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: 100/A.6/EGP/ESP/ IV/ 2014Lampiran: 1 (satu) Lembar Mekanisme LombaPerihal

: Surat UndanganKepada : Yth. ___________________Dengan hormat,

Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa Lembaga Kedaulatan Mahasiswa (LKM) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya akan mengadakan Kegiatan East Java Level Open Debate Competition, pada:


: Jumat-MingguTanggal: 23-25 Mei 2014Tempat: Gedung F Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengundang tim debat dari _______________ untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut di atas. Demikian surat ini kami sampaikan, atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terimakasih.

President English for Specific Purposes ESPAhzam BeinargiNIM. 115100601121009Malang, 27 Maret 2014Ketua Pelaksana,

Yazid Fatkhur RohmanNIM. 125100300111006

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian

Universitas Brawijaya

Pembantu Dekan III

Dr. Ir. Elok Zubaidah, MP

NIP.19590821 199303 2 001

Lampiran ESP Great Present is our very first event conducting an East Java Level Open Debate Competition using Asian Parliamentary system, so you are allowed to have composite teams from different institution, whether from different varsities or high schools. Non-institutional teams and Senior debate enthusiasts, such as: Coaches, Teachers, Adjudicators & Ex-Debaters are welcomed to join the participant pools. Yes, this is gonna be your first ever Total Open Debate tournament held in Malang.

Time and Date

a. 23th until 25th may 2014b. Location: F Building of Agriculture Technology Faculty 2nd floor at Brawijaya University Rules and Debate System:

1. Each team consist of three speakers.The timing for each speaker is 7 minutes and 20 second. POI is allowed in debate.

2. N1 Adjudicator are applied for each sending team3. The team caps are 30 teamEligibility

1. The members of the team do not have to be from the same faculty/department.2. Team are allowed to have composite team from different institution, whether from different varsities or high schools.3. There is no age limitation, everyone can join.Registration:

1. The Booking slots phase will be opened from 24 March until 19 April 2014a. You can download the registration form from our website Send the form to our e-mail egp2014opendebate@gmail.comc. Give confirmation to our Contact Person Maya (085738475375)2. The Slot Payment phase is from 19 april until 10th maya. Registration Fee is IDR 375.000 per-team + N1b. Please transfer your payment to our bank account (BRI Syariah : 1015947027 / a.n. Tri akta bayu kurniawan)c. Send your scanned transfer proof to our email egp2014opendebate@gmail.comd. Give confirmation to our contact person Harit (085649285125)Prize:

Champion : Rp.2.000.000 + sertificate + Trophy + Free ticketTalkshow ESP Great Present

Runner Up :Rp. 1.000.000 + sertificate + Trophy + Free ticketTalkshow ESP Great Present

Runner Up 2: Rp. 750.000 + sertificate + Trophy + Free ticketTalkshow ESP Great Present

Best Speaker: Rp. 500.000 + Sertifikat + Trophy + Free ticketTalkshow ESP Great Present


1. Ayrton Eduardo Aryaprabawa ( CA) 2. Nila Elyanna ( DCA)

3. Rizal Kuddah (DCA)