social context and factor such as, class, ethnicity, age, and

    sex. This study is concerned with the identifying the social functions of language

    and the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Sociolinguistics is also the study

    about dialects, languages in contact, language and education, and language in use

    (Fromkin in Holmes, 2001). Chaer in Hamida (2011) explains that sociolinguistics

    is the study about sociology and linguistics. In vice versa, Wardhough (2002)

    states that sociolinguistics and sociology are different studies.

    The sociolinguistics will be concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal of better

    understanding of the structure of language and of how languages

    function in communication; the equivalent goal in the sociology of

    language will be to discover how social structure can be better

    understood through the study of language, e.g., how certain

    linguistics features serve to characterize particular social


    Whereas Spolsky in Trudgill (1983) describes that sociolinguistics is the

    study the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and

    the social structures in which the user of language live.

    From those statements above, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics is

    the branch of linguistics and deals with the relation of society and language. The

    sociolinguistics cannot be separated from the social meaning and of language use.

    This study concerns when and for what purpose does somebody speak what kind

    of language or what variety with whom.

    2.2 Language and Society

    Language incorporates social values. What is of value to society is

    incorporated into language to produce standards, ideals and goals (Heath, 2011).

    Society changes when that which is of value to society changes. Social changes

    produce changes in language.

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    However, social changes affect values in ways that have not been

    accurately understood. Social values are only the same as linguistic values when

    the society is a stable and unchanging one. Once society starts changing, then

    language change produces special effects.

    2.3 Language and Social Class

    Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions (or stratification)

    between individual or groups in societies or cultures. Different social class use

    different linguistic varieties. People can be classified into some groups of social

    class which is determined largely by considering several aspects as follows:

    1) Income (economic)

    It deals with wealth, including the ownership of land, property,

    means of production, and so on.

    2) Occupation

    It determines the individuals profession. For instance work as

    doctors, lawyers, farmers, fishermen, etc.

    3) Education

    Viewed from education background, this determiner indicates

    whether the individual has graduated his postgraduate or just graduated

    from Junior or Senior High School. In other words, it reveals that those

    individual has a good background of education or not.

    4) Race

    It describes whether someone belongs to European, Mongolia,

    Polynesia, etc.

    5) Religion

    There are many religion exist in the world, such as Muslim, Hindu,

    Christian, etc.

    6) Age

    It classified people into young and old.

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    The social class is the result of social stratification. It is a term used to

    refer to any hierarchical ordering of group within a society (society grouping).

    Since the society was grouped into several classes by the existence of social

    stratification, therefore social classes were created. Social classes are not merely a

    label of society. It simply aggregates of people with similar social and economic

    characteristic and also social mobility. Depart from this fact, many linguists

    considers that it becomes more difficult to describe a particular variety. So, it is

    proposed that the more heterogeneous the society, the more heterogeneous its


    2.4 Balinese Language

    Balinese language is a branch of the Austronesian language Sundik and

    more specifically of the Bali-Sasak subsidiaries. This language is primarily

    spoken in the island of Bali, the island of Lombok to the west, and a bit on the

    east end of the island of Java. Bali has its own language usage levels, for example,

    there are so-called Bali Alus, Madya Bali and Bali Rude. Its smooth-spoken

    formal used for example in the traditional village-level meetings, woo women, or

    between low-caste people with a higher caste.

    Balinese language consists of a number of speech levels. They are mainly

    affected by the caste exist in Bali. Further, the choice of the language will be

    associated with the caste of the people involved in communication.

    2.4.1 Caste

    The term caste in Bali is adapted from India but it is not similar actually.

    As explained in background previously that the application of castes in Bali was

    affected by Warnafrom Hinduism. There are four Warnawhich is called

    CaturWarna, divides Hinduism into four groups based on their occupation in

    parallel horizontal form.

    Catur Warna Kuciptakan menurut pembagian dari guna (sifat) dan karma (pekerjaan). Meskipun Aku sebagai penciptanya,

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    ketahuilah Aku mengatasi gerak dan perubahan. (Bhagavadgita IV.

    13 as cited in Titib, 2005).

    From the statement above, Warnais determined by guna and karma. Guna

    stands for the talent and behavior of someone, while karma is related to the job.

    Viewed from Warna, the society then, is classified into four occupational

    categories namely Brahmana (Priest), Ksatria (Kings, Warriors, Governments),

    Weisya (Traders, Sellers), and Sudra (Farmers, Servants, Labors). However, these

    social stratifications or so-called as caste, becomes misleading in Balinese society.

    2.4.2 Balinese Speech Levels

    Balinese language has levels system in which the speech levels is called

    Anggah-Ungguhin Basa. Kersten (in Hamida, 2011:2) pointed that Balinese

    language can be classified into five levels, namely BasaKasar (Low language),

    BasaMadya (Middle language), BasaIpun (Humble language), BasaSinggih

    (Refined language), and BasaAlus (Honorific language). However, Kersten then

    republished his book with several revisions. In his revision, he stated six

    classification of Balinese language, such as: BasaKasar (Low language)

    BasaBiasa (Familiar language), BasaMadya (Middle language), BasaAlusSor

    (Humble language), BasaSinggih (Refined language), and BasaAlus (Honorific


    2.5 Community Values in Bali

    Community values in Bali are closely related to cultural values. Cultural

    values are affected by domains where the people are involved in communication.

    According to Titib (2005), the values are involving:

    1. Etiquette: manners habits which agreed within the interaction between

    humans in the group.

    2. Nguopin: mutual cooperation.

    3. Ngayah or ngayang: community service for religious purposes.

    4. Manners: indigenous relations in polite society against those of different


  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    According to Titib (2005) cultural values cannot be separated with the

    Hindu influence on Balinese culture. This is in line with the term of Hindus

    culture as the soul of Bali.It is inevitable that the influence of Hinduism and

    Indian culture in Bali such a magnitude, it is evident from the various

    archaeological heritages as revealed by Swellengrebel in Titib (2005), namely:

    primary sources are inscriptions issued by the kings in impressive number written

    on stones and metal (copper). The inscriptions are about the kings and his

    ministers in relation with the administration of the central government and the

    people in the villages, rules in the fields of religious, rules related to irrigation,

    taxation, and so forth. Other sources are the ancient relics, statues and artifacts.

    Based on Swellengrebelsstatement above, the religious life can be studied

    through the sources mentioned above. In addition, the sources of the manuscripts

    (papyrus) are quite numerous. The values or Hinduism are internalized in

    individual and social behavior, and also in the form of physical matters such as

    sacred buildings in temples, the house layout, desapekraman (traditional villages

    in Bali which are ruled by the values of Hinduism), etc.

    2.6Language Policy

    Language policy is mainly related to decisions (rules, regulations and

    guidelines) about the status, use, domains and territories of language and the

    rights of speakers under questions. Language policy consists of three major

    elements, namely (1) language practice, which focuses on how language practices

    are done; (2) language management, which means any form of formulation or

    proclamation of an explicit plan or policy to modify or influence a language

    practice; and (3) language beliefs, which are the beliefs about language and

    language use that lie behind each policy.

    According to Sciffmanas cited in Hamida (2011), language policy can be

    dividedinto two, namely:

    1) Covert Language policy

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    Overt policies state explicitly the rights of any or all linguistics

    groups to the use of their language in whatever domains they specify.

    (explicit, specific, formalized, codified, manifest, de jure)

    Example: UUD 1945, UU No. 24 tahun 2009 (constitutes)

    2) Covert Language Policy

    Covert policies do not mention any language policy in any

    written legal documents, administrative code, etc. (implicit, informal,

    unstated, de facto, grass-roots, latent)

    Example: belief, culture, custom

    2.7Language Maintenance

    Language maintenance is the effort to prevent and maintain languages

    from becoming unknown, loss, and dead. Language loss is the loss of a first or

    second language or a portion of that language by individuals. Speakers who

    routinely use more than one language may not use either of their languages in

    ways which are exactly like that of a monolingual speaker.

    Factors contributing to language shiftas stated by Holmes(2001) are listed below.

    1) Economic, social and political factors including the reasons of people

    to shift the language for the sake of jobs, migration, seeking

    information in broader area, and to establish good relationship between

    states or countries.

    2) Demographic factors including to whom to talk, in what situation, and

    where it can be performed. If the demographic factors are in a small

    number, it will speed up the language shift.

    3) Attitudes and values towards certain language will slower the language

    shift. When certain language is less valued, it will increase the speed of

    language shift.

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    ISSN 2089-8460


    3. Research Methods

    The present research used qualitative research method since it aimed at

    gaining a descriptive data about the community value towards the language


    The research subjects in this research were five people in banjar Taman

    desapekramanUbudas an example of global area which were taken from different

    caste, educational background, and occupation. Their interaction within the family

    members and communities was analyzed to be able to determine the values held

    by people in banjar Taman desapekramanUbud related to the maintenance of

    Balinese language.

    Research instruments in this research involving the researcherhimself as

    the main instrument interview guide, observation sheet, tape recorder, and note

    book. To gather the data, several methods were usedsuch as observation,

    interview, recording, and note taking.

    Further, the data will be analyzed in using Miles and Huberman model.

    Miles and Huberman model consists of four steps, such as data collection, data

    reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification.

    4. Findings

    Based on the interview with Bendesa, he stated that there was no written

    document which regulates the use of Balinese in society. However, he stated

    several activities conducted in Ubud obliged the community to speak Balinese.

    Here are the contexts in which community keep using Balinese language in social


    1) Etiquette: manners habits which agreed within the interaction between

    humans in the group.

    2) Nguopin: mutual cooperation.

    3) Ngayah or ngayang: community service for religious purposes.

    4) Manners: indigenous relations in polite society against those of

    different sex.

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    ISSN 2089-8460


    5) Paruman: meeting which involved all community in banjar Taman


    6) Bendesaelection: the election of bendesato have a new leader, Balinese

    is still used to moderate the process of the election program.

    Furthermore, after the end of the election, the new bendesawill give a

    short speech in Balinese about his winning.

    7) Tangkil: coming to the palace of Ubud (PuriUbud) to ask for help

    related to any religious activities. PuriUbud has close relationship and

    brings a big impact to all communities in Ubud.

    8) Cultural ceremonies and performance: the cultural ceremonies and

    performances are frequently held in Ubud since they are part of

    tourism offered by Ubud. The performances like cak, barong, wayang

    (puppet), arja, etc.should be performed in Balinese language.

    Eventhough the visitors were mostly coming from other countries, the

    communities in Ubud in doing performance are still maintaining to use

    Balinese language.

    Based on the interview and observation towards those four

    subjects, some of them start to use Indonesian to their kids and relatives.

    Some values have been degrading. The value of the family may decrease;

    however, the values in the community interaction can be still maintained.

    Based on the result of the research, the community values obliged the

    communities to use Balinese in the communication. the interesting facts

    found in the research that, cultural and religious activities in Bali are

    closely related to the existence of PuriUbud.

    Based on the interview with these subjects, PuriUbud hold stronger

    power than the Regent himself. People in banjar Taman and in Ubud

    generally get free access to PuriUbud. They are given rights to utter their

    problem and PuriUbud will try to solve their problem. PuriUbud is well

    known as BendesaAgung which lead all the bendesainUbud. As stated

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    ISSN 2089-8460


    previously, PuriUbud holds bigger power rather than the Regent even

    though officially PuriUbuds Position is lower than the Regent.

    Based on the interview with the bendesa, the power of PuriUbud is

    due to its historical value. The king living in PuriUbud previously,

    regulate all the system and people in Ubud in such good way, he could

    bring welfare for his citizens. Because of that, until this time, PuriUbud

    still get higher position in people in Ubud and people need to speak

    Balinese to be able to interact withPuriUbud.

    The strong community values as stated previously can maintain the

    Balinese language in society even though their family values towards

    Balinese language has been decreasing.


    Language maintenance is the effort to prevent and maintain languages

    from becoming unknown, loss, and dead. The phenomenon in Bali has shown

    that Balinese language has started to be leaving behind. However, Ubud can

    maintain the use of Balinese language in social interaction. It is due to the strong

    community values held by banjar Taman Ubud community. Community values

    are some values embraced by the community as a decision basis in running the

    day-to-day life. The value of the community, especially in terms of the values in

    using mother language will lead to the maintenance of mother language. This

    value can be said as a covert policy with the purpose of maintain mother language.


    Baron, Dennis. (2005). Language and Society. PBS: Public Broadcasting service (January 2013).

    Heath, Ian. (2011). Language and society.A modern thinker.http://www.modern- (January


  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    Hamida, Layli. (2011) Family Values in The Maintenance Of Local/Home

    Language. In: International Seminar Language Maintenance and Shift.

    ISSN: 2088-6799, 2 Juli 2011, Hotel Pandanaran Semarang.

    Holmes, J. (2001). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, London/New York:


    Indonesia News. (2013). Education Minister: Regional Language Will Not Be

    Removed. Edition: January 3, 2013.

    Maharani, S. A. I. PemertahanBahasaIbu di KalanganRemajapadaLingkunganPuri

    di KabupatenGianyar. (unpublished thesis).

    Musgrave, Simon. (2011). Language Shift and Language Maintenance in



    Tinggen, I Nengah. 1986. Sor Singgih Basa Bali. Singaraja: Rhika Dewata.

    Titib, I Made. 2005. Nilai-nilaiBudaya Bali Universal. Parisada Hindu


    =view&id=497&Itemid=79 (January 2013).

    Trudgill, Peter. (1983). Sociolinguistics.An Introduction to Language and

    Society.Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.

    Wardhaugh, Ronald. (2002). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Fourth Edition).

    Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460







    Ni Luh Gede Liswahyuningsih, S.S.,M.Hum.


    Translation becomes important in this globalization era since each country

    has its own language and each language in the world has its own grammatical

    construction. In the translation process, a translator should understand the surface

    structure of language. The surface structure of language refers to the actual words,

    phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs constructed the text either written or

    spoken. The locative prepositional phrase as one element of language surface

    structure is important to be understood because locative prepositional phrase will

    give a clear information of the activities done in a place. The translation of

    locative prepositional phrase can be done based on the procedure of translation

    process. The structure of locative prepositional phrase can be varied so it is also

    necessary to discuss about the syntactical form of the locative prepositional


    Keywords: Translation, syntactical analysis, locative prepositional phrase


    Penerjemahan sangatlah penting di era globalisasi ini karena setiap negara

    memiliki bahasa masing-masing dan setiap bahasa di dunia memiliki konstruksi

    gramatikalnya masing-masing. Dalam proses penerjemahan, seorang penerjemah

    harus memahami struktur permukaan bahasa. Struktur permukaan bahasa tersebut

    mengacu pada kosakata, frase, klausa, kalimat, paragraf yang menyusun teks baik

    tertulis maupun lisan. Frase preposisi lokatif sebagai salah satu bagian struktur

    permukaan bahasa sangatlah penting untuk dipahami karena frase preposisi lokatif

    akan memberikan informasi yang jelas tentang tempat dilakukannya suatu

    kegiatan. Penerjemahan frase preposisi lokatif dapat dilakukan berdasarkan

    prosedur proses penerjemahan. Struktur frase preposisi lokatif dapat bervariasi

    sehingga penting untuk dibahas mengenai bentuk sintaksis frase preposisi lokatif


    Kata kunci: Penerjemahan, analisis sintaksis, frase preposisi lokatif

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460



    Every language in the world has its own grammatical construction which

    is difference each other both in lexical and syntactical forms of the way it is

    expressed. No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as

    representing the same social reality or even about culture. This is also applied to

    Indonesian and English which have different characteristics in the grammatical

    construction. English as the international language becomes the most important

    language in the world. Therefore, translation has an important part in transferring

    the message from Indonesian into English or vice versa. Bell (1991: 7) states that

    translation is transferring the message of the source language into the target

    language in various ways as long as the original meaning can be conveyed to the


    In fact, translation faces many problems because of the influencing of the

    culture and the context of situation to the language structure. Translating a

    language does not enough only knowing the sound and the meaning of words but

    it is more deeply knowing the surface and the deep structure of the language

    influenced by the context of the situation. Translation involves a board studies

    such as linguistic and cultural studies. Translation can be defined as a process of

    transforming a piece of linguistic work into another language. Therefore, it is

    important for translators to consider a detailed understanding of the surface

    structure of language.

    Discussing the surface structure of language refers to the actual words,

    phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs constructed the text either written or

    spoken. Phrases as part of language structure is necessary to be analyzed to

    consider a detailed understanding of their functions in the sentence especially in

    the process of translation of English text into Indonesian. One of the important

    phrases in English is prepositional phrase, which is translated into Indonesian

    especially locative prepositional phrase. The study of locative prepositional phrase

    will support translators to give a clear description of the activities done in a place.

    This study analyzes about the syntactical and lexical forms of the English locative

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    ISSN 2089-8460


    prepositional phrases and its equivalent in Indonesian. Besides, this study also

    discusses about the procedures used by the translator in translating the English

    locative prepositional phrase into Indonesian. The data are taken from the

    translation book entitled The Voyagers in English version and its translation

    into Indonesian Sebuah Sandiwara: Para penjelajah.



    Catford (1964: 20) states that translation is the replacement of representation of

    text in one language by a representation of equivalence text in a second language.

    Meanwhile, Larson (1998) states that translation is a process of transferring the

    meaning of the source language into the receptor language in the form of the

    surface structure of a language. Translation is concerned with a study of the

    lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of

    the source language text in order to determine its meaning. He divides translation

    into two types. The first one is form-based translation and the second one is

    meaning-based translation. Form-based translation is a form of translation that is

    mainly according to the form of the source language and it is commonly known as

    literal translation. This type of translation is very useful for the study of the source

    language. But, on the other hand, it is not so helpful for the speakers of the

    receptor language. It has a little value of communication in term of transforming

    from one language into another. Meanwhile, meaning-based translation is a type

    of translation that attempts to make every effort to transform the meaning of the

    source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language and it is usually

    called as idiomatic translation.

    Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000: 84-93) proposed seven procedures

    of establishing equivalence. They are:

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    a. Borrowing

    Borrowing is the translation method which uses foreign terms in

    translating a term from the source language into the target language, to

    overcome a gap in term of meaning. This procedure means that one

    language borrows an expression form from another language.

    b. Calque

    Calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an

    expression form of another and then the form is translated literary in terms

    each of its elements.

    c. Transposition

    Transposition is a translation process which involves replacing one word

    class with another without changing the meaning of the message. The

    transposition can also be applied in a language form. There are two types

    of transposition; they are obligatory transposition and optional

    transposition. Obligatory transposition is applied when the target language

    has no different choices due to the language concepts, while optional

    transposition is applied when there is an opportunity to choose different

    language forms to make the product of translation sound more stylistic and


    d. Literal Translation

    Literal translation is also known word-for-word translation. It is direct

    transfer of a source language (SL) text grammatically and idiomatically

    appropriate in the target language (TL) text.

    e. Modulation

    Modulation is a translation process in which there is a variation of form of

    the message. The variation is obtained by a change in the point of view.

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    f. Equivalence

    Equivalence is applied when there are two text which have the same

    situation but those texts are using completely different stylistic and

    structural methods.

    g. Adaptation

    Adaptation is a translation process which is adapted if there is situation

    being referred to by the source language (SL) message but is unknown in

    the target language (TL) culture.

    Nida (1975:27) argues that there are three conditions that can be used as

    basic principles of translation, they are the loss of information, the addition of

    information and the skewing of information.

    a. Loss of information

    In the translation process, the translation of items from the source

    language does not explain the whole information into the target language

    or is not translated and transferred into the target language.

    b. Gain of information

    The translation of items from the source language into target language is

    with addition of extra information

    c. Skewing of information

    The translation of items from the source language is not the exact

    equivalent which means it is skewed in the target language.


    Syntactic rules determine the correct order of words in a sentence.

    Sentences are more than words placed on after another like beads on a string. The

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    words of a sentence can be divided into subgroups and so on, until only single

    word remains.

    A sentence has a subject and a predicate, and the syntactic rule determine

    the linear order of words and their hierarchical structure, that is, how the words

    are grouped into structural constituents.


    Words tend to cluster and function as a unit. Cluster of words which do

    not form sentences are called phrases. A phrase is a unit potentially composed of

    two or more words; but which does not have the prepositional characteristic of a

    sentence. Phrases typically, but not always, function as elements of sentences.

    Phrases are characterized as having a head word and various modifiers indicating

    quality, quantity, possessor, augmentation, negation, etc. Several kinds of phrases


    1. Noun phrases:

    a. A determiner (a, an, the) and one or two descriptive adjectives

    modifying a noun: the girl, a beautiful girl.

    b. A possessor, either a possessive pronoun or possessive phrase

    modifying a noun: his book, the dolls dress.

    2. Adjective phrase consists of an adjective modified by an adverb: very


    3. Adverb phrase consists of an adjective modified by very: very high.

    4. Verb phrase consists of one or more auxiliary verb plus the main verb;

    is flying, have been doing.

    5. Prepositional phrase constructed by a preposition with a modifier of

    noun phrase; in the morning, to the park.

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    The possible modifications found in noun phrase can be in form of qualifiers,

    descriptive, quantifiers, possessors, determiners, demonstratives.


    Prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed by a prepositional

    complement, which is characteristically a noun phrase or a Wh-clause or V-ing

    clause (Quirk,et al., 1985:657). For example: in the market, at the bus stop, on the

    book, from what the lecture said, by completing the thesis. Sneddon (1996:189-

    194) categorized the preposition into:

    a. Locative preposition indicates position and direction, they are in, at, on

    (di) that indicate the action occurs in the place, to (ke) indicates

    movement toward, and from (dari) indicates movement away.

    b. Apart from locative preposition, there are many other prepositions, they

    are; for (untuk, bagi, guna, buat), with (dengan), about/ concerning

    (tentang, mengenai), by (oleh), until (sampai), like (seperti), without

    (tanpa), towards (terhadap), together with (beserta), after (sesudah,

    setelah, sehabis), before (sebelum), during (selama), and between



    Sneddon (1996) states that locative prepositional phrase indicates position

    and direction. The preposition shows that the action occurs in the place indicated

    by the following noun or noun phrase. In Indonesian, the three locative

    prepositions (at, in and on) which can be translated into Indonesian as di or

    sometimes pada; can also combined with a set of locative noun which indicate

    location in relation to the following noun. These locative noun include; atas (top/

    above); dalam (inside); depan (front), bawah (beneath), samping (side), etc. For

    example: di atas meja (on a table), di depan rumah (in front of the house).

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    Locative prepositional phrases usually contain a preposition followed by

    noun or noun phrase. Locative preposition indicates position and direction, they

    are in, at, on that indicate the action occurs in the place, to indicates

    movement toward, and from indicates movement away.

    a. PP with preposition from

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    From a garden of flowers it had become

    a jungle of thorns.

    Dari sebuah taman bunga, tempat ini

    berubah menjadi hutan berduri.

    The locative prepositional phrase in source language text is from a garden

    of flowers which has the constitution of preposition (from) + noun phrase (a

    garden of flowers). In Target Language Text, the equivalent of locative

    prepositional phrase is dari sebuah taman bunga which contains preposition

    (dari) + noun phrase (sebuah taman bunga). Those locative prepositional phrases

    have the same construction whether in the source language or the target language,

    which consist of a preposition followed by a noun phrase. However, they are

    different in the constitution of noun phrase. It can be syntactically depicted as


    From a garden of flowers


    P NP1


    D NP2


    N1 PP2


    P N2

    of flowers

    Dari sebuah taman bunga


    P NP1


    D NP2


    N1 N2

    taman bunga

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    The tree diagram shows that the preposition from is translated literally

    into dari indicating movement away. The noun phrase in English prepositional

    phrase consists of article (a) + noun (garden) + prepositional phrase which

    contains preposition (of) + noun (flowers). While the noun phrase in the target

    language consists of article (sebuah) + noun (taman) + noun (bunga). It is clearly

    seen that there is loss of information in the translation of noun phrase. The

    information of preposition of in the noun phrase of source language is lost in the

    target language. This is caused by the changing of grammatical construction of the

    source language into target language.

    b. PP with preposition to

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    He could travel instantaneously to any

    part of the remotest space, or even


    Ia sanggup berpergian setiap saat

    dengan cepat sekali ke tempat yang

    paling jauh sekalipun.

    The locative prepositional phrase in source language text is to any part of

    the remotest space which has the constitution of preposition (to) + noun phrase

    (any part of the remotest space). In target language text, the equivalent of locative

    prepositional phrase is ke tempat yang paling jauh which contains preposition

    (ke) + noun phrase (tempat yang paling jauh). Those locative prepositional

    phrases consist of a preposition followed by a noun phrase. However, they have

    different constitution in the noun phrase. It can be seen in the tree diagram below.

    ke tempat yang paling jauh


    P NP


    N AdjP1


    D AdjP2


    paling jauh

    to any part of the remotest space


    P NP1


    D NP2


    N PP2


    P NP3


    the remotest space

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    It is clearly seen that the translation procedures used in the translation

    process are literal translation and loss of information. The tree diagram shows that

    the preposition to is translated literally into ke indicating movement toward.

    Loss of information is clearly seen on the translation of noun phrase any part of

    the remotest space, which is translated into tempat yang paling jauh. The noun

    phrase in source language consists of article (any) + noun (part) + prepositional

    phrase which contains preposition (of) + noun phrase (the remotest space). While

    the noun phrase in the target language consists of noun (tempat) + adjective

    phrase (yang paling jauh). It is clearly seen that there is loss of information in the

    translation of noun phrase. The information of noun phrase any part, preposition

    of are lost in the target language. This is caused by the changing of grammatical

    construction of the source language into target language.

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    In fact, his only aim was to see that the

    universe kept functioning peacefully,

    and whenever it got out of order he

    would act quickly to restore it to its

    original condition.

    Bilamana ada suatu kerusakan, ia cepat

    bertindak untuk mengembalikannya

    seperti semula.

    The locative prepositional phrase in source language text is to its original

    condition which has the constitution of preposition (to) + noun phrase (its

    original condition). In target language text, the locative prepositional phrase is

    translated into seperti semula which contains adverbial (seperti) + adverbial

    (semula). The locative prepositional phrases of source language text consist of a

    preposition followed by a noun phrase. However, it is translated into adverbial

    phrase. It can be seen clearly in the tree diagram below.

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    The tree diagram shows that the procedure used in the translation process

    is transposition since the prepositional phrase to its original condition is translated

    into adverbial phrase seperti semula. This procedure is used in this translation

    process to make the product of translation sound more stylistic and understanable.

    c. PP with preposition in

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    These beings who were called Sha

    Ligraams, lived immersed in an ocean of golden red illumination, they swam

    in this light, like fish in a sea of silence.

    Mereka, disebut Sha Ligraam, dan hidup dalam samudera cahaya ini

    seperti ikan ikan di dalam laut yang tenang.

    There are two locative prepositional phrases in the example above. The

    locative prepositional phrase in source language text are in an ocean of golden

    red illumination which has the constitution of preposition (in) + noun phrase (an

    ocean of golden red illumination) and in a sea of silence which consists of

    preposition (in) + noun phrase (a sea of silence). In target language text, the

    equivalent of locative prepositional phrases are dalam samudera cahaya ini

    which contains preposition (dalam) + noun phrase (samudera cahaya ini) and di

    dalam laut yang tenang which contains preposition (di) + noun phrase (dalam laut

    yang tenang). Those locative prepositional phrases consist of a preposition

    followed by a noun phrase. However, they have different constitution in the noun

    phrase. It can be syntactically depicted as follow.

    to its original condition


    P NP1


    Pro NP2


    Adj N

    original condition

    seperti semula


    Adv Adv

    seperti semula

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    It is clearly seen that the translation procedures used in the translation

    process are literal translation, loss of information and gain of information. The

    first tree diagram shows that the preposition in is translated literally into dalam

    indicating action occurs in the place. Loss of information is clearly seen on the

    translation of noun phrase an ocean of golden red illumination, which is translated

    into samudera cahaya ini. The noun phrase in source language consists of article

    (an) + noun (ocean) + prepositional phrase which contains preposition (of) + noun

    phrase (golden red illumination). While the noun phrase in the target language

    consists of noun (samudera) + noun (cahaya) + article (ini). It is clearly seen that

    there is loss of information in the translation of noun phrase. The information of

    article an and preposition of are lost in the target language. Besides loss of

    information, there is also gain of information of the article ini in the target

    in a sea of silence


    P NP1


    D NP2


    N PP


    P N

    of silence

    di dalam laut yang tenang


    P NP1


    N1 NP2


    N2 AdjP


    D Adj

    yang tenang

    dalam samudera cahaya ini


    P NP1


    N1 NP2


    N2 D

    cahaya ini

    in an ocean of golden red illumination


    P NP1


    D NP2


    N PP2


    P NP3


    golden red illumination

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    language. Literal procedure is also used in the translation of the noun phrase

    golden red illumination which is idiomatically translated into cahaya. The second

    tree diagram shows that the preposition in is translated into di indicating action

    occurs in the place. Loss of information occurs in the article a which is left

    translated in the target language. Gain of information can be seen in the

    preposition di which is added by noun dalam. This is caused by the changing of

    grammatical construction of the source language into target language.

    d. PP with preposition at

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    And in the very center, at the top of the

    whole population of Sha Ligraams there dwelt the most incredibly

    powerful and beautiful being of all.

    Di titik pusat, berdiri di puncak dari

    seluruh umat Sha Ligraam Sha Ligraam ini berdiamlah setitik cahaya yang paling cemerlang diantara seluruh

    cahaya lainnya yang ada.

    The locative prepositional phrase in source language text is at the top of

    the whole population of Sha Ligraams which has the constitution of preposition

    (at) + noun phrase (the top of the whole population of Sha Ligraams). In target

    language text, the locative prepositional phrase is translated into di puncak dari

    seluruh umat Sha Ligraam which contains preposition (di) + noun phrase

    (puncak dari seluruh umat Sha Ligraam). Those locative prepositional phrases of

    source language text and target language text consist of a preposition followed by

    a noun phrase. It can be syntactically depicted as follow.

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    The procedures used in the translation process of this sentence are literal

    translation, and loss of information. The tree diagram shows that the preposition

    at is translated literally into di indicating action occurs in the place. The noun

    phrase in English prepositional phrase consists of article (the) + noun (top) +

    preposition (of) + article (the) + adjective (whole) + noun (population) +

    preposition (of) + noun (Sha Ligraams). While the noun phrase in the target

    language consists of noun (puncak) + preposition (dari) + article numeral

    di puncak dari seluruh umat Sha Ligraam PP

    P NP


    N PP


    P NP


    D NP


    N N

    umat Sha Ligraams

    at the top of the whole population of Sha Ligraams PP1

    P NP1


    D NP2


    N PP2


    P NP3


    D NP


    Adj NP


    N PP


    P N

    of Sha Ligraams

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    (seluruh) + noun (umat) + noun (Sha Ligraam). Loss of information can be seen

    in the translation of noun phrase the whole population of Sha Ligraams in which

    the article the and preposition of are lost in the target language. This is caused by

    the changing of grammatical construction of the source language into target


    e. PP with preposition on

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    There, on the surface of the planet, he

    saw two Sha Ligraams shining up at him.

    Nun disana, di atas permukaan planet,

    ia melihat dua Sha Ligraam yang bersinar ke arahnya.

    The locative prepositional phrase in source language text is on the surface

    of the planet which has the constitution of preposition (on) + noun phrase (the

    surface of the planet). In target language text, the locative prepositional phrase is

    translated into di atas permukaan planet which contains preposition (di) + noun

    phrase (atas permukaan planet). Those locative prepositional phrases of source

    language text and target language text consist of a preposition followed by a noun

    phrase. It can be seen in the tree diagram below.

    on the surface of the planet


    P NP


    D NP


    N PP


    P NP


    D N

    the planet

    di atas permukaan planet


    P NP1


    N1 NP2


    N2 N3

    permukaan planet

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    The procedures used in the translation process of this sentence are literal

    translation, loss and gain of information. The tree diagram shows that the

    preposition on is translated literally into di indicating action occurs in the place.

    The noun phrase in English prepositional phrase consists of article (the) + noun

    (surface) + preposition (of) + article (the) + noun (planet). The noun phrase in the

    target language consists of noun (atas) + noun (permukaan) + noun (planet). Loss

    of information can be seen in the translation of noun phrase the surface of the

    planet into atas permukaan planet in which article the and preposition of are lost

    in the target language. Gain of information can be seen in the use of noun atas in

    the target language.

    f. PP with preposition into

    Source Language Text Target Language Text

    When one of the body-suits which they

    wore began to lose its functionality,

    usually after a hundred and fifty years

    or so, the Sha Ligraam inhabiting it would sit down with it quite calmly and

    would quickly jump through power of

    thought into a newly made body into another vehicle.

    Jika satu dari pakaian yang mereka

    pakai mulai kehilangan fungsinya,

    biasanya setelah kira-kira seratus

    limapuluh tahun, Sha Ligraam yang berdiam di dalamnya akan duduk

    tenang dan dengan kekuatan batinnya

    segera meloncat ke dalam badan baru

    ke dalam kereta yang lainnya.

    The first locative prepositional phrase in source language text is into a

    newly made body which constitute of preposition (into) + noun phrase (a newly

    made body). In target language text, the locative prepositional phrase is translated

    into ke dalam badan baru which contains preposition (ke dalam) + noun phrase

    (badan baru). The second locative prepositional phrase is into another vehicle

    which has constitution of preposition (into) + noun phrase (another vehicle). In

    traget language text, it is translated into ke dalam kereta yang lainnya which

    consists of preposition (ke dalam) + noun phrase (kereta yang lainnya). Those

    locative prepositional phrases of source language text and target language text

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    consist of a preposition followed by a noun phrase. It can be syntactically depicted

    as follow.

    It is clearly seen that the translation procedures used in the translation

    process are literal translation, loss of information and gain of information. The

    first tree diagram shows that the preposition into is translated literally into ke

    dalam indicating movement toward. Loss of information is clearly seen on the

    translation of noun phrase a newly made body, which is translated into badan baru

    and noun phrase another vehicle which is translated into kereta yang lainnya. The

    noun phrase of the first prepositional phrase in source language consists of article

    (a) + adverbial (newly) + adjective (made) + noun (body). Its translation into

    Indonesian consists of noun (badan) + adjective (baru). Meanwhile, the noun

    phrase of the second prepositional phrase in source language consists of article

    (another) + noun (vehicle). Its translation into Indonesian consists of noun (kereta)

    + article (yang) + noun (lainnya). It is clearly seen that there is loss of information

    into a newly made body


    P NP


    D NP


    Adv NP


    Adj N

    made body

    ke dalam badan baru


    P NP

    ke dalam

    N Adj

    badan baru

    into another vehicle


    P NP


    D N

    another vehicle

    ke dalam kereta yang lainnya


    P NP

    ke dalam

    N AdjP


    D Adj

    yang lainnya

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460


    in the translation of noun phrase. The information of article a and adjective made

    are lost in the target language of the first prepositional phrase. Besides loss of

    information, there is also gain of information in the second prepositional phrase,

    such as the article yang in the target language. This is caused by the changing of

    grammatical construction of the source language into target language.


    Based on the study above, we can see that the translator may use more

    than one procedure in translating English locative prepositional phrase into

    Indonesian. The locative prepositional phrase usually constructed by preposition

    and followed by noun phrase. Between source language and target language, there

    usually occurs different in the noun phrase elements.


    Bell, R.T. 1991. Translation and Translating Theory and Practice. London: Longman Inc.

    Catford, J.C. 1964. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford

    University Press.

    Larson, M. 1998. Meaning-Based Translation. Boston: University Press of

    America, Inc.

    Nida, E.A. 1975. Language Structure and Translation. California: Stanford

    University Press.

    Prakash, Surya (ed.). 1981. The Voyagers. West Germany: Spiritual University


    Prakash, Surya (ed.). 1996. Sebuah Sandiwara: Para Penjelajah. Jakarta: Brahma


    Quirk, et al. 1985. A comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. New

    York: Longman Group, Ltd.

    Radford, A. 1988. Transformational Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge

    University Press.

    Sneddon, J.M. 1996. Indonesian Reference Grammar. Brisbane: Griffith


    Venuti, L. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge.

  • Stilistetika Tahun III Volume 4, Mei 2014

    ISSN 2089-8460





    (Contexs, Input, Process, Product)


    Luh De Liska, S.Pd., M.Pd.

    Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, IKIP PGRI Bali


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis pelaksanaan standar

    pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32

    Tahun 2013 di tinjau dari CIPP (Contexs, Input, Process, Product). Penilaian

    terhadap output dan outcome. Penilaian hasil belajar masih terbatas pada output

    pembelajaran, belum menjangkau outcome dari program pembelajaran. Output

    pembelajaran yang dinilai aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif.Model CIPP

    berorientasi pada suatu keputusan. Menurut Stufflebeam, (1993 : 118) dalam Eko

    Putro Widoyoko mengungkapkan bahwa, the CIPP approach is based on the view that the most important purpose of evaluation is not to prove but improve. Pandangan bahwa tujuan penting evaluasi adalah bukan membuktikan, tetapi

    untuk memperbaiki.komponen atau dimensi model CIPP yang meliputi, context,

    input, process, product.

    Kata Kunci : standar pendidikan dan tenaga kependidikan, CIPP (context, input,

    process, product.


    This study aimed at determining the analysis of the implementation of the

    standards of teachers and educational personnel based on Government

    Regulation No. 32 Year 2013 based on the review of the CIPP (Context, Input,

    Process, Product). Assessment of outputs and outcomes. Assessment of learning

    outcomes is still limited to the output of learning, not reaching the learning

    outcomes of the program yet. Output learning assessed was also still focused on

    cognitive aspects, whereas affective aspects have received less attention. CIPP

    model was oriented at a decision. According to Stufflebeam, (1993: 118) in

    EkoPutroWidoyoko revealed that, "The CIPP approach is based on the view that

    the most important purpose of evaluation is not to PROVE but improve." The

    concept offered by Stufflebeam with the view that an important purpose of

    evaluation is not to prove, but to improve.

    Keywords: standard of education and education personnel, CIPP (context, input,

    process, product)

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    ISSN 2089-8460



    Berdasarkan pembukaan UUD 1945 bahwa salah satu tujuan nasional

    Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia adalah mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.

    Hal ini diperkuat dalam UUD 1945 yang menjelaskan bahwa setiap warga Negara

    Indonesia berhak memperoleh pengajaran (pendidikan).Ini mengandung arti

    bahwa negara mempunyai kewajiban dan tanggung jawab untuk memenuhi

    pendidikan setiap warga negaranya guna mewujudkan tujuan nasional, yaitu

    mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.Pendidikan sebagai suatu proses yang bertujuan,

    pendidikan berjalan baik apabila pendidikan mampu berperan secara sebagaimana

    mestinya, konteksual dan dengan baik dalam menjawab sekaligus memenuhi

    kebutuhan masyarakat serta tuntutan perubahan dan perkembangan zaman. Untuk

    mencapai hal tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu sistem atau perangkat pendidikan.

    Penilaian terhadap hasil belajar selama ini pada umumnya juga terbatas

    padaoutput, sedangkan outcome jarang tersentuh kegiatan penilaian.Keberhasilan

    program pembelajaran seringkali hanya diukur dari penilaianhasil belajar siswa,

    sedangkan bagaimana kualitas proses pembelajaran yangtelah berjalan kurang

    mendapat perhatian. Penilaian hasil belajar masihterbatas pada output

    pembelajaran, belum menjangkau outcome dariprogram pembelajaran. Output

    pembelajaran yang dinilai juga masihterfokus pada aspek kognitif, sedangkan

    aspek afektif kurang mendapatperhatian. Istilah lain, penilaian hasil pembelajaran

    selama ini hanyaberfokus pada hard skill atau academic skill, kurang

    memperhatikanpenilaian personal skil dan social skill.

    Pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar, merupakan kejadian atauperistiwa

    interaksi antara pendidik dan peserta didik yang diharapkanmenghasilkan

    perubahan pada peserta didik, dari belum mampu menjadimampu, dari belum

    terdidik menjadi terdidik, dari belum kompeten menjadikompeten. Inti dari proses

    belajar mengajar adalah efektivitasnya. Tingkatefektivitas pembelajaran sangat

    dipengaruhi oleh perilaku pendidik danperilaku peserta didik. Perilaku pendidik

    yang efektif, antara lainmengajarnya jelas, menggunakan variasi metode

    pembelajaran,menggunakan variasi media atau alat peraga pendidikan,

    antusiasme, memberdayakan peserta didik, menggunakan konteks sebagai

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    saranapembelajaran (contextual-teaching and learning), menggunakan

    jenispertanyaan yang membangkitkan, dan lain sebagainya. Sedang

    perilakupeserta didik, antara lain motivasi atau semangat belajar,

    keseriusan,perhatian, karajinan, kedisiplinan, keingintahuan, pencatatan,

    pertanyaan, senang melakukan latihan soal, dan sikap belajar yang positif.


    Model CIPP berorientasi pada suatu keputusan (a decision oriented

    evaluation approach structured). Tujuannya adalah untuk membantu

    administrator (kepala sekolah dan guru) didalam membuat keputusan. Menurut

    Stufflebeam, (1993 : 118) dalam Eko Putro Widoyoko mengungkapkan bahwa,

    the CIPP approach is based on the view that the most important purpose of

    evaluation is not to prove but improve. Konsep tersebut ditawarkan oleh

    Stufflebeam dengan pandangan bahwa tujuan penting evaluasi adalah bukan

    membuktikan, tetapi untuk memperbaiki.Berikut ini akan di bahas komponen atau

    dimensi model CIPP yang meliputi, context, input, process, product.

    2.1.Context Evaluation (Evaluasi Konteks)

    Stufflebeam (1983 : 128) dalam Hamid Hasan menyebutkan, tujuan evaluasi

    konteks yang utama adalah untuk mengetahui kekutan dan kelemahan yang

    dimilki evaluan. Dengan mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan ini, evaluator akan

    dapat memberikan arah perbaikan yang diperlukan. Suharsimi Arikunto dan Cepi

    Safrudin menjelaskan bahwa, evaluasi konteks adalah upaya untuk

    menggambarkan dan merinci lingkungan kebutuhan yang tidak terpenuhi,


    dan sampel yang dilayani, dan tujuan proyek.

    2.2. InputEvaluation (Evaluasi Masukan)

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    Tahap kedua dari model CIPP adalah evaluasi input, atau evaluasi masukan.

    Menurut Eko Putro Widoyoko, evaluasi masukan membantu mengatur keputusan,

    menentukan sumber-sumber yang ada, alternative apa yang diambil, apa rencana

    dan strategi untuk mencapai tujuan, dan bagaimana prosedur kerja untuk

    mencapainya. Komponen evaluasi masukan meliputi : 1) Sumber daya manusia,

    2) Sarana dan peralatan pendukung, 3) Dana atau anggaran, dan 4) Berbagai

    prosedur dan aturan yang diperlukan.

    2.3.ProcessEvaluation (Evaluasi Proses)

    Worthen & Sanders (1981 : 137) dalam Eko Putro Widoyoko menjelaskan bahwa,

    evaluasi proses menekankan pada tiga tujuan : 1) do detect or predict in

    procedural design or its implementation during implementation stage, 2) to

    provide information for programmed decision, and 3) to maintain a record of the

    procedure as it occurs . Evaluasi proses digunakan untuk menditeksi atau

    memprediksi rancangan prosedur atau rancangan implementasi selama tahap

    implementasi, menyediakan informasi untuk keputusan program dan sebagai

    rekaman atau arsip prosedur yang telah terjadi. Evaluasi proses meliputi koleksi

    data penilaian yang telah ditentukan dan diterapkan dalam praktik pelaksanaan

    program. Pada dasarnya evaluasi proses untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana

    rencana telah diterapkan dan komponen apa yang perlu diperbaiki. Sedangkan

    menurut Suharsimi Arikunto, evaluasi proses dalam model CIPP menunjuk pada

    apa (what) kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam program, siapa (who) orang yang

    ditunjuk sebagai penanggung jawab program, kapan (when) kegiatan akan

    selesai. Dalam model CIPP, evaluasi proses diarahkan pada seberapa jauh

    kegiatan yang dilaksanakan didalam program sudah terlaksana sesuai dengan


    2.4.ProductEvaluation (Evaluasi Produk/Hasil)

    Sax (1980 : 598) dalam Eko Putro Widoyoko memberikan pengertian evaluasi

    produk/hasil adalah to allow to project director (or techer) to make decision of

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    program . Dari evaluasi proses diharapkan dapat membantu pimpinan proyek

    atau guru untuk membuat keputusan yang berkenaan dengan kelanjutan, akhir,

    maupun modifikasi program. Sementara menurut Farida Yusuf Tayibnapis (2000

    :14) dalam Eko Putro Widoyoko menerangkan, evaluasi produk untuk membantu

    membuat keputusan selanjutnya, baik mengenai hasil yang telah dicapai maupun

    apa yang dilakukan setelah program itu berjalan.


    3.1 Standar Pendidik Dan Tenaga Kependidikan Berdasarkan Peraturan

    Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 Di Tinjau Dari CIPP(Contexs, Input,

    Process, Product)

    Peraturan Pemerintah No. 32 Tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan Atas

    Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional

    Pendidikan.Berdasarkan konsideran dalam peraturan ini, perubahan peraturan ini

    didasarkan pada pertimbangan bahwa Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun

    2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan perlu diselaraskan dengan dinamika

    perkembangan masyarakat, lokal, nasional, dan global guna mewujudkan fungsi

    dan tujuan pendidikan nasional, serta perlunya komitmen nasional untuk

    meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing bangsa. Setelah mencermati isi PP No. 32

    Tahun 2013 ini, melihat perubahan-perubahan yang dilakukan tampaknya lebih

    cenderung berkaitan dengan pasal-pasal yang berhubungan dengan kurikulum dan

    key area pembelajaran (standar kompetensi lulusan, standar isi, standar proses,

    dan standar penilaian). Beberapa pasal dalam PP No. 19 tahun 2005 yang dihapus

    pun tampak lebih menggambarkan konsekuensi dari isi pasal-pasal. Sementara

    untuk pasal yang berkaitan dengan standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan,

    standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pengelolaan, dan standar pembiayaan secara

    esensial tampaknya tidak banyak perubahan yang signifikan.

    Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No.32 Tahun 2013, bahwa Standar Pendidik

    dan Tenaga Kependidikan adalah kriteria mengenai pendidikan prajabatan dan

    kelayakan maupun mental, serta pendidikan dalam jabatan. Pemaparan ringkas

    mengenai Standar Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Pendidik harus memiliki

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    kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi sebagai agen pembelajaran, sehat jasmani

    dan rohani, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkantujuan pendidikan

    nasional.Kualifikasi akademik sebagaimana dimaksud adalah tingkat pendidikan

    minimal yang harus dipenuhi olehseorang pendidik yang dibuktikan dengan ijazah

    dan/atausertifikat keahlian yang relevan sesuai ketentuan

    perundangundanganyang berlaku.Kompetensi sebagai agen pembelajaran pada

    jenjangpendidikan dasar dan menengah serta pendidikan anak usiadini

    meliputi:Kompetensi pedagogik ;Kompetensi kepribadian;Kompetensi

    profesional; danKompetensi sosial.

    Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan merupakan suatu proses

    yangdilaksanakan secara dinamis dan berkesinambungan dalam

    rangkameningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan berbagai faktor yang

    berkaitandengannya, dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan pendidikan secara efektif

    danefisien. Sistem pembelajaran sebagai bagian integral dari sistem

    kegiatanpendidikan, merupakan fenomena yang harus diperbaiki dan

    dikembangkanoleh pihak-pihak yang terkait dan berkepentingan. Hal ini

    menyangkutkurikulum, metode, media pengajaran, materi pengajaran, kualitas

    pengajar,evaluasi pembelajaran, dan lain sebagainya sehingga tercipta sistem

    pengajaran yang baik dan berorientasi ke masa depan.

    Secara visual, sekolah sebagai sistem dapat digambarkan, Jika kita ingin

    menganalisis, kita mulai dari outcome, output, proses, input, dan berakhir pada

    konteks. Sebaiknya, jika kita ingin melakukan langkah pemecahan persoalan atau

    menyiapkan, maka arahnya terbalik, yaitu dimulai dari konteks, input, proses,

    output, dan berakhir pada outcome (cara berpikir sistem yang runtut), Kualitas dan

    Inovasi, Efektifitas, Produktifitas, Efisiensi Internal, Efisiensi Eksternal. Evaluasi

    menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) yang dikembangkan

    oleh Daniel Stufflebeam, adalah sebagai berikut : (1) konteks pendidikan, (2)

    Input Pendidikan, (3) proses pendidikan, (4) produk pendidikan, (5) outcome


    3.2 Konteks Pendidikan

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    Berkaitan dengan meningkatnya persaingan dalam bidang pendidikan,

    terjadi pula perubahan pada perilaku konsumen, dalam hal ini yang dimaksud

    adalah masyarakat (orangtua dan siswa), maupun dunia usaha.Karena banyaknya

    pilihan, konsumen kini menjadi semakin banyak tuntutan, baik mengenai kualitas

    lulusan dan biaya pendidikan maupun fasilitas pendidikan.Dalam situasi

    lingkungan yang penuh dengan dinamika ini, manajemen pendidikan harus dapat

    menciptakan organisasi yang mampu memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan

    kepada dan masyarakat pada umumnya dan objek pendidikan (Siswa dan

    orangtua) khususnya.Saat yang bersamaan dapat pula bersaing secara efektif

    dalam konteks lokal, nasional bahkan dalam konteks global. Dengan kata lain

    dunia pendidikan kini dituntut untuk mengembangkan manajemen strategi dan

    operasi yang pada dasarnya banyak diterapkan dalam dunia usaha, sebagai

    langkah antisipatif terhadap kecenderungan baru guna mencapai dan

    mempertahankan posisi bersaingnya, sehingga nantinya dapat menghasilkan

    manusia yang memiliki sumber daya manusia berkualitas yang sesuai dengan

    kebutuhan zaman, maka konteksnya harus sesuai dengan tuntutan pengembangan

    diri dan peluang tamatan, dukungan pemerintah dan masyarakat, landasan hukum,

    tanggap terhadap kemajuan IPTEKS, kebijakan, nilai dan harapan masyarakat,

    otonomi pendidikan, dan tuntutan globalisasi.

    3.3 Input Pendidikan

    Tahap berikutnya, yakni Input Pendidikan yang dijelaskan sebagai berikut.

    a. Memiliki Kebijakan, Tujuan dan Sasaran Mutu yang jelas

    Secara formal, sekolah menyatakan dengan jelas tentang keseluruhan

    kebijakan, tujuan, dan sasaran mutu.

    b. Sumberdaya Tersedia dan siap sumberdaya merupakan input penting yang

    diperlukan untuk berlangsungnya proses pendidikan di sekolah. Tanpa

    sumberdaya yang memadai, proses pendidikan di sekolah tidak

    berlangsung secara memadai, dan pada gilirannya sasaran sekolah tidak

    akan tercapai. Sumberdaya dapat dikelompokan menjadi dua, yaitu

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    sumberdaya manusia dan sumberdaya selebihnya (uang peralatan,

    perlengkapan, bahan) sumberdaya selebihnya tidak mempunyai arti

    apapun bagi perwujudan sasaran sekolah, tanpa campur tangan

    sumberdaya manusia. Artinya, segala sumberdaya yang diperlukan untuk

    menjalankan proses pendidikan harus tersedia dan dalam keadaan siap.

    Hal ini bukan berarti bahwa sumberdaya yang ada harus mahal, akan tetapi

    sekolah yang bersangkutan dapat memanfaatkan keberadaan sumberdaya

    yang ada dilingkungan sekolahnya. Karena itu, diperlukan kepala sekolah

    yang mampu memobilisasi sumberdaya yang ada disekitarnya.

    c. Staf yang Kompeten dan Berdedikasi Tinggi. Staf merupakan jiwa

    sekolah. Sekolah yang efektif pada umumnya memiliki staf yang mampu

    (kompoten) dan berdedikasi tinggi terhadap sekolahnya. Implikasinya

    jelas, yaitu, bagi sekolah yang ingin efektifitasnya tinggi, maka

    kepemilikan staf yang kompeten dan berdedikasi tinggi merupakan


    d. Memiliki Harapan Prestasi yang tinggi.Sekolah yang mempunyai

    dorongan dan harapan yang tinggi untuk meningkatkan prestasi peserta

    didik dan sekolahnya. Kepala sekolah memiliki komitmen dan motivasi

    yang kuat untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah secara optimal. Guru

    memiliki komitmen dan harapan yang tinggi bahwa anak didiknya dapat

    mencapai tingkat yang maksimal, walaupun dengan segala keterbatasan

    sumberdaya pendidikan yang ada disekolah. Sedang peserta didik juga

    mempunyai motivasi untuk selalu meningkatkan diri untuk berprestasi

    sesuai dengan bakat dan kemampuaannya. Harapan tinggi dari ketiga

    unsur sekolah ini merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan sekolah

    selalu dinamis untuk selalu menjadi lebih baik dari keadaan sebelumnya.

    e. Fokus pada Pelanggan (khususnya Siswa). Pelanggan, terutama siswa,

    harus merupakan fokus dari semua kegiatan sekolah. Artinya, semua input

    dan proses yang dikerahkan di sekolah tertuju utamanya untuk

    meningkatkan mutu dan kepuasan peserta didik. Konsekuensi logis dari ini

    semua adalah bahwa penyiapan input dan proses belajar mengajar harus

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    benar-benar mewujudkan sosok utuh mutu dan kepuasan yang diharapkan

    dari siswa.

    f. Input manajement sekolah yang memiliki input manajemen yang memadai

    untuk menjalankan roda sekolah. Kepala sekolah dalam mengatur dan

    mengurus sekolahnya menggunakan sejumlah input manajemen.

    Kelengkapan dan kejelasan input manajemen akan membantu kepala

    sekolah mengelola sekolanya dengan efektif. Input manajemen yang

    dimaksud meliputi; tugas yang jelas, rencana yang rinci dan sitematis,

    program yang mendukung bagi pelaksanaan rencana, ketentuan-ketentuan

    (aturan main) yang jelas sebagai panutan bagi warga sekolahnya untuk

    bertindak, dan adanya sistem pengendalian mutu yang efektif dan efisien

    untuk meyakinkan agar sasaran yang telah disepakati dapat dicapai. Dapat

    di simpulkan bahwa Input Pendidikan adalah segala sesuatu yang harus

    tersedia karena dibutuhkan untuk berlangsungnya proses. Sesuatu yang

    dimaksud berupa sumberdaya dan perangkat lunak serta harapan-harapan

    sebagai pemandu bagi berlangsungnya proses, misalnya ketenagaan,

    kurikulum, peserta didik, biaya, organisasi, administrasi, peranserta

    masyarakat, kultur sekolah dan sub komponen, regulasi, sarana dan


    3.4 Proses Pendidikan

    Sekolah yang efektif pada umumnya memiliki sejumlah karakteristik

    proses antara lain :

    a. Proses Belajar Mengajar yang Efektivitasnya Tinggi. Sekolah yang

    memiliki efektivitas proses belajar mengajar yang tinggi. Ini ditujukkan

    oleh sifat proses belajar mengajar yang menekankan pada pemberdayaan

    peserta didik, proses belajar mengajar bukan sekadar memorisasi dan

    recall, penekanan pada penguasaan pengetahuan tentang apa yang

    diajarkan (logis), akan tetapi lebih menekankan pada internalisasi tentang

    apa yang diajarkan sehingga tertanam dan berfungsi sebagai muatan nurani

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    dan hayati (ethos) serta dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh

    peserta didik (pathos).

    b. Kepemimpinan Sekolah yang Kuat. Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah

    merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mendorong sekolah untuk dapat

    mewujudkan visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran sekolahnya melalui program

    yang dilaksanakan secara terencana dan bertahap. Oleh karena itu, kepala

    sekolah dituntut memiliki kemampuan manajemen dan kepemimipinan

    yang tangguh agar mampu mengambil keputusan dan inisiatif atau

    prakarsa untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah. Secara umum, kepala sekolah

    tangguh memiliki kemampuan memobilisasi sumberdaya sekolah,

    terutama sumberdaya manusia, untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah.

    c. Lingkungan Sekolah yang Aman dan Tertib. Sekolah memiliki lingkungan

    (iklim) belajar yang aman, tertib, dan nyaman sehingga proses belajar

    mengajar dapat berlangsung dengan nyaman (enjoyable learning). Karena

    itu, sekolah yang efektif selalu menciptakan iklim sekolah yang aman,

    nyaman tertib melalui (pengupayaan faktor-faktor yang dapat

    menumbuhkan iklim sekolah. Dalam hal ini, peranan kepala sekolah

    sangat penting sekali.

    d. Pegelolaan Tenaga Kependidikan Yang Efektif. Tenaga kependidikan,

    terutama guru, merupakan jiwa dari sekolah. Sekolah hanyalah merupakan

    wadah. Sekolah yang menyadari tentang hal ini. Pengelolaan tenaga

    kependidikan, mulai dari kebutuhan, perencanaan, pengembangan,

    evaluasi kinerja, hubungan kerja, hingga sampai pada imbal jasa,

    merupakan garapan penting bagi seorang kepala sekolah.

    e. Sekolah Memiliki Budaya Mutu. Budaya mutu tertanam di sanubari semua

    warga sekolah, sehingga setiap perilaku selalu didasari oleh


    f. Sekolah Memiliki Teamwork Yang Kompak, Cerdas, Dan Dinamis.

    Kebersaman (teamwork) merupakan karateristik yang dituntut, karen
