Strategie, structuur en organisatie van het CEMS...


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Strategie, structuur en organisatie van

het CEMS programma

Internship & thesis information

session Dr. Rene Olie, Academic Director CEMS-MIM at RSM

VSNU-lezing, 16 oktober 2014

Hoe is het



Het selectie-

proces • Het programme Vragen?




Wat is CEMS? Hoe is het georganiseerd?

CEMS is…

…the exclusive global cooperation platform between

top business schools and multinational companies

CEMS aims at….

… educating future generations of international business leaders and “global citizens”

CEMS delivers…

…the CEMS Master’s in International Management (the “CEMS MIM”), the most international and culturally diverse M.Sc. on the market place

The Global Alliance in Management Education

Key facts about CEMS

• Alliance founded in 1988

• Offers an unique Master in International Management programme: CEMS MiM: double degree connected to home university degree

• 29 Business-schools across 5 continents

• 64 Corporate Partners (multinational companies) and 4 Social Partners (NGOs)

• 1053 MIM students of 67 nationalities entering in 2013-14

• 8700 alumni of 85 nationalities, working in 75 countries

• CEMS MIM programme is consistently ranked Top-10 in the Financial Times since 2005

CEMS in 1988

HEC Paris

University of Cologne

ESADE Barcelona

Università Luigi Bocconi


Prof. Jean-Paul LARCON HEC Prof. Günter SIEBEN

University of Cologne

2 December 1988 in Barcelona

Prof. Carlo SECCHI Università Bocconi

Founding fathers at Annual Events Barcelona in 2013

CEMS Global Alliance of management education

CEMS’ European roots: 20 member schools

Gain a label for the school’s international reputation on the

pre-experience Master’s segment, with geographical


Offer an attractive cross-cultural experience and second

international degree to home Master’s students: the CEMS MIM

Develop networking and community spirit with prestigious

schools and companies

Benefits for member schools

Potential of the country for CEMS stakeholders: attraction for CEMS students, potential for international business

careers and international graduate recruitment, potential for new CEMS corporate partners…

Reputation of the school: academic international reputation, research profile, national

leadership, proximity to the corporate world, current partnership

with CEMS schools…

Pre-experience Master’s programme at the school:

flagship home Master’s degree, top multilingual student profile, courses in English, possibility to connect to MIM…

Pre-selection criteria for schools

The most international learning experience in a Master’s


Students international networking & social life

CEMS is a lifestyle!

Enhanced placement opportunities

Through privileged contacts with Corporate Partners

and the yearly CEMS Career Forum

An active alumni community

Committees in close to 20 countries, 7000 alumni in total

Benefits for students

The growing appeal of the CEMS MIM

CEMS “fundamentals”

The Global Alliance in Management Education


• Every November in Vienna

• Exclusively open to CEMS students, alumni and corporate partners

• 1500+ attendees including 30-40 corporate partners

Career forum

• Every December

• General assembly, board meetings, student and alumni meetings, graduation ceremony, gala celebrations

• 2014 Brussels 2015 St Petersburg 2016 Stockholm

Annual event

Multinational companies with a high reputation nationally

and internationally

Interested in the development of international management

education and recruitment

Active contributors to the CEMS network: governance,

research, curriculum, internships, graduate recruitment…

CEMS Corporate Partners profile









How do we involve Corporate Partners?

Het CEMS Masters in International

Management programma

Carefully-selected students: with academic excellence, soft skills, multi-cultural aptitudes and an appetite for international careers

International experience:one term abroad, internship abroad, international cohort

“Bridge” programme: direct involvement of Corporate Partners in the curriculum

On-going quality assurance: a stamp of quality

The single supra-national Master’s degree

CEMS MIM special characteristics

Internationalism: The MIM prepares each graduate to become a globally

experienced management professional

Business embeddedness: The MIM develops each graduate to apply

advanced management and leadership competencies grounded in

experiential learning

Reflective critical thinking: The MIM develops each graduate to become a

critical, creative and influential thinker, decision-maker and problem-solver.

Comprehensive Leadership: The MIM prepares each graduate to assume

leadership responsibilities early in her/his career, at all levels: personal,

group, organisational and societal leadership

Responsible Citizenship: The MIM develops each graduate to manage

her/himself, others and the business with the highest standards of ethical and

social responsibility and professional integrity

CEMS Five programme pillars

Course structure

MSc International Management CEMS-MIM diploma

MSc International Management/CEMS

Course structure


MScIM CEMS Block seminar (fall) 3 ECTS pass

Block seminar (spring) - pass

Courses 45 ECTS 45 ECTS

Business Project 15 ECTS 15 ECTS

Skill seminars 2 ECTS pass

Internship - pass

Research clinic 5 ECTS -

Master thesis 20 ECTS -

Language - Right language level

Total 90 ECTS 60 ECTS

MSc International Management – graduation in April

CEMS MiM Graduation ceremony in December

Rotterdam, 2010

Het selectieproces

CEMS is developed for students who aspire to become

global business leaders.

Students are selected for their outstanding profile:

high academic standards and professional skills

ability to perform in a fast-changing environment

empathy with different values and cultures

willingness to take responsibility within society

CEMS MIM student profile

Selection Criteria

Deadline application 2014 - 2015: 31 January First step: Pre-selection 1. BSc in (International) Business Administration or RSM premaster 2. Average BSc grade = 7+ 3. GMAT 600+ Mandatory for external applicants Optional for internal applicants 4. Language requirements. Applicants need to speak 3 languages: English : C1 CEMS language : B1 Other language : A2

Selection Criteria

Second step: Interview & Assessment 1. Selection interview by CEMS staff (100 best applicants)


2. Assessment by CEMS Corporate Partners March

Focus on motivation, result orientation, taking initiatives, self-presentation, communication and team skills.

Interview + Assessment

Top 65 receive offer


Top 100


240 applicants

Selection process at RSM in 2014

61 RSM students, 13 different nationalities

Other nationalities include:

Poland (4), Austria, Belgium, Finland , Greece, Hungary (4), Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland (2), and UK

Benchmark RSM/CEMS average


GMAT 600 minimum 683

Grade Point Average 7.0 minimum 7.4


Master thesis grade 7.3 (RSM total) 8.1

Curriculum GPA 7.5 (RSM total) 8.1

Cum Laude 10% (RSM total 43%

RSM CEMS students excell!

61 students

The international classroom: Autumn 2014

31 Incoming students

21 different nationalities

19 CEMS schools

De afgestudeerden

The CEMS profile of graduates worldwide

CEMS Graduates

50-50 female/male ratio

92% are fluent in 3 or more languages

94% employed or continuing studies after 3 months

48% are located outside of their home country

77% work for multinational companies




8% 7%

Functional Area of Working Graduates

ConsultingMarketing/CommunicationFinanceOperations/Supply ChainSales

• 60% work outside their home country

• 91% work for a multinational corporation

• 75% found a job before they graduated

• Earn an average annual average of more than €52,000

in their first job

• Two-thirds of RSM CEMS alumni consider themselves to

be in the top 10% of their age group in terms of salary.

This is more than the average of 55% for CEMS

graduates in general.

RSM’s graduates

Accenture - Helsinki

Philips – Hamburg

UBS – Zurich

Procter & Gamble - Brussels

Heineken – Amsterdam

Boston Consulting Group – Amsterdam

Bain & Company - Utrecht

A.T. Kearney - Zurich

PWC – Amsterdam

Thompson Reuters – London, Amsterdam

Sony – London

Whirlpool – Italy

Google – Dublin & Zurich

McKinsey – Frankfurt & Amsterdam

Vopak - Rotterdam

Meltwater news – Hong Kong

Henkel – Brussels

Statoil – Norway

Roland Berger Strategy Consultants – Antwerp

Vestas- Madrid, Hamburg, Copenhagen

Employers for RSM graduates

Alumni: a lifelong network

The CEMS Alumni Association provides 8700 members: – Local Committees in 20 countries

– an online job market and CV database service

– a bi-annual magazine

– extensive networking activities

Governance & financiering

CEMS Executive Board

CEMS Head Office

Academic Committee

CEMS Strategic Board

Research & Doctorate


Quality Assurance

Corporate Partner

Globalisation & Membership

CEMS Governance structure

Academic members must appoint representatives for the

Strategic Board, Executive Board and Academic Committee.

Strategic Board: Rector/Dean: once a year, connected to CEMS

graduation ceremony

Executive Board: Associate Dean (International Affairs,

Graduate Programmes): once a year

Academic Committee: professor in charge of CEMS MIM at the

school: twice a year

Governance rules

A CEMS Programme Manager is appointed to manage CEMS

MIM student affairs at the school and interface with other


A CEMS Corporate Relations Manager is appointed, to

manage interaction with CEMS Corporate Partners in the


CEMS Programme and Corporate Relations Managers from all

schools are invited to international meetings twice a year

Administrative support at each school

Academic Membership fees: 9200 euros per year

Schools cover the cost for delivering the CEMS MIM programme

Student fees: No fees for students to join CEMS MIM

Students cover the cost for travels and accommodation for the terms abroad

Students are subsidised by CEMS to attend the CEMS Career Forum

Corporate Partnership: CP Membership fees: 23000 euros per year

Career Forum: 3300 euros for participation

Each full academic member has to bring 2 CPs when becoming full members

